Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 27, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Waist Sale
$1.25 to $1.50
Fine White Sum-
Waists tor
a few days
Men's Suit
Men's Suits for
a few days
Soo Our Window Displays
Annual Contest For Titles to Be
Held In Pittsburg.
Mr. Elmer Blaok, Wh Hat Oon
Abroad t Spread tha New Ooapal.
At tha Wrong Ooor.
ll l?'
JINK i ,
MIhh llaitel Mills, Of Waahougal,
WitMli.. who recently arrived In Ore
gon City, hu gone to Carus, where
ah In a gm'Ht at the borne of Mr. and
Mm. Drlacoll.
Mrs K. ('. Donovan, of Willamette.
after a three weeks' visit with friends I point g0ttlug of the New York Atb
at Forest iinve, nus reiuriieu iu i itjc cjuo tnat particular event.
Craok Athletes of tha Middla and Far
Waat Will Compete In tha Principal
Event Eaatarnara Will Not Have
Eaey Sailing.
Tlmt euatern atbletea will not bare
all smooth sailing at the mitlonul
championships to he held at Forbes
Oi ld. Pittsburg, June 30 and July 1. I
evidenced by tlitt expressed Intention
of the big club of the middle uud fur
weal to uiuk blda for the honor.
From Heuttle the greatest track and
Culd performer of that section will
bo aunt, Including chuuipluii of two
years ago, who failed to inuke the
New Orleans aerie livid Iuhi yeur.
Included In thla bunch will be W
Martin, who won In IWJ the "buu
dred" and who waa a stroug factor In
laat year's event.
Then there will be Eduiuudson, the
half mller. who took the measure of
Harry Glsslnc. New York Athletic
club, at that distance. Incidentally
beating blin ten yard In the slashing
time of 1 minute 63 1-5 seconds. Au
other great bidder for honor will be
Walter Thouiaaaen. formerly of the
luirud foot club. "all three" man
In the hlgb Jump and oue who proba
bly will make treat lurouda In the
Kini City.
Mr. and Mra. Frank Paine and
liiiiKhtKr. Kula, Mix Martha Parker,
Mix lieth Knot, of i'ortlHiid, Mr. Fran
sen, of Gladstone, and William Dick
crmm, of IlorliiK, were Sunday guests
of Mr. and Mra. C. J. l'arker.
Mix Ulllan Freeman, of thla city,
htta returned to her lrome. after spend-Ina-
few weeks with her brother
I Frank Freeman at Cam. Wash., who
la foreman of a force of workmen at
that place. On her return ahe stopped
at Portland, where she vlxlted Ml"
Father Hchutnaker. of that city.
Thomna FalrcloiiKh and John Hale,
of the ogle Creek mlnex, arrived In
Oregon City on Monday morning, and
will remain here for a few days
Wandering Willy - Couldn't you
pies let me have some cold wtttlea,
ma'am 7
Mr. Hnaaey-Cold virtual: Ho you
think that this Is a dellcateeaen store?
H. A. Glenn and baby, yll-w-kla..
are visiting Mrs. (JlcWs
ton. flkl
fiither, F. A. Miles. They will spend
the summer.
Mr. and Mra. C. J. Allen and other
residents of Portland will occupy tent
at the Willamette Valley Chautauqua
at (lladatone neat Saturday.
J. Iloyer, who accompanied his wife,
aon and father of Mrs. Iloyer to Tlllo
mook, Or., whr Mr. Iloyer went for
the benefit of her health, baa returned
to Oregon City.
Miss Netta Miller baa returned to her
home In Aurora after a short visit In
the city, the guest of Mrs. W. H. God
Mrs. I). L. Hughes and daughter,
Mlaa Edith Hughes, of Portland, are;
In this city the guesta of Mrs. J. W.
Jones, of Seventh street.
MImb Luella Casey. Walter Fornly
and Volti Jones motored to thla city
Krldav. from Portland, being 1 the
Ktieat of Mlaa Edith Hughea. ..
