MORN DM 1 it' ... MkMrtftivna for the Morning a) BMnna will U resolve' for Mly limited time at a opeelal rata. Sana' In your ardor today e and rt benefit af low price. a )e .. a a ...... Jha y i J i tween For J 1 v lataa In every . . u a maa County, wt.A a t a 10,000. Aro you an a . ot WEEKLY ENR PRISE ESTABLISHED I560 VOL. l-No.149. 1 EXPRESS ROBBERS ESCAPE ON TRAIN LOOOHOUNDS ON TRAIL OF OUT LAWS LOIC tCC NT AT COW CRIKK SIDING. v PIECES OF STOLEN MAIL RECOVERED Several Posses Searching For Bandita Who Robbed Southern Faclflo Flyer Trampa Ara ' Searched. (JUCNDAIJC. Or., June sa.niood . houuit today took tba Brent of Ore ' gon express robbers from pieces of bmll found along I ho track, and trailed tim to Cow Creek aiding, where the avnt waa loat. Tba Moa of officers and citizens returned to Glendale tonight, bringing Ilia Noodhounds with them, tba dog having loat tba scent entirely at Cow Crevk aiding. Tba opinion aama to ba that I ha outlawa boarded through train No, 221 at Cow Creak and came aotitb mi It, dropping off before tba train stopped here and evading the officers who aearrhed tba train at tbla place. ' Mountain Hunt Abandoned. Tba doge will ba uaed hero tomor row morning In an effort to pick up the erent here to determine If the rnbbiT came here on a freight train. The aearrh In tba mountalna haa been abandoned. Inveatlgatora being con vinced that tba' robbera did not ea cape In that direction. All trampa arriving on tralna here are being aearched aud queatloned by Government offlclale. It la. now thought that the outlnwa boarded a train at thla aiding, aa both an eaat bound and a weetbound freight train - paaaed there ahortly after the robbery and both atopped at Cow Creek, Many trampa boarded both tralna there. Tba Cow Creek Canyon outlawa ara believed to ba tba aame man who held up the 8baata Limited at Yoncalla Juna 16. Mountalna and canyona aurroundln tba arena of laat nlgbt'a hold up are "full of men aearcblng for further trail of the outlawa. Posses Search for Man. A apeclal train left Roaeberg laat midnight carrying a force of depu ilea heavily armed. Another poena left Glendale about the aame time, ' beaded by the County Conatable. W. H. Redfleld. a pioneer aattlar of Cow Creek -Canyon, who haa apent bis We In The mountalna and knows every foot of country between Cow Creek and tba Coaat, left with anoth rmiMt with rifle. Blood- hounda In charge of a Poatofflca In spector from Portland, arrivea on tna arena tbla morning and wilt attempt "r to pick up tha trail of tba erlmlnala. WEST WS DIIUCK 011 ROAD COMMITTEE OREGON CITY, ORlk FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 1911. ! Pia Wczr, 10 Cz-zz Coroner Fox to Resign; Will Move to Portland .. ir. t. J. fox. Dr. T. J. Kox, coroner of Clackamaa county, plana to move to Portland on July B. where he will. continue the prac tice of medicine. Although . be re- , grela leaving Oregon City tba oppor tunities in the meiropoiia ara euch that ha feels It hie duty to go there, lie haa connection In Portland which will ba of advantage to him In bla practice. Dr. Kox became coroner on January 1. and haa made a capable official. He haa many frlenda In tba city and hi declalon to leave la re gretted by all of them. The County Court will appoint hla successor, f Dr. Kox la considered one of the beat physicians In the county and .haa a large practice. SALEM, Or Juna 9. (8peclal.l Governor Weat haa appointed Grant B. Dlmlck, of Oregon City, a member ot a committee to devlae meana of co operating with tha Governors office In tba employment of convict labor In tha conatructlon of a public highway between Salem and Portland. Ex Mayor Roger la alao a member of tha committee. Tf