Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 24, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    . . . - , '
0 ; ' MORNING ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1911. - . V j '
noafllf.'G ETiTEEPRISE
I K. BftODtE. Sdlte and Publisher.
"ntered m eeeond-elaae nutter Jw
mit 111. at the pee effloe at Or-aon
Ciy Orcoa. uader the Act o( Muck
tens tf souenmon.
Oae Year, by mall ,
la Mnatha. ty snail
rear Moat he. ee mall...
er week, er carrier...
. I
. .It
First .Pa. per laca first In rtlna
flrat Para. per lack added kmrtlnaa. .lap
uJaaAj aa J
Hrat taaartloa lie
"referred pesitlea any Bar, par h-ch
added tna-rtloae 10a
Run paper ether tbaa nrat ease, ear tatr
flrat maartloa 1
Run paper othar tkaa flrat pea, aar kMh
added Maartkwa.
Ixkcala las aar Itaa; ta racalar adver-
tlaarv So ho.
Waata For Bala, -Ta Heart, eta. aaa
eeat a vara nrat kieartlea: eee-aalf aaat
rack additional.
Rataa for advertiaraa la ba Weektr
Enterprtee wiu ka Ute aaiaa H a un
albr. far advert leementa art especially
far the weekly. Wtwra tha eavertleeeaeeit
la traaafrrrad frera tha dally to tha week
ly, wttheat chant, tha rata will ka tc
a lack far raa af tha payor, aaa laa aa
lack for apaelal poattloav
Cash should acooaa-taar araar wkara
party la uakaowa la kaalnaaa office of
(ha Bnterprtse.
Legal advert taint at legal ad vert -etna
Clreoa adrartlatnc and apaelal traaalaat
adrart taiaa at Ma la tag aa mck, accord
mm ta apaelal condltloDa governing tka
'it,. a!
wt Bala" ad
ta He tack flrat
(neertioa: add!
- Haws Iteiae and wall wrlttaa artiolas
jf BMfit, with tntaraat to local readers.
B-1U ka eiadty accepted. Rejected aaaaa-
aartets aatrar rat
laa ay ataataa ta
aevar returned uaieea aoroatpaa-
prepay eoataat.
' Jime i4 in American History.
141)7 -Joke and rVtaiHtian d.
rorered Nrtk Aurrni. pn'hatm
, the roaM of Labradiir
- ITTiS- trrorrai William flnil. aotdtrr
bora: died anrmidered le
. trolt tu the Brit loft In 101.
JSlJ-Heory Ward KaM-bar bora si
Utcboatd. fonn.: died 1SS7
lR33-Joea Randolph of Ruenoke. Va .
atateamaa. died: bora 1773.
1910 - Reoator Gore of Oklahoma
chanced that a SSO.0OO bribe had
beea offered to bim to permit ralt-
datioa by congreaa for tha sale of
ladlaa laada.
(From Boo today to noon tomorrow. I
Baa acta 731. rises mnoa rises
S:U a. bb.: ft a. a. pUort Mermry at
asreodlag node, croaalng sun" path ap
ward. '
- -' Betweea tha lnaurgenta, the Demo
erata and tka stand-patters the Senate
of tha United Statea baa ceased to be
a law-making body, aad the extra
session, called by the President for aa
a row ad purpose, may raa into the reg
alar session aext December, without
-aeeompHasiBrraay Teal legislation for
tha good of tha public
The DeaKX-rats cry for free wool,
yet they refuse in Congress to take
the tariff from wooL
The insurgents howl for a reduc
tloa la tariff, yet they decline In Con
greaa to remove the tariff from wool.
The stand patten, so-called, are
tickled to shirk party responsibility,
and point to the union of Democrats
and Insurgents as a reason why the
Republican party should not be held
responsible for failure to act
This is, indeed, a pretty situation
We are proud of our Senate not.
It la high time that popular elec
tion of senators should put an end to
this sort of bickering at the public
-e ex
it's up to the bearded public to get
shaved before 7 o'clock, or buy a
safety razor.
Governor West evidently felt that
his personal reputation was at stake,
so he went out and captured his es
caped prisoner. But the Governor
can't do this every time, and he might
do it once too often.
o -
We shall be glad, along with the
test of the reading public, when the
coronation ceremonlea are past.
The late Mr. Welsmandel neglected
to consult his family when be made
bis will.
aa .
