i V "V . MOHNINO ENTEKPItIHE,' HATUKDAY, JULY 1, 1911. 0'. of July fecials y Dcpitcijot (Bl3'"4tfaro(0lylSpc2al Sale. rrr to $18 Suits J ! nmer styles, pest lues on earth. 'pedal S 1 1 35 1 jr. iMsvnrnr SUSPENSION ORIDCC) jftNER 1 lara-Why. I thought yen ka At I'eyaer girl. t aude-l did. hut I don't sj 4k to any more since I saw bet S'Uig -elate h e creaui lu pink ft- 'a . . .. i i ; LOCAL DRICrS lbert Durst, of I'nlwn MIS waa lie city Friday. I - V. Kuasell. of MolailaJ sited nds In the city Friflay. i idiert fjuenther. of Iienver ; rvek. In thla city on Thursday.! -r. Huel and family, of 0.1. see, i' In this el'y. on Wednesd,, '. A- Holme i.ft thl r .for L$ Francisco on a pleasure V't Kirk Ceaaaday and fatally, t krua, re In tbla city on liutJneat Tare- '.tigene Cummlngs, of Iteave) ek, n In this city on business, t ir . s . kirn. Wednesday. June 17,"'-'he le of Henry Klelnamlth, of Cl t laughter. . Kllholt atage will leave the Rb ir Mel each day t t o'clot p. rhonias Kvana, of Has tl ile, as kong the Oregon city vmtoiv in dneaday. I JMrs 'Jacob Grossmulter, ot Kf , a la tbla city visiting frt- nt 'dnaadav.. . n 1 fllsa asber'o Jolly, of rort l visiting Mra. K. U Newtou ;:j y, baa returned to I'ortlKad I Ua kA ' Oreffim for the wek Ktil a- t dmhih r'-tr on fbuPMh if J IvilIW. "Vawehsn. lw"J!. Ba 4 prominent reaias a of Molalla, ka In thls-dty onedtieeduy. ( Mr. and Mrs. Berl Helvlg, of El rado, gcooenpsUeL I y Oielr two us. were in vm cion waiinesaay. Mra. PanHue -flwuM leaves today r CathUmtr Ws iJl to vUlt her tighter, Mrs. V. Jn, for g few vs. UUllam llsnklns, raherman of businaes. Ha t'f his sister, i has been In Ui to Oregon Kill visit bis Lir, Is In tola oily a guext at the b rs. 11. K. Htralgnt clerald .Tec Kaon." v kmprn Oregon, ret iy on Thursday, rents, Mr. and M esley Jack- n. j,' H ASK.- ;' .. : r w wtHJglveJyoi with' a NEW I 4 months sub si pt ion By Carr at 45c the ni th jo MOMNG ENTERPRISE t Beautiful China pLAQUEDei ) ;d Handsomely There aire variety, of patterns t choose from. Make your scle 4a early. v ; . obscribtrsIayf ave Them Too i " V To any pressf subscriber who will bring us four lew subscription we will present one of these beautiful dishes. VaLL SELECTIONS MlT IE MADE L Qfejvon IaNK OP ' (tGON ' ' ' , .. ccntjltates specials Bcditiful 20 to 25c la wis in all the new, pattern. 4th of July special' J 7c. $1.25. to $1.50 waistsi special 88c Hoiie Dresses at , big reduction. C.eorga )l OHUurt Schmidt, two promlnnn k kinn f Sbuliel, were In thla i an Tbursdny, having brought 1 1 :m of tbls year's clip ping Of '' ' Mrs. t ' i-Ovte ley, of Hoeburg, who bad n v lt log relatlvee In Portland 1-1 av at weeks, arrived It 'ble ci (Ylda . and la the guest of Mrs. C 04l K . Mlsa r -i li" L be, daughter of Judge A Ue, oi The Iiullea. and Mi a Oua j It hem of Estarada, are In tbla ci'i It giM tvof tbelr uncle, J. J. ftrwu and fa. Mr. and It Frai k 6rossmllIer, of HbiOjel, a tklt city on business Krl ly. 'i i- are t .a roud parents of 4 son. i- n Vonday, June 12. Tb - we'gb' It the yocnirater wss 10 12 pot ns. ; j t ' 'Tickets ft i Kratertal . IlrotherhtKxl eiruraloa t Jaoiaa, Wash., on July 4th, on sale Btrebls aneat market. Mra. Bert ueharda, accompanied by ber two cblll-n. VMa and Klwood, of 1 leaver. C.. have arrived1 In thla city, and will nd tie eumtner wltb the former's Inter. Irs. Ijeon Des- i ... : . n George W iarijig& left on Fri day fin- Beatti. Wsh there he wilt remain, during te attl tner. ' llefore returning to k- home