Prall. prealdent or tna Oregon .rrodatlon for Highway Improve- "luggeeted in a letter to Ocver (at that when tha road between a"nd Portland la completed by ,e of convict labor, It ba named i ii i 'a nir i Hianwar. an bui r iiihi Governor Weetaald ba waa In full accord with tha highway movement, and believed that a good road built m- lnMtlm.hU .Vfehltt. ' "Aa thla road will paaa through three countlee Marlon,- Clackamaa and Multnomah I have named a com : mltteeman from each, county," wrote the Governor. "Thin office will ba pleaaed to co-operate with tha com mittee and will glva avery aaalatance to bring thla work to a aucceful con clualon." ' 1 " i f - ' -dv. - . W itz in for a T.hen you ooma to aee ha apeclal rth of July display of flna weara t r for mea and young,men we have i . For you will find that the - :y of our merchanfllia goe up a a rocket, while the prloea ara Ilka l a proverbial atlck within reach of "rybody. , " ' ' Don't fall to taa our' window la- playe.. . t :. ; :.'"' tXCLUtlVX CLOTMIIK ' ' Kit Lfia C- VA t4 Main ; , ; 8RI0GC CLUB IS ENTERTAINED. Laat Meeting Until October at Homo of Mr. Dan O'Nall. Mr. Dan O Nell and Mine M. L. Holmea entertained the Wednesday Afternoon IlrldRe Club at their home. Roue Kami, on Wednesday aflernoon. Thla Will be. the laat meeting of the club until October. The decoratlona were very pretty, conalating of roaee and marguerite, Refreshment were erved during the afternoon. Bridge waa the main feature of the afternoon, the prize being won by Mr. E. S. Iiaker, Mr. J. N. Winner and tha conaolatlon prlxe by Mra. M. D. La tourette. Thoae present were Mra. C. O. La tourette, Mra. Mi. D. Latourette, Mra. May Bollack .l5. H. Iiaker. Mra. K P. Rand. Mra. W. E. Pratt, Mra. X N. Winner. Mra. Nleta Barlow Lawrence, Mlaa Ella William, Mlaa Marjorie Cauflcld. Mra. E. A. Chapman, Mra. U L. Porter, Mlaa Lulu Bpangler, Mlaa Nell Caufleld. CK AT THE OLD STAND. -SAWDUST CASE IS POSTPONED.- Frank Davenport to Have Hearing en July 7. The trial of the caae of tha State agalnat Prank Davenport, owner of a aawmlll at Amea, on a charge of throwing aawduat JnBulLRun.waa postponed In Justice of the Peace Sameon'a Court until July 7. Several residents of tha neighborhood have complained bat the aawduat In tha at ream waa a nuisance and killed the fish. The caae la being prosecuted by Recorder Stlpp. Cary Estate Valued at tt,fe0. The eatate of Plorlnda Roger Cary haa been filed-for probate. ' Her son, R. W. Cary has been appointed admin latrator. Tba value of tha aetata la $1,000. It consists of stock In tba Eatacada Mercantile Company. E. W. Bartlett '.a tha attorney. B DENIES HE RAISED SLUSH FUND LUMBERMAN ACCUSED OF AIDING LORIMER FINANCIALLY PUT ON STAND. - HO SIVSY , JjflU r . (couldn't '. &Sttmkt VlME back.1 ) fMg x Vve a good- JL. tfV ' 'a rCIOAO JpHlSs. S C ' Chautauqua Engages Noted Chorus Director TEACK C?:?S MISSES L. E. KUNS AND a t. TOC3 ELECTED TO HIGH SCHOOL POSITIONS. ' 7 W. H. BOYER. septo::er is cay sit rci crc: 'KatUn in New York Evening World. OGLE MINE ONE OF WORLD S RICHEST GOLD. SILVER AND LEAD ORES ARE FOUND THROUGHOUT LEDGE. DEVELOPMENT IS ALMOST FINISHED CBTOEXPP IW MONEY IS SPENT CHAUTAUQUA TO HAVE RELAY RACE MEING OF SUBSCRIBERS tOMOTION FUND WILL ! BE CALLED. TO Vaat Mountain la Thought to Ba Filled With Valuable Metale Smatt ering Plant la Planned. WASHINGTON, Juna J9. Edwafd Hlnea, tha millionaire Chicago lumber man, who, Clarence 8. Funk awore, had ralaed $100,000 aa a "aluah fund" to "put Lorlmer over," took tha atand today before tha Senate Committee which la Investigating Lorl mer'a election aa. United Statea Sena tor from Illinois.. Hlnea waa expected to ba tha atar wltneaa for tha