Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 24, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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special special
Waist Sale
$1.25 to $1.50
Fine White Sum
mer Waists for
a few days
Men's Suit
Men's Suits for
a few days
$ 11.85
Soo Our Window Display
day, and la visiting with bit old friend, I Hot I Arrlvale.
. n, nuappara, on or in prominent
farmer of Beaver Creek, and hla fam- Tha tollowlna ara reclaterad at tha
Uy. Mr. Roberta la making bla Drat ir.iantrin p...i rn.m.n iuta.
vlali lo tha coaat, and la much lnv L... ., . . .
br..a with Ore.on. aenltlnU. wlThf"'. K!C-
L'larkamaa county, and It la probable M11""- Wash.; Oeorge C. Dynea, Ban
ha will local In Clackainaa county. Franclaco; B. Burna, A. B. Klrbly,
la la ilia owner of a large (arm In w n MrTron a R.itrara Oakland.
North Dakota. Mr. Roberta waa In L. . . K , . ' HllUm n, . c D
.1,1. city rrlday. tIns accompanl-d C'' ' N' J' Uour, B ' 0r" .
by Earl Hhuppard and Thomaa Davis, n,ll"r', "UDuam; a. uaymau, ty. .
wall known farmers of Heaver "ek. Yoder, J. Wolfe, Arthur Trouzer, Port
land; J. W. McCubbln, M. W. Johna-
ton, C. A. Will. Canby; C. H. Grant,
Portland; J. M. Bmltb and wife. Can
Iratla, Waah.; George pinket, Fort-
I land; Arthur Keitougb, Portland.
FOR RENT Uner apace In tbla col
umn. A few llnea nay rant that
house, atora or farm; they will coat
you but a few centa.
An Interval
Copyright oy American Preae Asso
ciation. IV1L
Their Dettlnatlen.
Mr. Huug-Whru Itlpiwr wan mar
ried he and lila l.rlU wew away l
alia Blog-Hol Wber did tb
prnd tbrlr Iwueyuiooni .
"In huapltat
aora. In thla clt Thursday and Frl
day, and were reglatered at the Elec
trie llultl
Mra. Frank Jaggar, of Carua. waa In
dri.ii.Mi cttv un Friday vlaltlug Mra.
ii..ntaiuln Jaaaar and Mra . Minnie
Mra. K. ('. Thomaa and eon, Stanley
Owen, of Portland, were In thla city
..i. Friday, the gueata of Mra. Harry
II. tlartlldge.
MUa Catherine lloacb, of tbla city,
will leave next week for Idaho, where
aha will remain during the aummer
near llolae.
Kred Woodward, of Medford, brother
of It. K. Woodward, of thla city, ar
rived tn Oregon City on Thursday
veiling to vlalt for a weea
Claude Utrahan and Jamca E. craio,
two of portianu a prominent, aiiiw-,
were III thla city on legal uumnr..
mi., ii nth I jiioiirette. who haa com
plated her course of atudlee at the
McMlnnvllle College, returned to her d M,rtDl, was nineteen,
borne in this city Friday' afternoon. Mp.'raou wa, lollr ,bao eltt
II W. Metier, of Portland, waa In
the city Friday on baalnaee.
Samuel Elmer, of Clara, waa) In
im. riiv on bualneaa Thuraday. ill ftnubel. waa la
Oregon City Thursday.
Mlaa Bnodgraaa, of Mullno. waa vlalt
i.i in thla clt Thuraday. .
x n ni iwvar Creek, waa In
r . v. i .
ih eit maar.
.... r Rhuhel. la flatting
Mra. Jacob Btelaaw, of tbla city.
' Mra. Roy HcAlpln. of Retacada, waa
.un in. in thla city on Friday.
Wllholt eta will leave tha Electric
Hotel each day at I o croc p.
lwla Buckner, of Bhubel, waa
1.1. ii tranaactlng bualneaa
Ceorge Brenner, of Carua. waa
among the Oregon City vla.tor on
n n.nitiar and brother. Ray
a . shnhitl. were In tbla city
tn.. flMtnn. of Canby. U In
thla city, taking tha teachera exam
Mr. and Mra. J. M. H
iralla. Waab.. are In thla city vlalt
t, u.xu nf uanla Lane,
brought a load of wool to the city Fri
Samuel Qerber. of Logan, waa In the
city Friday. Ha brought a load or
N. J. Boura, of Salem, waa In thla
city on bualneaa Thuraday, and waa
reglatered at the Electric Hotel.
t a o.mitiir fnrmarlT of Or-
gon City, baa moved hla office lo 1017
Corbett building, Portland.
