Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 28, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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Stories from Out of Town
; , ; :
"Havenl aeen any Bucb. a season
a thla for cool, dry weather atace
1847." remarked a plonear, the othar
day. "I waa a youth thaa and have
II red In Clackamaa ever alao. Pound
i It a pratty good placa ail tha wl
Tha lata fir chief and Mr. Camp
bell spent Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Schuerler. Tha rami
Ilea wera friend and nalghbora when
Mr. 8chufler and family lived In
Fort land.
Mr. and Mr. Henry Suter ara tha
parenta of a daughter, born Tuesday
Copyright fcf Amtrlraa Ims Association.
Copjrrlhl hy America Praaa Aw-
datum, mil.
tin mwARD
For tha arraat an conviction
of nu person or persona, who
unlawfully ramora enplaa of Tha
Morning Entrprle from tha
a iiramlsM of ubcrlbra after
paper haa been placed thara hyJ
A arrlar. W
When the Japanese wera besieging
Port Arthur there were a number of
My brolber Uvury wrote m that be
waa going to bring hi friend out to
women and chlldrvu abut up In the our country place for the week end
fortress. Slugularly enough, they wr
there, the women by their own con
aent and tha children by the consent
of their parental Discipline waa very
lax among tha KunUni, and a numler
of tha officer preferred to have th -lr
fanillle with them to being separnt
ad from them. Geurral Stoeaeel.
tha Ruaataa cotumauder, aet the exam
It la rumored that tha Southern Pa
cific will begin to lay tha double track I morning
between Portland and Oregon City, I Tha Oak Grove Girl Band played
about July 1. I for the Trainmen' plcnlo at Katacada
Tha preaant week will bring atraw-IPark Sunday. Tha children war da-
berry hauling to a cloee. I llghtfully entertained by tha Trainman
Mr. M. C llayward la recovering and tha people or Eatacada,
from tha sever fall aha had laat weak. Mlaa Anna Short la visiting Lexy
TH a wnnH Kn m a a ha anttralv dai. I CI rah mm for a tmm riirt
mrtltahad anil thai- warn BO hrakan I Mr. and Mn. IInrr Italtkamnar on. I
hnnaa. tertalned friend from Portland Run. I Pie ny naving nis own wire m I on
' I - ' 1 ....
Laat Saturday evening a gay party I day. I Arthur, ao It waa not remarkable tha
of young people drora through Oregon Tha Oak Grove Puah Club will glra I other followed ault. It I said that a
City to Mount Pleaaant to tha home Ian entertainment Thursday evening- In I number of chlldrvu during the sieiTe
of Mr. Edith Peipka, wnere tney wera t ureeo s Hall, several noted speaker I wr niTin about In the fortress su I
enienaineo unm a iaie nour. win naureaa me auuience. I am will unuiiliiiM numv lh vum nn IIik nui
vw iu.irmu.uwi uia music I .,, ...l , h-1, ,. Hut
Mlaa Louis Kennedy will give a iZlJiZzlZT-'- L" "... .7.. ..
Friday evening In Greens HsIL W,T" ur """re" ,,u
T. R. Worthlngton Is on tha alck I rgaoi uons louwsy was a guu
list, but la able to be un and around. I er of renown.' He waa lu charge of
W. Oetken entertained about eighty I one of the big guns on Two lluudrcd
member of a Carman lodga of Port-1 and Three Meter hill aud did more
cradle roll department, and five ware land at hla farm Sunday. Tha day I damage to tha Jaiwuea with his
graduated from tha cradle roll to tha was spent In games and dancing. Ke-1 ni-lv . ,.., in th. imaaii.n
Drt.AKaat alaaa i tka r. W I fMakmanta auAaw aaaeJ . I
ivwuuu . i ak) a as u v imams j , i urauuirmt wriv nn arA.
rhaiwlnas. thaa, naat ffavlntas- tA anHnaT I Th al Man t Dl.i.. m Itnt.H
iUI Ug4 iW J " " ssaaa easa-. wtf- aaasm i MV VI CTUIIVIM Ktt UW VI X VI UHUU I t . .