defense. Hlnea, describing hla career, aald ha left achool when ha waa 14 yeara old and took a Job at $10 a month. In 1892 ha formed tha Edward Hlnes Lumber Company, when ha - waa 47 yeara old. He aald ha had resided In Lorlmer'a district for nine yeara and had known tba assailed aenator for 19 yeara. Ha denied that ha drank to excess. In 1908. aatd Hlnea, ha lent a lot of decorated wagona for a .Lorlmer parade and supported Lorlmer for Congress In 1906 and 1908, "because Lorlmer waa a protectionist Republi can." . . -i "In March, 1909," continued Hlnea, "I telegraphed to Lorlmer from Chi cago recommending A. C. Bartlett, of Chicago, for senator. . in April I saw Lorlmer he(e and be aald the .factions wnuU not unite on Bartlett. I did not visit Springfield' while tha Legis lature waa In session, ; "In April fhuiatbr Penrose asked me If tha Illinois' Legislature 'would ad journ without making a selection of a United Statea Senator. I promised to find out. Both congressmen Mann and lloutell aald Lorlmer could advise me.. : ... . v "Lorlmer said tha situation waa In definite, but ha waa going to Spring field, where he might learn what the proBpecte were,"- Replying to questions, Hlnea aald he had conferred with Senator Pen rose on tariff matters. Penrose want ed information becauaa Alarlch wished ever vote possible that the tariff might be sura of passage. - Thomas B. Fslrclough, one of the dlrectora of the Okie Mountain Min ing Company, who waa In the (the new Promotion Building. Thursday, declared that the develop ment of the mine had advanced suf ficiently to Indicate that the entire mountain waa rich In gold, allver, lead and other ores. He oald that there waa no doubt aa to the rlchneaa of the orea. and that the develonment would aoon reach a stage bo actual raining could be atarted. vtr u tinvair who haa heen fenanced tniiaimi director of the 1911 aesalon nf tha Willamette Chautauuua Assem bly, which atarta next Tueaaay, bm inn hMn rMMCiEM aa a lesuer iu WnrthaMt musical circles, and haa DO equal on the pacific Coaat aa a chorua director. He la now airector oi me Ahni, nt Trinitv Rnlscorjal charch. and la tenor aoloisl in ue jempie oeio Israel, Portland. - Mr. Boyer will direct wnat wiu proo ablv he the most notable concert of the entire aeealon. on Sunday after noon, July 1. Tne cantata, -i no rLk n Minnehaha." will be riven. along with vocal aoloa and aelectlona by a popular romana quaxieu iu cantata, ny coienge-iajiur, m the finest ever produced on a Chau tauqua platform, and will no doubt draw an immenee inrong o iiwiiw man nt tha hat VOCaJlStB Of Port land will be beard on that afternoon. Mr ttnrar will conduct classes in vocal music every morning during the session. He will render a vocal num ber Sunday afternoon, July 9, and haa engaged several pleasing aoioiam wno will sing aunng in abhiui7,-ui namea and dates appearing on ue daily program. Suit Filed Agalnat Contractor Who. Failed to- Complete High School, Building Surety Comjar . ' ' Alao Defendant. With the election of two high achool teachers, the board of dlrectora ot the city schools Thursday night com pleted the corpa of Instructora tor the coming year. The directors also fixed tha data for tha opening of the tall term, &nd discussed matters relative to the furnishing of the new Hirn School building, , which will be com pleted within a fortnight. Mlaa Lola E. Kuna, of Portland, ana TIBoard of Oovernora, of the Comrcial Club, which haa charge of the fertlalng work or tne ciuo, win In aiw daya call a meeting of the subabera for early lnuly. The objeJof the meeting will be to In fornae subscribers to the fund (or advealng what haa been accomplish ed ii tie money, and to receive