-'7 v UORUINO BWTE3KiraE, . TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1911. V MOHrjIKS ETITEEFMSE OKEGOW CTTT, OUGOV I. BROME. tdltee and FwMc, 'ntare' aa iiiiiI-Imi BMtrar Ju .try . ltll. at tfca aaat efltee at Orxea !T. Orecea. waaer ta Act f Hurt . in." . ram tf nssqnrmii. " Tear, jr nail . . . - t Mnailha. bjr nail . r atnatha. ay avail. ar .ISM . I M . IS . .1 Midland and children. Mra. Julia rroat. Mr. and Mra. Chart Spencer, Mr. aad Mra. Clayton White. Mist, Mary Rllea Long. Mtaa Beryl LokCnMIm Janata Schata, Mlaa Ada rroat, Kay Cola, William & Howell Elboa Loaf. Gilbert Lone, Oliver rroat, Roecoe rroat. FAMILY REUNION I HELD. . . AirnrrenNT urn Veat Pa par attta rw laearttoe. . . .! ""at Pan. per bach eed laaartloae. . tea vfarrva aoaltM any pa-, par In oh ra-et laeerttoa....... . ..,... "afarr paaltlaa in . par I M4 tanrilaaa ...lae cia paper ataer tea ruat Ma, par ara nrat Imnka ...! , aaaee-atfhar thaa fan par too aaaaa aiaaruana ........... wacwls lae par Km; la rat-alar 4ver vara a OB. Waata. Far taJa. Ta Real ate., eae at a ward flrat avsarUea; ewe-aalf eaat additional Katva for aa'rerttefae a aa Waakly "nterprlee wlil b tha aa a. a as th rtrjr. for adTartlaeaveat trl eepacaaUy r tha waakly. Where th aavarUaraseat traaafarrad from tha dally ta the waaa- witaout ahaiura. tba rata anil ba a n tavca fat raa ar tha paper, aad lat aa - tor special aoalttoa. asa aaeuM accompaay erear waere rty la uakaowa la bwamee afTtca of a Bntarpna. Lrcal aaVerttatng at tagil adrartWnd Cirrus advertlelna and apactal traaatent . t van lain at lae ta oc aa men. aecore - to apart! coadiUca governing th Mr. and Mra. Juliu Braatja Calabrata .... Wadding Annlvaraary. A moat anjoyabla family reunion waa that of tha Heltkempera at Oak Garden Garesmng Nt. Pltiuta arvwlua lu sunlight alwaya Grov on Sunday, tha oecaalon being I nr nMlM ii,(, ,t,.w lu shade, tha celebration of th wooden anni- fr eviorailon aud trauiirattori ara versary of Mr. and Mra. Jullua BroetJ, always (mini under thuee cliruus thY latter a daughter of Mr. and Mra. nance. Henry Heltkemper Dinner waa I MWJar w-wrtllg wo0 lha aun vpiTaiii a ur avaa) irr aa waj a. u lUf VB I oak traaa on th tract of land belong- MRS. EMMA A. FOX lag to Mr. and Mra. A. B. Townaend, of Portland. Wooden artlclea of all ahapea. aliea, were presented to Mr. ahlne on lb foliage will nura tba fullai.'e of utanr of niir i-vuhuu booae plant. sbadlai: durtuu xeHlT beat will - a - a i . a .a AA f Ka. kMaaMfatinH -w , aa fivavaiivH b), mw, "Ftra Sal" and Bankrupt Sate" aaVer ' aiwua tf lark flrat inarrtioa: addl aJ ataartkiBS aaata matter Ja laca. Mew ttvaaa aa4 wall wr1ta artlotaa atarit. with mtaraat to lorai raadar. H a ldly KTpt Rrjrctad mou- ripts aarar ralurna untraa aerooipaa .. by aWBioa ta prepay ata CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. June 20 In American Mistorv. s67 The noai paH fff limi nr wbh-a Aika wa and lo toe t nit ed Statea ror ;hm !K7a-Kaata A Boa. )c-orl. din tor and prealdeat of M-tk for many yeara. dM' tarn ITH ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (from aona todar to noon tf morrow ""an aeta 7 JU. rtiw 42: moon rtmm a. m : p nv, eaatem tltu. TKwa In rwajomtloa with Man.' pa tug froan iwt tn aat at tbe planet. i -reoter oaiy ne-Sftb of a decree annth thereof, bewe In aotne piarva on ' raJtaOon of tbe ptaaei: 1) p m.. mi ara time, an Jupiter pnm-tpai arw Ittea area raw on enT of planet fna'a derlnatln. 