Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1911)
MORXIKQ ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1911. SPECIAL Waist Sale $1.25 to $1.50 Fine White Sum mer Waist for a few days 88c SPECIAL Men's Suit Sale $l5--$l8-$20 Men's Suits for a few days $11.85 JJ.sKrlSVnTT SUSPENSION BRIDGE COR. &90 Our Window Displays Call1 D. ringing noise Id jour oar. go to HunU ir iiro. today ana get a IIYOMEI uumi ana anv cut catarrh. To cur catarrh H TOM EI should b breathed through th Hyomet Inhaler 'or a few minute, (our or five time a day. Juat pour a few drop Into tb narq ruober inhaler and breath It It kill the germ-. Booth, tha it. rltatlon; bvala the Inflammation; stop iiawaing, spitting ana snuffling. IIYOMKI keep the throat free from mucin and prevents cruata la dob. The cumplnU IIYOMKI outfit wl.uITi Includes the little Indestructible hard rubber Inhaler, a bottle of IIYOMKI and alniple Instruction, for uae. coata i.oo. , For the Children Thr Children of tha King Spain. LOCAL BRICrS Nlrk Darnell, of Literal, waa ibli city on Saturday. In Dr. Moray, of Molalla, waa In lain city Saturday. Mr. Frederick. Of MolalU, waa In Ihia rlty Saturday. Merllt Jones, of Mullno, waa In tbla elty Saturday. "Monro trl.h, of Unon Hall, waa la thla city Saturday C. W. Halm, of Caatla Rock, Waah., Ii In tbla city on buatnoaa. Herbert Robbtna. of Beaver Croak, waa In tbla city on Saturday. Valentin Bohlender. of Beaver Creek, waa In tbla city Saturday. Wllholt atage will Ware tha Electric Hotel each day at I o'clock p. m. Mra. E. C. Warren, of Oak prove, visited friend. In Oregon Cly on Sat urday, i II. Brennr, one of tha fannara of tarua. waa in mia cny on oiuiu on bealneea, Mr. and Mra. Edward Howard and two. aona, of Carua, were in Oregon city on Baturaay. Mr. and Mra Peter Dohlander, wall known residents of Beaver Crack, were In thla city on Saturday. Ralph Eddy baa returned from tba mountains near Elwood whare b camped. --' M. H. Hendiicka, of Taeoma, Waah is In thla city on bualneaa, and I rt-clatered at tha Electric Hotel. Dr. R. A. Sommer, formerly of Ore gon City, baa moved bit office to 1017 t'orbett building, poruana, William nanlala. a well-known far mer of Beaver creek, waa among; the Oregon City vlaltor on Baturaay. Fred W. Humphrya, who baa been 111 with an attack of grip, baa gone Into the country for a few daye. Mra. John Da via, of thla city, will leave the flrat of the week for Junc tion City, where she will vlalt ber ale trra and grandmother. W. !'. Klrrhem and daughter, of Cl-ar. Creek, were In the city Satur day. Mr. and Mra. Horace Mann and Mla Krmnl Mann, of Pendleton, have arrived In thla city for a vlalt with Mr. and Mra. J. W. Cole. Mr. and Mra. Cbarlee Ilium and two children are In thla city vlaltlng the lattera parepta, Mr. and Mra. J. M. Murk, of tn Wert Bide. George Kourtner, of Oswego, waa In town Saturday on bualneaa In con nection with having the will of hla father admitted to probate. Mla Edith Jackaon and alater, Mlaa Letba Jackaon, left Saturday evening for Woodburn, where they vlalted over Sunday at tha Settlemler borne. itlchard and William IJavla. who re- aldea near Carua, were, In thla city Saturday. Tney are among tne prom inent growera of grain or tne county. Mlaa Sedonla Shaw and Mlaa Rutn iirlshihlll left last evening tor hi. Johna. where they will vlalt the Mlaaea Koerrner. uumi Adah and Uabella Webater, f nniikane Waah.. are vlaltlng Mra, Andrew, of Fall VlewTbey are on their way to the N. E. A, con vention in San Frauciaco. Mr. M. M. AlldredKe and daughter nrmm who have been visuma " ormer's alatera, Mra. woooworm uu Ur nhrum. at Hood Ktver, nave rw turned to Oregon City. f5nw-irklna,-of-MarQuamone of the prominent young school teacher. fiuvmii county, who haa been