Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 16, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    wzzmn nrrcRPraaH, Friday; jtjneioV 1911:
Stories from Out of Town
p"- 1 1 1 1
W. B. Booney ni away to Oregon
City ft few days last mil
Mrs. Harris, of Hillaboro, ku been
netting wit br aunt. Mra. ut, at
Col ton.
MtM Nellie Bonney left for 8hubel
Uat Sunday
The First Annual Concert. given Uat
Wednesday evening at the Swedlaa
church by the Coeur d' Alone, Idaho,
College Octette, assisted by Myrtle
B. .ftoraulst. meiso, and
Charlotte B. Phlnney. planlat. waa at
tended by a Urea crowd and enjoyed
by everyone present
Gertie Carl mm, from Portland,
visiting ber folk at Colton."
B. Sullivan, the aupervteoc of road
district St. baa been doing some fine
road work the past week.
Mra. DU and eon. U. 8 , Mrs. Har
ris and Mr. and Mrs. Freeaaaa. of
El wood, were uU at Mr. and Mrs.
I. O. Wis last Sunday.
Joe Arquett has been busy hauling
Mr. and Mrs. Ooorge Wallace re
turned from Highland, where they
hare been visiting the former's par-
enta last week.
Alfred Wall, of Portland, was home
visiting bis narents isst week.
The Swedish Missionary Society
met st Auntfe Stromgren'a Ust Thurs-
Isy. Quite a crowd gathered and a
nice time was reported.
V. & and I. O- Dtx made a trip tor
Tim ber grove for some wheat Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bergren and family, of
Hubbard, were Ttaitlnf with Mr. and
Mrs. Wall Uat week.
Otto Sorenaoa called on E. Berglund
last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Sharkey made a
bualneaa trip to Oregon City Tuesday.
- Mrs. Oeorce Sohrelner vtalted wtU
Mrs. Joan Burgoyne and Mrs. El
Veteto. of New Era. Thursday.
Mrs. Boylan. of Kelso, Wash- Is
vlaitlng her son. D. L. Boylan and
family. She ia a delegate to the con
Tentlon of the United Brethren church.
tb convention to be held at Philo
A. J. Clawe, of Chicago. Is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. McCord. of Msple Lawn
Dick Kelland Is slashing 30 acres for
Curtis Dodd.
Mrs. rrank Black, while walking
along the sidewalk fronting her place,
fell and struck ber face. Injuring her
Edward Matheney haa gone Eaat to
visit relatives for about a month and
will attend hia slater s wedding.
Many attended the rose, show In
Oregon City Saturday.
Mrs. A. H. Harvey received word
Miss staagt and many other resi
dents of "Wlleon villa took In the Rose
Festival at Portland last week.
Helen Murray la teaehlng a aummer
school at PrinevUle. but will arrive in
our village In time for the fall term
of school. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Beth use left on Friday
for their home la Lents.
Ports Young Is at home, having sue-
ceesrully Oalebed his course at the
O. A. C
Harold Say Is at home for the sum
mer vacation, after attending New berg
htgh acnooi. .
Mary BrobaL who haa been attend
Ing high school In Portland la at home
for the aummer vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Young have
returned from CorvalUa. where they
attended the commencement exercises
last week.
.Rev. Moore was In our village last
Thursday attending the quarterly con
Elmer 8eely has returned from
school at Portland to spend the boll
days at his home here.
The exesvation has been made for
the foundation of the Methodist church
end It Is to be hoped that every real
dent of Wilsonville will feel duty
bound to help build thla church In our
Posted notices announce the annual
fmm haa . ana Civil, of Raattlai that
be fell, injuring his foot and Is con- mating on next Monday, Jane
flaed In the hospital.
The launch "Julia" la now making
regular trips between Newberg and
Wilsonville. with Alonao Epler In
W. P Hunt anil wlfa of Marnlna
I charge.
