Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 29, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    . .. "f y,.
4th of July Specials
Every Department contributes specials
to this Big 4th of July Special Sale.
$15 to $18 Suits
for men in the new
summer , styles, best
values on earth.
Special $1 1.85
u- , ...
Beautiful 20 to 25c
lawns in all the new
patterns, 4th of July
special I 7c.
$1.25 to" $1.50
vvaists, special 88c
House Dresses at
big reduction.
.... 1
A Qoa Tlkr.
Clara-la Mm. Kllttr a good rouivr
Doruthy-ie. Indeed, lib make
you tblak of lull of good thing to aay.
bat talk av much tbat you don't get
cbauca to aay thin.-trolt Fre
Common Plum.
MIHIner-I aiu (tilling for I'arla next
week for Freucb plume and trim
Wing Could pure In m anything for
you? Mr, decent Rich-Why. yea;
you may bring ma balf a dozen of
those doiu d plume I often benr
aiwken of.-Judge.
A Bad ginning.
"I have aiiowu belter daya,
begun I'aui'd Jauiee.
"Yea. It'a a wretched morning." re
plied the farmer' wife, "but I've got
no lime to dlacua Hie weather with
you. bud aa It la" And ahe abut the
door aad left him.
Hormit Life of an Umpire.
"Umpire travel Incognito aa far aa
poaalhle." write IIiikIi Kullerton Id
Hie Amerlcao Magazine. ' I hi y are
under atrtct order never to discuss
guinea, team or playera, not to anaocl
ate with the pluyera except when nec
maary, and tbey lira In obscure botela.
Tbey travel In pulra and acldom cau be
found when off the Held Sometime
oligemic In the echedule force tbetn
to travel on the aaine train with aoiue
club, but even then they avoid the
, playera. Occaalonally one will atop In
I the team' car for a brief chat, avoid
ling ncritlon of baHPball. but uaually
they tinmen on, because the playera
acldom overlook the opportunity to tell
the umpire anmcthlng they forgot to
nn the field "
Mapped In Slumb.r.
a a m m . i
. Jaaw Ml III
Mr I. Haley, of Portland, waa In
i hit. city on Wedneaday. "
I'lilllp Oat field. of Concord, waa In
thla cHy-n bualnea Wedneaday.
Ml Btudeman. of Bhuhel, vlalted
friend In thla city Wedneaday.
Mr. and Mra. Fred Bpangler. of
tarna, were In thla city on Tueaday.
Mlaa Lilian Urleaaen. of Beilwood.
.lU4 frlcude In Oregon City on Tuea-
Fred Bielner, of Heaver Creek, la In
ihl city vlaltlng hi mother, Mra. Blot
ter J. II. Miller haa gone to Long Beach,
Winli, wher he will apend hi vac-
Mr. and Mra. Albert Elliott, of
Needy, were In thla city on bualneaa
Roland Edwarda. of leaver Creek,
waa In thla cHy on a bualneaarlp
Mr. and Mra. John Baker, of Clair
n.nm were In thla city on bualneaa
John Kline, of Carua, waa among
the nreaon Cltr bualneaa vlaltora on
Mr. I- Wunder. of thla city, vlalled
her oaretita. Mr. and Mra. Sinclair, of
Sandy, Tueaday.
diunh ntiulnman. one of the well
k....n ta.lilwtit. of Bhubel. waa In
thla city on Wedneaday.
. L. J. Hornady, repreaentlng the
Title A Truat Company, of Portland,
waa In thla city on Wedneaday.
Wllholt atage will leave th Electric
Hotel each day at. 2 o clock P. m
jwi. tnnln. of Clalrmont, waa In
.... -4 J a LI. mtmv tn
VH1.T Ull Ul. 7
i went on bualneaa.
a, in. i .ttn Tueauay ana e
iMrfi.v'' recimerlna ai the Electric
Mra. Howera and aon, George, of thla
in rm wad neada v morning for
Umg lleach, Waah., whera they
atay for a few daya.
Mr. Babler, of Logan, one of Me
f.rm.r. nf that place, ac
companied by hla daughter, were
thla city on Wednesday.
V. K. Mimil)wiT and J. I Mum
(Miwcr, realdenta of Htone, were In
i hi i lly on bimliieaa Wedneaday, hav
ing rotii). in their automobile. ,
Mr. Telia Rhodenhurger, of Chi
cago, arrived here Tueailay ulght to
H tulAlti'' iiitimi'T at the boiiittof her
uncle, W. W. Mar.' She iniiy con
clude to in like her homo In thla city.
