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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 30, 1911)
M0KX1HQ ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1911. I I ' ' 1 -' ' ' 4th of July Specials Every Department to this Big 4th of $15 to $18 Suits for men in the new summer styles, best values on earth. Special $11. 85 J. HfEVIITT 0U8PEN8I0N DRIDC5 CORNER Wlih.e Chang. i -1 ,y,A bank cashier with a. any .ears' ex pertence wishes Chants. ; flat occu pied hla present posJttoh. with on of the tronget and awst riibataaUal In stitutions la tbt country fof oef fif teen vara.. Addree Couttdcutlat. ; local enters V' - Mr. Crook, of Mullno, was to thli City on1 Tburaday. r ' ' . '. ;;, Mr a. A M. Trlmbla " ton to Portland on business. ...... Mr. Hum, of Union MlUa, aa In Ihla city on Thuraday;. : f r ( Tbomaa Evans, of' Haseldal, waa In tbla city on Thuraday. '' Oerald Wilcox, of Eagle Crwkywaa In tbla city on busln Vdaaday.r MrrHarriarerBeawr-Craakr waa Ja lblcltyon bualna Thursday.' A. C. Crawford, of UwTOUvo dr., was In tbla city on baalnaaa Wedaeav day. "- " ' " Wllholt atage will leave tba Bteetrte Hotel aach day at t o'clock p. m, Tbomaa Davla, of Beaver Creek, m among tba Oragon City --visitor on Tburaday. . .:, J,,, ,Mlaa Panay liiah and Mra. A. Jones, of Carua, war Ylaltlng frlanda In, till, city on Thuraday. ,, -r Mra. Llxsle Rlngo, of Clark-,-a companled by her aon, war In. tbla city on Thuraday. j John Davli, of Redmond,' Eastern Oregon, waa In tbla city oa Thure day, and while ber visited Jack Trimble. -J ' Mr. and Mra. J. W. Webstar, of' As torta, were In tbla city on wda day, and were registered at the E10 trie Hotel. , r William X. Davis, of Beaver Crack, one of the prominent farmer' of that place, transacted business In thai city on Thuraday. J, . Mra. Jacob StelDer, of lVave"f Creek, passed through tbla City a .Thursday oa her way to Portland, where ahe went on business. Mra. Jennie B. Morrow, of Walla, Walla, Wash., baa arrived In tbla city, and la a guest of Mrs. Elisabeth War t7 v om ; - - A C'-II For and wejrlUtvtjyo with a 4 months subscription- I y . ' ay arrir ; ' at 45c the mouth ? I : MORNING A C::utlfal Xhlna . ' PLC There are, a variety 'cf : like your selection ea; ' . r y rt:criteKlIayiHave Li To any crt:--t su. csw subscriptions Ve vill;.. : Isautiful dishes. ; ,'v "rj ALL SELECTIONS MUST BE MAC3 :Afu; op oRtOoi:' 1 i contributes specials July Special Sale. Beautiful 20 to 25c lawns in all the new patterns, 4 th of July special 1 7c. $1.25 to -$ 1.50 vvaists, special 88c House Dresses at big reduction. ner, of Locust farm, Mount Pleaaant. Dr. E. A. Bummer, formerly of Ore gon city, baa moved hla office to 1017 Corbett, building, Portland. Mr. and Mra. Robert Krueger, formerly of tbla city, but .now of Hills boro, accompanied by .Jbelr little child, liave arrives In Oregon City for A visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krueger. Mra. Burr Rosa, of Nebraska, who has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mra. U..A. Ulckel, of Mount Pleae nt'has gone to Port laud, where ahe will vlalt her aon before returning to ber home. , , Mra. .Leon DesLarzee. one of the prominent aololsta of this city, will sing the "'Star Spangled Banner" at the Fourth of July celebration to be given by tb Mount Pleaaant Civic Improvement Club at Mount Pleaaant The Rev. p. A. Schmidt and family left by automobile for Salem on Wed- neaday evening. They will make that rlty their future home, Rev. Schmidt having accepted a call from there. The Kev. Schmidt baa been In charge of one of the German cburchea of thla city.' ' .Mls Edith Brlslow, of Portland, a graduate of the Columbia School of Expression, Chicago, III., who baa been visiting with Mra. J. W. Watt, of Mount Pleasant, baa returned to ber home, :-MIs Brlstow waa on tb pro gram lor th banquet recently glvea by the