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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1911)
MORNING ENTERPRISE, SUNDAY, JUNE 25, 1911. i- HOMING ENTERPRISE OREGON CITY, OREGON 7 "TROCHE, Editor and Publisher. ' a aeoond-elaaa matter Jan 11. at the post office at-Orea-os) goa, under the Act of Marc tcms tr suucurmN. Cm Tear, br man ". II M "is Mnntha. br mall II Four MootNa. by mail I r ink, by carrier 1 Aivuromc iato First Page, m men nrat tneerttoa first Pn, par lack added InsarOoM Preferree! peellton first Insertion... fVeferred aosltroej added IneerttoaM any any pae. Mse,' ,.14 ,.lc Inch 1M la eh .1 Run pa par oihrr than ftral par, par lark nm lajsartioa lie ue paper other than flrat page, par taoe. added teserttons So uocel lo par lias; to ragvlar edvr llaara k Mm. Wants. Tor Sale, To Rant, ete., ewe eeat a word flrat In sect lea; aaa-batt aaat ach additional Rataa for sdvertrerne; la At Waakly Enterprise will b I he aame aa la the dally, for advertisements aet espeolalrf tar the weekly. WVier the aavortleeeaenl la transferred from the dairy to the week ly, without ckuin, the rata -will be aa an Inch for ma of the paper, and lee aa Inch for e pedal poalUoa. Caeh ahould aeeomaaay order aheie party la unknown la buerneee ofTloa af the enterprise. LeceJ advertising at legal advertising -atee. Circus advertising and special transient advertising at lie la tOc aa Inch, accord nag to apeclaJ conditions govern trig the and Bankrupt Bale adrer -rtre Sale' teesnents See Inch first maertloa; add!- joaaJ tnasrtlona sane matter Se Inch News Items and well written artfolea jt merit, with Intereet to local readers. will be gladly accepts. Rejected menu eertpta never returned unleea aorompan lad by atamoa to prepay pee CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. June 25 In American History. 1876 Oeoeral Geo ere a. Coster and 271 mem of Hi .-niuiuinl uiaaiur cred by tbe Sioux 190K- ; rover Oevelaud. president of - the lolled Stair Inh. to IV4 and ixn to IWi. died: horn IKii. ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS.' From Da today to noon tomorrow Bun actx ,31. rWn 4iM; iimmhi rtsea 4M1 a. m.; roooo at perigee, oca rent earth. 2ZUiv ml lea. at 10 p. m.; a. u , raaUrru. time, saw mooo, with Uw aaa in ewoateilarioo Tannw: 4 06 p. aa . moon Id cvoJuoctJoo wits Mer cury, pasaing from west to cant of to planet. HAS IT COME TO STAYt With potatoes selling (or $2.50 a sack, and free a peas, string beans and many other commodities going sky ' high, the man of moderate, mean and the housewife are wondering bow to , economise to a point wfaere they shall be able to meet the billa of the grocer and the butcher. It seems to be apparent that the high coat of 11 ring haa come to sUy. We hare poured out our woes about it for several years, and no good has - been donv and It la a safe conclusion they are not so good. Generally apeak' Ing the cost of living la higher here than In moat of the Eastern states, but on the other hand wages are much higher and people can better afford to pay the Increased price. The slo gan of "back to the farm" la good. and Bound aweeter every day. Secretary of State Olcott la entitled to praise for his determined stand against the tipping evil. The Oregon- Ian says Olcott Is atralning at a gnat and swallowing a camel, but the Sec retary will find It harder to awallow a camel If be strains at every gnat that cornea his way. The maxim of saving pennies and letting the dollar take care of themselves la well borne put In thla Instance. Tipping la un American In