or... nwn h... K.n r nrV nii ! A-t.l-A K. n.k rv,w. A.KI..I. I..K I " IIMUMS was J"JII auar
"wwa -. aa " I a uw vreaga, M V w ay fllUIVUV VIUW I . . a a I . a-k A am . '
tha government around at th a D IM. team Sundav. Spor- 1 to I. snooier uumi aii tnmu. a ui
Among tha many Improvement made Tha Oak Grove Juniors defeated tha ,not whw Ild n,""t ur ,ne rla wor-
ara a large commissary building, a ana White Cape of Portland Sunday. Score picking off japaum wn weri worn
water plant, tha cleaning up 01 a oait Z5 to 3.
of young timber converting It Into a! Tha Athletic Club team will cross
convenient park. etc. Two carloads bats with tha Baltimore Lunch team.
of tent arrived iat ween, ana uings i Sunday, July z, on the Oak Grove
ground. Game starts at S p.-m.
Three Couple Oat Licenses.
Th following wera granted mar-
wrote rtaae lloenaea on Tueauay: Anna
Kelllng and lianleJ Hoy la; iwra noaca
man and Olive I. Willi llelland;
Onnla Strange and David Kanoe.
Peipka ""was formerly -Edtth Har-I
greaves, and a resident of Clackamaa
for a number of years, where aba haa
a host of friends.
Children's Day exercises wera held
In connection with tha regular ear-
vices In tha Congregational church.
Three little one wera admitted to tha
-He' a Jim dandy. Kdlth,
Hr-nry. "and I'm brtiigltig him out pur
noaely 10 lutroduce bliu to you."
About a mile from our place waa the
state tnaaue aaytum. It proximity
waa a great dUadvantage In Ibat I
was In roiMtant dread lt aome tuatiUc
ahould escape, coma to our bouae ami Qenaral ftoada.
murder u all. An eecaped lunatic had jj A Company
. ft a . I
once ctuie mere wneu no one nm (Jror,a n. hhH a Son
maid wa lu the house and bud rriiiiii Company
.k..... a ..... .,t.r.w. l...i. hMla"U Cook
Aval ' vvi.a v..w ....... -. ........
I In. i.i r,t iliiaruiilalra and I J. Hcholl a? Son
out ou to the plaM there came a rlnK (. Hoffman
at the telephone. I answered the cull 1 k. Iloffiiian
myself. It waa from a be saylum aud ieler llrothera
wait an luijulry s to whether we l""Mrrnfc iaunar ...
seen or heard of oue of the Inmate j dama A Co.
Morrow Uyery Co.
- look promising for' a lively tlma at
tha Clackamaa rifle range.
Samuel Roake, Jr., and Clarence
Johnson left Clackamaa June 19 for
a few months' stay in Eastern Ore
gon. Thay report that work la scarce
at tha haying, and harvest season will
not begin for a month.
Orvllle Johnson haa obtained a posi
tion as a bookkeeper for a sash and
Ing guns that were doing evlal dam
While the serges ut wsa firing Im
mense bails from bis pet csuuon In au
effort to silence some Jsmne gun
that If left alone would surely make
who bad left the grouuda aud gone In
... iliMi.ii.tM If. 1 .lilt with
a suit cm In hla baud, telling the gate- lWach Manufacturing Co.
keeper that he bad been di-x-barged Straight Salisbury
and was going borne. Ha wa oue flx C. Kobbln
the moat dangerous patient lu the 1-. M. Mullan
I replied that w bad aeeu nothing
of him and slacvrely hoped w would
not. Then I weut out on the pisisa
and tried to think of something else
But I wss unsbla to fix my thought
on anything save a tuadmsu coming
down, on us. Every man wbo passed
on the road a short distance from
where I sst looked to ma like a ravlug
maniac. Finally I saw a man coming
an important breach, Petroff would be
T. j. Clark and family have moved Pn "ff " b n ,n 'hut carrying a ault case. My heart weut
to Wllhoit Springs. I were airecting tne nnng. i nmii w imw my mruau
Mrs. E. O. Lowe, who was 111 the Petroff was a mere boy. Not a balr a silent prayer that be might asa in
past week, la reported to be Improv I had ahown Itself ou bla face, not even I gale. He did not. II stopped ami
Ing. ' r I a bit of down. That on bis bead was looked up at our house. "He's the e
Casper Kerr has sold his interest I nt ih. lltrhtMt nf ttu llirht north I raMl oatlout." I moaned. "He's de
door firm In Portland, and began work In the Mllwaukla Water Company to hue. while hi eye were a correspond- liberating whether he'll coraabereor go hi. n,rt
Herman Fisher
Security Vault a Metal Wk.
