Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 29, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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1 '
immm oiterprise
.. E. SRODIE, Editor and Ihiwlleher.
Uteres, aa eeeond-elasa mattvr Jan
nry , 1111. at the poet eflloe at Oresoa
Tfn " "4r th Act Maoh
raw w tjtmn.
'tie Year, ay malt . .
is Months, ay mall
'our Months, by mall
rmr weak, ay carrier.
iirnram urn
First Paa. pw mea ttret laesrttna
. , .
4. I H
. IM
The hard working Oregon editors
am going to bar a "Jtnka" of their
own at Portland, September SMI
These meeting have never bD vary
profitable. Wo suggest that hereafter
tho Oregon Editorial Assoclalon moot
at lb varloua towna of th itata. In-
dead of always going to Portland. For
example,' go to Eugene thla year,
Salem lb following year, than to
Baker, Grants Pass, Med ford and
scores of other places where the peo
ple would be glad to see the "pencil
A II lk as,.! ,.. as a aa..1.
Mr Inch addoa lnnloM. .10 ' . , . ' .
rrfwi oaKkMi any p wc Inch b CCOTtl-mi to Judf LrlirutUUt. of
Children Dance Like Fairies and
Elves on Settlement House Roof
tafaiiad Boa It km any Baca, 1
added tnartloaa..Tr;...V!:7...
Ran paper othrr than first aaa-a, aer tare
Mrat taaertloa .YT....7...1o
tua vapr ether thaa flrat neaw. aar taoii
added assertions to
fjfjLynn. MsssH who saya a man baa a
perfect right to get drunk on his
birthday. It's too bad that some of
the bibbers of Lynn have only one
birthday a year.
Laeate ISa aar I In: to nntw a4ar.
iieere e naa.
' reatV tr., .Jri . C C"5; w,,h r,, '"l prospects at Ogle
, mi additional. Mountain, and oil near discovery at
"".of 71"?!? T"" ion Clackamas County may well
Sally, for advert leemeats set aapaclally boast Of her diversified products,
tor the weekly. . Where the eavertieement
iy. without chana. the rata win b t Have you visited Oregon City's new
tLlfft iZJ ZLttZJ"'"'- n " I library? Why not? It's accessible
One should accompany arar where I uo lnrre 11 no cnarge.
party la unknown In baamaee office of I
tna sntrrpnae.
Ical advcrtlalng at lcal advert taint !
Plrcue advrrtlataa; and apodal tranalent
advartlalns at He to tAc an Inch, accord
ins to epartal condlttoaa sovemlna; the
1amaats ISO Inch flrat Inawlloa; addl
onaJ htarrtlona aunt matter Jte Inch.
Neva Items and well wilt'en artlclea
, 4 merit, with Iniereat to local reiera.
will b sladly acceptwl Rejected manu
sertata aevar returned unleea aorompan
ea by atamoa to prepay aoetaaie.
June 29 In American History.
1853 flenry Clay, statesman, noted for
bis espousal of the cause of the
(South American republics, died:
born lTTf.
1906 Tbe railway rate bill signed by
the president
1910-Col ted States Senator John War
wick Oanlei of Virginia died; born
IS4Z -
t .
Walter Vlgles Is home for 'few
days' visit with his parents, from
Rlckard, where he is worklug.
Mrs. Spauldlng has been laid up tbe
past few days with rheumatism. She
was able to go to Portland Wednes
day morning to cousult a doctor.
Mrs. Msggle Jaques Is visiting Mrs.
K. c. warren for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Eiler, of Portland, are
occupying the Demon bouse for tbe
Miss Marie Qleun was a Canby visi
tor last week.
Miss Caples, sUter of Mrs. B. Lee
Pajcet. is visiting here this week.
I Miss Madge Ellis returned borne
I from Silverton Saturday after a week
spent with relatives and friends.
I Real estate is beginning to look
I up these days.. The local axenta here
have calls nearly every day for sur-
burban homes.
J M Vlgles, who has been sick, is Improving.
