Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1911)
aV. r-i- v MOilNING KNTEUPKiafc, FRIDAY, JUNE 'M, 1911. - J.;. V7 o ... 1't mi 111 C IS ' - I, y a V l1" 'ijji' V i y .ri;vvwi' '. 4 II h 1 t . i pari (M mm CffnF IP The Big Summer Sale at L AD AMS DcPartment storc All ready-to-wear goods each department of the BIG STORE cut to the quick. It's a money saving opportunity to every buyer of Suits, Hats, Shoes and allready-to-wear goods; also Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, Wall Paper and House Furnishings. The Big Sale of Men's Suits We cut the price of all Men's Suits formerly sold at $15, $J7.50,$J8.50to$20.00 and will make a uniform price of any suit in this lot at Yotir Choice $13.90 i;. The Big Sale ofLadies, Suits BIG BUYING MEANS BIG SELLING at lower prices. We have purchased from a man ufacturer, who was overstocked, a large assort ment of ladies' suits. The cost to us of these suits enables us to . sell them much below the the regular prices, which ranged from 3lo.oU to $25.00. We have decided on a uniform price of this entire lot of fc I f Qf each suit at only ....... 1 fKJ One lot of Ladies' Salfs of former price from $ J 3.50 to $18.00' Your choice at this sale $8.90. Ladies' Silk and Wash WAISTS A very large assort ment Silk, Voile and Tailored Waists, former price $3.00 to $5.00, at this sale, your QQ choice atsPO Sale of Summer Press Goods Select your new dress pattern now. We offer a very large selection in Wash Goods of choice fabrics at Special Sale Prices. - THE BIG SALE OF MC KITTRICK SHOE STOCK We made a cash bid for the en tire McKittrick shoe stock, in voicing over five thousand dol lars. The creditors accepted our . offer and turned the stock over, to us, this stock, with a ..great many goods from our regulor stock is now on sale at a great reduction in prices. Buy yuor shoes now and lot us save you money. Three Hundred Boys' Suits Knickerbockers up to site 15, former .price $4.50 $5.00 to $6.00, now at special X T OA sale, YOUR CHOICE . . . 3O.Z)J See our spacious Furniture De partment brim full of new hand- some Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Kugs, Window Shades, Wall Paper and Lace Curtains. We offer some Extra Special Prices in Stoves, Kanges and Chairs. te 0ffer at tUJ. Je nilr entire ncc nf larW trimm anA frjv-tn-wpar a tit half nrtrf MIr vnitr lArhnn torncr Main & Seventn,. Uregon tlty, Uregon early and buy your hat now at half price. The Big. Half-Price Millinery Sale Stories from Out of Town JENNINGS LODGE. ' Mr. nd Mrs. Alex GUI hare bad the pleasure of a t!U from Mr. Glll'i niece. Misa Gill and Mlsa Poster, of Minnesota. These young ladles came to the Pacific Coast last fall and ex pect to return to their respective homes next month. Mrs. Carrie Wjgandt nd two son came down from Aurora on Saturday and spent 8unday with Mrs. Wy (tandft parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Board man. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wamblad were the hostesses lo a dancing party at their new home on Saturday evening. About fourteen couples were' present. Hebert McGovem, of Gladstone, was a bodge caller and will leave on, Fri day tor Newport. ' . J. P. Strain met with a very sad"a- cident on Monday morning at the Gill : ' brick yard when a stick of cord wood slipped and hit the line, cap which was misplaced. Dr. Fox, of Oregon City, dressed the wound and Mr. "r . Strain was taken to St. Vincent hos f v. P"1 where he will receive further ft'.' treatment from Dr. 'Bommer. . V' . a Mr. and Mrs. U. Wilcox and two chHdren were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Blanton at un rnaar aixernoon the in tent of f t, W. A. Mack was consumed by fire. -A new one was hurriedly sent out !'3flroin Portland. by auto and Langhlot la race again the scene of much mer rymaking by the many friends of Mr. ', ' . And Mrs. Mack, who have the pleasure of vlstuag at this camp. H. C Palntow Is contemplating a ' trip MMt to visit his parents at Cal- y mar, Iowa, and expects to arrive there by July 4. Elmer Boardman, of Aurora, Is ' spending a few days with bis parents t thli place. lira. Hugo gandatrom was a Port- , UMA boprl on Wedneaday their coming until their friends pad gained possession of their home. De licious refreshments were served ana the following guesta Messrs. and Mes- dames Nordln, Paulson, Hwanman, LJnd. Lindhe; Mesdames Hunt, Alex