uoiufUfo cNTEKpmam Wednesday, june 21, 1911. CELflLS IS ELECTED mm ESTACADA 1 ..'1 w . ..... . A. C. WARNIR It CHOSCN IN I MOUNT' PLEASANT. : .' , OltTRlCT. '. At tb annual aiding of school dla tiirt No. 109. Estacada, L K. Belflls Was elected director, to servo for three year. Mr. Sarah E. Batea elected clerk for the coming term The other two members of the achool board ar J. W. Reed, chairman, and . J. P. Woodl. Mr. Reed aucceeded John M. Stormer aa chairman of the board, the latter having aerred on the board for the laat six years. The teacher appolntedifor the coming term are: Clande W. D?votm assist ant; ' Mra. Minnie Altman, of Portland. . seventh and eighth gradea; Mlaa Ellen C. Moehnke. of Oregon City, fifth and alxth; Mlaa Eva IX Prunner, third and fourth: Mra. Maud Graham, of Port land, second, and Mlaa Vlnnie A. He witt, or osnkoen, wia., nrai At the annual meeting of the tax payers of the Mount Pleasant achool district A. C. Warner waa re-eiectea director for the three-year term. Mr. Warner haa been a director of the Mount Pleasant schools for nine yeara. Ward B. Lawton waa re-elected clerk There waa a good attendance at the meeting. B. Leo Paget waa elected director and Mra. Ada Coagriff clerk at the annual achool meeting in Oak Grove It waa suggested to the new board to purchase single aeata for the achool. At the meeting in Mllwaukle Mra. tMArgarete D. Reed waa elected di- rector and Mra. Maggie Johnson was reeieciea ciera or in eieveuia ume. The financial atanding of the achool ia excellent, the receipta for the year were more than $14,000 and the die buraementa a little mora than $1000. This leaves a balance of $4000 In the ; treasury. The achool being out of debt, the board recommended a musl ' cal instpactor and a ten-months achool to the taxpayers. Both measures were ananimoualy carried. A vote of thanks waa tendered Mr. Birkemler for hia work la behalf of the achool during hia service. Mr. BIrkermler haa been director for more than twenty-two yeara. The clerk's salary waa raised. Unclaimed Letters. List of unclaimed letters at the Oregon City poatofflce for the week ending June 12, 1911: Woman's list Forbes, Mra. Lottie. Nickerson, Mra. E. W. (1); Reeae, jshu Vol. MrMs. J. D ; Webb. Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Macftiat Alagich, Mijalo L,; Faust. Chariea; McMUlea, Frank B. ., OlsoavjCart . Portland Coupl Married Hera. Miss Anna Mary Hart man and Geo. Edward DrieeoU. of Portland, ware married Wednesday by Jostle of the Peace) Samson. Ther were attended by George A. Brown and Catherine Keller. CLARKE8. Mr. A. Klelnamlth and family, from Medford. Or, visited their relatives ia Clarke recently. Mra. Klein smith intends to stay with her mother during the summer. Sam Elmer and family attended a wedding In Solatia of Mr. , Elmer's nelce. O. Sorenson ' Is working for Mr. Wet Hauler . Alexander Scherruble is working for Mr. Elmer. - Otto Elmer has come home from school. Elao and Edna Elmer visited their brother at the achool In Cor vallla for a few days. Mra. Tallman is In Portland in the hospital. She underwent an operation. Mr. Sullivan hauled lumber last week. Miss Prances Curran,. of Oregon City, visited Miss Zelma Cummins Sunday. Charlie Henton has returned from Washington. Mr. Bavrer and daughter Tillie, went to "Portland for a few day. Mia Mary and Maggie Sullivan have returned from Oracon City. ' .Mr Wallace, of Highland, hauled , tumor on