Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 30, 1911, Image 2

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E. . fgRODie. Editor ana Publisher.
""altered aa' eeol-c)aaa matter Jaa
"T . U. at the poet m at Or(oa
on. wader tb Act of Marc
TBtW IT WBCItmolli
Ona Year, by mall
via sinntna,
Faur Month.
rer week.
a. by mall .... 1H
ha. by mall I M
br carrier 1
Flrat Pa, war men nret tnaertloa....lSe
Pint fan, per lack- added tiuertkiM .leo
Preferred aosltlo any aae, par Inch
nrat meertton He
Frefeue powilcm any sea, aer Inch
added Insert looa lee
ua paper other thaa first pa, par 1
m sasaruona...,.
lira paper athr thaa nrat pa, par tech
nrat teaarttaa lie
1 So par Una: . to rarular adrer-
tteere S Ha.
Wants, Par Bala, To Rant. ate., on
"I a word nrat toaartton; oaa-half cant
sack additional.
Rata for adrarttohu m die Weakly
gSnterprlae wlU ba tha aama aa la tha
daily, for advertisements art eepeotaUy
tor tha weekly. Where tha aAvertieeaaent
la transferred from tha dally to tha week.
r. trlthoat eJtana. tha rata will ba ta
aa keck for nra af tha papar. and l(a aa
. tack for special poaHlom. I
Cask ahould aeoompaay order whara I
KTiterSirOW " " ' gainst the Underwood wool bill.
L(al advertlsta- at legal advertising
Ctreua adverttstn and apaelal traaalant
eertlaln at XSc to ioc aa men. accord -
ai ta apaelal condition governing tha
1 Fha Bale and Bankrupt Bala"
: teaaaaata Me Inch flrat Inaartloa: addl-
joaal Insert toe aama matter See Inch.
New ttama and wall written articles
tf atarlt. with lataraat to local reader,
win ha gladly accepted. Rejected manv
aw lata asear returned ualeaa aoronapan
ted by Muih ta prepay poaiaaa.
June 30 In American History.
17SS Jamaa Edward Oglethorpe,
founder of (Jeorgta. died; bora 16SS.
1S61 Earth and moon passed through
comet's tail.
1883 Execution of Charles 3. Gal tea a.
- - assassin of Garfield.
1909 Carrt Barn bam Kllgore. pioneer
...- woman lawyer, died at Swarth-
tasor. Pa-: bora 1S37.
1V-Ex-Praldnt Roosevelt visited
President 'fart at Beverly, Mas.
(from aooa today to booo tomorrow.)
Boa sets T2L, rise 428: moon acta
1146 p. m.: ana's declination. 2&2 de
ortn ot eel satis I aqoator.
which give to Coagre control of
tha lima, plac and manner of holding
tha popular elections Instead of leav
ing that to tha ataUe.
i . . a .
Aa tha price ot meats coma dowa
to some extent, tha price of vegeta
ble soar to a greater extent. Tha
ultimata consumer, who has appealed
from the trusts to nature, seams to
have small hop of a reversal.
There are no swear words la tha
Japanese language. When a Jap
wants to express Indignation or re
sentment ha closes his paraaol ab
ruptly and trembles with venom.
i , .
John Hays Hammond had to wwar
knee breeches, silk stockings and low
shoes in order to get into the corona
tion swim. That Is the Hrltlsh Idea
of a drva suit.
. -4e
Forecasts for 1912 are unprofitable
and uncertain, but It seems safe to
predidp that It will not be La Fol-
lette's year, whatever else may hap
pen, i.
a e et-
One Democratic congrvHsman voted
must be the black " sheep of the
Baby Moose, Born In Captivity.
Finds Life In, Park Is Pleasant
rirN ri !tv ---t ,
la i i a
. A r
I i . ' M I I: I I aw ' din
k... A . W f e e-a " sl
by o. a. c. are
IK. Oorvallls. or.. June !. (Spec
I "IKi you ronalder poultry keU
proritable on the farm?
his is one of (h series of twtuty-
Ih gitestloiis aubmltted to the farm-
of Oregon by rrtfeanr Jamea-nry-
k of the iHtuliry department of the
.oi Agricultural College. Tna
estloit was dlrecttHl to farmers on
tiers! farms who ll eggs or poul-
at market prices, not to fatu'ler
snecluf iHiultry k'tre who sell
k and stK'k at fancy prices.
