a 1 - MOP ElfElPf v LaeerlotleM 4f M Momine, . ..V,'tfM M mivW for ! ltd low prU DNG v The only dally" iwt7t;f t - tweert Partlaea) an 9mHmi e latee lf every NdiM e Cleefca- mm County, twit posaaealoaj e 80000. Are ywe m advert) eorf t WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISH CD I860 VOLl-No.142. OREGON CITY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1911. Peb Week, 10 Cekt- IE BANDIT CORNERED, FIRES J POSSE MAUCARRIIN KIDNAPED,' FORC tD TO DRIVE MIOHWAV. MAN TO WOODS. DESPDUDOilS ESCAPED CONVICT BULLRU1ISUSFECT CHAUTAUQUA TO BE THE SPIRIT OF THE TIMES. PR0V00ST BABIN. STILL AT M BEST EVER HELD Llteutanant Cmmndw In Navy Detailed en Inspeetien Dirty. SHERIFF MASS RETURNS FOR MANAGEMENT OF WILLAMETTE REST AFTER HUNTING MAN TWO DAYS., sswawsssssaaw ASSEMBLY GETS FINEST TALENT OBTAINABLE. r Dpwty Sheriffs 1 Two Auto. Pur. sue Fugitive Through Parte Of Two Counties.. (AflVAUJB, Or "iue (Hic aherllTa 111 auloiimlillea mi, i' - - I ... ........I .... illti It,. ili.Mi..irailii. ' .,. kidnaped Rural Mallcerrler Huber m Munraoutb this efleruooit. V doirn .hole were fired by the out Urn, but no" bit the officers, who did not lire back, for fear of bm lug Itu li Tbo fugitive then abandoned the buniy and now hiding l the timber. There seems no doubt from l lie 1st i(.t descriptions that the outlaw Is tlll. tbo eacaped convict. Mailearrler U Kidnaped. 1 bo mailearrler m kidnaped Just i, untitle of Moumouib at 6 o 'clock tbU rvrnim. With Iho kidnaped mau iuu n ipile end compelled to drive the; MARTHA MARIA JAQUE8 CRUSH Vtf IU.WU III! v. ..... mountains. iho fugitive, who la believed to bo ihr seine; man h held up tluy Mhr In Curvaltle mat nlitht, made ble dea-m-i.ite coup when T. A. Nolt. iho town Miibl, O. A. Wol virion, poattnaster, UiiI Huber drove after him In Hu ra wagon aa bo woo leaving town mid ol tempted to put him under r ...m. When they overtook him, at a i.urkyard, a mile out of town, no auu Ufuly drew a gun BABY FATALLY HURT PURSUING LITTLE DOG AUTO SPEEDER S FINE PAID BY MINISTER ED BY WAGON DOESN'T RE GAIN CONSCIOUSNESS. HAH ELECTROCUTED AT TOP OF POLE PORTLAND MAN TO HAV HEAR ING TODAY ERICKSON TOO ILL FOR TRIAL. Mortb. Marie J.,h, three year., The author.t.e. of 0 CUy are old. died early Thuraday of Injurle. eiermine -...Hved by M. run over by a wa- .JuJI ato Eraon. koii whne viamng with her mother In ' c)j. on ,h(( CBCkamag River, will :indion. The little Klrl and bor hav a hearlnc for apeedlnj aa aoon and covered the 'mother had Jnt returned from I'enn-1 ne Bble to appear In court. Ho ... i.. . i Ivnii u.i.i.L unit kuil sone to Gladtone , .i,, hf.n.il to Chief of ponce unaw u, aet out of the vehicle and go back ! to vlnlt 'the family of Arthur II. Pow UvediiMdaf that be wa. too 111 to ap iii n uui ui ' ...... ., ..... . T1.. ......i,-, had ilreaaau It coaea . Tk. rhlof on Wedneaday halted 1o town, no oruori . -f" r " " L . " ' ... -irt .iw. rT". "k Vki-k ...in, throuan the iimuni death, to remain in mo aw in inun nu. " n " ."".,, -h. l .d drlvV ed lH.hlnd her. ; cliy at a' rapid rate of apeed The Htm I A mu,, do attracted Martha. anddrveri will Sherman. wa fined 10 Man Hold Up on way. ' M.fore her mother could net downy Kecordc-r 8tlpp. which waa paid by Then leaping Into the u-at healde Bnd g(J ,(, her the rhlid had ' B mlnlter. who waa a member of tbo tlie frightened mallcarrler, be whipped n (i fr(m (f m waRon loaded with party In the machine. Sherman at n,. horaea Into a gallop and Mbel ...., Tll driver irled to otou the fi,t tnaiHted that he had not violated .1T down tbo road ; h((r(M.