Mount pleasant. Civic Improve ment Club. Mrrnd M re, Frank Newton, of To Mo, Or., arrived In Oregon City on Wednesday evening to 'vlalt the form r'e mother, Mra. K. L. Newton. They left for Portland on Thuraday, and Mra. Newton then atarted for Deer Island, where ahe will visit ber moth er. Mi's. T. A. McBrlde, who la apend hia a few weeks at the McBrlde ranch. They will remain until after the Fourth of July. 4 Church Reopening. j tba German Evangelical cburah, of Carua. having recently aold their church edifice at that place to the Methodist Episcopal church people, of Carua. there will be a rededication 01 tba building to the services of the Methodist church on July 9. The aer rloe la connection therewith will be an "tCll lay" one with a free baaket dinner served In tbe grove In the af ternooav Thla Is to be a religious S a day service In which delegations m Oregon City, Central Point, Mu- Uxm and Canby are expected to take part j Rev. Jamee Moore. D. 8.. of 8a lent; 4. 1 Creesy and A. J. Joalyn, of Canby, will be In attendance and have charge. The occasion Is Intended to be mad an epoch In tb history of Caxu wall worth noting. t Another Ksason. - VMra. homes-Fancy: Mra. Bangs threw a aaucepan at ber husband be came be aat on ber new hat. I could never d a thing like that Mr. Home UAhoao! Because yon love me so dearly, ab. petT Mra. Ilome T-ea. Besides, 1 haven't a new hat -5 jaopths subscription . t 'lf .By Mall at '25c the month JnPRlSE iUZI:?f?J.' rd Handsomely W" y.' ) , -ns .to choose from. .'t j will bring us fodr nt one of these 1 AT THJE OFFICE OF THE cUY, building Asking IASTTRIBUTE IS HERO CHIEF THOUSANDS MOURN AS BODY OF DAVE CAMPBELL IS TAKEN THROUGH CITY. ELKS HAVE CHARGE OF FUNERAL Floral Offering of Oragon City Fire men One of The Handsomeat Re ceived Committee From Thla City Attenda. PORTLAND, Or., June 29. (Spec lal). Portland today paid a last tri bute to Fire Chief David Campbell, who Uwt his life In the dlsaatroua conflagration of laat Monday morn ing. Old and young, rich and poor, men and women In all walks oT llfff, Joined In the last rites and followed all that remalna of the once gallant' and vigorous leader to Ita last resting place In a beautiful spot beneath tbe evergreens In Rlvervlew Cemetery. The funeral aervlcea were simple, but Impressive. The Elks' Lodge, V which tbe dead chief waa a prominent member, 'conducted the services In tbe Elks' Temple. Following this a funer al procession marched through the principal atreets. In which 150 of the firemen who have followed hla leader ship In hundreds of flrea, the mem bers of the Elks' Lodge, city officials, visiting fire chiefs and thousands of friends and cttlzena participated. Tbe funeral cortege then proceeded to Rlvervlew Cametery, Where brief and appropriate services 'were conducted at the grave. ' Body Taken to Temple. Tbe casket containing tbe body waa taken to the Elka' Temple by a detail of firemen. Long before tbe time for tbejiervlcea to begin Immense crowds beKan to congregate. Seata were re served In the ball room for city of ficials and tbe 150 firemen and 25 members of tba Elka lodge bealdea tbe offlcera who conducted tbe services. The remainder of the seating capacity was occupied by "the general public. Promptly at 1:30 the officers of the lodge took tbetr placea and read the ritualistic aervlcea of tbe order. Those who participated were Exalted Ruler K. K. Kubll, Leading Knight C. C. Bradley, Loyal Knight T. L. Perkins, Lecturing Knight E. A. Marshall, Sec retary M. R. Spaulding, Chaplain T. B. McDevltt. Treaaurer John B. Coffey, Inner Guard Sig Wertbelmer and Tiler T. E. Dowllng. Egy la Delivered. ,1$. Soils Cohen delivered the eulogy, In which he paid a beautiful tribute to the dead chief. A quartet led by Mra. May Dearborn Schwab sang, "Consolation" and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere." Benediction