23-5 dTre nurtb of cetewliat i)aator. Tba aeopla of thli city abould buy "Made in Oregon" good from the 'cal merchanta wbeneTer the prica nd auality ara erual to Eastern made rioda. a a . The "Mad m uregon" tnoTement '"turn rated by tba Manufactarera' Aa iciatioo. of Portland, will do much t atlmntate tba manufacture andaalej ' f goods made within tbe at ate. The failure of women teachers of High School tn send In their 'ned contracts by tbe specified time Vs reaulted in two men being elected ' - positions In the school. Last year ' .ere was not a man In tbe High hool faculty. ''SPOTLESS TOWN" I WORKER SKIPS OUT Tboaa preaent were Mr. and Mra. Henry Heitkemper. of Oak Grovw; Mr, and Mr. Jullua Itroette, of Oak t'.rov; Mr. and Mra. A. B. .Townaend. Mr. and Mra. Ben Preeaer, Mr. and Mr. Joseph Neldelmyer, all of Portland; Mr. and Mra. Edward alirkendall and daughter, Helen Kirkendall. of Tacoma. Wash.; Mr. and Mra. Prank Hunch. John, Frank and Edward Busch. of Oregon City; Mamie, Grade. UHlan Town aend. Kathrrn and Bernard Dresser, Fred. Ceroid. Beanie. Joe and Baby Towusend, Frank Presaeri of Portland. HEDGES RE-ELECTED tain luuUiurw. TrnirtiMii- Uttb f !() air aud of th tiler HMould lie nnillrpHl. Aa overheuliHl and liumul aluioder will nuv Ktm;;lv. hiiiiII' grvtb ver.v aux't'i'tllile to allM. k of dlae. The ti-oiiwrnture' l the witter uned b lieen found to bav- a mnrked ef feet on iiImuib. IWhi rvHiilra are ob tained when Ibe wnier la alxnil. tbe same teiniiernture aalhe lm-etu a bi It the plant are grtiaiuc - , Although I he watering abotiKI not be carried on a that a constantly wet aoll reaults. In watertug -wlwajra tie tboroiigb. Any re-eitaci In w blob plant are growing should bar bole tn th bottom for tlraluag. NCUMBENT RECEIVES ALL VOTES CAST CARTER CHOSEN AT GLADSTONE. LOGAN A light crop of trawberrlea ta re ported from all part of the country Mr and Mra. J. P. Stclnavan, from Currtnsrllle, visited relatives nera this week. f Clear Creek Creamery la running full capacity. Purtrg May the total amount of cream received waa 67.S44 pounds, amount of butter- manufactur ed 22.739 pounds. Total price paid patrons for butter fat waa 25 cerfs pound net. The company put In a new concrete floor In the churning room. In one day last week 1800 J. E. Hedgen, the only candidate, waa on Monday reelected school di rector to serve ';ve rear. He re ceived twenty-eight votes, all that were coat. Mr. Hedgea baa aerved two years aa airecor, and be waa requested pounds of butter waa churned. This by- many of the business and profea-! the tlm of vear when esoeclal care sional men to be a candidate to sue- j must be taken to keep tbe cream ceed himself. Uavld Caufleld. Ueorge j sweet. Cool in It 'Immediate! from nauuau aua u, w. il. m liter were tbe separator la a safe and sure judges and e. H. cooper waa clerk of method. - r - - . , -. V v ... " . .? ti, I ... f ( , - ' ! i S t Vt I ,.:-V ,'NOTHER PRISONER, EMPLOYED ON STREETS, FINDS BENEFACTOR. i1 JOSEPH E. HEDGES election. Mr. HedffPa haa Oregon City baa lost the service of ; yaluable service as a member of the street cleaners, who . did good "irk for more than a month. Both ?re piiaonera, having been given Jail 'ntences for drunkenness and dis derly conduct. Harry Clark, one of men. disappeared Sunday night, er having worked on the" street J .ilrty-flve days, and having only fif--n days more to aerve. OanCornwell, who bad only seveD ?n daya more to serve found a friend E. Dodge, the sawmill man, wbo tained Cornwell'a release by pay- 120. Cornwell will work at " Age's mllL The men cleaned all e crosa streets, and aided In making . egon- City a "spotless town." noara, and, although he Is a busy man; he cheerfully yielded to ton de sire of his trlends that he lie a candi date for re-election. E. P. Carter was re-elected director at Gladstone. He received forty-five vote. The proposition o 'nntall a ! ea$Tt0t mUB'C tbe Ch001 was I VERNON WINS THIRD STRAIGHT s ivu BEAVERS LOSE WITH HENDERSON IN BOX V ) ) ' ' - 7 Xi ,' -e if LEADER EXPLAINS C1ISMJSCI0ICE A a member of th Detroit Hoard FRANCIS J. FLUNO, NOTED LEC TURER, ADDRESSES LARGE AUDIENCE. iMEDSAHEUNABlE TO HEAR HIM Spaaker Introduced By A. O. FreL Who Tail Haw Hi Health Wat Rtred After Lang lllneaa.. N r- ' a a Keooic wno " nvpct I - - - ak9 in anwrpn aramlalna abaarma . re usually, dluppelnteJ.- Thy fall W fl the Intereat they eipWd and tb. .Ll. . meney paaaa t etbera. ,na "wl I ni i"."