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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1911)
MORNING ENTKUPKlaK, THURSDAY, JUNK 2t, 1UU. !- v. X , DOING YOUR DUTY. Every man has time enough to do hi whole duty. When he leave a duty tindon or discharge k in the consciousness that it is not at we3 done ai it shocld be his lack o( time w never the real reason (of ha failure o hit shortcoming. Didnt Llks Bacnsler. In atitiqulty cltixeo who remained bachelor all their lira were consider ed unpatriotic. The Blue Fan. Blua arctic foiea are bred extensive ly on tha Island of (he Alaska coast These creature cannot be tamed, but they are fed all tha year round and trapped In special house in the winter when their coats are la suitabl condition. But She Dotsnt. "Of all Inappropriate name I evei beard our landlady takes tb bun." aid the fat boarder. "Vou mean ber drat name?" asked tb thin boarder. "Sure! Us rhyll!." Tonkers Statesman. .1 iiiiiiiimininiHiiilU Chautauqua Will Open Next Tuesday exceptionally Tine, Program Is Arr nged For Annual Assembly for v 13 Days at Gladstone Park Saving Father. "Ton talked constantly through the opera." said on young woman. "Tea," replied the other. "I disliked to do It, but It was the only way to keep father from going to sleep In fall view of tha audience." Washington Btar. Baseball. Baseball was founded on tb old English game of "rounders," but bear hardly any resemblanc to It la It present form. The first regular base ball team, called the Knickerbocker club, was formed In New Tork. In the year 1S43. Plagiarism. Nothing Is sillier than this charge of plagiarism. There Is no sixth com mandment In art Tbe poet dar help himself wherever he lists wherever b finds material salted to bis work. n may even appropriate entire colamns with their carved capital if tbe temple be thus pnpports b" a beanrlfol one. Goethe understood this very well, and so did Fhakt-epeer before him. Fieln- rtch nelne Consistency. Tve tost written a scathing letter denouncing that newspaper, calling If cowardly and spineless," said tbe in dlgnant rttlsen. "Did yon sign ywir name tn It T" asked tbe stranger. "No; I signed It "One Who Know.' I didn't want tbe editor tn know who wrote It." be replied Detroit Free Press. An Unknewn Tenaua. young man Juat returned tYtfm col lege was oat cycling on day when sud- uv uo came to a steep gradient v nue ne was descending b lost con trol or nia machine and waa thrown. irwo tnMO cam and found him lying 441 preaicament. When aaked bow It happened be replied. "Well. I came down tbat decline with tbe greatest velocity ana lost my central gravity waa precipitated on the hard mac- I a aa mixed road." Away, lad; let him alone." replied " " ue men. -tie' foreigner "- LMnaoa iaea. Tw Brusque Not. When Andrew Mjiar. tbe publisher or Ut. Johnsons dictionary, received the last proof aheet from Dr. Johnson h wrote him this brusque not: "Ad drew Millar sends bU compllmenu to air. bauiuel Johnson, with the money for tbe last aheet of the copy of the dictionary and thanks God he has done with mm " To tola die doctor replied. -Samuel Jobnsou return tils coniplinjeut to Mr. Andrew Millar ami la very gmd to Oud. as tie doe by this uoie. luai Auarew Miliar baa the grace w luaua oo ror anything " BUNGALOWS are the popular style In home architecture. I specialize-ou. designing and building bung alows that are convenient in arrangement, homelike in ap pearance. , At Moderate Cost If you are thinking of build ing call and see me, or phone for an engagement. Clarence Simmons CONTRACTOR V BUILDER Ninth and Main Street. Phon Pac-Main 3292. WILDWOOD HOSPITAL , Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. ' Groduofe Nurses Pac. 2243 , Home D-298 BASEBALL RCCREATION park. Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth 8ta. SEATTLE V. PORTLAND Jun 26, 27, 28, 29, 30. July 1, 2. Oame Begin Weekday at av m. Sundays, 2:S0 P. M. LAMCr DAY FRIDAY. " . 1 rrw to Bleachers Opening Day, July 4th, 1911. All G. A. R. Veterans wearing the button spill be admitted free. MORNING. ' 10:00 Spectacular Game of Baseball Teacher vs. Lawyer. AFTERNOON. 1:00 Hand Concert Naval Reserve Band. U. A. R Drum Corps. "Th Star Spangled Banner," Ron Block Bauer. Reading of the Declaration of Independ ence. "The Red. White and Blue." Prof. W. H. , Boyer. Oration "The Evolution of Patriotism." . Gov. Richard Yates, of Ultuols. 3:30 Baseball Pric Bros. vs. Aurora, 6:00 Event for Clackamas County Boys. 100 yard dash. Putting IS pound shot. Running Broad Jump. 5: SO Six-mil relay ateeplechase. free for all. Portland Y. M. C. A. and Chemawa In diana have entered. 7:00 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. Lecture "With an Irishman Through the Jungle of Africa." Dr. Gabriel R. Ma-gulre. Second Day, Wednesday, July 5th. MORNING. 8:00-11:00 Classes. 11:00 Scripture Recital, Rev. Edith Hill Booker, of Emporia, Kans. Parliamentary Law, Mrs. Emma A. Fox. Detroit, Mich. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. 8:00 Lecture An Irishman's Trip Through Europe." Dr. Gabriel R. Magulre. Cleve land, Ohio. y 3:30 Baseball Dll worth Derbies vs. Gladstone. 7:1$ Band Concert Naval Reserve Band. 8:00 Dramatic Reading "The Melting Pot," -Mrs. Lulu Tyler Gates. Third Day. Thursday, July 6th. MORNING. , 8:00-11:00 Classes. 11:00 Scotch Day Bagpipe Selections. Songs Recti tat tons, and Highland Dancing. Address "Bobble Burns," Hon. Wallace McCamant, Portland. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. 2:00 Solo Mrs. Delphln Mark. Contralto. Reading "Polly of the Circus." Lulu Tyler Gates. , 3:30 Baseball Crystal Spring Park vs. Aurora. 7:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. 8:00 The Apollo Concert Company, of Chicago. Fourth Day, Friday, July 7th. MORNING. 8:00-11:00 Classes. 11:00 Club Day Solo, Miss Msud Dam match, of the Monday Musical Club. "The Scholarship Loan Fund," Mrs. Fred erick Eggert, Woman Club. "The Neighborhood House," Mrs. 8. M. Blumauer, Council of Jewish Women. "The Press and the Club Woman," Mrs M. L. T. Hidden, Oregon Press Club. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Concert Apollo Concert Company. 2:00 Musical Selection Miss Alice Justin. Musical Selection Mr. Warren Allen. Address Mrs. Emma A. Fox. Detroit. Mich. Address "Women In Civics" Mr. W. A Williams. 3:30 Baseball Price Bros. vs. Gladstone. 7:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band 8:00 Lecture "The Spirit of Democracy," Gov. J. Frank Hanley. of Indiana. Fifth Day, Saturday, July 8th. 8:00-11:00 Classes. 11:00 Boys' Day Admission, boy and girl un der sixteen, 10 cents. "Work for Boys," H. W. Stone, Portland Y. M. C. A. "The Boy Scouts," Rev. William Proctor, Pacific University. ; "The Knights of King Arthur," Rev. Lands borough. "St. Martin' School for Boys," Rev. C. . vvftQDinBon "The Boy' Brigade,'1 Hugh Krumm. "The Boy' Brotherhood' E. C. Hurlow. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve-Band. 2:00 Lecture "The Patriotism of Peace." Gov. J. Frank Hanley. 3:30 Start of seven-day Marathon for boys. Baseball Dll worth Derbies vs. Crystal Spring Park. 7:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. 8:00 Reading "An Abandoned Elopement,' Miss Beatrice Honey. Concert The Apollo Concert Company. 8ixth Day, 8unday, July 9th. 10:00 Sunday School. 