Mlaa Mahle Mills left on Saturday
even In a for Carua. where ahe attena
ed the party given Thomas Davis at
his home, when about 60 persons wer
present. Mlas Mills returned to Ore-
iron Cltv Mondsr morning.
Mra. J. W. Jones will leave In a few
days for Seattle, where ahe will spend
the summer,
Mr. and Mrs. Nash and family spent
Saturday night and Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Nash's mother, Mrs.
Knott, of Carus.
young musicians of this city, will take
part In a recital given by the Colum
bia Conservatory of Mualc this eve-
lug In Portland.
Mix Elxle Graf, who has been al
ending the summer normal In this
Ity, left for her home al Latoureiie
alls Sunday afternoon
Mra. 8. K. McCullock, of Everett,
Wash., arrived In this city Sunday
evening, snd Is the guest of M
Char es Ladd.
Mlas Bertha Goldamlth returned
from Eugene Monday evening, where
he had been the guest for aeverai
dava. of her brother and his family
Mra. C. J. Noble la very hi ai me
home of her daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Cheater Mulr and Miss
Culver, of Portland, were In this city
on Sunday, tne guests oi nr. uu
Mra a. K. Frost and Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Green.
Dr. and Mrs. U. H. Melasner nave
returned from their Eastern trip. Dr.
Joe Malcolmsou, the low hurdle title
bolder of 1UUD. which honor be won
wheu be beat Marry Ulllnian In Seat
tie. will aicnlu be a comtietltor, ready
to take the measure of the pick of
eastern timber toppers. In his efforts
he will be aided by W. Edward, who
be lit tho noted Smlthsou st the Por-
tola exposition In time suld to have
been IS 1-6 seconds. As a matter or
fact, he bus since failed to live up to
that supposed performance, and de
spite the advantage of buvlng been
under the tutelage of Mike Murphy at
the University of Pennxylviuiln. where
be la a student, ho waa taken into
camp recently at the New York Atb
As ff
Mix Florence Grace, one of the! letlc club gnmea by Jack EHer of the
Irish AmcrlcsD Atnieuc cmo oiuit.
In the susd will be U. Glsh. a clever
all around performer, who will com
pete In the broad Jump and the discus
event. Phllorook, iprmeny oi uir
Dame and a good weight man. will
also csrry the colors of the Seattle
For tb middle west Ralph Craig win
do battle, and If be la only In a sem
hianre of hi form, a shown at tne in
tercollcft-late championship, be already
has both the "hundred" and "two
twenty" yard race practically tucked
away for the year It la really a treat
to see thla athlete run. Not tne dwm
man In the world getting away from
his mark, be I certainly a fast runner
when he eeta Into action, apparently
running over hla Held from alxty yards
home In the short sprint, in tne two-
twenty" be overtops any amateur the
world ever ssw. with the po"io'
Mrs. Elmer Black la one of the per
sons Who do not agree' with ei-Pre-
Ident Itooxovelt In hi opinion of the
Impossibility of settling International
disputes by arbitration. Mrs.. Black
la an apoxtle of pence. She talks and
writes peace. One of the most inter-
estlug eddrexxes made at the recent
peace coufeiuice In linltlmore wii
hers. Mrs. lllack Is vice president or
the congress. She Is also editor and
publlxbcr of the Editorial Review, a
magazine that advocates universal
In regard to her peace views. Mrs.
Black says:
"I would not bave uflicb faith In ar
bitration treaties or even Hague courts
If evolution had stopped with nation
alism. If patriotism bad only pasaed
from a devotion to the state to a blind
er devotion to one's country. But be
cause I see everywhere this new habit
of thinking In world terms, this grow
ing oneness of all humanity, this deep
ening sense of brotherhood and a kin
ship of soul stronger and more endur
ing than mere national distinctions
because of this I believe that the prom
ise of world peace and the reign of
law la both feasible and certain of ful
Mrs. Black Is now
she Is to address many notable gather
tngs In favor of universal pence.
