' U.ClUHt'Hn V.yiTVXiliXirav ..umniw. tttvtts nr. ..,- SPECIAL Waist Sale $1.25 to $1.50 Fine White Sum mer Waists for a few days 88c SPECIAL Men's Suit Sale $I5--$I8"$20 Men's Suits for a few days $11.85 j7. ILrESVETT 0U0PCN8I0N BRIDGE COR. Coo Our Window Display Ever Inm Thtrf -V i I A ... . . cairn on unr sid. ud Thursdar I Tha puh. c, h... .i.v tbrwg gr.t rJolclng among tha tb Oiwego team last Sunday at th i two ismiiies. Grand- fair ground. Tha horn Uara won. fathtr Orn, of this city, tu kept Bcor. U to 10. Although tha gam busy at th teleDhona all da mcjv. in.aina t In. i con,r.,u..tloo.from bis friend. July th.. yar' Oun will b. flr.4 at uunw. music win d rurnisbad by LOOK OUT FOR ST. LOUIS TEAM Bresnanan and His Band of PHI Tossers Playing Great Ball, th Canby band. At tb fair ground! n in auernoon tner will b all kinds of races run for purses. Hon. Henry wstbrook, of Portland, will b tb speaker of tba day. At 1 o'clock Canby will play ball against Chemawa. There will b dancing In tba pavilion at tba fair grounds, tba music to ba lurnisnea by uarrett'a orchestra. Herbert Kobblns. of Beaver Craak. was In tbla city on Saturday. IS IT A FLASH IN THE PAN? "1 saw you at tba play last night. Enjoy itr No Woman In front wore a chan ticleer bat. Man nait seat kept tint wtib his few." .. . LOCAL PRUTS Mrs. Morrison thla city, I. Hi Mr. Crook, of Mullno. was In this city on Thursday. s 0. Davis, of Cams, waa In this city on business Tbursdsy. Rolwrt Dullard, of Eldorado, waa In tills city on Thuraday. . Mr Kaiser, of Mullno. was transact- Idk business ber. on Thursday. ! Wllholl stag will leave tha Electric JlutaLeach day at 3 o'clock p. m. George Stevens, of Beaver CreehTT was In Oregon City on Tburaaay. Mrs. Ray Fish, of Hubbard, was In this .city on business Wednesday. Miss Addl lowl. of Portland, was In this city on Wednesday, tba guest of Miss Louise Walker.; Mrs. A. Jones and ranal Irish, of Carus, were In this city on Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Moshberger. of Bldormto, wer In this city on Tours- Mr. and Mra. Clyde Engle. of Mo lalla, were In tbla city on Wednesdsy and Thursday. IV. g A. B'immer, formerly OI ure- roii City, has moved his office to 1017 Corbett building, roruana. Attorney John F. Clark, who has been at Potatello, Idaho, on legal bus! neiia, baa returned to pragon City. George R. H. Miller was among the Oregon pioneers who attended the Orexon pioneers' reunion held In Port land Wednesday. Miss Hatel Bullard. of Eldorado, thn haa Hojn vialtlna? her cousins, Kdlth and ladys Dullard, of thla city, returned to her noma weuueaua. Mra. Katherlna Ward Pope, of Port Inrwi in thla citv on Tuesday Visit h hnme of Mr. and Mrs fhnrioa n. Latourett. . Mrs. 8. V. 'Francis left on Wednee dny fcir 8L Johns, where she will visit until Sunday, being tbe guest of Mrs Chlltor. MIms Mildred Kruse, who hae baan teaching In the Illlnd School at Salem, has returned to this city to spend bur miiimer vacation at her home here. Edwin Richards, who waa stricken several wevks ago with paralysis, re mains In a critical condition, at his home on Twelfth and Main streets. Muck Howell hss purchased a seven pasaenger automobile and Is learning to operate It. Mr. Howell has a gar axe on bis place near tbe Barclay srhoolhouse. -Mrs. Charles Davis, of Mblalla, was In this city Thursday visiting friends. A. Franxen, of Gladstone, who bas been ut Hood River, baa returned to bis bom. ' inunfc nrber. nronrletor and man ager of th Arcady Preas, Portland, in ,tl cit. vlalilna- friend. Wed nesday evening. H formerly resided In this city. v.ri ij.innri.lta