11:00 8crlpture Recital, Rev. Edith HIII Booker, Emporia, Kans. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. 2:00 Music, Mr. W. H. Boyer. Tenor. Sermon "Fishing for Men," DeWItt Mil ler. 4:00 Concert Monday Musical Club. Mr. Rose Reed Hanscome, Director. Program. Part I. Chorus of 125 voice Selected Mr. Ros Reed Hanscom, Director. "' ' part a ' ' . . Trio Roman za ..... ... . , , Marschner .k, Frank O. Elchenlaub ..Violin ' C. Duncan Raft- . Cello Harry B. Van Dyke ...... i.-... piano Solo "O Divine Redeemer" Gounod Mr. Raymond Sullivan, Soprano -Mis Carmel Sullivan, Accompanist Piano Solo (s) Caprice 8tavnhagn (b) Erl King Sehobert-Llszt , f Mr. EI1 Connell Jese Vocal Bolo (a) "The Pilgrim' Song." Tchowk (b) "The Pipe of Pan," Edward Edgar ' Hartrtdge O. Whlpp, Basso Miss Leonora Fisher, Accompanist Bolo-The Worker" Gounod Mlse Evelyn Hurley, Contralto 7:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. 8:00 Snored Concert Apollo Concert Company, of Chicago. 8vnth Day, Monday, July 10th. 8:00-11:00 Classes. 11:00 Piano Solo Pollaclnelle Kachmaulnoff, Harry H Vsn Dyke, Portland. Solo Vocal "Spring la Come," Neldtlng er. Mis Naucy Iteala. Portland. Address "The Scientific Selection of Foods," Dr. Newton James Baxter. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Bsini Concert. Naval Reserve Baud t:00 Lecture "rues of Ugliness." I Witt Mil ler. 3:30 Marathon Race. Baseball Aurora ia. Qlndstone. 7:15 15and 'Concert. Naval Ronerve Band. ' Sit-Llfa Portrayals from Dickens." William Sterling Hat t is (A presentation of Dickens' character In costume ) Eighth Day, Tuesday, July 11th. 8: 00-11:00 Classe. 11:00 "The Cause and Cure of CoMa." Demon stration by trained nurse. Dr. Leua K. Sudler. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert. Naval Rtrve Band :.0O Music Mra., Mary Dearborn Schwab, So prano. "Th Selene of Living, or th Art of Keeping Well." Dr. William S. 8adler. 3:30 Marathon Race. Baseball Crystal Springs Park va. Prlc Bro. 7:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. 8:00 Music William Conley, Tenor. "The Physiology cf Faith and Far," or The Mind In Health and Disease." Dr. William S Sadler. Ninth Day, Wednesday, July 12th. 8 : 00-1 1:00 Classes. 11:00 "Child Culture" K. Sadler. (Women Only!, Dr. Lena AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band 2:00 "How the Body Resists Disease," Dr. Wil liam S. Sadler. 3:30 Marat hyt.lce. , j Baseball Aurora 'vs. Dilworth Derbiea. 7:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band 8:00 Music Mr. Elfrled Welnsteln. Soprano. Dramatic Reading "La Saruarltlne," The Woman of Samaria) Sarah Mildred Will mer. Miss Wlllmer read the "Sign of the Cross" last year. Tenth Day, Thursday, juiy uh. 8:00-11:00 Clasae. 11:00 Farmer' Day Solo. Miss Zet Holllster. Soprano, accompanied by Prof. Wilder Address "Life at Home and Abroad." Mr Clara H. Waldo, Regent O. A. C. AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert. Navaa Reserve Band 2:00 Lecture "The Strongest Man on Earth" Dr. Chaa. y. Aked, lata of London and New York. 3:30 Marathon Rare aseoaii iiiaostone vs. Crrstal Hnrlnr. Park 7:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band 8:00 Williams Jubilee Singers. Eleventh Day, Friday, July 14th. 8:00-11:00 Classes 11:00 Solo. Mrs. Batti Allen, Contralto. Address "Oregon Congress of Mother " Mrs R. h. Tate, Pres. State Congress of Mothers. ' Address Mrs. Clara H. Waldo. AFTERNOON. i:J5Band Concert- Naval Reserve Band. 2:00 Music-Mr. HartrMg Whlpp. Baritone. Lecture "Gladstone, HI Legacy to tbe 7 ,rttDf""h pPe." Ir. Cha. F. Aked. 3:30 Marathon Race. 7 ,e Mbm'-,1l''rth Derble. v. Prlc Bro i:Z?,m C"nrn- Nav" Reserve Band. 8:00 Williams Jubilee Singers. Twelfth Day, Saturday, July 15th. MORNING. 