Walter HchiMjbel and alater. MIhb
.mile, of Bhuhel, were In thla city
on Ttiemluy, having come here to take
their father liuatave Bchuebel to hla
Mr. Walter Wella and brother, Adel
bert Cordon, who have been vlaltlng
frletida at Kelo, Wanh., for the paat
two week, returned to Oregon City
on Saturday evening.
Wallace Wlualow, who recently ar
rived from Iowa, to vImIi hla ranch
at Milk Creek, waa In thla city on
Tueaday. Mr. Wlnalow will not re
turn to Iowa for two month.
ir R A. Bommer. formerly of Ore-
koii City. haa moved hla office to 1017
orbctt building, Portland.
Mia Muriel Steven, of hi city.
ml her nenhewa. Harley and Henry
Htevena. of Portland, wno nave oeeu
tailing for the paat two wecka ai ine
much of Mr. and Mra. John Crawrora.
of Yamhill, returned home ou men
day evening.
n the confectionery atore of Rich
ard Bchonborn on Keventh atreet are
many valuabk Indian wllca, which
were obtained hy hla aon nenry. 1 1107
nclude laiwla and beaded worn. 1 ne
. . a ...
u.tiiii. man hm mrcnnaeu iiiniiy i
iIiiuia on exhibit. I
Word haa been received from Mra.
J. J. Toblu. of thla city, wno la visi
ng In Holyoke, Maa. Mra. loom
will remain for anotner monm, anu
uiKin her return will be accompanied
by her little aon John, who haa been
vlaltlng hla grandmotner tor evemi
Uu Hilton, who left here aome time
ago for wouinern urrm", " "
joined the Miller Carnival Company,
haa returned to uregon lhj ir
dnya. He will aiend Saturday at Au
rora. Tueaday at Wooqbiock, no. wm
afterward leave to Join tne Arnoia
Carnival Company. .
Mra. Harry Johnaon, formerly Miaa
llertha Ouenther. of tnia cny ana 01
lleaver Creek, who naa oeen vmnua
her alaler. Mra. frank Bcnoenoorn, 01
thla city, left on weaneaaay ior o.u
Kranclaco. where ane win vin nor
alatar Mlaa Roae uuenvner. umi
leaving for Manila, P. 1., wnere
will Join her huaband, who will return
with her In September. Mra. Johnaon
haa been living at Cripple Creek, Col.
thla.ClH V:
jacaoa uoa.r.
Among loug nialrcaaea the world
over none. It la Bare to aay, i o ioiik
or dllllcult of aaceut aa -Jacob' a lad
dcr." thla remarkable Ulght contain
more than 700 atepa. all rlalng with
Lhe aaine Mft tn the aame direction.
The atepa rlae at an angle of exactly
forty-tire degreea. "Jacob'e ladder
aaceuda a particularly ateep bill at bu
Helena. The atepa are nuturully tbe
moat" direct route to the aummlt of the
bill and devplte thulr great length are
traveraed dully by huudn-da or way-
furer. There are auld to be many
peraoua who from loug practice are
able to ascend the ateep atalrway at
a rapid pace without ouce alopplug
for breath.
Copyrlalil by American Pr.a Amo-
clatlon, IVU. -
Human Hibernation.
In aome of the remoter prorlncea of
Kuaalu there are euunlB who are ad
dicted to wbat la practically hiberna
tion. When the liarreal haa failed
and prorlalona are acarce tbey lie
dowu on the lop of the great atore tn
the Inner room, the kitchen of their
but. The atova la high, reucblng al
moat to the roof, and the apace be
tween thla nig brick atrni ture and the
root la Mw ordinary aieeplug plii'
the fuiiill) I..UUI! down UMn the
lontt. tint euaiiuia avoid all
talklna and a -eaertmu. etrt ''
aa la iie-.Hiiry to keep lUe alove re
uiul ihev aiialaln lite l
eating al long lulervaia a nine oiu
bread aonkeU lu water. The hut I
di.rk and lienl through Ibe wloier.
