Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1911)
MORNING ENTEHPHiah, SUNDAY, JUNE 231911. MRS; CARL SMITH HAS CHERRY PARTY UNIQUE ENTERTAINMENT It EN JOYED BY MANY FRIEND. Mrs. Carl Smith, of Jennings Ixxlge, entertslned In a tuost delightful man ner at her summer home Saturday af ternoon the Sundsjr school rlaaa of Mrs. U. C. Latourette. of the Baptist hurra of this city. The affair was In the form of a cherry party, and limbs of the delicious fruit were used pro fusely among the decorations. Durlug the afternoon refreshments were serv ed, and before the return of the guests to this city they feasted on cherrlea. The borne of Mrs. Smith Is beautifully situated, and like many other of the attractive new homes in that vicinity overlooks the Willamette Kiver. Those present from this city were Mrs. William Andresen, Mrs. C. O. Miller, Mrs. Fred Olmxtead. Mrs. U Olrostead, Mrs. Hugh McLarty, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. A. Lenuon. Mrs. E. L. Pope. Mrs ft D. C. Latourtte, Mrs. L. Smith. Mrs. Joseph Myers. Mrs. Ell erd Bailey. Mrs. Elmer Ma.wille, Mrs. W. H. Calkins, Mrs. F. A. Hay worth, Gordon Miller, Burnett Pope, Emma Leonon, Walter Smith. Doris Mayvllle. At the Portland Theaters LAST CAR LEAVES FOR OREGON CITY AT MIDNIGHT lo take those wishing to go, and from MIM AVI. PMcn i v.- l-oriiaaa inwjr win v " I , , w..- UJHI steamer Undine. There will be base- popular rsrwpi. t-w" t, ..... hall nmt and other sports. The cl bratlon will close with a dauce at the opera house under the auspices of the Uniformed Rank K. of r, r .i f V ,u . ?,. a.. ----- , fcws vy, .,,4 s.. v. V s Rllrod Man's rid. Walter M. Taylor, son of P. D. Tar lor. of bis city, and who Is secretary of Assistant OeneraJ Manager Stack of the llarrlman lines of the North- went was In this city Baturdsy morn ing and obtained a marriage license, his bride-to-be being Miss Avis rreuoh, one of parkplace's highly esteemed you in woiitett. The marriage will be Koleiuulied on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at the borne of Miss FTeuob'a brother. K. D. Freuch. The youug people are well known In this city. rd cutupaulooa at a princely feast, the been boiled tfy . entire sum of unuey disappeared as ater as oon It hi . t .. 1 1 .. . ..l - ... I ftra. vi- - ... ' as flni...j . ir II uau Trr vvm. i a-vs u neit umrnliif solx-r ax an w aud could give mi acrvuutltig of tht trans action. The home wrw fime, aul tblr earuluirs went wltk ibeln ' ' t the soud ZTT kp Isio mry though :z r. ir r!. - " rigi the right tl bat It Is. t . . ere , firtt this iu Vst, ......11. a ...u .. t. I ' uiar lia aur. imr , uiiwihuu a in mi i t- - fuvaiii i Bol " nil Jnu, pe. sum lue young nisn coum ut recoi. do --"j- uwk Into tku ? le. t wbst be bad done wltb the money. WB4t t tn,0 b.g M SHU II was iiuaiij nim miKM luai wnai he had not siienl In eiitertsluuienl ha bad beett rellrved of l y bM Kuai rupO- Utter, It . u.f'4 to H I h lous combanluua. The money waa gone I P t from eltht i . q ,b iprhi. I'n. Uncle I'hlleiuou . WM (AC Hotel Arrivals. . The following axe registered at the Electric Hotel: John Hendo, Port land; W. O. Matoon, N. Blair. A. Ul Shore, John Hulbert, Salem; F. W. Butner, Sprlngwater; Edward Goug-1 lass. Barton; J. W. McCubbin, M. W. l Johnston, Bert Warner, Fred Warner, J. Wolfes. Bert Z. Dixon, C. W. Helm, Castle Rockv Wash.; M. H. Hendricks, Tacoma. '" f.? k-V w" V j'- .... m"-. . A4 .. w . '.;0.; . tllHH HWIIIHIIIHHti Uncle I Philemon's Ghost And How ll Visit Were Slopped Dy CLARISSA NACKIE Copyright ly Anwrlian IVao Aa ,'lalloit. lull. H 1 I M H I I I I I I I ItrrHIH tud Uncle rhlleuiuu'i I la I & wsa dlMgrscea. I " 'sy. ,, TT "lie dltHl a modtfrslely poor mau-- ' criwhad ari!: Httla laud tHHir-and Knlity the dlaeNr w" " "",ly as possnJT r w ''110 REWARD For the arrest an conviction of any person or persons, who j unlawfully remove copies of The ! Morning Enterprise from the premises of subscribers after paper baa been placed there by carrier. - ! " "".' T,,' '. , aaUUNW.Vi.a. '.Wv", i-."i V , : ' j . -V :4'AZ ... 