D. Curran, are visiting relatives v- "ure id me a. u.
here. Thev are on their bridal tour. nan on rriaay evening. June
ur and Mr j rwhoit nnt last 1Mb. at o'clock, after which Ice
Sunday at Mount Pleaaaat. attending f ? .t"br,' W,H
the wedding of William Buckner and D " ,a Methodist
Mrs. Singer. church. The lecture Is free, and the
Hrrr Rurkner at RMttr Creek. Il proceeas I rum me lesuvai will be
the eueat of hia sister. Mrs. Parish ud neip " e new church.
O. .01 MICK. W. tTAFrOrtO AND
this week.
Mrs. Frank Albright and children
I have gone to Jefferson to spend a few
The Coltoa bora played ball with weeka with her mother.
Wk. Ttf.KtfMw. knr. KunHav Mlaa Adkina nf Mullnn ia tha meat
j or her aunt. Mrs. Fisher, this week. "r . mmar
: while having some dental work done. announcement as to whst he In-
.from I Mrs, S. R- Green waa taken to St. u oesuiuui aojoio
Dnnt mlaa tbta treat.
Henry Aden has decided to move his
tore to the new property he recently
purchased from Joe Chalupaky. so be
prepared to meet a store on wheels
8c hie we is home
; Vincent's hospital Ust Monday.
Ing residence, purchased at the same
mi.. Ma unr anent Sundav with A birthday aurDrlse narty waa alven ,lm' ,or property.
Olga Elmer. i Monday evening at the home of Mrs. k J Children a Day service will be
Archie Cummins came home from Frank Wlnslow in honor of her alster. nHd, on Sunday evening. June Kth.
waahinrtas. Mrs. Jennings. It belna her 87th birth- at "'30 o clock. In the A. O. W. W.
Carl Strom green bought some oats . day. There were fifty-seven relatives
from Marshall. SDd friends present Ice cream, cake
John Larklna waa called Ust Friday ; and strawberries were served out on
morning to his sister, Mrs, Austin, tne uwn to all present.
who Is very 111. She lives at Molalla.
Mrs. Lee and her daughter, Irene,
vent strawberry picking.
Willie Kletnsmith Is marketing In
The Dalles.
The Marshall boys are working on
their place In Highland.
The Eaat haa not monopolised all
the beat ss old Oregon is experiencing
some pretty warm weather the past
few days.
There was a good attendance at
Chlldren'a Day exercises at the hall
Saturday and everyone seemed to be
well pleased with the program.
Mra. Harris, of Michigan. Is visiting
her sister. Mrs. J. A. Deris, and other
re la tires la this vicinity.
Miss Florence Gamble, of Portland,
who haa been spending a few weeka
with Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, re
turned to Portland Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alder, of Iowa, cousins
of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, are
visiting them here at their home.
Bert Wallace and wife were Macks
berg visitors Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8nodgraaa have
arrived at the dignity of being graad
pareata. a son having been born to
their daughter, Mra. Kate Bohlander.
oa Jane la.
Frank Manning sheared aheap for
Mr. Baaith Satarday securing U lbs.
of wool frosn eight sheep; a pretty
good sversge.
Gladys and Bobbie Snodgraaa went
to Beaver Creek 8unday to attend
Children's Day exercises. They report
a splendid time.
Mra. Kate Goocber, who has been
spending a few days at Mr. Al Jonea
returned home Thursday.
Misses Ida and Jennie Hlnderman,
Last Thursday evening the rirla
played a very Interesting game of baa
ket ball at the hall Thla amusement
of Pendleton, were calling on frienda will continue every Thursday evening
every one welcome to the children's
day exercises at the church on June
in thla vicinity last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Grubb, of Arleta
were guests of George Roberta and J5. a complete issue of the program
win appear uter.