It Glad atone. Mr. Uturtiumttt IU vW at Tacoma and apokana. Waah ; i O. W. lilcker!,, formtly one of the pron luent hmaia ra of Maple Lne, whsie home in a tola II.; waa In tbls rlty Melting friend , on 1 itirsday. He was aorompiakMl by tds daughter, Mia Itertle (lekenon. ' ' Mr. and Mr. A. Um0o Indiana, are guests of Mr. and rv. R. M. C. Ilrnwn. Mr. Q ailden, t1 Tillamook, la also g'Jpi. -k 1 1 Mr. and Mra. Urown. j and accomi o 1 thsa to Portland on 1 pleasure tff Frldaf. ' IV. and Mr W k. Morris, who have n Uvlhk- la he realdeare belonging o the I'iu state da Mnth street 'id 4 11 : .it venue, lllnuve nest e! ; t' he, 'ome of Ms. Morrla t tl Mr.. R, J Got fellow, on I A ad Ctater streeig. i a, 'a eoe irtpon enXl wo ehli- I r ; -ue om nfing at uiga n 1 moving it) tbla city, and U3 ja Ir hofae with Mrs. Msggle I IU ffn ,a r the preaanU . Mr. lUr- rtn fc i recently- wac'drownod at lt. J . -p while trylhaT to rescue his brother i-Ul'W.''' ' '. I r. A. Soniaser, formerly of Ore gon C , has moved his office to 1017 Corfte' kuliding, Portland. Cf i i4ler. of Th Dallea, arrived In Onr. City on Thnraday. and haa beeii i iuog Mg parenta, Mr. and Mrs. Ali'it Midler, of Fifteenth and Wanh Ingiot rreeta. Mr. Mosler haa been In Is- rtaurant buetneas at The Dalles and recently sold out, but will enter 'Hfctr buslnese at that place In the ta at fuiura.. , . Ml V'lnnle Jackson, who recently arrived li.thls dty to visit her par ent.!, Mr and Mra. Wanley Jackson, left -trie week for Eastern Oregon, where tk will Uka the teachera" ex- i i 6 tnoi ths subscription ').'. ' By Mail " at 25c the month thc : ! i 7J 5-J AT THE Off ICE OF THE C ITY BuiLDING I ....... J'.., ..i .,........ amlnatlon. MIm Jackson taught a successful terra of school In Eastern pregon Itut year, tod wm re-elected to teach the fall Urn. Mrs. Pauline Schwartz, of this city, will lur for Catbtameth today, where aba will epeiid tb Fourth with relatives. W. H. Howell, of tbla lty, superln' tendent of tbe Oregon City water worka, baa gone to . McMlnnvllle, where ba bad charge of tba Installing of tba filtering plant which waa put Into operation on mday, Befora leav ing on Tburaday Mr. Howell attended the funeral aervlcea over tba remains of the late, fire Chief David Camp bell la Portland. , Mlaa Mary Kennedy, who haa juat completed ber year'a work In the He attle High School, where aba waa In structor of household art, has arrived In tbla city, and la tba icueet of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ilradley. Mlaa Kennedy will soon leave for her home at Kan aaa City, Mr., where she will vlalt her mother, and will return Weat In the fall to resume ber duties In school work. , Mrs. A. Hulden, who haa been visit ing her daughter, Mra. David Ham mack, of Mount Vernon, Wsab., re turned to Oreicoii City on Tburaday evening, and la at the home of hnr daughter, Mrs. F. W. Oreeninan, where ahe will remain during the summer. Mrs. (Inorge (lould, formerly Miss llutds l!oldn of thla city, hut now of Honolulu, and her two children, Hulda Mary and Ixmnld, who have been visit lug friends at Corvallls, have returned to Oregon City, and are gueata of Mra. tiould'a sister, Mrs. Oreenman. LITTLE CHILDREN ARE ENTERTAINED MR. AND MRS. C. C. MILLER'S SON, .CORDON, PROVES DELIGHT FUL HOST. At the home of Mr. and Mrs.'t'. (J. Miller on Seventh and Center streets, Tliumdiiy afternoon, waa a merry gathering of young folk, the occasion being the celebration of little Gordon Miller's fifth . birthday