J. C. Klllotl Co.
Coast Bridge Co.
Frank K'
R B. lleatle
N. lUalr
W. II. Mattoon
Robert Mattoon
Yi- J- NVlin
East Side Mill IJr. Co. ..
Scripture Ueaullau .......
l'oi A Co.
W. Dutrher
J. R Myers
miss caua Armstrong visuea inenas iverr a smndler ara arectlnar a
in town over Sunday and on Tuesday green house for C. H. Hod son at Mil-
of the present week.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Welch and fam
ily spent Sunday with friends In Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Patersoa returned
from Portland with their little daugh
ter, Monday evening. ..The child is
In a fair way to recovery, but will
require attention for some tlma.
waukie Heights.
Misses Alia and Edna May cock, of
Portland, rlaited at the home of Mr.
Thomas, editor of The Appeal, Wed
Ing asure. He seemed very much at
tached to the big man who directed tbo
big gun. with bis sbot-ky hair aud
beard and fierce tuustai-hioa. Indeed,
each seemed fitted for bis epeiul
work. Tomsky to send forth the great
cannon balls, weighing a couple of bun
C. N. Nelson and family have cone dred Dounds. Petroff to dlsnatch the
to Oregon City to can cherrlea and thin leaden bullets.
Mr. and Mrs. Caoreg Sagar called
on tha latter'a brother, U Sagar, Sun
day. . .
Mr. Aklns, of Mulino, called on his
aon-ln-law, Oscar EHx and family, Sun
day; Word waa received of tha death of
John Molxan, of Union HalL
J. F. Dlx called on Schmitt Broth
era Sunday afteraooa.
Mrs. E. O. Dlx has canary singers
for sale.
Charles Hen ton haa retained home.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Moaea had their
babay baptized Sunday by tha Rev
Vaxht. of Beaver Creek.
Mrs. will Oollow called on Mr. L.
Sagar Sunday afternoon.
visit relatives.
ine uiaies Auxiliary will give a
dance at Crystal Lake Park pavilion
Wednesdsy evening June 2S.
H. J. Beneke, of Spokane, la the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Finch
and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lehmann this
week. Mr. Beneke cam here In an
The contest between tha road rol
lers ha not been decided. The steam
and gasoline type machines are per
forming all kinds of wonderful stunts
for tha benefit of onlookers.
Miss Easter Haag. of Portland, li
visiting har uncle and aunt
Mr. Marquardt was In town on Wed
nesday of Last weak.
Mr. Hofstetter razed his old fence
and la cleaning up tha fanca road to
put op a new fence.
Mrs. Lee and daughter, Irene, cam
home from Hood River where tha ware
strawberry picking.;
Tha Hofstetter boys and Peterson
boys spent Sunday with tha Schelvell
W. Q. Kllensmith and family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Maxson.
Miss Olga Elmer spent Sunday af
ternoon with Ida Haag. -
Sam Elmer Is cutting down dead
Sophia Miller spent Sunday with
Miss Elaa and Edna Elmer.
Mr. and Mrs. Haag visited a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Scherruble,
In Portland.
are the popular ityle In home
architecture. I specialize on
design Ing and building bung
alows that are convenient in
arrangement, homelike in ap
pearance. At Moderate Cost
If you are thinking of build
ing call and see me, or phone
for an engagement.
Clarence Simmons
Ninth and Main Streets.
Phone Pac-Maln 1292.
A Large crowd attended tha Chil
dren' . Day exercise here June 25,
and the program was fine.
Rev. Spencer preached to a crowded and a sharpshooter especially detailed
house in the evening, to kill blin he had not long to live. It
mere wiu t a strawberry rest!