4- .i.vt4 t f ;V ! " ,v Bl LLIE BURKE AT HElLlQ THEATR Charles Frohman presents the charming actress, Blllle Burke, at The He! streets, for three nights, beginning Monday, June 26, with a special prl set Maugham's witty Comedy, "M rs. Dot" - ' E. Ilg Theatre. Stvinth and Taylor ce matinee Wednesday, In W. Soiner- BILLIE BURKE AT HEILIO. BARBARIC JEWELRY. Gemmed Anklets Are New Wera Over Stockings. ;Thc erase for barbaric jewelry, es pecially sets of Persian or Indian de sign, has reached a tremendous vogue, all of the real articles having gone up la price and a great many good imita tion ornaments being now on the market. Some .beautiful specimens are an klets of beaten sliver and gold, a Persian anklet set with semiprecious atones and a beautiful Indian necklace made of braided silver set with tur quoises snd emeralds. The Venetian beads which were so popular a few years ago nave given way to heavier jewels of a semiprecious character, chains of gold and silver ornaments, and especially to plaques of Jewel, gold and enamel, worn oo the breast and suspended by a slender chain. Among the many other jewels which form novelties of the season are the extraordinary finger rings and hand harnesses, consisting of one or more rings, a bracelet and a jewel for the back of the hands. TbLi In distinctly an oriental fashion snd hi nnt.-been seen on the ttsre nntll the present time. Popular Actress Show For Thrse Nights In "Mrs. Dot" Miss Blllle Burke will be the at traction at the Heillg for the half week, beginning Monday evening. June 26, when she will appear in "Mrs. Dot," the comedy by W. Somerset Maugham, In which she baa scored such a great success. Miss Burke is one of the most popular" actreases, as wen as one or tne prettiest ana most charming women on the American stage and local theatergoers would bg delighted to see her In any play In which Charles Frohman might choose to present her, but there is no doubt at all about the warmth of her wel come in "Mrs. Dot.' .Several of Mr. Maugham's plays notably "Jack Straw," "Lady Frederick" and "Smith." the piece In which John Drew Is appearing this season have been seen in this country and have made hits, but the critics agree that "Mrs. Dot" aa played by Miss Burke E;3 a a Russe. a. sirs a la itusse Is an artistic d!n and most apnutslng. It Is composed of whole hard boiled eggs from which the shells ere carefully removed, then the eggs laid about a round dlnh like a soup piste, their surf seen devorated wtyi little pieces of truffles, a border of finely minced vegetablee flecked with little mounda of caviar, and the whole fringed with white lettuce leave and diamond shaped piece of amoked salmon. Trie color scheme of thli dish Is most novel ami attractive. A Oslieieus Fruit Salad. 81i large. Arm apple, one banana, one orange a small bunch of white grapes, half a cupful of broken walnut meats, half a cupful of sliced candled fruit and one teaspoonfnl of vanilla extract Chop the apples, orange and banana very One. add the nut, can celed fruit and vanilla and mix wU. JERSEY BREEDER TO . OBTAIN RANCH HERE GRANT MAUN, OF 'WASHINGTON COUNTY. LOOKING , FOR PLACE. fsBrnUh th eaeleK k. mm is far and awartbe best of the lot halved and seeded. If the apples an A pretty widow, with more money i ery sour add a little sngar Bare than she quite knows what to do with. I 0B imali dj,,,- putea. falls in love with a young man and I little backward in his' BUNGALOWS are the popular style in home architecture. I specialize on designing and building bung alows that are convenient in arrangement, homelike in ap pearance. At Moderate Cost If you are thinking of build ing call and see me, or phone for an engagement. Clarence Simmons CONTRACTOR BUILDER Ninth and Main Streets. Phone PacMaln 3292. when he is lovemaklng takes matters In her own hands and pops the question to him. And he refuses her! - Oh, he Is sane enough and willing enough, too, only