anniversary. The young people were brought to the Miller homo and returned to their homes In the Miller automobile, and they had one continual round of pleas ure from 2 o'clock until 6 o'clock. The afternoon waa devoted to games and music, and one of the features was the grab hag, when each youngster wss blindfolded and allowed to "grab" for whatever he wished. Kacb pack age was wraptted securely, and there waa a merry time when It came to opening the packages. Gordon proved a most delightful Ut ile boat, and before the departure of hla guest'a favored them wltb one of hla aongs, "Any Little Girl." He waa forced to respoud, to an encore. He tecelved many pretty glfta. Mra. Miller waa assisted In the entertain ment of the young folk by ber slater, Mix Veda Williams, Mlsa Weeten gard and Mlsa Tina Illubm. Thfidecoratlons were - very- pretty, constat Ing of vlnea and roaea. Re freshment were aerved. llefore the departure each little guest recited or rendered a solo. . 1 Tboae present were Mlsa Alice lxthwatle, Velma Randall, Alice An dresen, Judith Hedgea, Mary Fields, Sylvia Westengard, Gladys Ebberly, Helen Andresen, IXirle Mayvllle, Eliza beth Hnyworth, pearl Wlckham, Jean Moffatt. Maxlne Meldrum, Mary Camp bell, Dorrla Meldrum, Anna Iennon, Kmma Leuno, Rhoderlck Porter, John Moffatt. Dwlgbt Hedges, Duster West engard. Kdwln Zumwalt. Donald Rut- ler, Jatule. Butlor. Jodie Miller, llur dette Pope... Robert Miller, Qordon MlUer. e-r eja- St. Paul's ef Autographa. Every prwactter . bu iMt uiuro tbe pnlplt at St. fsul'a. iu London, algns hla nam after i fee arru-e m a book that la kept In tbe veatry, a book wblcb date back to K'.tl. tbe earliest slgnstnre In It tielng "Edward milling fleet. " Tbla Is fur autugrapba oue of tbe most vslnsble books In existence, as It contains tbe slgnstures of great oumlters of eminent churchmen for nearly WO years. Most arcblitsbops. btahops and clergymen ot eminence prvneb at St. 1'sul s aume time in tbelr career. Hume and the Salnta, Dnvld Hume's reiddi-ure in tbe 'new town of KUIuburgb wim tbe Hiki build ing In a new atreet.nnd a witty young lady cbnlked up on the walla , "St. David street." alluding to tbe Awm-r. Hume's servant girl resented such n reforence to ber master and hurried Into the bouse to Inform bow he bad been mode game or. "Never mind, lassie." said Hume; "many a waur man has been mude a snlnt tiefore."' Tbe authorities Hdopted the young lady's suggestion, for the thoroughfare Is so named to tbls day. There la an other version of the philosopher's reply to bis housekeeper as we hare beard It: "Never mind: mnny a tietier man has been mnde a anlnt tiefore me." Olasgow Hers Id. A Rigid Ssbbstarian A Cansdlnn university mnn was touring In Scotland Inst aummer. One 8unday morning be put bis little ham mer In bis pocket be le an amateur geologist! and. strolling out tiHin the bills, began to chip off such specimens of rock as Interested blm. A untlve passing by looked ou with a frown. "Sir." be snld. "do ye ken yer breuk In' more than stones there?" "Hrenk. In' tbe Kabbnth. ebT snld the young Canadian, wltb a laugb. and. to ap pease tbe Scot, be put away the ham mer and walked a little way wltb blm. A turn of tba road revealed tba ruins of a castle. "What castle Is tbatf said tba stranger. "It s no the day." wss the severe reply, "to bo epetrln' sic things." A Celebrated Sulelds. Haydon. the celebrated historical painter and writer, overcome by debt, disappointment and Ingratitude, laid down tba brusb with