taking the teachera' examlnajlon. left on Haturday evnmg ror ma Mlaa Moble Francla, of tbla city, and Joaepb Oerber, of Portland, have gone to Sprlngwater, wnere mry .k.. -.i.i. nar Rundav of Mr. and Mra. William Kanaau. trisiir iinlden. of Bend. Or., naa arrived In thla city and la vlaltlng bla -i-... ur s c ureenmau. nr. Holden will remain In tbla city unUl after the Chautauqua. un.,1 n Hardin leavea Sunday morning on the ateamer Breakwater for Cooe Bay, having ootameu - na tion there and expect, to be abeent all aummer. John Weber, the versatile c erk 01 i..-. hnnk d.nartnieni. win J'" a oarty thla morning that will apend he flay in aearco ui - crawflab. ,. HtllllHIIinUHIIltll QOOC AtESALL PILOTS ARI VCfty tCARCf. Why can't baaaball club gat a wluulug muoogerT Right un der rir no la the anawer: Why don't acouta Ond atar play- era) , The reply I that they're both too erarce. Mr. Sijmera. prealdent of the Cleveland club, baa eat blmaelf tba, tank of gettlug for the Napa a "manager who will be a fix ture like Clarke. Cbauce. Me fJraw, Mnck or Jennlnga." But Mr Soniera ongbt by thla time to realize that Macka. Mc Orawa. Cbantea and the like do not grow on lllae buabea any more than atar playere cao be picked off etra wherry planta. Cleveland ' baa bad aeveral mauaicera In Ita time aa an American league club McAleer. Armour. Lajole and MrOulre. And then look at the kalaldo acoplc blHtory of the Brooklyn. Cincinnati. Waahlngloo. Boaton and other team managemeftta Read there wby Orat claaa man ager cannot be bad. Tbey are too rare. ii n 1 1 1 1 h h n 1 1 1 h n i h Jelly from berrlee picked wet la lamoet aura to mold, and doeen't Jell right. Thy to pick them dry. . , LADIES! We can promlae you a clear, elea akin and a beautiful complexion If you uae ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP accord ing te direction. ZSMO u a turn neanuner ana Bclentlflo preparation for the treat ment of ecxema, pimple, dandruff and all dleeaae of the akin and acalp. ZEMO SOAP la th nlceet beat lather ing antlaeptle aoap yon aver need for toilet or bath. Sold by druggma everywhere and In Oregon City by Huntley Bro. Co. GERI1S GUESTS AT EC PiCillC TODAY LUKE :fl3B LAID Oil MFfliS A Widow and a Railroad By M. QUAD . Copyrkht. 1M1. by Aaaoclated U- MACKSBURO DEUT8CHER VEREIN ' LOS ANQELES, Jun 14. "Sulcld TO ENTERTAIN fOO , I prlvat affair. Tber 1 no mor ..... juatlflcatlon for th . publication of viniTuna. .. . . ..w . aucn accouma ksiu uwi lur yuu- llahlng other prlvat matter." ft.. n.nn rttw rvitahi I Tbla la th aaaertion nr a eommii will go today to Mackaburg to attend I tee of the American Academy of Medt a picnic In the park given by the Oer- L,M whlcn inveeUgated the queetlon man oinicij vi iu.i iacide, and In making tu repon thought that at leaat thirty wlU go her today equeated the prea of Am- from thla city and mor ban 100 mem- erlcm t0 ntnln from further publlca- ber of Portland eocletiee will attend. t,OB of WCB affair.. There la expected to be an attendance, your committee find." aaya th of about 300. . . I reDort." that alienlata are practically An Intereatlnc program naa been I .in. .. nninivn thr tha anc- arranged, conalatlng of mualc and ad- gMttve effect of the reading of d dreaaea. Dinner will be nerved In the ,UCide U a powerful factor tn park, and every arrangemeui naa mu tne ctio,, f aulcldes among aua mad for th accommodaUon of th ceptbi individual. vtaitora. Tn picnio win do au -Attempta at leglalaUon ar practv faahioncd" German ouHng and every- ... UMiea unlea preceded by Buck Photo by Amorlran Praaa Auoclatlon. Wbeu tba royal children of Spain go abroad tbey are uaually accompanied by a Bound of cavalry, oateualbly to guard agalnxt pmlble dangcra. but really aa an eaeort tieflltluK their