- ' ' ' w-- w.w - .w ninsf Willi wnan hen yeu depealt yeur rneney a Time Camncsu . Inge DepartmeM of thl bank, It remain undr au '". umi a ur and eteady rate of Intaraat. Hr . In Ihle kind an InveatmenL " Wltu! The aoener you begin, the teener will you b u . growing balanoe. '. pan., The Bank of Oregon City O 0 LATOURICTT Prldo F J. A lecture on Christian Science waa delivered In tihlvely't oera house of Education, lecturer In Chautauqua I Hunday. afternKn at MO by : r iiiiiu wuti ia a inaniiT i u, ir. aaserabllea, president of the Michigan Stat Federation and of tbe largest club tn her home city and a parlia mentarian of several Continental Congressea Of the Daughter of the American Revolution. Mra. Ktntna A. Fox, who will speak at the Willamette Valley Chautauqua on Club Day, July T. has acquired a thorough knowledge of parliamentary law and Ha practical application. , - Mra. Foi will conduct a rlasa In Parliamentary Vange at the Headquar ters of the Federated Womena' Club at 3:30 each day. Thla clan waa plac ed In the afternoon to accommodate the great number of men and women who could not attend In the morning. Secretary Qary ha mailed 10,000 programa of the Chautauqua to tie held at Uladatone Park July i to July 16 Inclusive. Copies of tbe program for person who desire them will be left Wednesday at tbe Young Men'a Christian Association and J. K. Gill's bookstore In Portland. Copies aUo may be obtained at Huntley Kroe.' drug atore and the First National Bank In Oregon City. Secretary Gary will aend copies to any realdenta of bla and adjoining settled here since He requests that namea of new set tiers be sent to Mm. . of .lectureship. The hall was packed to the limits; every foot of standing room was occupied and many were turned away, who wvre.uiiable to even look In at lb door. A. O. Freel. of the Oregon City achools. Introduced tha lectdrer. Ill remark follow: "Friend. It I with genuine pleaaur that t welcome you here fbla afternoon. for Indeed, I know of no happier oc casion than that which brlnga men and womvh together to listen to a dis course about God. "Christian Science, or the one ab solute Science of the one Infinite ill vine mind, haa com to this material istic and sin ridden age with a mes sage of healing for the sick, the diseased, and the si u ful. and of hoe and cheer, and encouragement for those who ar weary and oppressed with the seeming burdens of this world. "In testimony of thl you will par don nie for referring to my own per sonal experience. Some six or aeven years ago I w practically a physical wreck. I had followed the doctors' advice, taken their medicines, lived counfle7 wh . have "n ,hHr P""""'- 'P count lea who have ,ir,0B for ,,, H.rj,s of nm,; dur- the last Chautauqua. , whrB frprU , up the coveted amliltlon of my Ufa on ' account of falling eye-sight and other physical trouble. Heart to Heart Talks. Bjr EOWLN A. NYU This la mil talitaa I suffering through which t passed.,' i "After the lwt speclsllats wttUta , my reach had faired one after another 1 to give m anything In tbe way of . permanent relief, t turned to Cbristlan ; Sclenre. Through the study of Chris tian - Science and Christian Science slne am able to stand before you ; w ithout a single physical defect, to I the Ih-nI of tuy knowledge a perfect ; lli v hU-m I man ."ll Is for, the purinae of listening tn . i i . i n.j . . I . . . i e wiiii in ruiiu hut qiiaiuii-u iu DIED At HER TUB. MotherbiNtd: How li di-u i lile. gem le spirit runs unenk with authority on this subject broach all the e.. from (In- bird front his long N-raoiinl assoclKtlon mother tlKil feetN her lrod ami lights wl'n Mrs Kddy, I he discoverer and or it fu the bumuii mother who lore t ni'ifern founder of this great lrnclile ber own and aarrlll.e and die for It! wl,,cn l"M"1 ,,T "nd l Au lionmiiv- posiit-a, on me snores hi ijann-e, in The h i id work Jig IiumI ami of a New rk (. J.i w-oiu-n ' dl'it. lemlnu ln r to nupimri nix Miiall cbllilreti. FrleiuN dvlel her to :irt with some of them. but the lnl"Uiliulile uiotlii-r spirit re fused, no Iih took In wuhIiIiic Day