principle, but Americana have encouraged the practice until It haa become almost a rule from too much usage. Why should the public service corporations and the money making hotela and restaurants not pay their employes a decent wags, and why ahould their patrons be obliged to pay a high rate for what they re ceive and then bestow a gratuity be sides? Harvey El Cross haa again made a benefaction to hla town. If Mr. Cross waa not a modest man, he would have dubbed Gladstone "Crosatown." It Is not a bad Bounding name, either. Wreck of the Maine Will Soon Be Uncovered For Inspection pNyyya' 1 "WWW i,ea)f, that conditions will never change to the point where the cost of existence will be materially less than it is at the present time. CIMAMAS TEACHERS AT 0. A. C. COR V ALUS. Or.. June 24. (Spec ial). There are nineteen counties of Oregon represented In the enrollment of summer session students at the Oregon Agricultural College, beside the states of South Carolina, Wash ington, and Idaho. The registration for the first two days totaled 75, and it is expected that the number will be increased to 100 by the end of the week. Representation from (he ' various cpunties is ss follows: Benton, 13; Yamhill, 10; Clackamas, 8; Multno mah, 6; Polk, 5; Douglas, Lane, Was co, Umatilla and Washington, S each; Linn, Clatsop, Marion and Morrow, 2 each; Hood River, Coos, Harney, Lin coln and Tillamook, 1 each. Idaho and South Carolina have 1 each, and Washington 3. Among these are city school super intendents, county supervisors, high school teachers, and Instructors of special branches, as music, drawing and science.. The course In high school methods proved attractive to many, aa did also that In the teaching of science In high schools, given by W. F. Fargo, of the Salem high school. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Oregon City Fair Sunday; warmer today; variable winds. Oregon Fair Sunday; warmer Sunday: northwesterly winds. Optimism is all light In Its place, (www emaiee n-Pf" fyryn - v 61: Chicago-Detroit and 8t. Lout ii.v.l,it,l Mmaa noaloODed. rain. Naiional League New York T, llrooklyn 4; I'ltuburg S. Chicago 0; I'hlladelphla S. llostou 1; St. I-iula-Clnclniis'tl game postponed, rain. STANDING. Pselfl Coast, W. Rnu Francisco I'ortland I Oakland ....... IVcrnoil Hncraiuvnto . . , Ua Augoles 4N 44 40 43 38 34 Vancouver SHika . Tacoma . . Portland . SoattU . . . Victoria . . Northwestern. W. ... 42 40 40 32 , ... . 31 '1ft L. PC Sit .B5 35 .657 4k .52 43 4VV 44 .463' 61 .400 U P.I'. 26 .611 37 .67 17 .597 34 .485 34 .77 51 .237 Heart to Heart Talks. Ay EDWIN A. fYB. No Quesswork absut your money matt. y,. are a depositor hsra. Your kills are H Pl hy ohook. Your ohook, whn r.. . ehanne a some a reoeipt. no trouoie an out nana, n0 dlapute ah . ' " inta, no question as te evhero your money haa gone or h p,r" you rivo received. Your p" and thg stub 0f va'ur .1 always t.U thd atory. y,ur eh hook I ON THE tAPI SIDE OPEN AN ACCOUNT AT ANO THE The Bank of Orecoo City OLDEST BANK Ilf THE C0URTY a C. LATOURsTTTl Preeideal r. J. METaUt. Caahha THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol OREGON Cm, OREGON Pbotoa copyright by American Praas AaaocUtton, 111. Pl'MIMNO has already started, and nnlesa a derert la found In the coffer dam the wreck of the battleship Maine will soon be expoaed and pos sibly the mystery of Havana harbor will be solved. When alf the water la pumped out the pressure on the cofferdam will t tremendoua. aa the depth la more than thirty feeL The engineers derided to pump the water out a little