Monaay. .J"' Mr. Buttemiller la painting the roof of hi bouse. W. G. Kleinsmlth has purchased a team. Edward and Otto Bnel went to New Era on Sunday, to visit their uncle. A. Durst and family, of Union Mills, were in Clarkes on Sunday. Mr. and MrMs. Solomon Click and ' haa mother visited hi slater, Mrs. Horatetter on Sunday. KILPATR1CX SEEKS TITUL YsbVs Star AtbMa Will Qe Aftae All " . ArMind CHsseshia. Yale will have a repreeeotntlro l the all reiiud satlouai championship this year Joau II Klipetrkk. lb rep tala at the track inm sod atar end uf tbo football etevea. has decHh-d to compete la this event 'at tbocbaiuploo ship meet, which wilt le held In Che eagw Julv -Ji Kllpatrtck great all round ath lete He baa great ahllltv with the Rundav achool will hold IU annual picnic neat - Thursday oa the church lawn. There win be lateresimg ex erctsea by the pupils and refresh ments free foe everybody. A cordial lavltatton I extended to alU J t f Zf ; '.. Real litil Transfers. C. G. aad Amanda Johnson to N. P. Hull, all mereantable timber south of Milk - Creek read, la south half of northwest quarter aad north half of southeast quarter, section a. township southeast quarter, aectioa , township S south, range S eaal; lit. Klisa Starkweather to William L Starkweather, 16.07 acres, Jason Kel logg donation land claim, townahlp 1 south, rang 1 east; $1. A Matrimonial ( : Tangle jj !And the Remarkable Manner In Which It Waa Unraveled By ALLAN C LANOND ; Copyright by Aiwrtru Preaa Aaa M elation, HIL i Phots by Aasertaaa Press AssoctaUoe. . a. a. EiuraTaics rtmura raa aaox - weights. Is a good Jumper and hurdler Be la also a fast sprinter and can ran and walk a mile In fairly fast time. Kllpatrtck la a big. powerfully built fellow, weighing nearly 300 pounds. bat despite hia weight la aa agile aa a panther. He haa begun systematic training for this sveut. and Johnny Mack, hia trainer, believes be will be la good enough condition on the day of the meet to carry off stellar honors For Tala to win this Important event Kllpatrtck most be at bis best, and enow form be baa lacked In previous meets. Opposing him in that competi tion will be the greatest athlete In the country. Martin Sheridan, the rec ord holder of this event, has signified hia Intention of competing. Other who are likely to compete In this event are Garrella. the Chicago champion: F. C Thomson of Loa Angeles, who won the event last. year, and John Bredemus of Princeton, winner of the title Id 1900. MMM CATCHER THOMAS BOASTS or HIS LUCK. S "Too can call me a lucky ball . X player," says Catcher Ira Thorn- ? aa of the Athletics, -for I have been literally canned into two J world' series, The New Tor Iters sent me to Detroit in time to ? take part In the melon catting with the Cubs, and then the De troit turned me over to the Alb letlcs to take part In another straggle for post-soason gold. 1 believe thia la a record that no other player can boast of -- STAN AGE AFTER RECORD. CALL ON F. D. Sturges When yotf wish to hire an atftomobile. At Elliott and Parks Garage. " REASONABLE Home Phones A-72, B-80.' Pacific 3302. WILDWOOD HOSPITAL Oregon Ctty 'Furnished with operating room, vard and private rooms. Graduate Nurses tac 2243 Horn D-298 BASEBALL . ' RECRf ATION PARK, ' Cor. Vsvfltt and Twenty-fourth St. fTACCCIA I PORTLAND Jims 20, Si, 22, 13, ti, O. Oamss eglit Weekdays at 9 p. m, . Svndays, 2:S f. M. ' . LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. , Coys