after dur slw lulled at her tub. nd far Into the nlglil wheTw-nr uveT her Ironiiu; iMiard. The oldem My ailed for and delivered ber work And III ni she kept the wolf from. the h nlliig tho alck and raising the dead 1 that we are ansemliU-d here this after III Hill . "Today there are lens and hundreds of thousand of Intelligent met and women, of every walk of life, and In every "TtvlHxed country tinder the sun reidy to bear w Uncus to thin healing -teuflr "Xfw THE FIRST NATIONAL BAir ol OREGON CITY , OREGON " CAPITAL. SaAtOOOi, Traaaaete a 0hI tanking vuelneee. open frw taw world' -and wherav., i. u . Irk are healed. ninnnt lti. and Ih unrtghtaW .Z.' etreita experlinired ."r- Bttldent of tbl hia.k. brt 4 com within th, rsng. tf tjL?11 Science and Health alt. ju,7 Scriptures, cast nmr aplred Word, and I. , sci.ntinc work, than tnt tL ever was writ ten No oth TL ever elated Truth d-l?. venngi, and scleaufc.B.T ' un reouke aln and slckneai hZV forma and make th.m - Boob Teach pur, .it1t This book teaches pur tfkv. , doea not teach a mr bwir,. Mrg. - Kddy discovered Ckai b.ienca she gav up bar fbraaVaT Ion and Ideas cxmrarnlni Call Man. and wrot nuililiig t folding of Sclnute. from uwk,,! th On IMvlne rVliictpk-t)ol urimian rH'imire a km it i fw--rr Science u omethlng to UajaWax and demonstrated, not tjartti a lleved. And Christian SctaDllsui eaa properly be termed simply feu In Christian' Science, inr aw. a Mathematician rould battiw. u. i ..i i ... .. .. "With tlie.e facts In mind we e sisemliled here this afternoon with op en ml'i'i", free from petty prejudices rpinlv to vivo an nnlilnnvil air tn what ooor. ninem ' UI.H1 tier, hut xtie went ; gB ( . MMr) concerning thl HEGDALES GIVE HOUSE PARTY. GAME BY 8C0RE OF FOUR TO TWO. 88 ADA FROST ENTERTAINED. -'end Giv Dinner In Honor of Her Birthday. .'diss Ada Frost was tendered a thday dinner at the borne of her ther, Mrs. Julia Frost, of Canemah, Sunday afternoon. A most delight t afternoon was spent by tbe fol- vlng: Mrs. Bingham, Mra. M. cob, Mrs. S. L. Steven, Mra. 8. Guest Remain Until Sunday And Are ' : Delightfully Entertained. , , ri ..., . Mr. and Mr. Frederick Hegdale en-' IX,S ANCMJSS. June tt. (Spec tertalned a house party at their beau-. lal.) Vernon won from Portland tiful country home the latter part of "gain today, making three straight last week. Mr. and Mra. Hegdale vlctorlea for Hogan'a men. Thia time proved to be most delightful host and hostess. The party left here on Friday and remained until Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hegdale have named their home "Komlgen," and the mem- Iienny Henderaon khm on the mound for McCredle"s mei" and the leaver hid epeeted to win. Vernon clinched the game by making four score In the fira! three InnlnRa. Portland made ber of t,he house party will no doubt ,wo acores In the fifth. Cant let on wa "come again." The guests were Mr. teady at critical stages, and although and Mr. Bruce Zumwalt, Mis Clarice e allowed eight hits, was never In Zumwalt, Edward Zumwalt, Mr. and danger. Henderson hid an off day, airs, w . it. uoarrey, uayiora Godfrey ,ne ,rBl one 'or somevime. and Thomaa Hage. Poverty Exists Only Where Wealth Is Found Br Dr. ALGERNON CRAPSEY. Author and Clergyman The results Monday were aa fol- lows: Pacific Coaat League Vernon 4, Portland 2; no other games scheduled. Northwestern League Portland 4, J Tacoma 2; Seattle 11, Spokane 4; Vancouver S, Victoria 1.' I National League Pittsburg 3, ; Brooklyn 0; no other game scheduled. y American League Philadelphia 6, .Washington 3; Detroit 8, Chicago 6; - v. . . -" .win if , i. i.. iAJu in anu Cleveland not scheduled. ' STANDING. Portland , San Francisco Vernon Oakland Sacramento ... Los Angeles Pacific Coast. W. 43 44 41 42 '30 31 Spokane : i Tacomg .. , Vnacuver i Portland.. Northwestern, W, 39 ..v.-. 39 .1,.: 38 28 ..... 