he happens to have popped the ques tion himself to another girl a little while before and been accepted. Nat urally, not being a cad, he has to stand by his agreement and say no to the pretty widow, whom he really loves. That Is the foundation for aa witty and amusing a comedy aa has been seen on the stage in many a long season. The widow solve the problem, of course. How? That must Iq seen to be properly appreciated. It Is enough to say In advance that Mlaa Burke is charming in the role and that it gives her plenfy, of opportunity to display her talent aa a comedienne of the first rank. THE GEISHA SASH. A Japanese Touch In Smart Summar Fashions. Te Fry Mush Qulokly. Make the mush In the uausl wsy, ex cept thst It is not neceessry to cook It so long. Have a tableapoonful each of lard and butter smoking bot In a skil let Lift the bot munh to the skillet by spoonfuls and flatten it ont It fries sulckly and is sweeter and crisper than when allowed to get cold-and. pea fried. It la delicious when served wit fried chicken. Grant Maun, of Cornelius, Washing ton county, who has a state-wide rep utation as a breeder of polled Jersey csttle, wltl probably move to Clacka mas county In the-near future. Mr. Maun was In Oregon City Saturday, snd said he had about decided to buy a ranch near this city for hit herd. He sars he thinks the soil here Is ad mirably adapted to cattle-raising, and believes he could obtain better results by making the change. Mr Maun Is the only breeder of polled lersev cattle In the state and he has made a big success of the busi ness. He will enter several cows for premiums at the County Fair. Mr. Maun was a Uitor at the Commercial Club. That for a glioa!" crUtf Clarke, with a contempt uoii snnp ut bla Da- gem. "Who ever saw uner inn yuu EvsnaT" "IVrbsiNi said bis friend 'I'm not certain whether I did or md That' why I Invited you down to keep watch wltb ui and make uiuertaluty certainty." 'In other words, when Is a ghoalT" jeered Clarke. In bis favorite vsude villi n manner. Tsuslly st 12," returned Kvsna dry- ly. "Now, ao that you may not beroine nervous through anticipation. M us forget the grvwaorue story of my I'm-le rblleuion's Tori I'bllemon and turn to plnot-ble." They drew r loner lo the library fsble. while the arrratit plied more wood on the Qr snd plai-ed a irsy of refresh ment cloae at hand Then the man 'Itbdrew, leaving the two friends sit ting In the large, high relllnged spurt- ment. whose wall were lluetl with tall bookesaee variegated with lame fam ily portratta. 'Who la the gent with the leery yT" . demanded Clarke suddenly as be flung down bla csrds snd faced to ward one of the palntlnga. "That over the fireplace f "That's my Uncle rhlttuton'a I'm-le rhllemon." explained Kvaua solemnly. "The old party who wslksr asked Clarke, a trill put eat la manner. -Tea. WbyT 1 wish you'd bang a curtain ever the picture, Wltb due respect to our ancestors, Evan, old man, be' about disagreeable a part as I ever met." Evana smiled rather malu niuaiy. "If yo prefer It Ed. we ran go In some a nee of the money In as uitiili a mys tery aa ever, lliey say liiul the old gentleman return now ami lUeu, ea pecially on the aunlveraary of the day on which he mad the iiulisppy deal wltb lit bttrae buyers, lu order lo make more thorough aesrch for the alias ing money. I saw hluj a year ago lo Bight, aud I hope you are scheduled to be cured of your douliia." Evans light ed bis cigar oix e more snd leaned com fortably back In his rbatr, Clarke ahrugaed his shoulder and furued over the leaves of a magaxlue Wltb rareleas Indifference). . "No objection to uiy "putting at bltu with my revolver r be asked bone- fully. "Why, tt-ao long a you don't cut a bole lu the portrait." saaeuted Ev ana "Are you a good shot r be asked as an afterthought. "Am 1 Ask Timothy Allen. 