It really looks as though Oregon
City Is to have some more hitching
poets for th.'8icomodatlon of rural J
visitors. Let
the good
work go on.
-TiTaE?,hf" 01 Th Morning Enter
pnoe dlectaim rreponalblllty for tha aentl-
r"' ,rP".a in tiva artlclea publlahed
frora time to tin. in iku ' .. .
ILa tityiI.L'? "" to be fair, and
erMk taw view tu thr niihll.finn . u
wire to ,
auratlon ..--..:; ' I
properly 4to tonpZ
He to Save Memorial.
Ore go a city Enterprise:
. To tha Editor: Oregon City
haa I
Teach Rifle
In Public
NE of tha a&cred datica of a
mother and father is that
time of need. -.
(z::t r cr the country, v v - -' '
, 'yirj lare nuroberi of wefl ou-t to imbue them
' ' r a HTLITTA.
cause to b proud of tha McLoughUa
memorial, sad la to b coaixatulated
on (ha spirit of appreciation abown
by bar cltliana la preeervlng thla dig
nified old atructure. But doeeal It
juat make-you -ahudder to anticipate
tha viattore who will aaa fit to acrawl
their aamaa or Initial oa tha whlta
woodwork and fountain? One would
think It preferable never to ba known
at all. rather than to ba known merely
aa a de facer of property, but practi
cally all tha historic buildings, bridges.
etc.. bear unwilling witness to tha
Tlsita of parsons who seem to ronsldar
that thay have added glory and honor,
both to themselves and the .structure,
by Inscribing. "Susie.' or "J. Q. Hick.
Scappooee." Oaa method of preven
tion la to furnish a tailors book, and
another way la to publish occasionally
all the names. Initials and addresses
found on public monuments la a roll
of dishonor, aa It war. Without doubt
Tha Enterprise will consent to do this
err ice, and ona person who will take
pleasure la furnlnfiing the lists is.
Yours rary truly,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Barn-, of this
city, celebrated their twenty-fifth wed
! ding anniversary on v Thursday eve-
, nlng. at their home at Fourteenth and
'- Madison streets. One of the features
of the evning, and which caused much
I amusement waa the "mock marriage
j of Mr. and Mrs, JBarry. tha ceremony
being performed by F. S. Baker, of
Gladstone. Mrs.. F. 8. Baker acted as
matron of honor, while E. O. Lamber
waa best man. Miss Charlotte Baker,
of Gladstone, rendered the wedding
march as the briday party entered the
parlor. Preceding the marriage cere
mony Mrs. 1 A. Barry sang very im
pressively. "Oh Promise Me." After
(he wedding ceremony a sumptuous
wedding supper . wss served. The
rooms were very prettily decorated,
and dancing waa Indulged in until a
late hour. Each guest presented Mr.
and. Mrs. Barry with a silver dollar.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J.
U. Barry. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hastings. Mr. and
Mis. E. G. Lamberton, of Portland:
Mr. aad Mrs. U A. Barry, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Burns. Mrs. C. W. KeUy.
Miss Harriet Baker, Miss Julia Baker
and Mlsa Charlotte Baker, Miss Gene
vieve Kelly. Miss Bertha Kelly.' Miss
Blanche Barry, Geraldtne and Julia
Hastings. Fred Baker. Charles Thomas
and John Barry; Masters Charles.
Freddie and Johnnie Hastings, Sam
Lamberton, Edward and Leslie Burns.
c. dye; organizer; ad
Considerable enthusiasm was shown
and several signatures were received
at the meeting at the Commercial
Club Friday night In connection with
the organization of a division In Ore
gon Cty of the Naval Militia. Ten of
the forty recruits desired have signed,
and E. C. Dye, promoter of he plan
to establish a division, thinks he will
obtain the others in a abort time. Mr.
Dye Is a quartermaster In one of the
Portland divisions, and la thoroughly
familiar with the work. He saya tha
division, if organized Jn time, will be
taken to the Centennial at Astoria on
the cruiser Boston, and will probably
be taken on a cruise later to Coos
Bay and Puget Sound.
