Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 17, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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, .
Suit naa filed Friday by Myrtle A.
Frost agatnat Charles Kenknight.
Aon D. Kenknight, Frank B. Dodge.
H. C. Steven aod Oliver Froat for
dtrteion of 180-acre tract of land near
Canby. The plaintiff aajra that ahe
la an heiress of Iaaa frost, and ii
auiog for a one-sixth Interest
The property res -oM after Mr
Frost's death by Che administrator,
and has since been sold again, but the
plaintiff alleges thai she has never
'received her share. Gilbert Hedges
representa the plaintiff. The property
Involved la one of the beat farms in
thi county, and the titration promises
to be interesting.
II III) , .1 - 3
The Harem Type Will B (.
plaited at Smart each.
Exercises To Be Held In McLcughlin
Park Tomorrow.
The dedication of the fountain erect
ed in McLoughllu Park by the Wo
man's Club In honor of Dr. John Mc
laughlin, will take place at 4 oclock
Sundav afternoon. Mayor George C.
Brownell and Mrs Eva Emery Dye
will speak and the musical program
will consist of Mrs. Designee' quartet
and a chorus, directed by Miss Veda
The Woman's Club members feel
justly proud of the fact that they are
the first to erect a memorial in honor
of Dr. John Mclaughlin
which the home stands has been of-j reflected oy ttw smart bathing suit
nciajiy name Mcuougnnn rara 7 this case the harem skirt idea baa
the Uregoa city Council. ' . . . .. ...
been adapted, and the result la that dl
Tided bathing skins are made for
smart women. Tbe divided skirt Is
sensible one for outdoor sports, and at
a bathing skirt It Is comfortable and
mod ret. for It Is laid in deep plait
that make It even fuller than tbe ater
age bathing skirt. Ordinarily no ooe
17 , J
fT, is J S 1
I L . 1
The Girl Whom
Nobody Knew
Copyright ky Amerta-ea Pre Xaa-
eiatiun. mil.
prrnax aarsrxd asm
If there are any novrltlee to tbe sea
The park in eon a fashions of course tbey
ill be
First Baptist Corner Main and Ninth
street. Rev. 8. A. Hayworth, pas
. tor. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:45
"1 .1 L-W I A MX
p. ed. OUQU17 ocau mi iv ha. i j
will I w,
At 11 a. m. the Sunday school win i woaUi suspect that this trim costume
w ...Yr .m li.T was a type of the much exploited and
much execrated Jape calotte.
Mohair, serge, silk and satin are
some of ' the materials favored for
I battling eostumee. They are usually
trimmed with bands of contraating
material. Tbe princes suit with
short Children's day program will
be given in conjunction with the
preaching service. The pastor will
deliver a short address. Evening
preachng at 7:45. Pastor's subject.
"The light Turned On." Special
music. , .
Catholic Cor. -erater ana Tenth Sts. j high waist effect, achieved by mean
Rev. A. HUlebran4 pastor, res. Ill of a girdle, la popular. With tbe bath
Water; Low Mass t a. nu. with ser-; lng dress a smart jersey Is sometimes
. mon; High Mass 10: JO a. bx, wtta , worn. A silken handkerchief with
sermon; insrawa. i.w gtrtped border la knotted over the hair.
-" ..w. (Bd atKxatti asadala are adopted
bongregavranai torner staia ana feet.
Eleventh streets. Rev. Wm. M. Proc- -tor
pastor, residence 509 Third : 8un-'
dT School 1J noon. John Lowry. j MASCOT HANDLES.
superintendent; morning service
10:14. evening 7:10. young people
8:45. Weekly prayer meeting Thurs
day at 7:30 p. m. Sermon at 10:30
by Rev. Roy Carter, of Wallace,
Idaho. Sermon at 7:45 by Rev. Wil
liam M. proctor.
Umbrellas and Paraaela A darned With
Quaint Geed Luofc Symbol a
Tbe mascot a moral) a ke one of tbe
fads of tbe moment. Anlmai bead
or animal figures carved In Ivory.
wrought In sliver or gun metai.
not only attractive, but suited to tbe
taste' of the oer. Aa umbrella bso
d)e bearing the device of a white ele
t. - 'e,
W" rf v. - -v
j n mm
um mm
CMM iv. Lwtnaran Cor. Bctith aad J.