Gerald Wiicoi returned home from
family Sunday
William Stlllwell. of Tillamook. Ore
gon. 80 years old, la visiting his ne- Corvallla last Friday
phew. Frank 8tUlwell and family, thla
Harry Scboth returned home from
O. A. C. at CorvalUa. Saturday,
Walter Wlnslow, of Sioux City, I
U vUlting his brother. Frank thla
Oratory, mualc. toothsome viands and
good fellowship marked the fifth an
nual banquet of the Mount Pleasant
Civic Improvement Club In the audi
torium of the School House Thursday
evening. Mora) than 100 persons were
present, and everyone had a good
time. J. N. Slevers waa the least-
master and A. J. Roman delivered the
address of welcome to the guests and
the new members. U. A. Ulckel re
sponded to the add re as of welcome,
and Mlaa Edith lire to, of Portland,
gave a reading entjtled. "The Man In
the 8hadow," G. R Dimlck spoke
upon the progress of the' club. Its
unity and purpose, and. Incldently,
put In a good word for the Clackamas
Southern railroad. His remarks about
he railroad Interested everyone pres
ent, and brought forth applause.
W. B. Stafford, spoke upon "Diver-
sided Farming." and T. O. Clark's sub
ject. "Future Plana of the Club.- Su
perintendent of the Oregon City
Schools Tooie delivered an address
upon 'Tubllc Schools Assisting In Ed
ucational, Economic and Industrial
Work of the County." Mr. Toose had
evidently given much thought lo hia
subject, andmade a fine Impression.
The hall waa beautifully decorated
with pink peonies, ferna and rosea.
The Misses Maud. Edith and Mary
Riley. Metis Htatt and Isabel Parteau
walled upon the tables.
Mayor Brownell was to have re
sponded to a toaat, but waa prevented
from attending by preeang business.
His sbseoce was generally regretted.
The following committees were In
lYogrsm Mrs. A. O. Warner, Miss
Roma Stafford and Profesaoro J. N.
Reception Mr. and Mra. J. M. War-
nock, Mr. and Mrs. S. O Dillman, Mr.
and Mra. T. Gilbert Clark. Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Stafford. Mlaa Mary U
Holmes, Miss E. & Williams, T. C.
Refreshments Mra. 0 A. nickel.
Mra. A. E. King. Mrs. J. W. Hlatt.
Mrs. J. M. Wamock.
Decorations Miss Roma Stafford,
Mlaa Mable Christen ten. A. C. War
ner. K Hlatt, II. Janibson.
Ooerrlgat. ltU. Sy Asaualeud Ut
rarr lt a
for Seattle to visit ber sister, Mra.
Mr. end Mrs. John Williamson were
Work haa been continued on the
road and we are all proud to aay that
we have aa good roads aa any dis
trict In the countv.
Roy Wilcox la vlaitlng relatives In ,n Pr,Un Rose Festival
Rose burg. Tbursdsy.
Quit- nnmivap nt DnH....... I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roth have a
J. Lewellen is giving hia house a visited the Rose Carnival last week baby bOT born Wedneaday
w coat of paint and are only sorry that thla event Is I Hrd Kccles made a busl
When Albert Cliff ashed Anna Prim
to marry him he uw tbal aue did
not believe the waste awaiiowed Je
oaa. During their t-ourunip he bad
heard her aay a twenty different
times. When Anna Trim repoeu yes
to Albert CUr propose! she knew
that he did believe that the whale
swallowed Jonah, but did not believe
that Daniel was real to I be Hons, lie
had repeatedly said so. This differ
ence seemed trifling thing, and tbey
went ahead and were married. It
wasn't a month before tbey bad ra
clash. It wasn't two before the whole
village of Carrol knew that the couple
were living unhappily.
-Albert," the wife would aay. "you
muat have thought you were marry
log a fool. Can a cow swallow a
milk panr
"Of course not."
"Then bow could a wbale baveawal
lowed a maat I tell you Jonah would
have alack In bis ibroat and choked
him to death In no time."
-Well, what are lloua made fori"
the boehaud would query la reply.
"Made lo eat folks up) Alwaya hun
gry? Always after a good thing 7 If
Daniel bad been cast among taeni be
would have been oog'a meat In ten
eevouda. How you ran believe eu u
oooaenae is beyond me.
Morulug. noon and nlgbt It waa Jo
nah and Daniel.
Living with her son Sve miles away
waa an old woman named Aunt Ju
dith Bensoo. She waa frequently lu
the village and beard all the gossip.
