MOltXIHO ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1911. 4th of July Specials Every Department contributes specials to this Big 4th of July Special Sale. p to $18 Suits for men in the new summer styles, best values on earth. Special $H. 85 Beautiful 20 to 25c lawns in all the new patterns, 4th of July special 1 7c. $1.25 to $1.50 vvaists, special 88c House Dresses at big reduction. JT. ILEVITT SUSPENSION BRIDGE CORNER. t n 1 1 1 n h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 k A Test of Honor II Recoiled al Leal on Him Who Made I Dy STELLA ANDREWS I Copyright by Am.rlr.n I'r... A mo. clallun, 11)11. IIIIIHHIIIIIIIIIIH Where II Paid. Nmkeiii-I don't think ua De Jay know enough to plrk up rlil. Lutein-He knew enough to pick up II I put down bat olght. LOCAL PRIM'S Herman Rmlth, of Cerua.-wBa In thla city on Tueaday. W. A. Klnimell, of Roaeburg, waa In thla city on Monday. Krrd Joaal, of Carua. waa lo thla rlty on bualneea Tueaday. I. Vlerntia. of 8ione, waa In thla rlty on bualneea Tueaday. A.-"W. Chancy, of Portland, waa In thla city tha flral of the waak. Mr. Mulvany, of ITnlon Mllla, waa In I hla city on bualnaaa Tueaday. & CTHunlTaapiullBt of Eatacada, aa in thia city on u""1""" , iw.i. of Molalla. waa tranaact- Ingbuelneaa In tbra city on Tuesday. W. W. Bradley, farmer of Redland. waa In Oregon City on bualnaaa Tueaday. Tharles Snence.- of - Beaver Creek, tranaactad bualnaaa In thla city Tuee- day Wllholt atage will leaya the Electric Tnicl each day at I ociock p. m. David Jones, of Carua. waa among Hie Oregutt City bualnaaa vlaltora on Tueaday. Mr. and Mr a. F. Drown, of Omaha, K.h.. wmrm In thla city on Monday and Tueaday. ur. v. irvln. of Aurora, waa In thla rlty on Tueaday. Mr. Irwin la a prom Incnt aheepman. Mr. anil Mra. Elliott, who lla near n... .... rmmi, In thla city on lirui.i i i.rni linalneaa Tueaday. vii. cnma winn. clerk In tha of- tt..'. .f i fount v Clerk, la 111 at her home at Canemah. ii war and wife, of Oranla Paaa, Hre In thla city, and are registered at the Electric Hotel. V ii... n Baaltla. waa In thla city nn bualnaaa Monday, and registered h( Ihe Electric Hotel Mra Mini, llornahuh and eon, Al lu rt. of Shuhel. were in thla city on Tueaday visiting relatives Mra. Itoy Martin, of Portland, waa In thla city viaitmg nar pruu., and Mra. F. A. Mllee, on Tueaday vii.. ki.ii. Miller haa returned to i.a noa a ' -- her homo In Aurora, after a brief vlalt In thla ell), the gueat or Mra. W. H. Godfrey. Bruce ('. Curry, an attorney form erly of I hla city, but now of Port land, waa liuthla city on legal bual lieaa Tueaday. IjkIIi'h' white canvaa oxforda, $1.25 lo f2 valuea. Special at 85c. Oregon City Shoe Store. 2t Mra. Hoiinle L. William, alater of Mra. E. Italiey. haa gone to Fort Dodge, Iowa, to ape ml tha aiimmer with her alater, Mra. Alnaworth. Mr. Shepherd, a mall clerk of the Southern Pacific, la In thla city, a iiat at the home of Mr. and Mra. W. A. Elite, of flreenpolnt. Mlaa Clara Mitchell, who haa been ill with lonallltla. haa recovered and la able to reaume her poaltlon In the office of the County Aaaeaaor. Ho Tohen ami Frank Frampton. of thla city, left on Monuay evening mr Kanaaa City. Mo., wnere mey nave accepted poaltlmis In the paper muia. Mfa. Charlea Ladd and aon, nirdaall. accompunled by the former'a mother. Mra. S. E McCullWk. leu on uea- ay afternoon for a brief visit wun Mra. Frank Olnba. . . Mr. and Mra. Charlea Lane,1 of Pen dleton, who have been Mailing me lattera alater. Mlaa Ada Bedwell, of thla cltv. have gone to ronianti. where they will vlalt before going to their home. rr K a. Hommer. formerly of Ore gon City, haa