ex- JOHNSON'S SPEED MISSING. Famoue Pitcher of Washington la Not Showing Up Wall. . Walter Jobuaon of the Waahlngtona 1 nothing like the pitcher be waa liiat year, lie neither looka nor pltcbea aa be did during the campnign or lino, nor la be apt to nntll be recover bla vitality. Ilia recent alckneaa baa left him weak, and be ahowa It In bla work. That terrific epeed which made John aon a great pitcher la not apparent tbla aeaaon. Hla work la only ordinary tbeae daya. and he la being bit harder than he ever waa during the former three eeaaona be baa been a member of the Washington team. He may ahow a flash now and then, but thnt consistent effertlvenese which made blm famou la lacking, and It . Tha D. and 8. railroad bad d-lded to eliminate a ten mile curve on Its Une by a t-roaa cut of balf tht (II tanc. The curve bad been made M reach a boom town which bad laier been Are a wept and then abundunm,. The Widow Carter, relict of a fanner. lived on the line of the rejected cut off. It muat run between two lake on ber farm, and the lxthuiu was only aeventy feet wide. There waa not a doubt on the part of the railroad people that tbe widow would aeli the right of way for $UM) or so. one aay a company mj paid ber a call. He. waa a tuau of fifty, about tbe widow' age. and the two bad not talked ten minute before It developed-tbat they used to go to school together aa children. When It came to speaking of the right of way the lawyer treated It a a trifling mat ter. All other landownera on tbe line bad aranted It for nothing, but in Mr. Carter'B caae tbey would par ilw u ah would bind herself to keep quiet about It "1 won't aay.eltber ye or no today,' ah renlled. Tbere'a aometning want to remember about our school body will have a good time. Coohery pcinte a at I I rat rib VtiiiniP fiilkil III tlliS COUD aaatvu I .... . .. . . a.1 . 1 try would doubllen enjoy the Eight of might be gooa poncy w mow uiiu t day-onie incident of importance tnai mo it ail rV.tivi4 uilillira rn llontiis le- I era I weeks' Test. ... I n ... rnnnarted with. 1 gueaa I JIT UM.". . ' - ..... . " " - Th work toat Jonnaon la now uoiua tWnk ,t np tonjgbt. and yon cau la forced, and a pitcher who force back tomorrow." blmaelf la alwaya In dnncer of Injur- Uwyer departed; thinking the lng hi arm. and It la apalnst ancb a lfiliaw a 0u odd In ber waya, and b calamity that McAleer should guard ,n due nme next day. "Look here, Sam Davla." Bald Mrs. Carter aa the were seated. "1 waa purty ure there waa Borne Incident, and It baa come to me. You know there waa a hill back of the echool bouse at Wharton r- "And we used to elide down on Bieoa cavlv uu aide their carriage, but the only aan ger would be a possible runaway of tbe boraea. Ho. too. In tbe case or tne royal - Spanish bMe. Tbey bav nothing to fear In the way of violence except what might reault from auch an accident. In tbe picture are portrayed three children of King Alfonso and Queen Victoria, who la an English woman. On the right la ITInee Alfonso, belr to tbe throne of Spalu. now four yeare oia. Next to blm la Prince Jaime, not quite three. In tbe nurae'a aruia la Prince Beatrice, who waa born July 21, AWO. himself and hla club. NERVES VERSUS NERVE. Buttsrsd aas and Tomato. . Waah two ounces of rice thoroughly and cook It outll it la quite lender In ome nicely flavored white stock whlcn Is entirely free from fat. then pase It throuKb a One wire sieve and reheat It In a aaucepan containing an ounce of warm butter aud a n;iliioon ful of curry powder rod two tab'e apoonfula of thick ateived ton'ato; stir It well, add a little rnlt and b'ack penper and nit soon as It la hot four in tha beaten volk of an eKg. Re move the ri e from the stove directly tbe KK la tUofTiujfhly blended -with it Butter some