waa pro nounced by. the Rev. J. A. Leaa. pas tor of St. James Evangelical English Lutheran church. The casket, trimmed in gray, waa banked with beautiful floral offerings. Many of theae were the expreasions from fire departments in Oregon City, Vancouver, B. C; Tacoma, Astoria, Salem, The Dalles and other Coast cttiea. The Oregon City offering waa a large floral ladder of roaea and carnations. A committee of Oregon City Elka attended the meeting. Each company In the Portland Fire Department- contributed a- floral- piece, and there were hundreds from friends and citizens. t)ne especially beautiful piece which waa the gift of the entire Fire Department waa a blanket of lilies and carnations, which complete ly shrouded the casket. Another of the prominent offerings was from Ivanroe Lodge of the Knight of Pytblaa, of which Chief Campbell was a member. . Flaaa at half mast were displayed on all the fire houses In Oregon City yesterday out of respect to the mem' ory of tbe dead chief. A Carnival of Dwarfs. Ciar Peter of 'Russia celebrated a marriage of dwarf with great parade In 1710. Dwarfs of both aexea within 200 mile were commanded to repair to the capltaL Be aupplled carriage for them and so arranged tb affair that on bora should be seen gallop tng Into St. Petersburg with' twelve or more of these email folk. Tbe en tlr company of dwarf wbo took part In tb festivities numbered aeventy and all tbe furniture and other things nrenared tor tbem were on a minis ture scale. . Getting Out of It. Constable, the Kugllsh painter,' at tended an exhibition of InndHcupe and sea views whlrb sun tbe work of an other emineut u rt Imi whom be detested "Like purty." he givwled iu he scan ned tbem over. It huppeued that friend of the puluter'a was present and waa ao stupid as to reeat CoUMiable'a remark. When, later. Countable, meet lng tb gentleman whom be bud cou demned, congratulaUd blui upon one of bin works, tbe latter aald. "Why Id told you say my pictures are putty." "What of thatf replied Con atabie. "I like putty." - Mark Twsln Missed the Boat , rbesuitiws achieved by Mark Twain during nia boating Unys on tb Mlssla alppl river wwa due' not nl- iq the fact that be waa a sklllhil pilot, but that Oe waa au earueat oue a well. A man who knew Mr. Clemena tn those days told how tbe genial hu morist once missed his uoat. ' instead of Inventing an excuae. aa many of bis compuuioiiM did. he reported to fila superior mvr aa loiiowa: -, "My iKii left at 0:10. I arrived at tbe landing at :'JO and could not catch It." .' ' " . ' '., r1' r 0- ' K Injurtou. e Bight. , ' Looking Into tbe tire, particularly Va coal tire. Is very InjiirioiiH to tbe eyeit Looking at molten I. i "III soon d troy tb eight. , KeuUit.. In lUe twi light la injurious to the eyes, as tbey are obliged to mike great exertion Heading or sewing with a !- l--t Injure both eyes." Both eys should be exposed to an equal degree of 1'bt. Tbe reason 1 that the ayn-pntby be tween the eyes I o great that If tbe pupil of one la dilated by being kepi partially In the ahade tbe one that I exposed cannot contract itself sufO clently for protection. '. i pi H. 0. SELFRI0GE. American Who Taught Londoners What Department Store Can B. . $10 REWARD For "the arrest ani conviction 4 t of any person or persons, who unlawfully remove cople of Tb Morning. Enterprise from tbe premises of subscriber after w paper has been placed there by carrier. " ' " Little Things to T.ach Small Boys. Otherwlae well bred boy are often lacking In many of the amall niceties of conduct and manner solely because these hav never been called to tbelr attention. For Instance, tbe boy Is taught, a a matter of course, to be kind to tbe helpless and unfortunate and that It is unmanly to rtdlcul tb maimed or misshapen or those who are otherwise abnormal In appearance. He la aeldom taught that hla curious, abocked gaze may