8:00-11:00 Classes. 11:00 Address "State Institutions," Oswald w est. Governor of Oregon. A,r'nnZntlv- ,,hll'P '. Chaplain of State Penitentiary. of AFTERNOON. r l:15-Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band 2:00-Iusic Mix Eva Wells. Soprano. Address "Educational Work at Home and ,,. r,nnn gram, Davis, Milwaukee, Wis. 3:30 Marathon Race. Baseball. 7:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. 8:00 Y. M. C. A. Entertainment. Grand Display of Firework. Thirteenth Day, 8unday, July 16tn. MORNING. 10:00 Sunday School. 11:00 Address Selected, Mrs Davl, Milwaukee, Wis. Edith Smith AFTERNOON. 1:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band. 2:00 Music Quartette. 8em"?Ir' W n- "Inaon, Whit Temple. Portland. 4;00 Sacred Concert under direction of Prof W. II. Boyer, Portland. 7:15 Band Concert. Naval Reserve Band 8:00-8ermon, Dr. R. p. Shepherd, St. Lonls, Mo. BASEBALL. Jul4, 10:1)0 'J M Teachers v. Lawyer, 3:30 P. M. Price Br0. v. Aurora. July 6 Dilworth Derbies . Gladstone. July 6 Crystal Spring park t. Aurora. July 7 Price Bro. vr Gladstone. July 8 Dilworth Derble v. Crystal Springs Park. July 10 Aurora vs. Gladstone July 11 Crystal Springs park v. Price Bro. July 12 Aurora vs. Dilworth Derble. July 13 Gladstone vs. Crystal Spring Park. July H Dilworth Derble vs. price Broe. July 15 Winning -Tvama. Clos of Marathon. -' Capture of a Desperado A Scheme Thai Was Well denned I By George Ed ward Burn I'opyrtalil lr Aniriivn l'ras Am- lion. 11. K'HUtl I I I II I H HH mil When Bunker, the noted dHiMrad. hot up the town of Kurvku, killed Hie caililer of Phillips' Imnk and lielpe hluiaelf to aoimi I'.Nt.iKiil hi euifeiu' lelug his fourtb eiplult tu that iieltih horlKxHl nit lilit a uiouth. It wns thought by the t'ltUeua to fe liliih time Miuiethliitt wna done to stop such Irregular pnx'tvilluus. W'lthlu hrtlf au hour after Buiiher ami tlid-e analittants rtMlo out of I mn a meeting wns eollel at tile ImIim tm k and inenKUrea tnken I brenk up the g:ing . A mm wn orguuUed. coimWtlng of a duseii i lllxetiK, and I. it er plucrd under the orders of a Ue teetlve who was teleuraphiMl fur ami tu a few hour reached Kureku l.v pi-inl trnln. I'lene liobtiiiis, tlieti auKxsu (( on twm rt.ooa. arrival, bad captured a swindler- band by stratagem, and It was hoped tha he would be able to trap Bunker. Robblus' first step was to Uxste the desperado and his gang He therefore sent out ruemlMTs of the m.ww In ev ery direction to gather Information nd coimnuulcate with blui at Kurekn as soon as any intelligent w hatever was received of the wherealotita or movements of the murderers and pluti derers. Meanwhile Bunker, who tactic after a raid were to go Into biding at some presrrsngel place not far from the scene of bis operntlons. occupied a deserted sawmill In a wod A rsll rood ran past the mill though on the other side of a creek. Bunker's pur pose was to keep quiet till It might be auppoeed tbat be bud reached some point many miles away, then stop a passing train and ride out of tbe dls trlct where he wss eeclally wanted. Two days after the robbery boy who was fishing In the creek saw men at tbe mill.. Tbe youngster slipped down off a stump on whli-b be sat aud. nnseen by tbe men In the mill, dodging sometimes In tbe water aud sometime under th bunk, made bis way out of tho wood. He bad fished there ofteo and had never seen any on In the mill before. Everybody In the region knew of tbe Eureka robber, and the boy suspected that the met he bud seen were the robber In biding On th fourth day