son; Dr. Karl, Mr. Sevenson and Mrs. Sevenson, Luher Hessler, Arthur Axel son. Lillian Llndhe. Agnes Peterson, Abel and Victor Peterson Esther, Flor ence, Elenora and Emeline Bckberg. Helen Axelson, Edith Swanman; H. K. Eandstedt of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnson of this place, Joined with congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Warner upon this anniversary for all the happiness they bad in knowing them and enjoying their friendship; then their lives could not hold the sum of their good wishes. Their i wishes that Mr. and Mra. Warner may live lung enough to receive sim ply the lntrest upon the good cheer they had given them. Mr. and Mrs. Warner were also the Veclplents of six beautiful pieces of cut glass. Mr. and Mrs. Warner and family have recently moved to the Lodge, having purchased the C. D. 8 locum properly and have made many friends here who wish them many more years of connubial bliss. Mrs. H. H. Emmons entertained on Thursday of last week with a very prettily appointed luncheon at her home, atone Gables. Roses were used In decorating the dining room and the following encircled the luncheon table, Mesdames Dolly Martin, Molly ChuJ ersr Lillian fnlnlaw and Fred Martin. X tir. VhOn-k banker of Nahalem. paid , Yhrtt recently to friend, P. J. MrveU. of this place. ' - VMra- Hanson and little danjfhter, DoroOf, will spend this week with Mrs. H. I. Robinson, v : Mr. Mai Un. MInhoit and daughter ii graf)oa mad Mr. and Mr. Wel ItiCtOBl CMMAd, of Portland, were g7ta Of VT. aod Mrs. Islaa 8hene- i tM L-- ton. Tamhlll, was aa Mtr tU irlattor at tie Harry On J t was tW ft.nta wsd aaalTaraatT of dr. and Rfrav rrtor or tae jf Partuna wonMlaad .n . TftaawuBM WIL80NVILLE. t .?iatt Wanaar r , - tspsyw- oan wwmaaaay acrt , J T Mrs. Bethune, of Lents, has been spending a few days visiting Mrs. Nor man Say. Quite a number of village residents spent Pioneer Day In Portland. Darby's stock of drugs, perfumery, etc.. Is being sold out very quickly, and we are afraid Mr. Darby and bis I estimable wife will soon be leaving ImJ tJaa.Brobat are entertaining oompaay from portJaaaVchls week. Mtas Kaii. Whartifm, .of Lawaon, Mo., la ' a. guest at. the home of ber cousin, Marion Yonng. Miss Whartam la a promltvent school teacher in oer home town, and will spend the sum mer vacation her.. The Children's Day teilee of the IMethodlst Sunday school, hejd in the A. O. U. W. nail, on Sunday evening, was well attended despite the rainy evening, and the program was a splen did on, -Mri art Mrs. Staagel. Mr. and Mrs. N orris: Tewng. ljr. sad Mrs., Marion Touoag and tjm K Waartnnt formed a aatowoon pany r-Ceg wood- Mr. Aden's store la still on the move but will be in the new location some time this week, business having gone on as usual during the moving. Quite a few Wilsonvllle people are making plans to attend the Chautau qua, the program being even more tban usually attractive. Alonr.o Epler has discontinued the dally trips with his launch, finding U was not a paying proposition. The new Methodist church is being erected quite rapidly and It begins to look as though Wilsonvllle will soon have the stigma removed of not pos- J session a cnurcn or any aenominaimn. Ed. Baker went to Portland a few days ago and made his girls very hap py by bringing home a new piano, and the girls are taking music lessons from Mrs. Penard. The hop growers are delighted with the late rain, as the crpp was needing rain very badly. Mrs. Marion Toung entertained a number of friends on Wednesday af ternoon. In honor of Mr. Young's cousin, who Is visiting at their home. Mrs. Annie E. Say and daughter, Mrs. Arthur Draper, will arrive In Wil sonvllle this week, to spend some time visiting their relatives, Norman and Harry Say. A barber shop, a pressing and clean ing establishment and an Ice cream and confectionery store are to be op ened In Wilsonvllle soon. Mrs. Dill of the Cottage Hotel, has been doing a rushing business since coming to Wilsonvllle, and her board era speak very highly of the new man agement. Our village residents-, who have not vailed themselves of the chance to take the Morning Enterprise, ought to do so and help support our county papers, a our coun Is the agent at Wilsonvllle, and will he glad to send in subscriptions at any time, gotten they were ever boys, are quite unanimous for what they call a sane 4lb, so that boys from the woods even, cail