- it'
8ALKM. Or June Is To avoid
dtill-atlon of kihhI roads bills to go
before the ieoile through the initia
tive or by way of the legislature, aa
well as to avoid confusion lu prepar
ing stub bills, Dovenior West today
named a committee with one represen
tative from each county except Mult
nomah, which has a representation of
five. On Ibis committee Is also nam-
I ml the Htale Oranae gotxl roads com
mittee, whlrh Includes t K- Hiwnce,
lof t'lscksniss county; A. I. Mason, of
Hood ltlver, and A. U Shaw, of IJnn.
(lovernor West says that from re-
iMirts he has receolved a bewildering
array of road laws will le submltled
to the ihi1 at the nem general elec
tion by various orgsnliations.
He declares that he bss received
many requests to mime a committee
which can hsndts sll this legislation
and hacmonUe It so that the people
will have one distinct law to vote up-
I on thst will be as nearly aa pose I Die
au enpresslon of the wishes of every
county in the stnte.
No Guesswork
,b,ul fw matter
. are a dtsosltor bsreT yu
Your bills are all paid by Yaur ahaek. v,ht
semes a receipt Ne treuble about ehanSe, no dlsout. 1r",d
mefita, no question aa to where your money has none .Vut Br
yeu have reoelved. Yotir pass booh and th, ,luh; , ' tnuh
always tell tho Otory. , ',ur 'bsk kj,
Tlic Bank of Oregon Citv
o a
I.ATOURarrTal Preeiaenl.
r. J. UBVna n .
.. , - --LMDiat
Traaeaeia a waersi wanninf uoineee. Opes) from I A. fw
te I o.
' . a
u 1 1 rr
Photos by American Preaa Association.
ALL cb
BuD sets IM. rteea moon aeta ! TWILIGHT.
10 XT p. nx; 8 p. planet Mercury at I i,rs- Pred Meindl, of Portland, re
i petibellon. nearest tbe sun. j turned home Tuesday sfter a week's
i visit wun ner parents, air. ana mcs.
George Lazelle, at Mountain Ash farm.
-.Chautauqua opens at Gladstone , - Mrs. George Schreiner visited
Park next Tuesday morning. This Is j friends In Canemah last Saturday,
the Fourth of July and there will be a M J- L"n w In Portland4a.t
Tory entertaining program, no lit l; Helnkle. of portUnd, was a
feature of which will be the alleged j guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Harvey
game of baseball between the teach-! Sunday.
era and tbe lawyers, doctors and ; Mr nd Mr- Charles Cold well made
preachers. Three profession, ought l9 "ip 10 Portla,X U" Tnuw
to have aa advantage over tbe ped- i M'r. and Mrs. George Laxelle and
agognes, but It should not be forgot-; T. J. Meindl and family, of Portland,
.L . . A . KAM fllnnA. villi, t . .Km Vam..
wnmnln, th. other fei.n. .h Mr.Curtl. Dodd. last Sunday at tfJ "'f L".
, . - . . t-Tystal Springs farm.
-wm-e,-4ewbt try to keep up thefr Mrm.-Samantha- Baylen-of - Kelso
practice. Chautauqua this year of-; Wash., hss returned home after mak- j
fers prime attractions for 13 days and ,Dg ner u D- Boylan, an extended j
any families will enjoy an ouUng '
by placing their tents under the big ;
tree la tbe cool and shady groves.
blidrvu believe tn fairies and elves, or. at any rata. It la ess for
tneui to preteua tusl tbey au. Helievlug In these wood oympbs. It Is
y to see bow they would eujoy pUylug tbst tbey are sprites with
tiotuiug tanglbte holding them to tbe earth. Sixty girls, ranging In
ages rrom nine to tnirteen years, bsve been giving a pautomluie called "Hut
terfly" on the ruvf of tbe University Settlement llouae, In New York's crowded
east side The performsnce consisted almost entirely of dsucea, and yet there
were uo set steps, the little dancers supplying from their iiuacluations ths
dsnces they thought would fit the story and their parts as fairies, wood elvua
and butterflies. Without any restraint and left to themselves the children
gave a delightful performance, moving about gracefully and naturally as 4f
aanrlng were their second nature. Tbe butterflies were In white, wltb long
spotted wings; the fsliiea wore pink, blue and lavender, and tbe wood elves
wer tn green, with sutnmn leaves.