Q Admms strrta. Rav. P. SchmKIt
' put or. m. M J. Q idut: S 8.
:XS a. m. ; preaching artrraooaa ef Mrst
aad third SanSars at 1 IS m Easiwa.
other Suadar arrrlo mernlnas at 1 M
wltk pr rhlng la Gennaa.
Chrlstlan Science Math and Cen
ter streets. Sunday service 11 a. m.
Sunday school i noon. Wednesday
evening- I p. n.
On maw Evangelical Cor. Eighth and j
afadlaoa streets. Kr. F. Wlerealck pas- I
tor. rca. Til Btadlann: B. S. 1 a. ra.. I
Harm BchraSar. Hoar atreat. mtpt.:
mc acrrtc 11. yoeac people at 7
p. m. aod preaching Hip a Prayar !
Meting Wedaoaeay at T IS p. m. 4
. Giadston Christian Rev. A. H. Mul
key, pastor, res. Gladstone. Sun
day school 10 a. m., N. C Hendricks,
supterlntendent Morning service,
11 o'clock. Brotherhood servlese at
... will apeaJt la the evening. Special
music by the choir.
Mountain View Union (Cong.) 8. S.
I p. nx, Mrs. J. IL Quinn, supt.;
Bible Study every Thursday after
noon; E. C Dye will preach at 7: 3D
'clock Sunday evening.
Methodist Main street cor. Seventh,
Rev. E. P. Zimmerman pastor, res.
cor. Sixth and Washington; 8. S.
9:45 a. m., C. A. Williams, Glad
stone, supt.; morning service If: 45,
Ep worth League 6:30, evening ser
vice 7.30. Prayer meeting Thurs
day g p. m. Morning subject, "Pure
Religion." Evening popular sen lee, (
"Ten Nights in a Bar roomr" Uliav 1
trated with stereoptlcon pictures. I
Special mastc. 1
lng Thursdsy J p. m. Morning sub-
ect, "Politics and raith." Kvening
subject, "The Heart's Unrest"
Presbyterian Seventh street cor. Jef
ferson. Rev. J. R. Landsborough,
pastor, Res. 710 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10
a. m Mrs. W. C. Green, supt.; morn
ing service 11 a. m. Prayer meet
ing Thursday 8 p. m. a
ParluilAea r" i nM i t
Jons pastor, m. (kckimu. . . IS, hands.
m. wm.. a.mw7 rimcn supt.; prrnmg
t-T. 11 a m and I H m etirt.- I consequently a monkey bsndled om-
tlan Endeavor Thur4ay evrnlng 7:S I breila is much prized. Pussy cats.
pbant la a sutneietit reminder to the
borrower tbsi should be fsll to re
turn It to more senses than ooe be la
likely to have an elephant on bis
Tbe monkey, according to
prMrhmg oriental beliefa. brings good luck, and
p. m.
St. Paul's Rev. C. W. Robinson, rec
puppy dugs, parrots, little Ivory gods
tor. Dally services: Morning pray- ,n f'ct- Kuod ,nck fiuns' of " kln(U
r, 1 a. m.; iioiy Kucnans', 7; 30 a.
m.; evening prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sun
day services: Tloly Eucharist 8 a.
m.; momlog prayer, 10:30 a. m.;
Holy Eucharist and sermon, 11 a.
m.; evening prayer and sermon,
7:30 p. m.; 8. 8., 12 ra.; Thursday
evenings, sermon at 7:30 p. m.
Unltod Brthnn Cor. eighth ana Taylor,
v- U, Clark paator, rs. Portland;
B. IS a. m.. Prank Pnrfcr. MapU
supt : moraine rrlc 11. T. P.
C. p. m.. aTanlng sarvlca 7.
Willamette M. LNa rrulr preariilng
, eerrtces. 8. B. I p. m.. af ra. luama
- supt.