27 . i i, 13 L. 31 37 39 40 41 49 eOVEETY i. a DISEASE OF CIVILIZATION, and it onl exista wten beingt hive advanced to a cerfaiu ttate in nwunau f I - .. Tl f X 0 . Ul I jr, IIUICI bf I M , -iunurw, iwx wuen mere u not miniciont nouriinment to au , tnin certain forma of natural Hfe that, particular exiattnee periahes. CiMfM man ta an nf tn nafnn that l. v . I.!- J I .1: . D - t f ' " . . " uilhu ''t. POVERTY. EXISTS ONLY WHERE WEALTH EXISTS. AND IT IA ONLY WHEN THE ' RIGHTS OF PROPERTY HAVE BEEN VESTED IN INDIVIDUALS THAT YOU HAVE THIS HORRIBLE SPECTER WALK- im'a YU aT ttTatWT'al r nislMIMi 1M TUr ftJintlY rsW di sr iu fiww I ria ws eassa-awsasiw ew esvasa www W r ktill I T. a 1 , The canse of poverty today it tb same caliw a of old", tbe enforce ! Victoria meat of tbe great rule of civilization that the STRONGER man hat Little Duane Anderson fell the right snd aven conaidera it hia xJutv trr make- the weaker work for LS Jth- iKtK him, and thia brings about the deoletion of tie weaker, . , . , ' - ovuiwli 10 lu-r hsnl ilullv limk. for It u reuiinl enough IIkii li ana n!.e to provide far Uvr di-x-tnlciit orr-iirtni: Kut grnluiilly this Imive in. u lu-r broke ilo rf ti There .i-re dny of cru-l hiIiik. iliiyn of e-kiif had w c.i in.-i.i. There were iilcliix in the miIIIIiiu little lichen when- she fliilliil the finery of the rich n hen sbe ofiMn f.intid. So my corn-NHiudent ny There were diiy of lllin-x ben li- could not work. I-jiruliii vrew less nd ta fi-ed the hungry iiioiiiIim. It Is feared, she often went without food And tbeu nue.duy Ibe nioll'er fen over her tuldend: W bleb la all. But ran t It enoughT She pn til the Inst full in.ntoire of motherly devotion. Men it ml noiiien often die benic deaths under luiu lx. bat this poor mother died by Inches. Btrnlnln? lu lone drawn ngony ihe !nst drop of her blood tn enrn hrend and butter for her biihe. Jf the newspnper henilllne n-conl how one din nt Ida post hm.I nnotbor gmn down with bis endue, surely this mother deecrve In llg letters (how atrsnge to aw It Unit way "IMed ul Her Tub," Dtrvidaa Reward. , "Booth Tsrklnirtou I very dim-ult to pleaxe in lu.itt.rM Hieiiirl.sl." mild a Philadelphia novellKt "Tarklngton was visiting tire here during the run of one of hi own piuys. iiud after dinner one evening; we sauntered to the theuter. Itut the d'Nirkeetier didn't know um mill nr aotne little time re fusel to let iw In. Finally, though. Tarklugtoir identity wns eatnbllshed. and we were mdii'-ied to m stage Img. But the perf.n-iufliH'e wein't up to much Tnrklneton fldirHed In his chiilr. und t the end of tbe first act he aiie-gcMted Hint we go. (Mi our wny out I wiw tny lllnairioim friend peer. Ing anxlnttoly nlHiut Ibe lobby, "Whut lire you U,knv fort I said. 'I'm look ing.' suld Tnri ingfon. 'for that chap who wouldn't let ns lr. I want ! glre him a ninirter.' ' L. 23 23 23 33 33 48 P.C. .581 .643 .613 .613 .468 .388 P.O. .629 .829 .629 .459 .450 .213 on an friends and rela- Uvea of Mr. O. D. Robblna celebrated her birthday. Dinner wat aerved In th yard "in th shade of the old ap ple tree." to which all did full justice. CAN BY. Iter. C. L. Creeay wat In Portland Thursday. P. Felster't 6, 10 and IS cent store i now completed. He haa a fine new building and a large up-to-date stock of goods. . Bernard Davenport, who haa been working In Oervare, haa gold hit bust-, '"", iuciw auu reiumea vo canny with the expectation of carrying on the Jeweler' business. The Tanby Red croaaed bate with the Oswego team last Sunday at the fair ground. The home team won. Score 11 to 10. Although the game waa Interesting It waa alow. July thla year. Ouna will be fired at sunrise, Muslo will be furnished by Ihe Canby band. At th fair grounds In the afternoon there will be all kinds of races run for purse. Hon, Henry West brook, of Portland, will be the sneaker of the day. At 1 o'clock Canby will play ball agilnst Chemawa. There will be dancing In th pavilion at tbe fair ground, the music to be furnished by Oarrett'a orchettra. underfill hoc ling xiwcr, Christ lau , Science, I "I now have the pleasure of Intro ducing to you the sleaker Of tbls oc. I