Tder 1J Fro to Blsachsr Detroit Backstop Saya He Will Cateh In Every Game This Season. Barring accident. Oscsr Stallage, the Tlgera' atar backstop, proposes to break the record thia year In the mat tar of games be Intends to catch. Stanags expects to be behind the bat i every game the Tigers play this year, barring accidents, of coarse. Fie feels that bs can sccompllsb this feat with credit to himself, and a Jen nings la none too long on catcher be encouraging Stanage In bis Inten- tlona Stanage. by the way. bss de veloped Into a first class catcher. De work easily behind tbe bet. ases good lodgment and makes bis work easy. BASEBALL CHIPS Russell Ford's mystery ball brass both wsya . ... ; ... v Manager Chance pay Three Flo gsrsd" Hrowo S50 every time be acts aa rescsloj! sngot , , . . A new baseball mask Is on tbe mar ket - Tbe oprigbt between the eyes la removed, so ths - receiver won't be cross eyed. - ' Fred Loderus la deveiuplur uto one of be great slugger of the National leaga , Hbt bat has won any bomber of gaaiee far the blliiea. , ... Pitcher Able) formerly of the Now Tork Americana arid saiw of (be Oak land (CaLt dub. ran bid a ball In bla meat books. The batsman cao't catch evea a glimpse of the lestber as It neatlea In the big twiner's bamllke bands. Edmund Lamy. who for four years was the undisputed champion , of America on ska too on tbe Ice, has made good In hia attempt at profee atonal baseball with the Mansfield team of ths Ohio and Pennsylvania learns. Manager Ha tin. formerly of tbe. While Hoi. believes n has a find la tbe Saraaac Lake Qi. f 4 pktyor. MACKSBURO. ' Miss Lucy Mitts baa returned homo from h visit la Portland and Salem. Bea Jackson ha gold his bora and hnggy. . Mlaa Leno Cribble attended the ball game at Mackabarg Sunday. The Canby boys were victorious at Mackabury Saturday. August WlUbroad has gone to tb hospital at Portland. Mrs. Dreler was Portland visitor last wsek. Mr. Eby. Jr, is putting ap a osst bovso. . - BCAVCR CRCCK. ' Ths Walsh Congregational church In tbe olden tlmea wh'u tbt-re weiv bat three cla-M hi tbe , Miiillierti states, tbe planter, tbe oor white nl the negro, tbe planter wa a wrt patriarchal governor aud bin fauillv were bis deputlea. Each planiatlon waa a small community, and when the patriarch was a kindly tnau tbe wont slavery was In some reae tot a ni nomer. There was often among tUe' planter fa ml lie a nolileMwTobiice that la a wboleeome feature in au.v noiie While tbe young men anil women ' thia clasa In tbe nialu regnrld ine.r obligations seriously, they wvre riiie to Impulse and often' to reckieMMuea All bad their Ideas of bouor aud riiiv airy and . a certain ludt-pendent-e lu practicing them. " Colonel 1 Grand of Mlilpil called colonel by courtey -s one uf these community gotviimr nnd by virtue of the system prevailing at the time In the woutb a small iiiouanli wss beloved by bis subjects for a aracooLraa to inr ktvont. generous. Impulsive man with an ab normal sense of honor, lie bsd Ave sons and one daughter. la aucb csaex-Lwbuwaa-Jntipri!!initdui-e.Bndjar: the daughter Is tbe vlrtnal sovereign of ths family. Anita Le Crand ruled first her father and then every one tbst her father ruled. Sbe was In every respect a chip of the old block. So tender hearted was sbe that she found herself In a perpetual state of char itable bankruptcy. Ths time came when thin defect. If It may be called a defect, lu Uht L