The Combination of Strang Faehion
Notaa a Faatur of tho Season.
The success of "The Quaker Maid,"
. 1 ha
a new comic, opera in i-ouwuu. u
started many Quaker fashions. One of
these the pointed n frtn- wDlcn
One of the most Impressive wed
dings ever solemnized In this city was
that of Miss Helen Hopp, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hopp, of Green
point, and Charles Wlelaud, of this
city. The ceremony, which was per
formed by the Rev. ..William Kra
berger, pastor of the Zlon Lutheran
church, was spoke In German. The
little flower girl waa Helen Schlef,
niece of the bride. To the strains of
the wedding march, played by Mis
Clara Rlngo, the bridal party entered
the church at 2:3e o'clock, the bride
and bridegroom being attended by
Mlas Miller, Mlas Evelyn Harding,
Paul Hopp and William Kruker. The
bride was beautifully attired In Helen
pink crepe de chine, and carried a
shower bouquet of white roses. Her
long tulle veil was caught In place by
a wreath of white roses. Miss Hard
ing wore a becoming gown or wnue,
while Mlas Miller was prettily gowned
In lavender. The bridesmaids carried
Caroline Testout roses. The cere
mony was performed beneath a canopy
of roses and ferns, and the church
was elaborately decorated with ever
greena and flowers. After the cere
mony a reception was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Hopp, at Green
point, at which a sumptuous repast
was served. The rooms were prettily
decorated with evergreens, red bells,
roses and sweet peas. The decora
tions of the tables were of roses and
sweet peas. Mrs. Hoppe was assisted
by Mrs. Charles Hopp, Mrs. Frank
Hopp, Mrs. Mlertz, Mrs. Scheef, Mrs.
Dancing was Indulged In until a late
hour, and before the departure of the
moat one of the Impressive German
features was the presenting of the
bride's veil. In this the bride Is blind
folded and she takes part In the dance,
r.Pa.ntinr the veil ehe has worn dur
ing the marriage ceremony to one -f
the guests. Mr. William Kruger re
ceived It.' Many of the old German
songs were sung during the afternoon
and evening. '
Those attending the ceremony and
reception were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Hopp. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopp and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hopp and
famiw. Paul Hodd. Ernest Hopp, Mr.
nd Mra. Schlef. Helen Schlef, Mr.
Miller, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Harding
Miss Nieta Harding, Miss Evelyn
Harding, Mr. and Mrs. R- Seller, Miss
Bu.r Mr. and Mrs. 8chwarts and
abroad, where family. Mr. and Mrs Joha ngellu8.
Mr. and Mrs. UUO Miner, aii. jumci,
Miss Winkel, Mr. and Mrs. Mlertz.
Mr. and Mrs. Wleland are well
known In this city, they .both having
L Weight
Quaifty ;
To be "on the square" is so essential
in our life that only those who prac
tice it can hope to win out. Square
ness means friendship between a store
and its customers.
On this rock of honesty has our growing business been
built You find sixteen ounces te the pound or four quarto to
the peck, In your purchases the quality and value of our groo
eries are as Sure as the rising sun. The high standard of our
customers Is a safe guida to our methods.
It Is nice to know with with whom vou deol
Isn't it? We are always the same theSquare
deol grocery.
Por weight, and measure, value, and quality
this store cannot be beaten in this town.
Melsaner waa summoned to Relnback, ception 0f Bernle Wcfers. who holds
with the westerner tne worms
mark 21 1 A seconds for the fllatance.