Xlen Lutheran Cor. Jerraraon aad BMrtitk
atraeta. Hr. W. .. Kraxbaraar paa
tor. roa. 71S Jerraraon; . . t la a m
XT Krubaw eupt.; aMmmg aarvlra
IS M. areata, Utkw Lm-u4 1
. . a.
adorn tbe handle of tbe modlsb son
umbrella aod parasol. Black bandies
are very popular. Baye the Dry
Goods Economist: Tbey are brought
out In vsrlous materials enamel t1
wood, vulcenlte. csrved ebony, etc.
These are not only used with the
blsek and white novelties, but are
also In strong demand for colored par
asols of ali grades. Mission bsndles
continue prominent In tbe popular
priced goods, and mushroom tope are
atlll well taken.
"Quite a good boalnese Is being done
In parasols and colored sun umbrellas.
Che bsndles of which ran be unscrew
ed and doubled over on to the cover,
msking It smsll enough so place tm s
dress suit esse."
Are Yoo a Subscribe to the
NeTr DaUy?
If The Meenlftff Enterprise is to be M sacceseral me the toesreeU ec
City BMsaad It mast needa hare the support of all. TV new daily has
ft big work before It la boosting- Oregon City and Ciaekams Oaaty. Tew
wapport aseaxis more strength for the work.
V7iII Yotf Hdp Bocst yout mm Interests?
he swid to paid la advanee
mm a Maaited time the
isheetlhsis ae (wilewe:
tfm, I r
-Where did iuU ttet yout wile.
Campbell?'' I asked.
He smiled.
"Kvldriitlr." 1 added, "you met her
la some singular way."
'Not at all. It la uot any pecullsrliy
of my meeting with b.r. but ibe uiultl
pllclty of uiy uieellus before I n
even lutrodui-ed to tier."
'I was one evening at a iTin.e IUni
followed a dluurr at the boue f s
friend, there being uiauy more at tin-
dance than at tbe dinner. U'tiile tUm
irfg saw a girl lilting by lier-wlf. nt
having any altentlou wbsteter I
surjrlsed. for I was ery mu-b siru k
with her si'eiru-e I ahull get her
out of thst.' I remarked luwsrdly
she's not s girl for s wilrtoer.
And. belug SiNualuled with slnnl
every one lu tbe room. I sked one
after auotber to tuirolut-e me. Not a
person I applied 10 bxd auy ai-qiiHliii
ance with ber Kvery time I iokr
to any one on ibe autiji-ct 1 ws obliged
to point her oui. and It ass uot H'lit
before sbe uothed wbat I wss mooui
She smiled, snd every time abe
I set off to HikI a new persou 10 Intro
duce roe Mually. after leaving Hie
room In search ot another poaaibie go
between, ou my return tbe lady wa
"I didn't even know ber nsiue. When
1 spoke to tbe boat about ber I could
not even describe ber sufficiently for
him to recognise ber by my deai-riptlon
He said abe must be from out of town
or a newcomer. In an eastern city
those in tbe swim era cold to tboe
not in It and sometimes tbe most de
sirsbie persons to know ere left to
"This &ri whom nobody knew and
my unsucceeaful attempt to be Intro
duced to ber Interested me Pomtlily
it waa thia attempt aod failure that
kept Ber in my mind. At any rate. I
could not forget ber. My endeavor
was a compliment to ber. and 1 was
quite sure It would put imooi pleas
ant footing with ber if I could Ond ber
"One day I was driving my sut
mobile down an avenue wben I met
another machine, on tbe back seal of
which sat tbe girl whom nobody
knew. There was an amused smile on
her face as we soot by each other. I
determined to turn and follow ber tbat
I might see where sbe Uved or. at any
rate, ret some clew to ber identity. I
slowed up aod brought my auto about,
then started back. I put on sufficient
speed to overtake tbe other car and
at "LaugbM," where they have en
tertained many visitors during the
past week. Mr. and Mrs. Roots, recent
arrivals from Sacra men . are occupy
lng "Rock Icdge" and Mr. and Mrs
Horace Cushlng will be at home to
their friend at "llueua Vista" after
June It. The Webb family will en
joy camp life on the Koelhe river
front. Mr a. Shook, of Kalania Fall a.
la very pleaaantiy located In the Har-
c roves place. Judge, llronaugh and
family lll he out the latter part of
the week. Mr. and Mrs. Groves, of
Silver Springs, have purchased (he
Davy plnce and are pleasantly located
In this pretty little place on the
county road.