Grand's character waa bound to abow Itself In her choice of s buxbsuil. Wbrn she waa alxteen it was sold of ber that abe would soon make come young man very bnppy or very tuixeraMe When abe was seventeen sbe u uiak lug several young tueo IhjUi hupp; and miserable. Wbeu sbv wait elgUi sen every gentleman bachelor ft her suitor, snd st nineteen sbe wns in eitricably Involved with half a duaen applicants for ber baud. "Won't you try to love me?" one of these suitors would plead. -Tea; I'll try - He went away happy, and another took his place "If you don't lovs ms my life will I wrecked." "Oh. don't Ulk like tbst. - I'll do the best I can." "If yoo won't be mine." said a third. "I aball go homo and a bullet will end alf "Ob, dear! Glv ms time to tblnk about It" Since every on of these suitors went sway magnifying bis cbsnces and each came eventually to look upon himself as ths favored one. It waa tiot loug before Miss Le Grand was In a atats of semi-engagement to each one of these young men. Indeed, sbe saw her self on tbe brink of a stats of betroth al bankruptcy similar' to those cbiri- table crises over which ber father bad often tided ber. But unfortunately for ber tbe kind man could not save ber from a multiplicity of suitors True, slues sbs wsat to blm for baccor'lu sll her necessities, abe laid this betrothal muddle before, blm. Tbe cvloael took ths matter under advisement Anita gave him a Hat of tbe young men who claimed that abs had encouraged tbem, though there wss really no more en couragement than Is to be found In tb abov named responses to their plead ings. Tbe list smbrsced the most de sirable palls, among lb neighboring plantations. "Whatr said Colonel Ls Grand to himself. "Albert, the son of my old friend Wharton! My little girt could not do better. If sbe Is pledged to blm b moat keep ber word. Ill fstber Is tbe soul of honor, and my daughter moat be scrupulously honor able with hia son. Tonng Fits-War ren, tbe sol heir to one of tbe finer! plahtsrlons la tbe south: Rntledre! Wlatertont All fine fellow. Kvery man aa honorable gentleman. But hare's ono 1'm aot so certain about Dick Abarcrombto. Too mot-h gun powder la blm.. He's fought two duels. Tree, by one of tbem he got rid of a fallow who was trying to ruin bis younger brother by gambling I would not mind him If It weren't that bo will surely get himself killed la some fnsh Ion aod lear my little girl a widow They rail him 'Mad Dick' Abercromble. and be well named. No. be wori'l do at all. Still, be UJoet be treated honorably." v" i Tb colon sT sett move was to rail ais daughter lata hia otne room aad jnttoa her a to ber feetiug toward thee Individuals, lie txsjtta at tb top of tb Mat -Have ou gives your word to Bert Whartsn. mr ditrilNitr i .. dosj'l kn.ivV ... i "Po ,vmi he blm?" -I ihlak I uiikbt If I tried. "flow about HiaUarrear "I thluk.l uila-ui love him a Uin mo." "You mean ou might lovs him et eloalvelyr "Yea" "Then there are Rutledge. Wlaterton and Aherrrumlile. I bar no objection to any of them except AhecrroutUie To this titer m no reply. "Abr-rouille t-anie very nearly kill ing hlmeif rlllm bis Iwtv vl1in In tbe races Inst seswm. sud li mlcht h.i i' been shot by Ibil villain be lu aisled on Dutuliiit if it Uiidn't hern for bis lu. k. Tbee re k less f el Iowa all eeeut o lie prtnecteil by tbe ghosts of tbHr iiiMmniles or sums other guard Ian We must count Abervrouible out." "Yes, I Mips 'Tbie yon haven't pledged