wound tb enalbll ltle of those whom nature or accident baa made hideous. Harper' Baaar. The French Traveling 8 hew. Tbe traveling showman is commoner In France than in England, particular ly lu country placea. He baa almosrJ vanished aa an Individual from EngTlub country fairs. He exists only as the proprietor of galloping horses or box ing saloon or fat lady shows. But at the smaller country fa Ira In France you may still find tbe Juggler, with bis tinsel and tight, and tbe strong man and the sometime quite , charming dancer. Tbe moet ordinary French crowd has a curiosity about art of any kind unknown In' England. London Standards Laid Out. - Edinburgh and Ulaagow hav for long been notoriously Jeaioua of each other' Institution and attractions. Tb story goes that a Ulaagow man mot an Edinburgh man on tbe neutral ground of London. Tbey got along very well together until tbe Ulaagow man happeued to mention that bia na tive town waa "a very floe city." Then angry paaaloaa arose. . "Yea," waa the reply, "I dare say It la, but If not ao well laid out aa Edin burgh." . "I'll admit that" answered tbe Glas gow man, somewhat to the other" sur prise. Then be added, "Ulaagow la not so well laid out as Edinburgh, but It will be when It Is aa dead a Edln burgh." Pearson'. . 8hifting the Blame. An old tenor wbo had one been a great favoritewaa broke, down and out and bad been eieeplng In a livery table for three month when b sud denly got a chance to alng tbe rote In which be had ewe been famous La Sea la. at Milan, was packed that night Be sang moat painfully be fore that vast audience. At th end tb audience biased wltb drilled una nlmlty. "Ah." aald tbe old tenor, in tbe wings, "eea eel not painfull Zee Italian people, tey no louger car for Vrdl. Sun Drunkenness. To become sun drunk u a condition Inlo which any oue, may full lu ibe tropin. KXKure l the uus ray will redm- ii man to n inmlitlou si moHt exactly reneuilllng druuKeuiie. He stagger about and Ik uxiimly woui pelled to lie dowu and "Sleep It off.'' Sun druukennesa Is MometlmeH but in panled by uaunea. Another curious fact In connection, with life lu the tropics, wher lb sun rises at the am time all the year round. Is that If you do not get up before sunrise you do not feel well all day. f ou feel heavy, out of aorta and alcklsb. ' Wanted a New Set. Sad Looking Man-I wee y.n Iwe n Ign out "Maker of Women's H.tlnt Do you mean UT Ladle- Tollr talnlv 1 do. Sad Looking Man Wen Ince my wife's been going i. tlie in' be'a lost ail the god one she Imd and 1 wish you'd ninkr ber a complete new -set reitardletw of expense. And please include, .the habit of ataylng ai home once in awnne ana menuius Clothe. -London Tlt-Blta. . 'A 7n n n q; nn The lAisrt Jtock of JiCrecaCItylinowoni n. . c. KextDoof to Testicle COOD NATURE there m nothug which w ought more to encourage in ouneive aad others than that dupoohoa of mind which in our language goes under the bile of good nature and is more agreeable in conversation than wir and give a certain air to the coun tenance which is more amiable than beauty. It shows virtue to the fair- tight take o& in torn measur from the deformity of wee and makes even folly and impertinence , supportable. Cultivate good na ture. It is a beautiful quality in man or woman. Catching and Taming Elephants. In Ceylon tbe native rapinre wild elepbsnra by lassoing them and tying tbelr hind legs to trees Thus tied, they are left to struggle for four or Ave days. If tbe rope be well secured and knotted tbe animals struggle In vsln. for they are unable to exert tbelr full strength toward getting free. When tbey have grown tired of tbe frnrMes fight tbey ar tied by tb neck between two tame elepUants sod marched off to tbe tea plantations or tbe railroad! where tbey are put to work. Under tbe tnltlon of tame ele phants tbey learn rapidly to perform tbe labor that la required