(- ,(U, dld loo Mte A front tne aW( but the mlnlater aald bo waa. On the way the crtmiuai aioppoa u , iiw,j,n over the child", breaat. Hbe j ln , urry to get to roniana nu hi. flight long enough to hold up O. j wM unr,,nilcioug when taken to the wanted the hearing over a. ooon a. t. T.l rnhlMirV tlHlk III MOO tWO I ... ... i it TnanUv anil in ll.l. I. lliiuiH! , .. . - I Oil ire OI 1 J i - npniuic. . mllcat aouth of HrMaeport. according , lnnalon ,owed that the Injury, An automoblle going at a rat 01 ... i..i rerwlvod. Booth waa ,.,..i oi. did not reiialn . .hi,.i fnrt mllea an hour panned compelled to give up IIS In coin, hie LllltrMMWaa. . Coroner Kox made an; through Main afreet late Tuesday .. ....... . Ksmlknrrhlef. Ordering ...a ,i.iiiil that death nihi rhlr Rhaw obtained the num- WHl.il, .. " I IIIIIIMI.'I. ' , lllft"' ' - .! 1,1. vlcUm to atand where ho waa or ! aor)dentaL her. which wa. 6218. and found that art ahot, the deeperado keeping him , . , the machine belonged to Ralph Ack- -md mJooi iLbtLWM In .Ight.i - ! lev, who baa office, ln the Corbett nmde Huber drive ahead M IIHO TIDHD riVIHO l.nlldiiiK.-" Porllatid. r)tlTrJir.h.5 . . boraeoeouldgo. V MHN AKIIK I NUo called up over the telephone odmltted h.rii orant. of Hoik county. and J'UUj. InUVll I IHlU , , th number wa. that of hi. car. CoiiMable Moran, of Dallaa. with one VICTIM DANGLES ON WIRES, FALLS AND IS CAUGHT BY ' FELLOW WORKER. STARTS WITH CELEBRATION JULY 4 8enator Borah. Dr. Aked, Governor Yatee, Governor etanley and Many Othar. Engaged t Locturo. 1 What promlaea to be the moat auc- ceaaful chautauqua. of the Will amette Valley Aaaembly will be held at Cladatone on July 4 to July 15 Inclusive. All arrangement, have been made for the chautauqua, and the beat lecturer, alngera and other entertainer, that It 1. poaalble to ob tain bave been engaged. Coplea of the program which contalna thlrty-onc pagea, have been mailed to 10,000 per Bona In thi. and adjoining counties, and other persona wbo desire . pro grams may obtain them by applying at the Young Men". Christian Associa tion and J. K. Gill", bookstore In Port land, and Huntley Bros." drugstore and the First National Bank In Ore gon city. One lecturer, Senator Borah, of Idaho, waa obtained after the pro gram, were printed. He will apeak on July 8, and a large crowd la expected to bear him. Program Replete With "Good Things.' The program la so replete with good things" that it la almost lmpoe- More than 2000 volta of electricity anlffed out the life of "Red" Larson, of Portland, a lineman employed by the Portland Railway, Light & Power Bible to epitomize It, and deal fairly SEARCH FOR SLAYER TO CCKTl!'JE Woman Living Near Ardenwald Sees - Stranger Thought to bo ' ' Assailant of Milk- man Obrl.L Sheriff Mass returned to Oregon City last night after a two daya' search for the auspect In the Hill tragedy Men near the mouth of Bull WOMAN'S CLUB HAS ITS BUSIEST YEAR . n.irn wedneadav. Lar- with all the apeakera and rtl.U who F ' Tin. -ir.. t th ton of have been engaged. On opening, aou was repairing wire, at the top of 1 July )( GnnA Afmy Teter,n8 a pole wnen ne gave a trj i - wearing, the Grand Army button win other workmen looking up, saw him be admitted free of charge. There . ii ... . .inrk nf wires. Juat will be a game of baseball ln the a......R - -,--- Imornlna between "The. Teacbere" ef aa lie oroppea m m - r.,fcl,m.. ,,, .h "The. Rlsck ing wires ai. me - ,.