at a time and to make freuuent stops so. t bat the cofferdam can be Inspected and atrengtbeoed ahould any weakness be abown. After the water was lowered each Ave or six feet it wao planned to examine the portion of the wreck exposed and te remove any bodies that might be found. The above pictures give two views of the wreck sfter the Bret Ave fret of water bad been pumped out. The cofferdam showed no signs of weskneea st that time, and the engineers were confident that the leakage would be uegtllble. and thexpesaimist should not be given room to voice his wall, but every alt nation affecting our pocketbooka ahould be looked in the face and met squarely. This is the manly and wo manly and sensible way. Conditions are no better In the West than In the East, and in some cases A Torrible Blunder To neglect liver trouble. Never do It. Take Dr. King1 New Life Pills on the flrat algn of constipation, bil iousness or Inactive bowels and pre vent virulent Indigestion, jaundice or gall stones. They regulate liver, atom sen ana Dowels and build np your health. Only 25c at ionea Drug Co. Cities Would Be Better Off if They Governed Themselves JBr JOHN A. DIX Governor of New York OUTING HAT. Turkish Toweling Used In the Oeslfw ing of Smart Headgear. Turkish toweling, that moat plebrlan I Of fabrics, haa been need In covering the wire frame that is the foundation for thla round crowned summer outing I headirear. Velvet facta the upturned I brim and supplies the material for ibe bow at the back of the hat Trimming at the back 1 one of the new touches I la millinery. ! The une of Turkish toweling for mart onilng hat U aa Idt-t that com- TRAMP WITH AX IS THOUGHT HILL SLAYER FELLOW FIRED UPON PROVES HIS INNOCENCE ANO 18 GIVEN NEW SUIT. 1 Tvaaiaar tuwbx,jso bat. mends Itself to those who ran appro- elate the artistic possibilities of this Inexpensive fabric, n In the dull, on bleached abades It Is particularly effective. Hats of Turkish toweling are re- A-rred to by the dexlgoer as "wash rag hats." ' A tramp, at t'rst thought to have U-einbe-layer-of-the-HHI family at Ardenwald Station, caused much excitement at MllmauKe Saturday morning, and before he waa captured by several men who pursued him,' at least one shot had been fired at the auspect. The man proved that he had nothing to do with the killing, and the men, who only a few minutes be fore, had pursued the fellow, furnished hlra a new suit of clothing, and gave him something, to eat. The) man waa accompanied to Milauakle by another tramp. There they w pa rated, and the one, who was later suspected of know ing somethitvg of the quadruple crime,' went to the home of Mrs. Mclntyre to ask for aomethlng to eat. While talking with a member of the family he cauicht hold of an ax, which had been on a pile of wood near the house, and the rumor was at once atarted that he was the man who committed the crime near Ardenwald 8tatlon. The members of the Hill family were brained with an ax. Sheriff Maaa. who was summoned, questioned the man, and ftoon became convinced that he knew nothing of the tragedy. ONCE RE WAS A NAN. This la a story about one who at a time waa a real mao. Now be la a multimillionaire. He begau Ma uualuvee life without a dollar. If. a some una baa remarket. a man Is worth only I-.' from the sbouldera down and IJO a day from the shoulder up l U la oian at oral ws worth 12 a day Then be begau to work with hla bead -"from his shoulders u.s Wben be heesn to work with bis head he learned how to work ot Iters. He learned bow to "grow" mouey rreaeutly be cornered aoiue