She wsa being well treated al ber
son's, but after bearing so mock about
Jonah and Daniel a bright Idea raute
to ber. "he weut to town had called
on Mra. Cliff. It was an hour after
dinner, and Mra. CHIT waa ettll furious
over what had been aald at the noon
day meal.
"Look bare, now," began the old
woman after a bit. -you are right and
your buaband to wrong. Never In Ibis
living world did Ibe wbsle awallow
"That's wbat I've told Albert a
thousand tUnea over," replied lite
wife. "But be'a a rrgulsr niuie about
It lie wouldn't give in If be waa lo
die for It."
"But you can't keep on thi way,
you know." ,
"Of course not I siiair Imve lo
leave him."
"Well. I dunno a boot that. I've rail
E. C Surf us, of Ell wood, was
thU burg Tuesday.
Mrs. Guy Pace, of Spokane. Wash.,
la vlaitlng ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.
O. W. Griffin.
celebrated only once a year.
to Portland by rail and to Wood burn
by the electric line. He stopped at
several nlacee aoltrltln for lha At.
barlow. klna Lumber Co. He returned to Can.
P. H. Maloy fell from the new barn, by Wednesdav evening.
ness trip I 4 to tell you of a esse I (new aboiii
R. M. C. Brown, assisted by J. B. I which he is building. Wedneedsy and I C. U' Creeey went to Salem Wed
Jackson. U building his new wood- so badly Injured Uiat he waa tak- nesday to perform a wedding cere
shed. I en to the hospital In Portland. Mr. I mony.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Shumwav and Maloy's head waa badly crushed and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Uurdette. formerly
children, of Salem, are vlaitlng Mra. bis right hip broken. His recovery of this piece, have returned from 8a-B-
F. Linn. la doubtful. Edgar Judy went to the lem where they have been making
Wedding bells are reported for the hospital with Mr. Maloy. . I their home for the paat few montha.
near future. . I Misses Nina and Gladys Dun ton. of I Mr. Uurdette la employed on the sec
Mrs. Will Stewart and boys, of Car- oiaiia, were visiting Misa llattle
us, were visiting in thla burg Tuesday. I Irwin Sunday evening and Monday.
Mr. ana Mrs. L. E- Gardner, of Ca- r. wunton arove into Barlow after
rus, are transacting business in this I th girls snd Hsttle went home with
burg. Mrs. Gardner la making pre- tbem for a week's visit '
Mra. c. G. Tull and Miss Olga Howe
were Portland visitors Monday
parationa to go to Seaside to help her
mother. Mrs. Undsley In the hotel.
tlon st Salem aa foreman. They In
tend moving back to Caaby.
-MrsD1v and Mra.- Mamie Knight
and daughters have returned from
The Dalles to make thla their home.
A husband and wife need m dixpute
about Ibe Bible Just as you lu. Net
ther would give In. Just as tbey were
going to separate the wife auut
came and posted ber what lo do. Hoe
waa not to apeak lo ber Doaband for
three mootba"
"But bow could tbey get along thai
"Why. through the aunt Each
apoke through ber! She acted aa the
"But I bare no annt to roroe bere."
"No. you poor rblid. and tbal'a my
rrand. I have t-ooie to aay that I
will take aa aunt'a plate. You ran
Mra. A. Burnett, of The Dalles, U
visiting her mother, Mra. Maggie
The basement of the new Catholic
afan4 It Ki.t In . n...,..!. kll -
tHHdC!7u V ' down m and give op
to build a twelve room modern house! '
B. J. Berg went to Portland Tueadav I snd bss let the contract to Frank
returning Wedneaday. Dndy, of Canby. ' ,D,,,,, 0 repill the wife.
