Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 24, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    Morning enterprise Saturday, june 21, ion.
The management of the Clackamas
County Fair la making preparations
for many special attractions and
amusements to entertain the crowds
that mill attend the fair on the last
four daya of September.
Major C. 8. Noble of Oregon City,
will probably have charge of the
sports and amusements. Major Noble
has had much eiperlence in this Une,
both In Scotland and In this country.
Among the attractions will be a sham
battle in which the Oregon City com
pany of the Oregon National Guard
will take part. This will give resi
dents of this county a chance to see
military maneuvers for the first time
here. The "battle" will be fast and
exciting and it is predicted that thous
ands will witness the exhibition. It
Is the plsn of the management to hare
the battle on Oregon City day when
a special train will take the people to
the grounds.
In sll probability the automobile
race will be held on Saturday, as this
will no doubt be the greatest attrac
tion at the fair. Entries will be open
to all stork cars and already several
owners have signified their intentions
of entering.
Among the other attractions will be
tugs of war between the towns of the
county, and races and games. The
prospects for the fair are better than
ever before and nothing will be left
undone to make this the banner fair,
XX CI Latowretts) van oa Wednesday
for McMlnnville. where he will attend
the commencement exercises of the
Baptist college, when his daugbter,
Miss Ruth Letourette will be gradual
ed. Mrs. Latourette left several days
ago for McMlnnville, and will also at
end the exercises.
Edward and Otto Duel went to New
Era on Bandar to visit their unci.
A. Durst and family, of Union Mills.
were In Clarkes on Sunday.
Mr. and MrMa. Solomon Click and
has mother visited his sister, Mrs.
Hofatetter ou Sunday.
WAMTI-wmii advertisements for
this column. Prices very reason
able. See rates at head of coHssa.
Ooi'vruM by American TreM Asm
dailon. I'.'il.
rur the arrest am conviction
of any person or persons, who
unlawfully remove copies of The
I Morntus Enterprise from the
! premises of aubacrlbers after
paper has been placed there by
The thft of s lwe by Cy
Fslkeuberg of the Cleveland
Americana f Nig Clarke si St.
Loul eei-ently Kim not an un
precedented vveut. surprlslug an
it may nave read when It wa
flashed over the wires. Fred
stole a base Isst scasou and also
one In 1907. making three atoleu
bases for him In live sen.-ioua. Ity
getting such an early start, how
ever, the elongate! pitcher uiuat
b Intending to go after Eddie
Colllna' laurels.
Why Is a very amusing inau like
bad" shot? Because be keeps the game
Whk-b la a 'woman's favorite word 1
The last one.
When people are quarreling out of
doors wbst should they do? Co-ln-clde
go lnsldet.
If 1 were In tbe auu and you wi
oot of It wbst would the sun become!
Who Is tbe oldest lunatic on record!
Time out of mind.
Why sre some doctors like wood
COCKS? Because tbet prwn jg
Wbeo does s fsruier double up s
beep wit hoof nnrtlne It? When be
folds IL
Which la tbe rudewt turd in et
htteore? The mocking bird
are the popular style in home
architecture. I specialize on
designing and building bung
alows that are convenient in
arrangement, homelike in ap
pearance. At Moderate Cost
If yon are thinking of build
ing call and see me, or phone
for an engagement.
Clarence Simmons
Ninth and Main Streets.
Prions Pac-Msln 3292.
Cams Jersey 'Dairy
Headquarters for
ered to any part of city.
Special Delivery on Sunday.
709 Seventh St, Opposite City
Eight City Cirsuit Will Be In Operatien
Next Seaaen if Plsns Den't Fail. .
A new Class A league will be In op
ration In 1912. says s prominent man
in baseball.
It Is nominally designed to give the
patrons of the one club major league
cities a chance to see continuous base
ball, bat really Is Intended to be a
permanent check on the expansion pol
icy of the ambitious Americsn associn
tkn. The new league ss plsuued at a
secret conference recently will be msl
up of Cincinnati. Pittsburg. Detroit
Cleveland, a club on the north side ot
Chicago and clubs In three cities yet
to be selected.