Tomaky kept on dismounting guus
and doug other damage to the Japa
nese until be became famed among bis
comradea for the most useful single
man In the Russian army. Th'ey used
to say, "If all our generals could be
turned into Tomsky gunners tb Japa
nese would never take Port Arthur."
But at last the Japs got on to the
fact that this wholesale destruction of
Ufa and ordnance wa due to one men.
and they were not long In locating tbe
big gunner on Two Hundred and Three
Meter hilt Then they called for one
of tbe best sharpshooters 4n-tlw army
and. pointing out Tomsky to him. or
dered tbe Jsp to eliminate the big Rus
sian. Once th gunner wa lo-ated
val and entertainment In the hall Fri
day night, June 30. Every one la cor
dially Invited.
The Olson boy ara tha champion
bronco breakers. They , bought sev
eral animals and In less than two
hours from the time they laaoed them
they had them working to a wagon.
Mrs. G. W. Bentley attended church
last Sunday.
happened that -after be-was pointed
out ha did not show himself for some
time, but ss soon a he did ha received
a bullet In bla forehead that finished
bis csreer.
The grief of his assistant at bis Ions
was touchlug to see. Petroff . was af
fected to tears. The Russian peasant
soldiers, who were more like csttl than
men, coy Id not understand bow a man
Mrs. Cathren Jones had to be assist- could weep. But presently Petrols
She suf-
ed home Sunday evening,
rered from dizziness.
Roy Riding and Ml Nora Balth
went to Macksburg Sunday.
on farther. Heavens, he's coming In!
There was bo mad In tbe bouse, ami
1 simply must meet blm. I sat per
fectly si HI while be rsme up the walk.
my beart wildly beating. I bad read
stories of persona turning sway Insane
persons by coolues and strategy, but
I didn't find any coolness hi myself,
and. a for strategy, I ws Incspsble
of carrying on even an ordinary .con
venation with the man. By. the time
he reached the plazsa I saw a wild
eyed creature with fiery red hair aud
atmospheric disturbance similar to
heat ware emanating from hla fin
ger ends. Indeed, had 1 looked at
blm through dancing water or an Im
perfect window pan he couldn't have
appeared more terrible. He said some
thing to me. but 1 had no Idea what
It was,. except that It wa a question.
"Co on." I ald-"oh. go on! They're
after you! I Just bad a telephone from
tbera ailing tf Tra iisd seen you. A
yon value your freedom, go!"
II stood looking at me. Was he go
ing to spring upon ma or wonld he
with that cunning often to b found
In persona of hi kind attempt to out
wit m so that b could effect an en
trance Into tbe bouse and murder us
all without our being able to call for
"Ton can't coma in!" I continued ex
citedly. "Oh. go on! Ikn't stop a
tnomenCTouH be captured.- Please
The man turned and, without a word,
retraced his step. I tnalntslned my
position until 1 bad seen him out of
the gate, then I staggered Into the
house, sank on a lounge, and that'
tbe last 1 knew till 1 ssw tbe msld
E. Patsch
J. Sxulht
J. V. Oreen .........
W. A. Holmes A Co. .
Wilson Cooke . ...
C. II. Dauchy, Jr. ...
Gladstone Lumber Co.
J. II. Cumins
Paul Prsgrr
C. R. Smith,....
Elmer lunn
H. I. Purrell ..7.....
Alio Brown
Kit River ,
Chfrley Relllng ,.,r.
W. II. Smith
W. W. Smith
J. J. llattan ..........
U II. Mumpower
J. E. Mumpower ...
W. Kr Mumpower .
.1 1110
. I7&0
. S.BO
. S.4S
. S7S.70
. moo
. 4 00
. 937.69
. S3.7S
. 10.00
. 7800
.3000 Oil
. SS.00
. 44.00
. 13.00
. 160
, 4 00
, 16 :s
, 31.17
9 M0
Tonight, June 28
At the Armory
World. Champion Middleweight Wrestler
StrangDer Smith
of Portland, Champion Welterweight of the Northwert.
.Beit two falls out of three. No hold. Urred.
Two Preliminaries Extraordinary-Two
Ltdiei especially invited, Doori open at 7:30
Rnt match at 8 o'clock. .