Addition. Is completed and a family
has moved in.
There is a big demand for homes
snd many more bouses could be rent
ed. Several families are living In
Children's Day was observed with
appropriate exercises at Sandy M. E.
church. . Mrs. p. T. Shelley bad drilled
F. M. Hulght. V. O.: C. A. Lakln. Sec
rctary; Philip Strelb, treasurer; T. R.
a. Beuwnoi, cnapun.
1 bvangellcal Church ft v. E. Rade
baugh. pastor. Children's Day Sunday,
July 2. The program will consist of
songs and recitations by the children
and special music by the choir. : Y.
P. A. st 7 p. nr. Preachtna at t n. m.
I Prayer meeting Wednt-sday evenings.
f Arsksxf i n o manna Tk- . . ...
ruiruaiDowni tuoir practice Thursday evenings,
WBS moat successful. TrarhM' tr.lnin. lUu.
TI.. .I X iv. v vi v
.mM...I. . 1 1UJUI m iiie n U J wuuu Ti
- , soaierai fanners bad cut.
entertainment is seldcm found and
should be eagerly seised when
easily available.
00 ,
The German picnic was wen atend-
M ' ed at Smith's Grove last Saturday.
; John Hepler received word from
: Woodlawn Sunday that his son Charlie
was suffering from grip.
Tbe news columns of the daily news- . 8nar bal on ' verely
. , i hurt while erecting a wire fence last
papers are full of nauseating testi- week
Ensley Grlbble
mony about the election of Senator : Mr. Baldwin
Lorimer. One Edward Hlnes seems Sunday.
to have been quite a senatorial mani
pulator. He is reported to have said :
"Lorimer most be elected. Don't
leave, anything undone. I will be
down on the next train with alT the
mosey needed.' The wonder fs tn
the face of such testimony as this
that there is even a chance of Tri-! ed
mer retaining his seat.
the picnic
Sunday at
All crops will be greatly benefited
by the heavy showers, except straw
berries, and other small fruit, may
suffer seme should the rain continue.
Zeek Beer a house Is almost finish-
It hss been rented.
Mr. Smith's new dwelling in Meinig
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1
f For Safe and Sane Vacations f
I Br Dr. WOODWARD. Health Officer of Washington
l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I II I I I I I 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
&anuy win ceTeBrate"-Jwrt-T-r-"If?nrt
t.eorge v. Brownell will be tbe orator
of the day. Currensville brass band
will furnish the music. Big cash
purses will be given for ail kinds
of races and contests. Everybody Is
lnvlted ' '
J. G. Shaw wss elected school clerk
and G. R. Woodle director for the
John Bews and Harold Miller-went
to Portland last week.
Mark New and family of Eastern
bt. Johns the Baptist Church Masa
and sermon at 8 a. m. High masrand
sermon, benediction, 10 a. m., the Rev.
ltugenroth, pastor.
Unden Circle US. VY. O. W.. meeta
second and fourth Friday evenings of
Arnold, clerk.
When Fish Was bes'sa.
Tbe scan liy of rtu wi (ki time In
England tnnde It dilh.-ult fr t liej.j,r
to keep Leut. Ivpts remurks. ""flie
talk of tha t..M... i . .
Oregon, are vi.Uing the Roberts Urn- .b.U be kep, w.tb ,h. .tZxZlt
M. M. Reld went to Oreaon Cltv
Alfred Shirley is building .a resi
dence. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Keith spent Sun
day afternoon with the Evana family.
H. G. Huntington and wife went to
Dover Saturday afternoon.