a student of the University of Oregon, has returned to Oregon City to spend his vacation with his parents, Sir. anu mra. t,nini I). Latouretle. . u an.i Mra It VL Crosa have Kone ... ir.i..n. .vtiora lhav will attend tba commencement xerclnfa at tbe Uni versity of Oregon, whan their daugh ter. Miss Juliet, will complete her four years' couraa. ' k. .mi Mra- a w Jones, of El- ..... ... - " ' " Wado, wer In thla city on Thursday visiting Mr. ana Mrs. k. m. ooir. Bfor hla return to Eldorado, Mr. Jones made a uuainess trip io rwrv land. u M.rv MrCarver. Of this city. I vlHltlng with her son, Harry McCar jeiVimljylfe, and Ut. and Mra. fi..riu. itaiu-nrk of "Portland. She la one of the early Oregon pioneers, hav ing come across me piuma m o"i ...rf aitandd the Pioneer reunion held at Portland In Wedneaday. Word was received in this city on ..........i.. from Theodore Weed, n muonun; ....... - fomMTly reldnt of thli city, but aa 1 1. . wain . BimiinK iu m nuw Vil crrn'"il " - " . a a... ai.a it.rn tn nifl wiie. wuu war formerly Miu Myrue vurriu, y Oregon iny.. - -"' nine years ago. and the parents are nmiid of their first child. .v., r. Born. June 22. to the wire oi vnr. ... hi. nitv. an eiKiu-vuuuu dsughter, who ha. been given the name of Nina wsrgarei. - was formerly Miss Dorrls, daughter of r.V'.j .... r m Mttw nf Bteven- MT, IIU OTI". ' ' ----- . s,n. Wash. This Is the first grand- La at aton and Ons Safer Cardlnsls Caut.d Leaders t Worry and Then Blew Up Club Leoks Stranger Thsn Kver. By TOMMY CLARK. Diamond experts all over tbe couu try bav been figuring only four tennn New York. CliUngo.- I'ltiaburg ami Pblladelpbla-ln tbe bunt for the pen nant In tbe National league. I'.ut few words bav been said shout ihv tft. Louis Cardinals, yet that team baa been going along lately, wluulntf with surprising regularity. Any one who thinks thai Roger Kreituibun's tenui U out of tb race bas a nut bur guess coming to blm. Tbey ar uol fur be blud tha leaders at present, snd If tbey continue to play as well as theya bsv In tb past month It will not be long before tbey ar right at the top rung of tbe ladder, righting for tbe main poaltlou. , Mucb credit for tbe showing of tbe team belongs to Roger Bresnaban. Tbls Is bis third season wltb the Car dluale tb last of bis present con tract. 11 started wltb absolutely notblng-the worst outfit thai baa probably gon to tb wars in tb Na- tloual-teagu since tbe American be- catu a major organization. In Individual makeup be bas Im proved tb club somewhat since that tiro, but not marveloualy Tel eucb A WRESTLING MATCH By EVERET1 fWOMBLY Copyrtfbt by American Preea Asso ciation, mi. amino get OROINANCI INTRODUCED PROVID- INO FOR PURCHASK OF ONE FOR 7M. RAILWAY CROSSING IS CONSIDERED Committee Named To Find Out If It I Feasible To Incraas Width of Waehlngton Street '' BUNGAL0V7S ut th pojraUr tyl la horn trchluctnr. I ipeclailze on detignlng and building bunf tlowg that are conrenicnt la arrangement, bomellka la ap pearance. At Moderate Cost If you are thinking of -building call and tee me, or phone for an engagement. Clarence Simmons CONTRACTOR A BUILDER Ninth and Main Street. , Prion pac-Maln 1292. liquor at my plao t ' . 