Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 16, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Mothers Take Notice of Our
Boys Wash Suits
Qtt beautiful boys wih suits and blouses of the cel
ebrated "MOTHERS FRIEND" make are noV on
display at (hla store.-, Nowhere is there such a large
assortment to choose from. Over twenty-five different
-atterns and a large number of styles. These wh
I r Ik r-1hrstrl "Mrttticra V-UUA t i. i
Y the style and workmanship that make them In si
demand, priced fiom $. .23 10 53.50.
J. Lovitt
If Htlp." by tunny Smllsa.
run dT
Thorns McCarthy,, of Cams, tu In
thla city on Thuraday.
)oy' Mocoaltia at the Oregon City
8 boo Btor.
Mr. and Mra. Btelner spent a few
Uy with relative at lwvr Crack.
U U I Mtnlla. of DalliK, waa In thla
city on Thuraday.
lira. Jy wot to Oregon City on
fcuilnrae Thuraday.
Bulon Kluier, of Hubbard, waa tn
tils city on bualneaa Thuraday.
llrnry Hugh, merchant of Heaver
Creek, was In thla city on .Thuraday.
Mr. Klept who haa been visiting
Wr daughter, of Heaver Creek, baa
returned to uregon City.
Mra A. Jonea and alater, I'anay
Iriah. of Carua, wr In thla city on
Dr K A. Bommer, formerly of Ore
ma City, haa moved hla office to 1017
Corbet! building. Portland;
Mr. and Mra. Krad MoClung. of Co.
hmbu. Obi", are vlaltlng at tba home
ef I'rofeaaor ana Mra. uowiana.
Mla Bally Warren, of Oak drove.
a In Oregon City Thuraday vlaltlng
Hrs. Imn Meldrum.
J U Mumnower. one of the promln
tnt 8ion realdentif. waa In thla city
oo bunlneaa Thuraday.
George Meek a, a prominent bual
teat man of Canby, waa In thla city
on bimlneaa Thuraday.
Roy Im a real aetata man of
fanbr. waa In thla trlty on land
kudneaa recently.
Euarne Cummlnga. one of the prom
Inent realdenta of Bbubel, waa In thla
city Thuraday. .
Henrt Rrhoenborn haa gona to
Cams, where ha will vlalt for a few
days. ;
MIrs Mable Tower, of Portland, who
tu been vlatlng rlenda in mia cuy
r former home, haa returned to Port'
Mra. Ethel Ferguaon, who haa been
.'lilting In Portland with frlenda, waa
In thla cltv on Thuraday evening on
ker return trio to Canby. whera aha
III remain for tha aummer.
O. A. Cheney, formerly of thla city
la making hla home at the residence
of Mr. and Mra; wucox aooui uuw
miles from tblt city on tha Abernethy
O. W. Bturaes and daughter, Mra
Fred Hurat. of Canby, were tn thla
city on Thuraday morning, tha former
having brought aome of tha famoua
I'aiihy berrlea to tha local maraei.
Mra. A. Johnaon, of Portland and
Mm vAwmrA t jimnorL formerly Mlaa
Ella l.ut. of thla city, but now of
Medford. are 4n thla city rlalUnf the
former's aou and daughter, Mra. Max
well Telfrod and Earl Lute.
II. A. Johnaon and mother, Mra.
I'eter Johtiaon, of Missoula, Mont,
have arrived In Oregon City, and are
(He gueala of Mr. and 'Mra. I). W.
J amen. Thla la their flrat vlalt to
Oregon City.
Mr. Clmiiey and aon, Ned, of Ban
Pranclaco,' ' armed In Oregon City
on Thuraday morning, and are vlalt
lug at the home of Mr. and Mra
Knifgcr for a few daya. They will
vlalt In Portland before returning to
( aiirornia.
Mlaa Kva Itanaon will preaent her
puplla In a recital at lha Preabyterlan
hurch, Kutiirday, June 71th at 6
rhK'k. The pupla will be aaalatad
by Profeaaor Allwirt M. Hchuff, vlo-
IIiiIkI The public la Invited to at
Danli-I Fisher, of Mullan, Idaho, haa
rrlved In thla city to vlalt hla mother,
Mra. 1). Flatter, of Twelfth and Monroe
treeta. He will remain here for a
week, when be will return to Mullan,
where he la -employed In the mlnee
le waa formerly employed In tba
regon City Kuterprlae office.