of tbem and soon are able to lay railroad tie a ecu rately. New fork World. . Earliest Maps. . Tb Inventor ot geographical mapa and charts is said to have beu tbe celebrated Anaxlraander ot Meietua. wbo lived about tbe year 670 B. C. though,' of course, there la more or lea uncertainty about tbe matter. W know that man existed among tb Greeks as early as 400 B. C but even among so Intelligent a people aa tbe Greeks It was Impossible, owing to tne lack of geographical knowledge, to bar more than a vague outline of the world around tb Ureat sea. Th first tolerably accurate map of tbe world waa not forthcoming until 1559. and that was oecesaartly only Id part. much of tb earth being then on known. New fork American. The Bark Wearer et Berne.. "There are no more singular people known tnau tb Pnnan tribe of Bor neo. Most or wnat has neen learnea about tbem la from hearsay. Mr. W. H. Beach naya that tbey ar represent ed a dressing themselves in bark clothing, wandering about In tb for ests and eieeplng In trees. -Tbey have no houses- and no property, except mere personal possessions, which tbey xebang by barter. Tbey have the habit of leaping three or four yarda at a time, 'and their apeed la said to be marvelous. . Tbey kill game with a weapon resembling a blowpipe, not by tbe usual method of blowing out the arrows with the breath, but by striking tn end which contain tbe dart with tbe palm or the hand. . Curious Labrador. Dr. W. T. Grenfell describe Labra dor aa a land still hardly known be yond It borders. The cold current that flows along lta sborea from tbe nonb dominates lu climate, and not withstanding that It is considerably farther south It receives less contlnu ous sunshine than Alaska, because its summer la shorter. .Tbe coldness of tbe soli and tbe drynexa of Jbe wtndi stunt many of Ita plants to aucn deeree that a larch growing at the southern end of Labrador which show ed thirty-two annual growth ring waa only nine Inches tall, end lu trunk waa but three-elgbtba of an Inch tn dlam eter. Mineral deposits seem to be abundant. but prospectors hav been abl to etay but for abort perioda. Fatal Finger Rings. Count Zborowskl when killed In fearful motor accident at Nice In 1803 waa wearing a fatal ring which bad belonged to bia family for four generations. ,In each of these genera tlons tb bead of tb family bad worn tb ring and each had met wltb a vk lent death. 8ttU mora maing la a atory told by tba lata bead of tb Paris morgue. Fir times wfthln bis experience dead bodies brought to th morgue were found to be wearing a certain ring easily distinguishable by 1U strange design. It bore In easteru characters thla legend: "May whosoever wears this ring die a miserable death." M. Maca. late chief of the Parisian police, vouchee for the truth of thlt. tngrsved His Way to Freedom. Charley Ulrtch. one of tbe world, greatest counterfeiter, waa tried and aent to the penitentiary In Columbus. O.. for nfteen years. He waa a model prisoner, and be waa allowed to have a little shop In the prison yard. One day be picked up an old circular aaw blade In tbe yard and engraved on It a portrait of William Allen, wbo was at that time tbe Democratic candidate for governor. It waa on of th moat perfect portralU ever engraved. When Ulrlcb had been In prison for even years President Dayea pardoned him through tbe Intercession of the warden. Colonel Innla. wbo thought it a ahame that auch a clever artist should b hut up. Innla then set blra up in an en graving shop In Colurobua. MeClure's, Tne Stinging Tea. . In tbe soutuei'u part of Formosa grows a tree, auuut tea feet tali, hav ing long leaves,, which poeseaeV tue property uf ino nettle and produce' madUvotug irriutlou of the akin wueu lucauaourfiy touched. Tbe- native call It cbiae Jeu koOva)euliii "tim t2Ung dog.