1 Depot Saloon, lit Be vet -J t a period of threw months. ,v.. . - CLAC3 crt i. Notle f Final Settlement. Notice la hereby given that tha un dersigned administrator of th aetata of Mary Vogbt, deceased, haa 014 kls Una) account with th Clerk of th County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and th Jndg of said Court has set Monday, th Ird day of July, 111, at th. Courthouaa la Oregon Cty, as tb time and placw for hearing any and all objections to said final ac count and th discharge of said ad ministrator. " HENRT 1 BENTS,- Administrator of th Eatat of Mary Vorht, Deceased. L. 8TIPP and DIMICK ft DJMICK. " Attorneys for Administrator. I have been a mn of many occupa tions, though 1 have bad more to do lib tbe sea tbau wltb tbe land. Once was owner of a schooner tbul 1 used for pesrl diving, my divers be ing north African Bedouins. My working ground was off tbe cosat of Trlolltapla. Pearl diving Ik a bard life, and only those who are desperate engage in It. Tbe boss t obliged to be very severe wltb bis workmen or tbey will take possession of blm. bis ship and everything In It. 1 bad oue man named IiHined. a little muscular African, black as I be ace of ipadea. w bo undertook to maater'me. There was trouble, after which 1 bad blm arrested, and taken Into tbe town of Tripoli, and be received a full dose of buatluado. - It waa not long after tbla that one nlgbt. the weather being very hot. I preferred to sleep on deck. I put down a mattresa. but 1 was cooler In a cbatr. All 1 bad on wsn a pair of tbla pajamas and low shoes. 1 lay a few hours In sleep, awaking about midnight. The men were asleep be low, and 1 was alone on deck. For an hour I caugbt cat nape from time to time, not losing myself for more tban ten minute at once. At on of thee intervale between Bleep I saw a round black ball on tbe gunwale on year Roger tbrowa a scare Into the rh oort bow. 1 being starboard amld- opposltloo and threatens, st teasi ror I ship. An ordinance providing for tb pur chase of a chemical fir engine for the Elyvlll district was Introduced at a meeting of th City Council Thursday evening. Another ordin ance providing for the purchase of Is light, about lib a momn. Th payroll for employes engaged In tbe actual construction of th road approximates $2,000 a month. " Th chief engineer of tb road is J. U fttacer, formerly employed In th same kind of work by th Hill system. Tbe superintendent of construction ts Ixuls Osberg, an experienced man. 6,000 feet of hose was read for the Illy tbe end of .the present month first time. It was ordered that the ere will be completed about three a . . it M . . I in I lew ui lilt? KioMiv umju ie uuo, huu deelgn of tba certificates for the x- th tvnxmM cost of that work empt firemen be chosen by th com-1 will not exceed 12,500 per mile. mlssloners and the firemen. Th first work bridge have been Upon motion th City Attorney was -.nated .na in.ta peman. ordered to report on the legal pro- three mnes of the road there will b visions regarding the neglect of prop- only one trestle. Work is being car- I ( . . . f V . 111 erty-owners to remove grass in tn nea on i u"r m. uu wm ir , ....... i i. it nunno soon. ine airecwri aiaw sireei. w iUl oi ine.r v..m. .u- tn.y aMurMlc. of grass, waa sam, wouia ue uauaeroua Moiaua r-ople that MolalU would In case of fire. Work to Be By Contract - Tb council ordered that Fourteenth street be constructed by contract, and build the road from Mullno to Mo lalla when they were assured of the completion of the road to Mallno. E C. Bye tnen presented . to tna Club the possibility of organizing a , , ... . ... I company of the Oregon Naval MUItla resolution providing for tha asking ,Q ctHb club Toted to oi dius was auoywau. .nrtnraa tha movement. TTrxin motion the street committee was ordered to report on the sewer on v Twelfth atreet. between Taylor and Jackson. The City Engineer was In structed to make an estimate as to the cost. Recorder Stlpp was request- $10 REWARD . - . For th arrest an conviction w of any person or persons, who ed to notify th management of the . unlawfully remove conies of The Clackamas Southern Railway Company a Morning Enterprise from th time, to ran them all Into their cavea. Tbe very first sesson. wltb that awful excuse of an outfit. Roger bad ijr r .... 