Further than this, be can step a rai
linir nuarter. and be ought to do ex
ceedlngly well If he were to try a broad
Of course In the east mere
eral clever performers, eocb of whom
hna been tried by competitive nr ana
rarely found wanting. Both tne rew
York Athletic cluD ana u nu
American Athletic club will use every
endeavor to attempt to stem the tide
of a possible western flood ana prom
Iowa, about six weeks ago by the Ser
toli Illness of his nephew, son or J. a
Miaaner. The child was taken to
Rochester. Minn., by Dr. Melssner, and
will be placed under tne care oi Mrs.
Daniel Boyle, of Cottage Grove, was
In this city on Saturday ana sunaay,
registering at the Electric Hotel.
Phllln Hult. one of the prominent
farmers of Colton, was In this city
Ratlttdav. A
Harry Benolkln, of Mllwaukle, was
in thla cltv on business Monday.
H. S. Radcllff, of Salem, waa in mis
T' ' . iisai imisV, '
city on business Monwy. , ,nfA ,h. Rmok- clt- wltb the
Mr. anu wr. B.m.. - , ,h. hlxtorr. Forbes
to oxwego on o.i..u7. - - , hB-
..i-i.j ik.i. mn mn iiuenmar. nui. ins nouiv m
iurm.n Rrhmidt. of Carua. was In hn club, will be the scene of the con
ihi. rit viaitina- friends on Sunday. it la being mode over Into a
George Holman, or Heaver ureea, fl, claM tracv whlcn just sains uir
was In this city on 8unday. ' ,ncrete stand In lu circuit Mike
George Holman, of Heaver creea. Mnrt)h. the Pennsylvania trainer, has
shortly after. The bride, since tai
in her residence In this city, haa I
vr active in church work, being a I
member of the Zlon uimeran cuureu,
and a member of the choir. TM ti
rronm is fcn emDloye of the paper
mills of the West Side. Many beau-
ifnl were received by the cou-
ni Thev have taken up their resl-
iionr at Sixth and John Adams
Wants, For Sale, Etc Tickets For 8ale.
PERSON8 wishing to secure tickets
Notice under th eiasifia for the excursion to be given on
roaJ1S4 July Fourth to Camaa. Wash, may
turn, unt hoh mtm. it r Ku.;.haJl purchase same at Streblg's market.
(Dak ear. t um " "
Cub MR eompT mr4mr uoleM on u.mitv TO LOAN
haa an opoei aocn wttk tk papw. W MONEY TO l-OAN.
riBanoiai ra.ponalblilty far orrora; whri
arrors occur tn rrUJ BOUe will U MQNET TO LOAN On first BlOTt.
printed tor Bum, mnlmum eteBr IS. . J50Q upwBnU; one ,ear
" M,M-.- or longer. Apply at once. Crosa
WWT,P- Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Baa
" ' ver Bldg., Oregon City.
WANTED $1000 loan on good prop- -- a--ai - "
erty. Address A-10. care Enterprlae. BUILDER AND CO"T ACT OH- '
WANTED About thirty to fifty head . JONES Builder and Gaaaral
of feeder sheep, age makes no dif- " contractor. Estimates cheertnUy
ference. Anlmala must be thrllty g,rMn qq K1I eiaasea of balldlng
and must have fair teeth. Address concnte wafts ana reinforce!
Box 68. Route Vo. S, Oregon City tt. pho Mala 11L
or 'phone Farmers 4-X on the Pad- M
flc States line or ZB 4 on the M J74 -
tual. - - ATTORNEY
(From noon today to noon tomorrow.! VV ANTED You to know laat we buy
Rnn mftm 7:30. Uses 431: moon eU
12J1 a. m.: 4:13 a. m. eastern time,
moon In conjunction with Jupiter.
passing from west to eaxt of tb plan
I et, less than 1 degree south thereof.
well-known farmer or mat piace,
waa in Oreaon City on 8unday
viarrv Schoenborn and sister, Miss
Elsie Schoenborn. of Eldorado, were in
tiii. oitv on Sunday.