special Privilege that the rusn who works from bla shoulders down unver gets lie begau to get rk-b quirk. The mans wife? Me married brr wben be began to work with bla bead 8be waa a Due girl. but. Ilk himself poor. 8b worked bard, denying her self. She saved and Blared aud loal ber beauty. What matter; lie and abe would. en their proaperlty together. Then this man became a thing. He looked iuto the far of bis wife and saw that her be or waa faded. She did the Iwst abe could to pleas him. but ibe' old charm waa gone. And one day this creature tu garments of a mau happened to meet a girl who was artful, faecltiatlng and pretty. She looked at blm and smiled, u was hypnotized and undone. II would hare thla girl. II could buy ber. The thing in fmuaera sent his law yers to tt faded wife. Tuey offered her much mvuey. They told bar plain ly ber husband bud oo further use for ber. lie stayed away fnuu home. The wife knew that he wu Kith the girl. And then Deapernie. the old wife ailed for dl vorte. There' wa a sensation and amlnl. The newapaera made mu li of the trlnl. Finally Hie multlmlllloii aire nmrrted I he girl, and tbey went ToKnrope Now altrniMt every day Ibe. old vlfe cries. I hey ear. Who wa ihla thing with much uhmi y and no anulY I rnniiot Just name blm. He la a sort of t-oniNmlte pro duct Ion. Ilnwerer. If nm will turn to the commercial reiHirt of linn's or Brsdstreet's and you sn ibe 'l-i of men wltb millions I quit iiier )m will flud bis tiuuie, Preposterous. 'It Is my policy." said the Impni aiv young candidate, "to send every law breaker and every law evndcr to Jail- "Oood beavena!" exclaimed a proinl nent rltlsen. 'Thla fool wants to l k op the entire community. "-fhl'-sto Ilecord' Herald. e THE MORNING ENTERPRISE 4v 4- Is on aale at the following atorea CAPITAL, MOMCOO Transasts a 0eeerl anklnf wolnoe. Open from a. m. f - WOOL WANTED! I - 1 Oregon City Woolen Mills Pays Top Prices For Clackamas County Wool. Ilrotherhood service at fr rings of new local growth are chsag- Ing tba altuatlon and therefor It It not anticipated that any further to ll o'clock. 7:4S. Mountain Vw Union (Cong.) 8. 8. ens VI rm I II n,il ...... Hlble Study every Thursday after "BC mad In imitation tit, mn; R. C. Dye will preach at 7:3i N"w 'rl potatoes are showing lm- ociocB nunaay evening. I pruveu quauiy aaca day and at lb Methaellat Main alraal SL...nik I present rat Will b able to auunlsnl Rev. K. r. Zimmerman pastor, res! ftrnla stock within about two cor. sixth and Washington; 8. 8 :46 a. m.. C. A. William. Ulad- every day: Oopyrtght bv America ii Hreee Association 1 "t r- a ii t. timp hait come when cities ahorjJd demand that instead of being governed as subject provinces they ls endowed with powers of government as complete and efficient as those rested in tbe Mate nd nation bv the state and federal consti tations. . tWe have INCOMFKTENCE ,in city council,, police forces that art, DEMORALIZED, city department and bureaus that are Di- ETnCIENT.. How can it be otherwise, then, thnl the city treated as tfependeticy to be controlled and governed in its vitaj affairs by . aw Trtr-e w-k w a . n uuiDiut uwmakiug body which can posses no KNOWL- .i-iXij!. of 1U need and u absolntely regardless of iu rights and ' Interests I . , - . S " IF HOME RULE AND LOCAL, SELF GOVERNMENT WERE FULLY AND PERMANENTLY ESTABLISHED MISTAKES WOULD DOUBTLESS MADE IN CITY GOVERNMENT. BUT THEY WOULD BE MADE ' BY THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES. AND CORRECTION WOULD OUICK. LY FOLLOW. Problems of city government may be NUMEROUS AND