Price.: General admission 50c; Ringiid $1.00
At the ArmoryTONIGHTAt the Armory
II. r. Wed die
J. C. Ilradley
Charles Shockley
John Kent ,
U. V. At wood
W. r. Ilartnell
Wm. Pine
Hubert Kogl .
Geo McKlnnla
Justice of the Paea,
W. W. II. Samson
U Pearl
J. IV Mitchell ....
8 00 Chaa. Yates
4 30 M J. Worthlugtoo
&.! twla Rail ......
B8.B0 Harry Trerabath .
83.30 IU Orern
61.00 I K. M. Darling
64.00 1 J. U Mattock
SS.S0 It. W. Porter ..
S.00 Chaa Rabcock . .
3.00 tbaar McCarret
3.00 I. E- Prot ....
Cbaunrey Krupf 43.00
John Caato .
Are Call! er
John Krupf
Abe Jones
80.00 0o. A. Ilrowa . . . .
16.60 1 1). K. Frost ......
16.00 J J- K- Kelso a..
10 60 CT. II. Davl ..........
10.60 It. B. Srhoetiburn ....
Harvey Cornell, of Portland, Is vlalt-
John Owlngs
Q. W. Owlngs
Riio Miller
Elliott ft Park
Tualatin Mill Company
Charlea Simmons
Wm. Herggrea Sr.
Mike Koeja.
Oeo. Williams
Edd Ruchbot
E. Dewy
Howard White
C. J. Herman
eellngs changed from grief tq revenge,
His comrades could understand that.
and as tbey saw Petroff take up bis
rifle and hue It as if It .wrtt a ilir
child they looked at one another ss If Prtnkllng my face with water.
tn say I Ashamed of my weakness. I soon
"Now Petroff Is a man airsin: arose and by keeping smelling salt I John Orshn
ing C. N. Holman on the ranch this will mske the little monkeys pay for conUDU""Jr " mT noa11" managed to Prank Bullerd
week. killing tbe big sergeant." 1 OP"1' to my room. In the course Carl Rrown
... n djm. .uu hi. rrom tnat ume retrorr was always " " f arence Simmons
.k! " u .1". li -M oenina tne ramparts wstchlng through - " ..-r . "" . nr,..m
a ponuoie ior soma Japanese to snow
Hlnerwsdel J7.80
K. A.
31.60 Norman Howard
39.60 Ceo. Ralrom
31.00 A. O Harberg
illM Pert Jonarud : L
7.00 Mrs. K. M. Douglaaa
61.60 Mr. Oeo. Walte
17.18 Pwf Shelley ...
8.60 Mr a. Percy Shelley
38.27 thertff. -
74.04 1 W m. Croner ..t..
87.80 Mike Uroas .
AL Cannon .
E. T. Ma . .
r. A. Miles . .
Cla. R. Pratt
Ona Renner
J. a Staats
4 60
1 70
1 40
6 85
j. n. No
1. K. Jack
W. U Starkweather
Arnold Srhmldt
Armory p,nt
Company "U" O. N. 11. ...
siii ..... .
minim niaiiouacp itg. Co. J ijj
Rud Thompson
Harry (Jray
Paul Dunn
D..T. Meldrum
J. t Chaa
J. II. Darnell .,
P. IWiyle
R. Dibble
8. A- D. Ilungat
II. II. Johnson
fruit Inspector.
A. J. Lewi
Board of Hsalth.
J. W. Norrls
Cr il. Dauchy ,.
Current Kxpnt.
Th Paclflc Tel. Tel. Co. .r.. lla)
Huntley Rroa. Co. II)
Home Tel. Tel. Co Hii
R. W. Raker .-. UM
Ta Rabat.
. Oil
. UN
. nit
. 147.M
. 411
; in
. I.N
. IN
. MM
. UN
.1 MN
-I liC
. 611
the Cooper ranch this week.;
Several persons from town attended ,Zi -L a,7 7 . .
church at Colton Sunday morning. h.lm!e,f- bea. ooe ?ld. ' .ut ,n '?