moved bla office to 1017 orbett bullillng. porliana. George. Elgin and I Ilaldwln, capl .hat. of Salem. Mr. ana Mra. j. n Elgin. Mr. and Mra. II. B. l nipman, of Portland, were vlaltora at the home of Mr. and Mra. W. R. Ellia. oi ureen Dolnt. Ihe paat week Mra M Mulvev left on Saturday tor Thrallea. where aha will vlali her Hai.uhi.r. Mra. f. E. t'aiianan. una waa accompanied by her aaugmer, Mlaa Margaret, who returned to Ore gon City on Sunday evening, B. II. Poollttle and wife, of Sioux ciia Month Dakota, who have oeeu vlaltlng the former'a brother, A. R. iu.ii.i .nd wire of thla city, have in Mmrlwrit. where mey. win apend aeveral weeka with hla aon, Dr. Doollitle, of Newoerg, wno iu., arrived at that place to practice hla profeaalon. Mr. Doolltue la an lenalve property owner of South TJa kota. and will Inveat In aome of the Weatern hind. He nae purcnaaea large tract of land In Montana, and will vlalt the Hood Kiver couiury w fore leaving the atate. John W. lender will leave on Satur taw tnr Rochester. N. Y.. where he will attend the imperial "It'a my experience," an Id Paul Marktiaiu to lila friend Tom Ellinon. "thai you ran never lull wunt a wo iiiuii la going tii do." "You uu-au a girl." "Miild or wife, a mini muat alwaya lie on lila tciiiinl fur feur of getting tolled up witu Inf." "Ih you nii-ii i). I'm til. Unit If you were inurrti-d your wife would try1 to flirt with uie. your friend T" i i "Klie uilglit." "And do you uieun further that 1 ebould' luive to lie on tny guard to avoid (rvutliiK you dlahouoralily?" "Tout, you're the aoul of honor, but I wouldn't truat you or any other mini If 1 hinl au attru tlv wlfo who would make love to you." , TIk-u all I linve to any to you la that you don't know me." - The two frleiiila were eeparated eoou after thla and did not meet again for aeveral yeara. They correaponded for a time, but Elllaon drifted to South America, and they loal track of each other. Then Elllaoo aiilled for mw York on hla way to Chicago. At the railway at a Hon be waa making bla way to the train when be waa aome wbat roughly elzed and twirled half around. . Paul!" Tom!" 'Uolug on thla train f" aaked Panl hurriedly. "Yea, Are youT "No. I'm here to aee my manager otr.- 'You don't mean to eay that you are married?" "Men uaually marry aome time, don t they. Are your "No." "You don't object to taking charge H Go nteiing bla hotel one 'morning the clerk toaaed him note, lie look ad at the auperacrlptlon and lost aome of bla color. It contained an Invita tion from Panl Mark bam to dine with him that evening, the mlaalve ending with "Why didn't you write, old man? If It hadn't been for Winnie I wouldn't have known anything about )rtur moveuieuta." ' So he muat face the frleud he had In jured In thought If not In deed. How could aha after all that bad occurred between them have enabled her bua band to dlacover bla arrival In New YorkT lie thought over every poaalble excuae, anti-thougb all were poaaible. none would aerve the purpoae, On bla arrival at Markbam'e boue Panl'a frlendllueaa, affection even, cut him to tbe heart "Come right In, old man; Wlnne'a expecting you with tbe aame pleaanre that I am." He led tbe gueat Into tbe drawing room, where be waa received with a telltale bluah rather than cordiality. "Oh. why,' moaned Elllaon to hlweelf, "did ahe put him on to my being In town f "What the deuce la the matter with you twoT exclaimed Mark hum. "You look aa If you bad beeu doing aome thing you are aabamed of." The lady'a tlualj declined, and an expreaalon of excruciating pain paaaed over biiieon a iace. , - "Well, come Into dinner," pureued the boat. "I'm