1 Now, to a half awake sallorman a black ball on tb gunwale of bl ship Is a curious object. 1 wondered wby It didn't roll along tbe luclloe. In stead of doing so It rose, looking now like th round top of s fencepost. spreading out below. By tbls time I was sufficiently awake to realize mat the object was a black bead and ahouldera. blacker for a full moon that shun behind It. From tbls point my faculties came to m Ilk lightning. -J. bav. often since wondered thst what for want of a bet ter nam I will call an automatic rea soning should bav made me prepare for tbat whicb I bad not thought out. Bad 1 taken tbe step to lead op to tbat preparation tbey would have been aa follows: "That is a Bedouin tnier. wbo will kill me to enable blm to car ry off some trifle." In a twinkling my to confer with th City Engineer In reeard to tha nroposed crossing Bi Twelfth street. The re-surfacing, of renter atreet was referred to tne Street Committee. plan to Widen Street. A committee composed of Messrs. Mvers. Anderson. Roake ana tn premises of subscribers after paper has been placed there by carrier. Ask Your Physician It la not necessary for any woman Wants, For fete. Etc If atloe andar Uw) SUaatfUd ln.Slii Will be maa,(c4 at aa oaal a war, flm erMoa. Hair a aaat aMIUoaJ kaaer na. UM htch ear. II aar moatk hmJ Inch card. ( nnas ll par aaontli. Cash must aaeomaaar arSar aniea ne haa aa opaa aoooaat wltk taa papar. Me rtaajiolal responsibility for errors; where errors occur free eorraetad aotio will s prlntad for aalrtm. aUnhBua eharce U. WANTED. WANTED Board for boy by month. Address Box 321, City. the WANTED $1000 loan on good prop erty. Address A-10, care Enterpris. WANTED Ton to know mat w buy all kinds of Curios, that w ar la th market for second hand Furui tur and Tools. W also bav a good assortment of second hand Furnltur and Tools on hand for sale to those in seed. Come anJ see; perhaps w have Just what yow want Indian Carlos and trinket for aal cheap; soma that ar vry unique and also very rax. OBOROB YOUNG, Main aear Fifth atreet. I HEREBY notify an ousiness men and dealers that I will not be rea ponslbl for any debta or bills con tracted by my wif. Iaaat V. Mold enhauer, 'kfter June 10. 1911. C. W. MDlaOENHAUER. POft MALTE. RAILWAY REPORT IS MADE TO W (Continued from Page 1.) I want a furnished house 5 or 6 "rooms modern. No Children. M. L Bowman Room 9, Beaver BWg. i - L: r f Yoms fortKc Asking ASK. ' Fot ni w wlUJglTflYoa with , NEW 3 6 months subscription By Mail . at 25c the month 4 months subscription By Carrier , at 45c the month TO THE ' MORNING ENTERPRISE A Beautiful China PLAQUEDcc01' id "ds.mely. - There are a variety of patterns to choose from. Make your selection early. v SobscrlberslMayiHave Them Too 7 ' To any present subscriber who will bring us four new subscription we will present one of these beautiful dishes. : , ALU SELECTIONS MUST St MADE AT THE OFFICE OF THE DANK or ORCOON CITY 6U1LDIN0 ( . frX i feasibility of Increasing the width of statement me make. I n fact, she can Washington street from 30 to 40 feet easily satisfy heraelf uWti. f?? A remonstranc to the Improvement of Rexall VegeUble Compound. If sh . .. . .... .nKmi ant will come to us. let ns acquaint her referred to the committee on sireeia. i" .UB.. - " The Street Committee was Instructed preparation, and then ask her physic to confer with C. D. Latourette, at, lan hl opinion of the treatment. . n.la. Puln a. Piiwr IU loruiuio. . aivct . wun.u - Company in rerd to' thi Tlng the VegeUbi. Compound Is put up. 1. ith. company ha. constructed on street near Ita mm. '?"'