Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 23, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    MORtfINO ENTEiPIlinS, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1911.
L S- pROMC. Editor and PvU
m i ekw asettar Jaa-
eery s. mi. at tk peat wee)
dtr.Oracoa, waeac the Act af Marc
Tcm r SBtscerrwH.
Om Yaar, by atall
. Mm Mnwtke. ty Mil . .
War Mnats. be eed
. IM
. 1
. .1
1 " UHtXtKOK tuns
First Pu
First . Pr
cvaeeerea pasil
ttwa (OT MKfr Uke first pa. tre
ftfMt lnaMi'Oaaaj loi
Km mm-tbwIKka fwst pa- Mr kMk
okoftoaWdfl nwaleJeSwIten'aBBnv &
I0e Mr Mm; ta regeler mrr-
Waata. Far Sal. T Kant . awe
vadfwa w2tttaaAaaBV
. BHa x win
b tha
aaltv. far rerr
ta set larirtalty
tha avert(ewat
tar IW MlT Wra tha
la marfwrW fraai tka dally to tha waak
jr. wttaaat (iun tha rata will ba St
far rwa af m pesar. ana ia aa
spacsal poattKm.
. Caa ahawia cotDaar
aartr la uaknowa la buataaaa offlca
Ilia Enterprise.
leeel a4rrtlatac at leeel edvemeliia
Ctrrua aararttoln and epaelal traaalam
' aavartlatna at Ik to Ik u Men. aecere
mM to pacta! coodltkma rovamtna tee
Twa Bala" aad Bankrupt Bala- aavar.
km laeh ftret Inaertloa: add!
asal laaiftlnm aama ma I tar e tee.
Nawa Itrtna and wall wtittaa artloUe
jt mam. with Interval to loral readara.
will ba gladly aecaet. Rejectee mana
scripts aavar returned unlaaa aorampaa
la by sttJaoe to prapay Poat
. June 23 In American Hicrv.
19nOTbe vpllt Heaxomtk- ronwn
tiooa nominated KteptN-n A.
la and John C Hre.k'nrtCge a
rival candidate, air inn tlx- eie
lion to Lincoln n1 r-ninne tu
civil wr
Adralml RamnW Fraocla IHipoot
- t H dbtlMiflalM! Ik tho rlrl
war. dld; born !.
1SSI2 Jrorar rwwnd nominated
prcaKlnt at C"b-r
(from kooo today to doob tomorrow
Boa aota 731. rtoaa 428;
134 a. m.
8reraJ 4a ra ago tlrar appeared ta
tW' Mominc Enterprla two. article
of aa editorial character ursine peo
ple of taia county to co-operate with
the local boaiBea man and to cot out
the aaallorder bovaea, on Ute cronnd
that the money earned here ahould be
peat here.
Wlthla the Uat few day we bare
been deluged aith call from farmers
who haye aousht oa oat for a heart
. to-beart talk and given plain and un-
; rarniahed ..reasons. why they send
money away from home. They recite
apecifie instances and declare that
" they prefer to spend their money here,
' bat not at a sacrifice in the quality
of the purchase or to their pocket
The Enterprise has been Impressed
at the earnestness of these men, and
we believe that the local merchants
ought to alt up and take notice when
these complainta appear.
There was a man nere Thursday
who aald he aaved $55 on the pur
chase of a wind mill and a quantity
of farm machinery. He thinks the
difference is too great, and he ia
Another man paid $3 for a pair of
ahoea and within a fortnight they
split, and be was directed by the bust
ness man' vrho made the sale to con
suit a shoemaker for repairs. Since
then this same man baa gone to Port-
land and spent $40 for wearing ap
If Oregon City wants the country
business, the business men must meet
the other man'a price. They must be
pleasant and accommodating. Tbey
muat provide more hitching posts, for
which there has long been a demand
The hitching posts on the down-town
streets n Oregon City will not accom
odate 10 teams.
There you have It, Mr. Business
Man. What are you going to do about
These kicks come to us, and we paws
them along to you. This ia your fu
neral. It Is simply a question of
whether you desire to remedy theHe
. reported trade evils, or whether you
are content to proceed in the way we
have been going, to take what comes
and let the major portion of the
country business go elsewhere.
' That's what it means.