COM PLEX, bot they can NEVER be solved from a state capital Tbey most be met and solved where they' EXIST, by the people who know nd" oaderstand them. The Americsn dtv should t smtirale tr frca iitterference by the state. Bleaching Fluid. Allow a tablepMnful of chloride of jllme to every quart of wuter required. Stir the article about In thin water till all color has disappeared and tben rlnae It very thoroughly In tear water Sunshine WhotOT. Rnnsoltie la one of the lioef health rivers, so let It freely Into your home i'eople who are too en refill of rnrtalns and carpel x often exclude the nn and iet In slckneaa and mirrow CHILDREN TO ENTERTAIN. Saved HI Wife'. Life. "My wife would have been In her grave today," wives O. H. Brown Muscadine, Ala., "If u had not. been for Dr. King'a New Discovery. She wss down In her bed, not able to get up without help. She had a severe bronchial trouble and a dreadful cough. I got her a bottle of Dr. King' New Discovery, and she soon began to mend, and. waa well In a short time." Infallible for cougs and colds. It's the most reliable remedy on earth for desperate lung trouble, hemorrhages, lagrlppe, asthma, hay fever, croup and whooping cough. 50c, 11.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Jones urug t. o. of , 4. Huntley Tiro Drug Main Street. J. W. MeAnulty Cigars Seventh and Main. Becreat Confectionery Main near Sixth. M. E. Dunn Confectionery Next door lo P. O. City Drug 8tore Electric Hotel. Walter Little Confectionery 614 8eventb Street. M. Volkmar Druga Seventh near Center. 8choenborn Confectionery Seventh and . Q. Adama. e) i weeks. Quotareana Tor Oregon r;it. POTATO E8 Ileal. :.S0. good II ii; common. 1 Uuying. carload, elaci. I M0; ordinary, i to. rLOUR AND FKED-Tlour It toady, selling from IS to IS JO; ry little of cheaper grade r'eed u higher and rising alowly. Ursa bring OATS (lluylng) (iray, from :; while, from 1 to 27. IIIiTTICR (Uoying) Ordinary country brings from 1J lo'TOc, fancy dairy from SOr to Hp, crn- ery lie to 16c. EUUS (Muymgt at ranging from 10c to tie, according lo grade POULTRY (lluylng Firm with lu ll good stork offered. Good hens ar bringing So. Old roustra ar la poor draand. broilers bring from 10c to lie, witn giHMl demand. WOOL (Iluy.iir) i Vool prices ar ranging from 11c to ISc MOHAIR (Uuying Price on mo hair have been y up. om htrlng brought aa h'gh aa 3o locally. Quo- tatloas are 17 Ho and demand I itrong from 128 SO to 117 60. ahorta 111 to 139. rolled barley 11.60 to 33 32. procees Driy us, whole corn 131 to lit. cracked cot 123 to 133. Wheat 122 to 33 HAT (Buying.) Timothy 111 to 117, Clover. lt to l4;'tat bay, best 111; mixed, ll to 14; alfalfa, 111 WlllamMta M. No reeuUr aeearhlna HIUKS (HUylng Oreen hide, S ip. m.. Mrs. 1 Keam 'O Be; Salter atone, aupt.; morning service 10:45, Epworth league 6:20, evening Ber vice 7.30. Prayer meeting Thurs day p. m. Morning service, preach' Ing by Rev. W. U. Ilotllngahead Evening service. Children a Day, program by children of Sunday school. Presbylsrian Seventh street cor. Jet- feraon. Rev. J. R. Landeborough pastqr, Rea. 710 Jefferson: 8. 8. 10 a m Mis. W. C, Oreen. sunt.; morn Ing service 11 a. m. Prayer maat Ing Thursday I p. tn. Morning sub ject. "Manly Men."- Evening sub ject, "liellef In Chriat- aeraiae Cnaraaaena rtev. J I. Jones pastur. rea. Uckamaa; a. M. I a m . Kmrrr- rreneh ium r- preabms rrrviree rarn nunosy. ailfmsllna be I wren II a m. and t II p. rn Thrie lisn rnrleavor Thuredar even ln I II p. m. St PulV Rev.' C. W. Roblnaon, rec tor Dally services: Morning prsy er. 