caslon, France J. Fluno M. D. C. S Ml., of the t'brUtlnn Science Hoard o j Lectureship, who Wilt speak to you on 'he subject e,f "Christian Science and Christian Self ntiiis." )r. Fluno said: Christian Science Is tbe law of Ood (Science and Health 4H2 27 ) known understood nnd found demons! ratnble. It Is th Science of Being: Tbe Science of IJfe: It Is the knowledge of Truth and true Being, reduced to System. Its nam defines It, for It la perfectly Christian: because It Coun tenunces no wrong, either In .tneory or practice. It Is Scientific, for It ad mlts of no error, either In premise or conclusion. Its name la Just what It should he; Is aa definite and slgnlfi cant aa It can be. Christian Scientist are Individuals, ho have found this Truth and found It to tie true; Found Christian Science, ii nd found It to be scientific; and are succeeding In a measure to demon strata It upon themselves nnd others who come to them for help. Step by step they are learning their way out of bondage Into lllierty, out of faults nnd fiillures Into correctness and right, Finding their way more and more out Into the grand possibilities that await them in the great Science of Truth and Truth Being of which they are earnest advocate and exponents Christian Science la the law of IJfe, Truth and lve, understood and de monstrated, that haa come to the world; and has come by revelation, to one, who, through many year was being fitted to receive It, and give It to a waiting people. And Christian Science la being recognized and ac knowledged aa Science, and hence, is being received and taught scientifi cally and understanding. And because It Is Science, it it de monstrable; and la being demonstrat ed In every nation of tbe civilized world; and because It la science and can be, and It being demonstrated, therefore tbe world must and will re ceive It, and nothing can stand before It. It I the Eternal Truth, whose convincing and converting pow er nothing can daunt, and whose on ward march no foe can cope with. Those who have espoused thla cause are working earnestly and courageous I)', demonstrating for themselve and for the world thl gospel, of "On earth peace, good will to men," and though they find at time th burdena large and heavy, yet added strength It given with each added load to bear. They feel that much haa been done for them, and of them much will be re quired. For, Christian Sclenltt are individual, who ilk all the world, whether they know It or not, were sinning against themselves an.1 their own best Interests, and suffering be cause of I heir tinning, and who came to the healing watera of the Chrisf cure to be cleansed of their tint; and when they were washed, they were healed of their malady, cleansed of their tint and their consequent suffer ing, And now humbly and meekly. yet boldly and mightily, they are fol lowing the Christ "Throuah evil a well aa good report" and actuated br tha mighty power of Lov. and Life. that i irresistible aa th omnipotent C t', i!i y are hu-uc, -if th'js should hold their pear, the ttonea would Im mediately cry out." Christian Science cannot fall, any ....... ,Whm aft... O . . I 1. .. V i ... a. b a. full, niaihaiiiallea Aavar Heceloa Thitftloushla H.i ik.i - k Science of Number wUI never fall In hook It being felt. at)a lu'ill!,'1 any problem ami ngurea win not fal sify concerning It. likewise Christian Science I absolutely Scientific, and the Science of Being cannot fall. The eternal laws of Lite, Truth and Love, having their foundation x In tbe one Ood. ran nrrmore fall than their foun dation Principle, th Eternal Ood Can fall. . Statement Logical and Scientific Christian Science makes Ita state ments logically tru and Scientifically correct. The Science of Being I as independent aa tim tK-ialica of Mathe matics. IJke the Snirll of Love, it seek tin reward, and fear no punish metii. Since ll Is the eternal fact of Being. t can aland alone; being true, and Ita Principle Truth. It asks tin sup port from any one or