medium utr.ed molds (pref rahlv the low ehapei. put a moder ately tulck tayer of sieved tongue at the top of each, then All them with tbe rice, packing It In tightly, and put Into a moderate oven for about ten mlnutea. or rather lea tf tn beat la fierce. On taking the mold from the oven turn tbe rice out on to a hot dish and cover the top entirely with cresmy buttered ecirs. sprinkle lit- ooDular education aa will cause a gen eral demand for the leglalaUon and will assist In tbe enforcement of law when enacted. - ' Wants, For Sale, Etc SMsiaaaaaaW "Saaaaat Notice under tbaao cussM! hoadtaa wtU be InsoMcd at one cent a word, flrav iBMrtioa. half a ent additional BBaor tlona. one Inoh cut II aor nonUk, nan tacii oard. ( dhu por molh. Caata must aeoonpaar ardor nntomm one baa an opea aoooont with the por. No financial responsibility for orrors; whan orrora occur froa evrractod noUeo will O prtnud for e4roau Minimum oharaw too. WANTED. WANTED $1000 loan on good prop erty. Addrea A-10, car Enlerprla. Athlete WANTED About thirty to fifty head ' of feeder aheep, age make no dif ference. ' Animate must b thrifty . and muat have fair teeth. Addrea Box 68, Route No. 3, Oregon City or-'phone Farmer 4-X on the Paci fic States line or 2B 4 on the Mu tual. " : ' WANTED Ton to know iaat we buy all kind of Curio a, that w ar In the market for aeeond hand rnrnl tnr and Tool. W also bav a good assortment of aeeond nana Furniture and Tool on hand tor al to thoee in need. Com and see; perhaps w have Juat what yo want Indian Curio and trinket for sal cheap; som that ar vary unlaue and also very rare. QEOROB TOUNO, Main near rift tic - tie finely minced parsley over the top HEREBY noUfy n ouinea mn rk.4 k. Ground. L . , Ma., .nria haa ttil tn Itself la not a drawba iU u.-guu. .r-w- -------- - . , .... ..,., im-eina- . . m . n . nHnM . ur , uiiuu. . .... - - Deal VI . . ground. Tbe prlmlUve ostrich aimpiy acratcn ee out a bole In the sand, aeveral lay ing in one neat ' Sand martlna build tbelr homes on a Band cliff, boring bole to a distance of three or more feet. Meadow larke build their structures of dried graaaea, which are likely to be bidden In clover. Amariiian Coach Likes the With Imagination. One of the beat football and baae .. h. in tha onnntrv recently stated that be would rather have bla amj boards at recean and after chool than mid. . I "Rn we did." ucu ... .wu- I . .1. - -Th combination.". aald b. "1 too "One noon you ssaea u.o w " " much for most men. but nervousness your slea uauway uu"" " ack. to my npaet, and I loat a dib cu a- mind. I Ilk athlete wtth tmagina-1 vl( chewing. m .a r.mru.rament. It la their lm- Th Uwver laughed and flapped bU aginaUon that give tbem stag fright, tut the widow bad a very serloua but It Is alao tbelr imagination tuat aC0 as ane went on: and serve very hot. and dealer that I will -not be rea- ponslbl for any debt or bill con tracted by my wife. Uuu V. Mold enhauer, after June 10. 1S11. C. W. M01J3KNHAUER. FOR SALE. ultimately leads tbem to do almost tbe impossible when tbe great teat comes. It I of especial value in games u which the men come Into phyalcal con tart.Jlke football, baseball, baaketball and laeroaae. The flrat contact. with th nlavar of the opposing team naual- W aettlea the stage fright nnleas the man t bopeleaa. and after that be has his nerv.' not hU nerves, to ran naca Tbe titlark' grassy. iuow lined u-i la placed flat upon the ground nwsy nn in chilly Labrador. Tb bank a wallow bore for It bom opon. depress CHINAMAN GETS BIG HONOR. their ueau In a bed of moss upon the V ground. The Savannah bunting oniy miguuj hollows ont Its pasture neat, a mere suggest lou of a cup. Swamp sparrows orten seiecx a uwujo Mongolian Athlete Given Plaoe en All Amerioan 8oooee Team. . TalC great Chlneee player. Tann. haa been selected a left back In tb All American soccer root nan team, i uanwbil th widow conaulted a law -And ao vour old railroad baa pot to pay m a thousand dollars for the right of way. I'm roIiik to Ket even for that lost gum." -A hundred dollars 1 a bin price. widow. It's land that .nke no nexaft tit "But I may decide to make UMof It, No; tbe railroad ran have it fora thnnnnd dollars, but lint a cent le." "It can coudemn the land under tbe law. you nuderxtaud. aud In that caae . . ... 