Harry Bchoenborn, of Eldorado, waa
in thla city on Thuraday. and Waited
hlaparenta, Mr. 'and Mra. Richard
C. F. Jenaen and wife, of Seattle,
Mlaa Ethel Betxer, 01 ibcuui,
Waah.. arrived In Oregon city iorr
day evening for a vlalt with MIm
Freda Martin, ol mevenin au
at reel a.
C. F. Roralg. of Canby. ha peen
It' queer bew little dlllaraDce ten
jreara will make In the look of peraoua
when you're with em all tb lima
and bow much difference It uiakea
wbeu you don't ae 'em. And If you
duu't ae m for a matter of twenty
year. why. you duu't know 'em at all."
The worda were apoken by Joabua
Bparka to bla friend. Mabulda Stickler.
Yea. Mr Bparka. and tbut a l be
reaaon I don't take etock In tb Idea
tbat love la anything inure' u llvln' to
gether." i '
1 knew of a caaa or that aiua oncu
It came under my own obaervatlon
You know Martha Wrlnklea. uou t
Yea. I know ber; ahe a a eainuy uiu
"Waal, when Martha waa a gnl aiie
waa aa purly aaany on em. I wa a
leetle aoft ou her myeclf then.. Hut I
didn't have no chance. She waa aot
on Ben Hlgglna. aa One a looklu
youug man aa ever bandied a plti b
fork. And Ben waa aot on ber. They
waa the loveneat couple I ever ae.
They waa goln to git married when
Ben wa tuk alck. tie waa ere n ion
title, and when be got well the aot-
tor aald he'd belter go off aoinewhere
elae to git a change of air.
Ben. be went to Colorado, wnere ine
air la dry and pure. He tuk a pu-iur
of Martha with ulm. aud they both aid
their love waa tb undyln kina. u
didn't matter bow long tbey might b
aeparated. neither of 'em wotrld marry
any one eln. ana tney wouia mr.
each other when tbey com together
Ben waa twenty
National Clay Court Champion
ships to Be Held Aug. 5 to 12.
The Oregon Rural Letter-Carrlera'
Aaaoclatlon will meet In Eugene, Or
September 3 and September 4. At
the laat convention It waa decided to
meet In Portland, but many requeata
urged changing of the time and place
of the meeting. By meeting on Labor
Day many more men will be able to
Franc Kraxberger, prealdent of the
aaaoclatlon, la urging aa many mem
here aa poaalble to be preaent. Many
new namea have been added, and the
aaaoclatlon ex pacta to be on a regular
annual convention baala before an
other year. Several Clacnamaa county
carrier expect to attend.
fvWeight I Qualify
, '
! Measure , , Value- . '
Over One Hundred and Seventy E
part Frm Diffarant Saotiena of tha
Country Have Announced Their In
tention f Competing In the Event.
Real Estate Tranefera.
John and Luolae Aden to George ,
F. Aden, 60 acrea of aectlon 12, town
ahln 3 aouth. range 1 weat; 1.
j. Ij. and Thereaa E. Eckeraon to
C. A. Rradford. land of Philander Lee
and wife D. L. C townahlp 3 aouth.
nnu 1 eaat: 13.0OO.
Asa O. and Anna S. Wella to Frank
L. Blahop, 30 acrea of aectlon 32, town-
ahln 2 aouth. range 3 eaat; iio.