wblcb be was at work upon bla last greet effort. "AJ- fred and tba Trial by Jury," wrote with a stead band, "Stretch ma no longer upon thla rough world," and then wltb a pistol shot out an and to hla unhappy sxlsteuce. AMONG THE CHURCHES SUNDAY CALENDAR. First Ssptlet Corner Mala and Ninth streets. Rev. 8. A. Hayworth, pas tor, preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:48 p. m. Sunday School at 10 m. Morning sublet, "Tunilng Back in tbe Day of battle." Evening sub ject, "Jesus Refusing to Fly, or tba , Second Temptation." Cathode Or. -erater and Tenth flta. Rev. A. Hlllebrand paator, res. 913 Water; Low Mass I a. m., with ser mon; High Maas 10:80 a. m., with aermon; afternoon service 4:00. Maas every morning at 1:00. First Congregational Church Morn ing aervlce at 10:30 o'clock. Eve ning service at 7; 30 o'clock. Chrlet Bv. Lutneran-Cor. Wfhth and J. W Adama atraaia, KeV. V. Bchmldl pulur, ra. SUS J. Q. Adanta; H M 10 a. m ; prtliin atmuona of flrai and Ihtrd Hundaya at 1:10 In Knlih other Munday Mrvlca mwmlnas at It It wllh preaching In Oerinaa. First Church of Christ, Sdsntlft. Ninth and Center atreets: Morning aervlce at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Wedneaday evening meeting at K o'clock. Reading room open every afternoon except Sunday from 2 to 4 o'clock. German Evangelical CoT Ktshth and Maliwn drMia. Kv. Wlevl k piui tor. rra. 711 Madlaon; 8. H. 10 a. m.. Herman grhrad.-r. Monroe atreat, aupt momlna wrirlce It, jroi'ng t"pl " i m and preaehlna at t p. m. frayer neetlnc Wednesday at 7:10 p. m. Cladaton Chrlstlarw-Rev. A. 11. Mul- key, pastor, res. Gladstone. Hun day e taool io a. m , N. C. Hendricks, supterlntendent. Morning aervlce, 11 o'clock. Ilrotherbood aervlcea at 7:45. - Mountain View Union (Cong.) S. 8. 3 p. m. Mra. J. H. Qulnn, aupt.; HI We Study every Thursday after noon. Methodist Main street cor. Seventh, Rev. E. F. Zimmerman pastor, res. cor. Sixth and Washington; 8. S. 9:45 a. m., C. A. WlllUma, Glad stone, supt.; morning service 10:45, Epworth League 6:30, evening ser vice 7.30. Prayer meeting Thurs day 8 P- m. Presbytsrlan Seventh street cor. Jef ferson. Rev. J. R. Landsborough, pastor, Res. 710 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10 a. m., Mra. W. C. Green, aupt.; morn ing aervlce 11 a. m. Prayer meet ing Thursday 8 p. m. Morning sub ject. "Remember Jesus Christ." The Lorda supper will be commemorat ed. Evening subject, "God and Home and Native Land." Parkplace Congreoe wunat Rev. J. L. Jonea paator. rea. C'lmckamaa; S. fl. 10 a. m., Kmery Krenrh supt.; prearhlng ervlrea each Sunday, alternating be tween II a. tn. and 7:10 p. m Chrle tlan Endeavor Tburaday evenlnc 7:10 p. m. St. Paul's Rev. C. W. Robinson, rec tor. Dally services; Morning pray er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a. ra.. eveulng prayer, 7:30 p. m, Sun day aervlcea: Holy Eucharist a. m : morning prayer, 10:30 a. m.; Holy- Eucharist and sermon, 11 a. m.; evening prayer and aermon, 7:30 p. m.; 8. 8., 12 m.; Thursday evenings, sermon at 7:30 p. m. United Brethren Cor. flahtn and Taylor, Key. L K. Clarke eaatnr. rea. Portland; B. a. II i. m . Frank Pnrkv. Maple Ine, etipt ; murnlna aervlce 11. Y. P. 8. C. E. t p. m.. evenlnc aervlce 7. WIHamotte M. . .No regular prearhlna aervlcea. B. B. I . m.. Mra. Iteama aupu . . Zlon Lutheran Cor. Jefferaon and Eighth atreeta. Rev. W. R. Kraxbereer paa tor, rea. 720 Jefferaon; 8. 8. 