The Grand Army of Republic Band
played at the Commercial Club Friday
night, and drew a large crowd to the
meeting. Mr. Dye explained the work
of the naval militia, and declared that
a division would be of great benefit to
Oregon City in many ways. He said
that It would advertise the city aa a
nautical center. If the division is
organized dancea will be held on the
cruiser, and other entertainmenta will
be given. Toung men desiring to re
cruit may call upon Mr. Dye or sec
retary Lazelle, of the- Commercial
It Is the Intention of Mr. Dye to ad'
dress various social and other organi
zations In order to get the member
ship necessary in the shortest possible
time, so the division may go on the
Prisoner-St reetswee par Hides
Behind House.
IT. .... r1 ... nw J-Mv
. Biivno-'iivirvjij uiaa-Ft" vW SVCB,laJ III
day. hither he went no one knows,
hut it is not thought that he has found
refuge In the Indian camp thla time.
Chief of Police Shaw started Clarkrlo
work early Friday morning, but he
waa missed soon after, and big broom
waa found behind a bouse on Fifth
street. Clark had about fifteen days
to serve of a sentence of fifty days
when he disappeared last week. When
.... J . . t. 1 . A l .
veyiur - . a. ll liiumu CBUID lie UB-
dared that bad whisky waa the cauae
"i nis taxing nis unceremonious de
parture snd that he would not do ao
again. Owing to bit faithful work on
the streets. It was decided not tn
punish him further than to comtiel
boj next to the on ba owe hi
of defending his country in tha
M --''a-a-.
WInemilfer Carries Gun with a
Leathern Thong and Load;
the Magazine with
His Mouth.
Wins Many Matches Against
Men Who Are .Whole, but
Objects to Term "Freak."
eeaatna- only the atump of an arm on
tha laM alda. and no arm at all on tha
rlakl alda. and ualna kla taath to pull
tha trlanar, Al Wlnainlllar la concadrd
to ba una of tka moat amaslna rlAa
shots In Ohio. If not In tha Pnltad
Btatas. a atatamanl that will ba at.
taatad by all wbo hava antared Into
competition wltk him. either In akool
liia at clay alaauna. live blrda or a
bull a-aya tarsal o far aa la known
thrre la no llvlna man handlcapiad aa
ha la who haa mada such a racurd, and
not for tha purpoae of ravanua or as
hlbltlon. but purely for tha lova of a
sport that ka has folio wad from boy.
bimhI. Ha would rather win a match
- with no atakaa al all than forrao tha
filaaaure of tha competition. Ilia win.
nsa alnca tha lal of January hava
bran two quarters of bref. ona beef
hide and ona dollar In raah.
- What tnakra Wlnemlller's perform,
anre all the mora etxraordlnary la tha
fact that he did not loae his rlft-nt arm
until fifteen month iro. Mia left
hand waa caught In tha eoaa of a
traction enalne and eruahed Into pulp
In 11, and an amputation above tha
- wrlat became neceaaary. t'p lo that
lime ba had bean an enthuaiaatlo
hunter, alwaya arorniac a ahotaua
. and employing a rifle excluelvely. svaa
In tha ahootlna af email a a me.
Ha had a wonderful eye for rance,
fc and with his old one-anot rifle and
black powder chargea. Inatrad of the
metallic cartridge that ha uaes now.
ke made auraa wonderful ecoree. Ilia
accuracy of aim continued avea after
hla hand had been eruahed aad re
moved. Thla accident did not Inter
. fere with hla lova of his choeen eport
any longer than It took tha atump to
heal and to enable mm to oeviae a
strap bold which ka uaad ta lieu of a
hand. 1 -
Area Oaa a. Keeps oa aeattaa.
In January. 11. Wlnemlller's rlsht
arm waa cauaht in a four-Inch belt
running from a bolt cutter In the ahop
of the Wuprk Wheel Company. Ha
waa drawn up to the Una ahaft and
whirled around until hla arm waa
maehed and manalrd cloae up to the
ahoulder eocket. The Burgeons took It
off entirely. Wlnemlller mada a mar
vel loua recovery, and as soon aa ha
waa able to ba about ha began de
vising means to enable him to keep
on ehootlng.
He bought a twenty-two repeating
Remington and had a hole bored In
tha trigger. Through thla ha faatened
a wire and covered the free and of It
with a leather Ml which he could take
In his mouth. Thla device waa mada
a nder his direction hy a gunamlth. and
tkaa ha want oS Into tha woods where
him to serve In addition to the time
he had to aerve the number of day a
be waa away.
. 4
ia on aale at the following atorea
every day:
Huntley Broa. Drugs
Main Street.
J. W. McAnuity Cigars
Seventh and Main.