. ; Oregon City does not get its share
Ct the farmer trade. There must be
a reason.
Judge Orosscup of . the United
States Circuit Court, in delivering the
. 'annual commencement address at the
- University of Iowa, seemingly wenf
farther toward government control of
, trusts than Elbert Gary, the bead of
the steel trust, bad gone la his tes
timony before the House committee.
. But this is more apparent than real,
. aays the St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
.' A his address Is reported, Judge
Crosscup proposed only . the govern
ment power to regulate ' trust . dlvt-
dends.'; He propose To recognise
combination and monopoly as some
thing necessarily here square the
law to that' fact and then, as a con
, dltlon to granting1 corporate power at
alt, reserve the right to regulate dlvi
. denda." lie was Opposed to the ex
rrelae of a government right to Con
trol and fix prices, claiming that Such
work mnt of necessity be indirect and
--trolled by party prejudice
-r In fovernmen.
and accordiagty ; subject V violent
fluctuatloaw . v
All of these Objection tie, how.
ever, against the regulatloa of dlvl
dends as mch as against the regula
tion of pricae. Judge Gary's plan of
government regulatloa did not "top
with the regulation of price, while
Judge Orosacupt doe apparently atop
with the regulatloa of dividends, It
trusts are well regulated and their
prices kept wlthla reasonable bounda
by government rupervlaion,- their own
ers should be entitled to make all
of the profit tbey can under such reg
ulation and control. Should gross
profits or net profits grow too large,
the government could reduce them by
reducing prices, but we can see no
reason for placing aa arbitrary limit
on profit a In advance. The intelli
gence and enterprise which can earn
large profits under honest govern,
ment control and price making, would
be entitled to what they could earn
until earnings grew excessive. Aa be
tween these two plans, the Gary plan
is to be preferred.
Members of All Creeds Are Invited to
Join Organization.
The first regular meeting of the
Oregon City Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union was held Tuesday eve
. What
Why We
By Dr. Lyman Abbott,
Preacher and Publicist
DO not believe that war is
ALWAYS wrong, nor do
I believe that war U COL
believe that
George Wash
ington, 0 1 i f r
Cromwell Urrs
Bea S. Grant and
Robert E. Lee
were murderers.
ABOLITION of war doea not
put an end to BARBARITIES
and CRUELTIES. We all know
of the massacre' of Jews in Russia,
of Chinese in PekiDg, of Chris
tians in Turkey, when all those
countries were at peace with the
What we are really seeking is
peace foti ruled on righteousness
and on justice. Peace will bause
By Edwin Gin, Publisher
and Leader In Univer
sal Peace Movement
LIT A R V control br in
dividual nations is too ex
pensive in human life and
property. o ' nation is trong
enough to defend itself from at
tack from ALL directions. This
tion is producing an intense rivalry
between the nations which is lead
I venture to suggest a plan for
safeguarding the nations more per
fectly than the present method. It
is this:
Each nation will be as strong as
now relatively after It ba given
up 10 per cent of its armament to
an international force. Its mili
tary system can be carried on aa
effectively .and aa Independently
of the other nations as at preeent.
r ii ii i
ning, ta the vestry, of Us Baptist
Plana tor the work of the Ualoa
were discuses 4 and it wad decided
to hold the aaxt meeting at S:S0 next
Tuesday. The local body wag organ
Ised after the Bunday evening see-
Ion at the Baptist church on June it.
when the national organiser, Mr.
Jackson 8Ubaugh, of Seattle, and Mrs.
Ada Wallace Unrich, of Portland, pres
ident of the state W. C T, U. were
present, and following an address by
Mrs, 8llbaugh. The W. C, T. U. is not
In any sense a llaptlst organisation
however, and all women of Oregon
City, who are Interested in temper
ance. Irrespective of creed, are urged
to Join.
Centred Awarded For Span Over Rook
Crash at Hon Cnurch.
Contract for' a new brtdxe over Rock
Creek at the Zton church waa let by
the County Court Thursday afternoon
to the Coast llrldne Company for
14.800. The structure will be a ateel
and wood treatle, 850 feet loug, with
1$ feet steel bents set on concrete
Saloonksspsr Is Accused of Allowing
Women In His Place.