yourself to hint In any way " "Not any more thmi the others." " "ll'iu! Not any more! Ilsve you given him ss much encouragement a tbe otbersT "Jnt sNmt." . . The colonel kbit bis brows "Well, mv dHUKbter." be said after reflection. - tesr l cau l help yuu In the matter. I wish I could r boose for you. Init that la Impossible. Couaull your own heart and"- . "All right, papa I'll Oud some way eutoflt. Iton'tworry" Sbe kissed him affectionately and de paned. Anita consulted ber own heart and found that there waa a leaning toward the only one of ber suitors to whom her fstber objected. "Mad Ilck" Aber cromble. unfortunately held Orst place oa tbe list. Sbe would bsve taken some mesna to ellmluate tbe otbera and get out of tbe mixldle by accepting him had It not been for ber father's disapproval. Hut her father would disapprove of ber not keeping faith with blm as well as tbe others. There fore sbe derided that, whatever the plan sbe chose to settle tbe mntter. ah would give bint an equal cuatw-e. Mlaa Le Grand a plan for a decision was a stroke of p-mns. At least so b ronsldereil It herM-lf. Khe wrote each one at tbe spptb-snts for ber band a note statlutt that site bad in come snmewbHt lovoivetl with several of them and hud t-ois-iiidi-ti lo marry the nrau who loVeo tier teai. I his point sbe would deteriiillie by the ett ergy displayed lu emieuvoriug to se cure ber baud. Tbe tlrsi mxu wbo proposed to ber In t4ii alter tbe re ceipt of ber note she would accept. Mlaa Le Grand, bilvlng written tbe notes, gave tbem to Anns, ber maid, tb deliver tbe neit morning and tbe same evening disappeared. .Tbe Le tirsnd piuniailon wss situ ated about ten" miles from the Miss's slppl river. Mlsa jt Grand srrauged with Cucle Bob, the master of tbe horse, to CI out the carriage and have It standing outside tbe gate at 11 o'clock on the nlubl of her disap pearance. Accompanied by , Anna, 7' J. Oros R. M. Resco W. Holsnagsl R. Slahlnecksr A. lloUnagel . District N. 11 V. A. Jonss ............ IWal A company ..i.... Horner Bros. ........... Henry Cromer Harry Itowell ... Carl Howell Archj Howell Ruaa llowsll .1 rted s iNirtuisnietiti. Anita stole out of tbe bouse and made ber way to tbe carriage, (tending Anna back wlib a last Injunction to deliver tbe note. Cncle Bob was Instructed to drive to a little town on Ibe bunk ot tbe Mis sissippi river. There tbe nest morn Ing sliout lu o'clock a steamboat com ing down stream stops'd at ihewbarf. Mlsa Le Grand went alHstnl. tbe steam er drifted off. and our truveter regis tered 'as bound for Hntoo Kouge, whet she Intended lo rb.it a reia five. 8jme ten miles of tbe Jonrney bsd been . traversed when a man on the eastern shore, about two miles below tb boat, plunged Into the yellow wa ters of tb Mississippi aod swam for the channel. When tbe steamer ties red tbe point where he waa swimming be waa olxerved by tbe captain and some of tbe passengers. ..Tbe forward guards soon became rrowded. On reaching tbe swimmer be waa seen to be straggling to keep afloat, for be bad made a long swim la dangerous waters. A plank waa thrown to blm. and a yawl usually towed at tbe atern of such boats waa palled for blm. He waa taken aboard tb yawl and rowed to tbe ateamer lo an oibaoeted condi tion. Miss Le Grand, who . bad not slept tbe nlgbf before, waa dosing In tbe ladles' cabin. She wss swskened by a babble of voices and aaw atanding before ber. foremost la a crowd of pas aengers. water