Ella F. Taylor and Fred Taylor to
W. J. Patteraon, 73.82 acrea or D. l
Judging by preaent IndlcatWma the
national clay court tenuia champiou
ahloa to be held lo Omahu Aug. .'
to 12 will be the great! ever held. I0f Jeaae Bullock and wife, townahlp
n.j. i-TR r.kut anorta from 12 aouth. ranee 1 emai: Iiu-
different aectlona of the country bava Homer wdRou A. KrM to M.
acrea of aectlona 7 and 18, townahlp
3 aouth, range 1 eaat; SI.
when he
. ... -
narntlnu an otiser man aimer
. .. Ihu n.rtMl
in nail any luee ui wucu
Ben waa Ova year, glttln back bla
health By that time he .tbort be'd
come to au age wnen oea ue i
iiiti. anmenln laid oi before ne a:oi
married Bo be worked and worked.
tbla city taking toe iw-r-' , imphow r,ohea didn't corneal! waa
.in.ti..n Mr. Komia waa . . . ,.i.
... . i i ,.Kni.iw tain iieTorv us au -"v -
.wi.n nrinc nal of the ingn dc
at Canby.
ur and Mra. Roy Woodward and
baby. .Helen, will leave today for Eata
...h. .here they will remain over
HundttV With Mra. v
Mrr and rrE.-rvm'"
"Neither be nor Martha waa much at
rltin- even wheU ne went awj.
Flrat off they wrote onct a roomu.
then onct a year, and aner mai
waa onct In Ave year. Hut tney w-
tme to each other alt tbe--ira
-Ben waa forty-two yeitra ii wr..-i.
He come lo me fiiHl
ui.. u.i. (Uildamltn ana uruiuci
- . tn I . I.
. . . i i . w r b 1 1 on ri iniieu u . w m iwiniB iihi .
van uoiiiu. v. : . i Hi.urt
ICllJ '-J . M. I ..,
ylalt their grandmother, Mra. A. Gold- know hlm gom, men looka puny
i.t. .nrf other relatlvea for aeverall f,irtT-two. and aume loo""
I - ----- - . ,.
weeka. I purty old. wn -m "
and Mra. J. H. Henderaon, wno look,n- ki,i. . ne wore eper. hi neaa
fii 1
Notlcea under thae claasinad haatoea
will ba Inaata4 at ona cant a word, nrat 1
k.if a Mint additional Inaar
t. . w.. hh a. It ear moatl. Kail
i. unaai at nar month.
r..h .ii. aamMnnaav order unlea ont
h.. .n nn.ii axmoont with the paper. No
flaanclaJ raaponalWUty tor arrora; what
errors occur free oerreoted aoUoa wlU b
prill tad for patron, aunirouiu wm '
To be 4on the square' ' is so essential
in our life that odly tnose who prac
tice it can hope to win out. Square
ness means friendship between a store
and its customers.
On thla rock of honeety haa our .rowing, bualneaa bean
built You find alxtean ouncea to tha pound or four quart to
the peck. In your purchaaea the quality and value of our groc
eriee ar aa aur aa th rising aun. Th Vilgh .tandard of our
customers la a aafe guide to our methods.
It is nice to know with with whom vou dcol
isn't It? -Weoreolwovsthcsome thcSquorc
deol grocery.
Tor weight, ond measure, volue, ond quolily
this store cannot be beoten in this town.
w a MTirnRoard for -boy by the
month. Address Box 321. City..
WANTED 11000 loan on good prop
erty. Addreaa A-10. care Enierpnae.
J. Em
Notice Of
for Liquor
K that I will.
WANTED You to know mat w. buy " eili mUng of the
g. 1UV a-'av m, - 1
Pniinrtl. aDDlV tor a urauw
all klnda of CuHoa, that wa are In
the market for aecona tana fvtuy
ture and Toola. Wa also have a
a-nnd aaaortment of aecond band
K-nrnttitra and Toola on band tor
aal to thoe in need. Coma anJ !
a- narhaoa we have Just what yoa
want Indian Curio and trlnkeU
inr aala ehean: aomo that ara vary
unique and alao very rare. GEORGE
YOUNO, Main near rmn i.rwcu
t wittikut notify all ouaineea men
and dealera thai l wm ooi u
ponalbla for any debta or bUla con
tracted by my wiie. u v.
.nhanar after June 10. ltll.
to sell liquor at my puux ui
neaa. 702 Main atreet for a period
of three, montha.
have been at Halaey. Or., alnc NO-1 ,moolh , bmiard ball, ana
yember. have returnea to "rr"" wbat balr there waa on tne
" . Jk! ""...drTm 'SZ Ert'y
M 'Don t y know me.