Mr. and Mra. Pennell's son and Joe Lalson Is constructing a $2,500 '"T" Kot ta 1t P or Jo
family., from Salem, are vlaitlng hia 10-room house for Hop Lee. MD- When rsn you .-outer"
parents. Mra. William Counter was In Canbr "Why. right now. I can send for
Mrs. Dement returned home Sunday I Wednesdsy soliciting for magsilnes. I By clothe, you know
church buildings are being excavated I evening from the Rose Carnival. I Emll Gordon started .Wednesday av
snd the grounds laid off preparatory Born, to Mr. and Mra. Jensen June ufig for The Dalles to stay for a
for building- b, a 10 pound boy. Mrs. Jensen wss or ten days on account of a very
Mllwaukie grange will hold an all formerly Misa Mary Erickaon. severe attack of aathma.
day meeting Satarday, June 17. Din- The church aale Friday evening waa Card of Thanks.
ner will be served at noon and a lite- a-euccess both financially and socially. We wish to thank our friends and
rary program win do given in the al-1 me iaaies ciearea over 140. ineignoora for the beautiful floral offer-
a " I SS J aa . . I a a . . . . .
.nr. ana airs. esse spent Sunday I was ana Kinanens extended to us dur-
The Huntington Orchard Co. re
sumed work on their clearing job Mon-dsy.
Mrs. Shaw entertained Mrs. Ed Hart ternoon.
and another, from Fir wood, Uat Fri-: Mra. Chaa.
day. I Wash, returned home Wedneaday Macksburg.
Mrs. Thayer visited her parents ! mora lug, after eeveral weeks' visit Mrs. Robert Ogie, or Portlsnd. visit-
near Flrwood Thursday. with relatives and friends. ed her husband Wednesday and Tburs-
Miss Leah Morrison attended the , Mrs. Dr. Townley waa in Oak Grove daY and picked strawberries to take
"And who's to etpla'lu lo Albert T
"1 am. Too are nut to aoeak lo blm
at all. Mebbe he'll tare in at once.
If be don't then we must make bliu
It waa settled ibst way. Wbeo the
buaband came home lo supper Ibsi
of our wife snd mother.
Rose Carnival Monday, visiting Mrs. Oliver Skoog.
John Roberts retained Sunday from ; H. G. Starkweather, deputy assessor
Corvallla, where be haa been attending is working in Mllwaukie thla week.
George Kltxmiller snd wife hsve a
new eon. born June 12.
Mr. Bewa made a trip to Portland
last week.
Bennl Hart waa out to Dover with
a party of land seekers Tuesday.
Mr. Shaw la helping to build Mr.
Walton'a new house and barn.
Gaylord Keith attended the Eataea-
da high school picnic Wednesday at
Eagle Creek falla.
Ed Huntington Is contemplating a
trip to the Hot Springs. He la troubled
with rheumatism.
Henry Myers and family, of Oregon
City, visited Sunday at the boms of
Mr. and Mrs. Myers, the former's par
ents. Miss Alice Boyun. who has been
confined to her home for a month
with rheumatism, Is Improving.
Mr. and Mra. Charles Caldwell are
In Portland attending the Rose Festi
val. L. X Hylton's granddaughter, of Al
bany, la making him an extended visit
Mr. and Mrs. Diggins, of Absoathery,
spent last Tueaday with Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis Dodds at Crystal Springs
Miss Lessle McDonald Is making
her home at Mr. George Brown's, of
New Era.
Mlaa Marie Harvey Is In Portland
a pending the week vlaitlng friends and
seeing the Rose show.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Smith and Miss
Florence Gamble, of Mullno, were Sun
day gseets of Mr. and Mrs. A. FL
John FanJk, of Aurora, called on
D. L Boylan last Wednesday. , v.4
The Errol Quartette will give a
dance Saturday evening.
Henri Bayard la on the alck Ust
Rev. A. Getmann and family, of
RiUvUle. Wash , are vlaitlng hia par
ents at Mllwaukie Heights.
Mr. Klrbr, Mra. Arnold's father, was
hurt Tnesdsy evening by their cow
and Is la a serious condition.
Mrs. A. H- Dowling snd two dsugh
tera spent Wedneaday with Mrs. Ar
Mr. Hefty, of Oak Grove, was here
Wednesday on buainesa.
The City Council met Tuesday ev
ening. Blda were ordered advertised
for the Improvement of Fourth and
Oak streets.