Wheu I waa youug, having procured
u outfit of aeveral cainele, which I
owned, and a acor of blink, whom I
hired, 1 Blurted aouthwurd from Tria
11 to do a little exploring of the great
deaert of Bnhara. 1 certainly couldn't
explore much of It, for It la larger lu
area than the United Klatea and only
parta are ordluutily traveraod. 1 choae
U make au expedition atralght aouth
to the Huduii, along the route of cara
van trading with that region. It la
au ocean of aund. with billowa of land
except lu apota where there are onae
On the route we fell In with au Arub
wanderer uiiuied Mohummed. Not all
orient a N are liauied Moliuiuuied, but a
large nilinlx-r are. He auld he waa a
truder, but one of my men auld that
the way be truded wu oue aided. He
guve nothing -unlea bullet for some
thing. In other worda, be waa a rob
Hut. like moat of theae people, he
waa very amooth Kkcn. He pretend
ed to tuke a great tuuey to uie; a.ild
thnt he hud heard that America wa
the greateat country lu the world, and
he waa quite aure I wn the greateat
American. To prove hla udmlratlon for
and confidence lu tne, be Invited me
to hla camp uud Introduced uie to liW
wive. There waa one young and
ejulte pretty (for an Arnbi woman
among them who. It aeeuied to me.
waa eapiH-lully cordial to uie. 1 could
only Judge by the looka ahe gave we.
for he did not know my language nor
I her. Bulum. my chief muu. remark
ed to me that he had uotlced the wo
man' preference for me. ' Hut. having
116 deahe to Vet myaelf murdered 011
account of an Arub'a wife. I did not
propone to encourage the ludy.
'Mohammed Journeyed bealde ua for
aeveral dnya. cumplug when we camp
ed and moving when we moved. Had
It not len for ShIuiu I would hae
conaldered tlmt the mun had conceived
greut regurd for me. bo nuturully did
be felgu It. Kuluui auld thut he waa
fauiiliurlzing hlmaelf with our atrengtu.
our arma and the value of the loot to
be acquired In caae of a aucceaaful at
tack. Salam alao ventured the opinion
tbat the wife who waa au favorably
dlHDOaed toward me waa probably In
tending, by her huaband a order, to lure
mn Into some imjmIUoii by wblcn I
could te put out of the way. Then my
belonglnga would eaily fall Into Mo
hammed' bands. Tbla view or tue
... . - ... 1 ... ..
case did not raror tne rowni ui
man of twenty-two. and I did not be
lieve him.
One evening my Bedouin admirer
came to my camp to auuounce rbe
fact that the next morning at duwn he
would eeparate from ua. going off to
the eaat toward Martuk. my lutentlon
being to proceed ou jny way to Ghat.
He Invited me to aup withahlm. Being
vnutifr a 1 have aaid before I had a
Two Great Lightweights In Fine
Shape For Battle July 4.
Sine Hia Vietory Ov.r Burn Title
Holder Stock Haa Gone Up Littl
Briton la Dang.rou Cu.tom.r arid
May Upt Thins."..
Ad Wolgaat. champion IIkIii weljrht
of the world, and Owen Moraii. the
doughty little Briton, are In tine fettle j
for their twenty round mlxup to be j
held In Ban Kranclaco July 4 Since j
be defeated Krankle Burn ao declalve j
ly In aixteen rounds reccutly in Krtacii .
the champlon'a Block ha gone t p. mid
now be will protmbly be au talda on I
favorite when he enter the ring with 1
Mornn Thoae who think Wolgaat
ahould be a big favorite over Mcrun ,
hnd better bold their beta for awhile, j
for on form the little Brltou haa-a very i
good chance agalnat the title holder.
Aa to weight and aire they are very
evenly matched, both being uboiil the
aame height and can acule ut alamr l-H
nicely If called uion to do ao The
chance are thar they will go Into the
ring about 130 pound each Mornn Is
a paat maater at boxing, and be koowe
the game aa well aa any of them
Aa to hitting, there la little to cbooae
between them, for boy a who have, met
both of tbem aay tbat Moran, l the
harder bitter of the two. although tbey
admit .Wolgaat baa the moat danger
ou awing. Moran dependa more upon
atralght puncbea and a nasty, abort
arm uppercut tbat la liable to make
trouble for any opponent.
A great many nave corapucea me
twro by Moran'e allowing with Packy
McFarland. but It muat be considered
that when Moran met Packy he waa
In anything but good condition That
waa hla fault, of courae. but nererthe
leaa he w aa not in ahape. n hu teen
admitted by thime who know lnce the
couteat. aud for Ibm reiiaon It iimy la
well to overlook hla poor alionlni: with
the Chicago Bta-kyerd eluiiiH.tou
Then. too. McKurlMiid inltMii nve
done tBe aame to WoliJuBt Ui a abort
III jl
(4H C b . Hunt l." , '
We deliver goods to all parts of the cHy free of charge
A WOMAN is known by the comp
any she keeps. So is a grocery
wagon. Watch oar wagons and yotf will see them
stop at the bes houses in town. That means we are
giving a superior service and the highest possible
quality YOUR quality. What we do for others we
can do for you. Try us.