.rX' ?-Zr7ZlZ. Z reliability of thla treatment bas Been demonstrated tn hundreds of cases, and today so posllve are we of th results one may expect from a treat ment of this preparation, mat w offer to refund any money you may to have been forgotten until Dr. Carll I have paid us for Rexall Vegetable brought It up. Dr. Jaru caiiea s- uompouna. tl nrns w proauoo ww tentlon to ihe rail on Eighth street I ncial results In your own case. k th. rnurt house and urzea inai i Bear in mina inai Kexaii vegewDie the council be asked to examine the I Compound may be obtained only at i n.Kirfln,r hltrhlna- nnat and I mir atnra Tha Rexall Drug Store. pajsmas werrlylng on the deckv-t J -r-t-rjthera-iB various-parUpLth 1 price. $100 per bottle. Huntley Bros. tandlno- naked in my snoea. anew that the thief would not be Incuui bered with clothing., snd I must not civ blm tbls advantage over me. I knew tbat he bad swum to tne snip; therefor It was not likely b would have any firearms' with him. struggle would be muscular. 1 abould bav cried out and arousea those below. Strange to say. thla aia not occur to m as quickly as th other Dolnta. and when It did I was too late. A black naked figure Jumped over tbe runwale and darted like lightning to ward me. When he reacnea m ine moonlight flaxhed on a steel blade wltb which be atruck at me. I caugbt ms forearm with my fist: but. tb arm be ing oiled. It slipped through my clutcn to the shoulder. 1 saved myseir rrom being stablied by holding my enemy FOR SALE House, two lots, on eor . ner, house almost new, 11x28 two rooms, brick flue, young fruit trees, garden In, other - improvements; beautiful scenery, clow to school. For location inquir Wlnklafs star. West Side. Price $496 cash, Rv. Harvey Buck. Oregon City, Oregon. FARM LOANS Dlmick . Ss plmlck. Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. ; I Company. FOR clt. Ownre oner rropeny. notice or APPLICATION The committee then reported inai i . iquob license there was not a property owner from NotiCa is hereby given that I will, the woolen mill on the soutn w tne next regular meeting of the Rn.i'h'a at or a on the north Who would I n.tw rnnnri annlv fnr llcenaa to sell Tb permit the erection of posts or rails nQUort at my plac of business, 711 in front ot nis propeny. i ma i Maln 9tr6et, for a penoa oi six monios. ment evokea immeaiaie reaiwuBw. . 1 A. NUBttt Larsen. of Larson A Company otlerea ..L'lUoTlCt-Or APPLICATION FOR sireei ana ------i LIQUOR LICENSE. the use of a halt block front on Fifth atreet for railing. A motion to urge the Congressmen to push the matter of dredging the Notlco la hereby given that I will. at the next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for ucens to aeu liquor at my place or business, jui- , , . I iiuuur at mj i)w v . Clackamas rapids was carried.. . Building, 405 Main street, for a The second matter up for discussion " th- was the Clackamas Southern Railway project. The committee appoiniea re ported mat owing to a buhuuu..... ine it had had only two hours in which to look over the books of the com- J. AfiUlUUk FARM LOANS. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first mort gage; $500 and .upwards; on ywr or longer. Apply at once. Cross A Hammond, Attornajr at Law, Bea ver Bldg Oregon City. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Seven-room moasrn house on 14th and Mala streets, Oregon City. Inquir room 1, Bea ver Bldg. C T. Toose Co. - BUILDER AND CO-TW ACTOR. HARRY JONES Bulldr and OwneraJ C tratoT. Eetlmata. cnawrruuy glTwa om . aU claaaa of traiiaing work, eoaverat walks ana rwinforeed K.. pnoaw Man in. ATTORN EYTA i. Dt BTBY. Attoraey-at-Law. Moawy loaned. . ahstracts fartah4. land -.lsA MtalM aattlad. aaav eral Uv bastsaaa. Ovr Bank f Orwcosj City. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR 1 lOUOR LICENSE. Notice Is hereby given that I will. ----- ... . . t J ..J t.1. v -- ... off from me witn my uauu unuer u. .ny and the report w 0niy pari.. . -- BeAOnf of With my other band I I the board arm at tbe shoulder. The man. wng- Q B. DIMR, secretary oi e rau- -- for McenBe to sell gllng. was liable at any moment to wgy company submitted a report from Qf bu8lna.if Tha the Doara oi uir-cw.- rh.h wina House. 417 Main street. TJTUDN A BCHTJKBKL. ' Attorneys-at. Law, Dentscher Advwkat, wfll pea tic In all courts, mak c0otlowa as4 sattlernestes. Otfle la En tar aria Bid. Orecoa City. Oroa- E H. COOPER. For Fir tnsuraaer and Roal Batata. Let as handl yoar propertiee we bay, sU and axekang. Offlce la aTfaterprls Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. ' i. ttti. ii.nu 117 Main atraat. :;. convincing speech on th youw" ZllJii. I free himself. ..nt hla throat. It. too. was oUed. strong and convincing speecn ui f m0ntha I . . I i, .nri .Un. nt the roaa. uom rw i -- - - n1.nv Pinched it long enougn io 4 the wm ground. . - tbe man drop nis anire. - nnin- belna- their Important ...,.iTinu rnn At tbls moment tbe rascal s face was "; ;,: noti . ?2rii to the moon, snd I recognlted Hamed. rBB.n. Clackamas Southern ;,w" ." , ,K. 1 will. Be hud not come for plunder; be bad Rallway 1, continuation of the orlg- lso"ce "tn reKUfar meeting of tbe come for revenge- My in now ae- ,nai company organizes sevtj ..- CounCi aPPiy for licence to sell ago, of whlcu r. w- swm v Photos by Amerlcen Preaa Aaooclatlon. tended on my preventing hla getting I . ... . l I ....If Kn HCWlM I Am the snire. 1 pi . ""r k.,j r directora have Netlc of Application for Liquor License. NOTICE Is hreby given that I will, at tb next regular meeting of the City Council, apply for a license to sell liquor at my place of business. The Mount Hood Saloon. Fifth and Main streets, for a. period of three months. . . U. JUSTIN. , blm and It and clinched with blm. His The present LT -.-..- . r. u0is naTioa.La aao hod- was oiled all over, snd be slipped ""uf frT n.n. nt tha old com- . 1 ... , , .i.. 1 oiner vaiuauiw " - . . bomb or bib aian- , thmnirh mv arms use an eei muu . j h, .vr debt against baseball was the team place. cash for tbe old com- BOO. directors re- .. nnA that averv debt against . . m Wnif ha 1m-tlnir b- lm"' u . ...n th. i.r. on tlDtoe and rrom toe la lung ior iu -- tne game nas peen iuhj . ... . ...kiinn daahed out tween my legs. I caught an a n aie .... '..y t27J0a Ilk. champions It was not tbe men and held him ndff,to bis fu gum pR,d ,n playlng-lt was Just Rogers lunpira- lengrn. nis ar.u. preliminary work Dy Uon. lie got out of the team all the I. few Inches of th. knife. He Jerked Pftny amounted t0 ,27,B( -11 in (h,x mtn 1 a Hut inai nis angle so iuw - - Tne rormer uwm - Httla and when It burnetl out coald not c.unt on holding It long and , d ,nd the present hoara was Ut year Roger had an Improved quick grasp for hi. shoulder then wu- rector. 