Its players will, according to th
plan, be mainly the extm recruits or
the sixteen major teams, who will tbu
obtain steady employment, s bette.
chance to show their actual value aid
an opportunity of quick recall to b
fastest company. A schedule of 140
games, with Sund.iv ball in Detroit
Cleveland and Cincinnati wben tb
Tigers, Napa snd Reds sre on tdo rosd
and Sunday ball every week In Chics
go is part of tbe program oo tbe ca r J j,,hed
pet now. :
While In lh. detective IuihIiicmm I scut
msn to slate rin for two years.
Before he went up he reproached me,
with tears' In his eyes, becsimo I hud
tskeu livelihood front his wife and
children. I felt so sorry for theui Hint
kept the wolf from the door dui'tii:
the term of the husltaud and father's
ltnprlwuueut. When he waa dia
charged be came to nie, lhauked l:n
and said If It ever came In his wsy b
would do me good turn.
Some time after this I received an
anonymous note stating that IVin Mc
Donnell would attend an evening func
tion to be given by Nsthnnlel Ames,
prominent In society, thst ntght, for
the purpose of plunder. McCouncll
bsd got away with perhaps a hundred
thousand dollars of loot, snd there
were rewsrds out for him to the
amount of SUO.Ooa If I could nab him
I would be well set up. I rather fan
cied tbe information had come from
the crook who family I bad befriend
ed, though I confess It was tbe first
bit of gratitude from a criminal I had
ever heard of.
Unfortunately I didn't get the Infor
mation till about 10 o'clock at night.
I got into evening dress, hurried
round to the house In question snd
was ushered up to the men's robing
room. I had thrown off my wraps and
was going downstslrs through a hall
when I saw a gentleman coming out
of one of the rooms. He gsve an In
voluntary stsrt upon seeing me, but he
persued his wsy while f. walking slow
ly as I psssed the room from which bo
bsd made an exit.. looked In. From the
apparel I ssw lying shout snd other
Indications I judged It wss a lady's
This msde mo suspect thst the msn
who hsd emerged from It hnd had no
business there. Could It be thst I had
bad the luck to light on Mct'onncll on
my very entrance? I hurried down
stairs and ssw tbe man I bad observed
Just going up to spesk to the boat snd
"Who is that gentleman?" I asked.
"Sir Dartd Teaks, sn Eugllshmsn re
cently arrived. In search of sn Ameri
can wife, they ssy. He brought let
ters to Mr. Ames. I believe."
siy nopes or sn easy And were
Miss Emma Kleinamith has recov
ered from a sore throst.
Eugene Kleinsinlth nresched in
Volia last Butulsy
IJeorge Clarke hauled ahtngles last
Mr. Hanson and his son Dsn. of
Portland, vlsltsd In Clarkes. Toey
went mountain-climbing.
Mr. IJmtou haa finished his houss
snd fa ready to move In IL
Sam Klmer was in town isat wesa
Have you overworked your nervous
system and cauaed trouble with your
kidneys and bladder? Have you pains
In loins, elds, back and bladder? Have
roii a flabby appearance of tbe face,
and under the eyea? A frequent desire
lo pass urine? If so, Willlsms' Kidney
Pills will cure you Druggist, Price
50c. Willlsms Mfg. Co., Props., t'leve.
Is ml. O. For sals by Huntley Ilroe
snd Jones Drug Co.
Woman's World
A Little Engliah Girl Whom Every
One Must Addraaa a Ma'am.
Thoy Are Fashionable In White
and Caleead Deeerstisns.
raises masy or bsoland.
Several of the most powerful men In
baseball have been planning tbe new
league, and there seeos s likelihood
that tbe desl will be put through.
F. D. Stutges
"When yoo wish to hire an
automobile. At Elliott and
Parks Garage.
Homo Phones A-72, B-80. Pacific 3302.
Oregon City .