Ilarrv Frank MCMUIien. OI run-
Phirn of Its construction and asserts
that be will have a tine track. It will
be" poor shaped, with the longext
straightaway eighty yards long. The
trnir will be seventeen feet wide
Yotttfs 2LiM Asking
For and we wtllJgtVelyotf with a
Innd. waa In this city on Sunday, visit- throughout Its length. The 100 yaru
Ing Mr. and Mrs. N. 8myth. event will be run from right neia to
ward tb borne pmie ami m
twenty" right hand In from the ex
treme center field corner. The quartet
mile will start at the 100 yard finish
and will have a straightaway from
the start for 100 yards; then there
will be a 224 foot turn. US foot
straight, a 3 foot turn, n 114 foot
straight, a 131 foot turn, with a
straight run home of 100 yards.
4 months subscription
v By Carrlef
' at 45c the month
6 months subscription
By Mail
at 25c the month
, , TO THE
A Beautiful China 'pLAQtJEDecorafed Hnd"me,y
Theree a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early. " ,
CzbicfifeertJMaylHave Them Too . k - '
To any present subscriber wno wiu onnS .
, t. ' j4;. .t will nreacnt one Ot these
V . w J-'
Aye f i
shaped raiuu.
la finished In front with a ribbon ro
sette, small bow or fancy pin. This
frill is laid In accordion plait.
The wide band of ribbon aDOUt me
head, giving a turban-llke appearance
to the coiffure. Is one of the develop
ments of the harem fasmons. inu
one may see the most remarkable com-,
blnatlons of costume pe"ds, ,n
this case the Quaker and Turkish
notes. It mny well be seen mai iue
fashion designers have a wide catho
licity of taste. ,
July 5 In American History.
1758-George Augustus Viscount Howe
of the British colonial army auiea
Hour Fort liconderoga. N. t.
1801-Davld Glasgow Farragnt, naval
hero, born: died 1870.
1810-Phlneas Taylor Barnum. show
man, born at tieiuei. wu.,
ionnRi.hnn John P. Newman, noted
Methodist divine and tne rriena or
General Grant, died: born 182-
(From noon today to noon tomorrow !
Bun sets 7:30. rls 4 31: mimn sets
12-ia a. m : mxn at dtwenditiR nooe.
crossing sun' psth downward.
all kinds of Curios, that w are In
the market for second hand FnrnV-..r-
and Tools. We also have a
good assortment ot second hand
Furniture and Tools on hand for
sale to those tn need. Com and
see; perhaps we have Just what yoo
want Indian Curios and trinkets
for sale cheap; some that are very
unique and also very rare. GKORGB
YOUNG, Main near mu
0. D. KBT, Attorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, land
title examined, estates settled, gea
eral law huslneaa. Over Bank
Oregon City.
LOST Dairyman's account book, be
in Carus Dairy and Main street,
or between Woolen Mills and Four
tunih atreet. Return to Carus
Dairy, Seventh street, on hill.
tiru T.OANS Dlmlck ft Dlmlok,
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or.
new subscriptions
beautiful dishes.
"v. .
Pitohar Wood Has On Fslllng.
Joe Wood of the Boston Americana
la one of the greatest pitchers In the
world of baseball, but he has a fatal
v.aknnss. ne can't stand prosperity.
nrhtn he makes a name for himself
along with Ed Walsh and Walter John
son be wants to celebrate nis scuiotw-
ment i
Millar Hugaln. 8ntlonl InfUMer.
There are Collinses and Lajoles pre
siding over the second bag. hue smaH
Miller DugRins of the St Lonls Na
tionals must be taken Into account
among those who cover that position
In a way which Is a delight to tha .ye
and an annoyance to the enemy.
Jurv 12 In American History.
17W-The notorious alien and sedition
law signed by President John Ad-
atma I
1849-Dolly Madison (nee Dorothy
Pavnei. widow of President Maal
aon, noted for her beauty and ac-
.nmnil.hman.ra. died: born 17T2.