- . team made un of lawyers. him. - I ,,hv(-lonii miniHtera and dentists of He was taken to a The county. Many of the best known and several men worked I In vain over Uclpate ln him for aooui iour nou... . doubtedlv will be waa brougnt to uregun ''"" worth the price of admission. Of oner Fox, after an xaminatlon. de- . . ... taak manT elded that death wa. accioenta, --- - - ... . K wKViTSK ved"ln nd unusually Interesting bec.u of I'orrianu MEETING THIS AFTERNOON TO HEAR RETIRING OFFICERS' REPORTS. .m f 11 men. and Sheriff llelagly of t orvallta, with Jtlolher aiaae, heav ily armed and well mounted, hurried to intercept the outlaw before he could nach the mountalna. Wantad Carrier For Hostage. It I. believed that he will endeavor to hold Huber a. a hoalaae. and that if Surrounded ho will ue hi. prisoner to shield himself from the bulleta or the poaae. Huber baa a wife and fam ily living In Monmouth. In hla flight, the outlaw passed through one county and Into another. for Monmouth, where he capiurea w GOLDIN CHICKS' CRAW - LOCAL PIONEERS ATTEND BIG REUNION The report, ot the retiring officer, of the Woman". Club, which will meet today at 2 o'clock in the Commercial Club rooms, will show that the club ba. accomplished more the paat year than ever before. The club ha set a record that It will be difficult to equal. Among the thing, accomplish were The afternoon-, entertainment will ,h beautifyng of McLougblin Park, coiiHist oi a concert oy me . mBmnrllo fountain to Dr, l..nl mnail. h th CI A. R. Drum nnmJ Th- Star Snancled Banner." McLoughlln. having the mayor name by Rose Bloch Bauer, reading tne annual "clean up aays, proviuiua Declaration of Independencer "The .,,. or the scLolarshin loan depart Evolutional fairiouum, w,H-v!n t 0w-,ation and maintain- IIV'I 1 OS 'e, -- 0 CLYDE HUNTLEY SO ENCOURAG ED HE MAY PR6SPECT FOR PRECIOUS METAL. Mrs. Ralph Miller, of this city, re ceived a letter Wedneaday from her Vim II II. TllXir. "I DJi'" Park Inn, Canon Beach, giving the in- . . ... ...l.l.. l tut bealtatea biioui nuunni-n " . v. .. n.utiina m ri fii il li.iucu iii wiiT jt I .........tin Tcnonc hroimh this city. He nnany aartu MAN WMU mmi in iw ' . i ivia atrrafL i , to come here at ocioca m.. . . . C,,MBNQ OREGON CITY IKMHI lor B nemiua. . . ..... rest room for women in the between t aub headquTrteV" The games, etc., and at night there will T tod wl tha lagt one ?.e "T ..luLV",7. 'i rtthl. .ummer. The new offlcer.are nana nu a wiun J -" . I ... rt r-anfiolH nreaident: Mr.. With an Irishman .wnreaident- Mrs. I W . A. OUCWImbu. f . . STRANGEST PRI IS GIVEN RELEASE E reported, I. . Uonon county. i Uf S T WOOL BILL CAUSES 3 fowls evidently had scraicnea me . .1.., ..nh while looking for In- Mill l- . l. Tnhnr IS an exi-n uii- "...a i.i the sold 1 11 it man. ur.... .. - , nniPIO II! CPU RTF I'JVZV h. nrVper7y near that I nl.MA 111 tM 1H I L T.h; and he may prospect VIHWIW w-- V' w f the nreclous lor goiu. p.n"B" - - r . I i.i h. i...en found to lead to the . . I.r denth It WASHINGTON. Jun Jl. The in- " rf.nnVBrd In navlng quantl- iectlng of the Democratic wooi rw - , reaident of tnia vision bill into me wnui n7 mmer the Insurgent Republlcana or wm " body Into an open coalition wun m ltamu.pta in a demand ior m irui revision of the tariff and brought about threatened crlal. In tbo nnanoo com' mliiu In enntrol of the SonatO, a th- .nd of a bitter ngni tne resolution by Senator Gore, requesting iho ffhanco committee to report back k. 1.111 liefnra July JU. waa -.1 .A l. vnte nf S8 to 18. uwuiri j r ..... - - . , . . . r . 