Athlatioe' Ftrat Bstamsn Sistae
Handle Claveiand lum Not Vssr.
lUrry OaiK the sitslu ! llw
PbllmMphln Altlerk'Hil sil one l
the aiot ixipuiMi piatritt lu the Iiiiinw
orgsnlSMMoii. ii'tmiinl;H ttlsl lie i
Slstetf o tieoonie the innnsiser ot ill'
Cleveland team nett -0ii
Thst Dsvis would eveiiinslly be
placed In chare of aoiue lesm In thl
league baa bree S foregone cone 1 11
alon. The fact thai he bss been Ideu
tided for many rear with ooe ot the
eucresarul maoscera in tbe gsuie
By F. A. MTiattJ-
Copyrujht by American Praas Aaao-
alatlon. Kit.
Photo by Amarlraji Praas Assnelattoa.
Banal Davia. wao issLarao to B4SLls
Is believed 10 quality turn for sucb s
poaltloo. If there ts one men la bane
ball wbo has had tbe opportunity 10
learn tbe One points of the game aod
the duties of a maoager It la Dsvls
came so near that, happening to turn VDo 00der CoDn. V.rk has proved.
ber head, abe aaw me. grest sucreen aa Oeld captain.
-At that moment a policeman who Tnr- of ,unM- , grrmt ai(t)tr
ence between being tbe chief lleutea
ant of a man like Mark and tieiog
thrown on Ms own responsibility. b'H
Davis should soreeed even tbouih be
dose not himself engage la tbe game
Ameeiean League Own Much te Vet
eran Pitcher Whe Will Quit
Tbe retirement of Cy Toung. which
ferns probable now that Cleveiacd
has let blm go, baa been predicted for
several years, but on each occasion tbe
eterao baa come beck and nbnwn
that be could still deliver the goods
But It wss tbe first time In Young's cs
rear thst wslvers bsve been e-ied on
him. aod It would seem ibsi tbe old
fellow might bsve been spared this
humiliation, alace It seems certain
that oooe of tbe other duba In the
aaajors arlli care to carry blm aod be
Is not apt to go lu tbe minors
Cy Toung has done much for base-
ben. Be baa been one of tbe pillar
"Aa aooa aa abe bad paased out of of tbe sport for these runny yi
had been chasing me overtook me
and called 00 me to atop. Not daring
to disooey ibe mandate of an officer
of the law. I waa obliged to come to a
halt. The girl I bad been following
saw the whole thing and laughed The
policeman look me to the station, and
I paid a One for speeding
"Mad Is the only word tbst describe
my feelings. Wbat could I do! I bnd
lost my chance and might never have
But I did. One day I waa on a
train. It wss summer time, and every
window was open. We cenie to a stop
at a sts tloo I waa reading a news
paper. A train coming from tbe owo-
slte direction stesmed up to tbe ststlou
and stopped, the two trains remaining
aide by side for severs I minutes. Then
beard tbe other train begin to move
Looking np from my paper, there In
window directly opposite mine, slow
moving away from me. with au
amused smile on ber fsce Indeed,
mischief In ber eye wss the girl
whom nobody knew
sight. Boau-blog my belongings. I
arose and ran eut on tbe platform.
Intending to board ber train, but abe
was in tbe isst car. I saw It pulled
away with accelerating rapidity. Nev
erthelees I ran after It and as I did so
saw tbe girl that nobody knew wltb
ber head oot of tbe window laughing
at me. For a few mlnutea I gained
on tbe train, then it pulled away from
me and 1 gave up tbe rac.
There never was a time ihai he did
Oot give his club bis very hei erv-
Ices, and the occasloos when be bss
not been of tbe greatest artistic bene
fit during the twenty-two sesaons of
hie career have been few and far be
tween indeed.