any thing. ' It la the same whether thousand rally to It etandard or seek to trail ! Ilglous belief; Ha banner In th dust. It 'a a living reality,, and Ita principle, Kverlastlng IJfe hnd therefore cannot die; It will live through all the age yet to come, as It has lived through all the ages that have already come, Aud because Christian Science la tbe Kter- nsl Law of Being It does not there-1 mere believer In Mlhamiir fore teach eternal banlttbmeni from I are ttudenjta of ChrUtlta t6nt (iod, or ;hhI yet It I a aelt evident 'they are studying to urnlertuat (Vt ta i. that whatever of good there la man Science, but not trying to Wtim for us In the great t'nrhangeable, I ! It. They soon see that tlMtr Mid waiting for ua now. hence the farther do not change anythiog; that taxi we go astray, ami the longer. we stay ! true, I true whether the k.lu away, the greater .will be our suffer- or not ; but If Ibey wouUfget lata lugs and the longer we will have them j fit of It, they must undent. -tn hoar. i the same In the Science of Brlat a Ood ia Omnipotence: And being , in Ihe Science of Numbers. "Veaterdsy, Today and forever Ih No teacher In Matbrauilr. r rame," ta omyilpotenre therefore, ' demonstrating a proposition for i a forever lis been and 'or ever will m j pll. ever asks that pupil etwttMth main, iienre no mner power Clin he, ' lie I lev ea It; he auk bin If a Mart tin other power haa ever been, and stands It, knowing that kit MM no other power ran ever be able in ; disbelief, will noi cbaac tk bn. stay his mighty band, or thwart Him I And wbal la (ni la th Sdtars d In HI pur. Therefore Ood and ! Numlier In lhl respect, la aantvitlcti Heaven are. end their opposite Is not: 1 ly true In Ihe Science of Belac nnd Divine Sclenre Is Ihe angel that j Christian Science la set audi ip f romen to-iay to lay hold "On Ibal old I mere pcrnul opiniuea ft aa tbe serpent. Milch. s the devil, and Satan Science of Being and kit tot frlMC nd " -m ill chain "him and ral him ' of Number. It never wkt ku 'nut Ihe liollymlcas dt"- ihe great no- i think about It. or ho he! stoat K, hrr and all his aoicels wHh him.' or .whether e Ilk ll or sot but neither Sitan nor his angels ar ; It never i-hntige to ut wu Ilk peioii ijevll. but if rsonlfled evils. 'or dislikes; It never ran en lat .en ,.a I itl inwe. hatred, revenue, by. M fci'irtfy tny bile's pirtkaW UM wrly. Hlckn. sin and death. " Cmlt " dliTrrvara tbit ftr -h i-tl i'i SclentlMts, being student ia:.k, liovi ensiled or bo thaw.M f i Ii'j lihlne S Hence and finding how I lh ov bo v hhi., nr bl yotr aaa r -Ii Mtitlrnt'r true It Is. nnturally and lug ikkIn u a y be. or boem aaa r. resoil'v, (In a memure at leasii yi ii it--y ft.r aUminr. Bs, ;v tn bi'otne Mie with It : I i reflect - ln-tn ' lis ' un lian'ul! lai aJ t l. to represent It and express It, In I r ctnesn ami rlxht, It stands u a thought. In word and In deed. And ; moved and relentless aa U a lille. thl mlth L)iein I a growth, and 'of NumNrs. sixl fnim It great baft I' Is attained to by degrees vet oa-! d l4v Is siving, "Yon mast wst tientty and by degrees It Is attained. ' me. I raunoi onie to yo. Tot w Christian Scientists are those wha like tbe shepherds of old. hav seen I hi tight, and are following where II l"id. snd would point others lo that light, that Ibey may follow also. Christian Science being Independent ly right. It can stand alone, and Chris tian Scientists are growing Into In dependence, not what the world calls lndeiendence however; for the Chris Han Scientist' Independence 1 abso lute dependence upon Ood. They are learning to mnke practical the flrat commandment,. "Thou ahalt hav no other Cods before me." -They are learning more and more, to depend upon Ood. Ihe One, the only Ootid In sickness and In health, In pain or In pleasure; In times of plentv or In Hmea of want; learning at all time and under all circumstances, to follow the Christ through evil report aa well as rood report. Christian Scientists, living more and cvire, nut