Frank Johnston wss out from Port-
miiQ uue uay last weea. i
tbe king's rM Uumtlou. wbk b Is
I thought csuuoi be. because of the
j poor who rs uuot buy Ban." tie aUw
aaya. "Notwiihatauding my resoiuiU.u.
yet for want of other vlctualla. I did
j est flesh tbl nt." and again. "Our
i dinner ws only sugar sopps aod flb.
tbe only tluie we have bad a Lenten
dinner an this l-m "
I TO 0. ,
SACRAMENTO. Cal., June :
(8pecl)t)).--The Heavers, by shutting
out Sacramento, today, oartlally re
deemed themselves for their poor
ftork of the pNsl few dsys. The score
wss 9 to 0. Byram was hammered
severely, while Steen. although hit
freely., kept the bluglva srs tiered.
Portland played an errorless gsme.
The lli'svers begun In the first by
making two scores, and added one la
the fourth, one In the fllfth. three In
the Ninth, and one each In the eighth
and ninth.
The lestilia Wednesday were as fol
Pacific' Coast Portland 9, Sacra
mento 0, Vernon 3. Oakland: Loa An
geli-s s. San-Francisco 4. s
Northwestern league IHirtland Se
attle game postponed, rain: Taconia 2.
Victoria I; Spokane ft, Vancouver S.
National Leane Brooklyn 1. Phila
delphia l; New York 3. Boston 0; St.
iuis 7. i hicsgo li Pittsburg 3. Cln-
clnnstl Z. called by agreemenL.
American league Cleveland .
Chicago 4-3; Detroit 3, 8L Louis I;
i-niiadeipnia 16-3. Washington M;
cwirkBosum game - postponed.
rain. .
Oregon CltylrVoolcn
Mills Pays Top Prices
For Clackamas County
L. F. Short, telrgrsph iiMratir for
the Southern Paclllc Railroad st Can-
Pacific Coast.
W. L. PC.
Portland 45 3 .HI
Oakland 49 j .jjg
Ssn Francisco ...... 4 42 .633
Vernon 45 44
Sacramento 41 44 ,477
Lna Aniieles 30 J3 .404
- : NOrthwsstsrn. "
w. 1. p.c.
Vancouver .... ..... 43 2H .
Spokane .... 43 ! ,09J
Tacoma , 43 2 .593
Portland 33 34 493
battle 32 34 .4S
Victoria 53 232
lugging of new crop potatoes will
become general by next week. Early
crop has matured In moat sections of I by, was arrested Wednesday afternoon
the -slate and grower are merely loo a. charge of opening packages at
awaiting better weather condltlona to I the station and steallna articles of
gamer me product. - clothing valued at about 175 Hhnrt
Rpeeliita In the local market show I wss brought to Ihls cliv bv Ix-nuir
a considerable Increase, and alt houa-h Sheriff Rtaats. and taken ier.ii. Jua.
ne ituai auppiy 01 nume grown tubers lice of the Peace SamsourTIis Maoo
la small aa core oared with the full I er waived examination and n. lound
demand, it Is expected that a auffl- over to tho grand Jury.
cient amount win be coming forward The railway aaenta allege that artU
wimin ten aaya.- ici, B.v frm
at the atation for sometime, tiiiort
raa mnmtmtA m nt It I . a 1. 1 . t a.. ma
of the stolen articles were found la
his possession. Detectives of the reo
pany arrested hi in and the sheriff's
office waa notified. The young maa
told Deputy Sheriff Stasis that bt
Quotartn roe Qreoen rjity,
POTATOES Beat. tZML mood
S3 2S; common, 1 Buying, carload.
eiecr. u.iQ; ordinary. 11.90.
stesdy,-selling from l to 16 30r very JcametDregouUfivttL'orthJa(ta.
nine or cheaper
Mrs. Bodley went to Portland Sat-1
Birch Roberta spent Sunday on bis !
ITU the advent of tbe sum mer season all of those who can
afford to and manv of those who cannot make plans for
their SUMMER VACATION'S. YLV venernl nlana
K - !
alwaya include a trip away from hnm If the trip amy
L from home meana a visit to some place B KIT Kit than Jiome. then
air well and good.