The case of Joseph Kerrtck, proprie
tor of the Log Cabin saloon, will be
celled for trial st 10 o clock today
before Recorder gtlpp. Kerrick Is
charged with allowing women to enter
his saloon. At a former trial he was
fined $75 and sentenced to serve tea
days In Jail.
It Is
Have It
to Blame
By William J. Bryan
of peace would
be to despair of
progress among
men. Some have
hoped to briug
peace bv an in-
crease ol armament, tnat tne
a . a . a
world might be FRIGHTENED
away from war or driven into
peace by the weight of military
I am a believer in an ENTIRE
LY different theory. I fear the
encouragement of the military
pirit. I fear the building of
battleships will INFLAMK the
passion for war rather than fright
en us into iirar-.
I lelw-vo thai the roai) to pi-ae
lies rather in the CI'LTUKE of
the spirit of jM-ate and fri-ndhip.
Love begets hue I hav- more
faith in the power of a truod ex
ample than in the terror exejted by.
thirteen inch gun.
By Allen S. Will, Author
and Editor
'If a politician who helped to
bring on an UNNECESSARY
WAR knew that instead of being
REWARDED by his constitu
enta he would be "SWEPT OUT
OF OFFICE by a torrent of in
dignation at fucb a CRIME
against humanity his habit of
steering by the compass of popu
lar favor would guide the ship of
his ambition in a different direc
tion. We knowrlhat war is the fruit
of an illusion, and the best way to
drive away tbe clouds which have
obscured the subject so long ia to
help the people to arrive' at a
knowledge of the TROTH. The
literature on the subject of peace
which, is springing up throughout
tbe civilized world ia a POTENT
HELP. ' ' '
, Wtfmana Club Meets Thursday.
Because of the absence of two of the
newly, elected ofneern the Woman's
Club did not hold a meeting Thursday,
A meeting will be held neat Thursday
at which the retiring offlcera will
make reports. ,
Meeting of Association Not Held Fer
Lack or Uucrunv
Owlne to the absence of a quorum
the MrUnighlla Memorial Association
did not elect directors Thursday night.
Directors will be elected at a meet
ing next Monday nlghL ;
A Feud
How It Waa Ended and
Ktpt From Break'
Ins" Out Afsln
One dsy years sgo a girl lu a calK-u
dress sod sunbonnet wsa walking In a
wood near ber mounts tu home In east
Tennessee when sbs wet a youug
man. who stopped ber lo ssk ber some
questions. : '
"Wfcar do yo' liver
"In that bouae down tbar."
"Ueard of anything particular goin'
en about yere lately f ,
-What kind c' thing V
"Waal, tbey aay the Hosklnses is
ookln' fo Jim Green, be that shot Tom
Uoaklns SaturUay."
Reckon I don't want to aay nothln
about that, aeeln I'm a Uoaklna
"Supposln' a Green wss ecpectln' te
get a bullet through bis skull and yo'
could put him on to a way to dodjre It.
would yo do It T
"If I did 1 mougbt'get kUled myself
by my own side."
"Waa I. mawnin. -To' better sepoul
' this yere feud..,Ret:kon It wou'l
stop till all the llosklnaes snd all the
Greens are killed.
lit was wslklng away when tbe girl
called to blai:
-Air yo Jim Green f
"Wbat do yo' want to know fu
Want to give me awayf
Not esactly. Tom lIoak)ns wss my
Tbe two stood looking at each other
for aome tuna; then tbe man aald:
."1 didn't kill him.'
-Yo didn't r
"Wbo dldr
-"Reckon I won't tell that. Yo' flu
klnses tbink I done It. snd I'm golu' to
let yo' go on tblnkln' that way, least
ways all of 'em except yo'."
"I don't aee wbat yo' want to git y'
self killed fo' when yo' didn't do It"
"'Cause I don't wsnt. the one thai
done it killed "
"Wbor yo' bldln'T
"To' don't want to put yo' people on
idTne. do yoT
"No; I mnncbt let yo' know If tbrv
Snd it out."
lie looked steadily In tbe girl's eyr
for a few moments, then took ber
band In bis. eaylng:
"Little gal. I'm goln' to trust yo. I'm
hidln' in tbe ravine np on Collins bill
on a or tub mm was a mas.
f uat come down fo' a bite to eat I
baln'l bad nothln' since yeateniny
-To' buln'tr
"No "
"If yo'll tay yere I II go to ibe bouxe
and Kit yo' Home corn pone and a allce
o meat."