10 s A club, but one still wens tn two vuai tbe otner let g - taxoayer. of Clackamas county, departmente-blttlng and pitching. U th other shoulder, falling on him at vreftent directors ot the cor- bad probably th worst outni or seven th, same time. poratlon are: ueorge a. --'" inning fllngers In either league. The Here were two of us J,nf0' president; O. D. Eby. P""' the knife. 1 sua over uw - w. A. Humwj, , ""T rr ... in clinch the weapon, nimtck. .ecretarr: Frank Buscn, UT. anu anciufT- --- -- " . i, v o,lf farther swsy. . . . tft nal(i ln jn cash. I bad the advantage or mm, ola"'" xhe method of accounting protect, him hatween me and the deck. lie The meiuu i doubJe eunld not easily slide on the latter tnj transactions being kept baring me on his back, but be was so th- gurvey8, maps, plats, pro- sllppery tbat I found If difficult to M bookti ngbts of way and nn.iin on him. Never l.w ' nmnrti. helonglng to F. M. - Swift w; transferred to th. present warTthe knlf.. H gained soma inch- I company, in consideration , . aU a. s and was about to grasp It when 1 .nocked it fnrther away. I now determined to risk all on one oulck move. Putting a hand on each f bis Shoulders I or a tremendous pull, shooting my head airentlons wr Sal lee and Harmon Last year. too. Roger mad hla annual play. Early In tne season ne un.w bis men hard, and at one tlm h had very club In th league ear Pittsburg guessing ss to th posKlbllitles of his finish. But tb team was uoi strong enough to stand up. snd the su perior quality of Brooklyn's pitching above that club In sixth plac. abad of th Cardinals. This year with a tesm tbat l a replies of last season's club, with tbe exception of three good P"" BT". naban Is one more ravishing the lesgu with hla terrors. Th. fsn are asking them-eives if tbls la a third flash In the pan-if tb natlr strength ln tb club makeup is sufficient to nsbl It to Stand up un der campaign for a one-two-thre brth. , . T CANBY. P. Felster's 5, 10 and. 15 cent stor Is now completed. H has a fln new building and a larg un-to-dat stock of goods. ' ' . Bernard Davenport, who has been working In Oervars, haa sold his busi ness there and it turned to Canby with tho expectation of carrying on the jeweler's business. can U slock.: That th. capital stock wT transferred to W. A. Huntley, trustee, expect one share of stock to each director- In order to qualify th directors to act in tbat capacity. Stock Held By Truate. Th remainder of tb stoca and shoulder oeyona hj ",,""'" .:"tJ ,b-trustee and whenever any ZV.a- v-imo- it under my chest. I held by tha truac .-.-.Hon L 11 and the victory was mina In so In-tstvl my anemy sllpnedm j... . iair. a rone snd ran use " '""."'.ha'.hin'. side. I followed . hefnr. I reached tbe gun- wale beard splash and knw that be nAd . - t Not fearing tnat n wmi i.-. - of thrc.pTt.1 "..ock ot th. corporation Is purohased, ll is purra 1. trustee, and all money therefor Is paid to W. A. Huntley, treasurer, of III CUIHIWUJ. nmmv Tb company nas ibuu Hon stock. No stocs aas to any person unless th corporation l ... -.1.,. thr same. receives "'''"- .i, their tlm vlllslti. hnf thev did not nno mra. 1 1 1 1 1 1 FJ. JtJIIIIIIIII'r, ' fLAnDfllL IT would be a difficult task to adequately describe the great possiblities for advantageous , buying that await you in this store today. Every, item even to the smallestd etaU, that goes to make our stock complete and our, store service perfect, has received the most careful attention.!' Nothing useful has been omitted, nothing superfluous has been included. vHre is a partial list of what you will find?-- , . Valenclnes Locc 5c values for one dozen 0 ' . I .. H ... 1M. ....... ' yords ...... Torchon Locci A lot ot Valenclnes Lcci per vJ. ........ ....... . 7, 6J7 Mta Street ; : ! ' c-:-: 3 C r .!