Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1911)
Tho only dolly neweeae la V tween Portland and So lee alrea latoo In every section of Otaak mil County, with a population ; SO ,000, Aro you an advortl 6 di. ftwfeeerlptlena for th. Morning t WW w,n b '""d a enty limited ' I rete. tend In your order today I end benefit of low prlco. VOL. 1-N. 118. Peb Week, 10 Centi OUEOON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1911. MORNING ENTEIMQSE WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED I860 masked odiums HOLD UP EXPRESS MAIL AND BAQGAOE CARS OFF AND ENGINEER RE POUTED MISSING. CUT PERPETRATED BY WAIT MP DOUGALL SAfE IS DYNAMITED BY BANDITS Tra n Crow Covered With Gun. Act at Outlaw' Bidding Poiee . on Handcar St4. Pur ault of Man. CIJCNDAUO, Or.. June 28. --(Spec lull Tho ('allforiiln Kxpres w li.l.l up at West Fork. In Cow freek Cii..ii. at 8:10 tonight by thno iniixkt'd outlawa. 1 lie mull. express ami baggage 'rs ere ilrtiicjiril, ami lht mall car loot ed. Th Mtitra) were not mo lesied ' . Tin -r which were, deturbed innn ihr flrl seclloii of Hi" (rain were heard from by llfilitm from j (' creek aiatlon, four mile east of i West I'wrk. U was reported thui tho mull car hud been robbed, but mat Kir Messenger Kobb kept the rob li Irom eiitrrlna: the express car. Enginoor I Mining. KtiKinier Hchmldt la mlaaliiK. but li U believed ho may be with the rear part of tho train, from which no com munication liaa Id received. After halting tho train tho robber, ordered tho mall, express and baggage rnra detarh-d and drawn amo ui tamo from tho passenger coaches. Roar of tho exploslou of tho dyna mlto et In tho safe by tho tralnrob- era aroused West fork residents, and a ixm we. formed hero Immediately, the operator at West fork telephoning new. of tho holdup. On haudcar epuly Sheriff Uwsoil. Constable ..nk. and lroy Jenklna with other armed men aro apeedlnic toward tho scene f tho robbery 15 mile west of thin pluco. Trainmen Faco Platola. Boarding tho first section of tho rata the outlawa had tho full train .r. under complete control 1 fra mbi mmmr- AND AUNT&W IS'VlEP ALL RIGHT. "Juarez Hell I" exclaimed General Tamale I In1cn minutes Diaz tsltJnJdespolr. "-ifTve: caught OIK $0M B0NE$ 0U Aunt June dldl ofl complain About her poor old bones But no one eared how ill she tired Nor listened tblier moans Until onenldlit it came to light Wtial AunI Jane really owtvs. But now (IS plain tliat old Aunt Jane Need never be alone For we II try to save her every pain While she altll lias a hone. Tlie whole blame push comes In a rush 4 1 1 I I he minute Aunl Jane groan I For you can bet we dont forget 5lie lias forty thousand bones . SUMMER RFXIPLS . Crape Fruit may now be served will, horse rtkliftfi, chopped pickles arxl grated Swiss cheese or peanut buUer Ilavored wilh carllc. don't you KNOW BETTt THAN TO NEAR COUNCIL REFUSES KERMCK LICBI8E PROPRIETOR OF LOO CABIN SA LOON MUST CLOSE PLACE ON JULY 1. CLASS FRONTS TO BE INVESTIGATED Member Declare Draatie Meaeuree Threaten Bar Owner With Bankruptcy Portland Men Denied Llcenae. MRS. ELMER E. BLACK. New Vork Woman Who la Devot ing Her Life to thi Cause of Peaee SANDY STIRRED DY Inmio- dlalely. tho highwaymen bo vrai...a their Riuia that nono dared movo. Tho train waa halted at :10 and tho ukI neer waa ordered to pull tho train to a point atnmt mllo north of the ot port atatUm. ' " That tho pniM.nKero were not mo lected waa later reported by tho oper ator -t V.ifo.k. The mall clerka were forced to atand In line with the 4lamatk ami COQ du?U It la not Mleved tho robber. COMMITTEE APPOINTED TO AT- R.t much lt from the eipre. conflnlnit their efforta to ranaacklng the bauKU and