Furnished with operating
room, ward and private
rooms. -,
Graduate Nurses
Psc 2243 HoraeD-298
CAr. Vsughit and Twenty-fourth
June 20, f1, 22, 23, 24, 29. ,
Gsmea Bsgln Wsskdsys at $ p. m.
: v " Sundays, a:S0 P. M.
r Tdsf u Free- to Bleachers
' . . f-day. ::.
From that time forward I kept my
eye open for a upli-lous character.
McConnell hsd never been convicted
and no picture of him hsd yet been
Feeling some one Jwtle sgslnst me
from behind. I turned and there was
Sir David. He becred nir narrfon with
Lfl n i. v .i
nnH. rioaponaioie rer Many et an EnglUb sreent snd psssetl on. It
Pirate Vistsrtes. wsxn't ten minute before I ssw the
Hans Wagner is keeping the promise i host romlnr for me with an omlnmia
bo made Manager Fred Clarke at the I look on his fs-e.
close of the 1810 sesson. I "Hsve you received sn invitation
Folio wing the poor work of the Fly- herer he ssked.
log Dutchman Isst yesrrthe boas Buc--! "No: haTe tou V I ret-MM without
caneer naa a conference with him be- ahowinr the Im,i
for Fred departed for his Kansas ' though I felt thst something bad gone
home last October. He Informed him ! against me.
plainly Just wbst the Pittsburg club ! "Confound you, sir; I live here."
"Well, all I have to ssy to you Is that
you live In a deuced fine house."
I was trying to gain time to art
wsy from several listeners. While we
were talking Sir David came up and
heard the dialogue. Then he broke lu:
That's a favorite way of robbery
among tbe London crooks. They go to
functions aa guests snd tske away the
Jewelry. You'd better search him."
I wss marched Into a room by the
host and two others, where there was
no one to see wbst wss going on, snd
searched. Whst was my astonishment
at the finding In a pocket In tbe skirt
of my dress coat of a brooch belonging
to one of tbe young ladles of the Ames
Like lightning, my bsvlng seen Hit
DsTld Peaks coming out of a ladles'
bedroom and his having Jostled me
cast a flood of light on the situation.
He was M'Connell personating a
knight, which he could well do since
he bad come from among the better
English classes, being his family's
black abeep. Knowing that I had seen
him leaving a room in which be had
no right, he bad slipped tbe brooch
Into my pocket and then In some way
directed tbe host's sttentlon to me.
"I'm caught," I ssld. "I have s
confederate In the house. Telephone
tbe police and permit no one to leave
till they come. Keep quiet; you don't
want a disturbance, I'm aure."
"Who's your confederate?"
"ne whom you call Sir David Peaks.
Watch bim for tbe present, but don't
accuse him."
They all sneered at this, but called
tbe police. I asked them to tell Char
lie Bowers to come also. "Bowers
knows me," I explained. "I'm an old
. They did watch Sir David, though
they would not admit to me that they
srere doing so. Wben the police came.
Bowers and another man In plain
clothes were admitted by a back door.
"Charlie," I said, "McOonnell, whom
you're been looking for. Is In this
bouse, masquerading as Sir Darld
Peaks Just arrived from London. Ask
tbe host to rail him in here."
The host reluctantly consented and
Sir David, who had been vainly trying
to get out without being seen, was In-
Tited to the conference. I thrust my
hand Into his pocket and pulled It out
full of Jewelry.
Bowers Touched for ma, and I re
ceived the next day a check from Mr.
Ames for a substantia amount. T
also got all tbe reward offered.
I 'v. f , - '
To be a king's dsugbter Is all very
well in a fairy tale, but most klugs
daughters hsve far from an easy life
There Is the little fourteen-year-old
daughter of I he king and queen ot
England. She baa lessons tbsi would
ebsme many an Americsn college
gtrL for a prlocsHS' educstlon ends si
seventeen or eighteen, and there are
many things which he mum learn
thst ordiusry girls are not troubled
For luMtance. abe uiual be prunVini
In several languages snd hsve guml
working knowledge of tbe history l
different oatloua. particularly then
modern history. She must Iw somethiui:
of an artist and luuak-lsn. and If bei
mother la a person of housewifely
tastes, as is Priurexs Mary's toother.
then her spare moments sre Oiled up
with Instructions lu regard to cooking,
baking, bonaekeeplog and aewlng.