1 knocked the builou off bl cap tht other day." . "I ran trust you wltb Unci rhlle mon. then." said Kvaua. relieved "Want somebody els luT asked Clark.' " ran run out and ak,oo of your servants la If you want m to." He turned toward the door. "They won't do at all-loo much of tb emotional about I bout. What we Deed for these experiment are men of pbyalral muscle as well tbos of mental power. Understand F "Trying to." said Clark helplessly . -rv Deen thinking. Ian." went oo ATHLETICS HAVE BEST1NFIELD : Quartet of Philadelphia leans Easll Greatest lo eart THEY RARELY WAKE MISIej ejassaaau. 0.vla. Cellina, ,B, . Us Old Great iHfttl I Balttmsrs u Th Philadelphia AiuerV sns1 Ba.j nsrry .. Millv VH Barr an1 n.k... . "T t In baseUU ,,NVi ,ttiw4l wonderful cub n..i,i cf Eers. Tinker and Ht..r,.,it TbTsS Cub quarter has U.-ti sh to Chsuc Is out of it, ,, wit. hjj rles; Rvers tins been Inld up u US trouble; Is gone- TkJ I the only one left. The old ChU-sgu intlrld wu k greatest sin, a J..K i, nrj van thoughtfully. -why wouldn't It T" T""' T 1 . i l . . . """" aiarnii a llli Bill " - a "' yv i aiep an IO I orlnl n-i. . tb hd of m nm-i. mA I " ir m to prove whether bl guise I that of real flash snd Uood or"- " Whether he's a comblnaUou of sshrty grsy chlffoosr ended Clerks disgustedly. "I'll not do It. I'll take shots at him. though." Five minute before It the clock gave a Utile warning click, wblcb was followed by lb clicking of Clarke's I Infield surpssa all other of the As " ww waepoo. . can ana National l-arnp? "Somehow It doesn't seem just the The snswer: There ire 00 ttun h right thing to Uke sdvsotag of so Belders on any othw tram b n old mau Ilk thai." Evans wss begin- bine with bsachall inMiiKenr at h Bin, rather uneasily, whan the big Collin. Rarry ami linker. n clock In the ball boomed out the hour three players go throui-h lame tn oi la. to ie loimvaiateiy roi lowed by I game without plsylug s alngl ball loo smaller cnime or the library clock greaieai up lo lli.-lr ltt - (he Mt me t-utie snii now i!. AtliMlrt. Bom baaeeall eWts ft rn hsTsm. so far aa lo asr Hist the Alhleav Infleld la better than thst of tbCs. but thst la debstsblo Cbaors ilwu baa been and still U a better flmt lam man than Harry list Is Where and bow diea the Atbletle Boiled Dressing. For boiled dressing beat up two eggs, add half a pint of vlnegtir. one tsa spoonful of salt a dash of red pepper, four tablespoonfuls of sugsr snd twe ounces of butter. Mix well and cook In s double boiler, stirring constantly until the dressing has thic kened. Then cool and serve. This dreaslng may be (binned with either cream or olive oil. CALL ON F. D. Sturges When yotf wish to hire an automobile. At Elliott and Parks Garage REASONABLE Horn Phones A-72, B-80. Pacific 3302. WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private .rooms. ', Graduate Nurscst I - 0 Pac 2243 - Home D-298 1 rJ?Z.4. ag' i 9 Cresm Sslsd Dressing. To prepare cream aalad dressing rub tb yolka of three bard boiled eggs to a smooth paste, gradually add one tea spoonful of aalt. one teaspoonful of sugar, two tsblMponnfuls of vinegar and one teaspoonful of mustard. Whip up one pint of double cream till smooth and stir this a spoonful at a Urns Into th egg mixture. Brotherhood to Cslebrste. 8everal member of the Fraternal Brotherhood will go to Camas, Wab., on the Fourth of July, when on of the biggest celebrations will be held. A special car will go from this clty tITTLE FOLK ARE ENTERTAINED. Edward Humphrya Celebrates Birth-1 day Anniversary. . Edward Hiimphrys, little son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Humphrya, enter tained a few of hla friends In s most delightful manner at the home of hla parents, on Twelfth and Washington streets Friday afternoon. The after noon was devoted to music and games, the occasion being the celebration of the hont'e seventh birthday anniver sary, The rooma were prettily dec orated with roses. One of the feature of the entertainment waa the supper served the youngsters, which consist ed of all the delicacies of the sea son. Before the departure of the Clients they voted Edward a most hos pitable host, and wished him many