Watch our wagona today. The d.lvera will take your order and de
liver them promptly. They will call aa often aa you wlari for furtnar
order. That la their buaineaa and youre. Pleae make the fulleat
uae of It. Save your time. '
The following are some of the leaders this week,
prompt delivery by wagon:
GREEN BEANS, 1 0c pound.
J. E.
City poat-
endlng June SO,
Unclaimed Lattera.
- following la the Hat of unclalm
ed lettera at the Oregon
office for the week
Woman IJat Oaneglne.
. !-....f Mlaa Iee M.I
Calle: Range. Eda; Roblnaon. Mr. and
k.. c,.ria- World. Mra. Peona.
Men Llat Anderson. Theodore
. Arthur: Holman, B.
ill, nun, mi.. - - - . .
. . xt..iiev. J. W.: Shaver, Arth
ilr- Bt.' Claire, Walter; Woldon, Doc.;
Wynne, Thomaa Z.
Yotts Asking
A S K.
For nd w wIlCglTtlYO" wl,h a
"nonths subscription
i By Carrier
: . at 45c the month
6 months subscription
By Mall
at 25c the month
v JtflM r'hini PLAQUEDccJ ? A Handsomeljr
fF there are. a variety of patterns to choose from.
tie your selection early. r ; ' v
-trlttralMayiHave Them Too ' ;
:'To ny present subscriber who will bnnr us four
- VubscViptions we will present - one of these
Jxutifnl dishes. " ;
Inventing Menay.
World'a Work Magaalne aeta forth
aome of the abaurdlUea tbat people for
the moat part Intelligent will commit
when they bae money to 1neat. It
a man la alck be goee to a doctor; If
in roar with tila nelehlaira he goea
to a lawyer; If In aplrltual trouble he
mnaiilia mlnlater or prtet: If In hual
nea atralla lie call" Uan the hunker
If boweTer. be haa a problem of In
t raiment on hi hand he call ur"
merchant, lawyer, lianaera. uiuiimen-
aud mlaellflneoiia apie quite India
rHniltmfelr and with ala.ut the aame
nnifa that lie would get It
he followed the aame method In 1ck
neaa. In legal trouble. In hiialne troll
hie or In aplrltual woe
Th S.dc)di.
It I gellllllll) lllllieranMld llial l'
aldeandd.e u-mmI l) iii'llex 'n
buck ridlim lb Invention t 'li
anion- Cainerine de' Medici Willie all
- ..ii.m.ii r.-v,' I Kmnce. a".' ala'M
I.Vill Among tier many oilier h--om
niuiiioeiiia t allierllie waa an exper
mill oflell aia-lll dil.V l
uii.i in hiintltia and following
i'lmar It waa while getting
I,-, n0 manlier of tiding lieeMllated
by her aldeaaddle that the queeu
.itiwl ihe fall which fractured
akull and came ery tiear terminating
ho carver. Aa a matter of courae 11 .miner known that Catherine
..j ..i ... ririino- aidewlae than the
unu iii "
ctiBtom became pop"1"' w,,n ,n wo
men all over Europe -Kjcbange.
lled I
Co.ncidanctt at bt..
Attain Ion una unco i .- . tailed to
the curloua liicl ul uie l.ue f't
rluiirlnif ho liil uel V III I lie Inaloi y of
Oliver Cromv-'ell. l'hla,er,i Unuiiiiat
lmt mau wiib boru ou Spt. 4. loll.'
ha won the battle of llllllliur SclH. 'd.
UVJ): thut of Worcealei .Sept. It. I1W1I
and be died S.i. H. ncs.
The numlier MM had fniiil InitueiK'e
nn tha Rtuarta Holierl II.. the Ural
Btnart king." died In IIUSM; Jamea I
waa killed at Ihe alege of Hoxbuiglie
eaatla. 1488: Mary, queeu of Sxta
... K.hoarled In Kot herlugay. ; 1IWH
.trim: Jamea VII. (II. of Kng
land) waa dethroned In 1H8: Ronny
n,io Charlie died In Rome. 178a and
.iih him died the lat hope of the
Jacobite. 1
Cantortng 8hakpara.
tnaaierpiece ' of veuaorahlp
once wnoiuied by the Turkiab teu
aor. Macbuu KlTeudk ou the occaalou
of the productlou of SUakeapeare
"Othello" al Conatantluopla. He "cor
rected" the drama ao thoroughly aa to
tiardr a trace of the origin
Among other worda. he expunged
"Cyprua." giving Ingenloua reaaoua for
thla correction. "CyDrua, ne aaio.
a Turalah Inland. It would be pollt
Icall uowlae to aeud Othello to Cy
prua, becauae the territorial Integrity
of Turkey la guaranteed by treatlea.