augglona for the work for the com ing rr That - many-pf rsjma- have beenttracted to tha county through the erta of the publicity department ..... . a a.., .1 or ttciuD la provea aaiir oj iu tan CHEMAWA INDIANS AND Y. M. C A. TEAM TO COMPETE IN GREAT CONTEST. FAMILIES ARE KOVING INTO TENTS MISS KELLY IS RE-ELECTED. Young Woman From Kanaaa Chosen Caneman scnoei i eacner. ui.. n KvalTit Todd. . ox ' Cleveland, O.. were choaen as Instructora In the High School. Miss K.on noiu Bachelor of Science degree from Mc Minavllle College, whera aha waa graduated In 1907. Her teaching ex perience eovera 31 montha, of which the laat 13 months haa been In the 811verton High School.' She haa taught bookkeeping, haa had a com plete course in commercial work and la capable of handling aclenca or mata ematlca In the High SchooL ' Graduate of Ottorbeln. Misa Todd was graduated from Ot terbetn University at Weatervllle, in 1907. with a degree or nacneior o DL. haa tancht tWO VASTS IU Aria. DUW c"- high achool and was employed last year In Scapoose, or. ne apeaaa ww man and French and will be assigned to languagee. Mlaa Todd haa alao specialized In maheroaUcs. embracing algebra, geometry .ana injonumcii,. The city schools will open on Mon day, September 18. Aaaignmenta of teachers will ba announced July 11. The dlrectora Thursday night con cluded to lay a concrete floor In the basement of the Eastham building. with, the exception of the wood room. Miss Elizabeth Kelly haa been re elected principal oi v. k- -. nMA whool. and Mis. Lucllo Wca.DaugnTn. LmV " -";o7'th. at Baseball Game Between "The Taach- ora" and "The Blackatonea" to Be One of First Day'a Faaturea. A tunnel paralllng the principal ledge of gold ore haa been made from the .bottom of the mountain to the center, and aeveral lateral ahafta nlarflnv tha larfva have haan nrnvld m . r. w ed. In every one of these gold, allver, lead and other valuable orea have been found, which ahowa that the ledge extends across the mountain. There seems to be no end to the ore, and mere la every reason 10 neuevo tnai the mine will prove one of the moat profitable In the United Statea. Ore waa taken from the ledge at the tnn nf the mountain manv veara aro ana atorea .in a large pin. After do- ing exposed to the air aeverl yeara it was put inrougn tne stamping sysiem anil aava larva mnA vlalita. Whan tha ore that had been stored In the bin waa exhausted more waa mined, nut Ma AiA ntt nrnva u valiiahla. vvfw auch a amall yield that It did not pay A. I U .ai akaa.jAa..J but later It was found that the tHur- lim In iKai nran httit tirAVAHtiaai that aTfalit and quIckalWer ued in tba separating process from amalgamating. It was Ikan AmsAAA r HavaIaii t ha. ffnltla IllOU uwviiuuu ' uuwvvauia uw auiaiv thoroughly and Install the ameltaiing system, which would get all tne gold nJ rttha matala ntit Af tha ftra Hid nlant will be Installed at tha base of the mountain and the ore will be brought -through the tunnel foramelt enng. , . it lalao aaaured that the establish man IT the office on the atreet will grea aid tba work. Persons who did know where the old office waa locat. have no trouble In finding the iiMlnr There are about fifty aubsaiers to the advertising fund, and ts expected that many more will subsdw the coming year 0F1CERS INSTALLED BY IK CLUB MOR ACCOMPLISHED DURfNfl PAST .YEAR THAN EVER BEFORE. ..... . t- apecHU meetiMB Won cent! the for that FUTILE SEARCH MADE F03 u;;d?.essed mi FELLOW FRIGHTENS RESIDENTS OF WEST OREGON CITY , " , THOUGHT CRAZY. n's Club the officers re elected were Insulted, and atlrlng onea made their, reporta fie year. The reporta ahowed ha oluh had accomnllshed more tha iaai vaar than ever before. The !