"A farmer has Ideas of his own
Unit such things," says rrofosaor
iryrien, "but he doesn't go out of his
ay' very much to gU- the public the
onefit of his lileas, ami thereiu the
itilto is the loaer The reKrvtable
iilng Is that very few farmers use a
eiit-ll and notelMHtk In keeping cnlck
ns, so they must guess a gHnl deal
aiiNwerliig ut-h a quest Ion. Uy
tnar asaoclatton with fowls, however,
hrowlug gralu to them and gathering
JTNo Guesswork
about your meney mattsra wfian you
ara a aspoalter hare.
Your bills ara all pal) by eheak. Yaur ehaok, whaa ratumsd, be.
comsa a receipt. Na trouble about ohanps, aa dlaputae about pay.
mants. na ousstlon aa ta where yaur money has pone, ar haw muoh
you have reoelved. Yaur paaa book and thg atuba af your aheek book
alwaya tall tha story.
The Bank of Oregon City
a C. I.ATOURBTTB Preeldeat
f. X afBTam. Caabla.
- CAPITAL. l0J0d.Qa
Tranaaau a O-neral tanklnf ualneaa. Open fraeti A. M. t r m
i'ti J r F . IJ.V Wh b la able to form a fairly
- CiVS 1. -w- Jf iVfrW ,V" " -liccurate estimate of Ike profit,
imlrrelaiil," .V ; C. , ' . ''Vj "If the farmers are losing money
-.t'a: a i loir hens. It means a treuir-ndous
r . " V. . ""' -.-,.. w lloss In the aggreitate In the. I'nlted
Photo by American Press Association,
Ia a statement made public, Ed
ward Payne, president of tha Boise
Stat Bank, says that ba believes tha
sheep' Industry has stood the strain
of financial adversity aa well aa any
other bnslneea, and he give figures
to show ta decided upward tendency
at the present time. Ha said:
- I have had Tarloas Inpairtes from
different, sources in regard to the
sheep industry.
The prices on wool and sheep at
this Uma look very promising. On
May 25 tha reports on Mexican wool
lambs was $7.75, beat shorn lambs
waa 7.75 land good clip ewes $4.50
and $4.75 and wethers running from
$5 to $5.25.
e , -
SACRAMENTO. June 29. (Spec
ial.) The Beavers, with Seaton in the
box, found Sacramento to their liking
again today. The score waa 6 to 1.
McCredle'a men had their eyes on the
ball, making 1 hits. Seaton allowed
only fonr safeties.' Sacramento was
also careless on fielding. The team
made five errors, Portland's fielding
was perfect
The results Thursday were as fol
Pacific Coast League Portland 6,
Sacramento 1; Los Angeles 13. San
Francisco $; Oakland 4, Vernon 0.
Northwestern League Seattle 4,
Portland 0; Tacoraa 4. Victoria 1;
Vancouver g, Spokane 2.
American League Washington 9,
Philadelphia 7; St. Louis Detroit 5:
Cleveland 8. Chicago 7; New York 3-2.
Boston 1-3.
National Leagne--New York 10, Bos
ton 4: Cincinnati .5. Chicago 4; Phil
adelphia 4. Brooklyn 1; Pittsburg 8,
siuouis 0.