1 .1.1. Dn..h I . . . . AlA PBI VI 8eiAtor Bourne, tMmwnwu, fan Nit bpahivh wr,w-- . sr-i.MH. uniaif in tiki 1 TREATMENT T. O. HAGUE n wuuo um a ...w . . I Ing Senal MAN ARRESTED A3 HILL CRIME SUSPECT NEVER SPOKE WHILE IN JAIL. The atrangeat prisoner ever confln Am.imr the Oregon City pioneer., , . v. ....... n 1 raimlnn In who aiienueu un "' ortland were Mr. and Mr., ueorge iiarriinir. Mr. and Mrs. David Cau- field. G. R. H. Miller, Mr.. J. W. Nor tla and Mrs. McCarder. Many from the county also attended. All bad a .i-iiirhtriii time nieeiiua and talking about tne eariy uaya ih. at ate. one of the most interesting n.nmn. ai the reunion 10 me ures City delegates waa John McHaley, who wore a badge marking him a. an ar rival ln 18i:i- He 1. Beventy-three year, old .but has tne sirengiu uu WIFE, SUING, SAYS HUSBAND STRUCK HER Jone d Polndexter voted to take ... - .i kilt with the understand- lat when it comes onii s It will h uaed aa the baal. for a lrai rovialon of the Payne-Aid- W -T ich av llKATHER IN8ICATI0NS. . i'J- f V- e . tOiregon Clty-Shower. Thuro- SEEKS DIVORCE. -.nnia Hnarks has filed a suit i.i i r. Rnarka to whom she waa married at Brigham. Utah. February . 1905. The piainun say - - band baa treated ner crvmuj. She n. we sun i.uj. oiiuw.i i aura- w I uuu u- '. , .,,,, , ,k. Ilu dar. probably fair; aouthwost to aaaerta that ho la addicted to tne uae e northweat wlnda. . of alcoholic liquor, and often came . -k rrWaaaaa1cl 0 W Ok 1 SI ami RrkrMA HMIHU Ok Ylfl WlltllU ssnwwa uniun-i i "7V T ' .. . ' u. whr al . . nnrtmn. variania i ran nor vne names. on v iiui f .-- - -, . . .. ....1. Ok . i...m n nnrtnweateriT. a i itnrea ne wouia rina ibuh wn.u -' Z thing ah. did and finally ah. waa . shelter. Later, tho avers, ho promised filfll ArVlll V I- HI to be kind to her. and .ho returned to V U Ml L. IS I U Lt L him. but he commenced to treat her . .. ,u l.val cruelly again, ana anocaea nor. aown My eigni o-acro . " " ghe again left him. There la one land 3-4 tnilo from Oregon City llmiu. nd Allce aged flv yw. tor whom irmf at An Mnlalla road and la on the th nlalntlff asks custody ef and also "olectric UM holng bu.U from Oregon .sk. i to. bo V BSS2?Z City, to Bilvorton. I will sou you '"""J" r,prnt. Mr.. Spark.. either tract for $700 nd give tonne, i T Q HagUe ha. filed .ult again.t I own tblt Und anenow tho raluo of Ann, B. Hague, to whom h -waa mat land. Thl. la tho be.t b.rg.in to oo i.eo had ln Clackamas county 1 en. AA-acra tract on fino road I mllea 1 . . d Dr0vlded hla wife with - ... 1". . A....... 1 from Oregon City. 5 mile, from 0J. , iuUabie nome. iw -... . Will trado for city property WfT .-" V.7ee..nted by from Oregon City u .rma " V "". . ' ' 111 aiWBWal WIBJU I M J . maHllllBiUWiw a oeai or you Wm. jt i .k. rlnrVimii County laie waa I .... i. a vnulh I'll ill inc v ' - , , riiuiuniMui v. , ,.a w.Hneadav. He wa. arresteo ,.Vi. r.ihsr ' he said, "waa the first about two weeks ago by Deputy Sher- mn o break the .agebrush over the Iff Miles near Mtlwaukle. aa a au.pect g ,n ,h( 0regon country. 