10 a. m , Kev Kraxbereer aupt.; mornlns aervlce 10:10. evenlnc 7:41. Luther Leacue 7 p. in The Skeleton at Large. "Do you know," abe said, "tbe Browns bave a skeleton In tbe closet?" "Ob. no." be replied carelessly. "But I'm sure of It." sbe Insisted. "And I'm Just aa sure you're wrong." be returned. "Tba commeuta I've beard are enough to prove that that skeleton of theirs Isn't In tbe closet at all: lt'a wandering all over tbe neigh borhood." Literary Funds. Tbe royal literary fund In England waa established ss a result of tbe com miseration . felt for' Floy er Sydenham, a Ureek ncakuir of Oxford, wbo waa thrown Into, srem for a debt for meals and died there at tbe age of eighty. Tbe establishment of a fond to assist needy literary men waa due principally to the efforts of David Wil liams, a Welsh noncanformlst minis ter, a friend of Benjamin Franklin. THK FOLLY OF WORRY. Speaking of worry, that is one lh ng thai a mam must learn to avoid il he will be well and happy. There ti no one thing in the world that has a tendency lo upset and rust a man's body and (acuities more rapidly than worry. The man who does not worry is usually a happier and a better man, as lar as ability and capacity lor work are concerned, than the man who allows himself to be worried. -Justice John Mar shall Harlan, ts4'vtv $10 REWARD For the arrest and conviction of any person or persons, wbo unlawfully remove copies of Tho Morning Enterprise from the premises of subscribers after paper baa been placed there by carrier. Buy From Ug Soil to Uo We Pay Top Prices We Sell Reasonably Deslera In Wool, Flour, , Hay, drain, Fsed, Coal, Salt, 8ugar, California Frulta and Produce. Oregon 'Commission Co uth AND MAIN STS . Oregon Cly. , Wants, For Sde, Etc Metleea aader ISeae elaaajMled i SSiie will be Inaerte4 at eoe aeat a war, fire toaerflea. baJ( a eeatt mOditttmrnt anir tlona. owe hxrB earaV It see momiU. heurf Inch earC IS ium f l pr moatla. Caeh muat aeoemjieay areer ealeae an haa an ope aeavoM wltk Uh paj ar. Me tlaaaolal reaponalbilllr Sa- eeree; when errora oeear free earneSed Uea WlU be printed lor pair aw. Maeexeuia) etterae lie. WANTED. WANTEDToii to know teat we buy all kinds of Curios, that we are In tbe market for second hand Furni ture and Tools.' Wa also have a ' gopd assortment of second hand Fnrnlture and Tools on band for aala to those tn need. Coma anJ sea; perhaps wa have Just what yoa want. Indian Curios and trlnketa for aala cheap; some that are very ' unique and also very rare. GEORGK YOUNO, Msln nesr Fifth street. WANTED Some squirrels or chip munks. Address ttoi 14, Jennings Idge, Or. WANTED flood, neat girl for general housework. Inquire Mrs. Frank ' liuach. Both phones. FOR SALE. FOR 8AIJ5 Beautiful home, above! the fog, lota of fruit and flowers, J 7 room h boose, one full, rlty block; j price $.1,000; eaay terms. By own-1 er. Mrs. M. E. Case. Main 2393, 1 Oregon City. ! FOR BALE Space In this column Sell that old plow or barrow; yo don't use It since you purchased your new one. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dlrolck ft Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City,. Or. I HEREBY noUfy all ousiness men and dealers that I will not be res ponsible for any debts or bills con tracted by my wife. Ltie V. Mold enhauer, after Juno 10, 1911. C. W. MOLDENHAUER. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first mort gage; 500 and upwards: one year or longer. Apply at once. Crosa a Hammond, Attorneya at Law, Bea ver Bldg., Oregon City. BUILDER AND COTWACTOR. . . .. ( HARRY JONES Bonder and Oeoeral Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walks ana reinforced concrete. Rea. pboasi Mala 11L ATTORNEY. O. D- EBT, Attorney-at-Law. Money loaned, abetracta famished.' land titles examined, estates aettled, gws era! law bustnea. Over Bank of Oregon City. U'REN 4 BCHUKBEL, Attorneys t Law, Deutscher ' advokat. wfH prao tlce tn all court a. make coOeetJoaa and settlements. Omce ln Enter prise Bldg.. Oregon City. Oresjoo. T. K. H. COOPER, For Flra taaaranor and Real Estate. Let a handle your properties wo buy, sad sad exchange. Office in Baterprlae Bldg., Oregon City. Dragon. MISCELLANEOUS. Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE Is hereby given that the un dersigned will sell at private sale for cash in hand a one-ninth (1-9) Interest in the following described property, to-wtt: The east half of the northeast quarter of section 15, T. S S., R. 4 E., of the Willamette Meridian In Clackamas County, Oregon; said 1-9 Interest comprising all the Interest of Ernest Marshall, a minor, there in. This sale Is made by virtue ' of an order of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clacka mas County, In the mstter of the guardianship of said Ernest Mar shall, a minor. Said sale will be held on and after the 17th day of July. 19X1, and offers and bids for said Interest in said land will be received at the Estacada State Bank, in Estacada, Clackamas County, Oregon, and sale will be made for cash In hand to the highest bidder therefor. JULIA CALIFF. Guardian for aforesaid. Notice of Application for Liquor License. NOTICE is hereby given that I will, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of busi ness, The Hub Saloon. Main street, for a period of three months. DAUGHERTY & KIRBY. Notice of Application for Liquor License. NOTICE Is hereby given that I will, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of dur1 ness. 422 Main street for a period of three months. ' A. KLEBE. Notice cf Application for Liquor License. NOTICE is hereby given, that I will, ; at the next regular meeting of tbe City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of busi ness, 702 Main street, for a period of three months. ED. RECKNER. NOTICE FOR BIDS. NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder, for the furnishing all labor and material for building a concrete culvert be tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth atreeta on John Adams street, until 4 o'clock p. m. on the 12th day of July. A. D. 1911. Each bid must be accompanied bv a certified check for a sum equsl to five per cent of the total I amount of the bid, which sum will he subject to forfeiture to Oregon City tn ease of the failure of the successful bidder to furnish the re quired bonds and enter into a writ ten contract for said work. If called upon to do so, wlthta the time speci fied for the same ku the Ordinance providing for said culvert. . Proposals must be mada.upo4 bl&nks twrnlehoti toy tjfefcon City. f . X ,riaui io rvjecv wt vr aui uiu ; tor v KigHf- ivo - nt c s. tr- m We deliver goods to all parts of the ctiy free of charge . T:l ... , " A WOMAN is known by the comp any she keeps. So is a grocery wagon. Watch oar wagons and yoa will see them stop at the bes houses fn town. That means we are giving a superior service and the highest possible quality YOUR quality. What we do for others we can do for you. 