A. L, Larkins Is on tbe sick list this Tou,u e"',M, w roro De Wou"1
week. Pitch forwsrd or backward, ami it
Guy Schafer mas autolng Sunday af- would be discovered by-bt's compan-
ternoon, teaching his father how to In that be bad either been killed or
run hi machine. mortally wounded. ,
This town will not celebrate on the Every time Petroff killed a Japanese
ruunu, as ne resiaents ao not wisn he wonld nnnch a ho a In hla can Am
draw from tbe crowds at other the siege went on tbe hole becsme roon-
I wss surprised at this, for be. bad
written that he would be with u on
Saturday afternoon, and It was now
Friday. I waa so ashamed of my terror
at the approach of the lunatic-Henry
bad no respect for my tlmldlty-tha
I resolved not to aay anything about
It. With the amelllng salt In tuy
band. ' I went down Into tbe llviu
Nets of Condolsnc.
There are persons who never take
ootl.-e of another's sorrow until they
meet tbe bereaved ones.
Sometimes this attitude Is from fear
so numerous that there was scarcely
room enongb for them all. In time
they passed tbe hundred mark. But
this did not satisfy tbe young marks
man, and he went on relentlessly mak
ing one Jap after another bite tbe
dust till tbe surrender came, when be
' Oregon City
Famished with operating
room, ward and private
roosUt ' . i .
Graduate Nurses
Ftt. 224J i 1 Ebme D-298
M - l m m - a
oiu.irus.on. again it is rrom rear or 7 hoIei( puncbed , hu rapi
"-7ng tue ngot tning. coo onen u There wra 42i nri.r.
la from procrastination.
Whatever the reason. It Is a mistake.
There are some few who dislike out
side sympathy In sorrow. The majority
are hurt If It Is not given. Tbey never
quite feel the name toward tbe friend
wbo they think was neglectful of theli
Tbe visiting card with a few word
of sympathy Is sufficient, save among
close friends. A married woman in
close tbo card of her hustmnd.
Never mske a note of condolence
stilled. It should eipres you and
not be an essay on grief. Alio be
brief. A few sincere aentences count
more than pafee of rambling plati
It la customary to send tbe not tc
the member of the family you know
best, including tbe others in your es
presslona of sympathy. .
by the Jap In tbe surrender of Port
Arthur. One day when a lot of Rus
sian were lined np to he marr-hed to
a transport a woman passed. She was
dressed In feminine apparel, except tbe
big military Russlsn csp. The sol
diers laughed and Jeered at her. Tak
un, my goodnea gracious! Am
mad. or are my eye askew f There,
beside nenry. stand tbe mania
"What the dickens did you mean
Edith, by treating Mr. Trask as you
aid awhile ago? I missed the train
ana n came on without me, only to
ne turned sway by yon. Were yon
crazy t
"N-n-o. b-but I thought be was."
Henry wuWery angry, but his friend
soothingly said that 1 doubtless bad an
explanation. I gave It. A sickly smile
gradually overspread the feature of
both the men. and. as for me, I ran
op to my room and locked the door, and
Ing off her cap. she beld It np to tbe I thpr dldn'l ret me out of It till tbe
Cor, Vauaha and Twanty-foerth ft.
June 26, 27, 28, 26, 80, July 1, 2.
Oamea Benin Weekdayt at I p. m. '
Sunday, 2:80 P. M.
' rre to Bleacher
Etiquette Pee Children.
in answering a person chlldret
should not say "Tea. ma'am." or "No,
sir," bnt "Tea, mother." "No. father,"
VI hope so. Mrs. Brown." "Thank yoav
Aant Helen.? They 'should.-in wtber
wora. always amc the title or name
of the person spoken to.
ftbyness la generally due to Ignorance'
or what la expected of one; therefore
tbe shy child must be treated wltb
light, showing punctures like a cluster
ef stars.
"Do you see thstr she said. "Each
Hole stand for a Japanese killed be
cause tbey killed my husband."
"Who was your husband?"
"Sergeant Tomsky."
"And yooT"
"Alexis Petroff. hi sbrpboofer."