Mra. F. C. Hurke, of thla city, re
ceived a telephone meaaage on wad
neaday from llppnor, Or., to the
effect that Mra. KU Maddock, formerly
of ihla city, waa very 111, and waa not
expected to recover. Mra. Maddock
la well known In thla city. Her hue-
bank waa at ona time aherlff of Cluck
amaa county.
A. K. Front, who waa a delegate
to the general aaaembly of tba Prea
byterlan church, which waa held at
Atlantic City, haa returned to Oregon
Ity. Mr. Front waa one of the four
dolrgatea, the other three going from
ortland. Before returning to uregon
'Ity Mr. Front vlalted Athena county
Ohio, the place whera be waa born
and reared, and alao In Oberlln, Kan
where he haa relative.
- - Ot 0me. .. .
"I apjr" la an out came ana
wiw a lew variations lo nearly vorr
country la tha civilised world. Bllod
nana bluff la almoet universal Tha
name varies, bat that la tba only dlf
ferenra In moat raeea. In Norway It
called "blind tnlef." In Mnaln "blind
baa" and In Itair "blind c.t
An Orehaetr.
The ostrich mad an orohtra
Thai waa both rare and ;rn
Mora strange than aar muala
Tar haaril on aaa or land
Tvt dmm i.vou'd hardly auaaa K
Ha d lurtka trom tha mud.
And with Ma winca aa drumatlofca
Ha cava tbam aiany a thvd
ball 'ana Anmaua te 8a Whether
Ha U a Hat baan or Net
win Miki Don i m i lit- uii'-e famoua
outtlpiuVi ol ibv Nf ork Nat tool la.
be able, lu i uum bm k t I hal la a big
ud llilrrvatlrig guvatlou. in'e Ibe
ailiiml ininuiHaton rtliiMaiHl Dim
tbe otUer day Mike ia a naiurai nlrirr.
nd a loi of men or l bat airt nave re
lalned their baiting eyea long after
tbe advancing year Dare made tbem
too alow lo get out ol tbeli own way
lie played more or lew aemiproree
ElalHirate arrangementa have been
made for the opening of tha Oregon
City library next week, probably Fri
day. Two receptlona will be given,
one In tha afternoon for tba children
and the other In the evening for the
grown folk. It la probable that prom
Inent man of thla city and Portland
will be aaked to make addreaaea along
the Una of tha beneflta to be derived
from llbrarlea.
Mlaa Alma Moore, tha librarian, haa
iM.n aaalated In the rearrangement
nr the librarv by Mlaa Topping, a mem
her of the Btate IJbrary uoaro. eiure
than 4(K) valumea have been received
alnca tha library waa cloaed aeveraj
weeka ago. the number of volumea now
being more than 1.100. Tha aame
ayatem had beendopted aa that ueed
In the Public IJbrary In Portland, and
new chalra and tablea have been provided.
ii ins i;i
A pretty marriage ceremony, waa
performed In Portland on Wedneaday
morning when Mlaa Maude Brooka he-
cam tbe bride of Loula R. Nobel, of
thla city, Father Black, of Portland,
officiating. Mlaa Oenevlva Kelly and
Mr. Roy Tobln, of thla city, acted aa
bridesmaid and beat man. Tba bride
waa becomingly attired In gray with
bat to match, and the brldeamald waa
attired In white. Only relativee of
the bride ' and bridegroom attended
the ceremony, after which a recep
tion waa held at the home of tba
brlde'a aunt, Mra. Petera, of Portland.
The houae waa beautifully decorated
for tbe occaalon,
It Wouldn't Pay "to Advertise
A Poor Article- .1
Infantile Paralyaia.
Infantile paralyaia In a germ dtneoae
Being a germ dlaeaae. Infantile paraly
la la rommiioU-Hble from M-ron to
Demon. It la coutagloua and lufet-tloiia
Tbe germ In mainly taken through
tbe none
It la communicated by menna f the
naaal dlncuarge
Wherever p.lble biindkcriblefa
abould be dtTtroyed wbeu tolled In
any event tbey abould Ih Iboroiiubiy
Tbe Qe of tbe pocket handkerchief.
however, la not auttlrlent to protect a
child from Infection Tbe naaal m
aage and throat abunld be kept tbor
Nor a aroooeltlon of doubtful merit or honaety for ad raadara,
nowadaya, are DISCRIMINATING. They know valuae hey lueew
GENUINE thlnga, genuine eppartunltlaa.