going to get It out of one or the other of yon before we've fln lehed." Though the worda at ruck Elllaon with terror, Markham did not eeem to conalder tbe matter aa aerloua. Tbe boat rattled on during the earlier coureea,. evidently delighted at aeelug hla old friend: Winifred appeared 111 at ease, and Totn looked aa If he were aitUng on a hot gridiron. "Finally the boat aatd with apparent aeriouaneaa: "Tom, do you remember our conver aation aome yeara ago about a man be ing obliged to beware of another man'a wlfer Elllaon breathed an almoat Inaudible "Yea." ' ' r- "And you poobpoohd the Idea that you would ever bare to atrnggle with yourself under euch clrt-umatancea to treat me honorably!"- Tom'a face expreaaed agony and waa red aa a cock'e comb. "Well, it looka aa though Wlnne bad been tempting you and you bad fall en." "Pauir Winifred looked a command to dealat. "Now, aee here, W'nne. didn't yon on that Journey to Chicago propoee to my friend to run away with your .. "Panl, you have no bualneag to" "Never mind that Didn't your "Yea. buf- ' '"Now, Tom, how did you receive the proposition?" "Whatever the fanlt. It waa all mine," faltered Elllaon. "It waan't any aoch thing. You're a man of honor. It waa the woman fanlt. Such things alwaya are." v "I aaaure you, Paul." protested Elll aon. "your wife waa elniply carried away by a passing emotion." "My wlfer "Yea. and a lovely wife yon have too." "1 have a wife? Jot much! I wouldn't trust oue of 'em out of my Bight." Elllaon looked from one to the other In astonishment Winifred waa both A VERY MEAN FELLOW By HARRY MENDENHALL Copyright by American Praaa Aeao- elation, IM1. "WAT TUB UaOCB I THB MATT KB WITH tOO TWO?" lady, do you? How far do you Council of of a "I'm for Chicago ana wouia ue ouij- toe alad of a companion, uui uj dldu't you aend me your cardT' "Wedding cards! How abould 1 Know your address? But we've only time ror the Introduction. Come along." Thev hurried Into a car. Near me door Markham paaaed and aald to hU friend: "Walt here a moment. I winn to aay thlugs about you ioo cuuiu- nienury to be aald In your neanug. Elllaon waited while Marnnam bluahlng and laughing. Thla haa gone far enough, raw. ahe aald. "Pleaae explain. "For heaven'a aake." exclaimed Elli son, "let me out of thla or I aball col lapse!" r- "Well, old man." replied me nosu "yon do look a trifle rattled, and I've had all the fun I am entitled to at yonr expense. 'Know. then, that I re membered your high toned worda about realatlng the tcroptatlona thrown out by a frlend'a wife, and on meeting you In tbe atatlon on the eve of your de- weddlng parture for Chicago i aaw u vvv tunlty to ahow you tnai i was ngu. I Introduced yon to my slater aa my wife and told her to go for you. She did It beautifully." Reada of perspiration atood out over Elllaon'a face, ne took. out a hand kerchief and wiped them off. then emptied a glaaa of wine that atood be roiiowea Dy ad fore him. Thla waa rouowea vj x. .maihirf haiffn love and re- the Shrlners that will convene at that . " ., .. .. ,,,, . v mifred. after which he place on July 11. Before returning jo t.. .v , .omethln. t0 ner to ' t on Mtlu, h dinner. riroirnn rilV Mr. LOUer Will linn I " . ... .l .. . . . ...,. .l. nn... .:..,.M..Ptta. Rhode Ialand which ahe evidently asaenteu. men Tam," hiu anH other Eaatern atatea. He will be beckoned to bla old frleud to come on. Joined at Rochester, N. oy nia wu Elllaon when ne mei me iaujr and aon, Jack, who ara at present via- aelljfntcd at the troaHit of bavWii it inn at Peoria. III., me gueaia vi nn.. h.t wou)d otherwlxe be a tiresome M. Mclntyre. formerly oi ureitou wu. ,ourner niBd0 moaaant by a very at Mr. Loder will be gone anoui " limlln. The train moved off nd hi. nince win u. weeka, charge of S. P.