Whst! Yon Alexis Petroff. tbe
sharpshooter who has killed so many
of tbe little derllr i '
' "Look at the bole. I hsve bed one
of the devils for each hole.", . ,
"Well, well! And yon. being a wol
next morning. When I came down to
breakfast Henry and Mr. Trssk were
waiting for me. nenry, wbo wss still
mortified at my reception of bis friend,
aid by way of Introduction, just a If
w hadn't met before
"Edith, this Is Mr. Trask, whom I
wrote yon I would bring np with me
mis week. I assure you he Is In his
right mind and baa no Intention of
murdering yon."
"Tes, I have." said tbe other. ' "I'm
going to pluck ber heart out of her."
Now. wasn't that nice of blmT
Indeed, he turned tbe whole matter
t man, have only to put on skirts and I ,nto Jk'. getting Henry Into good
yon will not have to go to tb detesta
ble lslsnd."
"No: I am going back to Buesl to
look after oor children." .
humor and .making me feel less nn
And b kept bis word abont plucking
my neart out or me.
Tew Oee! Umpires In Major League.
.league president might hunt for
100 years without digging np five bet
ter umpires than Klem. Email. O'Day.
great consideration and encouraged to I Johnstone and Rlgler of tbe National
come among stranger and older peo. league or Are better one iban Evans,
pie and then be ahown Just what lo do . Sheridan. Connolly, CLonghllo and
nd say. ' Dtneen of tb American league. These
No school of etiquette offers so many are tbe beat men of each staff. Tbe
opportunities to its member to lesrn other ones are younger and leee x-
tb correct way of doing tiling the perienced. wbo la time may or may not
family table. Ne corrections should, grow to be as proflclent as tbelr
however, be made In snch manner as soclate. Several of tbe Oral class
to attract the attention of other, sod. umpire of today war medio ra when
If possible, make tbe corrections after tbey started out An omplr can ln
tike meal U over. I prove like s niarer
Hancock. Columbia pole vs niter. Is
cspable of clearing tbe bar at thirteen
feet, . 4
Ottawa will have- s modern, mile
traca costing 1100.000. Two seven-day
race meeting will be beld. ,
New York -boxing promoters are
forming an association to regalate
purse Tbey will make pugilist flgbt
on a percentage basis
John Panl Jones. Cornell's mile run
ner,' wbo bold the world's amateur
record of 4 mlnnte 15.2-5 seconds,
will soon attempt to lower W. O.
George's professional record of 4 min
ute 12 seconds. . . .
M. C. Mulve sj.oo
W. U Mulvey tin
60.00 1- 1- larrlngton 3.00
138.00 K- T. Qulnn t.OO
34.00 Recorder.
riullder Bu y Co.. C. J. Hood
Scripture k Reaullau
Wilson i Cooke
Willamette Pulp a Paper Co.
Rlonner Transfer Co
Clarence Simmon
Eugene Cumins
Clarence Simmons ,
Dubois Lumber Co 9.60
J. I. Henderson 4.S0
C. A. Ileti us
J. W. Ieber .'. 32.60
John Rowers ...... 8.75
U. A. Palmer
Harry M. Courtrlgbt ....
T. R. A. Sellwood
Court House.
Prank Uusch
Wilson a Cook
C. 0. Miller
P. Nehren
Qlaa a Prudhomm Co. ,
J, B. Bernard
K. T. Mass
County Poor.
Jonea Drug Co. .........
II. A. Waldron
E. T. Richardson
Wm. Fryman
C. R. Thorp a Co.
Mr. Guynup
Elliott a Park
P. T. Barlow
R. B. Beetle
29.36 Ola A Prudhomm Co -..$ 7.90 Samuel Smith
79.16 Elliott a Park
10.16 1 R. Williams
I.75 Geo. L. Story . .
14.20 Edith Smith
2.60 . Treasurer.
99.93 Jas Paddock
-6.20 J- A. Tufts
T. J. FOg ... .
II. R. Mount .
O. L. Hedges
11. E. Draper
f 46.30
A. B. 8chmldt 41.75 R.W.Baker jjo
O. I Rohr 1.25 R. fl" Tlolman uo
W. A. Deardorff 1.75 T. J. Myers , ijn
If. R. Tyler
Earl Deardorff
Auguat Geppart
J. C. Elliott a Co.
A. Sylester .....
J. A. Jones
W. 8. Craft ....
Will Bure
F. Paananen .
J. Swartz ....
Ed. Cox
J. T. Mclntrre
County Court, Commleeloner.