Tbe hungry liok on bis face abowed
how well be would like to have li.-r
do what sli pri ,,.l
"Shore iioIk1 II git on to It?" bi
asked. "I ll be Iteerful 0 , Into that thicket
tbar and wait."
lie weut to the t hi. kef. nnd alie went
to tbe cabin lu which abe lived with
ber parent and ber brother, tbe latter
all grown. Khe wn tbe only girl .f
tbe fuuiily aud was treated with tbnt
devotion to be expected under such n
condltlou. IlarlnK purloined some
eatable, wblcb be bid In tbe lm-k
Of her Kiinbounet. abe took them to the
man In hiding
"I'm uilgbty glad to aee that," he
aald. "and yo' too."
"Why mer
"Waal. I t muted yo. but aa noon aa
yo'd gone I reckoned yo' mougbt bring
some o" your people to kill mo."
"I s'pose I ort to." ssld tbe girl, with
a pained expression! "Ef they'd ketch
me brltiaio' food to Jim Uoaklns tbey
mought kill me."
"Don't yo' do it do mo'."'
Bo ate what sbe bad brought blm,
and wblle be was doing (6 abe stood
looking at him. She waJhalf girl,
half woman, ber dress reaching to her
bare ankles and ber hair, cut aquure.
reaching nearly to ber shoulders. Her
oyes were Mg black ones and were
llxed on this enemy of ber kinsmen with
an Intensity of Interest In which pity
predomlnsted, while now and again n
wave of feae swept over It when she
i i
By r. A. MITCH tL ? !
Copyrlshl by A mar loan i'raaa Ateo-
- clattoa. IU. I
thoueht of the eaaseouenree Of Cu
cvvery both to aim and herself.
"Who waa It." abe askvd. "that call
ed Tmu t his dour in tbs middle ef
the night sad shut biinT
"Couldn't twll uobuuy that.
"Not mer -.
Agsln be look ber bsud and. looking
at her wlib strong eniuik'u, saia:
"I'll ill you, nine girl, if y'H 'P
tbe set ret"
"I will."
"It was my youua brother Hum."
There wss a silvuie, wtm-b tue gin
"Why don't be rtnie oH with It "
"We're trytp to gli blui swsy tn-fo
It's fouud out. lie dou l know I'm
stsndlu' In his place."
There waa a took lu ber e)es tbiit
drew tbe young man's arm lowsrd br
aud arwuud ber walal. A klaa aenlfd
the compact UMwevu tueiu, a -ouiiu l
which If discovered would make lur
an outcast from ber oiie., I tuin.
benrlitg menu volcea at the hue
low. tbey parted, she to go t ber home
h to his biding place on I olllus bill.
That night there, wss a mating of
the lltwklnaea at tbe bouae. aud tbe girl.
Kllia HuekluM, llaieued to all Ibat wa
aald They bellevtHl that Jim Green
was biding In the iieltibtiorbood and
formed a plau lo divide Ibe territory
Into a nuiutwr of dutrkia. each dm
trict to le thoroughly aearxliiHl by wr
aoua designated for the purpose. Tbe
huut wss to begin tbe next morulug
at sunrise aud roulluue till Ibe sus
pected region bsd been explored. If
Green wss found he wss to be shot
down at ouce without a word. Ilaviug
laid their plan of campaign, those who
lived elsewhere went borne and those
who lived In tbe bouse to bed
When all were aip Ellaa reached
nnder her bed and. taking up a bun
dle abe had prepared, went to ber win
dow. The little space In wbkb sbe
slept waa simply partitioned off from
two other compartmenta. the rabln be
ing but one atory . Ellaa stepped
stealthily out of Ibe window and mov
ed away. Tbe moon waa rising, but
she did not need It to guide ber to the
ravlue. Approaching It sbe coughed.