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist. 7:30 a m , oveulns; prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sun day service: Holy Eucharist I m ; morning prsyer, 10:30 a. ra.; Holy Eucharlat and sermon, 11 m.; evening prayer and sermon. 7:30 p. m.; 8. 8., 1 m.j Thursday eveninga, sermon at 7:30 p, United Brethren r-or VCIshtn and Taylor. Kev L. r. Clarke aaainr. rea l-ortlaad. . H. I a. m. frank Parker, Msile wmnw, Fnpi ; morning service II. T. P . re. p. m.. evening service T aervlrea. eupl. tlon Lutheran Tor. Jefferson and Clghth eirveie. ev. w it. Krasberser pa a ..... wrw. i. jrwirinn; a. n. i a. m lirv Kraitierger eupl ; morning service 11. evening 7 , iMither league 1 p. "t"t-te4d444des44 WANT-li -ouikii advertisements fo thla col'imn. prices ery reason able. fe rate at head of eolnma. Membaro of Mothodist Sunday 8choof Have Fine Program. Chlldren'a Day will be observed at the Methodist church this evening when the following program will be rendered : Song br the school. Invocation. Anthem by the choir Responsive leading. Welcome song, 13 girls. Address of welcome Marlon Miller. Recitation Thelma SosW, Recitation Edgar OalUngor. Song Primary department. Dialogue Ellery Hickman and Neal Zimmerman. Recitation Mildred Jeremiah. Recitation Slifford Zimmerman. Duet Myrtle and Everett Croaa. Dialogue Four glrla, Dorothea Staf ford, Thelma Selbe, Ruth Kltchi urn. Let ha Croaa. . ... Recitation Alta Cnrtla. Recitation Dorotba Totler. - Tableau Help For Mr Slaters. Recitation Claude Beck. . ri Jlo Let ha Croas. Recltatloi Cilia Woodfin. Recitation Besale Toiler, s Recitation Leroy Allen, ' Recitation Let ha Croaa. Tableau King Alcohol. Closing addrese Frances Jeremiah. BEAVERS HAND OAKS CAME THEY HAD WON McCREDIE'S MEN MAKE SEVEN ERRORS ANO HOME TEAM FIVE. SAN FRANCISCO, June 24. (Spec ial). Despite. Portland's getting lour to me good in the first Inning today me uaka won witn two to spare. Per noil was hit hard at the start, but be steadied down and pitched good ball. The homo boys began getting Dusy with Heneerson's curves In the second and made three and four tal lies respectively In the fourth and fifth. . The Beavers played" worse than amateurs, seven errors being marked up agalnat them. And Oakland made five mlsplays. Oh, but it was a Jolly game. The results Saturday wero as fol lowa: Pacific Coast league Oakland I, Portland 0; San Francisco t. Vernon 0; Sacramento 8, Los Angeles 3. Northwestern League Portland I, Tacoma v; Seattle 2, Spokane 1; Van couver S-l, Victoria 0-4. ' American ' League Philadelphia 7, Boston l; New York 11-9, Waahlngton AMONG THE CHURCHES SUNDAY CALENDAR. Flrat Baptist Corner Main and Ninth streeta. Rev, 8. A. Hayworth. pas tor. Preaching at 11 a. m, and 7:45 p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m Morning subject, "Why Jeaua Was naptizen." Kvenlng suject, "Can Man Live By Bread Alone?" catnotie Cor. -crater ana Tenth Bta kv. a. Hiiieorand pastor, res. 012 water; Low Mass a. m., with ser mon; nigh Mass 10:30 a. m., with sermon; arternoon service 4j00 aiaaa every morning at J:00. Flrat Congregational Church. Morn Ing service at 10:30 o'clock, ser. mon oy me kv. j. n. Knodell. Bun day school at 12 o'clock. Evening service at 7:30 o'clock, aermon by Rev. William M. Proctor. Young reopie s society at :45o'clock. Christ Bv. Lutneran Or. Wahth and J Adama . streets, ftev. P. Schmidt faator, rea. so J. Q Adams; a :I0 a. m.j prsanlilng afternoon of first and third Sundavs at 1:10 In Kn.ii.h other Sunday aervlrea momlna at I a wiin preacaing in