Tbe American league. owes much to
Toung When be joined tbe raoks of
the new organization be proved tbe
entering wedge for an loflui of play-
Again 1 waa plunged In the depths from b o)j aagne. Players.
magnates and tbe public always had
confidence In old Cy. snd there is no
doubt tbst much of the success the
American lesgne attained resulted
from Toung joining tbe ranka of the
new league. Of course tbat waa years
ago and antler conditions quite differ
ent from those agisting today, snd
awn deeds are often forgotten In base
of deapalr. or, rather. I wan ail nerv
laned up at these mlssd vent urea, snd
somehow I seemed to be coining un
dec a spell. Every time I ssw tbst
amused amile It threw dm into a
worse condition than before. 1 waa
atmply being tantalized to madneHS.
Singular, wasn't It 7"
"It wss about six months after this
thst ray friend Jimmy Dutton wss
married. We bad been chums for
years, aod nothing would do but tbat
must be bis best msn. He made an
engagement with me to take me to
call on tbe young lady who waa to
be his bride's maid of honor. vVe call
ed tbe evening before the wedding.
but tbe young lady. Miss Pemberton.
sent down word tbat sbe waa sick In
bed trying to brace herself up to lie
ble to officiate tbe next Any. This
rendered It impossible for us to meet
till just before tbe ceremony.
"Tbe neit day tbe groom, attended
by bis supports. I leading, marched
down one aisle of tbe church, while
tbe bride marched down another.
When we all met at tbe chancel who
do yon airpimae 1 met fsce to face as
the msld of honor f
"The girl wbom nobody knew?"
"Whst did sbe dor How did the
meet your"
"Sbe laughed."
Peekst Billiards. Net Peol.
One plays pocket billiards, not pool.
according to the Illinois mate Billiard
iseoclatkm. The expression "pool"
savors too mur b of bookmsklng Don't
call a cneist "Doot abark.' but a
pocket billiards expert.
Henry Smith's spsn of gray horses
drew the decorated float from Oak
Grove In one of the Rose Peatlval
paradea. -
Mrs. Pe Forrest and Miss Oussle De-
Pnrreat will leave on Thursdsy for
Washington. D. C, after a delightful
visit with Mr. and Mrs. Piece. Miss
Forrest expects to return In Septem
ber and will opea a music stadia
The Rose Festival being over and
the warm days at band, many of the
portlandltea are seeking for cool ra
treats on the bunks of tbe Willamette
at this place. . Among then are Dr.
and Mrs. Wardner, who are la their
eettage, owing out by boat om Sun
Jimmy Casey, wbo wsa once
tbe Idol of the Detroit fana when
be played with tbe Tigers snd
now msnager of tbe Port Wayne
club, tells an Interesting story
00 Pitcher Peaeiey. tried oot by
the Tigers last epilog and turned
over to Fort Wayne for develop
ment "We bad three men "on tbe
bases and none out. wltb Peas
ley pitching, ooe day," said Ca
sey. "Onslow, tbe rate ber,
caught a ma 0 off second. Tbe
..better could oot bit a low ball,
and Onaiow kept atgnating
Peesley te pot ft near hia knees.
I'eaaley, bower er. per tat ed la
keeping H wide.
"I called Pes slay to ooe aide
and remonstrated with him
'What are you pitching that way
forf I asked.
! thought I would waste on
tbla fellow and All tbe bases se
tbat Onslow car oatcb another
map off seroad. be replied.
"Aa an eacuee for lack of
trot tbat baa la
I was altt,lug lu a reatsursul iu Ns
plea with several A mark's u frtemU
U Ik lng about lbs cholers.
"This cholera buaiuess Is merely s
sos re." as Id one. "Ilealde. why fesr
death r We must all die some lime."
"Tbat fur death:" ssld young Hi or 11
ton. siisppliig hla augers ."I'm golds'
to live lo be a buudred "
A xiii tin Is r looklug fallow came luto
the reHlsuraut aul sat down at au ad
Jolulng table. I vould uot luske uul
tbat be was of any chwcIhI age; hr
uiigtit have been thirty or Ufly or a
buudred aod Ofty Vet there was
something about blui that mude h 1 111
look preuiMlurely aged. Ilia eyea were
set very dw lu bis bead aud glUlclied
like thoae of a wild sulinsl lu tlio durk
fie was so Iblu thst one could slmo-l
see tbe Juurtloiis of tbe botic of bU
fsce, sud bis rlotbee bung about Inn.
