Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 20, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    i' '
100 Suits regular price $18.50, $20.00
and $25.00, at this sale YOUR CHOICE
and a handsome selec
tion of Fvtnttxste now
at special prices
Do not
J Mre. B. F. Allen, mother of AIT AJQea
of Hitler's 8ttloo, u4 Mr. W. T.
Lehman, of Hllwsakle. died at her
horn in Portland Thursday evening.
- Kit ABaa was Tt yeara old aad had
been aa Invalid for a boat six
months. Tfce fnoeral service were
keld at the residence at z p. m. Sat
arday. E. C Warren waa la Oregon City on
. baaloeaa Satarday morning.
The Oak Grove Glrla Band waa en
tertained at dinner Saturday by Mr.
L. E. Armstrong at the Cosgrtff deU
eaataeen. At 1 o'clock the band
played at the Welch Grocery Company
fat SeDwood. Mr. Welch will hare a
coffee demonstration at the store and
the band will give a concert from 1
to 1 p. n.
Madge Ellis left for Silvertoa Sat
arday to vtalt friends
mm mm ma
(Continued from page-2.)
mat rnl nt hla n)iili 111. A
aonal sins, but ia being corrected of
aoes things as stckneee and sin.
Amul nnf nut. M.ktjl . i
whole material universe 1. being bene-
rti thrk k- ..,.k A j
a St rat Kins Of Ch r1 lan HrUnr rA
: . . r",,l'n Dn ,al science, ar.i
tats brtnrs "His Klncdom on earth
and His Will, aa It la In Heaven."
1 oe won aiso snail aweii win ty.e
lam1), and the leopard shall lie don
with tne kid: and the calf and ta.
yourg lion and the fatllng together;
and a little child shall lead them."
Tby shall not hurt, nor destroy
. - - ' 1 j "i j uiuuu isiu. fur IUQ n&r 1 n
hall 'i WoKtoMnhi
-.InrA tk. n... ,v- -
4 ixurn, as toe waters cover the sea.
Isaiah 11 ! 9 ;
Chlfiin Science is the science of
Life: It '.Deludes and comprehends the
thai I. m o V!r.nJ '
flue 1. rwi tT- .iifr I
that is God, tha absolute and only
vast Inflnlty of Being; and rejects all
' ' Otegon City
Furnished with operating
room, ward and private
rooms, v '
Graduate Hursts
Tit. 2243 ; Hb IV298
Car.. Vaugha and Twenty-fourth tta.
' June U 14, 18. 1, 17, 1 ;
v Games Mglii Weekdays at S p. m.
tundsya, t:M P. M. ' .
- " - r-a to , Bleachers
Opened Saturday, June 17
1 Now on sale and
family at prices
fail to see
Good. It la not something that Mrs. , sickness or disease, cannot properly
Eddy haa created or in Tented. It is ; be said to be a part of Being. That
what she haa discovered and given to Being. In its scientific pur'y is aa free
the world. And for It we owe her ' from sickness and disease now, aa It
mora than we shall ever be a.Me to re- i w" possible for it to be before the so
a wa .k w.r. i. ... . i called Unite world began, or aa it ever
pay. And right be re. let me say, we J wu wh H 1MH,mng wept
are not trying to repay her by personal j sway, and His Kingdom Is come on
worship, or foolish aaorstioii. but we i earth.
are trying In a mora practical way. byx Through the teaching and under
standing by her when she la slandered. I standing that the Ills of the flesh are
and in a far better war still, wa are not the realities of Being, the world
seeking to understand the Science she
haa discovered and imparted to the
world, to lire it dally and hourly; and
never to soil It by oar own opinions
snd beliefs.
Christian Scientists never talk their
opinions; It does not become a Scien
tist to be telling what he believes re
garding Science, for Christian Science
is not made up or beiiers opinions ana
dogmas: It Is Science that la all. and
that is enough. It Is the eternal fact
of being; and can no more change as
the years go by. than the great an-'
changeable, the eternal God can
Christian Science Not Mesmerism.