States. If the loss should amount to
15 per rent on the business, that
would mean a loss of about $uo,ooo,-
ABIES sr. always .,eres,lnr. ,nd . tab, moose particular,, a. '"r" .Vj.' In. farmed
vause it is uncommon, me moos itseir is becoming extremely rd mm crtm for Uu.,nrM ,bl,Uy
and tbe authorities in chance uf the menagerie at tba Qolden Gate pW lhM1 lo u.y, ,hat they are going on
.-HI u rrilH wns em iinuruuuuw; inm eviur tuvutua U w 1 1 V rttP after Year dOlnS!
the Alaskan rackers- association preaenied tour one speciuieus le toe 1
The animals came from Cook Inlet. Alaska, and they bare been pupil
since they Ivihhh residents of San Franolsco. The baby moose wss ati af
wartl Uttle fellow, but he waa able to stand on his wabbly legs within
after hl arrival, and he stngirered around the Inotoaure which ia to bel
home. liiMiNH'ted the fence and seemed to be satisfied with results. The mol
was Inordinately fond of the little fellow, but tbe fstber paid Uttle attend
to his offspring.
Practical duty eimches the fancy
and the heart, and acbon clean and
deepen the af ecbons. No one can
have a true idea ol nght until he
does it. nor any genuine reverence
for it bH he hat done it oh en and
with cost, nor any peace ineffable
in ft till he does 4 always and with
alacrity. J Maroneau.
T O CM ' '' t : ' '
Trtef at lo -lui't i' '
na'ure ihji nmi le 01 t'vs'e.l (
ever onr. and then 1 'he inHus rj
and domestic rood uon wi'l nJ
ihetnselvea. These qualitm are 1
lelnshnesa and srll control. Un
nhnesf would end all monc
sell control would enable every
dividual to direct his mental
phyacal energies toward the
uses ol life (or himself and lot
a business uf
over half a billion dollars a year, if
It were a losing proposition. Hut Its
ten to what they say. .'.
Answers to the above question
were sent us by 333 farmers, of whom
IKK answered. 'Yes." twenty No.' and
the rest were noncommittal. A few
qualified their answers, and 1 shall
iiuote some of these. The decision un
the qutstlon Is almost unanimously In
the affirmative. Later l' shall give
some evidence from the Kxperlmeut
Anions the answers given by the
farmers were tbe following 'A profit-
aUW aide line.' 'To a certain extent-
receive Income otherwise wasted.' 'De
pends uKin circumstances.' 'Very
murh so.' From 15 to 30 hens; over
that Is a nuisance. 'Not In the strict
sense of the word.' 'Yes, to pick up
waste.' 'Yes, as a side Issue. 'Not
unless you raise grain.'- 'Yea. If kept
. JBefoto ..the clerka la tba Treasury
Department had opened half of tha
1,200 letters containing bids for tha
new Panama Canal bond laeae It was
evident that It had been several times
over-aubacrlbed. Tb first bid opened
waa from the National City Bank of
.New York, and It waa for tha entire
issue and the next five blda covered
tha full amount of the Issue. The
bulk of tha bids, however, came from
small Investors who want from $500
to $20,000, terms offered being from
102 to 105 1-2. Blda from any banks
' were supposed to be for Individual
1 patrona.
Oregon peace officers aeem to be
almost powerless to apprehend the
. criminals who are wantonly robbing
trains, holding up pedestrians and
killing defenaelesa people. It is un
' ;t fortunate that this state should at
any time be the scene of a carnival
of crime. Oregon ahould have traln
' ed bloodhounds In a dozen counties
-f over the state tba dogs would certain-
ly lessen the number of appallng Id-
cldents thai have been recorded wlth
, In the last few weeks.
' e
Portland .
Oakland ,
San Francisco
Sacramento ..
Los Angeles .
Pacific Coast.
W. L. P.C.
46 38 .548
60 42 .543
48 43 .527
....... 45 45 .500
41 46 .471
37 53 .411
A Msdieal Decision In 1715. "
to 1715. s rellsr digger having lien
stifled at Jena, tbe medical fncnliv of
tbe university decided that the cane
waa oot tbe direct action of tbe devil I
but a deadly gae. Thereupon Profeor
Young Woman Haa Just Rated
From School In Chicago,
Miss Amy Purcell, a ho bss JiJ re
turned from Chicago where slat-
Spokane .
Seattle -. r.
Portland .
Victoria ..
f - n fhik f 'nla..aula. . M tl' t . .