after tbe robbery a farmer walking along tbe rallrond track not far from tb mill met a rod beaded man who bade him good morn ing and seemed disposed to rbst. tliuil ly turning the subject to the where about of Bunker aud hi men. The farmer told him It was generally te- IIedttinTrh gung-hsrl" gof-so- fnr away with their plunder that It wns not likely to be recovered. When the two parted tbe red headed uiiin. who was one of the gang reconnoltertng. went to tbe mill and reported to Bun ker what be bod beard. It wa determined by Bunker and bl men to stop tbe afternoon train nd leave the region on It Half an hour before It wss due the four men left the mill, crossed the creek, and when tbe train came along Bunker signaled It to stop. The engineer obey ed tbe signal, and tbe robbers got board, one ninn climbing to the en rin. another to the baggnge car. while Bunker and bl other assistant, the; ftrd headed tnnn. entered the only m senger car. The conductor a soon a the men entered the train asked Bunker whnt he meant by stopping the trnln. "Do yon supine we were going to walk Ave miles to n station T" The ronductor grumbled, but the men paid their fure, and there wss nothing more said about the matter. At tbe next station two farmer aud 'neir wlven got bord. After a con sultation Bunker sent the man with him forward with a message to th two other. Tbe train passed th next sts. Hon without stopping. Tb conductor pulled tb cord connecting th eogln. but with no effect. Then Bunker said to blm: "Conductor, I'm In charge of thl trsln. We're not going to do any more stopping Just now, and we're go ing to move at full siiee.1. You sit down there and keep quiet." ' Tbe conductor otieyed the order, but one of the fur mer protested. He said that be and hi wle were ticket ed for tb station Just passed and didn't wish to go any further. Bunker told blm to shut up ho fiercely flint b obeyed tbe order at on e. Tbe 'man who bad gone lorwsrd earn back and a4d something to Bunker whl h aeemed lo he sml fac tory. The train waa' running at full l eel, and the two men were evldwut ly in in li plemd nl their rhulu fur i'ripe. 1-:i U held revolver III bis ti mhI. I In. nnh no one dititiM Kiel tvill. due i'f trie runner alves gave im lileiice of bysierlcM, while the other tl'in'iirhitf to rely upon being a worn tu. berated the rtMer soundly. Her j kUiihI ItcKited her In lie ijilli't. while the himlwml of lift' other Mount u tried in keep Ills wife from a iolliime, Tin (ew other pssHeiiiter In the i-nr il illl. unt diirlug lo move a llnyer. At fur the luiiiliii'tor, be nt crunched town III a aeal Ireinlilliig like M leaf One of the funnels ami tils wife were "on one side of I he enr, and I lie Jllivr mlr were a few mwla tteliliiil litem on the oppiMlte slile, Ixilh In-Iiijj uesr the inlil'tlii. Biiuker sIimmI wllh bU back sk'slust the . forward door, while the nil beaded man stood In miliar ililim with regnrd to th rear iliHir. Tho wouuut who bud pro tented gut up from ber sent and turn eil It. over ik i Hint she would ride 1'iickw ard. The ruhtierit iiisde mi ob i'tloii to this. Mild the liUKliuiiil meek ly iiciil.