4.... . t, It wouia jjet h ir Wll let "em ko abend The railroad coiuiiauy didn't care to go ahead until It had exhausted other mean. It would nil lta tlKurea, and It would aend other lawyers i - Fruit Meringue. Take two pound of any kind of fruit gooseberries ure very good lumD augar to taste and about balf a gill of water to each Kuud. according to the Julcinesa of the rruir. Put tbe water and mi par into a aaucepan. l tiipm oon ior m mm- ote. then d.l the fruit and coo very gently till tender. Beat tbe white of three egg f " rrotii ana buu three tableeDOonfuls of sugar. Put tbe fruit Into a fireproof dlsb; preaa I farm LOANS Dlmlck It Dlm,c. tb meringue over It. Bake In a alow Lawyers. Oregon City, Or. Ticket For Sale PERSONS wishing to aecure ticket for the excursion to be given on July Fourth to Camaa, Wash., may purchase same at Btreblg' market, FARM LOANS. oven till tbe meringue feels crisp and Is of a delicate fawn color. Serve Tory cold. t MONEY TO LOAN. Cantaloupe Salad. MONET TO LOAN On first mort gage; $500 snd upwards: one year or longer. Apply t on.- Crow A Hammond, Attorney at Law, Bv Ter Bld. Oregon City. BUILDER AND COTWACTOW. Select four cantaloupe of uniform else; chin, then cut off a email actkn that may serve as a lid. Fill each cantaloup with whipped cream which haa been sweetened and mixed with finely chopped ginger and marabmal- HARRy jONEB--BuIlder and 0nral ARE YOU DEAFf Oat Catarrh I Probably th Cau Rid or in tBus. If you hav catarrh and bav con Btant ringing noises In your earl look Into the matter nt once. 1 nrettv aur lgn that catarrh .preadlng and I. -naklng It.. w.y ii.....wfei t naa m:iibikcuiii r.uw i.. a from th noB to th ear. ,.,v. ..tarrh ants to tha ears par tial doafneaa follow. It you have -Jt t.. .r I i.nllMrlBt lea rue comiuum. lurruuuum vj i..... . . - i n. Tb vesper sparrow ha a nest or fort, winner or tne cn.ui.uusK neatlv woven rraaae quite nat on toe n aner a tie wuu aund. J for three of tbe poaltlona. tbow of The thrasher or brown thrush builds right halfback center halfback and on the ground unlea, cats drive her to outalde left. Tann played brflUMUy - in .11 tha ramea h took prt In tnl year. - - amid the root of upturned tree quite which baa been selected by the Inter- ln TuUge. He was one horse 1 . . k . w.. IU.IM .111 1MB IU1UK utwyer, vui u- t . - - h wanted moat to know. In certain state a railroad cannot aecure tbe right of way through a dwelling houae by condemnation proceeding. If the owner aak an exorbitant figure the value Is to be aet by three adjacent landowner. Thl law applied ln the widow' ca. or aoon would. 8be at one ordered lumber to build a shanty n that isthmus, and within a week ah waa living ln It. Th railroad ent on another lawyer, who offered 200 for the right of way. Mrs Porter waa firm. Then another lawyer and $400. Mra. Carter firmer. Railroads often selx by fore what they covet and then fight It out to aelertlnc tbe bushes Klnaflshera build on banka. tunnel ing In aeveral feet, like aeveral other member of blrddom. Stag Fright Affect Youngster. New player aometlmea do badly at th atart from pure stage fright. Ar thur Irwin tells of a rattled player who came under his notice when he was coaching Pennsylvania, Peon bad a game on with the Pblllle and the player booted everything which came hla way -Vbaf tn matterr- iw Irwin after the game. "Couldn't you waa tn re- Yotntfs fodiii Asking A S K. For nJ w"wUCglir0 wlth NEW 4 months subscription a v-, II aeleix ..''