mall car. , m : -r-d ' UgK- MAN'S INHUMANITY A N .H FIVE ST.KK.NCSMS NOW YOU SEE WrlAT HAPPENS WHEN WE GO THE LIMIT ON ONE OF THESE COMIC SERIES I itwonThap PEN AGAIN LOCAL ELKS AID IN ! MILVAUKIE SUED HONORING HERO CHIEF i T0 HALT STREET HISS WATENPAUGH HAS PREm WEDDING The City Council, at a special meet ing WedneHday night, voted 10 pui Joneph Kerrlck, proprietor of the Log Cabin aaloon, who wa recently con victed of violating an ordinance, out of bUHlnesa. Chief of Police Shaw wa Instructed to notify Kerrlck that hii licenHP. would not be renewed and hla place must close on July 1. Mayor Brownell brougni up in ......atinn of the renewal of Kerrlck' license. The saloonkeeper has made . dotormineit fiitht to vindicate mm self and retain hi license, uui m Council waa convinced that he had broken the law, ana aeciaea mm stringent action waa necessary in or der to prevent violation in future. Women Found In Place. Korrirb was arrested after Police man Cook had found two women In a room alKve hi saloon, ine womcu were released on bona oi :u ei-u, and fled the city. Kerrlck denied wai h had any control of tne room anu that it haH been rented to a mlllworker. Thl testimony waa cor roborated by the mlllworker, but It was shown that the room waa uui locked, and It would have been an easy matter for persons connected with the saloon to make use of 11. Recorder Stipp fined the saloonkeeper 175 and sentenced him to a term of ten day in Jail. Upon application for . writ of review Judge Campbell, of the Circuit Court, reversed the ver- riipt on the ground that tne compimui t...A hon imnronerlv drawn. Kerrlck ,. rarr.nted oleaded not guilty and hi. will be called for hearing !.,.,. th Recorder Saturday. In motion to dlsmlsa the complaint the i'H KILLING OE HORSES MYSTERIOUS MAN SLAYS SIX ANI MALS AND MAKES HIS ESCAPE. BODIES ARE FOUND ON BUM KC'J Citizen, Aroused by Outrage, Search in Vl" For Driver Who I Thought to Hav Fled to Eastern Oregon. MOUNT PLEASANT TO CELEBRATE FOURTH MAYOR BROWNELL WILL BE OR ATOR OF DAY PRIZE8 DO NATED FOR RACE8. TEND FUNERAL FIREMEN 8END WREATH. MMAHIGAL WEEPS OVER ACT OF WIFE ALLEGED DYNAMITER MOVED BY HER PLEA THAT HE TELL TRUTH. . r.a iiivi r Inn. 28. Ol'llo E. McManlgal. alleged confessed y ter. today. In,tween w.b spoke of the FIVE PLAINTIFFS ALLEGE PRO POSED HIGHWAY WOULD IN JURE THEIR PROPERTY. Arrangement are-being made for .h. iohratinn on the Fourth of July In Mount fieasani dj "" Mount Pleasant Clvtc improvemeui Club. Mayor Brownell. of thl city, la to deliver the oration and the "Star Spangled Banner" win be sung oy of Oregon City leading soloist with rhnrus. One of the feature will be the basket picnic. Tnere are m, beautiful tree In the park where the lunches will be served. Refreshment and lunches will be aold by the ladle of the club. The afternoon will be devoted to sport, among the race are to be the f-llnwinz. whicn rw hot defendant declared that he wa being Men.. 60!y,ri dash, fat man' race; I a jv, in, irla- ino-vard dash t h wife anu umu ti. that largely contradicted aUto- iv inn iipieiiew with 11 7 " . .h. H.faiiM of the ment Riven om --- BIG TANNERY INVOLVED IN CASE Shifting of Thoroughfare, It I Alleged, Would Destroy Mill and Fill Creek and Pond. POPULARYOUNGWOMAN COMES BRIDE OF VAN COUVER MAN. BE- . ,.. iinihra. trims .li.aMter tlctober 1. 