Green, who waa lying on some branch
es be bad cut off tbe trees trying to
aleeo. .beard her and sst up. Sbe
coughed again. Cxung to her. be clapp
ed bertn bis artna
Sbe told blm of tbe 11 o Win ace' pis
for tbe morrow and. uurulllng her bun
die. abowed blm a calico drees, a sun
bonnet snd some corn poue and salt
pork. Us waa lo pat on tbe woman
apparel anil ibua dl"(ruled eodeavor
to aave bltnaetf Hut even aa a' wo
man It would be difficult for blm to
get away, for ihe Uoaklns faction ex
tended for mile- lu all direct ton, and
be bad not even n rasor to abave bin
face. Tbe only boe was In roocea
lug It at critical momenta by meana
tbe aunbonneL which extended far for
. tllxa having glveu him tbe article
and be having UlHgulatnl himself, tbe
two made their exit from the ravlue,
Comlug to a place where their routes
diverged, tbey stood clasped 'In sack
other's arm, then parted Hut Green
bad pot goue far before, bearing twlp
breaking behind blm. be turned an
saw tbe girl approaching.
"One mere kl7" be aald.
"No. I'm goln' with yo'."
the curse of ber people upon ber tv
this oiien aid to their enemy. Ilia
pleadings were In vain. At laat
dreading to lose lime, he consented
and the two set ont together to run
tbe gantlet.
1 In tbe morning Rllxa'a father and
brothera were off before abe waa aup
poaed to he up. aud tbey did not
know tbat ahe waa tulaalng Purine
tbe day tbey saw two girls walking
on a distant road. One of tbetu they
thought resembled Ellaa In genera
appearance. They atrm k across conn
try to ak Ibe girls If they bsd seen
any one. but before ibe men reached
them they had dlaaptM-ared. N"t
dreaming that one of tbe girls waa
man and the man they wauled, tbey
did not make a search.' In the even
Ing reports rsme In st the cnblu from
tbe different parties Hint Jlui Green
had not lieen found.
Klba'w mother lold of her daughter's
d Isa p eu ranee 8 he told. too. of th
taking of the only other dreoa the girl
owned and the auiilmntH't. Home
freshly baked corn wne also whs
mlsMtng. Then for the tlrl time arose
In tbe mind of her family a aiixpl
don that the two glrlx wen during
the search had something to do with
the fugitive. Jim Green.
Tbe mystery waa not Hcnred up till
a week later.' when a note mailed
from a town north of the Ohio rlrer
was received from KIIzji i-onfeHslnff
that ahe had helped Green to eacitpa
and thnf ahe waa now hl wife. Mho
a I ho Informed her people ttiMt It was
Horace Green, a Iht of seventeen, and
not Jim. who bad shot Tom Hteaklna
Horace was beyond their reach. Jim
waa fieyond their reach, and waa
Jlm'a wife.
There wna a conaiiltnrlon among the
Honkln faction, at which the ultim
tion was dlwiiaaed. CoiiHldernhle feel
Ing that I", for participants In a feud
was manifested at their ewure frmu
having killed ihe wrmii! mini Indeed
there was more to make them annum
ed f their work In tlilo fhnn regret
at the sueceeariil nlKht of hoth the
Gre'n brothera. But ihe crownlna
Inflnence wn Rllr.n'a keeplnir them
from shootlm an Innoretii tnnn After
a long dlsriiNHlon that whk extended
over many days all were tirotighl Into
an agreement to drop tbe fend and In
vite the fugitives fo return. The In
vltatlon waa accepted, and the fetid
Mra. Jim Green became a tower of
feminine strength among both purtle.
and It waa she alone on many occm
alons who by ber Influence held the
factlona In check and prevented a re
newal of hostilities,
. i .
Real Eatate Tranafera.
The following are the real estate
tranafera that have been filed lr Ibe
office of the County Recorder:
James A. Bunnell to W. J. Schmauch.
lota 3 and 4, block 12. Oak Grove
Park; I6B0.
A ,W. and Mabel Botkln to R, V.
tinman and W. R. Harris, 82.33 acrea
of aectlon 18townahlp 2 south, range
6 eaat- $1, ' ,
Frank and Oeasle VS. Andrews to
Mark Ocon. tract . Frultvlllo acres;
Hlbernla Savings Bank to Ellen B.