1 wa. i ih- um traaedy. and he never ut- . ... 0id when he came from . word from the time he waa . Uv father waa the-irst ,.u. mm riintodv until he waa re- . . team over the bluffa at leased. Who he Is. where he cam 0regon clty. on the way over when from, what la hla business, or what hi. food wgg gone w aoaked the hair nationality is sun U"R""W". l, , off the borseniae auu ate authorities. Thsl ne naa nuiu. do with the quadruple crime, however, McLOuGHLIN MEETING TONIGHT, -AaltlVat 1 .aaaMaw The man understiKd what waa saldJ Dr-ctort of Memorial Association to to him and proved woe au . be Electee. e 1 DnH HllH I . .. ..I.. U.lMlh. man. He wa. laenuueu The annual meeting oi ue,","""B1"l where he waa taken to be exf - n Memorial A.socatlon wlU be held a. a man who bad served a term in ' , . d,f:t0r.. The aaao. .'workhouse there, and when ) tber. tonight accompl,.beda grea t d- he lalked. mai n,u.. ""'"J"t ln restoring me ""' " aence waa proved by bis doing what 0fe011 Clty and obtaining money he wa. "old o do. and his counting 7Bl.,e 'with which to maintain h. money when it was returned to mTK)j a meetng wll be the n,os Mm uin hi. departure. The authorl- rnt hPHd for ometlme nd all tie. have no mea wnere membera.are requeru w BROTHERHOOD HOLDS MEETING. il or l Rofreshmonu' Served and Fine fro- T , gram la Ronoera- hl Fraternal Brotherhood of -Am erica held a socfal meeting it KJ Hall Frhlay evening, i")' " . given, wniuu w i " - j . ' i D.tr.ihmMiti vest served. Kenpeiiii-s. aivew The fo lowing . si .. RAna "My country, i "V" ... ho..b anio. Mr. Rehpennlg: "song H Kennedy: 'violin ..! Mr song. n. .. Mr. Slnnott; "-.S Ramnw McLarty; eon: iw"i,u,,i McGuire, entitled. through the Jungles or Ainca. H.,Bina Fox. second vice-president Mrs. Fox to Lecture. Mrs. O. D. Eby. secretary ana Mrs. -.. w-hiu iho nmmm will he some-1 a a vtnhler. treasurer. Mrs. J. w . k.t riifforant ih. ivnnd dav It Will Mi.rr a la the retiring Dremueiii. mi be Juat as Interesting as that of the members are urged to attena toaay first. The leading event, win do .crip- i meeting. ture-reading by Rev. Edith Hill Book er, a lecture on parliamentary iiw. by Mrs. Emma A. Fox, band concerts, lecture by Dr. Mcuuire on An insn man's triD through Europe," baseball and a dramatic reading, "The Melting Pot." by Mrs. Lula Tyler Gates July 6 will be Scotch day. and there will be bagpipe music. Highland danc ing, songs and recitations, including Rolihv Burns" by Hon. Wallace mo Camant, Portland. Mrs. Delphine Marx, the famous contralto, will aing and Lulu Tyler Gates will give a readlna- "Polly of the Circus." There will alao he baseball games, band con cert, and selectlona by the Apollo Concert Company of Chicago. SALOON OWNER TO BE TRIED AGAIN ANOTHER COMPLAINT AGAINST KERRICK FOR ALLOWING WOMEN IN PLACE. 