191"' ntervlew. were given In the pre;. ence of Hum." detective. m i Manlgal tatement. were P-nc'P"' n response to a list of QJn which official, were willing that be hhould answer. They related almost Incident of the past few day, since Mrs. McManlgal and her two cmidren arrived here from Chicago and array Jd'herHelf on tho side ol ! thj defen The question were put to McManlgal M Man Z 1-'nred that It wa. at hi. reu'es? that the Interview between VSJt snd hi. wife in the ante-roont of tho-grand Jury chamber, wa. ar- r''hene;r.rwar. ushered In there af t.r having been told that .he laid her H J tl all -entence for con ?emit by refusing to answer que.. !f"'L y.J M.Mlni.l. "she did nol see me at flr.t. I went over to where she t took her hand, and kissed Kjlo 'and she said .he would go to Jail. L inked her If "he thought that be rW. and said, 'Why dont you tell . the truth.'" EERTHA ADAMS MID . FRAIIK DICKBI WED Dr Civile Mount, exalted ruler of Oregon City Lodge No. lt. Unvo i ..I. irnirtlv Order - of tlk.. Wednesday appointed the following committee to represent the local lodge .... m t Ll f ea f n I A x of Blks at tne iuuei. r ; David Campbell at i-onmnu -j Henry O Malley. Jame. II Cary Judge J. 11. Campbell. Livy bupp. II. Howell. The firemen ni a mov ing Wednesday nigni ui..iv.. .... purchase of a wreath which will be Ijiwrence Ruconlcn, wno was ,.t fhlef ramtibell. The funeral win be held at l:3Q o ciocg mm at the Klk.' Temple. The service, will i.. .....n in the nub IC. mi ... m Robert -Townsend, A. O. i r J. rook, cnaries n. ni". . '- i . - .....,.. v AhOllt W. W. lianas aim vr . ..j. nf . 200 Portland firemen will be detailed ment of ... - t Tk. fniiarMl wi n , I . . . i erty of the plaintiff, would oe irreum- .n.nH thA funeral. The funeral will bo led by the union musician., 150 strong, wnue tne inem draped horn., will follow tne nearse. Suit wa. Instituted Wednesday In the Circuit t'ouri ny nu Kate U Charman, Dora lonKim, iw tle B. Wlssinger and Robert Bonnet against the town of Mllwaukle to pr vent the official oi mm uiuu.v..K w from proceeding with tne imp.- atreel aiong me "- v . . - .1 that tha nrno- posed, uMn me ". : . ' ABSCESS OF KILLS iOUNG MAN -snv nt fiUV STEVENS TAKEN TO FORMER IOWA HOME BY FAMILY. i ,i. ,.f nnv Steven., .on of Austin Steven., of Clackamas Heights ably damaged. .. Application is made for a ""i"'"-' restraining order, and tne ni.u. then proK)He to obtain a P""'rc'V junction. Klve acres oi num. as tho Mllwaukle Tannery property, together with water power and dam, 1. Involve. In the iuh. Rtreet to Follow Road. The County Court. In 1884 estabiisn- ed a county road aiong mo boundary of the proieriy. prior Incorporation of Mllwaukle, and the nlnlnllffs aver that Mayor oiif.u - Councilmen John R. Kelso, w. r. uen . t ft rfe er ci ftt. u'irriin Knisni mn v. t. owvn .... m rl InnnrH ton pretended to p .... .h. imnrnvement of Harrison . .nl tot rnntract for the l.a HI I W K ,, , 1..J ..rovement to W. H. uounsen, f One of the prettiest home weddings of the season wa. solemnized on Wed nesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. V. A a- tenpaugh, when their aauguier. a irnes. became the wife of U E. How- land or Vancouver. Wash., the cere mony being performed oy u n C Blackwell. of HlUboro. formerly pastor of the Methodist church of this city The bride wa. attended by Miss .j.,.n nf ljiTamas. Wash., and the bridegroom by Alphur Foules, of . r..... wh The bride wore a becoming gewn of white .Ilk mulle ..rrid an arm bouauex oi wnn .,.oiirtn the brldesmaiu on. I rnrrvlns Wnue CBiuanu... The bride, holding the arm of her fa- ceded by the little flower girl, Velrns M-...r,.,mnrh n ece of me unuc, u wore blue silk. Beneath a floral bower nf roses and ferns, from which a floral bell wa. .uspended, the mar riage cemeony wa. performed. The Impressive ring ceremojiy wa. used v...k tiv Hlackwell. A wedding served, after which Mr and Mrs .lowland left for Image .iinro th former is a mm V tt!i-t " " arifrrtt Many beautiful gift, were received by