Secreat Confectionery
. Maio near Sixth.
M. E. Dunn Confectionery -
Next door to P. O.
City Drug 8 tore
Electric Hotel. w
Walter . Little Confectionery r
514 Seventh Street. d
M. Volkmar Dtuks
8eventh near Center.
Scnoenborn Confectionery -
Seventh and Q. Adama.
CHRISTIAN allows only six
8AN FRANCISCO. June 23. (Spec
ial). What's the matter with the Bea
vers? They lost again today and that
lead over San Francisco la becoming
smaller and smaller, and Oakland, too,
s coming right along. The game to
day waa inte;estlngenouRh. but Port
land waa never In It. Chriatlan didn't
behave Just ilka hla name might in
dicate, ao McCredle'a boys say. and
he waa master of the situation at all
timea. The visitors made six hits and
one score but their Dingles didn't
come opportunely. Henkle, who did
alab duty for the Beavers waan't hit
"o uard. but tha Oaks connected with
the sphere In psycologlcal momenta.
TIM remilta Friday, were aa follows:
Pacific Coast League Oakland 4.
Portland 1; 8an Francisco 8, Vernon
i; Sacramento 4, Los Angeles t.
Northwestern League Portland 5,
Tacoma 4; Seattle 3, Spokane 2; Van
couver 6, Victoria 4.
American League Boston 7-1, Phil
adelphia 3-4; New York 3, Washing
ton 2; ret roll 4, Cleveland 2; St.
Louis-Chicago game postponed, rain.
, National League Pittsburg 4, Chl
cpgo 3; Philadelphia 1, Boston 0; 1
Brooklyn 1, New York 0; Cincinnati'
8, St Louis 7.
v, - Pacific Coagt.
. , W. I P.C.
Portland 44 . 34 . ,5(14
San Francisco 47 31 .562
Oskland 45 41 .623
Vernon ; , 43 , 43 .500
Sacramento ......... 37 44 ,457
Los Angeles. 34 50 ,406
. w. u P.C.
Vancouver ,,.. 41 .25 .621
KpoWsne ,,..40 26 .606
Tacoma ,,.. 40 26 .606
Portland 31 34 .477
Seattle , . 30 1 . 84 .469
Vlriorta 60 .21
wrtJk Mm TCETtt
no ona would aaa him so that ha could
practice and carry out the plan ha
bad In view.
Thla town Is slstv mllea north of
Dayton, In tha gas and coal region,
and al moat everybody within a radlua
or Tony mllea knowe the armleee
markaman, and la proud of hla eklll
and courage In continuing In a aport
after being crippled In a manner that
would hava diecouraged ninety men
out of a hundred.
When Wlnemlller la ready to go la
to action ba aeleeta a atump or a
fallen log, wlgglea Out of kla coat,
ahakea tha bos of cartrldaea out of a
apeclally prepared pocket, removes
the lid with kla teeth and dumpa the
cartridges oa tha grouud. Then aad
alwaya lo the amaaement of a veteran
markaman ka placee hla Itemlaglon
at real, wun ina muaaie pointing up
want, holding II In Donlilon wltk a
lea there thong strapped to tha stamp
of his left arm, leans over and preaeee
tne spring of the maaaalne with hla
teeth, causing tka receptacle to open.
With his mouth ka drope In tha car.
trldgea The magaalne la snapped
Into place by preaaing the top agalnal
a tree atump, aad tha armlaaa ehooter.
again employing hla teeth, pula oa Ika
cartrldga bos lid and relurna the bos
to the pocket ela hla coat. Then as
lifts the atock of tha rifle to hla arm
leaa eockel and draws a bead at the
object at which ke Intends to shoot.
Tha thong la In tka form af a loop,
faatened lo the barrel, and Is clipped
over tha haadleaa at a bid, holding the
gun rigidly In position,
ntssaca ura, otm ia naucD.
Thoaa who aaa this esetapllflratlon
of neceealty being tha mother of lnven
W. A. Salt marsh and family wenl
to Lebanon Monday for a few daya'
Vlalt at their former hom.
Howard Ecclee west to Portland on1
a visit Sunday.
Jamea Atkins nss purchased an au
tomobile from Whlta A Sheer.
Mrs. W. II. Plare and daughter
Mrs. Bobbins, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Irvine Wheeler over 8unday.