1 Run. The man attracted attention oy his suspicious action, and hia inquiry for the Barlow trail Into Eastern Ore gon. "Wo found that the man backtrack ed," aald the sheriff. .Too hunt will be continued for. him today. . Persons ' living In tne neignoornooo of whore the man waa aeon are alao searching for him. . ' "There la no intention to give P the search for the alayer of tho Hilla. Although he got a good .tart wo still . have bopea of capturing mm, Sheriff Returned for Reet. 1 ' Sheriff Mass show, tho effect of his long search. He hunted all Tuee- day night for tne Bun rub suspect and returned homo last night to get neceaaary rest. ' Th man failed to reach Aschofrs, which 1. on the road he. would have, to take if lie followed hia original In-, tention to atrike out for tho eastern Bide of the Cascades. The pas. over the mountain, that he would have bad to tackle to follow tho Bartow trail la rona-h and dlfflcutt and worn knit. a. the man waa with Wa long tramp, It la not tbougnt possioie no could have continued over IL Inqulriea made by teiepnone irom Sheriff Stevens" office did not result ln finding anyone living along the route the man took who baa aeon mm aince Monday evening. . Wild Man" la Seen. a reoort waa received from a wo- - man living near Ardenwald, .that a man answering the description or to "wild man" seen In the wooda near Ardenwald and the one who attached Gua Obrtst last week, waa aeea again Monday afternoon. Tne woman aaiu she saw him running along a fence through a patch of wooda a little to the south -of the wooda Into which Obrlst'a assailant fled and from wnicn be emerged every morning at t or S - o'clock. . Thla 1. the tlret time ainco mo at tack on Obrist that the man has been seen. The deputy shenns nave nee" keeping their watch nightly at tne farma around Ardenwald but have seen no sign of him. . The woman who aaya sne saw m "wild man" described him aa being but partially clothed. She wa. much frightened but apparently ho did not ee her and ran through the wooda, following the line of a wire fence. The ATHLETES TO PLAY "JUMBO JIM." proceed. Will Go Toward Fund For West Side wun- - , i.,mi. Tim'1 ia the title of a play to be given by the West Side Athletic Club within a few weesa at toe Side schoolhouse. Between the seta , . there will be vaudeville sketches and Illustrated songs. The proceeds of the entertainment will go toward the building to be erected by the club. The following Is the cast of charac ters: "Jumbo Jim," a darkey who does Just aa be Is told. Glen Bathorf ; "Mr Gobbleton. Adelaide's scheming guardian. Ray Orelbel; "Mr.Cheatem. an unacmpuloua lawyer, Ray Parker; "Henry Merrllle, -Adelaide's tow. Floyd Blackburn: "Mrs. Gobbleton, drowned, but very much alive. Mis. Ford; "Hannah," Gobbleton". servant, Hilda Ford; laborers, three men witTf five hands, members of tho athletic club. ' Idaho Man Buya Tract. ' D. W. Davia, of Wardner, Idaho, Baa purchased a five-acre tract from James pertlow at Mount . PleaaanL Thla place was recently vacated by the Rid er family, who had lived) there ton. the oast vear. Mr. Da via and family .will I arrive here next week. ' W m you had. Call Room 11 Stevens Bldg., or. writs . : . Cyrus Powell .ORKOON CITY. , Lleoaoo looued to Couple. Ana urnrv Hartman and George Edward Drlsooll, of Portland, were granted a marriage " J w Bog !0S.nesday by County Clerk MeWey. . WILLAMETTE! 