Wby not put, Inatead of Cypnia. aome
Oreek taland. aucn aa voriu.
tt cama to oaaa mat truui t
ncy to aee once more im
bo had apparently conceivea a re
gard for me. I dealreU to lorm nu
opinion aa to whether Ralani or 1 waa
right . aa to the genuinenesa 01 ner
demonatratlona. I aupped with bef
huaband. but he kept hla wlvea out or
the way. Thla aeemed to me to proe
that there waa nothing in Baiama
theory. The trader feaated me royally
nd when I left embraced me wun
teara In hla eyea.
"Whoever aaya." 1 remarked to Ba-
lam when I returned to my camp, "that
an Arab ta Incapable of friendahlp
doean't know your race."
Salam made ho reply, tnt did not
Mm eaoeclally lmpreaaed with my ap-
nraciatinn of the gulleleae naturea of
hi brother Iteloulna.
Two daya after thla we encampea
an evening on the deaert. It waa a
innaiv anot. thouth no more lonely
than all other apota on the Sahara. I
waa etandlng after dark admiring tne
bright atara above, contraating wuu
tha monntonou acene below, wnen i
heard the faintest kind of aouna
ithln a few feet of me. It waa uae
aoent bullet hitting aoft earth.' Turn
lng. 1 aaw an object a few feet from
me. Oolna- to It. I found an arrow
atlcklng Ui the sand. Taking It up, I
diacovered a bit of wood tied to it.
Taking It Into my tent, where I had a
11-t.t i mwr Arntilc writing on one
aide.' I called Salam and asked him
to interpret V read " t0 bim,elf
mi innbad no at roe witn rear in u
"What la Itr I aaked.
"It ava. 'Make the fonduk.'
The fonduk I a caravanaary whera
& ' 1 n il
MMMna ninv cret IUUU. "
hnt l often more dealrable. aafety
"From whom did It come?" I asked
"There la no one near ua.
"Mohammed la near. I auape nnl
be Intend to fall upon na tonight. He
will probably kill you. then give the
feat of ua hnkaheesh o keep allent."
"nut who could have aent thla warn-
I think1 I have Iwd wrong. The
woman who aaw you haa really been
captivated. It 1 "he."
I told Salam to break camp, load the
camela. and we would proceed on onr
Journey. ,
While- the preparalmne were being
made I vent out again to be alone
with the aky "nd the deaert. A new
feeling had entered m.v breast. For
the flrat lime In my life I waa con
acloita that a woman loved me. But I
knew at the same time that our pathB
would 1 aa wide apart aa those of the
Rcfore Aay dawned
For the arrest. ant conviction
of any person or persona, who
unlawfully remove coplea of The
Morning Enterprtae from the
preraiaea of aubacribera . after
paper baa been placed were ny v
Germany' Chaaa Factor!.
Nearly all tbecheese factorlea in Ger
many are on the borders of Holland.
Denmark. Ruaala and Switzerland.
FARM LOANS Dlmick A Dlmick,
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notice under ttaaaa eiaaalflaa haadtna
will ba tnarw at on cam a w.
Inaartton. half a oant additional Inaer
tlon. JO Inch car, tl par montk. hall
Inch ear. nnaat t par month.
Cah muat aooooiaaair arrt.r unltaa ant
haa an opew account with th papar. No
ftaandal rapaalWUty tor rrora;whr
rror occtir fra correct. d aoUe wtll
nrlntad for patroa. Mlnlmuia share li.
HEREBY notify an tuames men
and dealera that I will not be rea
ponsible for any debts or bllla con
tracted by my wife. Lauie V. Mold
enhauer, after June 10. 1911.
FOR-RENT ElgBt-room modera
house on Sixth and Madiaon atreeta.
Inquire 708 Madison street. J. I -Albright
MONEY TO LOAN On "first mort
gage; $500 and upwards: one year
or longer. Apply at once. Croaa ft
Hammond, Attorneye at Law, Bea
ver Bldg., Oregon City.
we made the
two bttjrdt umi woHTwaioirra who
boot outpoint him completely-bot It
might be a very different caae in a long
Oght with either one.