-Iavla ana Misa aucb Bailey. . I Yms for the Asking ttl A G vr .- : For ud we wllCglrcJyoo with . " new " 4 months subscription By Carrier ' 7 at 45c the month 6 months subscription By Mail - at"25c the month tractive woman. alowlv and Markham hurried out with "Gootlby. old boy! winne n give you my address. rite me. There are more nncomiormim.- than a parlor car on a inrougn mnrouu tralu. The nolae la largely shut out and whnt oue hears haa a soothing ef- An ever changing panorama is observed through clenr glaaa wlndowa, and the chairs are luxurious. Tom El lison and tbe lady under hla care, seat ed aide by side, chatted, read the newa- papers, doxed. nte frnlt. nnd uiua mo Brat day of The Journey passed delightfully. In tbe morulng they hreaarnsioti to gether In tbe dining car. etlll auooting over bridges, rounding hills, moving on the margin of lakea. nrw and again H..iinff into the nean oi a ton-ni, Hnrely there le er again will I lend rayaelf to another f your abominable pranka." "Not till I ak you to do' another man." waa the complaisant reply. , "All I aak." put In Elllaon. "la that If the opportunity ocenra yon will do It all again." "Anything yon ask," replied the lady by wny of atonement, "la granted." "Very well. Saving your brother'a presence, will you mHrry xaeT' "Got hlin!" from Paul. "I knew yon could do It!" Tom Elllaon changed hla ticket to one for a Inter date, and when, he sailed Winifred Markham Bailed with him bb hlB wife. "Who'e been done." he aaked nli brother ln-lnw. "you or If TO THE MORNING ENTERPRISE A Beautiful Orina PLAQUE0cC0,, -d Handsomely " ' ' m a a . A LAa ffPflVOT There are a variety ot patterns iu SCORES YOUNG CATCHERS. Plteher frank Smith Saya Boaton'a Juvanile Backatopa Are Jokaa. -Tnimff catchers are great atuff." no more attractive says Pitcher Frank Smith of the Cin cinnati Reda and rorroeny oi uw cago and Roaton American league teams. ' "The more 1 aee of tbem the more I wlh that Ihe lawa permitted the hunt ing of them In eeason. aame aa par trtdires or snipe. In Boston they aa nlace to break one'a faat of a bright I' u .... . 1 .1 - K. win. morning than aiuing o.u - dow of a dining car. and with a pleasing companion It la delightful. During the aecond day of tha Jour ney a disagreeable fact would occa ". ' .. ... u.oif nnon Elllaon. J0"1'5 '. ::.A. .noke of Tanl he ,,gned a kid catcher to backstop me minMl tnot ane who i mij For the drat time r'.u. nniif alction earlv. i i-. . r I :iscriitr.MayiHave Them Too Vpreient subscriber who willbring us four cew subscriptions we will presem v. ttantiful dishes. rV ' '. .'; ;VU .IttCTIONS MUST MAOf AT THE 0FF.C. OP THt ' . . . i mill nl Nfi DANK OP ORK0OIN LI it uu.a... waa Af .nAther. Williu . In hla Ufa ha found nimaeii uii.u"..-. bitter feellnga toward He waa not only aurprweu. out .u- a.. war n Ci 1411. ed. Aa the duy wore on u ---- ed with alarm. Markham a w (coming out to him with wflnca with emotlona wincn. inouu thrilled him. seemed altogether too I sacred to be Imparted to any one not near and dear to ner. . - In a month Elllaon waa back in New York. He bad noi wrmru Ld had no Intention of writing him. Indeed, be had engaged pnaurt for 1 -T.