- ;' Mr. Tok'utaror ' '-o, wbo kli rc " ..... nsire v.,.. r tree'' s a more dbuliictly warning title. Ther Is another species of "stliiKiog tree", in Australia ,wnl h attalua a bclcht ot Ofteen feet and tne effects of whose touch appear to be even more biaiJenlng to men ind nl L-ala Dore atunr by It have bad to he shot and dot: when affected by the poison of the iavee rcn ma1. R'yllng Mea. L'yUnx kena. in tie r aroe I: -nds. la a aLeer precipice piling up 2.200 f t la Commercial Club Chat C T. Scbmledecke, formerly of Mad- imju, eo., woo recently bought a forty-acre farm from Charles caid- wwii, i i wiugnt, canea at me pro motion Building Thursday. I am delighted with Clackamas County." said Mr. Scbmledecke, and I am comment mat I will do well here. 1 intend to rata chickens extensive- 1.". 1 . Mr. Scbmledecke expect ' to have more than 1,000 chicken soon. His ranch ia one of the beat amall onea In the county. . e e F. E. Muller, of Mullno, wbo la In terested in originating new varletlea of strawberries called nnon Secretary Lazelle. He baa aome seedlings which be think will turn out welL Mr. Muller said that be would send some strawberries and a turnip, weigh-1 lng thirty pound, to tb club for ex hibition In the Promotion Building. "I have been In this tate thirty years,' said Mr. Muller and I like Clackamas County fine." Mr. Muller baa 465 acre and be lieve in diversified farming. He ha mad bis fortune since coming to tbi county. . . . "Crop look fine," said Lake Caato, prominent farmer of Carua. who called at tbe Promotion Building. "The Indications are for fin yields this I year. Mr. C.ato shipped a load of green pea to Portland through the Oregon City- Fruit ft Produce Union.. C. A. Rosecrana, of Maole Lane. aays that the heavy rain hav dam aged vetch by beating It down. see L. Larsen, formerly, a business man of Lonkershelm, Cel., "who recently moved to OregJN. waa in tbe city Thuraday looking borne. He desires a small pW near Oregon City, and aays be y Is to spend the remainder of b here. He thinks tb borne inS4 city ar un usually attractlv. . e e e .. Joseph Hussick, of Pino River, Minn., called at Promotion Building Thuraday. He has a farm In Pin River. Mr. Hussick likes this country fine and will probably buy a farm and send for bia family to come to Clackamas county. He la not going to grow fruit, but la interested In rais ing bogs and cattle. He will spend several days looking over tb county. 'Underground Mounts ins. A curious result of operations by the trigonometrical survey In India waa tb conclusion that, there was In the middle of India an underground or buried mountain . range a thousand mile In length and lying about parallel wltb tbe chain of tbe Himalayas. ' Tbla conclusion waa based on tbe singularities of tbe local attraction of gravlution In central India, the plumb line iwlnr deflected soiitbwsrd on the north side of tbe supposed sub terra- neen chain and northward on the south I aide, leading to tbe Inference tba great elongated mas of rock of excee- slve density underlie the surface of tbe earth between tn two set of ob serving stations.' ... Lftfnb n Byron.' So we bate lost another poet- I nev er much relished but hardship' mind and ehail be sorry It tbe Ureeks hav cause to miss him. He waa to me of fensive, and can never make out his great power which bis admirers talk ot Why. a tine of Wordawortb'a la a lever to lift the , immortal " spirit. Bryon can move only tb spleen. He waa at beat a satirist in any other way be waa mean enough. 