A ; ' One should be CERTAD:. however, thai flu- .!u-e to which he
?lans to po is better than hi. own bomi- makinu hi final grrange
menu. , - Admitting that SOME benefit maT he derived bv one whose
- life is too monotonous by a brir-f change to n Kiimmer rrurf where
all is life and gayetv and that .me lncfit nmv U- derive.! bj one
whose life is too active by a viit to sonu- ,ni t f.!iii . in the countrv,
TeKnn FAIRLY ALI.K(5K that I'.kVkKITS will come
from aUndoniiiR a pure, wholesume. abundHiif water Mipply jor one
. hich is absolutely bad or of doubtful puritv and which is available
. 3-'t In limited quantities.
' " n n at
The Boys' Club held a meeting Mon
day evening and elected the follow
ing officers: Alfred Gettman, presi
dent; Arthur Kelly, vice-president;
Howard Cooper, secretary; Cowen
Harvey, treasurer; Ross Swaaaart.
chief of police. Tbe club will give an
entertainment In the near future.
The Milwaukie City Council met
Tuesday evening. The Council order
ed a gasoline engine for tho city W.
H. Council wss awarded the cofftract
to improve Fourth and Oak atreeta
J. J. Corbett Hss Trss Which la Ra.
-marhsble arer.
Tbe limb of a Black Tartarian cher-
ry tree exhibited in the office of J. J.
Corbett. of this city, baa attracted
much attention the past few days.
The cherries were grown on the Cor
nell place, and the tree la heavily
laden with luscious fruit. The limb
containing the fruit Is eight Inches
long with 120 cherries, which weigh
uue anq i nree-rourtns pounds.
of cheaper gradea. Food la
higher and rising slowly. Ursa brings
OATS ( Buying I Orsv. 124 to I2S.
wnite, from izo 10 927.
ni'.TTER (Unyngj Ordinary
oruntry brlnga from lie to 10c,
lancy a airy iron lor to 32?. cream
ery 32c to 29c,
tCOOR- 1 iraytng iAre ranglLg from
sue 10 ne. according to grade.
Ways ef the Wily.
On one of tbe trips of a ersrk Al
lantlc liner a distinguished looking
man called tbe amoklua mora airw
ard's attenitoo to tbe presence of two
"professional csrd siutrjn:' whom u
pointed " ouL InveNtitfstlou . dim-ined
tbe fsct tbnl I lie iisH--i nteu Here
highly reaped a tile -rii-. and mnnr
apologies were made twin 11 e t the l "' n that It la lmosslble to see where barley 133, w hole corn
Real Estate Transfsra.
Gladstone Real Rstate Association
to City of Gladstone, rights and prtvr
leges; deed Of gift.
VV. G. and May Brick ley to James
llsrney. lota S and 3, block 1Z. Brick-
ley tract; 1400.
Jamea Mackey to Gottlieb and Lena
POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit. I Keller, lota 1 to 11, Inclusive, block
tie good stock offered. Good bona are ' minora ; 91.
bringing Ike. Old roostrs are In noor I Carolina 91 Bnracue to Edward K.
dmand, broilers bring from 20c to tie, I Dart, 20 acres, section .in. townwihly
wun gnou oeroana. 1 2 south, range 3 east; 91.
WOOL--(Buy..r-Vool prices are Matilda R. Jones to. Belle M. Wick-
ranging from 13c to 15c bam, lota 1 and 3, and southwest qua
MOHAIR tUu vina Prices on . or of northwest quarter and nono-
hslr hava hMn ma, ... v.. 1.. west ouortor of southwest quartsr.
7 ' Ji. . . . I .1. . 1.1- k 1
vrougni aa n'gn aa 39o locally. Quo-1 :
tailor are 37e and demand la atrona a"tV MCpt 9 Mnm Qt 3' ,B:
Mr. Corbett has taken KM) pounda from 126 BO to I27.M, aborts 129 to 130 "ort,Bt quarter of aouthwea qusr- .
from the It mm ahlk l ... k..uii .. I .... a.. . . . ....1 I tar mnvavaui tn Oancla and Kit th K.