. ' 1 tended the Baptist Missionary Trlng
berg entered a solemn protest. de. hir ; School for two rears, will he ch a
IDg mat l he det-Ut.10 of-tbe- taedirat
faculty wa "only a proof of the is 111
entable license wblib Das so taken
possession uf us and wbl b If we are
not earnestly on our guard will tlmiii)
turn away from os tbe biew'ma ol
-29 .57
30 .583
34 .493
35 , .485
55 ! .225
Hotel Arrivals.
Tha following are those registered
at the Electric Hotel: Vernon Lar-
kina, Clarkea; J. Wolfer, J. N. Smith.
Portland; J. H. Carys. Tualatin River;
T. A. Hranger, Portland; George Pen-
keth. Portland; T. McSberry, New-
berg; J. w. Webster and wife, As
toria; Miss E. Merrlt, L Hulbert, Al-
Dany, wis.; w. E. Pratt, C. A. Hol
mlstran, Salem; A. C. Crawford. Her
mlston; Elizabeth Root, L Dook, 8a n
Francisco; E. C. Case, L Bergstrom.
Molalla; Frank Haselborth, W. E. Mil
ler, Mabel 8tewart, Portland.
Not to Ba Ex pact ad.
Pshaw r exclaimed tbe professor to
tb student wbo was rehearsing his
Latin oration. "You are too solemn.
There's no life In yoor speaking.
"Of course not" responded tbe stu
dent, lively enough. "Yon don't expect
It In a dead language, do your
reception in the-partore-of thejrat
Baptist church this evening. Ilss
Purcell waa reared In this city I is
well known here. She Intends tiive
her life to missionary work lam
Robert Beatie Improving.
Robert Beatie, son of Judge ltle,
who sustained a fracture of hileft
leg In a runaway accident, la lrov
ing rapidly. The fracture la ithe
ankle, and, 1n order to Insure coaete
recovery Judge Beatie haa ariged
to have the fracture examined Ider
an ex-Ray.
W. M. Hardin, of Ames, Tells What
Flock Has Done For Him.
"Goats have paid off tbe mortgage
on one of my farms and have made a
living for myself and family," said
W. M. Hardin, of Ames, who was in
the city Thursday. "I have found
nothing that pays better than goats.
They are also good for tb farm."
Mr. Hardin has lived in this county
twenty-nine years, and he remembers
when land In his neighborhood which
Ik now worth $5o an acre sold for $10.
The new Mriunr tlrkriH Dalle.v I.. it.
; By practically the strict party vote in two irlles of his ranch. He said
of 172 to 112, Wednesday, the House : the mananement had promised to
refused to concur In the Brlftow H,art H ,nilar pannenger service by
sji toT;b? ,d,r Beurr,al ! r" J - tf
elections bill. That is the amendment proiierty.
i Prison For Trust Heads f
x 3reak Up Mo-
t i : nbpolies
I Zy CHARLES . THOMAS. Ex-Covcrnor
l . ' . ' ' of Colorado
IKES and order to'dlsaolve will, not kill
- th tfOStS.' 'T .1 ,.. , :, . L
. I Would send the ofEcers and ( director to
' ."..ion. None should get LESS than ten years.
x Ley know tier are breaking; tbe law, and they
lirw to richt to CLEMENCY. ' '.'-
It is high time to take off gloreg In dealing with monopolies in
" . The big follow! bare one on' ROBBING th public with
so long that they bavi 'ENCOURAGED the formation
" r In many linns of trade - Give the big felWi '.'dose of
'"'TZCVi and tie tLe little ones' will break up like nippc
Will Be Incompleti
. '
It's worth the money.
It's like a letter from home
every day. .
It will keep you folly informed
about the happenings of your city
and county during yoar absence.
warm In winter.' Of course
ly as a convenience.' 'Ikm't know
yet.' 'To soma extent.' : .
One answers emphatically, 'Yea.
more than hogs, sheep, grain, or fruit
under present market conditions.' An
other says. 'Yea, by all means.' Oth
ers say. 'Yes, best paying on the farm.'
To a certain extent.' 'lea. up to
about 25.' 'Very profitable.' 'Yes.
much money.' 'Yes. If you have good
luck.' 'Yes, in moderste doses.' 'Yes.