Wolgaat haa all tne connaence iu m.
world, and he Is one German who will
nrrt the Bent to the other reiiow. au
love to mix at all timea, ana iu mu
may real aasured that they will get a
mn for their money. Moran haa
aplendld chance to carry away a point
iiecialon. aa the distance la only twenty
rounds, a route be la Just aa able to
travel aa Wolgaat. and. being clever
i .. v,ut rra irnneraL be will no
auu a a1" .-a m
doubt try to play for the decision, as
It would mean much to him.
On the other hand. It will be a case
of rushing for Wolgast. aa he will not
take any chance of loslug a point de
cision If he can put over a Bleep pro
ducer-all of which augurs well for a
corking good battle on the glorloua
Why Rull Ford I Effective. I
Much hua .been written about the j
various myatery balls that Russell j
Ford pitches, but the real reason for
bis effectiveness Ilea In the fnct that !
be puta the sphere over some part pf I
fhe home plate aa often aa possible. .
In thla way he haa the batameu cou ,
stnntly In the hole and glvea them no
chance to wait for free passee. uia
torv teacbea that the greatest pltchera
the game bna ever known have been
able to control the ball under the most
trylug circumstances. '
Walk.r L.ibgold Now Profeaaienal.
Sam Leibgold. the veteran walker
and many times champion, haa honor
ablv resigned from the amateur rank,
ne'ba accepted a posltlou bb director
of track athletic al Pe Witt Clinton
park. In New Tork. which, of course,
makes him professional. " J"
WANTED $1000 loan on good prop
erty. Address A-10. care Knierpns.
WANTED Yon to know mat we buy
all klnda of Curloa, that we ar m
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. We alao have a
good assortment of aecona naua
Furniture and Toole on hand for
aale to those in need. Com anJ
aee; perhapa we fcave Juat what yoo
want Indian Curio and trlnketa
for aale cheap; some that are very
nnlque and alao very rare. GBORGB
YOUNG. Main near Fifth atreet.
HARRY JONBS Bulldr and General
Contractor. Eaumat cannum
gtvn on all claaae of building
work, concrt walk ana ra! a forced
concrete. Re. PboB) Mala 11L
FOR SALE Beautiful home, above
o lota of fruit and flowera.
7-rooma' house, one full city block;
nrice 13.000: eaay terma. By
er. Mra. M. E.' Case,
Oregon City
O. D. EBY, Attory-t-Law. Money
inanail . abatraat furnlBked. land
title examined, eatatea aettled, gen
eral law buatneas. Over Bank f
Oregon Oty.
Law. Deutacher AdvokaL wtH ra
tic tn all courta. ta oetlo
and aettlementa. 0toe In
prta Bldg- Oreo Oty. Oregon.,
K. H. COOPER. For" Fir Inaurane
and Real Relate. Lat a aandle
your propertlee we buy, aeU an
xchange. ;Offlc In atrrta
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
ZIS!S!S! S! S!S!S!
.a a A Vauta t$ 1
Lv Til" lJe Biuvn. v.
la Oregon City i" now on ele t
Suoo In th Garden, t .
The auivea of a gniden will depend
principally on making ihe ground rich
and keepluit H !" - "" uf,c,u'
tlvatton. Many amateur nave an Idea
that raking la only done to destroy
th. .ounit weeds, but thla la only one J
aad rather a email reaaon for the cou
atant uae of the baud rake. The main
pbject lu cultivating between plant 1
to looeen the surface aoll. ao tbat It
forma a mulch and preserve the moto
tnr la the lower ground, wher It I
needed to feed the planUUarpera
r - Air.rt tn this store when you want anything in
VrViilV fa A aa.
the way of dry goods, clothing, etc., and you wdl have
no cause for dissatisfaction. The popularity of this
store is due to . the fact that we buy caremny, ine
prices are carefully adjusted and your wanta carefully
looked after. For all who visit our store, we have
bargains. For those who do not, we have sympathy,
Here are a few items that prove tfce money savitj
possibilities of this store: .
:;; Embroideries, 45 iryvride
Embfoiderics, tz$ci S 1 .50 (H)
r and $2.00, sale pticz
Embroideries, 27 inch, vai.
60c and 75c -A;:f;.;;ft':
6tl Mairf Street' i r Ore-a Cf ;
' 4
Next Door to Postofflce 8
Arm op
.n tha treatT OI I aria v .'""-
,w . . ,
bad to go to Corfu.