1 dar say I do him an injustice, but 1 can not love him nor aqueexe a teas to hla memory. Writings of Charles Lamb. Notlc of Application for Liquor . , . Lloepse. . ,. NOTICE la hereby given that I will, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license) to ell liquor at my place of business, Tbe Mount Hood Salooa. Fifth and , Main treeU, for a period of three months. ';" M. JUSTIN. Notlc of Application for Liquor Li- . cense. Notice. Is hereby given, that I will, at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place -of business, 408 Main Street, for a period of three months. J. B. KERRICK., iiii1 fWn k- If This Is the time to fill your wants In vacation neotfr r I of holding a week of special vacation supply alea at t i t unique, and has met with great favor. All th de-' en atore, featuring merchandise appropriate to th ar ty busy. People who ar going to th mounUlns, t' In th country sre trouplng here for the m quire. Here I a partial list; ... t . . h.5 to C7 .valuti f 13S0 tof )vtluts j l j ' i , Kwlloee wndar I jw tie 'M I will bm toavut at n. c i a w foMrtioa, half hoi auitlw I llena. OM laoh , II pur t Inch er4. ( imp u par . . Cash in uwt aooontBawr .r has aa op acoonnt with t r manciaj rwaponMDllIlp (r arr 9rror9 r mrcm , print lor Mraa. k.uwn V. WANTED. WANTED Yt all kind of VSb to l know taat we bry Curios, that w ar to tb market for second band FuraV tur and Tool. W also have good assortment of second band Furniture and Tool oa hand for sale to those in need. Coca snJ aee; perhaps we have Juat what yew want Indian Curlew and trinkets for aale cheap; some that ar very unique and also very rare. 0EORO3 TOUNO, Main near Fifth street WANTED Some squirrels or chip- munks. Address Box 14, Jennings LAoge, ur. FOR SALE. FOR 8 ALB Beautiful borne, above the fog, dot of fruit and flowers, 7-rooma louse, on full city block; price $3,400 easy termBy) own er. Mrs,, M. E. .Case. Main 2393, Oregon CltJw v . ' in' FOR 8ALE--Houee, two lot, on cor- ner, bouse almost new, 12-28 two rooms, brick flue, young fruit trees, garden In, other improvements, beautiful scenery. Close to school; for location Inquire Winkle store, West Side. ' Price $495.00; cash. Rev. Harvey Buck, Oregon City,-Or. FOR SALE Space In this column , vSeIl that old plow or barrow; yon don't us. It sine you purchased your nw one. FARM LOAMS- FARM LOANS Dlmlck A Dlmlck, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. I HEREBY notify an cosiness men and dealers that I will not be res ' ponslbl for any debt or bill cpi traded by my wife. Laui V. M6)d- enhaaer, after June 10, 1911. - C W.M01J5ENHAUEO. FOR RENT. V- ftVYD D WT 171 tit ' WW wrwrwrtartl - g VIk MMli1 M ' ajrfSgua, swaM SMwav--w bouse oa Sixth and Madison streets. Inquire 70$ Madison street. J. L- ' Albright, MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first Inert . gage; $500 and upwards: on year or longer. Apply at onee. - Cross ft Hammond, Attorney' at Law, Bea ver Bldg Oregon City.-. BUILDER AND COTWACTOrt' ' HARRY JONES -Builder and 0aral Contractor. Estimates cheerfully gives oa all classes of building work, concrete watts ana reinforca! concrete. Raa Vhomm If aim 111. ATTORNEY. O. D. KBY, Attorney-t-Lsw. Money loaned, abstract furnished. - land title examined, estates settled, gen eral law huaiaeae. Ore Bank el Oregon City. . ITREN ft BCHTJKBEL, Attorney Law, DeaUcher Advokat, wfll prao ilea la all courts, make ooflecttosJ , and settlements.' Office la Knter pnsw nut, lam vivi wi-""- X. H. COOPER, For Fir Insuranef and Real Estate. Jjm. u aaneu your propertlee we buy, sail aad .exchange. Offlc la latwrprla Bldgu. Oregon City. Oregon- MISCELLANEOUS. ' Notice of Final Settlement. Notlc la hereby gtvn that th un-; derstgned administrator of tbe estate ot Mary Voght, deceased, has Bled hla final account wltb the Clerk ot the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and th Judge of said Court baa set Monday,' the 3rd day of July. 1911, at the Courthouse In Oregon Cty, as th time and place for bearing any and all objections to said final ac count and the discharge of said ad ministrator. . HENRY 1 BENTS, Administrator of tb Estate of Mary Voght. Deceased. - L. STIPP and DIMICK ft DIMICK, Attorneys for Admlnlatrator. .. ... .In- . , r v mAJf W' awrtwi l0afcwaWMt 'vwltaw UwMaaaV) aAwklwaw.