uerman. First Church of ChrUt, Scientist Ninth and Center afreets. Morning service at 11 o clock. Subject, "Chris tian Science." Sunday school at 12 o'clock. Wednesday eveplng meet. Ing at 8 o'clock. Reading room open every afternoon oxcept Sunday from 2 to 4 o'clock. CORRESPONDENCE OAK OROVE. Dr. J. H and Mr. McArthur left Friday evening for la Angelea. Tb doctor goea to attend Ihe medical con ventlon hold there netft week. Miss E. Mathewa left Saturday morning for Europe with a party of leacnera. umin vnollei-Cor. Klghth and Msdl streets. Hev. K. Wlevreklt pns ,jnr. rea? 711 Msdlson; S. ft. 0 a. in.. Herman Srhrsdcr. Monroe etreet, aupt morning service 11. yrmng peoplr. at 1 Qladstono Chrl.tlanRov, A. H. Mul key, paator, res. Gladstone. Sun day achool 10 s. m.. N. C. Hendricks, supterlntendent. Morning service, Rsl Estate Transfers D R. and Emma Ionard to M. C, Fllack. tract near Sixteenth street, uregon city; frr I. 8. and Ellxa Smith to John and Annie Secombe, 6 1-2 acrea, township z aoum, range a eaat; 12, 900. Oregon Iron A Steel Company to Jessie M. McKlnney, lot 4, Tualatin Meadows, 5,flo acrea; 10. utia. i iyde and Zella Enala lo O. P. Looney. 44- acres, section J. townshln o souin, range 2 east; 13.000. Ambroglo and Mary Oeatra to Paul uestra, undivided one half Interest. "Is 3, 4 and 5. section 31, township i souin, range 3 east; II II. It. and Fannie E. Smith to Fur- mnn and Myrtle Uu.bee, lot 7, block 3, Orenn point addition to Oregon City; 110. ra. SUa lo 6Uc: dry hide. 12c to 14c. 8hcen Delta. 25c lo 76c each. DRIED FR TITS Local Drlreg er flrra at from to to lOe on applet and prune, peaches are Ic SALT Soiling 60o to 0c tor DM. 50 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 71 for 100 lb. Backs. Portland Vgtabl Market. SACK VEGETABLES Carrot, ll.2Seil.60 per Back; parsnip, 1125 UII.SO; turnips, t. 36 011.50; bt. 11.60. VEGETABLES Asparagus, 0c(l 11.75 per crate; eabbage, uew, ft per bundtadwnlght; cauliflower, I1..0O II.7S per dosen; celery, California, 76e fTlrOe par dosen; cucumbera, Il.tov 13.26 per dosen; eggplant. 16c per lh .; garlic. 10cO12e per pound; lettuce. 50c per dosen; hothouM lettuce, 11.60 4713 nor box: do. Scfflic per pound: peppers. I0oei6e P"r pound: radlahea, 160 per dosen; rhubarb, m OSO per pound; sprouts. c; tomt,. 21 26. POTATOES Oregon, Jobbing prlrs, 12.60 per hundred; nw potato, 70 7 Ho per pound. ONIONS Jobbing prioea; urgon 12.78 per 100; Australian, 13.60 per 100: Texas, 12 25 per crate: O'lfor. nla, 2 per crate. Oregon Cltv Stock Quotation. ( H008 Hogs are Quoted He l'wr. From 126 lbs. to 150 lbs. rV. '"" 160 lbs. to 200 lbs, 840. VEAL CALVE8 Veal calves ortiH from to to loo according to grod. RKEV RTBilTRa fleet JiTt for Hlbernla Savings Bank to J. B,ot,4. block 26, ' 64c live weight. SHEEP unit St fl to 50 H. PllVM ilDDIPllTC PCcU ,.an.,rd HAM , r.nrm nuinL niiuuuiu , ; " EAGERLY BOUGHT SELL WOOL NOW FIRST SHIPMENT IS TAKEN FEW HOURS AFTER ARRIVAL. IN Thsrs Is a big demand for royal apricots In Oregon City, a local eonv mission house having sold out a largo shipment In a few hours after arrival. The shipment was the flrat received here this season and the fruit was un- usually fine. The price of old potatoes la now so close 10 the newer, growth that th trade Is Uklng mora to the latter. While new, potatoes ar firmer and hlghev In the south, no change Is shown locally and asles continue at about f 4 a cental. ( Tb Increasing of- W Pay Top Price. Iregon Commission Co, Dealers in Flour, Hay,(- Grsln, Feed, Coal snd Produce. , .., I im dnd MAIN STS. Oregon CIlY T