-i. . m.Ha and Will waiting fu I to aall. dreading the while . MnMa. nn nnon mere w first and this boy signaled me for three BUccesalve pitch ouib. I sent mres wi ones, the runner never moving, and then settled myself to get them over when that kid algnaled for a fourth pitch out. I walked over to him Kid.' nld 1. Ton are slgnallnK for a ha on- balla." I on! your nerve or Vt memory r The hoy hnil km al' trsi-k of ihe number of b n tliiDwu f nun." ' 4 They bad arrived al that critical pe riodan approaching engagement. Ev ery Indication pointed to their form ing a binary aysiem. but the alltnteai Jar might dlaturb the equilibrium and aend both far from each other into apace. All weakneasea were carefully pot away where they could nol beaeeu. and only the noblest aentlmenta were exhibited. At thla Juncture he er petrated a bit of waggery that came very near spoiling the w h .le thing. "What I object to In your aex." ha aald, "la your want of i-hurity for en b other." "Noiiseuae! We are no more un charitable . toward women than you men are toward men." "A woman will never forgive a wo man for doing what, under similar circ-nmatauces, ahe would do herself." "Give me an Inatance." "Well, If yon were to know a girl that a man hnd kissed" "Not being engagedr "Not tielng eugaged-you would con sider her Impure." "1 would conalder that be bad wronged her." "And you would condemn her." "That dependa ukii t-lrcumstancea What man doea the klsalng?' "I." ' "Your "Yea." "Who la thla girl who haa so little respect' for herself f "Aa Aaron Burr aald, 'I never klaa and tell.' - "When did yon klae herf 'Thla morning." . ."Where r "Down by the lake." Her tone waa getting colder with very Question and ber color rialng with every reply. i "Had you any reaped for herr "Lota." . . . , "Ha v von any respect for her now? "Just aa much aa before khe kissed me." . "Kissed your ' "Yes; she gave me the kisa. but I.' with mock gravity, '.'was too pure miiwiwl to kern It. I gave it back to her." "ITm!" There was a alleuce for atne mln ntea. They were Hittinj: In a ru.J.h' seat the mnn cutting off orerlntig ur. leaves with a slendr caiic. tlie ilrl poking the dirt Iwneaib hir with th end of a nanmol. He hyil ler milk ing love to her. and lie iimHid'.iretl h. this klsxlnir unoibir i-lrl wua Bbomlnuble and hU telling ber of It effrontery. Never hi lta sli was to proud to reproach hlin. "it'a time fur nie to go and dresa for dinner now," xhe mild. "I'm sorry you. are :olng away blam ing me for kissing this girl." "Oh. I suppose you men think you are entitled to take w hat yon can get You have no principle. 1 condemn you for that aud the glii for permitting you. In this case, aince the girl kissed von first, she must be shameless. Thv hnd reached the door, and she went Into the house looking very aul len. Duriuir the next few daya he waa bo devoted, even loving, that ahe forgave him. He said he tuougni ane buouiu forgive the girl he kissed aa well, but ahe reD led that ber part wos noi matter of foreiveneas. but of opinion. ner onlnlon waa that a girl who would permit any man to whom ahe waa not engaged to klaa her could have no self respect Ae to a girl kissing a mnn under auch clrcumatancee. auch a siri .. nn in Ka conaldered by the re- nav mv'i anortabla members of ber aex. . The flowers were growing more fra grant and the love passages warmer Khe waa aulte aure he wouia propone. but he seemed In no hurry to come to the point She waa growing Impaneni in hear hla "atory." especially as iuej n anarate In a few days. While ittinir on tbe rustic aeat before men tinniwt aha felt hla arm stealing arounc u. w.i.t it drew her to him till thir chpeks were very near. He klaa ed her. Her criticism of a few daya before had allnned ber mind. He did not propose at the time, but h was aure a proposal waa coming. Then one day he told ber that be had tasted her and found her wanting. She aaked him wbat he meant and be ..i.i that he would not approe