snaked and pantincr. none other than "Mad Dick" Abeeurom bio. "I've come to ask you to marry me." wa bla greeting.. There was a biu-at of taaghter from tbe crowd. In, wblcb Mlsa L Grand Joined. - ' "Accept blm.". shouted on. "Any man wbo haa the energy and pluck In wooing a woots a to commit himself to thin eddying' and whirling river de serves ber." Mlsa Le Grand extended her band, and Abrrvromble. kneeling, kissed It When Colonel Ls Grand heard of the remarkable method by which hi daughter had unraveled her mstrl moolsl tangle and bow fMsd Dick" Abercromble bad won be exclaimed. "The rascal Is worth; a doten of the others " And when ho aaked Dick how he eo! wind of the direction Anita had taken be rerelred tb following evasive reply: "I flatter myself, colonel, there la not one of your servants that would aot give me a Hft In the chief vnt of my nf." And b waa right. 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 70.00 1I1IT les.oo 44.00 4ll."0 40.00 13.00 0.00 7.00 17.00 43.00 34.00 UDo MOO 30.00 3.00 73.0" 31.00 3300 33.00 3H.O0 37.00 33.iV) 18.00 S 1.00 Stm 10 oo 4.5 ji.:s 13.C0 20.00 30.00 1.60 1100 34 50 USD 1.0 33 50 3300 3.00 33.73 31.00 1100 30.00 17.75 K.00 J5.IH) ItOO 11.00 ll.(H) lt.00 51.50 33.00 11.50 WANT; asaii advertisements for this col'imn. prteaa vary rsasoa ablo. be rata at hood of to)naa. COUNTY COURT ixPSNOITUUHE ON v COUNTY ROADS FOR THS MONTH OF ' MAY. ' - v-t.4.- ' , C. M. Folsom C. 8. Hard . V. A. Bard Hoy W'llco . John jU'hlnk K. II. Llson . Kit. lacy .,, Georg Keller . . G. W. Howard . . . W. II Handle ... Kd. Cloaner . . . , . Milton Schmidt . . I; Smilh .... II. Newhlier ... Kd. Young 11. Simmons . Joseph Guttrldge K. Genserowskl -r (', Handle 1). (lenserosskl . Robert Maltoou , V. Tucker John Klgglns . .. Krank Howell ... (learv Howell ... Ream Johney Cloaner . . Bert Park .H. Mathewa .. O. H. Karr ...... Krauk Millard M. Millard ..; A Millard I. Iireld ...I.. Iireld. 8rl It. tiuttrldge J. Ilayner W. Strunk Kay Marra Fred Newhlter C. Newhlter M. Newhlter K. Folsom I. M. park J. I). Croner Ira Ibmney W. C'losner District No. 34 C. A. MrC.lnnls Trojan powder Co Wilson A Cotike II. Fisher J. AditmoHky R Wllke K. Srbrekentiark II Oldenstadt .......... R. Hchroeder LL Athey , E. Tledeman C. Feglea W. R Feglea I. Wllken N. ChrlMtensen ,, , Bryh NeWTon 8. Mster , C Zimmerman . . . ; I Tedtemeler A. Mayes II. Newton II.. Drink L M. Perlot A. nypozynskl F. Kelnhofer Kelnhofer :.......;.. . Tledeman Zimmerman , Gross 8chroeder B. Boekmsn A. Moaer A. Thomas W. Koellermeler J. Vanderabono G. Gross ... G. Friedman L. Koellermeler F. Zimmerman W. Hell berg A. Groaa H. Toedtemeler T. Johnson M. McClotid O. Tledeman R. Schroeder W. Kalaer District No. IS. Beall It Company 1143.60 ' 6.60 ....I 3.38 4.8S .... 1180 .... 32.6 J .... 14 71 . . . . 36.60 , . . . 3.60 .... 33.1! ... 29.75 , ... 33.12 34.25 .... 30.25 35.37 3387 , ... 18 50 , ... 33 00 ... 23.00 .... 18 06 .... 20.25 . . . . 4.60 . ... 2:t.oo .... 3H.60 4 Co .... 7.75 1.2 .... 13.50 , . . . 4.60 78.7 496.0 .... 18.25 .... 