the young couple. Among those .ii....iiif tha ceremony were Mr. and m ' u- watenuaugh. Mrs. George ... ..,h Mrs O. T. Clark Vernon: Cecil and M.ynard .Clark, of. Camas, Wash.; Mr. and m-.,1 ,,.h volmi. Marian. Harold "7 w. ennaugh. of Portland t,V .nd Mrs. F. McDonald, of Oregon City; Mls ma joiumou Foules. of Camas. Wash. harassed The application of Clemen, tt Fish, of Portland, for a wholesale Uquor ii.,o was refused. The men desired to open a branch sore here to sell to local retailer, ana saiuunn- . other parts of the county. The Coun cil also considered the question of the i. imni. recentlv installed by the saloons. It waa the general opinion v.-. .mtl nf the nronrletor. had not with the. ordinance and the City Attorney and umei w x were ordered to make an Investiga tion and report at the next meeting of the Council. Councilmen Pope and Burke, while admitting that It wa. ' . ...i- .... Interior almost lmpoHsiuio i -" of several saloons, .aid they wre not sure that the owner, nau uv o live up to the law. Saloon. Hard Pressed. r-nnnrtlman Pone Mid that if me Council continued passing ordinance. regulating .the Baioong an would be put out oi duiuc. - dared that several of the proprietor. were barely making a nvn.B. Strickland declared that he opposed the glass fronts, ana suggweu .u.. the saloons be confined to a certain district. i ... riorided to advertise for bias for a culvert on John Adam, street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets. The culvert wii c The City Engineer was Instructed to prepare plans ana pw.. Lvin Monroe street, between Elev- enth and Thirteenth. and Alphur TiUoValla r.nuPLE TO SPNO HONEYMOON IN SALEM AND DALLAS. VTh marriage of Mis. Bertha Adams. :-.Ilt. n v. Adam., a merchant " .. M M L. TllrtuBfi . WH.M ! V and Widn-S; at noon In the t BB-MfMi offlolatlng. . u.. i lnvd Shaver. Mr I .' Mr and Mr.. F. B S rtVnwnin. their hom. mEESl .h.r. Mr. Dlckan 1. em- Dickon usiin B"- -' - - f nlmcos. of Ins In the mprovement an iu ho died Tuesday night of abscos. ot i, g in property ated and who died Tuesuny ii.R-- "v, "former of the county road along the prop the brain will ,V il? SS o All P alnUfT- wrongfully design borne , of the ,,,ml., In C'"'. olP . tho famllv iarieu . v M..nln. I 4 O CHIVn ' -11 l"" n, Mr. Steven, afternoon i. " ."-". ,,, h.d :," , ; long time and hi. death A ..nAvnOrtilil. waa nui uiik- a .latr Hi. parent, and nromer . j . . i . . . -.n,.n In Iowa. IB" nave uvciuea w - .ii.. h.r hout a year ago, IMIIHIJ v...w i.t'.. - . hl i.k . k . i.n nr niHKiuB h...- III! I..- ...i-...."" - j..h their home. It la thougnt me u... . .h. vm.ncr man caused the decision ." " . . ... C3.v. to return to Iowa. Tne eiaer mr. o. n. I. member of the Grand Army of the Republic. CLACKAMAS BOY it la charged mat wn Councilmen pretended to make a re- urvey ana reiocmiw m ..-- ----- dary of the -"--J -"" land claim, in wmc. situated, and to resurvey that part of the county road .o es tablished along the nort boundary of he claim by shifting the north boun dary of the claim 27.G7 feet .outh of KVuVnortn boundary fully encroaching upon Pl'',ffl 'rnnertv a distance of 27.67 feet. injury. to Mill Threatened. IHPiTi . m on in"" and It Is SERIOUSLY HURT Alexander Deford. who wa. run down by n O. A W. train Monday evening t Vancouver, nd I. hi. Mary". ho,p.tal In th.t . rity cal condition. I. n of 1 Mr. tohn Deford of Claokamaa Helgnt.. vX Kin. noUfled of . viamin.'. a .t.fer of tne . : .-A u.n. Rudolph. . to tne ui""'l"" tnr Mrs. n-rawsed. It wa. Impo.lbU for Mr. Deford to go to th son. . . bedside of her and pond. creek, mill the boun- th nrooerty. and wimi.. aary r ,h- ... . ; .h. land. ,he . - f the alleged tnsi uj - boundary restrained by the cou'r v. .v, upon the prem..e! .and remove th. fences, destroy - .