-H oil. The two cimple were uow riding fare to fine, one couple looking at Hunker, while I lie other looked at bis Hkltniit. The train was going at a furious rate, and whenever It ram to rune (he Mtdier fun ml It dlltlcull to luiiliitaln their.HMltlini4, After one at tlu-e luriia, with M coiiHueiit dta turbauc of Hie uieu's equilibrium, two shots rang out altuullaueously. In a twinkling the ststus was cliangiHl. Bunker sniik on th fl.n.r. and bU pal. who beard the glsss la the top of the dxr behind blm rrark. UMkel vainly for w tutevrr had flrI But a sei-oml shot sloped hi obaerva lion. The farmers' wlvea, who bad dune the hooting, unbuttoneit tbrlr dreaiwa and threw Iheui off. dlxplsy lug men's i lolhlng. while their attend ants, oeu!iig the forward dour, rushed over . Bunker's body to Hie neit car One of them, stopping before the dur of th tuiggnge car. threw It open, while the ot tier stood with a corked re volver iMilntlng Into the i sr. Tb rtJblH-r who was stationed there, having hi back lo the ftirtner. wa defeuaeleaa and ole)e nil order lo throw up Ms hands The baggage tuau disarmed him. while one of the furiue.-a went out through tbe forward dor aud climbed over the back of the tender Tbe engineer occupied out Ide of tb cab. while the mller guard ing hi in aat on the other aide, both losing forward. Th din prevented lb newcomer from being heard." s ml he bad an opHrtunlty to demand the surrender of the robber, though tbe latter held a rocked revolver lo hi right hand Crouching behind a pile of coal, the farmer took aim si the robber, then yelled .at the mp of hi vo- for surrender. The robber he itated fur a moment, but, aellig that every rhame was agnlust blm. com plied. Then tb engineer, at a bod from tb stoptied th train. W iuut return lo tbe operation of Plerr Bobbin Through the boy who bad seen the robbers In th saw mill he bad gained a knowledge of their whereabout, lutultlouk told him of tbelr plnu Believing that they had (tie money they hnd taken ou their erns and desiring tha I they should not hsve an npfurlonlly to get rid of It, be preferred to lake them while on a train to surrounding them In tu ...III m . ..... uiiii. rm urn ai enc loin nis plsus sc 'oidlngly. He placed four good men, disguised it lb slatiou ou each aide of th vlnt where they would lx likely to Ixmrd the train, uot knowing which woy iney would go. Knrtl train waa wati-hrd. snd tb eitru man on the liK-omotlve gave away the presence of the robliers. The engineer, tbe bag (nguiiiaii and th conductor were til In the plot, No one of them was to make any reaiatauee Bobbin aud a picked man plated th women' psrts. It was Bobbin who made ImM to protest against lh cttou of the robliers, and II waa he who when In the cor with Bunker snd the red bended lusn had arranged and by preconcerted signals announced the Mark, though It bod been determlpcd that those wearing wemen'a d reuses should fire the first shots, owing to tbelr he Inn tietter able to conceal weapon and draw them more quickly. When the members of the posse col i-riB-i m Uie psssenger car it was found that Bunker hnd been killed out ngnt and tb red beaded man badlv wounded. All the robbers were search ed. and every package of bills ther I had taken from -the-bunk -wh YHnd Intact. As soon aa all wna ready the train was backed down to the station im nassea. wnere telegrams weraseirf announcing th capture, and a new trnln waa made up to take the passen gers and the prisoners bo Eureka Tbe directors of the bank paid lib erally for the recovery of the afolen money, and the boy whnne Indolent amusement of fishing hnd led to the cnpliire received a check Inrge enough to give blm an education. If ws not long before every one of in rohhers who bad been raptured anv was convMed and sent for a long term to tbe penitentiary nrnn iiniA-TT" SIMIIIM EASILY PORTLAND MAN NO MATCH ON MAT mnm n ON vnnmriON OF WCU0. SMITH UHABLE TO USE FAMOUS HOLD out CU.n Cu, .d M.n. gratut.i.d or lMttBet of port-Atl.ndnct 0)i appolntlng, Con. John Hera. knuw.. .. .. u i , in im as viiuii ii.. .l . 'tllu 'I . weigh, champion " 7 '.'a rt land, in mllt t r B,nllk of U...I....