Any article which can be aold by advertlalng la, by that teat, a
GOOD article. YOU are eafe In buying a thing which haa "aaaaa
tha fire of publicity." . ,, ' .
Tha maker of a widely advertlae article. " eommodlty, la a
waya on trial for hla bualneee Ufa. He cannot ahirk. nor cheapen hla
oroduct and thla la tha beet poaalbla protection foe tha aonaumar.
You are SAFE In buying advertiaed
nowaJaya bualneaa eondltlena.
thing It'a . tha lU
Mr. and Mra. Nobel will return to ougbly-eterllUed. A uioutb and no..
Oregon City thla week, where tbey wanh of hydrogen peroxide may )
will realde. Tha former la tbe aon of need for the purpoae. TbU may lie u
Mr. and Mra. L. A. Nobel, of thla city,
and baa readied here moat of hla life
where be la well known, lie la an
employe of tha pacific Btatea Tele
phone Company, while hla bride U
tha niece of Mr. and Mra. E. C. Brooka,
piled with an atomizer or other form
of apray.
Children abould be made to avoid tin-
flltb of the atreeta. Cnder no ctrcum
atancea abould they buy fruit or cun
her home recently. Bha la a highly
leateemed young woman, and haa
many frlenda In thla city.
of thla city with whom ahe haa made alee which have been expooed to the
auat cnargeu air or toe aireeia.
Do not let your children Indulge in
klaalng. Infantile paralyalM may very
readily be apread In Juki that way.
Above all. keep your child clean.
Tbeae precaution a are more necea
aary In tbe aummer montna. but it
would not be unwlae to practice tbem
tha whole year.
County Court of Clackamaa County,
Oregon, and tha Judge of aaldOourt
haa aet Monday, the 3rd day of July,
1911, at tbe Courthouse In' Oregon
Cty, aa tbe time and place for hearing
any and all objectlona to aaid final ac
count and the diacharge of aald ad
Administrator of tha Estate of Mary
Vogbt, Deceased. 1
Attorney! for Administrator.
aiixa Doaiix. woo will Tar to aaoani
ia old roan.
alonal ball wblle wider auapenalon for
not reporQug to New York, but be waa
not conataotly In tba game.
It would be unwiae to draw compan
aona between blm aod Jimmy Calla
ban of tbe Chicago Americana. tM
greateat come-back of tbe age. tor
Calla ban played regularly throughout
tha aeaaon ever rear wben be waa
under suspension. Mike baa been Oy
log around tbe country in tba abow
bualneaa. and tbe eonataot appearance
SCORE 7 TO 3. .
U)8 ANGELES, June 15. (Spec
ial). Portland repeated today, win
ning from Vernon by a acore of 7 to S.
The California boya were never In
the atruggle, if auch it may be called,
and Beaton didn't have to extend him
self. He allowed only alx hlta and
might have dona better bad it been
necessary. The Beavera made alx-
teen hlta and had Raleigh aeroplanlng
badly. Then, too, Hogan'a men didn't
field aa well aa they were expected
to do and no wonder the twlrler lost
The Roadatera again trimmed Spo-
kan. ' '
Following wera the reaulta Thura
Pacific Coaat League Portland 7,
before tbe footllgbta hardly brightened Vernon nl J OrtlMrt 1;
hi. own tampa Ua ma, be tbe Mike San 6. 8-r.mento 4
of old, bat we will bsve to wait nntll
be baa been In barneea for a couple of
weeka before judgment can be paaaed
npoa Dim.
"I don't And that tba aplthall
2 bo there tba catcher any in
throwing to Dates, say a exj
Sweeney, catcher of tha New
York Americana "It depends
aome what on tba pitcher, but
Rnaaell Ford weta only a email
apot oo tba bait and tba chances
are email that tbe catcbera On
gera will take bold on tba wet
-There have been tlmea wben
I have got bold of tba wet apot
and bad no Idea where I waa go
ing to throw tba ball, yet made
perfect throw a But I throw tbe
ball with tbe whole band Instead
of with two Ongera and la that
t way generally avoid getting to
1 trouble through tbe ball ailpplng
off tba Angere."
Northwestern League Portland 8,
Spokan 2; Seattle 6, Tacoma 8; Van
couver 11. Vctorla 6.