- nr uxiMirhlln Park and uinwujiuB -- tha inataiiino- of the fountain in the park constitute part of the Important Work of the ciud. Tha fnllnwlnr are lha new oincera i,a : n raiifleld. nresldent: Mra. O D. K'y. secretary; Mrs. M. M. Char man, financial secretary, and Mra. S. s. Mohler. treasurer. The following w..mlttii.. war annolnted: V.WIIII...V.. m - arm - Calendar commuee inpa. i. dwi. chairman; Mra. ueorge m. naruius, Mra. IX C Laourette, MlsaM. Bariow, um n Tnmwslt and Mrs. H. E. aiMliht AiMitina Committee Mra. Eninia ttnaa anit Mra. R. RSndS. ! Civic Improvement Mra. J. w. rts, Mra. C, O. Miller and Mra. S. S. Mohler. , A man, supposed to be craxy, who bad divested himself of his elethln was hunted all n!;ht In West Crtxon City. The fellow was first seen ca the road leading ta r 'n by,Wi;::am Wilson, tba hardware dealer of this city. The man ran when he aaw Mr. Wilson aDDroachln In his auto"o'..:. T.ataf ha t.'.a c? a residence and frightens! the r" i- pants. The fei.ow carnea t:e c. j under his arm. . Several residents of the city start? 1 a search for tne man, but were un able to find him. He la supposed to have escaped to the woods. ,k r.ntw arrival! here . from WUW . V- w v. J - - - Lebanon, KAnaaa, haa been elected primary teacher. Mra. Anna S. Hayea. of Gladstone, haa been selected mual- cal instructor, instructions 10 um twice a week. Thla la the first time In thta city that maalcal inatroctor haa been empioeea ny we noaxa m dlrectora. Mra. Hayea was lor mom time Instructor at Monmouth, and aha Is an excellent musician. . ' H. E. Jonea waa recently eieciea school director of Canemahj. In Th2 15c Window These specials on sale Friday only. See them in our window: IZo and i j 1 cturea. ; . . . . S5o Pardlnlers.... 50c 1911 Diaries 25o Plcyl Cards... r. ... 25c a lowder. ...... 25o Post C-rd Album.. .1 s .1 .1 o .too ,15o These are genuine bargains. Take advtstrre. ' . , . f rrjrriL"Y TK3 F.:XALL BT0K3. Arrangements were completed Thurs day for a relay race between tne Young Men'a Christian Association team of Portland and the Chemawa Indiana on July 4 at the Chautauqua at Qladstone, Secretary Gary, ot the assembly, atarted negotiations ior the race sometime ago, anu i are eager for the contest, ine ioubs Men'a Chriatlan Association ninnera u..nii. Kaat tha Indiana in the an- WVUfc. WVMV nual race, and the. Chemawa College representatWes are anxious tor an op- fw.rti.n1t tn rAiriATal ineiT lUDi siwac- TridhV tlAd BMfl YiClOrB 1UT aTOY" vo a. iv ----- oral yeara before thla. one, ana are phafln under the defeat which came unexpectedly. rtna nt tna nir leaiurea m opening day next Tuesday will be the game of baaeball between "The Blackatonea." a team made np ot law yers, physicians, ministers and den tlsta, and "The Teachers." Several of ka. vnnwn men In the county will play and a large attendance at the game la assured. Tha demand for tents having been ...v ..mi.- than on former Tears, Secretary Gary haa been compelled to place another oraer who run firm. It la the Intention of the man agement to have tente for all who desire them. The Young Men a Chria tlan Association will have a camp of seven tenta. The Women'a Christian Aasoclatlon building haa been com pleted, and la ready for occupancy. Women may obtain accommodatlona at the association hesdquartera for a reasonable price. MOTHER OF 13 DIES OF HEART FUNERAL OF MRS. LIZZIE SMITH TO BE HELD THIS . ,s .'. AFTERNOON. Mra. LUile Smith, who had been 111 for two weeko with heart trouble, died at the family home at Caneraah Thurs day. The funeral aervlcea will be con ducted at the home at t o'clock thla afiarnoon. The Interment will be in he Canemah cemetery.. Mr, maiden name waa u.'e - ' ws tarn 1a T""- - . f j j -fc")t iveu yra z kt amah. . The deceased waa Ca r...M,er or 1J children, eeven rirla anl elx boya, nine of whom survive, wln are the followl"?: i:ra- C"- E - - Cora. O.icar, Csora, t"r a"d SmKh, of this city; Al, .et y L- i and l-.