ABM TX1AN3 Dlmlca uimica,
Lawyera, Oregon yu ur"
atAcmica mxacobuih. Ta rcirio coabi I MONKy TO LOAN On first mart
on tneir iruu in
Th. diva anoui six ti -
.t-.' i inh thav nurchaaed two
mat -h,..,. fruit
veara ago, ana iB now m - -
8 N. Roberta, who arrived in ore
aon City about two weeka ago from
Mandan. North Dakota, and who haa
bVen traveling through tha aoutbern
nart of the atate looking for a loca
Uon. arrived In tbla city on Wednea-
I'm n.n nitroina.'
"Waal, to be perllte I told him I'd
announced tbelr Intention of compel
tag In the different event.
With, an entry Hat of 103 playere. the
w rlav court national event lael
- . I . . A
gage; low ana p". '
nr lnnenr. AddI at once. CTOBB ac
Hammond, Attorneya at Law, Bea
ver Bldg.. Oregon wj.
bad trouble with my eye . , erpateet of
noma w j"-" - -- - - .
I want a furnished houc
5 or 6 rooms modern.
No Children.
M. L Bowman
Room 9, Beaver Bldg.
-Ha told me tbat be'd coma
marry Marina. e u u.-- . that reoorJ ,na what la prom-
ay during the laat f.w yeara and f0'"" ' tnllpn lhowi
th kind ever held. The comparison HARHT JONES Builder and Genaral
'-forward to tWlUatlou o, Uaed for
the dream of hi- Ufa. U. " 1 .m.7of roaeate' IbUlt.e
tur- of Martha out or u ,. fh,t tho r,c.,flc Coaat
.bowed It to n... Jr "-."I rrannia aaaoclatlon will .end a Caeay
away It aeemea; ur. - . - -; . rtm.h. delewtlon
tOB IO au-w- . . K.nil.nnii
Now abe wa grny in l. to travel
iieronu iik .i-i"
r..tni4nr Katlmataa cawnuiij
gtran on all claaaea of. building
work, concrete walka ana raforcad
concrete. Re. rDin
An ordinance Jaotharlzlng the Fire
and Water uommuiee oi me ui
City Council to purchaae five hun
dred feet of. fire boae and noxrle
for aamI
Oregon City does ordain aa followa:
cn 1 Tha fir ana water oi-
mitt of the Oregon City Council
la hereby autborlxed to purchaae
. .ho ma nf tha Oreeon City Fire
Department five hundred feet of
Fire Hose and a notzle for aame.
Sec. t. There la hereby appro
priated out of the general fund of
of Oregon City the sum of five
hundred twenty-five (525) dollara,
or so much thereof as may be
........rv tn na for tha aald hose
. ; . v. T. i.
and notxie, ana toe
hereby instructed to draw a war
rant covering the cost of the aame,
not exceeding th sum above apecl-
neRead first time and ordered pub
llahed at a apeclal meeting of the
City Council, held on the Hat day
of June. 1911. u gTipPf
bounded byf Seventh (7), Eighth
(8) and Center atreeta and tha Sin
ger H1H road In Oregon City. Ore
gon, ahall hereafter bo officially
designated and known aa "McLougb
JUn Prk," In honor of the founder '
of Oregon City, Dr. John McLough
lln. , - v' ; '
Read first time and ordered pub
ii.had at a BDecial meeting of tb
City Council held on the Slat daf
of June, 111. '
young gal
yeara before.
' J At. avrlnlflM I tn aAntaMlfB
th. front or w"-":, . ; , .,. x' wmno of Bundy.
aha'a Ot now ill -. . j uu.
over ber face and neck and arm. and McLaugh in. .un.mer. -
baud.. I gue It makea a woman aor uo.cna.-- " - - from
lookln' to for a lover aurea. L! ,h. U.t
.be looked just ir sae cou.u cn.cago ...rr . - -
0. D- EBT, Attornay-t-Lw. Monay
loaned. ahaUacta fnrntoaad. land
title examined, eaiaie ., -
eral law bualneaa. Ovr Bank
Oregon City.
aa lAnrwannV II ft 1 1
VU aa icnrvM.