Christian Science is not mesmerism
Mesmerism is the belief of minds
many: tnat each Individual has a mina ;
of his own, and that the stronger mind
fluence and Uke unlawful con
appearance would be the
Mtural And If the senses
conld be trusted, and appearances j
'lim "uiu iv iub uui; :
,., ,A ,. . , i
B'i v Th?nk fKd, through Jesus !
fhrtsr o,r JtjAr that in the light of i
"hr:tan ev.r tne Revelator, that I
Mortal g-ne found to be a non-1
reality, and that 'be senie testimony
Is unreliable. That the Bible, and
Science and Heal'h, corroborating the ,
Sciidtures. also the grand and unsur-
demonstration, of Jesus and '
tne Apfisties, ana ine corrooorative ,
. .v I
iKDiiiiioiuen ui nfiiiis iuiuukd unif i
tlan Science all teach and prove the i
power of Truth over Error; the power
of God Good to destroy evil. All
an demonstrate, that the one
Mind has power over the carnal mind;
... 1,,., minA . .. I
mony. Is false, and the Christ Mind Is reveals Spiritual Man In tho full poa
True. session of his God given Inheritance-
Science and Health, and the Bible, ;
when rightly understood, disclose the
fart that God Is the only Mind, and
the so called mortal mind Is bat the
; oarnal mind, that mast be corrected
by the Divine Mind. So that Chris
tian Science, so far from being mes
merism, Is Just the opposite.
Really It Exposes and Destroys Mes
merism. For Instead of teaching minds many
It teaches One Mind, and that the
Mind of God. In whom no evil la; no
sickness, sin, or death: which mini
must overcome and annihilate tha
mortal or negative mind, as darkness
Is swallowed up of light.
And Christian Scientists, Instead of
being mesmerists, are finding their
way oat of mesmerism, oat of tha
belief of minds many, Into tha One
Mind, tha Mind that la God, where all
so called Material minds are swal
lowed np and lost In the One Divine
Mind, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
Ne Such Thing aa Sickness er Disease.
.Christian Science . teaches there Is,
la reality, no such thing aa sickness
or dlaeaaa. That sickness and disease
are aa Illusion f not that It la bypocon-
dria or Imagination Id the common
aceentlon of those terms. . bat that
out la the great scientiflo fact of Being
po such thing Is or can be roana; mat
must be closed out at once. Come
Regular price $5.00 to
$6.00, your CHOICE
fHAIDC Big Money Saving
Him IX J Prices in these
stores and Fine Ranges now,
a large stock to select from.
thio sale
I is not only being healed of Its present
load of misery and wretchedness but
steadily and quietly the work of re
formation and regeneration Is taking
, , ,K V
pouted this glorious Cause, but In the
minds of all men everywhere who hear
1 Demands Right Motives and Actions.
; The Caching! of christian Science
)Um th pure,t nd th- it ,
, mandg r,ght mot,Te, n)1 aJm, M weM
i M rl)?ht ,clloM and tnat dong
cn only by BOnMt Md van d.
- ,v. u-r,r,,i ...nrtnoint.
evil thinking Is the harbinger of evil
doing Evil thinking not only pro
vokes wickedness, cruelty and crime.
but it also breeds sickness, dlseaae
ana aeatu.
Christian Science mind healing not
only heals the physical body, so called,
but it heals the so-called physical mind
as well, for physical mind and physical
body are one. Therefore I
tent that the physical or fal
Therefore to the es
se mind Is
tut, .....-o ui.uu "c
k.1 i.,.
thoughts of sickness are eichanged
for thoughts of health, tha physical
body renponds; for the body la but the
expresnlon of the controlling thought
Chrlxtian Science mind healing,
therefore. In elevating, edifying and
refining, and all those who come to
It for help are not only benefitted phy-
Jr but. mentally, morally and
.piniuauy. n teamen peneci neauo
iiftuiuBiicm( mn iiiq iveai, iuu
sickness and evil as the unreal. Con
sequently Its teachings establish
health Instead of sickness: right In-
stead of wrong,
To Scientific understanding It opens
wa- th. nn im,r.i
neaitb, happiness and eternal life
and thus consigns sickness, aril and
deatb to everlasting oblivion,
It la not, therefore, the mere super
ficial Idea of not speaking evil or not
talking sickness, hut that sickness and
evil are not a part of Being, they
therefore are not only unprofitable
topice of conversation, but that they
are not true, and If spoken of at all
they must be exposed aa errors and
not the facts of Being.