American League New York 5, De
troit 0; Washington 8, St. Louis 7;
Rnaton 4. Cleveland 2: Phlladelphla-
a-a- 1 Chicago game postponed on account
of rain.
National League Philadelphia I,
Chicago 0; Boaton 8, Pittsburg 7; New
York 3. St Loula 0; Brooklyn l, u
clnnatt 0.
Pacific Coaat
, vv
ISan Francisco
Vernon .... .
Sacramento . .
Laa Angelea
Young Woman Bacomea Bride of Port
land Man.
Tba wedding of Mlaa Ellen A.
Moore, of Oregon City, to Erneet A.
Miller, of Portland, took place Wed
nesday evening In the roanae of the
Flrat Presbyterian church, Re. J- R
Landsliorough performing the cera
in th nreeence of the Immed
iate relativee of the bride, who came
her from Iowa with her parents last
winter. Mr. and Mrs. Miller will make
Portland their home. '
Yottis or the Asking
For and we will giveyoo with a
' - NEW
4 months subscription
By Crrle .
at 45c the month
6 months subscription
By Mall
t 25c the month
A Beautiful China PL AQUEDec0"r d andji"y
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early. V
Sabscribefs.MaylHave Them Too '
V To any present subscriber who will bring us four
new subscriptions we .Vill present one of these
beautiful dishes. .
Spokane -
Tacoma . .
Seattle ...
Portland ,
Victoria ..
.... 38
.... 37
.... 36
.... 12
28 .594
35 .645
38 .613
39 -.507
39 .466
47 .382
L P.C.
18 .679
21 .638
23 .603
31 .446
S3 .418
36 .211
Th. nnonle around here are busy
Tha ground haa been pretty well dried"
on top, but the grase ia growm wmv
Idly. Tbe seeds that nave oeen piam-
- i .M,m 0 hold a nice green coior,
T -w -m -w - I . J lw fn sa w1aaA ll
ana in wreus i i a
No Other Club Hanoe On to Old Timers
aa Lena aa Pittsburg
There la not a club In either major
learua which la bartering aa omuj
Vetera na aa tbe Pittsburg club of the
National league. Manager Fred Clarice
himaif la way op in tbe tbiniea.
Then cornea Tommy Leach, who la ot
mother earth.
The strawberries in . thla vicinity
are fine. The goosehernea are pi
lor rmn while the curranta are
still growing nicely. Tha Loganber
Ho. nt Rnrhankberrlea will aoon
rnma Into the markets.
The people of thla place reauie tney
are living In a town, aa we now have
a grocery atore at Clear Creek Park.
The Messrs. Mlndenhall have charge
of the store, and sell many gooda,
far behind Clarke to the matter of age thng improve here fast enough wa
may Incorporate, aa wt oi
Grant Mumpower Pocket 8awmlll, and
th near Creek Butler Factory, oe-
sldea the other buildings close by.
Ed. Mendenhalls residence was
burned a few daya ago, most of con
tents of which were saved. The nouse
waa Insured.
Tha Home Oil well haa commenced
and yet dlsplaye mora energy u
than 90 per cent ui
the roungatera who break Into
game. Hans Wagner la by no meana
a kid. Oe baa been playing for yeare
and yet la a atar. Last but not least
cornea Deacon Phllllppe, the veteran
twlrler. who la really being carried be-
Gift Far Children.
Tbe Joy of welcoming a new baby
Into tbe family ofteu Bud expression
In deluging tbe newcomer with offer
lnga and tokena. No gift ran be too
great and costly for baby.
Proud graudparrnte and doting annta
and food unc-lea and sympathetic
frlenda all wlab to attest their Inter
est in aome tangible way. and "what
to give" baby coutluuee to be a aource
of anxiety throughout Its career. It
see mi almost a crime to think of ibe
large atuounu expended upon toyx
whose usefulness are over In a day
Why doea not aome one think of tbe
future aod give things thnt are really
worth wblle and wblcb will give real
pleasure later ouT Think of tbe Joy
of posaesNlng a good library wben one
la old enough to fully appreciate It:
Some glrla possess string of well
matched pear la whose beginnings were
formed wbeu they were tiny tote and
wbo received one at a time aa birthday
gifts. Beta of sliver forka and apooua
have alao been gathered together tn
thla way. and pictures wblcb bare
aome true artistic value. It la true
that all tbeae thing are of but scant
Interest to tbe very young boy or girl.
but as tbey grow older tbeir Interest
awakened, and a real appreciation
for posaesaing beautiful thing la found
to be a great delight
Mothercraft Far Boya.