Wbeo tbe little princess goes to visit
her grandma. Queen Alexandra, iba
royal lady initiates her lum tbe art of
dairying, which to the daugbter of a
king of Denmark la a vary Important
matter. Then her father Insists ihsi
bis dsugUter tuaat not neglect br
horseback exercise or other outdoor
sports. In wblcu nowadays all smart
young Englishwomen excel.
It will be seeu that tbe little English
princess has no lift of leisure. The
only girl lu a family of four boys, all
of tbem lively aud fond of fun. It may
oe juagea tnat toe princess Das no
chance to become) self conscious 'ot
One of tbe latest court rules Is that
very one not of royal rank must sd
dress the little girl aa "ms sm." and It
Is funny to Americana lo see grsy
nsirea dowagers courtesy Ing to the
seventeen year-old Prince of Wales
and gravely answering bla little slater
with prim "Yes. ms'sms" and "No
. 'V. I v I ' ' '
'r few lnua. ...
usy. Ju,t or Bt,
hard rubber ZJ?'?
It kills th, garni,, f tt It
tllatlun, l.u "hi , -' ,uoom tk,V
noluds. ih. ii?" ouiniiTuv
iTw:""1"- "'.. u"'0"1?.
owy n sraLsr astssoioKBT.
This pretty gown, appropriate for a
girl's grsdustloo or fur sfiermmo wesr
during I be summer. Is made of llneu.
hesvtly eoibruldered on ' klrt and
waist. Il Is dolabed with a knotted
girdle of velvet Mis I falls bsifway
down tbklru ' - ,
Lingerie di
pretty this year.
simple too. Tbe girl with amre nun
art exceedingly
and they are iiulte
- .Infantile Paralysis.
Infantile paralysla Is a germ disease
Being a germ disease, lufsnllle psrsly
Is Is coiniiiiinlcalile from person lo
person. It Is contagions aud Infei tloiis.
The germ la mainly taken Ihruugb
the nose.
It Is coiuuiunlceted by mesne of the
nassi aiacnsrge.
Wherever MMlble hiintUerchlefs
should be destroyed when stilled In
any event, they should lie thoroughly
boiled. ' ' '
The use of the pocket bsndkerchlsf.
however. Is not sufficient lo protect a
child from Infection The usssl pits
age and throat should be kept tbor
tughly sterilised. A mouth snd uoe
saab of hydrogen H-roiMe may be
aaed for the purpose. This uisy be sp
plied with an atomiser or oiber form
of spray.
Children should be made lo avoid tbe
flltb of the atrweta L'uiler no clrcum-
atancea ahould they buy fruit or can
dice whlw have been vxpumMj a the
dual charged air of the streets.
Do net let your children Indulge la
kissing lufsntlle psrslysls uisy very
readily be spread In Just that way.
Above all. keep your child clean.
. These precautions are more neces
ssry In the summer mouths," but It
would not be unwlso lo practice tbem
the whole year
rOR BALE Spar la
asj It .
osii mat old p0
t ft. L
don't .... i. .... " wf0
-- ,s antra
four new on.
1 surchassl
Copyri.1,1. !. A.
' l lrw
' Wbeu Albert t hn
to marry bliu u.-
not believe lite
"ked i una 'nM
...' II,,! -h A .
- via
Wbaie nwnii.ikmi ...
t. ....... .
m f una insir
beard ber ssy
I went v dis . .
tliuas. Wbeu Anna I'rim re..
Villi IinilHlltl
thst be- did bilev
OiMs Fsr Children.