In that principle of Inex haustible plentltud and fullness, learn a certain dcitree of Indenendenc. nt concede to my requirement, I et concede lo yours I bar Eternal lfl to arlv. but you must nreda aam all false beliefs to gut If." K vour rlnht desires snd every kai nd, but they must be given to Oof way. and can only be your way, von hav conformed to His. Christian Science It baaed ot IM One ontv but universal (Jood; hence la aood alike to all. but ebuM not for any. And bene, abould arwr be read with th qumUos &fof whether we are going te Ilk ft. kit. Ia It true? It the queslloo to b we aldered. It should never be with the Idea of liking, or dlsllkiagll a though our llkit or dlallx. " acceptance or rejection would It J wav affM-t tha areat Fart Of Betnf, What matters It wh Iber w Mlr m. ,1.,.. nna-balf tl . 1, M . Ul.rHH.1 I Ill" , fourth r If w reject It. J" prove It false? Or If doea that make It true? 0"? ceptance or rejectlofl eltw w that c0 be clentlfically provei,!" material way and means, and a niore practically demonstratedT m tieau ueiiii'i, n,..w . . V Ii. - i m.ln. bvUbcs. vni lilnvwiH, ti.inv 7. n.1 mattera it. whether w T man. In hit tru .plrltual hw hit relation and eonahlp to tW, Father, has for bit Inheritance, per feet, unchanging health, to'""'? and everlasting life. Doel I our ww ance or rejection, alter th J"1, can be and It found Abd by practice It being ed? And thl fact It belnpf,,a demonstrated, every M ' perieci aepenuence upon the One flreat Cause, whose higher lawa of Spirit am. UplrltiiNllty annul th sup posed lawa of matter and materiality. and consequently, govern all thing In the spiritual, as well as In the so called material world. I Law of Llf. Christian Selene la the Scientific knowledge, or the law of life, reduced to a system and found practical, not only in tbe physical heating of sick ness and tin and all evil. but in the destruction of them, from off the face of the earththat Hit Kingdom may come, and Ilia Will be done, on earth a It It in heaven. And Christian Scientists are those, who, to the ex tent that they understand thla great Truth, are practicing It, upon them telvet and othert, who aik of them the tame Ood 'a blessing. And hund red are being healed every day. of tlcknett a well at of tin. and of sin aa well at of tlcknett; and ths in their turn, are learning the great Law of Being, and how to apply It ln,thelr own case, and upon those who, In tnetr turn ahall come to them. 'ine uible, and Selene and Health with Key to the Scrlnturea. be Mary Baker Eddy, are the Text booke of Christian Science. Thla latter named book, Science and Health with Key to the Scripture sheds a new and spiritual light on the Scriptures, il luminates Being,' and sett thought at work In right directlona. And life. It found not to be a burden, betet with sickness, .enshrouded In dartcnesa and engulfed by fear; bnt la found to be worth the living: for health la found In place of tlcknett; light Inatead of darknea, and love In place of fear. The tinner finds the way of redemp tion, and he himself, sitting at the feet of Christ. the Truth, "Clothed and In hit right mind." ' Lest than forty yeara ago, thla book, Sclenre and Health' with Key to the Scriptures, waa first published and given to the world. When It flrat ap peared, critic aald, "It would never v. - -. J H Tut. 11.1a KrtAb la I..U, ua iwi, - . f read more and more throughout tbe Horn phone A-7I, B- 'r Huntley Brot DrM " i Main Btr J. W. MeAnulty-tf Seventh and Mit. . Scrst Conferf"10" If aln near Sixth- 1. EL Dunn Confectioner Next door to P- 0- , x -City Drag Store. . . Bleotrlo Hotel. Walter Little Con feetk-7' 814 Seventh Street , it. Volkmar Dn i Seventh near Center. , gohoenborn ConfectloiM-i Seventh and X Q, Ad (Continued on Par4' .' "I - l J . H'A II 7'. ..it "a .' "''"'a THI MORNING tNTI,J4 . It on aale at th following tor evetjr day: A VLfZ. eaw-aaaapaaaaaaaaaaap CALL ON F. D. Stcc:' When yo wlh to t::? -actotnotfit. ; At t'I'-!t ( Parks CiMf.