N- B',r f 23.40
10.00 Ry Armatrong
23.7S I K- E. IlrodJe
16.60 Prank Ewlng
6.80 W. P. Stott
20.00 VV. O. Oregory
22.60 Wm- Trudgen
7.60 R- B. Dixon ,
P. J. Moore .
T. Fltzpalrlck
Hans Holgren
Verne Btryker
Ed Erlcson
Dan Olson ,,,,,
II. E. Draper
. Ui
. 18
7 11
. IN
. UN
r JI
. IN
...I U
... IN
... M.N
... UK
... H.N
... M
... MS
,.. u.n
,.. 1I.N
,.. U
1.00 D, C. Robblna
10.00 C. Wang a Co.
10.00 Lucy M. Joy
60.00 Mr. Wm. Rutherford
Mrs. Fred Vohs
f 30.00 rarr Brothers
1.00 C. a Swsn ..
Wnr Dn forth
David B. Jonea
C. E. Burns
M. Kruger
Mrs. Kate Krauae ...
W: T. Gardner
Mrs. Bradtl
J. A. Jones
Oeo. Laxelle
J. E. Beely
rT. R. A. Sellwood
Gregory Boyer ...
1.20TMary MoraJ
Sam Booher
1.30 j George May
W. II. Mattoon
Emma Madlll
Url Dn QfAnilMil
Mrs. E. C. Selby
Mrs. Fred Orleasen
Mary Howes
William Olson
aatssssassB) u'VH teseS
Frankle Orter ,.
a R. Hubbard ,.(
Mra. 0. 3. January
J. R. Bklrvin
Fred Myers
J. T. Drake .
Geo; A. Drown ., ,,,,
waiter Bonner
Mrs. Ida C. Bonner
Circuit Court
Willie Rambo
811m Brown
T. M. Miller
R. Whits
Mrs. A. A. Allan
A. Anderson
H. 8. Gibson .
Harry Kellogg j ja
R. L. Holman
7.O0 1 Jon Adams
l.2o IB. Kuppenbender
1.20 t. j. Myeri ..
1.20 A. J. Hobble .
7.00 John Adams
6.20 R- W. Baker
6.20 D. Latouretta , . . , ,
7.00 Harry E. Draper
7.00 Chris Moebnke, 8r
120 C; E. Ball
6.60 vv. E. Bonny, ,
6.60 ' ' tupt of Schools,
7.00 Mrs, Emlll C. Shaw $
14.00 Mrs- Anelta Haas
t.30 Mr- C. P. Anderson
2.20 1 K. Allen-
Assessor. ,
E. W. Randolph ,,......:.....$ ll.oo
C. E. S pence
Clara Mitchell ,.
M . I . ,
E.U11U jaossiin
4.40 Charles Thompson . ...
HO L It. Klrchem ...........
1.30 1 Nile Johnson
1.30 J Fred Baker
1.70 Pattnn Home
170 8. M,, Kelso
1.70 A. Pluard ,.f '
1.70 Richard Hartgreaves
1.30 w. O. Frenoh
Minnie Puller
1-30 J. A. Randolph
1.30 j Ella McLeod
1.30 ' indigent Seldisr. .
1.30 Mead post No. 2, 0. A. R.
1.20 Sarah Cross , f-
1.30 inssns. -
1.20 Bert Jonsrud .."
1.20 Western Union Tel Co
1.20 I M. C. Strickland
IT. 8. Mount
'"' . BIctlOn.
A. O. Bornsadt
i Printing A Advotltlr
Oregon CltyEntrprl
Oregon City Courier
Bushong a Co.
Wild Aalwal Bounty-
Stephen Fellows "
F. C. 8cott
9.00 P. M. Boyles
73.00 C W. Hardy "
68.00 D. H. Boehn ..;.....""
B8.00 Wm. Harden
X3.C5 Grant L!umpower
11.00 a. C. llaroney "
tl.CD CI rLitston
11 M
' IN
10. N
11. N
10.54 ,
7.3 1
.1 '
. t
.1 r
11.42 D. En!a