3 K," prano""".nd solo. Ear. Smith nH arch Long; addresses by Mr. A"h.. and atate manager; I no proRrain u"." until a lat bour r.i.k..u at Pair Grounds. ... ".i r the Clackamas County Fair Association, held 1 In thls clty. it waa decided to give to W. H. "r"r.k- eminent commission uair, one i - . merchanta ot Canby. the privilege of k. fair arnunda on July . I Sit cStifMZ tho muslo. . HAVE VOLR WATCTI CLEANED OCCASIONALLY A WATCH vilt run' nithriut oil or cleaning lonjsr.thM ony otucr piece oi r cut it needs loth occasion- erv clh- it .oi l rnniJer I. CI v the balance wheel iravem tvrr f.i'.rt miles i day. you -will not pniJifv y -if witch a speck .of cntnjs nce a vear. .It '!" cret-Va Leavs your watch with u$ tJ--a , Burmeistcr & Ar.drcstn Oregon City jcvttin S 3-4 acre, all clear and n crop; 4-room houae, wtood shed, well, some fmlt, all fenced, three blocka from school, stores and earllno. This Is a bargain at S2600; part terme. I W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. o ' f . i SIX Main $)U Oregon CKy. f oWooowceccoococoooo9ooQ00 trial nf JoseDh Kerrlck, pro- V"r"J V , I I UV a,, a. a. -a- Among the feature, ot July 7, CluD pretor of the Log Cabin saioon. w Dav, will be a solo by miss Maua uam- wag arrested again nu -, B"v masch, an address, "The Scholarship knowing two women In his place, has LOHn Fund." Mrs. Frederick tggert. hH)n ,et for Friasy. wmci, , i .. . t.i ...... I - ....... in-j tTR anH riven an adaFesa oy Mrs. o. m. muiu., rormer inai wa ii.. " council of Jewish Women and an ad- a 8Pntence of ten days in Jail by ko dress on "The Press and the Club corder Stlpp. He applied to the tir- xirm" K Mra T. Hidden. Ure- n.,lt Court ror a writ oi roiww eon Press Club. ' There will be cofi- Judee Campbell dismissed the Case certs by the Apollo Concert Company. on the ground that the complaint naa M . i w. lLXm . . u...l ra wTI KArrlCK aO- tisical Elections, aaareasea uj not Deen ' rL Emma A Fox and W. a. w uuama, clarea on tne " -- - baseball game and a lecture "The room in which the womu Spirit of Democracy. Governor j. was rented py a muiw. jr" rrank Hanley. or inaia,.-. ne nuu - ---- -- July 8 is Boys' Day. ro,"e'' " . "'nred after aiv l Tt-IIITI s-iji Licaaau. tii HK" . July 8 ha. been designated uoya each Bnd naTe not Day. nd boy. and girl, under . xteen 'nJnbogn n hla cUy B,nce. year, of age wui oe cnaru -.- .,A,aftAna00e0e:toeo4oeooe()oo cent, admission, several proi.....". a0,otffeou"TTv-. - ... w. . . a An rst t9rA4 ffi Ad I 1 ' ' ' A lecturers nv own dress the boys and girls njw be concerts by the Nave: H""8 Band, a lecture by Govern, r J. m Hanley. the start or me maratnon ror wj, - ersi otner mmcnMig . - k a On July 9 there win -" o W. H. Boyer. tenor, aim ""' !imBi.iLu. -in av. a concert In come, un n.,". . - - - ..i two perts. The cnonis win 12B selected volcee. aL at the Features. r-..i,.r. nf the remaining aays win r-.w. . . i . . nn.jirta aames. lecture. ne n.u .mhe music and baseoan g-n.-. aneskers are MISS INancy o . - - . T Ha vf.r Wl - land. Dr. Newton ji . - - urn Sterling Battle. Dr. Lena K. Badler. Dr. WllHsm S. Sadler m"- a-.i... tV TJa7alrin IIT. I DRI - " ' Mrs ItTH T.te. Dr. W. a Hlneon. MVr.". JL ii. r K nerchtold. William tt... " Miih Hill .. wi.aHa at BTI W IW"" - Booker. Mr.. Emery Dye and Mra. Emma W. GUiesm Mia. Rambo'a Funeral Tody. The funerab. service) over "e re mains of Miss Msy H. R,m?v. hf?d Zl on Tuesday mornlnaVwllbneld thlrt morning- at 'num residence of Mr. fcnd Tre. W" Rambo. corner Sixth and John -trLt Rev J R. Landsborough of t3; f The infrment will be in ?b. Mountain View cemefry. ; I Furniture A FINE LOT of Furniture just trriYtd, r: " t will be glad to show Jrcra. -1 ? ing Machines on the i-sf jT. t-ti, tiTS i down and two dollars per racr'Ji withct Iz.'.,:. .' ' A. H. iSTURflES SI