Christian Scientists, therefore, talk
very little about sickness and evil:
Their conversation naturally turns to
that which Interests them most. Tbey
are searching for and finding health,
and not alcknesa. They are seeking for
ana nnaing tne right, rather than the
Lwrong; and having found It, they find
it la mora lovely than words can telL
Consequently, they love to talk It, be
cause It la nearest their heart and the
one thing they love, "They love to
tell the story because tbey know 'tis
true, it satisfies their longing aa noth
ing else can do." '
Christian Science teachea, there la
no reality la sla; that God made all
that waa made, and all he made waa
good; that God did not make sin. In
the Bible wa read that Ood la of "Pur
er eyes than to behold evil, and canst
not look on Iniquity."
And the Master said, "there la bat
one Gmm1, ihut Is God." And Science
and Heaitn in its learnings, orrobor.
ales these statements and 'veals God
as the One Only God, and that lie la
Only Good. I. e., lie Is not good and
evil too. He Is the one absolute Good
In whom no evil Is. And since no evil
Is In Hln., therefore no evil could etna
nate from Him: Hence He made no
evil; and slnre he made no evil, and
he made all that was made therefore
evil never was mad. Therefore sin,
sickness, pain and death, evil, error
and discord of all kind, do not belong
to God, nor to His Creation; and are
no more a part of the great Fact of
i Being, than the errors and m launder
1 . J I - M -
! ."I1"" of "'I'"?"" p,rt of
,u" "Z'"' "I L" ..r"! . t,
sinless and perfect now, and as un
changeable In his slnleasness, aa the
everlasting Father, the perfect, sinless
and unchangeable God himself. "Be
ye therefore perfect as your Father
which la In Heaven, Is perfect
And Christian Scientists are finding
their way out Into the realms of per
fect and harmonious ruling, where ab
solute right relgus, and wrong can
never enter. This Is the Kingdom of
God, where Divine Science alone rules
and nothing else has place or power.
They are, therefore, outgrowing aln,
because the more they look Into It,
from the standpoint of absolute right,
the more Its nothingness appears;
hence Its emptiness. Therefore they
do not make so much of sin. They
are growing, neither to sin, nor to suf
fer for sin; neither to love It. nor com
mit It: and that, because the desire
Is gone. Whereas once It was real,
now It Is unreal. So that Christian
Science, In teaching the nothingness
of sin, not only takes away sin but the
desire to sin; for when sin la nothing,
then there Is no Incentive to sin.
When evil Is nothing, then Good Is
All In All.
But does the nothingness of sin give
the wanton sinner license to sin? By
no manner of means; for the law still
remains. And Christian Science comes
as the Christ came of old; not to de
stroy the law or the prophets: It
cornea not to destroy but to fulfill; and
not one Jot or one title shall pass from
the law, till all be fulfilled. And he
who sins shall suffer for hla aim, and
snail pay tne uttermost farthing.
And If you sow to the wind, you
shall reap tha whirlwind. ' "And If ye
sow to the flesh, ye shall of the flesh
reap corruption."
Tssches That All It Good.
Christian Science teachea that all Is
Good: not, however, that sin and evil
are good, but that all that Is. Is good:
and that that Is Not Good, la not at
all. That sickness, sin and death, mat
ter and mortality, are not of Ood, the
only Good, and therefore are not
good, and hence are not at all.
Christian Science teaches what the
Master taught, that "There la but One
uooa, tnat is. ood." He therefore, la
the only Good, the Spirit of Good,
i ne rnncipie or oood. Good In oualltr
and In substance. And His creation,
ime nimseir, must have the qualities
of good, I. e., Good could not produce
evil. "Uke begets like."
- The effect must always be like the
Sky It Instance of Illusion.
. "He looked upon all that he had
made, and pronounced It very good."
And He made all that was made, but
He did not make that which was not
made. , ,
That sky oat there, : for Instance,
that seems so real, seems like canc-
300 Boy s' Suits
and buy shoes
rsnnnc nw a mncy
UUUUJ iag pficcs from a
handsome selection of goods v
py spread over the earth, Is but the, there never will be; for It Is absolute
illunloa of the limited .ebses. Wa , and final. It Is baaed upon tha prln
are looking out Into, what to anlte 'rlple of unchanglna Truth, undvlne
nn, n unlimited space, and e see
limit, the sky,
Arrordtng to 1'hyslrs. Itsrbt travels
at the amazing rapidity of more than
eleven million of miles in a minute
of time, or more than sli trillions of
miles In one year of time, and yet
there are stars so distant that their
light la hundred and thousands of
years In reaching our planet. Then
talk about seeing the ekyl
God's creation Is spiritual and ood;
always has been, always will be, snd
never can lie anything else. In tils
creation there la no sickness, sin or
dea'h. matter or mortality, or any
tning contrary to God the only Good
And the so-called material world
wherein dwelleth sickness, sin and
death, matter and mortality. Is not of
God, and la not Good, and hence Is not
at an.