W. J. Lamb will go to Eaatern Ore
gon for the summer in the near fu
ture. G. W. Smith, president of the Clack
amaa county fair waa in Can by Mon
day, while on his war to the county
aeat. Mr. Smith la making an effort
to make the fair thla year tha beat
ever held In the county.
. W. O. Vaughn of Can by, haa pur
chased an automobile.
Flrat Baptist Corner Main and Ninth
atreeta. Rev. 8. A. Hayworth, paa
tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45
p. m. Sunday School at 10 a. m.
Morning subject. "Why Jesus Waa
Baptized." Evening auject. "Can a
Man Live JJjLBreHd Alone r
Catholic Cor. -flrater and Tenth Sta
Rev. A. Hillebrand pastor, raa. 912
Water; Low Mass 8 a. m with ser
mon; High Mou 10:80 a. m., with
aermon; afternoon service 4:00.
Mass every morning at 8:00.
Congregational Corner Main and
Eleventh streets, Rev. Wm. M Proc
tor pastor, residence 669 Third: Sun
day School 13 noon, John Lowry,
superintendent; morning service
10:30, evening 7:30, young people
0:45. Weekly prayer meeting Tbura
day at 7:30 p. m.
Christ Cv. Lutneran--Cor. Eighth and J.
Q Adama airi-ete. :av. r. hmlll
riaator. rra. SOS J Q Adan.j; 8. R
t:3 a m.: prearliing afleraooris of f'rsi
and third Sunday at 2:10 la'CnglUh
- other Hundav ai-rvlrea mornings si 10 .1
with prr srMng in 'If rman.
Christian Science Ninth and Cen
ter streets.- Sunday asrvlce 11 a. m.
Sunday achool 12 noon, Wednesday
evening 8 p. ra.
Oerman Ivinoeilcal Cor. Eighth snd
Madlaon streets. R-v. f. W'aveetck pn
lor. rrr. 711 Madl.n: . A. It a. m
Herman Behrad-r. Monrna atreal. supl ;
-morning service II. yoi-ng oaoDle at 1
p. m. and ureachlng at p. ai. Prayer
meeting .weaneeoay at T:10 p. a.
Qladatona Chrlstlsr---Rev. A. H. Mul
key. pastor, res. Oladstona. Sun
day school 10 a. m.. N. C. Hendricks,
superintendent. Morning service,
11 o'clock. Brotherhood aervlcea at
Mountain View Union (Cong.) 8. 8.
. 8 p. ra , Mrs. J. H. Qulnn, supt.;
Bible 8tudy every Thursday after
noon; E. C. Dye will preach at 1:9)
o'clocluflunday evening.
Methodist Main street cor. Seventh,
Rev. K, p. Zimmerman pastor, res.
cor. Sixth and Washington; 8. 8.
9:45 a. m., C. A. Williams, Glad
stone, supt.; morning service 10:45,
Epworth League 6:30, evening aer
vice 7.30, Prayer meeting Thurs-
. day 8 p. m, Morning aervlce, preach
ing by Rev. w. B. Holllngsbead.
Evening aervlce, Children's Day,
program by children of Sunday
. achool.
Presbyterian-Seventh etreet cor. Jef
, ferson. Rev. J. R. Landsborough,
pastor. Res. 710 Jefferson ; 8. 8. 10
- a, m., Mrs. W. C. Oreen, aupt.i morn-
irg service 11 a. m. prayer meet-J
1. 1
mg Tnursaay g p. m. Morning sub
ject, "Manly Men." Evening sub
ject, -neiier in Christ."
.aAV ra C4'"& fCC3
tloa arc somewhat perpleaed to know
how Wlnemlller will pull tha Iriager
wun nia teeia and avoid arnertmg or
ralelng the muaaie of the rifle He
haa made provision fur thla by having
tha breech mechantem ao dellrately
adjueted that tha trigger la what
might ba termed a auperlatlve hair
trigger. Ily contracting hla Hue he la
able to oraw the laul wire lual Ilia
merest fraction of an Inch without the
sllakteat movement of kla head. Tha
cartridge la eaploded aad (ha bullet
la driven to Ita target.
The armleee markaman has sack a
steady nerve lhal ha ran aland per
feclly Biol Ion leas for one minute aad
hold hla rifle la poeltlon without
showing a tremor.