Tbe Joy of - welcoming a new baby
Into tbe family oft eu Ouda expression
la deluging tbe oewcoiuer wlib offer
lags and loksns No gift can be loo bars atuck In hi. ii.r..ul ,j (6Z!
vmvj. i Dim to oeatb lu uo time
iww arauui-rvuia ana auiiog sootB i "Well, wbsl sre II.. im
lie 1Brf
I ti-l III
awallovfed Jonah. I.m ld not iii(
that Daulel waa ia. lo ibnta. uL
bad rem.stediy M VUh, -lf J
esH-e seemed a irtittiiat Uilug. sua Ibri!
wont ahead aud were warrleu. J!
waaul a mouth befure iii,7 4 ',
Ciaas, it waant two iN-r.ii tuwui,
rlllagj of Carrol knew mm hcqoiJ
n iiTiug uiinappny
"Albert." Ibe wile suuid aa;, ,
must have ibouglu mi Wl.r bm
Ing a fool. Can
milk paur
"Of courae not."
"Tbea bow could a sliul hari.i
lowed a man? 1 tell ymt j(lui W0Mj
Photo by Amerioao' prcaa Association.
WAOssB, prmauBO's
would expect of blm this yesr, aud
Honus promised that ha would do as
uouns Is keeping bis word. Ha Is
playing magnificent ball from every
angle and Is a most potent factor in
every victory credited to the Pirate
crew. For a few days the big fellow
suffered a slump in bitting, but it was
not much felt, because at that time all
tbe other members of tbe team were
bitting. Now Wagner Is doing most of
tbe clouting.
Wagner has been fielding In fins
style, and, though he bas made severs
errors, they hare been due to bis ac
tlvlty and willingness to gn after
chances which ordinary players would
not even tackle.
The Flying Dutchman (Lf playing as
good ball as ever in bis career, and
bis friends declare be Is delighted with
bis own showing and Is determined to
keep It up right through tbe campaign
Connie Mack's son Earl isn't mak
log good with Scran ton as a catcher.
"The greatest play I ever saw, sayi
Manager Csntlllon of Minneapolis,
"waa wbeo John Anderson stole sec
ond with tbe bases full."
"Lefty" Buaaell. Connie Mack's $12.
000 beauty, la tbe Buba Marquard of
the Am erica a league.. Ha Isn't show
ing much in hla early games.
Base stealers like Cobb. Bescber,
Collins and Magea are starting a big
revival lu a department of play In
which the old timers excelled the mod
ems. Cleveland critics cbarga that Larry
Lajole covers second base to perfec
tion, but doesn't assist the shortstop lo
guarding the middle bag aa ha should.
He allows the shortstop to shift for
himself. As a result the Isft slda of
Iba Infield la sreak.
Ssvsd Hla Wl's's Life.
"My wife would have been in her
grave today," writes O. H. Brown, of
Muscadine, Ala., 'If it had not been
for Dr. King's New Discovery. She
waa down in her bed, not able to gat
up without help. She bsd a severe
bronchial trouble) and - a dreadful
cough. I got hef g bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery, and she soon began
to mend, and waa well In a short time."
Infallible for con is and colds. It's the
most reliable remedy on earth for
desperate lung trouble, hemorrhages,
Isgrlppe, asthma, hay fever, croup and
whooping cough. 50c, 11.00. Trial
bottle free. Guaranteed by Jonas
Drug Co. .
Its Light Rsflocting Quslitios Should
8 Conaidered.
No paper reflects sll the light which
falls on It but the brightest of all
papers would lie- white blotting psper.
if thst were allowable on the walla
White blotting paper reflects four
fifths of Ibe Unlit. Tbe remaining Oftb
it sbsorbs snd renders useless. Ordl
nsry foolscap la le bright, swallow
Ing thn tenth and reflecting only
Taking thee as the brightest pos
slble impers. we can see how s room
may be treated ao as to be cheerfully
luminous or ss gloomy ss a prison
Tbe range it ao si-eat flint mm nn
tnsks the walla of one room fourteer.
to alxteen times darker than another
annougD tbe sama smount of light
enters both.
Tbe brightest wall paper is tbe while
figured, while white and gold Is slmosi
aa effective in throning back tbe light
falling on It.