Coldfelter, lota 6 and 11, block 2, lots
13 and ix, block 4, lots IS, 16, block
Miiwankie park; 11. .,,
1 ,
Your bills are all pal- hy ahooli. Your oboek. whsn' ratu-.
com a receipt No trouble about ehaiiao. nV
mania, ne question aa te where your money has none a. i.- "Mr
you have received. Your pass Seek and the atuha ! . ' ...?9w ""Hit
always ton ine story.
. . .
The Bank q Oregon City
a a LJkTODRBTTTi Proeldent
of grbcos crry , Oregon
a 0 ismt Stanklng Buolnees.
Oregon Qty Woolen
MiUs Pays Top Prices
For Clackamas County
Julia Sager ot al to William A. and
Francla Yeomana, 38.3(1 acrea ef aec
tlon. 4. township 3 south, rsngo 1
eaat; f 10.
Adolf Kraal fcfehmldt to Gabriel
t lareure Cblode, land In section 34
t.rge A. and Maggie Ward to O.
1 Rby, 6 acrea of latitn Cranflll Land
naim. townablp 3 south, rango
oast; 10.
Heart to Heart
Talko. -
ty nowLN A.pnrn
Tbe torture of tbe IiiiiuIIIIoii a not
entirely of ie pant. The modern ra
ta tbe dental surgeon's chair, aud about
tbe ouly difference between Ibut ibalr
ami Ihe thnlr of the WueuUh Imiulnl
tor N lu the upbuUlerlug.
You k lo your dend-t for nn exam
Inntlon or -leanlag of your teeth. Tbui
deutlnf imiy b u very dear friend, but
lu hU torture cbamlier lie become
your d-ari-nl foe.
"Ha! What bare we herT" Tbu
tbe ImiuUitor. "Two filllngsf We
niunt have another npilntinei)t. Iluw
would tomorrow al 3 o'clock suit you T
It nulla )ou like au Invitation lo le
You lenie lite reM-ii e of Hint heart
lena dcn;li a fbaiigel and a melan
choly muti. Your uervea are Jangleu
like sweet Im-IIm out of luu-. An ou.l
nous pro-tpect -3 o'clock! It looms evei
on the horlron of your nulx-ou iou
neas. '
You t-lliuli Into Ihe hateful
chnlr next day with a sort of sb kl.v
smile, or you make a ghnntly Joke
Adjuaimenl of the napkin la like put
ting the liooMe sImiiiI Ihe link of th
d'Mimed wretch ere he U to. awing off
First Is a aklrmUb when the anilllui;
villain p'eka brutally into a Md simii
He now legln hU mtirilernuM Job
the grlnUliig out of the hole. He call
them mete "cavities." but Ihey are
holea-hole n big n tree ntutntM
You timer and tllncb mid griint. He
keeps buntbig for "ihe place when1
you llvr." And you are "at home."
Afterward there In the hammering
In of tbe vii.d with a "aledgt-liatniuer '.'
It la a h.iid war to inipilre rlcben:
Tbe riiwal forces the inetitl on yon.
thotiKlt It la no legal I ler. And bla
supreme contempt for your Utter feel
Iiikm! Iteally. It la unfair to thin
hammer a man when he in down. .
All over-except the MiUntilng
And that, on top of the other aa
aaulta. aeema a surplua. becauae tbe
mail I no (leboiinir with his rtithleaa
wheel ItMhe vicinity of aore and man
gled gums. i
Flnnllr the agony ceaaes.
When you rle )ur first luiulHe
la to alaughter. but you dealxt wo t)
yoti reuiemher Hint "faithful are trie
wounds of a friend. Touching tut
gilded place with your tongue, yoti feel
a whole man again. And It may be a
year before yon suffer another martyr
dom! Why, a whole gob of optimum. Aft
er all. the world Is good. You laugh a
thouaand tlmea where you grunt but
The sheep and Iamb market la de
pressed and value are generally low
er. To some extent the pressure Is
duo to the marketing of poor quality.
This Is hurting the general sheep
trade and shippers receive far amalter
returns than tbey would If the stock
were kept at home vntll the surplua
waa cleaned up.
No Quesswork
about your money matters .
are a asnoslta aiJ m"w whoa res
w w w wiaa r BBBtaukt. a.
- seek
SAFi nine AMn
r. I.' MBYBJl. CM.