Notwlthatandlng his great affliction
Wlnemlller la cheerful, courageous
and la eager to enter the Male
agalnal all earners aa he was when
he kad two arms. Ha has a clear
piercing eye. a square law and a
lauaning. amsiv
dlv eapreealon.
Ha ran leap
dltrhea and rllmk
fence! with hla gun al rapped ta the
atump or nia left arm with as muck '
sglllty aa any man of hla age. and ka
caa outrun moat of them, lis wanla
lo practice now for clay pUreoa shoot
Ing. so that bs may enter tonteata st
eounty falra
Wlnemlller has a great horror of
being regarded as s freak, and under
no rlrrumstancea could he ba Induced
so. dlaplay his markamanehlp for pay.
tie le one or ina moat nigniy reopecl
od eltlaeaa In the community, and la
proud of tka fact, that ha haa had the
patience aad pereeveranee to bring hla
enonting up to ins preeeni stale or
Perfection bv the Invention at tha
strap ana aemg
his teeth to pull ike
oair trigger.
I Pa-hplecs taftflrsaaee)sfterr- i.
i"T" "fl?- rVt.U ; 1
n. is
! .r',a each Sunday, a
tween II a. m. and Ml a. m Chrta.
nan endeavor Thuraaajr evenmg l:ja
p. m.
St Paul s Rev. C. W. Roblnaon, rec
tor. Dally aervlcea:-Morning pray
er, 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 a
m.; avealng prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sun
day aervlcea: Holy Euchartat 8 a.
m ; morning prayer, 10:30 a. m.:
Holy Eucharist and sermon. 11 a,
m.; evening prayer and aermon,
7:30 p. m.; 8. 8., 13 m.; Thursday
evenings, aermon at 7:20 p. m.
United Brethren -or. VSlshta and Taylor,
hev. L. K. Clarke naainr. raa l-ortland.
a. M. I a. ra.. rrank P.rker. Mal
line, aupt ; morning aervlce II. V. P
. C. B. p. m., evening servk-a 1.
Wlllsmatte M. t. No regular prearhlng
erlree g. . p. ra.. Mrs. Ream a
2 Ion Lutheran Tor. Jefferaon and Eighth
Streets, lie. W. K. Krssberger paa
tor. rea. 720 Jefferson; 8. a. f t a. m ,
Itev Kraxuerger eupt ; morning eervlre
le 10. evrnlng 7 4. Luiher league "
p. m
I. C. Smith sold 6 1-2 acres Isst
week, receiving $2,900,
I. C. Elliott look a trip through
ClarksmBs county Tuesday In hla auto,
pasting bills for tbe celebration to be
held at Damascus, July 4. He waa
accompanied by Fred Kummer, Henry
Hock and A. W. Cooke and all report
ed having a fine time. Thej- left Da
mascua at 8 a. m. and vUlted Greaham,
Pleanan? Home, Boring, Landy Dover,
Eagle . Creek, Currlnvllle, Esiacada,
Ugan, Bprlngwater, Stone, Oregon
City, Clackamas, Sunny Side and re
lumed home at 9:30 p. ra., having
leveled 87 miles.
The D. A. A. C. ball team defeated
Boring Sunday. She acore was 6 lo
2. Schmidt, of Damascus, waa well
supported, tils team mqtes making
hits when hits meant runs. Schmlilt
struck out sla men, while Talford, of
Boring, fanned ten men.
Austin Newell la building a barn.
' The D. A. A. C. entertainment waa
a big success. Two hundred and fifty
persons wer present. The program
waa enjoyed, after which strawberries
snd cream were aerved and dancing
followed. .
Mrs. Charlea Thomas Is visiting het
mother In Bel I wood.
Mrs. May waa In Oregon City Thurs
day on business.
Miss Mildred Wang mada a business
trip to Oregon City Thursday.
Mlsa Ethel Ferguaon made a busi
ness trip to Portland Thuraday,
The Rev. Joaslky and wife, who
were In Portland to attend tha Pio
neers' picnic, returned to Can by
Thursday,. ---s
Mrs. Sebastian Bany made a outli
nes trip to Oregon City Friday,
Mr, Miner went to S verton Frl.