Mothercraft for boya la tba neweat
thing In tbe varioua aettlementa In tbe
east sld of New York, Boya are
taught to help their mother at bom.
Mothercraft Include car of tba baby
cooking, dressmaking, laundry work.
home management, bom hygiene and
many other things.
1 thlbk tbe time soon will come.
aald a settlement worker, "when boys
throughout the country will be taught
domestic economy Just aa are glrla
Among th poorer classes men fre
quently are out of employment and
the women can And work. Naturally
th husband should be able during hi
Idleness to attend to the household du
Ilea. Th ooner a boy -learn much
about tbe car of tbe bom the better
fitted be will b to an emergency to
look after tha bom. Be abould be
trained to help hla mother. Then be
will be prepared to help hla wife."
A Bo Friends.
Welcome Tom. Dick or Harry If he
hi your boy'e friend. Treat him with
aa much reepect a you would an older
Deraon. Bla friend' recoarke will in
fluenc your aon mightily In bla regard
for bom.
Moreover. If the friend la undeslr
ihl ronr bov will mor easily aee It to
the refinement of borne. Outalde be
may be a hero: within, all hla defects
atand out
Encourage your boy to bring bla
frlenda home. Too can eee hla asso
ciates then, and be doe not need to
go out to ae them.
Notice la hereby given that I will.
at the next regular meeting or the
City Council, apply for license to sell
liquor, at my place of bualneaa, 712
Main street, for a period of six month.
print (or p&lrom. Minimum chare ISO.
WANTED 11000 loan on good prop
arty. Addreaa A-10, care Enterprise.
WANTEDEx perlenced girl or wo
wan for general housework at Port
land; good wage and pleasant
- place. Apply 1006 Main St, Oregon
City or 693 East Salmon St, Port
land. .-.'.
Notice Is hereby given that I will.
at the next regular meeting or tbe
City Council, apply for license to aell
liquor at my place of bualneaa, An
nex Building, 405 Main atreet, for a
period of three month.
WANTED Tou to know taat w buy
- all klnda of Curioa, that w ar In
the market for second hand fuml
tur and Tool. Wa also hav a
- good assortment . of aeoond hand
Furniture and Toola om hand for
aale to those in need. Con anJ
aee: nerhapa we hav luat what row
want Indian Curioa and trlnkt
for aale cheap; aome that ar vary
unique and alao very rare. GBORGB
TOUNO, Main near ntth. etrawt
I HEREBY notify all nuainea men
and dealers that I will not be res
ponsible for any debta or bill con
tracted by my wife, Lie V. Mold
enhauer. after June 10. 1911.
VT.IM. I. W ...K. h f will I
t t'.n nnl Mnilar mMtlnr or ton I ivh anient -
Cltv Council, apply for license to sell ! Judge Ryan'a farm at Gladstone.
liquor at my place of business. The
Cobwsb Wine House, 417 Main atreet
for a period of three months.
Notice Is hereby given that I will.
at the next regular meeting of the
City Council, apply for licence to sell
liquor at my place of bualneaa, The
Depot Saloon, 219 Seventh street for
period of three months.
ACREAGE Ona to five acre In sight
of Oregon City. $160 and $200 per
acre; good level land; on mil,
from car Una. Clyde MeRae, 100S .
Main St, Orego City.
FARM FOR BALE 80 acres, 7 mile
south oi irregon cuy on Molalla
road and 1 mile east Inqulr Mra.
S. O. London. Oregon City R. F. D.
No. , box 11L
The Risk Is Ours.
Wa want every woman In this city
to know of the beneficial result that
follow a treatment of Rexall Vegeta
ble Compound and also that we will
pay for tha medicine if it doea not
help you. t
Many women are In so serious a
condition that they ar In need of
prompt surgical treatment but in
treating the ordinary allmenta pecul
iar to the female aex, Rexall Vegeta
ble Compound may be relied upon to
assist in restoring normal conditions,
and thla without risk to the patient.