If not too many kept.'. 'Only for fam
Uy use where no grain Is raised.' 'Yea,
to a moderate extent.' 'Yes, .If on
owns his own farm.' 'Vary profitable.'
'Yes, for family use.' 'Would not do
without hens.' 'Yes, pay big profit,'
When proper attention Is given. 'Not
the way w keep them.' 'Yes, In a
small way.'
"'With gixid houses, etc., yea; oth
erwlse. no.' says one. Anothr
makes a similar reply; 'With proper
care and attention. . yes; : but If not.
I say no.' Others say, 'Yes, aa well as
anything else.' . 'Very, If proper per
son has them.' 'Has not been so far.
'Don't think murh of It.' 'Will be when
properly regulated.' 'The most profit
able on farm of anything.' 'Fairly;
total failure last year.' 'A amall flock.
'Iarxe farm, Yes; small farm. No.' 'If
you have good bens.' 'Owing to the
care they get.' 'Yes, If all did aa well
aa the old bens.' 'Yes, on small place.'
'You bet I do.' 'Yes, If taken good
care of and feeds are kept pure.' 'Yes,
on a small scale.' 'Only In a small
way.' 'Yes, sir; 1 got In It this year
on a big scale.' 'Where grain Is rals
ed on the farm.' 'It helps some.' 'Yes,
If systematic.' 'Yes, If properly
handled, though I have not been par
ticularly successful myself.' 'Yea, If
the waste on the farm Is considered,
arid not too many are kept.' 'Yes, on
a Inrge farm; not on a small place,'"
The replies would seem to Indicate
1 that the profit Is in proportion to the
cure given the poultry, and. the
amount of the food raisedtin the
The pulillshera of Tha Mnrnlns Enter
prloe ill.rlnlm rrsponsllillltv fur the sentl.
men! ii -ssed In tre artlcb published
rroin turn- in time In Ibis column run
1 IHiv la given In n effort to be fulr, ami
Willi the li-w I the tiuldlratlnn nf tsilh
suit n in n ii-stliiti. I 'uminunlrsllons
muft tome properly elaned to Insure pub
Yo can place your order by telephone.
oe niorning unterprise. Is tbe only
. dally; newspaper between Portland
. and Salem. ' It is steadily growing
to populartty.
' Yo get all the news worth while in
The Woming Enterprise
I'ortluiK, Or., June 28, 1911
Tli Morning Enterprise.
Tt the Kdltorr - In- Vhalf of readers
ot The Morning Knterprlse at a local
Hotel I tlealre to compliment you on
your editorial, "Newspaper Decency."
I am In a position to know that The
Imlly N'ewa of Portland, publlHhed
Iriclout lie. In their attack on the cbar
M r of the late Chief Campbell. We
Ihm to s'ate that your newspaper la
niltled to great credit for upholding
(1 rut h and denouncing tha senseless
an 'I unwarranted attack on tha Ufa
nP'l chrncter of the late Chief Camp-
liell, pulillnhed by The Dally News,
'Hie Morning Enterprise haa mad
fr lends aa will any newspaper that
anliolda truth Instead of malicious
ful He hood.
Tha ttrlce of wool dropped about
half of a cent Thursday and a further
decrease 'ia expected. The supply la
larger than It waa a few daya ago.
Oats and hay also ar In much larger
supply with price ratling augnuy.
Thra . waa an Increase In tb
strength In potato market prlcea and
moat Interests ar now asking so a
miiiiid for lh lietter clasa of offer-
This advance la due to lb fact mat
potatoes are scare all along the coast
this lima. While the early crop
In nearby sect lone la matured, digging
la being held bark by in iitcreaaiua
Quotartena rar Oregon City.
POTATOES Heat. I..S0. good
3 J5; cotrmon, I. liuylng.-eartoad.
salec. $3.10; ordinary, i.o.
ri-nnn AND rKKD riour la
ateady, selling from SB to ti.30; vary
llttl of cbespr graara. reeo ia
higher and rising slowly. Ilrsn brings
OATi iliuylngl (iray. t:ilof3S,
white, from 2 to $17.