Miss Emm ell and her Sunday school
clsss of nine girls went to Hood River
by boat Saturday, returning Monday,
All report a nice timo.t.
Dr. R. A. Fen ton. of Portland, has"
moved his family here and they are
occupying the McBride property,
Wm. Qrasle's Sunday school class,
tbe Gleaners, met at the home of Mr,
and Mra. B. L Hageman Monday ev
ening. Strawberries with cream and
cake were served and all present en-
Joyed the evening.
Postmaster Galnard attended tbe
convention of postmasters In Portland
Mra. A. O. Martin left Monday for
Rochester. New York, where she will
visit relatives and friends.
John Butson spent Tnesdsy In Wll
Mr. and Mrs. BrobsL. Mr. and Mrs.
Reed Graham, Mrs. Hawley, Mr. and
Mrs. Marlon Young. Mr. Aden, Miss
Hasselbrink, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton,
home with her.
Smith, of Belllngham. w'tb their daughter. Mra. Gribble, of Ing our late bereavement In the loss Dl'nt D '"""d " rsnge woman lo
me ouuse ana nis wire not present.
As he looked for an explanation Mra.
Benson gave ber name and added:.
"Mr. Cliff, you believe In Jooek and
tbe wbale. I understand?"
"You bet I dor
"And you don't believe In Daniel and
the lions' denr
"You bet I don't r
"Well, your wife haa derided not to
peak to yon again until you do"
"Tbeo I won't speak to her."
-mats what I am bere for. All talk
ing win be done through me I abail
Mr. Jonea Is working for
Huntington. -
Mrs. Alex Baker, snd son. George,
J. O. DeShaKer transacted business
In Oregon City Monday.
Mr. Barber, of Flrwood, will lecture
H. O. t Flrwood Hall on Sunday. June 24.
Ray Howe went to Portland Monday.
Ate Yott a Subscriber to the
NeT7 Daily?
(f The Morning Enterprise Is to be as successful aa the Interests of Oregon
City demand It mast needs have the support of alL The new daily haa
a big work before It In boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour
support means more strength for the work. . . .
. - , " ' '
T7ill Yon Help Boost yovt own Interests?
For a limited time the Maniac asacerprlee win he sold to paid la advaaee
r--ethers aa foOows:
, T( , i raejr... t.t
.xr-r ..........
rne aM
Mra. E. D. Hart spent Saturday.
were Rose Carnival visitors aim da Sundav and Mondir vlsltln rvianria
lat week. In Portland.
H. S. Gibson, one of the grand Jury- Mra. W. F. Fischer and Miss Edith
men, attended court In Oregon City Miller were shopping In Portland Wed
last week. nesday and Thursdsy.
Mr. snd Mra. J. p. Woodle, Claude, Mra. Barber returned Monday from not favor either you or your wife but
. ""j mm. nurpnyia wnu nwr sou in i on-1 stand neutral.
uu Jims neus aiurpny ana Mr. and I '"' Mn tha aiiia .n-i. , . .
Mra. Cahill anent m.. .fV.. Mr .nH M,. i o u.w n ,u foo,ta Project Started
with Mr. and Mra. Howlett
Mr. and Mra. R. B. Gibson spent
8unday with John, Reld and family of
Carl Huntington, of Spokane, son of
uow mar oio womsn did stuo her
self st tsble! Oow she did get np itrrle
inncnes. She ordered whstever aha
Mr. and Mra. It. O. Hnnllnrtnn iinl I . l,. . . Chose from the rrnn ant ahlt. k...
w. Va., . " --, - - I R' cians mi aim oeauiirui noma I . , . - '
BV 1 rori,-na. ww-r or on Railroad avenue Tuesday evening. "a uaa wir n It tbey
"if e"w or The evening waa pleaaantly spent In f ibythlng. Hbe wss there
nuiuiuiwo Dunaav. I ntnal Mra Q.tiiiff.. ..r.. ... u
Schuller entertained the
nuniingion nunoav. I aamaa uM n .. ... .