more such happy birthdays. He waa the recipient of several handosm pruents. Those present were Luclle Evans, tieraiaine Schwab. Helen Jvett, Max Ine Meld rum. Dorrls Meldrum, Ber nice Barlow, Tom Lovett, Herbert Bar low, Teddy Hendry, Sarquar Haley. BTttrrso BaaiLT to tu naoAi mislf. other room my den. for Instance only I thought you dldu't mind Influences and small matters of tbsi sort" hint ed Evana. iuo library for mm" iu.rti Then It was that they both found tbetr attention attracted to tb picture of Uncle Philemon over the II replace. Some unseen wind was blowing It gently to and fro; out from the wall snd then back again, and tbey dis tinctly heard lb rub aud knock of lb heavy frame as It pounded the wall llttl drift of dual floated down from the disturbed frame. "My Lonir gaaped Evan excitedly. But Clark was speechless wltb amsxeiueot, his band holding the cocked pistol resting on tbe edge of the table and quite carelessly pointing the weapon at tbe buge Chinese porce lain vase that stood a I oue end of tbe mantel The drift log dust seemed lo Iblcken and form s flood which obscured Ibe picture for a moment Then It Ihlnsed again, and out of tb frame tber tapped Uncle Philemon's Uncle Phile mon, resplendent In velvet cost and lac and bewtgged sod powdered snd patched. He stepped easily to tbe broad hIf snd paced down Its length toward lb Chinese vase, bla bead towering upward, bla banda clasped behind bis bent back. Been tbroagb th mist It appeared that tb portrait of Evans unci wss tlU In tb frame, snd yet be paced tb broad mantel, dexterously evading tbe few orna ment with bis silk stockinged Ugs. Th two watcher gasped excitedly, and then Clarke's nervous finger In advertently pressed tbe trigger of tb pistol, and II went off wltb star tling detonation la tb quiet room. Tbe form on tbe mantel shelf seemed to rusn bark into Ita frame, which hung rigidly aa before. The dust dis appeared, and tbe room . lay batbed In tbe warm lamplight aa It Was be fore the clock bad struck. ' Tb room waa th asm, sav that tb treat Chine vsse which had tbe wrung bound, aud they tr fu Clarke stlitly, snd then tbe plsy went stood on tbe nisntel shelf even hefor Hopp Wleland Wadding Today. on for another hour, but all tbe time and Mr. Charles Wleland, of this city, win w solemnised this arte. noon at 2:30 o'clock at the Zlon Lutheran church. Rev. William Kraxberger, pastor, will officiate. Many friends of tne young people will be present BASEBALL ... . , . RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vaugho and , Twenty-fourth St. TACOMA PORTLAND fun 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28. Game Begin Wkdy st I p. en. Sundays, 2:10 P. M. . : r LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boyi TJdr 11 Free to Bleachers Vrduoadsy. aSlSBTA SASB. Tbe gelsb sssb combined with one of tb new tsl.llcr effef ts gives strik ing appearance lo rhl gown of mus tard bcewu satin, wbhh is Just th thing for smart afternoon wear. Tb geisha sashes are known lo Paris as "la Japonalse."' The, have short wide bow snd ar worn high. Tbe tabllera are embroidered In oriental, fashion In old gold and color. 'ut s few grain of rice In your salt shakes. They will break th lumps, gather th moisture sod mak th salt com out freely. Olu pieces ot Mi or pieces of old rubbers to th bottom .of tbe chair lags, sod there will b no scratched fjoors and loss nols. HEILIG THEATRE Phone Main 1 and A-1122 Seventh and Taylor Streets. Special price Matinee Wednesday. Charles Prohman Presents , . The Charming Actress BILLIC BURKE BEGINNING MONDAY, JUNE 26. ' , In W. Somerset Maugham's Comedy 4'MRS. DOT" 3 Night and Matins Wednesday. 