Mr. Howard Ecclei waa In Aurora
Wedneaday and Thuraday on business.
inester wills mada a business trln
to Portland Wedneaday. Ha returned
,irr"n.c",MaI!,trton,.wh0 bM
working In La Orange for aoma tlma
... . ,
Me aT. t0'nbr'e . '
oh..;.-. ' Z J tn-t Aurora
Observer, waa In Canby on business
t. u.n ,, . . . ..
ulor m. .-a "r"w wno M1 off
Udted at t?. 2? v? hV 'r'1b,,1,y'
Your ellla ar all paid by ahaah. Yaur shook, whoa relumed t
eomso a receipt Na treubla abaut ehango, na dlaautoo ahlji '
menta, no question aa to wnora yaur mane haa nana, ar haw. J r?
you hava received. Yevr pass booh and the stuba of your ahalL TM "
alwaya toll the atory. - ' t book
. The Banlx of Orccon City
a 0 LATOURBSTTI P raeldeai
Treneaeta a ft-aral Banklnf Buslnoaa Opaa tpmm t A. M. ta r m a
Oregon Gity Woolen
Milk Pays Top Prices
For Clackamas County
Ila wss hurried at Vervals Thursday
Phillip Sheer waa Injured while
driving a ataple. It struck him In the
eye. Injuring It badly. He waa taken
to St. Vincent a Hospital In Portland
I for treatment, lie Is getting along
Mra. Rough la having a One new
fence placed in front of her residence
on Front si reel,
Heart to Heart
By Edwin a. mra.
This la a pitiful story-wlib a warn
III a Mmmhsi bUNrlla town Itlfve none
uf au li uihu were brought Into i-ourf
tu allow isuo whr they abould Uol
suiMirt their ngd fsibrr. who waa lu
iIm- Mjvr farm. The brothers were well
lo do furuiera.
-The old UMii'a aliry;
"A few years ago I owoed a good
farm. When my wife died I made a
trade with my eons by which I should
tie kept the rest of my life In retura
for my irierty." - - -
Ami Ihen-
"Aa soou aa tha paers were signer!
things begau to go bard with roe. f
quently I waa half alurred and bad to
apply to the Deigtinora for food.
grew thin and waa ir both In food
and lo clothlug."
I'oor old man. compelled to go "over
the bills to the poor bouse." In evident
terror of bis sous! He pathetically
Insisted, should -the court decree that
hla children owed bim a living, ibai he
should anend I he real of his dnr In
I lie loatltutloo No Itetler evidence of
bis U-U trail 1 cue lit i-oiild be affurded
than tbut he should fenr being turiiiil
over to the men len of hla miiim
An unuaiiMl rsaef Not nl nil A
moal every oue iwmoually knows of
SUcb llisliin.'ea. L'uforlUDiitely li la all
too' comiiioii to kii-iw "how aiNr-r
tbnn a aerjieur s tiaiih It U In have
tbNiklea i ii.lil "
Inrlrui Kli letir 11 mile the iiiNinKe
Of. divldlllir Ills NM.i-itiiia befn'i- til'
death, exclitliiilnc when It waa all to
IngralltU'le, lliou marble h-artrd Rend
it nra hldi-oua a hen lhAti ahow'al In s rh'.M
Tban the sea nmiiaier
It may be tli.-re are more Coraellai
Ibio KegeiiM nod tionerlla tu tbU
world. iii l nr wna - $41 the Ural
art'ichi'd nUI tun 11 to wnndrr an mil
tit In the wintry field -nnr Hie Immi
I'll" i-hwi e I l (I I fi :
. I'lirenix Mini lisve )MNrty .amuild
carefiilij' rt-iiilu iittl lril lo keep litem
iu meir old ui(i, riillilren will be t lie-
better off for wiiltltii until the md
folks are gmie And the imn utrf at
ways will be anre of afietitloii and
resMTi fnuii the 1 lilldivu. Ingratitude
or rniiiiren in a ryliig evil of our
money grabbing dny. --.
"But mil my i lilldreur
No. no: Dm yonr cblldrt n. do jbtleea.
but-why tempt them?
BO 0000.
Tha strawberry season la coming to
an end. flunnlles ara leaa llharal and
" thesa ara not moving out as fast
.,. ....... ....nii.. .7. . a...
-- in H'v.i .Uirii. UI lew Ulle
'0' Tn U1,,y a P-"t arrlvala
Is not nearly ao good aa last week's
.Moments. Vha cannlnc aeaaon is
Iknnl mi . . ... V.
"r as iiuuwwii.i are
concerned, but tha cannerlea are atlll
ork and ara taking all offering
W,n - to th" fmlnlshad .tocka.