hardly find a. Ore cracker to buy and they do not' feel a bit patriotic about It. One boy aald: "No fire crackers all day, no pin wheels and roman candles even In the evening, no Fourth of July at all this year. 1 wish I didn't live In the United states;" and another answered: "Aw go 'long; they expect us to play with dolls and be lady like." EAGLE CREEK. as well as have the news of ity In tne home. Chas. Kidder STAFFORD, Both the welcome and unwelcome rain descended upon the Just and the unjust In Stafford and vicinity, begftv nlng on Sunday and the end is not yet.. It- Is a little unwelcome to us who have clover cut and most heartily welcome to thirsty fields and gardens, The cbnrch of God has pitched a big tent In the shade of the trees back of Mr. Nussbaum's barn and other tents to lira la and art holding a series of meetings. , , ' Mrs. Oage Yerurned from Bt. Helens on Tuesday bringing' the three older children with her for their vacation and leaving the mother Improving fast and on the high road to perfect recov ery we trust It will be remembered that the wife and four Children of John E. Gage bad a severe rase of measles. Now is the time for croquet, oat out your balls boys and gtsta and hats a gaate. There Is some talk of another church being built In Stafford, The old, people In cities, having lor- The much-needed rain came at last, thereby pleasing the farmers. School meeting was held in District No. 50 last week and H. S. Gibson was re-elected clerk and R. B. Gibson was elected director. Mrs. Viola Douglass and aon, Wal ter, were Portland visitors one day last week. Ralph Gibson, our pleasant and gen lal mall carrier, this week returned on the route after a seven days lay-off. Mrs. A. W. Cooke, of Damascus, and her brother-in-law, A. C. Howlott. of Southern Oregon, were the guests of Mrs. Cooke a parents, W. J. Howlott. the latter part of last week. Mrs. It. B. Gibson mas In Extacada last Friday having some dental work done. Ed and Carl Douglass shingled barn last week for Mr. Heche, of Gar neia. Shurd Jones was out home Sunday. Ed and Roy Douglass and Art Helts- man were In Molnlla Sunday. Roy and Mr. Heltsmsn played ball with the Oregon City team against the Molalla team, and Oregon City won the game. Peter Paschal made a trip to Port land one day last week. 8PRINQWATER, The children entertained about two hundrel friends and neighbors at the Presbyterian church last Sunday. The exerciser wej-e postponed on Child ren s Day, nevertheless an enjoyable aay was spent. Ray Marrs had the misfortune of getting his arm broken. He with sev eral others were driving home from Kediand and through scuffllne accl- dently got his arm In the wheel. Grange will meet as usual a week from Saturday night, maklna the date July 8. BARLOW. -At the annual school election Mr. Wurfel was elected to serve two years, Mr. Base having .resigned, and Mr. Jiarter was elected to serve three years. Mr. Jesse Was elected clerk to succeed Mrs. Irwin. Out of Henry Zlegler's five acres of strawberries he cannot get enough berries lo supply the demand. Hen ry's berries are of first class quality and the yield Is good. The sad news has been received of the death of Mrs. Henry Hedges and of John Coleman. They were both residents of this place for a number of years and were both highly respect ed. - Mrs. iledxe was residing in Coos county where Mr. Hedges has a store and Mr. Coleman lived at Willamette. . James Erlckson . went to Portland Tuesday. A. B. Wlddowt and family and a number of our young folks attended the plrnlc at Mackshurg Sunday. Miss IJIIIan Anderson has been se cured as our primary teacher for the coming term of school. Miss Ander son has msny friends here, both among the children and parents, who will be pleased to have her return. Jim Klmsey Is able to sit np after a nine weeks' illness. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boscoe, of Port land, were calling on Miss Hattle Ir win Sunday. Dave Sheppard attended the funeral of his brother-in-law, Mr. Coleman at Willamette Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Tull and Mr. and Mrs. Wurfel also at tended the funeral. W. B. Tull has all of the available men and teams engaged hauling ties Frank and Fred Jesse and Charlie Elsworth went fishing out on Trou Creek Saturday evening returning Sunday evening. The boys report fish scarce and hard to get. The Barlow Progressive Club voted at a recent meeting to have an exhibit at the County Fair. We hope all who are In any way Interested in the wel fare of Barlow will consider them selves members of the club and will help to make this exhibit a success. Do not forget that we won first prem lum last year and we want to try to lo as well again this year. Give some few, things special attention so that It will do for the fair exhibit. MOUNTAIN VIEW. A horse belonging to J. W. Curran died lust week. Mrs. Morrison has been 111 the past two weeks. Dr. Ingram, of Bell wood. was called Monday. Henry Brandt arrived home last week from his trip to Germany. Mr. and Mrs. B. Allison, of Indiana, are guesta of Mrs. R. M. C Brown and family this week. W. O. Hall spends most of his time at Rook wood as he has started a meat market at that place. Mra. Emma Gladden, of Tillamook, visiting friends. Miss Mabel Francis spent Saturday and Sunday among friends at Spring-water. Mountain View boss company baa a chemical engine. Miss Nellie Caufleld was the guest of Miss Hazel Francis Sunday. Millard Glllett, of Portland, did not spend last Sunday at home wltn his parents as he went to Salem with tbs mall carriers' excursion. J. M. Olllett Is dotag soma painting and papering for B. t. Una this week at tha old noma place. Frank Btuiwell was hurt last waak by a loose cable hitting him while working at the crusher. Mrs. J. p. Allison returned home I a Nt Friday after a week's visit among friends at Sherwood, Washington county. Mrs. Mann, who Is staying at'Raln ler this summer with her brother, came home Inst week for. a visit. Tom Carrico, of Hook wood, spent Saturday evening and Sunday at home with bis wife and daughter. - The Mountain ViewJlble class will meet at the church on each Thursday afternoon during the summer. All wishing to study the Sunday School lessoii should attend. Persons In this vicinity were de lighted Sunday afternoon when it be gan to rain. Everything seems to be very much benefited but cherrlos and they are bursting. '8. V. Francis accompanied by J. M. Glllett. drove out to Stafford last Sun day and took dinner with his brother. Mrs. Cromer and daughter, of Sprlngwater, were visiting J. Iewel len and family last week. Mrs. s. R. Green, who Is In the hos pital. Is getting better and expects to return home soon. .Mr. and Mrs. Baker and daughters, of Elwood, ere visitors at Colton last Haturday. The COLTON. The most longed and looked for rain fell this week which was welcomed by everyone. There will be a Fourth of July cele bration at Colton on the old plcnlo grounds. A dance will be given In the evening. Everybody come and enjoy yourselves. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bonney and children and Mrs. Harris, who had been visiting at Grandma Dlx's for some time, left for their home at Hills boro last week. - Mr. Freeman, of Elwood. was at Colton on business Wednesday. Jonas Engstrum Is back on bis place again. . Some of the Colton folks took an outing to the mountains the latter part of the weok and enjoyed the talD very much. Mrs. Mallett and children, of Mu- llno, who were visiting with' tbe for mer's sister, Mrs. I. O. Dix, st Col ton, returned home last Sunday. Harry Warden returned from Port land accompanied by his rfliter, Ruth, who will stay with; ither this bummer. ' V" " Miss Fredsborf Mult, who Las ben nwayfNltlng friarif and rata Ives In' the ktast, is back nome again. Gua Gottburg la busy patfjfl the finishing touches to his nous,' He lib tends to move In soon with his family. Brick Trigg called on Johft Joney last 8unday. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace, of Bee Hills, left for Highland last weak. Andrew Kooner, of canny, waaj transacting business in our neighbor hood una day this woerf. - . W. B. Bonney and dnufchtar, Myrl, wera Oregon City visitors Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Writer Oorbett have moved to the HubLard plaoa. Morning Enterprise will be' on sale at Gladstone Park, or you may have it de livered to your tent every morning by the special Carrier Service that will be maintained During- . . - Chautauqua :iS ; '.;,. ' . A full report of iUy events will be w ' Hshed etery "dy,,; . Order ndv and ir- -rtrngt for delivery. You will want extra copies to send wyVM Call, write or phone Horning Entcrprl;: ' CircuUUoa DtpitiMiii j. 1 u . ' 'V , (: ii r .' .v M .i i '. i mi "'.-Xf ''4 11 A" a J . aw Jt,