-..' ' at 45c the month - . ' 6 months subscription By MU at 25c the month BASEBALL QUIPS Sentence Building. Each word of the sentence must begin with the Initial letter of tbe word given by tbe, leader In each round. For convenience let the hoate begin; then tbe player on her rtfihl gives the second word, the next player tbe third, etc.. so that the sentence will be completed only when It reaches ... i . .hiattr started It. Great care must be taken not to give my uniform. a word that will end the sentence, ss the leader la tbe only one who la sup posed to finish It But If a player cannot avoid flniahlng a sentence be must pay forfeit or JroP out of th game. Buppoae there are alx player (any number may play) and th leader aya "boy." No. 2 "beat." No. 8 "bumble." No. 4 "bee." Tbu No. 4 Is out or nava om forfeit, a h haa flnlahed the aentence, an... k.I knri host till m- I fur next season. b ''aZ bringing 1. to th. lead- bou for Lincoln ZTr . . . . . Hininns the n. is also Imorovlng In bla fleiaing. er to anisu. xuw . ... , entence ar tb mor fun. . -Otve me hitter and pitcher. and I'U have winuinn nui. j- ..r th White Sox. Which gri saaa v wi . a. M mO as Aaah ' e toerar " . . . ... An lt In this ply. "I don't even rem.moer putunguu courx. .V" .hot- case, w. - - gun for a mil. .round and was ready for battle. She actually Bred a charge of bird shot that entered the legs of three trespassers and sent them howl ing Then tbe railroad people got a minister from the village to go down nd talk with the widow. He saved hi. breath, even If be didn't earn hia money. The moment .he understood his errand she aald. "Now. parson, you don't want to butt thla Tour bualneaa is to preovu lows. Put the cantaloupe In a freeser or bucket, pack ln equal quantities of Ice end rock salt and let tand for on hour. Serve upon a platter filled with crushed Ice and garnlab wltn nastur tium and their leave. Or tn canta loupe, could be filled with whipped cream stiffened with lemon or any weet Jelly. Raapborry end Currant Salad. " Half a pound each of raspberries. td or white currant and atoned cher ries, two bananas, two orange, half a can of penr or pineapples, Re move the stalk from the raspberries, currants and cherries, feel and rut the bans naa and orautfea Into very mall piece, taking out tbe oranse pipe. Cut alao ihe er or ili.e.M'i-' '"" amall dice. I'm the frnli i.i -J bowl and pour otvr ' "t '" apple or pejr Jul e. ii kmi.U the Icelios f'-r !..' hmir iieforv ' Contractor. estimate caeerruiiy grva on all euu of Dull ding work, eoncret araJka ana rlaforo4 eonerete. Ran. Pboas) Manx 11L : ATTORNEYS. O. D. KBT, AttornratLaw. Mey loaned, abstract fanla4. land titles xamlnd. Ut attl ta era! law bualneaa. Over Beak at Oregon City. " ' U'REN A SCHTJEBBU AttorneyaaV Law, Deutacher adrokaL will prao Uc In all eourta. inak eoBeotlou ' and aettlementa. Offle la atatr prise Bldg. Oroaoai OHy. Orgo. ... X. H. COOPER. For Fir lawaranef and Real Eatat. Lot aa aandl your propertle w buy, H and exchange. Office la stater aria Bldg.. Oregon City. Orgo- Read the Morning nterprie. f American league pitcher ar com plaining bou yolng In'0 ,n box "cold." To save tlm Ban Jonnaon aay tbey can't pitch- 0v ball to -warm np." t Cobb's voung brother Paul baa But the sentenre might been slgned'by the Washington team into I - TO THE MORNING ENTERPRISE A Beautiful CWm PLAQUE5iJed Hand5.mely " There are a Yariety of patterns to choose f rom. Make your selection early. a-SicrlbeffaMaylHTe Them Too , rJSWpt subscriber who will bring us four , new subscriptions we will present one of these beautiful dishes. AU StLICTIONS MUST Bt MAD I Xt TH. OFF.Ct OF THE , . a a' ST! 4 m. Jtt A ifcfjon (f'.ity ntgrPr JSSaSBBBjSJSSSBSlSBSB aSSjsSBasaSBBBOBBgi , ' ' . w.i nltll ni Nil DANK or ORCGO ;tin,. Sin " isponoo- If" j .i ilka savlna Qlv m a tlm of James I. of England. 