Mra. Viola Douglaaa made a trio to nt tv. j.... , ,
rrJ1 Mond!yi t"raln ln H" E'Vb one p'ren'V .ved' a
mi., nin. "7 usugnter, souvenir of a yellow basket filled
Mrs. Hnntington waa
and Roae Carnival visitor last week.
s the dove of peace, and ibe duve
never bad such a good time lo ber life.
She even wore Mra. CHlTe i-lotUew and
told Mr. till IT fa hi. .. k .
. 1)0,1 n 'na ,,ttl" n,B- Tn par- to buy Inmo anrar foe iaa m.i ..
a Portland lor was decorated In pink and green- grannUted- all fhlf - . A
!ast week. tha da.. rk i- -m srano'siea, also that she waa used
Mrs. Eaaterbrook and Mra. An-kI" "'".' ??. W'''M frs-b meat three time. da.
Clark, of Seattle, mad. a ple.aani visit t. Tb M,d " f wo
wii.u incir irieuu. anrm. JBDi Y trnXT. I TVi U w i haM tkaU ...... i a I laonujal MTOT Mra Rmn hA Ma...
war J ar wm I smw avaa TI . rt ilJI ,Uf3lg UBUswl IT OSes a I - nu si a Bg
IkJ''JVT anil Grn'g hTlT It. She waa ., a nWgbbofs
. mm v..-wW .-wuiws jaxaawen srni m . i Mra uaaiiaa at k i ig . tir.j i iiini nay aha iffTae. a. . . . . .
Th Rtrlii rraslr ia.m 1 TT. s-unui auyvuf, wfj- - -uuvii wurn IOf VT
Mn. Jons and dturbtn. Mri. m.1 flmiihan.
lUii M .ai - . ' a..lUiH V WJiatlg,
r.ei..T .7TifT. ; 0ML wer RoM Mr- B',t,', " n days
Carnival vlaltora last week. for hi. an mm.. ....!. u.
Mlaa M-aa M.,raK.- .lla I "... 7 .7. " -. ounwr
- V" j uu m iaa I will viair ft. am a ..... .
Rlna nmia-laaa .e. - luu.imence
A . I ., ... '
u7. ior i luou nis neart smote blm. and be eg
"Anna, dura Jonah r
"Albert, darn Danleir she replied
tarongn ner fears.
"I've beeo a fooir
"And so bare IT
And wbeo Aunt Jndltb rame In ebe
CANBY. I Tha rniini . ..
t a"L!l.- C"' f HiS.! J. W Foster. San
t.icuu nnuraiui, i nuraoav no mni or t r . t -1 . . i . .
Friday to attend fh. Pn-tmt-. "' . "' . "roocKer. a. . "UDr- WT -r
.miin. , . .w.iu, w. m. MitHona,'B. K. Mar- another Biblical dtapote In that hooaa
i r n ifnri tmrim wm man n.. ji m . . . - -
Mlaa Ethel Fereuaon t fca o. .?.mua'' f."'na;
Rose Festival in Portland vu-a-Z 7Z' ' r.' un",a." w- Unelalmed Lattera.
r- ' aSwTf v '.r w'-.V"''" unclaimed letter, at the Or-
Carl Luekee was In PortUnd Wed- n. w..r i''..V Fon P11' po-tofflce for tbe week end-
y- Varnon. W.h ina-TAn!' , r,":. ln5..JUM i:L
Mra. Heman Lee waa buried Wad. niu..' o i.7i: I woman uat Cramer. Mrs. C. d
nesday st 2 o'clock... The pallbearer. Portland rHeA r! """T"' ?Araer' M- Cora; Oethena, Mrs.
were: Mr. Ogle, Mr. psrmeuter, MY. . . jonn; Hamiin, May; smith, Mr.. Myr-
Graham. Mr. Mack. Mr. nnra-nma at. u.i.n. ... . .. - tie; Stabler. Mrs. 8. 1".