It may be taken as reflecting nearly
aeven-tentbs Next comes chrome yel
low paper, which reflect six-tenths,
and this is followed closely by orange
paper. reflecting 'five-tenths of the
Yellow wsll paper and ysllow nslnt
ed walla give back only four-tentha of
toe light; they swallow up more tbno
they reflect and light pink paper la
just a trifle less bright
Light blue paper la rather deceitful
Contrary to whst one would exiiect it
absorbs three-fourths of the light
How te Knew What Width te Aak the
Sslsawoman For.
Very few women bare emuped
the annoyance of trying nnauccess
fully to buy ribbon of a particular
width. When one considers the ques
tlon It Is quite natural that mnnufiic
turers should turn It out Iq certain
ataple widths, hut the difficulty Is thnt
rery few of u know Just what these
widths sre When ribbons srs need
as much as this summer our trouble
re multiplied --
Here are the numbers and their cor
responding widths Cut this out and
keep II for reference next time you
need rlbbo approiimurely a certain
No. t ibabyi. 8-1fl Inch; No. ft-lrl
Inch; No 2. Inch: No . incti; No
ft. IMO Inch: No. 7 I -1rt Inches; No
, W, Inches; No. VI. 1 IM4 Inches.
No. 1. 2 inches; No 40. 8V4 Inches;
No, (V). 4 Inches
Tberesre other Intermediate widths.
of rounsrisTMheae are tbe most usual
ntea on ber bsmls may employ them
profitably lu beadl.ig a fro k for sum
mer. White Is the most popu'lsr msfs
rtsl. snd I he color srbentr la given by
colored headwurk or by embroidery
thst simulates beadwork A Utile
around tbe neck and aleeve. a Hue
around the walat end. If you wUh. a
little more around tbe beti are quite
Tbe walsi for the lingerie frisk mat
be msde wlib s aqiisre. round. oiuicit
or Just a collartens neck Tbe H-snnt
aleeve la still correct, bill II U gettlus
snorter, an inch or ao above the elbow
being tbe preferred length
Make your dress with s slightly ri
ed wslst line snd wesr a lreitv sash
Less Ribbene snd Flwre'embinrf
Msks a Dainty Chapoaw.
Muahroom hais of isi-eor rmbruldeiy
are very popular for riitle girls. I hey
may be easily fashioned by the ama
teur milliner, nine no great skill Is
required in sdjuatlng the soft isre
over tbe wire frame. A few koota of
ribbon . or clusters of tlnvllowers
knotted here and there among Ibe isce
fond uncles aud sywusthetk'
friends all wish lo attest tbeir Inter
est In sums tangible wsjf. aud "wbal
lo give" baby rouilnuse lo be a source
of anxiety throughout Its career It
seems almost a lOoje-to, think of Ibe
large amounts espeuded upon toys
wboae usefulness are over la a dsy.
Why dose oot aotus one ihluk of the
future and give things that are really
worth while and which will give real
pleasure leter oaf Think of Ik Joy
of possessing a good library wbeu one
kt old enough lo fully appreciate It!
Some gtrla pun naa strings of well
matched pearls whose beginnings were
formed wben they were Hoy tola and
who received oue at a lime as birthday
gifts. Seta of silver forks and spuous
hsve also beeo gathered together In
tbla way. and pictures wbs-b fesve
some true snlstlc value II la true
that all Ibeee things are af but ecani
Interest to tbe very young buy or girt,
but ss Ibey grow older tbetr Interest
Is awakeoed. and a real appreciation
for possessing beautiful things Is found
to be a greet delight
Methersrsft Pse eye.
Motbercraft for buys is ibe newest
thing In ibe vsrtous setl!emota la Ibe
east aide of New York Hoys are
taught 10 help I heir mothers st borne.
Motbercraft Includes care of tbe be by.
cooking, dressmsklng. Isundry work,
borne mensgemeut. borne hygleue and
many other things.