No Guesswork
about yaur meney mtt.
a dspealtor hare. ,n
-,; .f, i MYaR.
miming forward In alliblly Incrosatd
QuoUrrena far Oregon C.
POTATOES Ileal, ftto. goo4
IS-lt; coKmoa, . Uuying, est lost,
elect. 81.10; ordinary, I I X).
ateady. Bailing from IS to IS i0; vary
little of cheaper grades, .aad Is
higher and rtalngalqwly. Ursa brlagt
OATSlliuylngi-irsy. from M;
white, from 8:4 to 17.
Ul.TTEil (Uuxiog) Ordinary
ecuatry brlaga frora IS to Sue,
fancy dairy from lOr to j:-. crass
er y tie to 2 Sc.
KOCH iHuyingiAre rangii, from
ine to lie, according to grade.
POULTRY (iluylnt-Kirro wltk lit-
J tie good atock offered. Oood beat art
bringing lie. Old roostrs ara la poor
dmaad, brutlera bring from 10c to lie,
1 . s a a
w tan s,JVU UVIDBUH.
WOOL(Ilur.t'r--Vool prices ara
ranging from 18c to lSc.
MOHAIR -.Uuying Pricea oa a
aair aava uvea way ap, soma aansg
brought aa h'lh aa S9aJorallr. Qa
Ulloua are 87 Vie and demand ia stroag
from 118 80 lo 117.60, aborts I.I lo lid,
roliad barley J1.60 to f 11 11. prooae
barley 111, whole rora 111 to Hi
cracked corf 1 to 111. Wheat ft!
to 818.
- HAY (Bnylog , Tlmmhy IU ta
117. Clover, III to U; oat bay, best
118; mlied. Ill to 111; alfalfa, 111
to 118.
HIDES (Buying Oreen hides, k
lo 6c; aaltars, lite to SV(c; dry bidet,
lie to Ho.. .Sheep pelts, Jc to 7k
each. e ' '
DRIED FRUITS Local prices art
firm at from 80 lo I0o on appiao aad
prunes, peach ea ara 190.
SALT Balling 10c to toe tor Baa.
60 lb. aack. half ground 40c; 71 for
100 lb. aacka
Portland Vegetable Markets.
S1.ISO81.S0 oar aack: naranlne. I1.U
Oli.BO; turnips,; oeeu,
11.80. (
VEaETABlliC A-psraaui, pOeO
IL7S par crate: cabbage, aew, l per
hundred weight; caullllowar. M9
I1.7S per doten; celery, Callforola, tm
CIOc par dosen; cucumbers, tlMO
IMS per dosen; egfpisnt. ISc per lb.;
-..!. ,-Ae. ....-4 1 L.ilinL
BOc per doten; hotbousa lettuce, II M
Oil oer boi: oess. fcfflie pn
prend; peppers, SOcOISo per pound:
radlahaa, if per dosen; rhubarb, M
ff so per pound: sprouts, tc; lomsion,
?C 11.28.
POTATOES Oregon, Jobbing prim
I HO, per hundred; n.w potatoes, T
07He per pound.
ONIONS Jobbing pnc-a; uras--
11.78 par 100; Anatrallsn, I1.S8 pvt.
100; Texaa, $2 SS pel rrste;
nla. It per crata , .
Oregon Cltv Stock Uuotstlona.
HOQS Hoga are quoted Ho V ,
rrotn 118 Iba. to 180 Ibe. IVic, r-s
160 Iba. to 800 I ho. mo,
VEAL. f'AI.VIta Veal carvoa
from So to iuo according tn grsdo. , -
iirrp arrirna iteel ifeers V .
Iha local markets era fetching
6 He llvr aeimt. ,
8HERP nrm at o to Sfl "
weight . . ' '
BACON, LARD and HAM, ara ar
Blfl Meat Sale.
Tha Oregon Clmmlsslon Compt
on Friday bought 1,400 pounos -
maple cured bacon rrom a isrm-. -Uvea
in uniatia Thla la probably V 1
largest amount of maple cured bao :
over brought to tha city at one tin."-
aa. r-'1mm---
We Pay Top Pf ices
' ! " ' -
regon Ccmmissicn
Dealers In Flour, Hay,
Grain. Feed, Coal and
Produce, ;
, a--
1 11.1 end MAIN STS.
v una wm. ) txiaannernes and raspberrl: are