WITTER (liuying) Ordinary
nounirv brlnaa from ISO to 3uc,
fancy dairy from 20c to c, craam
ery I2c to t&c.
EtKtB -1 nwying i-Ara rauaiLg irow
20c to tie. according to grad.
roULTKY llluying Mrm whb m
lie good atock offered. Oood bena ar
hrrns-inv-i&c. old rooatra ar In poor
dmand, broilers bring from lOo to 210,
with good demand.
WOOL (nuy.ngl eVool prtcee ara
ranging from IJe lo 15c.
vnitAtn 1 Iturtna Prices on mo
hair have been way up. aotn having
i.nmsht as h'xh aa 39c locally. Quo-
laitor.a aw S7'c and demand la atrong
from $26 60 Tff $27 oOTshorta fZf to f Ji
rolled barley $31.60 to $12.33. process
barley 133. wool corn $31 to $33.
cracked cot. $31 to $33. Wheat $3;
to $33.
HAY iriiivlna.i Tlmtilh 111 to
H7-. rlnver 19 to 110: oat har. beat.
$ t tr-mixed. $10 l $13 r alfaUa $13 lu
HIDK8 f Buying Oreen - hldea.-1
to 6c; aaltera, 6Sc to tc; dry bides,
I3c to ltc. Hhtep pelts, ih to voo
scb. '"
I1HIFI1 rHl'ITA luteal nrlcea ara
firm at from Kc fo 10c on appiee and
prunes, feacnea are 19c.
HALT Halllna ROo to 0c tor One
SO lb. sack, half ground 40c: 7$ for
100 lb. sacks.
Portland Vegetable Markets.
"bapk vrcr.RTAniJa Carrots.
$1.25fi$1.60 per sack; parsnips. $1.26
tfll.&u; turnips, yi.zovti-'"': oeeis,
1 vrr.rTAtii.KM Asnaraaua. 9(ic
$1.75 per crate; eabbage, dew, $2 per
huiMiadweigtit: cauunower, (i.u;
$1.75 per doien; celery, California, 75e
viVOc per dosen; cucumnera, v
tt ik ilnen avinJint I R Tver Ih :
garlic, li)cf12a per pound; lettuce,
5oc oer dnen: hothousa lettuc. $1.50
C$2 per box; peas, 9c(fllc per
p i-iid; peppera, 30c f 36c per , pound;
radishes. 15e ner floien: rhubarb. 2MiO
3c per pound; sprouts, 9c; Pomatoes,
$7$.Z5. ;
POTATOES Oregon, jobbing price,
$2.50 per hundred; nw potatoes, 7c
7Vc per pouna.
ONION'S Jobbinc nrlcs: Oregon
$2.75 per 100; Australian, $3.50 per
100; Texas, $2.25 per crate; Callfor
til a, $2 per crate
Oregon City atock Uuotattona.
Itrinst-llova ara nuoted Uc lower
From 126 lbs. to 150 lbs. from
150 lbs. to 200 lbs. $ Vic.
VEAL CALVES Veal cal'ea orlng
from 8c lo too according tn grade.
HEKr STEERS Heel -leer for
the local niarkcta are fetching SVicto
6'AC live weiKOt.
HIIEEP urui at 40 to Ba llva
BACON, LARD and II AM, ara firm
PORTLAND. Or.. June I.-(gmo.
11). "The kind of avertlaing Oregon
la getting la keeping away from lb
atat lb people we need most di
versified farmers." said Dr. J. R.
Wetherbee, who haa juat returned
from a tour of American cltle. speak
ing before tb Ad Club In Hlcbanla'
restaurant 4
"The East thluks nothing but Ap
ple ar raised lu Oregon, continued
Dr. Wetherbee. "That Impression
must ba corrected. Advertising men
must shout that her w raise, too,
hogs and alfalfa and all kinds of
diversified farm produrla, l W cannot '
grow - Into a commercial metropolis,
such a a our destiny, unless we have
such advertising."