8plendld Cast; Magnificent Production PRICES: Evenings: 12. $1.60, 11, 76c, 60c. Wednesday Matinee: $1.60, $1, 76c, 60c, 36c, 26. ( Seat Sal opena Friday, -June 23. COMINO TO HEILIO THEATRE 3 Night beginning SUNDAY, JULY it" - ; 'A Special Prlc Matine Tuesday, July 4 Th Favorit Comedian FERRIS HARTMAN T In tb Musical puy Success "The Tovmoks,, POPULAR PRICES $1, 75c, 60c, 26c, 26c. IIEIUO THEATRE July 6, s, 7, S, t. MOTION PICTURES PORTLAND R08B FE8TIVAL. hi chair, evidently III at ess over tbe close scrutiny of theberutlled and tie wlgged old gentleman standing o stiff ly In th gold frame over the fireplace -Oh-ah"- yawned Clarke as the nour or 11 waa chimed. "You licked me all to bits, Ed. Let's oult. I'm dying for smoke." "v Same here." ssld tbe other, acrati-h- lng s match. , What did tbe old fellow dor ask tbe day when Uncle Philemon's Un ci Philemon had lived In lb old brick mansion was shattered by th straying bullet from Clarke's csrsless wespon. . " When tbey gathered their wlta to gether and convinced themselves that tbey wer not dreaming that tbsr bad simply talked themselves Into see ing ghostly vision snd after tb re fresh ment tray had helped to restore their courage they gathered up th broken porcelain vas and found wltb- Photo br American frtm Aies1" ' atntaaji or iTHt.tri)8'oiiSiTo,irlB Snd har food arms. Tber ti,tn.lit iH ihnl hlnved htD I3 bounds, or "hoim." and grs" rttttl battue than Collins. Harry is snd It Is doubtful If any thru PJr on on team ever played tha S welL r'm A n.. .nrs S bH many years sgo when to tb sowing IJZT ! Lt,.r thn ny of hla wll.l oat. h. oh - .rtloP' tra b"Mer-W . '.We,ti off bl. falber-. b.ooda.1 totTfc SLT H, mnnM al at as II kAU S . 1 UU IIUIIT ( l.llTl V ' Va k s w Ml 3 IVSa MJ IUfJ fftllla "I ras tbe old felloir bs raised ine mortgage st last." aald Rva.n a llttl hreathleesly after thev bad counted it and examined It to their I nearts content." , d Clark after a silence- which he bad I r lu ''"'d shell sll th money vainly employed In endeavoring to uorl niiemon's Unci Philemon bad sure Uncle Philemon's Uncle I'blle- ""'""'r lowed a wsy that day so mon out of his disagreeable counte nance. "What waa bla particular wild oat that b must come back to see how Itflourlshethr "Horses." said Evana laconically. "Extravagant, I suppose, and out a mortgage on th old bom, 1 that what th doubl unci dldT "Yep." "Then b's a double dyed old villain." nlffed Clark. "Ought to bad his bead bumped. I suppose th other unci, bis namesake, tb last on, bad to work off tb mortgage." "RlRbt again." "Well, wbat's Philemon back avsin fort Trying to raise som mors mon- ey oo tb picr Olv It up. n's been hanrtn sround tb last three year now, doing . "biu oia sronr. Ton see hla llStf S tkAatlflenl ...1.1. . . . . a . , (, .,aulv ol Diooaag ........iu, Biue msy r man oil bav to b taogni w v" " - -- Dorse, and st one ttma arhan Irtce. rtnlt a hni -i , ...L m t..k aava Barry i . -- ngi m wir i moif - - - . i- s ,,, .... n.rrv. bat tall tb best tht Cub pslr d'4 Ji . Collins nor Barry nilajudga PJ", langth of a bound one out ' ' k ,A irh.r In throwlcf L ... iw-il ihtt rtD0T And laid his own .h h- s i --a balL Thy get vry . , time." .dded aarke aerlonsly. which tb ""T ,h. DV.y wss quite true, for Unci. Phll.mon'S M" .K.nt -' to o reaay iw iu"" , Uncle Philemon never walked again, for be bad accomplished bis long post- ponea set or reps rst Ion Always nut Of till lMnnna is wrong to te aon today. a,- .... - iu .hlr haada, , Baker cannot play th rljM c Collins snd Barry do t" pas olthr room nor Urn t si baa to com. In or to h.n h..r ha handles leas Bir Hat your knlf tfor cutting bard than any otb.r third ba-"- An emergency glu may bs mads of bav to b taoght to fiy old gentleman wss rhllemon wss Was mr mnA I n n f 1 1 I i. . .1.1.. I ia m (DICK Tins past. VSry I S rW weasa. 1. ha' bom (you'd novae think t. " I .i.imi Do Ins la tn fr , that dreplt old gentlemsn ov.r w.i WU d(. .r f ' young, wltb good red blood in htm ... . . " . I 7-7 tr,m th flrst Co"'- would you 7). why. Pbll.mon th .7 ' c'" w,t rrul ' 7hi. i tb. nr rsntag of an opportunity to dlspos Z T.h. ft"1"' Is bot- rthtt mlfbt K. of th whAt. . .1. " "TT butter. I bav known Urd ' !twer . --rv .ad B 1 nd after on. it.':. rult f'"" U - vi uia bbii laioxKat- Whn s ham or smoked tongus sad I says Oonnl.