Mr. Dick. The floral offering. lMou.!.
very beautiful. All the children were
able to attend the funeral, although
it was oeiayea so that the aon
Southern Oregon could be nran
Mr. Vaughn haa Uken hia . ,7T7. ijonn u.j miner, c f.j Patterson. Joe:
. ... vwuuies uaaa. a naa rtSLak a n i wwt , a. . .
race norees to MacMlnvlUe. Mr. Wood . Marriage llrenaea havi ha-7 7.... S wulm scnier, Albert;
went Tueaday and Edward Kelt went to th- foMoLinT' t'bt""..u,1 8cn-"J T. H.5 8ma, Sam (2); 811-
Tburaday . Solomon auci rn? ! Shannon, J. p. (2) ; 8hep-
Mla. Mayme Comb. left Thursday and James Ereeet pool.. Km ' 8 ' J,m! Zu"n,'
the Csnby tesm on -;.. .'r"nKi.ur?.wn'.. H-5 Collier,
The game wilt ba TcaTlid . . Ln"r ."t?" . v?rt ? !. Oranlnnd.
a .nd an egcUIng gam. I. e.pVt" ij, Ben Maddog. Ell : MacLeod'.
To Hew
The RSogQitng
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
By carrier, yea $3.00
By mail, year 2.00
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
v e e - a a
.peeial arise far the
To In trod see Tha
Enterprlae Into a large)
Ity of th
City and CUoka
manage meat hi
make a
daily leoue. for
' only, where the awk.arlhar nag.
a year la advaaee.
By carrier, paad a year m
a advaaoa, H.M.
By aaafL naad a yesw ha .
vanee, 1.M.
People rho gave w earae
see a trial awbsetietleav aaa mm
or more nvoatha. at teai asaaaa a
week, can have Use aailr deare-
s ered for a rear far aaaa aw
paying g year ha adrnaaa,
People who gave oaar eaaivwa
nt i trial awhsarl.tlam. hr
mall, for foar moaOks ad a dea-
lar, may have tha far a
ysar for 2.00, If aeid a rear te
Snbecribers to tha Weekir
Enterprlae may change their
s aubaertptlon. to tha dasay, re
eelvlng oredlt for half tame aa
the dally that tha weekly la
paid In advaaee. Whoa) they
ehooee ta add eaah to the ad
vanoe payment equal to a fall
year', advaaee aaymesit they
may Uke advmaeage ef the l
rata. ,
Wa maJte thie agiiial neiea
aa that B.apl. who havw aaad
In atfraaoa oa
ad wlak ta
toe great ex
da aa wishes
Read the Morning Enterprlae.
I. on sale at the followlnf
tm. a V
v every oaj; ,
Huntley Broa Drttf
. Main Street.
J. W. McAnulty-CU
Seventh and Mala
Secrest Confecllontrr
Main near Sixth.
M. E. Dunn ConfectloafT
Next door to P. 0.
City Drug Stort
Electric Hotel.
Walter Uttle-Confectioatrj
- 114 Seventh Street
M. Volkmar DrM
Seventh near Csntsf.
Schoenborn ConfecUonry
Seventh and .1. Q-
school of tha Flret Bsptlft fl"" .
. . ,. .. . . ... Dark. BP
' ,
Interesting Progrsm ArrsnfT
Owtlng at Qladetons r--
i ns annual picnic oi m
k. w.u .. ni.j.i.1,, vara.
fangementa have been mi"
special car. to leave Main t
front of the church at 10 a. . i
will run direct to tha Pari t
return with tha plcknlckers
day', exercise, are over. i
ber. of the Sunday school w- .
carried to the Park on the iPc ,
free. The following are som. -
features of the program: . PMrX
Clothe, pin race, Shot PV k0C
aa TnMf.Wir rjiirk 00 .
Shot Put, One-fourth MHa r T
nlng High Jump. Aeroplane raf".
race, Four-yard dash, Heei .
race. Potato race, two g-j
Sixty-yard dash, Lemon P' "
race 100-Vard dash. Threa-lr ' J
two Forty-yard nashes,
dash. Tug-of-War, two fnlnnt,
ball game, five Innings.