William r- Woodward called atten
tion of tha ad men to th fact that In
atl Portland a vegatabl garden la
hardest to find, although opportuni
ty for them ar beyond count. Ha
advised that th education of young
men Include knowledge of soli cul
ture; he advised a contest In garden
Tnsktng-wtthln th city limits, and bis
suggest Ion waa received with ap-
WAfllllNHTON. June !. Presi
dent Tart haa under consideration lb
withdrawal of th troop now form
ing th maneuvering division lu
A rtnal derision will ha reached at
tha Cabinet meet In tomrorrow. but
Indications point lo the beginning of
withdrawals immediately ana ineir
completion within a month.
Iinnrotred conditions in Mexico and
the discomforts suffered by Ihe sol
diers are the reasons assigned.
Buy a Home
While Paying Rent
:'it ' .' n'
c ' 100 down and $12 a month
taken thlg comfortable alx-room
house and lot. House Is wired
for electricity. Lot 62x105 feel.
Some fruit on place. Well b
eated on Madison St. if HAA
' A anap at .., f IIUV
. "
E. P. Elliott and Son;
7th and Main Sts., by Suspen
sion Drldga.
Real Batata Tranafare. .
.lamea A. liunnell to Josephine M
Herry, lota 13. 14 and 16, In block 12,
Oak Orova Park: .r.
Helen V. and Joseph T. Knappen
berg to C. B. and Vara D. Apple, lot
1 of block 8, May wood Addition; ft.
Jama Richardson to Horn Install
ment Cp.; tract 10, Plnehursf, $1.
VV. O. and Irtella Dlckeraon to Chris
tian and Emma Mudalt, 21 acre of
Andrew Hood D. L. C, aectlon 10,
township 3 south, rang 2 south;
J. L. and Sophia Combs to Augusta
E. Romlg. land In section 83, tpwn
ship 2 south, range l.eaat; $400. I
Cornelia McCown to T. J. B. 'f H
llama, lot 3 of block 11, Oladstone; 11.
.Oregon Iron A Sleel Company to El
mer Leroy. Shipley, lotg 6 and 6 of
block 16, Oregon Iron ft Steel Cp.'l
First Addition to 0wego; $10. '
W. 8. and Julia J. Rider to C, J.
Carlson, land In sections 17, IS. 1$.
20, townships 3 aouth range 2 east;
Thomas Shelton to C, H. Dye, 17
acrea of D. L, C. of Andrew Hood and
wife, township 3oiitb, rang t asf;
$700, , , , ' ,
, Eleanor fiholnlera to ' TB. V Bholn
lera, 30 acraa of Ezra fisher D. I B.,
township I aouth, rsn 2 esst; $1.
Lotila E. Hamilton to T. M. Tt
2 acrea ot sectl-i t towr 1 ' '
range t c:t; ;
riiltleaia lha anrlna-set strawlterry
bed regularly and often. Keep the
soil loose and mellow, and let no
weeds get a foothold. After enough
runnera have rooted, cut off all sur-plui-onea
th warn aalf they-ware-weeds,
tlf you ar practising th hill
system, keep off all runnera.)
re the popular Hjlt In home
architecture. I apeclaliie on
deaienlng and bulldiag bunc
glows that are convenient In
arrangement, homelike la ap
pearance. At Moderate Cost
If 70a are thinking of build
ing call and aee me, or phone
for an engagement.
Clarence Simmons
Ninth., and Main atresia.
Phone Pac-Maln 3292.
Cor, Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Bis.
June 26, 27, 2ft, 29, 30, July 1, 2.
Qamee Begin Waakdaye at 3 p- m.
iundaya, 2:30 P. M.
Doya ll"der 13 Fre to Blechera
Oregon City
Furnished with operating
room, ward and private
rooms., ' '
' Oroduatc Nurses
Pac.2243 , Home P-298
SELL wool:
We ly op Prices
Oregon Cemmission Co.
Dealers In Flour, Hay, M
Grain, Feed, Coal and
1 1
. 1 4 ,
MtVrsd WiVmU ST5.
Crcjcn CV.'j
4 . , ''.. in
'. "I:
t r. 1
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'I :
I :
BBSe-a . I I
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