29.25 38.00 11.60 66.25 66.25 61.75 29.16 84.00 8 00 47.25 36.00 33.75 2.25 7.10 34.50 W4 R. Loney . F. Smith . W. Lswl . M. Roberts 4.00 4.00 1.00 .1.00 A. J. Quay W. A. Proctor Paul R. Melnlg Fred Wsgner . B. F. Griffith A. J. Ault ...... Chester Setterly Walter Spiers .. Fred O. Wagner R. Blgnell Geo. Williams Wm. Booth . M. Wldner . Dick Jones . . Fred Wagner District No. 36. Oregerson Brother Msriu Johnson B. J. Anderson A. M. Anderson Oregerson Brother sTranLr O W sail n DIIUW ' A. M. Anderson John Stanton H. If. Jacobsoo E. H. Jscobson H. F. Nelson Lar Larson , , ,r. f , , A. K. Nelson Olger Bros. Albert Peterson W. 3. Carrol V.. , . . I HVV .....,..,,,, ' District No. M. Beall A Company , $ Own O. Thomaa ,,,, H. Thlssssa .,. Wilson A Cook Vera Hunter C. W. Colsmaa H.. Rlppey J. From my er i..,, Carl qarlaotl ',, 77.25 77.75 7.00 11.00 13.60 5.76 34.25 12.60 29.15 18.78 20.00 26.00 15.00 75.00 t 14.00 3.00 13.00 28.75 1.66 10.00 4.66 . s.6fl 00 0.00 80.00 8.00 t.00 1.00 1.00 114.41 S.28 1.13 8.50 . .76 1.11 11.60 13.80 1.1$ 22.63 W. F. wsrreo ....... J. Harding J. Hart C, Solver H. Weguer ...i R. SrhoenlMtrn R. Iwla .,. ... Herman .Fisher IV.. 7. J. Irish -. R. Bly B. Harrington C. . Htrrl H. I). Smith . Clyde Si tfrta' T. R A. Sell wood K. IX llroelje . . District N NMIson A C.ok Charley Stewart Jack Irish Olio Hlryker . Wm. II. Jones .', Wilt. II. Reea . . . Archie Thomson Charley Cahllt C. Hteaan . ... C. Cased ay Tout Kvaua Tom laves Frank Jaggar ... A-It. Hheppard . . Kd. Howard Tm IMtrlea John lewla ...... N. Caaeday Roy Baker Have Kvans Otto Sltyker A. Trsftoti Owen n. Thomaa Rvan N'wls ..... KlmerHly ...... Itojiert Hchoenlsirn Allen Edwards . . John B. Jackson . . II. O. IJen F. 51. Foiunsl . . , . John Irish Geo. Brenner . . . Han Lien Theodore Miller . A I Iter t Schnenhorn Carle A. Casady . . Roy Baker I J. Shockley Herman Fisher .. Wm. 8tewar L. T. Sinclair Chariea Welemandl Noah Chrlatner A. P. Jones ., Clyde Drlscol ........... II. II. Smith K. Whits Jacob Scboff J. M Klllott K. A- Pugh Frank Jaggar O. A. Arhllllea Gbo; Prlester R. Kupenbender District No, 40. Beall A Company II. F. Gibson Rd Douglass C. A. Burghardl . 1 1st via Km Ikmglass , Geo. Prourher Henry Anderson Uke ... Harry llendrlckaon Geo. Forma n '. Harvy Gibson v.. W. H. Stone Sherman Stone v William Haramon McCrarken W. C. Craft v. Will llurghardt G. A. Stone WUIIam Cox .. II. F. Gibson District No. 11 lwall A Company Paul R Melnlg M. Graferhaln David Miller John Bewa Charles t'pdegrav Wm. t'pdegrave . Lee Cooper Harry hnwtell ... Jay Morrison .... J. A. Shaw George Saw let I ... II. If. Udell Yanny Cooper ... It: A. Thayer .... 7.11 LIT 9U0 11.00 III 11 48.25 6110 171.18 "10 00 10 00 81.76 6 31 77.00 90.75 8.S0 6 50 1149.10 " 1.00 1.13 30.00 17.00 io oo . 4 00 1.00 16.00 10.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 3.00 1.60 4.00 1.00 10.00 10 00 r 1.00 16.00 4.00 138 66.16 10 io 11 25 toe 16.00 46.28 39 00 23 60 22.00 26 00 3.100 io oo 1J.00 11.00 I 0 3.K0 70 00 sts 41.00 44 00 4.00 1100 47.04) L00 71.00 62.50 3100 16 0-) 3 00 1600 16.00 I S.IS 33.15 70.00 Hoo 7t.W r.6. 17.50 (6.00 6C25 .'0.2 JO 00 45 PO 30 03 30 00 30.00 IP.OO 30.00 , 700 7.60 .11.00 33.18 i. ... i 28.75 4 80 80.60 43.00 25.00 12.00 31.00 61.00 15.00 4 18.00 14.00 41.00 12.00 11.00 John A (Thaller ij.oo Don Bod ley g ot George Kl'zmlller O. R. Woodl Paul R. Melnlg O. R. Woodl District No. 42. Rd. Wormd'aul A. E. Taylor K James .... B. 8. Jone-.; M. Rowell .... Austin Taylor.... Edwin Jackson U II. Judd Oregerson Bros. ' District No. 41. . Roy Dauglaa ........ ,,..,,.. A. J. Kltxmlllar E. Gulnlsy , . .-, J. W. Cahlll . . . W, C. Myers Tracy Clesler O. W. Judd . Hi Preston . . Chart Murphy ',. , R. 8. Clark r . i ...... . William ITlivslns - - ; - Albert Rot her Dan Braxler J. W. Cahlll Glen Oarrstt Rd. Wolf B. f. Rsctot . . A. D. Burnett Plus Hill F. A. Thomas ...... ,,; . District N. 44. Wm. Cawday ... Davo Jone , r;,.'