or girl who would permit a man to kiss her to whom ahe waa not engaged. He muat have been a very brave man to do that: certainly he waa a very mean oue. To drop a spark into a keg of powder would be a compara tively safe thing She gave him Just one look, then got up. and. with bead erect, noatrlla expanded and eyes flashing, started to walk away from him. But he caught her aklrt -and held on for dear life. She turned to wither him with another look and aaw him with a smile on his lipa. a half merry, half frightened look In his eye. "Forgive me." he said. "Tbe tempta tion waa too great ror m- ")o to that other girl wnora you doubtlesa led" Do you know who tnai omer gin laf "No. and I don;t wish to know. "She la my little friend Leila, ner age Is five. If she didn t kis m- ur fore being engaged to me she never would, for 1 hope to be married be fore she la much older." . Paace waa declared ana mey married, but hla wife haa never entire ly forgiven biro. . nuiinitiiHiimmii WHO IS Y0UN0C8T BALL PLAYER THAT tVM ' MAOC 00007 "Who waa tbe youngest ball player thai ever mude gnodr aaked Wilbur Koarb. tbe young Inflslder of tha New York Amer icana, recently of hie teammates. "1 don't know," answered Chase. "Who la ll thai holds thla youthful record r "Why. Fielder Jones, of course." waa the quick rejoin der. "You aee. be waa a Fielder when be waa born." Some of tbe playera recovered and were able to leave tbe club house In an hour HWWHHI I I I I I III II U ROLAND GARROS. FrA.h Aviator Whe Teefc Part In Ihe Parle-Maoris' Centeet WHY STARS ARE, SCARCE. Hal Chaaa Saya There Are Not Enough "Players For Sixteen Clubs. It Isn't often thul Manager Hal Chase of tbe New York Americana can be atarted on a baseball talk, but when he doea loosen np be ahowa himself to E " m. aV - t r VSrfst&H ys photo by American Press AaaocUUon. BD WALSH. WH1TB BOX BTAB TWULBB. be a diamond philosopher. Some one asked him the other day why It waa that ao few ball playera atood out head and abooldera above the reat refer eace being made to Cobb. Speaker, Collins. Matbewaon. Devlin, Lajole. Brown. Johnaon. Evera and v alah. in the old daya there was not auch a marked difference In playera. "That's eaay enough," replied Chaee. "There are about enough tar oau players to go around In ooi" league. but there are not enough ror two leagues. The country doesn't produce enough of tbem. In tbe old daya only eight cluba had to be auppued. . Now there are sixteen big league teams 10 be looked after." .ff? W'-W mM y,. ft I i 1 a ? I AV - . - 4 0 by American Press Aaaoeiaikm. naif Wants, For Sale, Etc Notions under these etaaetrled Baa4tos IU he taisercea at one oeet woro. inaartlon. helf a sent eddltlonaJ I tlona. una Inch cere, ti per mowttt. inch eere, nneaj si per moom Cash muat aooompasy ereer nnieee en has en open account with tbe peper. Ne financial reanooalblllty lor errors; waert errora occur tree ourrect.4 Botice will b printed for petren. Minimum enerce lte. WANTED. WANTED $1000 loan on good prop erty. Address A-10, Enterprise. WANTED Yon to know mat wo buy all klnda of Curioa, that wa aro In the market for aecond hand Furni ture and Toole. We also have a good assortment ot aecond hand Furniture and Tooia on hand for aale to thoae in need. Come anJ aee; perhapa we have Juat what yoo' want Indian Curioa and trinkets for Bale cheap; some that are very ' unique and also very rare. GBOROB YOUNG, Main near Fifth etroet FARM LOAHS. wnul II article t FARM LOANS Dlmlck uimica. Lawyers. Oregon uity, ur. HEREBY notify all ouamess men and dealers that I will not be res ponsible for any debta or bllla con tracted by my wife, Lto V. Mold enhauer, after June 10. 