"While we look not at the things
which are seen, but at the things
which are not seen; for the things
which are seen are temporal: but the
things which are not seen are eternal.
II Cor. 4:18.
Allow me to read from our Text
Book, Science and Health with Key to
the scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy,
rage oa: .
The Scientific Statement of Being
"There Is no Ufe. Truth. Intelll
genre nor Substance In matter. All
la Infinite Mind and Its Infinite man!
festatlons. for God Is All In All. Spirit
is immortal Truth; matter la mortal
error. Spirit Is tha real and eternal
matter Is the unreal and temooral.
Spirit Is Ood, and Man Is Hla Imaae
ana likeness. Therefore man Is not
material. He Is Spiritual."
This is one of the grandest revela
tions of Truth and Love, that was aver
made to human sense, for It virtually
nnany ana conclusively reveals man
and tne universe as perfect, spiritual
reflections of the One and Only Spirit,
Who. but He we call "The Master.1
and she we call "Our Leader" would
nave love enough, and hence, the
moral courage, to state that Truth to
a frowning world, that would liberate
tne world from Its seeming self, and
mane it tree inaeear
There Is' more true love and an
selfish devotion, to the cause of hu
manlty, made manifest In this woman
of tha twentieth century. Mary Baker
iviar. man has been d Isn av4 alnr
the time of Him, who stood up In the
tace or mortal ma a and aald, "Ye are
or oyur rather, the devil, and tha lusta
or your rather, the devil, and the lusts
muraerer rrom tha beginning, and
anode not In tha truth, for there waa
no trutn in him. When he speaketh a
He he speaketh of his own, for be Is a
nar and the father of It." '
Rotheram In hla version of the New
Testament renders the last clause of
this text, "for a lie be Is. and tha
ratner or it."
Christian Science Is tha same
straight and narrow way, today as
when The Master tauzht it. nineteen
hundred years ago, on the shores of
Galilee, it ts as radical aa the science
of Numbers: and ona can no mora
deviate from Its principles and rules.
and still call that deviation Chrlstlyi
science man he could deviate from
the principles and rules of math.
matlcs, and still call, the nroceas
mathematical. ,
It stands preeminently alone; there
Is no other religion, theory, creed or
doetrtne that la anything like It, and
for the entire
We potion sale a large stock of Men's Dress
.Suits, regular value $15, $17.50,
$ 1 8.50 to $20, special YOUR CHOICE
FDV CAI F Etire stock
Lftl JrtLL of ladies trim
med hats. Now at half price
Come early and select your
hat at half price.
Ufe, and unselfish Love, which Triune
Principle Is Gl. that la. "Venterday.
today and forever the same."
"All Is Mind: There Is No Matter."
Christian Science tenches, "All Is
Mind, there Is no matter." And the
Hrrlptures declare "Heaven and earth
shall paas away, but my word shWTT
not pass away " What does this teach,
but that all mstter and materiality
Rhall pass away, but the Divine Mind
and Ills Idea 'shall remain forever.
And furthermore, what else does It
teach, but (hat all that God haa not
made shall be swept away at nothing
nesa; ..for nothing that He haa made
can ever be destroyed; for all He
made was good.
Christian Science does not teach
thst mater Is a reality that will soma
dsy be destroyed, for If matter were
one of the factors of Being It could
never be cast out, but would remain
fixed forever. It la not that the ma-1
terlal universe waa created to continue
i..r imi uiiiii ii nao wirvea us pur-
l)e, then to lie burned up and de -
mroyeu, diii i.iai it nas no existence
save In the mlitaker belief of mortals.
and Is eliminated by the knowledge
or the Truth In Christian Science.
Some day, men everywhere will know I
that matter does not exist, and then
they win know It never did exist and I
that day la now
And the students of this Truth are
finding more and more, that matter,
so called, has no power to heal disease,
that matter Is Inert, that drugs have
no Intelligence to direct themselves.
That material medicine so sailed, can
not diagnose a rase and therefore can
not heal It. They are finding that
nothing but Truth, Divine Mind, can
overcome evil, or error of any ktnd.