.1.-. .. 7 - -..--7 eii ou 10 js.js. proeeea iL- .
miatake. and tb iiiho f rKl-ii 1
canse or nis. giHMt inifi.ioii i th.-
end of tbe trip 11 w found ilm 1 in
auspicious pnsseiicer sod '1110II1-1 nh.
bad been the iouli in deuiiii m-:
tbe "false MlHrm" hurt won llg uin..
Rlvervlew Lodge of I. O. O. F. will ! jnoney st card- from tl.. ir fe i,.e- 1
Install the following officers Monday
evening, July 3: Past Grand, C. P.
Roswell; N. G., Dr. J. ' T. Townley;
lata. who. too lute !nriil Kin "im
had ln snlmllert ht iiihii who In or
der to dive'i ii-'iii ii ni-f-ild otln-r
131 Ia 1st isrweraao, luo acrea; fi. .;
Wheat 9311 Eiisaoetn iona nrauiey 10 inwa.
) avak a Onavtl.
akiln avrkas Ba asaa naa 1 aaaiatf 911
Its. tal I ",,, 9BU SPOSSSS, aya.
a . . . . ; - I fMI I
" 117; clover 99 to 210 oat W" h-.7 Henry and Lenora C. Atw.ter to
uiese were picked. The tree wss crsohed con 33 to 923,
"- 07 mr. ixirDcti m the early I to 933
1 .. .. i. ss 10 sio: oaf 1
" J'010. 111?. ml.l ti i.ti. .ir.i.."... ..'Iril.aholh Pnnil Rrad lev. fin acres, see-
- - tv " via, niiaiia. SAa Mil" - ' - -
$14. ' I Hon 4, township 2 aouth, range 1 east;
HIDES (Buying Green hides R 11 00
to-0c; saltora. 8 He to 6Vie; drv hMaa Anettlo and
nntep pens, 26c to 75c
Superintendent of County Schools
T. J. Gary will return from Salem to
day, where he went on bualness re
lating to the schools.
12c to 14c,
yvnr like the flower"
' . " - Spteblefo ,
Select Lily of the Valley Perfume'
"" , . J -. , ' " 'f possesseo all tho fragrance of tho ' ."
- - - 'resh flowers, la very- lasting and a '. "
' .:, . - v" Frest favorite with People hi refined J f ""
; taste . ' .-. - - . ';,. . . ...""-. . f '.
v ' it Is -all. the rage-throughout tho . " - .
', 'S. " connlry. aad Is demanded by all np-to- ' ,.,-'
' ''. particular people. Price per
v.. - ; . emnce $1.00. ,- . ..
: ' Select Uly of the Valley Liquid ' .
" ,8oap 25c and 60c. . - . ' . '
'"-Hoy Drotliers Co., Dnifjrjists
I -Si
- : J -
II I Mlvl I I I -r-f'fOfiMotMt a. crS Ik II'
J 'l Berryanait try' Washiwgten Star.
Algansn Cerk.
Tbe best i-ork cotn from Algeria.
There are aOo.ttK) acres of cork for
est In that country.
Hew Cleuds'Oet Their Frmass.
Vrotfmn,,t Dmliill IIMMI lo etlMiiln to
poi'iilsr niKllem-es. with the sld of a
brililiint eiperluieui. Mini 1 It blue col
or or me Ky m owii t ifNillug pn,r
tli les of InrlHlMe iluxl thul break up
mi waiter me short waves, wbli h sre
DRIED FRL'ITfl lwat ri
firm at from c to 0c on aomea and
;runes. I'eaCDea ara 100.
SALT Selling 6O0 to 90s (or fine.
9. K. Albright to May
H. Mills, parts lota I. 2, 7 and 8, block ;.
111, Aregon uny; fsjo.
In the County Court of the Stat of
,L ,l unck.' n',f around 40c; 75 for U tho Matter of tho Estate of Ellery
iw iu. sacsa. . . Ciiun. rwMaeit.