-toes - viivmi Cnlrar. noted artlat
WOP w - w -
AtmA- hnrn 1825.
lOOS'-Abaldla elected president Of the
nhti nf Panama.
nnatt Woods. BOtbor.
I.iv -
died; born 184a
A Queer Charm.
manv pans oi umn
Chances of marriage or old maiden
hood make the girls use a strange ioe
charm In order to know their fate. A
maiden who desires this weaves a n
f the finest hiilr. working ten wa
stes on a moonlight night, ana sue ur-
Ueves that if "he M
fully for thlrtv mooniignt nigni au.
will be marrleil within three years.
But woe to the girl who breaks the
k.i.. .i.. ...r.. with or tears boles
In the net-she Is decreed to be an old
Win 8taine.
Win stiilns on tsble linen should be
w,r.r.i immediately with salt and
ifterward washed out In cold water.
Should any stain remain lay over It a
paste made of lemon Juice and salt
leave It till dry and then wash out In
cold water.
nrmm nonn today to noou tomorrow
.... 7 57 rises 40: moon rises
8:56 p. n. '
Julv" 13 In American History.
,.xsf.r,hn nopkln. "signer" for
Rhode islsnd. died In Providence:
.". born 1707. . ' , ...
.orwv uhn rharie Fremont explorer.
oTdler and presldentl.l c.ndld.t.
' In 18M. died: born 181. .
lOfjO-Louls Loeb, noted artlt and U
lustrator. dle4 at Canterbury. N.
H. born 18M.
JOlO-Danlel Folger Blgelow, noted
. artlst-dled; born 1823..-
July 6 In American History.
1747-John Paul Jones (JohiuPanli. dls
Ungulshed American naval com
mander, born In Klrkbean. Scot
land; died In Paris July 18. 1792.
1759 Commodore Joshua Barney, gal
lant naval officer In the Revolution
and war of 1812. born: died 1818.
1802 General Daniel Morgan. Revolu
tionary hero, died: born 173.
1906-Tbe remains of Paul Jones for
mally delivered to tor u.
States government by France.
(From noon today to noon tomorrow.!
Sun sets 7:30. rises 432: moon sets
1 19 a. m.: 10 a. m.. planet Venus at
greatest elongation esst of the sun.
farthest east from that body-vis. V4
dpsrees: now almost directly approach
log the earth at a speed of UOO mile
a minute.
I HEREBY notify all Business men
.nt dealers that I will not be res-,
. ponslble for any debts or bllH i con-
tracted by my wiie. -enhauer,
after June 10. 19".
Law, Dentocher advokat. win aeao.
tic In all court, make collections
and Battlement. Office la htater
prtae Bid. Oreaoe. Cl ty Orjon.
at H- COOFKIt, ror nr inuuo
and Ral Estate. Let us handle
roar ropertte w bey, n and
1 1 1. k r r jt OfTIo tn aterprtse
Bldg., Oregon City. OTegoa. J
Celebrate the Fourth by planting a
little more sweet corn. ( .
Theman who la governed by a good
wife is well and wisely ruieo.
Whistle and hoe, save as yon go;
Old age won't be so dull then, you
know. -' "
Mr. and Mrs. Herman, of Beaver
Creek, were In Oregon City on Mon-
day. ;
Taken at His Word.
Seedy vjlm-Can't yer let a feller
have a dime. bot
Dreser-Charlty begins at home, my
"""Well, ef yer don't mind 111 walk
there with yer."
Yu are always assured of finding genuine bargain, at thU itore,
no matter in what department you may go. Here are a tew
specials that you should not overlook: .
Ladies' Loog Silk , Gloves, TQif
$1.00 values . .
Ladies' Short Sleeve, Gloves, '
Ladies' Dlct c? C:: C J . -Ti 0 .
'Kid Gloves, $1.50 ydnzs, v
616 Mala Street C-cta -C.
' 1