" 'Ben.' saya 1. 'Martna a cnanaau -
bit alnca tbat waa taken.'
Mebte., be aaia. -ane mig"
changed somewhat I'm goln io see
ber tonight, and in "ee now
aha'a altered.'
"Come round to my noun io auir
per. I aald Yon can go to see war...-afterwardi-'
"All right, be anawereo; i
"I aaked Martha to come io "I'l'-j
name4 cltv. which occura
before the Omaha tourney.
Melville f n Franclaco.
present holder of the clay court cham
ptonshlp. will of course be on band at
the meet lo defend bla title against
.11 comere. There' la a mighty fin
chance of the redoubtable Long re
linquishing the coveted prlie. too. ac
cording to a great many enthusiasts
who are In on the -know.- tbelr be
llefa being n.H"a to mree
For ad w wlil gWeJyoo with
" 4 months subscription
By Card"
at 45c the month ,
6 months subscription
By Mail
at 25c the month
not tellln' her she waa to meet ber old ncM roen from the east ana
poi lemii h vMr ..toa that Champion
lover. I wanieu iw aoum. u . t. wn
flrat aaw each other. I didn't go to wHam A lJirned. Beala Wright WH-
Ham J. Clothier ana aeverai
eaatern men will be on band.
Om of the fortunate featurea of the
.pptoachlng national tourney la the
fact that it occura at a time when
thera la no other meeting of tennis
men to conflict .
nf introdurln' 'em. aa city
folka do. Martha ahe aot at one end
of the table by my wife, and Ben aot
. a. A. ... la-mnaa.
by ma. tb. yunaer.
quenca waa tnai am "
didn't bava noinin io "
other. Fact la tbey didn't apiear to
take no Interest Into each other.
I When Ben and 1 got np rrom i- -
bla 1 asked him ir n wuu.u..
I innb at th atock. Re aald
a. aafniiln anil Ft went to the barn.
i Beautiful China PLAQUE0?' d Handsomely
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early.
beautiful dishes.
DAK 0 P OR U0 0 N
Last Year Batting Star, but Thla Sea-
an Haa Fallen ay
What la the matter with the batting
ofSnodgrasaT Last year wen
Natlonala" young center "
big atlcker witn a wv V".""
i ". .ho National league In bitting
t- t..A i.i.llt a beatltl- I.t ona nerlod Of tne rai-w. -
Ion. aa u- -n lnto ""TV n.hl. to keep up the gooa
f atmcture over mm --- "7" --"f.n. wondering why.
tha aky and It bad T.wm? ". .m. mtcher. have dls-
hl. head Th. nrat x-u, 7w"ea,V.nd .ra working
It for all they are worm.
w uuiUt aiM w .
-After awhile Ben said be gueeaed
h,.d go and aee hi. old 1 lova. JTbao
told hlm Martha naa ou "
the other end or tne mm.
-Yoa ought to eea N.tlon,, iM)rue In bitting
.A .t mn There waa a. - - .. , h.
U'REN 8CHUEBEU Attorneyat
Uf, Deutacher Advokat. wiUj prao
tlce In all ourte, .make collaotloaa
and aatUementa. Offlca in raw
prlaa Bldg, Oregon City. Orgon-
a u ('DOPER. ro' Fir Inaaxancr
Md lUal EaUta. f .-Jg
your P"wVWWrE
I...a. Offlc in Bhiaarprtaa
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
NTtlce of Ouardlan'a Sale of Real
KOTICB la hereby given that the nn
N .Ualaned will sell at private sale
for cash In hand a one-nmtn u-s"
merest In the following described
property, to-wlt: nnrth..Bt
The east nu w ---- n
ouarter of aectlon 15. T. 3 8., R.
4 E , of the Willamette Meriulan In
Clackamaa County. OWBon ;
Interest comprising all the "JrJ
of Ernest Marshall, a minor, there
in This sale la made by virtue
of an order of the County Court
of the State of Oregon, for ClacKa-
Eat.cada St.Te Bank, in Estacada
Clacklmaa County, Oregon, and
Vfr k for cash In hand
bidder therefor,
nuniNiklCe NO.