. 14.00 Chal. Rider V... ........ 11.60 George- Hamilton 1.00 A. Thompson 1.80 ...... ....... 4.00 26.00 4.80 43.76 3.60 16.60 12.2ft 22.75 11.00 S.76 10.50 10.81 18.00 4.00 11.00 20.00 11.00 11.00 11.00 14.00 4 00 1.00 11.00 10.00 .00 6.00 .00 10.00 00 .00 16.18 '4.00 4.00 W. at Oabora J. W. Illatt K. Thompson ,., W. Us.H , W. S. Rider ',',''' A. 3, Marr VV. P. Jack Dlatrlcta, 4s W. T. Henderson . L Bakar .........,.'.'.';',,t" John Arquett Jullua Johnson Mlka Orauaukl Dan Stabtiiecker Mik Rydjewskl C. K. tfiirfua . Mlk Rydjeakl ......i District No. 4I J. R. MumiKiwar . . Carl Mum power L. II. MutuMwr ,., J. C. Ilolconi Kln Italian , Frank Gooitaon Cha. HsUsn J. K. Karr " " L. IV MtimtMiwer ., rrank Katter ' Will Iris '.',' C. V. 8mlih C. Shaffer Lester Smith J. P. Murphy , ... : District No. 4. F. U Mack .............. J. 0. DeShaser ..'...'...... Geo. Kelseeker Ray How Got fried Sluckl Fred Kelseeker John St Clair John Kelseeker Flrwood lumber CorT.':r". Paul R. Melnlg .......... District No. 49. J. F. Snyder Georg W. Cal well G. li. Sanford F- II. Davl W. W. porter H. O. Sanford H. If. Andera Ben F. Rawlins Geo. Hathaway I. J. Israelaon . ., A. T. Hunt M. J. Anderson , ."."... . . . M. Snyder Paul Bauer G. T. Hunt District No. 60. M. C. Colson .1 SJ.os Geo. Durgau JtM K. Reed Hi W. Hubbard 17 U J. P. Davie no C. R. Thorpe M Dltrlct No. 61. J. K. Hlefer ....$ 61.21 ti. lioeae .' ..,- (1.04 Jake Ifgren 60.00 Leonard Pltner 11.00 Allien Boos 31.00 Krneal lloese". 21 M Clarence Heifer 2140 A. J. McClung MM A- Warner 1100 Mark Wllmarta It.M Henry Beck 2004 liana Hennensen 100 Henry Hoffmelster 1.04 A. J. Case 304 Christ Zlncell 144 O. W. Green 144 lot 144 Ifrt Uoo ,4.00 loo loo 400 4 00 loo . 1.00 H 111 f I 4.M ' lot ' 100 1.04 lot 4.04 10.00 11.00 1100 111 , i04 1 uu 31.00 ill I u to 31.00 - .04 . 1104 . lltt . 1240 104 . 4.04 lit . UU I 64.04 4.41 40.04 . . 6040 3240 . 34.40 . tt.04 . -21.04 . 24.00 . 17.01 .".11.04 . ' 44 . tM LA . 4464 I District No. 62. Mr. Geppart A. Guide ., Will t'lrlch George Held II. W. Kane Joe Rushford C. F. Zlnser Geo. Held Will t'lrlch II. W. Kanns C. F. Zlnaer Miller Mowrey II. W. Kanns District No. 63. J. W. Ebnsr C. R. Skltlor Sam Low John Low ... George Palmer Edward Jackaon Claud Marsh J. & Mason .....' C. A. Beugll District No. 64. Fred . Wstts B. B. Aker Ben Stsnton J. L. Stanton ............. C. Casto J. 8orenaen Levi Toder P. D. Samson Graver Kunis C. 0. Hoffman . . I ... .. w. . i v. ik urinwr . . .... P. J. Schneider John W. F, W. F. Stanton w District No. 65. Wilson A Cooka .... w 12.W 1.00 ' 1.00 4.00 1.00 10.C" iP 1.C5 1.00 171-2. l.c- lit 6.c: 17.:' 1.0.1 114 14.13 11.15 IS 41 6040 1.00 1W III IM ITS ISO 11.45 .40 24.00 4.00 104 1.00 11.00 11.00 21.00 20.04 Mi f 41.00 . 14.00 . 14.40 . 1104 . 100 . 1100 . 12.00, . 20.00 , 4 . . J4 1.04 .104 Owing a...,V5l Stanton Mor H H. Mattoon John Mattoon A. H. Myr A. B. May ,. C. Jubb W. C. Ward E. Voha Fred Voha C. Craft Andrew Graham C. Jubb. W. H. Mattoon 1 , J. Mattoon ., W. C. Ward ......... t " ' H. 8vler . , A. R. May ..... " (Tb L Couwoued.i .,.:.' 110 RIVVARD ror.tho trrt an conviction of any parson or person, unlawfully ramov eoplea of TM Morning EnterprU from premise of ubscrlber an e 4 paper has been, placed tbr by e 4 carrier. , A . . ' I saV dk atafasV AAAAAAAAOjf""