- - ., . the creeK """ ' r. ,, JiointM God. It Is said Hint there are no fewer than 8.00O.0C0 different god worshiped by tho Japanese. TODAY and nes.roy hv At. ntlff. are rri"--'-"'- -.- The plali torney. Dlmlck ft Dlmlck. . THE WEATHER. Oregon City-Shower, today; 0 .outh westerly wind.. ' Oregon-Shower, today; .omh- Duke De Ribbon Counter Ought to catch the ladles. Forgiven, in Death A Western Dram. The Accomplice THE GRAND 60-yard dash for girl.; 100-yard dash for boy. tinder U year.; dreBaing coo- test free for all; wneeiuaxruw bicycle race; nail driving contest fo ladies: potato race. An orchestra will furnish music Many of the merchant of thl. city i.. rinitH nrlze for the race., .mnw .hem helne John Adams, Jones Drug Company. H. 1. Martin (15 cent store). Price Brothers, U Adams, Hnntlev Brothers' Company, Frank Busch, C. W. Fredrick.. Arrangement, are being made to have carriages take people from this -i vf mint Pleasant at a nominal sum. and as the distance 1. not far many will walk. There will be no ad mission charged, and the Civic Im provement Club of Mount Pleasant ex- ' . a. i .A .11 tn all and tends an invuauou i nte killing of six fine work horse by a man supposed to be insane, has stirred the resident, of Bandy and vicinity. The man passed inrougn Sandy the early part oi last week with the horse, attached to a waguu, and the next day the animal, were found dead on the aider of the Barlow road. They had been .hot In the head. The Identity of the man who killed the horses, whether he owned them or had stolen them, and where he .ma from are matter, the authort- tie. have been unable to soive. m driver, however, 1. .aid to have acted strangely when he passed through the town. . Wagon-Found In River. " After the bodies of the horse, were discovered, a search wa. made for the wagon, and it wa. found In the Sandy River. Part of the harnesa waa on the bodies of the horse, and the rest had been thrown In the river. W. M.' Hardin, of Ames, who waa In the city Wednesday, said that the people living In the neignoornooa where the bodle. were found, were greatly wrought up over the killing . of the horsea They have made a. thorough search for the man who killed them, and It I. thought that he escaped Into Eastern Oregon. He wa. going In that direction when he passed through Sandy. . - Another report from Sandy give, the number of horse, killed as elghL It was at first thought that the horses were stolen from a man at Eatacada, but only two of his animala were mlaa lng, and none of the horse, killed an wered I their description. Man Thoucht Hill Slayer. . Soon after the bodle. of the animal, were found a rumor started at Sandy that the man who killed them waa -the slayer of the Hill family near Ardenwald station, but thl. I. hardly probable. The sheriff, office made an Investigation of the killing of the horses, but got no clue to the Identity of the man who was last seen driving them. That he is a maniac, or uu stolen the animals and feared cap ture If he turned them loose, 1. the belief of the authorities. WIFE, SUING, SAYS MAN WITH BUCK EYE ARRESTED AND FREED WOMEN FRIGHTENED BY STRAN GER, WHO ASKS FOR FOOD AND PAYS FOR IT. LIBRARY OPE ATTRACTS BIG CROWD PLEASE8 ROOM. REARRANtit. u. , PATRONS FINE PROGRAM IS RENDERED. Several hundred persons attended the opening of the Oregon u tin " in thelasonlc building Wednes day night. The room, which has been rearranged by the ladles and the board nresented an aliracuie a-- . and th. program, though -Impie. was thoroughly appreciated. Punch was served by Misses Evangeline Dye, Fllxabeth