-s. LlUtbeth I)f ."rty, w i reside In the tst. Mrs. C'.ara I - kfctt, of Mourf Pleas' r-t. Is a T or t:rs. gmtta, and l'r. t'Z-?r. c. Portland, la a brother, fcbe also leav i 20 grandchildren. A aaa s&a. aal'it aa a winter piaygrounu ir i denta and the dirt floor haa made it very unpleasant ana unsanitary- Cement walks around tho nign school building will not be constructed thla year. The grounda will be given a chance to ettlevthoroui?hly and In the meantime wmpwai - walka will be laid. It ia pianneo. , tn avantuallv have cement walka leading to the building from all sides of tne oioca. Contractors Are Sued. - Suit was fllexl In Portland yeater-. day 'In behalf .ot the achool district against Kelly V Mahoney and the Am erican Surety . Company, for mora than $2,000, aa it haa coat the dlatrict . i K ,a ,nn nvnr .uu auwv Price Brothers to Have New 8 to re. iMa itmthara will onen a rent's furnishing 'goods house at Woodburn the first of July wua n. n- riKi san Francisco, a iuaua6o. -1 bdoui uub w - - , Cochran buUdlng, a Dricx suncmre, contract price, to compieie wm baa been thoroughly renovated, and ,n, Keli, ft Mahoney were the orlg- thla haa been leaaed by the firm. Ir .v. i-tantinn nf prine Brothera to n) Ul, m-m . - - have one of the most up-todate busi ness houses in that city. DISEASE WIRE VICTIM GWDI $100 OEM HAROLD HENRICKSEN, HURT ON BRIDGE WILL NOT FILE SUIT. . i . uunLun the vouna naln- ter who, while painting the UP" juries from an electric wire and fell to the bridge about 30 feet below, waa allowed $100 by the Portland Rail way. LlRht ft Power Company, and Earl A. Clark, the contractor for whom he waa working. The young man a medical and hospital bllla will be paid by Mr. Clark and the Power Company. Henrlcksen, belna ouiy nineteen years of age. H. L. Hull was appointed hla guardian, and Gordon E. Hayea waa the attorney. . Henrlcksen. It la aald, had been warned of the live wires, and It waa while he waa working over these that he came In contact with one wire charged with $.000 volts. The acci dent was witnessed by two men at ... t,a hrMra. the contractor. who waa working near and Mra. Doh Meldrum, of tma cuy. " waa nearer to the man than anyone on the bridge. She atarted forward to summon help, dui naa s..w -short distance when tho man feU at her feet. He atruca neavuy w back, and had narrowly escaped go ing over tha edge oi tne DnuBw the river. The man was carried to the office of Dre. CarU and Meis-ner. whero he waa soon revived r - -w taken to the WUdwood . Inal contractora, and after reaiixing that they would probably lose money on their contract, they atopped work, and the dlrectora were eompeiiea w proceed with the conavueuon. i American Surety Company bonded tne contractora for 7,uro ana in ui.- tore now propoeo to rorco eimer vu eontractora or the bonding company. or both, to disgorge. THE WEATHER. , - . e Oregon Ctty Showera today; southwesterly winds. Ore (ton Showers today; eouth- e west to weat wlnda. - - A EUM1S, SEDI L! YARD, FLEE Z MEN, WITH DARK LANTERN TECTED ON FARR PREMISES. . ' Two burglars were aurprl yard of the home of the I lrarr. First and John Ai early last evening by a r family. 'The men haa a and were approaching t detected. One of 1 r. tero telephoned for t fore they arrived t Policeman Oree- t . aearched the r ' could find r . ' houSebreake . 1 have been t i strangely t i..)' the aft ot Dr. hof - ' r - a,oeoeooowoeowO o a 1 V'JL II