In huge folds lie bsd evidently heurd
Thornton's boast, for be died his eye.
ou blm In a way that made my blood
run cold other of the younger uirui
bers of the iwrty wbo al with tlicli
barks to (he newcoiurr prr-iraied
jokes about death. Kvery word on
that subject seemed to excite thV atrsu
gers Ire until be wss laabed luto
"My friends." be ssld presently
"you wbo coudemn death do not real
Ise wbat you are talking about. Too
abould have seen sucb sights aa I bar
en. Were any of you in a battle?"
We all stared at tbe atrangvr. tongue
tied. No oue vf us clsliued lo bsve
seeo anything of wsr.
"I wss st the battle of (Irsvekiite,
be as Id. "aud advauced wltb au at
larking arty of Pruaatana If you
bad seen tbst white pall tbat I threw
over Ibe rsi-ea. of Iboee wbo were
struck you would not Isugh st destb
Toe threw over their fscaaf I ask
ed. puttied
"Then at ew tirieau. Ibe mau
went on without nothing my remark
"you abould bsve seen Ibe Hrtllsh com
lng up 'in perfect form. Moo sgslnai
the Kentucky burners. . Here, there
everywhere tbe redcosta sank down
la their trarks"-
'Do you refer lo tbe 6ilfl of New
Orleans, sir?" interrupted oue of our
"Tea, sir. I do liut battle are iihiIi
lng Tske the grest plague r
Londou. Two men were mmiUmu i-
fore me 00 ChesMide. 1 i.m. H-I m
by wsy of sttrsrtlug hl stieni..u 1
paled ana sank dowu lu hi. tr k v
party were drluklng lu su ate bouw
without tbe town limits A I ka.knl
at ooe of them be threw up bl lismH
rltb a groan I weul out Into In.
street snd saw the etple buruiug bar
rela of tar. I laughed at them"
"Do you meau. sir." I asked, "thst
pos were In Ioudou al that time?"
"My frtrud. where bsve I not been
when men sud women sud children
were struck down by ibis something
you call death? In tbe daya of anrleui
Home whole communities of tiauls wbo
rebelled sgslnst the Human authority
were but. tiered Tbey bsd been; tbey
were not "
It wss evldeut to most of us thst the
msn was a lunatic But we did nut
communicate the I bought to one sooth
er. tsrn or us wss speiiiiotind no
less by bis strsnge tslk than bis weird
person Illy
"Uut even tbeae atri ken barbsrisns.
so far aa numbers sre concerned, were
but few In comparison wltb th
mis thing you sometimes rsll the
re par baa rut down st ooe time
There bsve been portion of the earth
tbst bsve sunk Into tbe sea swsllowlng
up a hundred times the number of tbe
gres tent butchery;"
"Wbenr I ssked.
"Wbea? What knowledge have ton
of the little planet on which you live
beyond a few tbouaaod years? The
time of which I apeak waa forgotten
10.000 yesrs ago."
"Tell us." I aked. "your nstlonsllty.
Too spesk English ss If you are Anglo-
English! I apeak every living aad
every dead language. I am a titlten
of the world. 1 am always busy. Al
this moment 1 am renting preparatory
to a great work."
"Wbeo did you come to Nspiesr"
"Testerday at noon."
We all shuddered. At 12 o'clock tbe
dsy before the Brst cholera patient bad
'Will you remain long?"
'My stays no bumsn being knows.
I go Into a plsce. do what work I find
for me to do there snd go elsewhere.
Then I stop often by the wn.valdi'.