1911. C. W. MOIJJENHAUER. FOR RENT. k.. u t in .hi iinHatiou'of n go.d f,l w -It Jewelry la In bad t:iie uny time except with elaborate arftilne tlrvss. Don't werir soiled aud mussed frills and niching. You hnd mucn oener wear ierfectly plain clothes rittiom trlmmlmrs If you cannot keep these dainty accessories fresh aud without soli. -Don't foret to see lh;il or Mouse la properly fastened lifforv lemmg your mirror. The wnlst gn pi m: "I'en at Hie bnck uot only l'"ks i-nrvlees. bul may cnue ymi some eiuimrruss- men! tin). iHiu't allow your sUirt ! llp from under your licit. In these days i hen ore so' many devices for hoi.ling the blouses, skirts nnd la-Its In pluce that there Is no girl who t-annot liud oue to answer her puniose If nhe ouly tries. Don't wear shoes or gloves that have lost their buttoua and never wear ahabby ahoea or gloves If yon can pos .ihi avoid It. Keep the former nicely polished and the hcele straight: keep the buttona on and the ripa mended In the latter. FOR RENT Eight room modern bouse on Sixth and Madison atreeta. Inquire 708 Madison atreet J. I Albright. ' MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first niorV gage; 1500 and upwards; one year or longer. Apply at once. Croaa A Hammond, Attorneye at Law, Bea ver Bldg., Oregon City. BUILDER AND CO"TCTOR. Place a two-poung paper hag over each branch of grapea when he fruit Is the else of email anoi. i k -tects the grapea from Insect and bird injury, and Insures extra-choice clus ters. Fasten the mouth or me close about each atem, with a or wire, or atring. HARRY JONES Builder and General . Contractor. Eatunaiee cneei imu given on all claaaea of building work, concrete wafta and relaforcoe concrete. Res. phono Mala 11L , ATTORNEY. O. D. KBY, Attorney-ai-Lw. muuej loaned, abatraota ruroianevi. -Utloa examined, estates settled, gen eral law bnatneas. Over Bank a Oregon City. .' - bag pin, U'REN SCHUBBEL. AttorBeyV Law. Deutacher Advokat, will prac tice in all conrti, maka coBectloBB and aettlemenU. Offlee In Bate prise Bldg, Oregon City. Oregon. B. H. COOPER. For Fire Inaurancr and Real Estate. Let ua handle rtsar propertlea we bay, aall and nauaa. Office In Bnterprlee Bldg., Oregon Otty. Oregon- Are you a subscriber to the Morn-i.- ....,nriMt if not vou ahould call and let ua put your name on the eut- acriptlon Hat immeaiateiy. Thin the fruit If It needa It: thla la bia old , better paying method tnan proPo...s Cod Farm 0anta.-v;J Don't wear colored of fancy open work stocking- with your sireet shoes Alweve choose plain t klUgs to match the ahoes In color. , Don't pin your ruchlng and dreea shield. In place. Bte them Instead and aee how much more comfort they give you. It really doesn't take much longer to baste than to pin. Don't think that because collarleee dresses and blouses are faahlonable on can wear a low cut dresa on tha street There la a vast difference be tween "collttricsa" and "low necked. Don't 'buy any cheap Jewelry and imagine It look like anything but Juat : Z - I What vot eet for yof money la as Important u U amoont yotf pay. A low price without qoality t. nti- a haroAtn. This Is a qoallty alsre. the merchandise that we sell nwst be good, ot tt does aiot $ret in here-that' alL That Is why we can and a Koarantee perfect satisfaction to oar ccrtamers. Ia a policy that has sacceeded, too, and cad ,oa t-. largest and best department store mttU city: To-J . , we direct yoe attention to:-- ' ' '. House Df esses, tz0 1 $1.50, sab C ' ; $1.75, sale price " a 0' . l 0 V. A. HOU.:23 ;V '617 Main Street Ort C"7, f ; that he might ron arr I friend. branches.