'Try us. s Watch our wagons today. The drivers will take your orders and de liver them promptly. They will call as often aa you wish for further orders. That is their business and your. Please make the fullest use of it. Save your time. t ' ':'' The following are some of the leaders this week, prompt delivery by wagon: FRESH PINEAPPLES, each 25c. FRESH RIPE TOMATOES, 6c pound. HOT HOUSE CUCUMBERS, 2 for 5c. GREEN BEANS, I Oc pound. J. E. OPPOSITE COURT lor to accept any, bid considered, most favorable to Oregon City la here by reserved. Each proposal muat state the time required for the completion of said culvert which Improvement work must be done according to the Or dinances of Oregon City and the Charter thereof, and the plans and speciflcationa governing said work. Each bidder is requested to fur nish separate figures for the doing of all concrete work with Clack a mil River aand and gravel and for tbe covering of such concrete work wlth one-half Inch wearing coat Tbe notice Is published pursuant to an order of the City Conncll of Oregon City, made and entered at a special meeting thereof held June 22, 1911. Date of first publication July 1, and tbe last publication Jnly 8, 1911. L. 8T1PP, ' It Recorder. Dretaing the Pillow. A little child, not three years old. wss sleepy, and his mother carried blm to bla crib, but tbe pillowslip bsd been removed by tbe tauid for the laundry, and the child, looking op be seechingly Into his mother's fuce. said. Pase put a shirt on my pillow." Z1S! S! S! S! S! S! S! BOOM!!!! The largest stock of FIREWORKS In Oregon City is now on sale at M. E. DUNN'S Next Door to Postoffice a-- sift A New WaSst You hare probably been wanting one for a long time, and we are now, offering you an opportunity to secure one at a price more reasonable than you ever thought of. It is an indusputable fact that this store leads in giving the best values in high class clothing, dry goods, shoes, etc, etc You will find, we have no difficulty in satisfying your taste for., our stock is large and varied. 617 Main Street: SEELEY HOUSE OREGON CITY BAPTISTS TO START L EVANGELIST WILL BE OBTAINED FOR SERVICES IN FALL. At a meeting of the deacons sod -the pastor of the First Baptist church plana were laid for an aggressive spiritual campaign In the church. The plan Includes a persistent Christian watch-care over the entire member ship with a view of obtaining a more punctual observance of family prayer and public worship. The question of sn evangelist to hold meetings in the church In the fall waa discussed and several evangelists' names were men tioned. The pastor was authorized to write for Information concerning the men possible and will report at the next meeting. Arthur E. Rugg was elected chairman and V. H. Calkins secretary of the board of deacons. The capitalization of sentiment, for a pipe organ for tho church having reached (981.00. la a most encourag ing expression of progressive musical appreciation on the part of the church. While this la not a sufficient amount to make advisable the purchase of an Instrument, yet It Is an excellent start and the matter will be left open for, the present in tbe hope that sufficient amount of money shall be obtained from other aourcea to purchase the organ, Excursion Committee Named. At the firemen's meeting held at the Cataract'a headquartera a commit tee waa appointed to arrange for the coming excursion to Cascade Locks. It Is composed of Harry Freeman, Jack Cameron and Claud Curtis. The date for the excursion haa not been set, but it will probably be held after the Chautauqua. .Oregon City O' ,V f ' e--eVi .t ;- j. m