Jesus of Natareth did not use ma
terial means In healing dlseaae; It.
was the power of the Spirit, with
which he destroyed alcknesa aa well
rs sin; although It la stated, and some
are using It as an argument against
Christian Science that He put clay on
the blind man's eyes, when he healed
him. But one of the beautiful and
wonderful lessons thla demonstration
teaches, la, that all men (Mortal) are
born blind and cannot see, until the
clay of material adnse Is waabed away
by the classing waters of the Spirit of
Christ, and then they will see and sea
Christian Scientists are flndlna mora
and more, that food doea not reallf
sustain life, that while they are eating
so called material food, that It has no
real lira sustaining properties or quali
ties. Yet Christian Scientists will nev
er stop eating and drlnklna. until the
have demonstrated over It. and that
win not be until they have demonstrat
ed over (he flesh,-and all mortality.
nut now long that will take, or when
that will be accomplished, "No matt
knoweth." It would be the height of
folly for. any one to atop eating, until
by actual knowledge and practical de
monstration they had proven that they
could live without eating.
Christian Science, like the Sarin.
tures, teaches. "Wisdom Is the prin
ciple thing." And It certainly would
not be wise to cast ourselves down
from the pinnacle of the temple, or do
aav other tineallad for. or unnecessary
thing. .
Christian Science sounds the tocsin,
There it no death." And 8t Paul
writes In hit lint letter to the Cortn-1
thlant, "The last enemy to be de -
ttroyed It death." And C Reveietor
taw death and kc!l cart l j t.t 1 "-t
VMM -4
4)tV I
of fire. And la his most woa4ro
vision, he saw the "Tsberaacle of 0c4
among men." And God sbosld vtpt
away all tears from their res, set
there should lie no mors eetth. 'Aa4
whatever Is to be, with Ood, Is dona
Since therefore, there Is to be a
time when death shall tot be. la
fact, there Is no death today. What
will aver be true with God Is a pres
ent accomplished fact; but this Best
he understood and tiemonstrsted
for It becomes fact to nso.
What will ever be found not tree,
Is not true today. When we Ma4
there were no fairies, we found then)
never had been an jr. Vhn we fossa
the sun did not rise, we found It sever
' had risen
Slnre there la to be a time.
there will be no death, then there
no death today: and, since Is Ood'i
presence there Is no death, thes tsars
Is no death anywhere; because H to
everywhere, and there Is do slaee
where He la not
Death therefore, Is another error
that Christ, the Truth, casta out fW
as in Adam Error all die, svaa so
' Christ, Truth shall all be made foot!
alive. (ICor. 18:12.)
Why Lazarus Wts lUlssd,
Jesus of Nasareth did not rslts Ut
erus from the dead, simply to rastom
him to family and friends, ana t uw
poral life, again to suffer and '.
be mourned and lamented; but,
show the power of Truth to overcome
error to show that Life wss the U
ter of death: that the Christ eou
triumph over every avll, tlckness, Ht
and death.
And since, aa the Bible lel7j
thtt sin brought death Into the won
therefore the overcoming of
the overcoming of death. And M W
ness and sla are overcome by
tame i nnsi power, tnererore w "7
extent that sickness or sin to or
come by Truth, to that extent
overcome. .
Therefore whenever ChrlsMst
tlsta demonstrate over slcknsai
either In themselves or other t
are overcoming death In a met"" ; '
end with the disappearance of.
nesa and tin. death will disappear.1"
be at though It had not been, M In deed,
It never waa.
Christian Science, more that stf
other religion, teachea the Divinity J
Christ. On this point allow m
quota from our text book. Sdsnee
and Health, page iO, line 10: , .
"The Christ wtt the Spirit whl ,
Jetus Implied In hit own statements.
'I am the Way, the Truth and
Life;' 'land my Father art one.' Un
Christ, or Divinity of the man Jem
was hit Divine nature, the Godliness
which animated him. Divine Truth,
Life and Lovs gave Jesus authority
over aln, tlckness and death. Hit ntl
tlon wtt to reveal the Science of Ce
lestial Being, to prove what Ood i.
mwA mihat TI ilsiAau ta mat! H
And the gloriout Science of Belsi
comes In the name of Christ, wlta
healing In Itt wings, to promulgs' ,
the Kingdom established by Him, or
which there should be bo ena.
. -
Tor the arrett an conviction
of aa nerson or nersont. wno w,
' unlawfully remove copies of Tht
1 Morning Enterprise from the
' e) nramlsea of subscribers after
paper hat been placed there by
1 carrier. . t, '.?
1 e