"I think lbs lime soon will come,"
said a sett lement. worker, "wbeu hoys
throughout the country will be laughi
domestic economy Just as are girls
Among Ibe poorer rlsaaee men fre
quently sre out of employment and
tbe women rsn find work. Naturally
tbe husband abould be able during hl
Idleness to altsnd lo tbe household du
dee. Tbe sooner a boy lesrns much
about tbe care of tbe borne ibe better
fitted be will be la aa emergency lo
look after ibe borne. U abould be
trained to help bis mother. Then be
will be preps red lo help bis wife."
are the only trimming required These
bats are most appropriate for wear
with white lingerie dresses.
Children's bats seem to be prettier
man ever, whether we consider I hem
In the rough and ready sailor shspes
ror morning wear or In tbo "more
elaborate creations for fnll dress. To?
hesdgear of even tbe tiny lota Is pic
turesque. Bonnets for little ones are
made of white liberty sstlu. They are
close fitting, but the sstln Is fulled 00
tbe crown, the bsnd around the face
being plain. Embroidered side pieces
are act In. Tbe most attractive designs
re tiny forget menot wreaths. Where
Ibe ribbon ties are aet on there are
rosettes of tbe white sstln. In tbe cen
ter of which are tiny rosebuds.
Embroidered oattsle cans have the
nniest bouquets of pink and blue
flowers set ou tbe left aide of tbe
A Bey's Frlsnds.
Welcome Tom. Dick or Harry If he
la your boy's friend Treat blm wlib
aa much respect as you would an older
person. Ills friend's retnerks will In
fluence your son mightily In bis regard
for bome.
Moreover. If ibe friend Is undesir
able your boy will more saslly see It In
tbe refinement of bome. Outside be
msy be a hero; within, all bis defects
stand out
Encourags your boy to bring bis
friends home. You can see bis asso
clatee then, and be does not need in
go out to see them.
Evenings at Hams.
Mothers, don't keen your tired mo
ments for lbs evening. Rest. If need
be. In ibe afternoon, for you bare eery
Important work lo do later on. Be
ready to play games. 10 accompany
songs, even to dance, for there la ooth
ng so good or ao Jolly, and many per
fect dancers have been made at borne
If the bome Is a proper club It will
have Its dramatic society. Its choir, Us
band. Its parliament. Ita lending libra
ry, Ita smoking concede and Ita "la
dles' nlgbt" Yon can make tbe boys
Ibluk there la no place like bome If
you like.
Creehst Soaks. -Pretty
little socks are made for baby
In handmade lacework. Tbey are ex
tremely floe and of ao Intricate de
sign, but I hey would be pretty and
serviceable If made from soft cotton
In any pretty crochet stitch, snd the
woman who is bandy with tbe book
con Id easily msks thorn w'lboui a pat-
Old Qleves.
The palms of old kid glovea make
very serviceable kneecaps, wblcb can
be stitched Into children's stock I bm.
thus avoiding constant darning, while
the arms of long evening glovea make
good polishes or bandy receptacles for
carrying a silver toilet aet when Ita
owner la on a Jonrnsy,
Cstarrh fa Probably the Cauae.
Rid of the Cause.
If you have catarrh tnd have oon-
stsnt ringing nolsea In your eara look
Into the matter at once.
It's a pretty sura sign that catarrh
la spreading and (a making Ita way
through the Eustachian tubea that
lead from the noae to the eara.
When catarrh gets to tbe eara par
tial deafness follows. If you hare
ringing nolsea In your eara go to Hunt
ley Bros, today and get a HTOMEI
outfit and drive out catarrh.
To cure catarrh HTOMEI ahould be
breathed through the Hyomel Inhaler
mail furr
the buehaod would query la tvftf.
"Made to eat folks Always ita!
gry? Alwsys after s ! tbmT if
Deo lei bsd beeu rait among ibra y
would bave been dog a meat la in
seconds. How you mo lwilve set
nonsense Is twyfiud me. '
Morning, noon snd utgui It waa J
nab and DsoM.