1608. Th I team . t.i.kkit. hak4 in I SiMnk n of th cork center vsktifs ann i waui t uiaav. gavaa w - . h twe.nrT.fnnr hour of I NHl Hull m uiv at v t.w - r . ..... . i . I trtvtlll tb day. II la batting ovr of goodness and heaven and ne'- Mine la to beat tne raurosu. right back home and leave me to run tblnga here." Then the railroad offered $300. "Juat balf mrt Ogure!" w. tb wo man', reply. , , . Then tbey called for a commisaion i I ney wirr aaya: "It cornea ball. off tbe When "the Die wa. cur- ground like.. Idlilara J lu" . . hit. ii.h ...T th- mil I oon i ,n:o7b. .imp.; when TT tei. you I've bad th..l com. " t " - ksirtn to alna. rhymee were Intended merely to Illus trate natur.1 pnenomenon. ' Conundrums. wt,mt i. ths iiifrerence betweea-eaoth and egg? Truth crushed to earth will rise again, but egg won t. What wa tb difference between kjoab'a ark and Joan of Arc? On wa. made-of wood: tb other waa Maid of Orleans. .. Th City of Net All. -Tomorrow 1 11 do It." say Bonnie. "1 will by and by." aays Bth. 1 "Not now-protty soon," aaya Jennt. "Is minute." tors little Both. Oh, dear little people.- rometnbor That true aa th stare In the sky , Tha little atrsoia of tomorrow. Prstty soon, by and bx,. Lead one and an - As straight, th.y say, 'A the Klnfa highway ' To the elty of Not at AOf ,1 me so fast that 1 didn't hav urn . . H..n ,n it Don't yon tbe trouble- even the outfielder ar hT' mg with bounding ballf .i tn i and value. .i. former and were good frieoda of Mr. Crter. Tbey put th o onn tine of their reaaon. wa. tb.t I don't exaggerate the pa-sing of trsln.lwould Osh In the two iasr Another was tb.t the whistles of the locomotives would p'" the widow from besting her clock strike end mljrht et her rooster to crowing an honr ahead of time. ' When the award was maue . .ai. u-in. nw. t-inn,n,n " r l - n ajrf. t. ions llabtnlng killed only 169 peo the railroad company wanted to t " -" . . nnl a I .. - . - at ria tn thl. wnoie cvuuuj. - iwnir fu-w 1. chance, of deatb by Hgnin.oa than two in a million. The chance of death from liver, kidney or .tomach trouble 1. va.tly gt. ut 0O Electric Bitter, b ,. M 0rt ... of West Burlington, la., proved., .rt.ur-ortor.gav. Mm -paj -t dnn'i want but a thousand." Mid the widow. "That baa been my flgr right. along. However. I "nt Rm Andrews to bring the money and fell me he's rolcbty sorry alut that gum. and If It waa to do over ag'ln he'd help m to find the cud If It took all day. a nft f-arrvM- Andrews appeared and height month, of ". offering from Uld rtown the yellow backs a.d mad virulent liver trouble and yellow jaun-,,0raest kind of an .pologT. and . month later tne ranrunu using the short cut and th engine were . tooting at Mrs Carter a. .be tood In ber door. dice. He wa. then completely cured by Electric Bitter. . iney re .tomach, Hver. nerv snd kidney rmedy. and biooa punner Only 60c at Jone Drug Co. I , what you are entitled to and -what you always get when you have dealings with us. The importance of the comine week may be gauged by these repre-. sentatives of the greatest price attractions ever offered at any time by any store, specimens of thousands from which you may pick their equal in appropriateness, price, reduction and reliability. , Let early . shopping be .your -.watchword: v. ': .' . '. -,y: -v.-"' . v.Our sale ends next Saturday nrjht. Take advantsrrt a. u-jj opFcnu.u. V.-A. HOLr.i!25; 6$ 7 Wata Street