An ordinance officially designating
.. v- -,hih tha Park at the
head of the Singer H1H road shall
Oregon City doea ordain aa followa-
o . the oeople Of
Oregon City are desirous of honor
r' .v- mlmnrr of its areat foun-
UK 113 aaaaaa- j
der. and whereas certain public
aplrited cltlzena and ladlea of Ore
in Cltv have transformed the
barren and unkempt tract of lana
.k- v a nf the Sinner Hill roaa
Into a beautiful nark; therefore, be
It resolved by the conimuu
of Oregon City, Oregon.
Sec. 2. That the tract of land
An ordinance authorising tha pur- ,
chaae of a Chemical Fire Englna- '
by Oregon City and appropriating
money to oaf for the same.
Oregon City-does ordain aa followa:
Sec 1. The fire and water com
mlttee of tha Oregon City Council
1. hereby autborlxed to purchaae
one No. 11 Champion Chemical Fir
Engine for the Oregon City Fire
Department to ba used at. ElyvlUa.
T Sec,, 2. .Thar, la .hereby appro
T nriated from the jgeneral.iund tna
aum of aeven nunarea iuiy tii
dollar, or so much thereof aa may
be necessary to pay for the aald
engine, and the Recorder la hereby
Instructed to draw a warrant on
auch fund to pay for uch engine,
the amount not to exceed th. aum
a hove atated.
Sec. 3. - Whereas, that part of
Oregon City known aa Mountain
View la without adequate Are pro
tection and In caae a fire ahould
break out In that aectlon the Uvea
of the Inhabitanta would be en
dangered r thereby, . la , it neceaaa ry
tor the Immediate protection of the
health and safety of the people of
Oregon City, the aald fir angina
ahould be provided, an emerg ency
la hereby declared to exist and thla
ordinance ahall take effect and ba
In fore Immediately upon Ita ap
proval by the Mayor. .
Read flrat time and ordered pub
Ilahed at a apeclal meeting of the
City Council held on tha 21st oi
June, 1911. u 8TIpp
the sky
down on
r 'Did she know who I wa-1
"No. bat my wife ha told her by
Kila time.'
-I aaw he'd better not go to aee
Martha right off. and I told him ao
,,. with ma when my Wire
told Martha that ahe bad aet at the
..m. .nth her old lover she
Hill . -
acted about tje same way as Ban
(tb. didn't go home that .venln . fear
Ben stayed aronnd her for awhile.
... .-a u.rha niied to meet onct in
awhll.. hut tnay psnsnut
There', a
fcond of sympathy among box men. by
the way. for the moment a pitcher d s-
coven, the vulnrsble,sp
man's uakeiip he genera,.,
. . In ; ,n hla fallOW
...mi ttia tniorniaii"" - -
ewftamen. This freemasonry baa ex-
Istetl for '" yeara.
v..L . Halifax Yacht Raee.
.. nbirn Tat-ht club a race from
nailfai. N. F.. will take
..... m The dlatance la 618
.nA u will b open to motoi
"w'each other for whs, they was ' - fly, to
when young. Blmeby ' B want bark Xrohlea ,nd $1,000 U
to Colorado, and Martna aaia au-go ,0 ,h, nwr Mcu ,
iritJa. CALIFF,
oi.ardlan for aforesaid.
Notice of
for Liquor
NOTE 1. Wehy gwr th.t w.ll.
at tna "V". for a Hcenaa
Cy .V"n"i .VV nlaca of busl- Theq Hb Saloon. Main atreet.
nesa, i n montha.
ror . pww ft K1RBY.,
fl yE HAVE reduced priceson the f ollc-win un
lv am or almost profitless.' Have you
- ever stopped to realize how much you could
save and how much more satisiacxory .p---V ,
would prbveMf you would batronize this store?
fcnember ion can't miss satisfaction here, becaust
bothqSy and price are certainties. Tomkethr
hum we ar! offering the following, inducementst- :
? is Silk Waists for v...,.'..: T- -
; iiio Net Veisfs fcr....:'-
SI. 2b White Wcisb for - -
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of Appnos1""1 .
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CKy. uouncu, w.vv'1 '- - , hn,i.
T H Honor at my P" ofb"
1 liquor i j r.-- -423
Main atreet for a Prto
of-three months.
617 MatnStrtet
breath, free onct mora. .