Living wltb ber son 0t mhos 11;
waa an old woiuau named A 11 si J
drib Benson. Kite was frquatly b
tbe village and beard all tbe stasia.
She WSS being well treated at arr
eon's, but sfter bearing ao murhibusi
Jonsb and I Hi n lei a lirlcbi hies rts
to ber. She weul to' town aud riiiet
on-MrsL-XUn--4!l wsa au-tiour after
dinner, and Mrs. Cliff waa till farksa
over wbst bsd been asul st lb nowa
day ousel.
"Look here, now." began lbs ti
woman after a bit. "ymt ar right is
yoor husband Is wrong Nfr la lbs
living world did lbs wliais awsliev
Jonsb." -
iTbsl'a wbsl I'vs told Albtrt 1
thousand times tvr." replied llrt
wife. "But he's s reguisr turns abet
It He-woutdn't-grveHB 1f hs wi
die for It."
"Bat you can't keep on tola nj,
yon know."
"Of course oot I shall bar tj
leave him."
"Well. I dunno about that. I'vtnt-
ed to tell you of a case I koew abeat
A husband and wlfs used to dH'ti
about Ibe Bible Just aa you oV Met
tber would give In. Jul aa tseyeey
going to sepsrste the wife a aset
came and posted ber wbat to 00. Wtl
wss oot lo spesk lo ber hubsid M
three months'
"But bow could Ibey set iking lkl
"Why, through the sunt kVt
spoke through ber. Khe acted 11 1st
' "But I bare, no aunt to come serv.'
"No. you poor child, and llul i 1
errand. I bave come 10 say tkal I
will lake, an aunt's place m
stand .It. but In a month bell I
down on bla knees to you and girt if
"Tea. I iblnk so." replied
"Tee, he's got to give ni me er Je
nab. Wben t-so you i-oineV'.
"Why. right now. I cao seed
my clothes, you know."
"And wbo'a to exphiln m Albert'
"1 am. You are 001 m sneiik is '
at all. Mebbe he'll csrs 111 H s
If be don't then ws miwi niaM
It wae settled Ibal way. When
busbsod csms boms tc niM'l" ,MI
night be found a stTuntte wutuas .
tbo bouse and bis wife n I01
Aa be looked for au i.iniit"i n
Beoson gave her nsme ami sdilea:
"Mr. Cliff, you believe in Js
the wbale, I undersiand .'
"You bet I do." .
"And you don't believe In DsbW m
the lions' denT
"You bet I don't r
"Well, your wife b" !,l,,'d . ,
spesk to you sgsln until ymi ou" e
"Then I wou't sieiik lo lief."
"Tbsl's what I sm here for. All"
Ing will be done through me: I .
noi favor etlber you or ymit m
sund neutral." .
Bo the allly. foolish project
out nod of course ihlogs were nsMf
worse than before. '
, .hu. .M man did SlUff BT
self at table? How she did g"l P '""I
lunches.' Mb ordered whaler "I
cbose from Ibe grm-ery. and whw
KmmA mtm eaved stNltll "
couldn't ass snvtblng. HUf was ih"1
ss ths dove of iH-sce. slid I" TV
never hsd sw b a good Mine I" M" " .'.
She even wort Mrs. Clicrssiotn
told Mr. Cliff to his fs.-e thai
to buy lump siigsr for lea iu,rt,V
granulated! also that sne v -to
fresh meat three tiroes a M- I
Tbe end came at lasi. and f'11 I
months befure Mrs. Bemm ". )
lated on If. Rhe was si i,lA" ,
gossiping une afternoon when jwrs
nsntsr came home for a tool
bis wife alone and weeping
and looked at hfr for a nilnnts.
then his besrt smote hlro. and
claimed: , - .
"Anns, dnrn Jonah. - j c j
"Albert durn Wlf' nht r-t-'
throngh ber lesrs.
. "I've been fooir
. "And so have IT ' , iB,
And wben Ann. JC. J
got the bounce, and here
another Biblical dlpul t.tni1 r
r a