Open free Ia. m.Ui
Ad Ices from tbe Interior recent);
were to Ihe effect that ther Is far
greater number of ahvep available
than range can be found . it
velope ibat the range.- a ihorteet
where the number of sheep u grM,.
eat. For lhat reaatm sheep onra
dealro to market "them with as little
delay aa possible.
.Quottreena roe Ortgen r,lt.
I'OTATOF.8 llesi. ; M. t'uoi
IS IS; rorr.mon, 2. During, rarkni.
elec. 13.10; ordinary. SI SO.
riX)UR AND FKErriour Is
steady, selling from IS to tS M; very
little of cheaper' grades. fe4 la
higher snd rising slowly. - Rna brine
OATHllurlng) (iray, froia M;
while, from 2d to 127.
HUTTCR (Unytog) Oralaary
country brings from lie' to JOc,
fancy dairy from 20r to lie, ersaav
ery XJc to I5c.
EOOS t tiuyingr are raaclcg frost
20e to lie. according to trade
POULTRY (Iluylng-rina with lit
tle good atock offered. Coot heat art
1 hrinalna l&c Old rninlri ara la nnor
dmsnd, broilers bring from 20e to lie,
with good demand.
WfK)l (Iluy.t.n at'ool prion an
ranging from 13c to 15c
MOHAIR (Hurlng.-rr'cai n
hair bare hern wj up, aome atrial
brought aa h'xh e 39c locally. Qoo
tatlont are 37H and demand la strati
from m 60 to 117 60, ahorti to IM,
rolled barley 31.B0 to 11132. proeera
barley 33, whole corn S31 to lit.
cracked cot 33 to 133. Wheat IM
to 33.
HAY (fluylng.) Timothy 111 to
117. Clover. $13 to lit; oat bay. best
113: mixed, 12 to IH; alfalfa, BIS
to 119.
H I DEH ( Iluy Ing C rwo" bides. U
lo flo; aaltera, S4c to 6c; dry hlM
12c lo 14c. HhisD Delta. 2Se to lit
DRIED FRI'ITS-Iocat orlcei are
Arm at from 8c to 10c on apples aa4
prunes, t'eschea are loo.
SALT Selling 80c to 0c tor fits.
60 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 75 for
100 lb. sacks.
Portland Vsgstabta Marktts.
ll.2SiQfl.fi0 per Back; pnrsnfpa, 1121
fill 60; turnlpa, 1 ZSOfl.eo; oeeta,
VKOKTAHL14n Anparaaus, Welt
II. 7S per ate; enbhage, orw, 12 pe
hunrti ad weight; cauliflower, ll.aOO
11.78 per doaen; celery, California. Tie
lUWe per dosen; cucumber. ll.SOV,
13 2S per doen; egxpiant. 16c Pf
garlic. nc(el2o per puid: Iflttitca. ,
6e per rl.ixen; hothouse lettuce, flJO
IJ per Ikix; pena, flrffllc p
pepnd: nennera. 30eff35c Pr pouad:
radlahea, He per doaen; rhubarb, IS '
ft .lo per pound; sprouts, 9c; tomttov. ,
t?t 13 25.
POT ATOK8 Oregon, lohblni price.
13 60 per h'indred; nw pottUiM. TC
f?7'4e per pound.
ONION8 Johblne prlcs; Oro
12.75 per 100; Australian, I3.M rw
100; Texaa. $1.26 per crate: O'lT
nla. 3 per crate
Oregon Cltv Stock "Uuott! ;
H0O8 Hoes are ouoted H Mtt
From 126 Iba. lo JR0 ba. 9H. fr0"
ISO I ha-to 200 Hit, SHe. . . ' '. .
VEAL CALVES Veal enlvej 0T1M
from So to too according to
DEEP BTfCttna -laal '.icarl f0"
the loial mai kets are fetchln IH't0
(!', live e-eitut.
FHKF.P .vie nrm at o to ''.'
PACON. LAKn aitd HAM. tri Br"1
f ' 'II mi i Use aa i i as aajaa rti aawasea aee-
We Py Top Prices
regon Commission Cc
'Dealers fn Flour, Hsy,
Grain, Feed, Coal and
Produce. , ' , ,
1 1 th end MAIN STS
' Orccca CUV