During my journey here I stopped at
a cottage. There was one lens In tbe
fsmily wben I left. On entering this
city I msde several calls before resting
from my Journey. Hut I mut he go
lng. I am plessed to have met you
lie rose, and as be did so I thought
I heard a grating, rattling sound un
der his long closk. Paying 00' further
attention to any of us except Thorn
ton. whose remsrk be bsd benrd on en
irnun auu wuiru DHd started Dim on
his grewsome tslk. the stranger as be
passed him stopped and offered bin
band. Thornton looked up st blm In
terror, withholding bis hsnd. hut tbe
maniac kept bis eyes fixed on blm. and
slowly tbe hand waa lifted and drawn
toward tbe man wboae own waa out
atretcbed. The moment Thornton's
waa clasped a change came over his
face. .
Tbe stranger paased out. '
Tbat very night Thorn too died of
Ai?e Yon a
nr jlki tit
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
'' 1
By c&ttiet, X year $3.00
By mailt t yea 2.00
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
Miss Bell Gray, of Oregon City. Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. R. A. Oray.
Mr. Sherman and Mlaa Bertha Miller
are visiting their parents, Mr. aad
Mra. J. p, Millar.
An Ice cream eoclal will be given
at the hall on June I.
Children's Day exercise will be
beld at the M. EJ. church on Juno ll.
siise Johannah Asbo ban returned
from Woodburn. where aa attend ad
The local residents sake attended
the graduating exercises at Sllverton,
June 1, were Mr. J. U. ttiraaxxa. Mra.
Omer Marquam, Mlaa Jewel Marquam,
Miss Bohe LArklnn, Mr. Arthur Nel-
To Introduce Tbe Morning
Enterprise Into a large major
ity of the homes la rtriaia
City and Clackamas county ibe
management baa deeided to
make a special price for tbe
daily laeue, for a short abate
only, where the Bwbeortber pays
a year In advaaee.
By carrier, paid a year la
advance, 18.00.
By mall, paid a year fa ad-
vanoe, $1.00.
People wbo gave esrr son Tea
ser a trial subscription for ooe
or more months, at tea asanas a
week, can have tbe daily danVr
ered for a year for IM by
paying a year aa advaavee.
People whe gave oar isaits
ser a trial smhsnrlxstoa. by
mall, for four months at a dol
lar, may have tbe paper for a
year for II 00, If paid a rear la
advaaee- , .
Subscribers to tbe Weekly
Enterprise may ess nasi their
auhaarlptlona to tbe sussV, re
ceiving oredlt for half taase eat
tbe dally that tbe s saali hi
paid la advaaee. Wbea tbar
choose to add eaak te tbe ad
vaaee payment equal te a fall
year'a advaaoa paranasal thwry
may lake BdvaataaW af tbe ft
"rlV?? Jheens aM
as lbs xaw
and via takw
sjswprtaa, saar 0
tee grant sap anas.
Tuv unniuiun euTCRPRlM V
Is on sale at the following itorajf
every day: I
very day:
Huntley Bros. Drug
Main Street. ,
J. W. MoAnulty Clgari
Seventh and Main.
Becrent Confectionary
Main near Sixth.
M. E. Dunn Coiifoctiooaf?
Next door to P. 0.
City Drug Stors
Electric Motel.
Walter Little Confection
S14 Ssventh Street. ,
M. Vol k mar Drug!
Seventh near Center.
Schoenborn Confeotlonsrf
Seventh and X Q Aos.
Mount Pleaaant Woman
Dead In Bed.
The funeral of Mrs. Sophia
who died at bef home In Nov".
ant, on Thursday morning, f
at the family realdence on
morning at ( o'clock, rathe? H
brand officiating. The Interment"
In the Catholic cemetery. . - M
Mrs. Bernard was found dead st"
by her son Joseph. .She bad no'
plained of feeling 111. She li.f'T
ed by her husband and son.
mard Is blind.
retnerneod te wve i.
oi n---
The Modern Vrotnerboof
win 4 . iiati ehls bvss&.-
tbe Wlllametts Hall, an tb 2
mlttee In charge la sparing jwr-
to make this a moat delightful
Tbe muslo will be furnHhes oj
Wills orchestra. -
a '
day. Mr. and Mre. W. A. Mack are I
nad Mr. Helmer Nearenaon.
Redd the MawMnf
kead ta Horning
M - -
rtevaii taaiyX3i' vyr-''
t .