Monell and June Scott. MUm T Louise Walker and Florence " ace rendered .everal .election, on the piano. - ...,. vara received by MIS. Alma W. Moore, the librarian, and the ?X of the library board Mora than i.H hsvn been added to tne library and tha arrangement of the reading room has been entirely changed. The system used In the Portland public llbrarle. ha been In- MAn entertainment will be JW .... tnr th-rhlldreo. and Friday the iVbrar,' wl .b opW MARION E. BLACK ACCUSED OF SCOULDING SPOUSE MEN SEEK DIVORCES. Kellle R B'ack, who was married In Portland on February 26. 1905 to jMnr Ion E. Black, has filed a suit for dl vorcf. They' had one child Lyman Douglas Black, aged five year. Mr. Black chafes her hMtand malning away from home all night, drinking and carousing returning In the morning and scold ng her She say. he has a jealous disposition and falsely accused n-i v - He Is reported to nave ment that he was sorry m u-- . ried her and wantea w ( - - Arthur Schneider l.a fl led la for divorce agslnst Ann. U Schneider. They were.narr.ed August 19 1 00 at Oregon Uity anu n- " Vvivn Pauliue aged six year and Evelyn, Kd two and one-half year.. He say. "e cursed and swore, at him and de serted him on June 20 last. U Ren & Schuebel are her attorney. F. N. Woirer nas buhu b. .... . H t unrrft Ha ftJ " - ' Basket Plol Poponed. ....... i-.i to hate been glv ?ndeflnltely postponed on account of weather and It I. probable that IK pTclc wl'llot be glvon ontl. after the Chautauqua. Not .Panama Canal In Monday. here Justice Marrlea Couple. r,ita and W. R. Wade were rnnadaT by Justice of the " " The wltnemes were Bwn .-on Kel.o. fer ..i . .i hvflmH angrv cross ana irnuum . . . j... . . at mere trifles, suming i"i j- - - time and refusing xo - Wolfer I. a tesmster and charge, his ife with nagging mm tor """ more money. He is repr..:u Gordon K. Hayes. Chief of Tolice Shaw and Policeman Cook locked up a peculiar man Wed no,tT and then let him go. The prisoner was charged with being a suspicious characer. and he had a name Alfonso M. Gautier that would sound fine a. the author of a French novel. He also had a black eye and another peculiar thing about v.' int that a til ark eye Is pe culiar In these day. of fisticuff., hold- ups etc. wa. the fact that he lnsltd - upon paying for his meals. He winl - from house to house on the bill iana ..iced for food, and when It wa. given, . . him alway. produced the money, in dignantly scorning the Jdea that Ttt .... . n,nrtirnt. He seemed to be) ' fund of egg. which he) NIIl(uiu..J y ate from the shell. '-tr Several women were frightened by -, Gautier'. strange action, and that , I V why he wa. arrested. H told tn, chief that he wa. a mlnl.ter and he got the black eye accidenUr. .aid It humiliated him that he d' ih.h to noma to Oregon City, whC he did not know anyone and ataf VB. the eye got well. a. Three Couple Granted Llo! ' License, to marry werw law- nesday to Anna Crlte. and M. I'VC of Wllhott; Adah Agnea TT-taa.1 and Dana E. Howland, of vanct Wash., and Bertha Adam, and 1 Dicken, of Molalla. ; 4- Hotel eVrrivala. ; The followlm: are irt Electric Hotels T. Thor.- L. H. Klrchem. J. Woke,. R. Fronint, C. May. OrrT K. Munpower, 6toe; O. J Portla4; r. N. Weejdr 111.; Mra. p. ISaley, Pr p H Mulloy Eotate $S,40a Th estate of P. H. Mulloy has been filed for probate, and H. K. Bennett " 1 ',inr t The was appoiuwu alue of the estate is . . ooe)owO04owoo4o4oeoewoc om - ' T VAVt ' 1-4 - . .'" 'j e All in crop, close t3 cl blocks from 'store: fp Xl itjr. terms If yoit wt a home come tmd t:t a;:r; . V i T7. F. SCHOOLEY filC tit JM , tU . Ort. . - . . ..Tak.- - ployed ta Mr. Adnii tor. -"f ' " ''''tf''' "'' ' '