The iinataraleaaif havlna been P"
. r ths.
SACK VESG ETA BLEU - r.rmta 0U"7..V" v
tt (a ... -. . ' 2 loiaie 01 uregon ior k.iarsania '
f,1.2,8!1?.? JKL M.0,ki.?A71?iw' 1" "wutor of tho taat will and teats-
.. ,..-v, iKHi.p, oeeis, Imant nt trllr r.. rfacaased. B
' - tlca ia harahv elvan lo the rrodlluT"
VE0l3TAni.ll'Maanaraa'iia alf I nf anil all k.vln rlllrfl
IUe IHUe Waves, of liubl Thla III.7S Per frttm- Olhhsn .,mm I u.ll..ln.l ..M AmmmA nraaant tt-l
"iuis ' r - "wi aw " a mm. mi 1 ssj V sen at UDWrsiaTwu, av V "- --
nuna.raweignt; cauiinower, 91.e0fJ trorined aa required by law, wi
$1.75 nor dor.en; celery, California, 75c I six montha after the flrat ptihllcstlr
90o ner dosen: cucumbers. 1 1.807 of thla notice, to aald executor,
$2.25 per dosed; eggplant. 15c per lb.; Ladd a TUton'a Bank, corner Tht;
garlic, 100012c per pound: lettuce, and Washlncton streets, I'ortH
B0c per dosen; hothouao letfuoe, I.50 Oregon. -
0$2 1 per bos: neas. ficirtlla ner - RDWIN W. CAPEN.
pcund; peppers, 30cC35o per pound; I ICxecutor of tho last will and ts-
prliM-lpalle a arvsl elevation.
tbe aimosiiberlc dust Is esireuiely Due.
wun m me lower reglous of I be air.
" oiisi is tmrm.r. the ecu iter
log sffects sill the, rays, or colors,
alike. The brllllnni frfngeM of clouds,
seen nearly in the direction of it.. .....
.n. . ,'rt wUlct W wdtahoo, 160 per dosen; rhubarb. tki
v...., n.-, umuiutes in the nelubbor
uoou r ci.mds and refruits the
ogni around their edges
ment of Ellery eapen, Deceas-d
Bay a Home
While Paylnc Rent
4l00 down and $12 month
lahss thla comfortable six-room
'house and lot. House Is wired
for electricity. Lot 62x105 feet
Some fruit on plane. Well lo
cated on Madison St, fft(
A snsp at,,i,,.,rv,., yssUU
E. P. Elliott cr.d Son
7'h and Main sts., by Suspen
iH Bridge,
C3c -per pound: sDrouts. 9c: tomatoes I Dated. Juno 7th. 1911.
fU4.Z0. ... , j
POTATOES Oreeon. iohhlna nrlca
$2.60 per hundred; nw potatoes, 7c
O7V40 per pound.
ONIONS Jobbine ' nrifsaa! ' nn,,.i.
$2 76 per 100: Australian, 13.60 per
100; Texts. 92.25 ner crate; full 'or
' ota, 92 per crate.
Oregon City Stock Quotations. .
HOGS Hogs are Quoted Ua lower
From 1S5 Iba. to 160 Iba. from
160 lbs. lo 200 Iba. $Ho. . - ,
VEAL CALVES Veat cahea ortn.
fron so to toe according to rale
BEfCF STEERS leaf .leers 'for
(ho local markets ore fetchlne (Umn
40 live a-olgOL ... . .
SHEEP ... lirfu at to to Ss 11 va
weight. . -, ,
PACON, LAKH and HAM, ara Brm
- vfrl Air Chertstsp,
Ttt e:anat jk 10 tiny mi t"i
;( likes 10 sr-ue a lo sxree With
blCf -Al1-' ' ,' - .
We Pay Top Prices
Oregon Cc.7..-nissicn
Dcsljfs In Flour, Hay,
Grab, Feed, Coal and
Product. ;
2 -
rr.d hAIN STS,