-.I-.. ... ... " "i Armun '""""""J II I U II C ll.,r.. . r shoulder. ... lo n u Z T' ni. In fourieei, m ""," ''lv iiilnni Although Hinllh showed in,,, h .L, a annareiit fr ..' " " h he w Hui Attendant Olsappolntlna. in orir in eniuiilr ,i. n weigh, be. we,,,, wer barred In order tha. Hmlih S b etiablml to uh 1,1. t ". u m hoM. Thi. .: : : "" .enefl. for Berg never .M ' IKirtuully for the hol.l -r... ". danc was dtai.i.oi.,n.. . reason (he i.rell,iilii-ri-. t.,..J . been scheduled wer eliminated Merg luted huminxr Ui. ... . i , -- iia in old moa, effectively i- u-w-T wa referee Br" ,.".' Jnlug. annouiiced sti..r n,. ' '? hat he had signed tentative ttrZ nenl with both Hack eiii-tii.ii. - - iotrh for the wlmmr ..t . . ween these men In rhlru,. . phin " ,,,',,'"c,,'l" chMi- out I Clsan Cut. Th winner will large purse and a roinld..rble ,14, bet In th city offerln ih. 1 . 1. ucrmnul for th match hl.-k .m probably Iw held on Thank.glvlai I lay. Berg has not Im.i.11 il..r..i4 sine he Brst met Oolch severs! yean sg. Hllire then li has met (iotrq a handicap matches and has been t turned the winner. Th bout hr wa rlean-rut and la lerestlng throughout, Manor Un Ing wa congratulated by several wins present for the eirellence of th sHirt. n It Is probable' that he wlli glv another ethlbltlon here In lh near futur. WOMAN'S CLUB ENTERTAINED. Mr. J. L. Waldron Solves 8Hktpal' Ian 0omtrlcal Squsr. Th 8hskeseare departinetit of th W'omtn Club Intended ,0 o lo lh Oaka on Monday; but owing ,0 th Inclement weather decided to hold a meeting at the home of Mr. II. g, Straight. At noott delirious repast wss served, after1 which Mrs J, U Waldmn solved the ' gometrlcal -8hakepearlan squar. The remainder of (he afternoon wa devoted lo (co rral discussion of literature. On of lh features was the presentation ot silver mayonnaise bol and spool to Mr. UH. Jones. Instructor of th class, the presentation speerfa beisf mad by Mrs. Clinton ijilouretl. . Those present were Mrs. I. K. Jooe, Mr J. V. Norrls. Mrs. Wllllsm Aa dersen. Mra. Clinton Laourett. Mrf. J. I. W'aldron. Mrs. Msry Hhsnk, Mrt. N. V. 8coit, Mrs. . I. Brightblll, Mrf II. K. Straight, Mr. K. I" lUndi, Ml . Ada Bedwell. . i Bead th Morning enterprise. The Mbrnir Enterprise will be on sale at Gladstone Park, or you may have it de livered to your tent every morning by tbe special A Child's Voeabularv. The average child of all year use rwer than 400 word In hi dally con versation. Clr Tns for Whistlsr. A boot CSV- lime Jimie McNeill Wbls- uer. me srtwi. wa caiiMing a wnsstlou with the painting wlib h he tailed "A Harmony In Black and Ited." "A Not- turne in lllue" 01 some hui h inline he bad a mlsaiiderstaiiding wlib his club regnrdlug dues. The nei reiary finally wrote fo Mr. Whistler saying nm, (h ciuo would be gmd to re five from him 1 an arraiigement In gu.d finJ lir " . ' '" '--L . U : . Carrier Service 3 t- 1 A Hus f Shells. A retired sea captain ' living near Edinburgh. Scotland, concluded tbat on of tbe room In bis hous waa too dark. and. not wanting to whitewash or to paint the wall opposite tb win dow so a to reflect tb light into tb room, be covered th wall With ce ment and In It placed a layer of whit abll, says St. Nicholas. Tb result wae so pleasing and b bad- ao many eeasbsll which be had collected from tariou psrts of tb world tbat he eon tlnnH tb work nnttl hie rottag and tardeo bectm the wonder of th re- that will be maintained During , Chautauqu ----- a A full report ol cmjA y events will be pub-J ll.ka.rl wrw rlar.' I I0M VV. w T w W J . 1 '-' uraer now ana w . range for delivery. You will want extra copies to send away Call, write or phone Morning Enterprlp Circttlatioa Depsrtmtflt i ) J If n t' - 1