Wa offer Buffering women In Ore
gon City thla preparation with th
auaranteo that It contains notning
harmful- that the Ingredients are auch
aa ar t ommonly used by reliable phy
alclana in treating these allmenta;
that we will tell you or your physician
exactly what these ingredient are;
and further. If after treatment no
beneficial symptoms are noticeable.
we will return every cent yon have
paid us for thla remedy we will take
the risk. "
Remember Rexall Vegetable Com
pound la aord only at our tore The
Rexall Drug Store, Huntley Bros. Co.
Price $1.00. -
FARM LOANS Dlralck Dimica,
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or.
MONET TO LOAN On flrat mort
gage; $500 and upwarda: ona year
or longer. Apply at one. Croaa 4
Hammond, Attorney at Law, Bea
ver Bldg Oregon City.
HARRY JONES Builder and Oeaeral
Contractor. EatlmaUe caewrtully
glvwa on all eta a of wafMtng
' work, eoncrwt walk aa ri afore
eoacreta. Re, pkoaw Man 111.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Ntoa under tarn euaatfla hasvdta
will bo tnaaMed at one eeat a word, fir)
half Ht additional feaaer
tlona. um Inch ear. $1 r moatfct haJf
bach oard. M line) i par aaontav
Puh tnuM accomriajiv order anleo en
ku aa nn aeeocnt with th popor. No
financial responsibility for error: wkorf
orrora occur free correct rd nntle will a
0. D. EBT, Attorwy-t-Law. Mooey
loaned, abatracta faralshed. land
title xamtod. estate aetti4,
era law business. Over Bank ef
Oregon City.
Tj-RKN ft BCHXTSBSU Attoraye-
' Law. Dentacher Advokat wfB are
tic tn an court. Bsaka eelleotloa
and settlement. OfBea fa KnUr
prto Bldg- Oram City. Oresoa.
h. COOPER. For nr taaaaraasr
and Real Eat. Let a aaawila
- nronaetla w bay. B Bad
xchangw. Offlca la
Bldg., Oregon City. Oiefoav
Patronis our advertlae ra.
cans of -the fact that be did mncb operatioll. gHin and progresa la be-
for tbe Plratee In yeara gone by. No )ng mada through the rock and earth,
other club ahowa auch ah array of vet Th6 people around Stone and those
rana. When tba average ball player who hav taken stock In the well may
a old h. I. turned .drift but th.r be .urpriaed -nd happy to know that
appear to be mor ral nMment in
th Plttaborg dob than in any tbr.
Not a Qroat Trader.
Talking about trade. Clark Griffith
Ana not tnaka-all th bad ooee in
unier and Pfelffer, former
Cut are going good with Boaton.
Luderu and Moran ar "there with
.w. nhiiiiaa it a d pears that Fran
Cbanc U alao something nt 'pniian
throplat" In making oeai
prospects ar favoraoie. iwo meu
have charge. The abareholders may
hear of or aee guaher weU here
In Clackamas county.
4 '
II L f-1 IV II r
' oi. Thnrnii LlDton may cnaiieng
Oil aawwM w
a m for the America'a cup
arin have B new ball
nark If th Dreaent Plana of the own-
era of th dob do not f through
Work will surt on tb nw ground
on th next trip of to totor. July t
England will be repreeented at tb
mot or boat race for tb Britten inter
national trophy by three boat. A de
termined effort to bring back tb cup
to England will b mad by tb Brit-
lab yacbtameo.
Tennis baa boon recognised as a a
Intercollegiate eport at Wlnconaln. and
remilar team monogramo will oerean-
er K. awarded to tbo- who Ba th
team The aeaaon for tb Badgers will
wind op thla month at th Chicago
Oregon City
Furnished with operating
room, ward and private
Graduate Nurses
Pac. 2243 Home 1V298
Evoninga it Homo.
Mother, don't keep yonr tired mo
menu for the evening. Beat. If need
be. in the afternoon, for you have very
important work to do later on. Be
ready to play gamea. to accompany
ong. even to dance, for there la noth
lng o good or o Jolly. nd many per
fect dancer bav been made at home.
If tbe home la a proper club It will
have it dramatic aoolety. Ita cbolr. It
band. It parliament It lending libra
ry. Ita amoklng conrerta and It "la
dles" night." Too can mak tbe boya
think there la no plac like bom If
you Ilk.
Croohot Sock.
Pretty little eocka are mad for baby
in handmade lacework. Tbey ar ex
tremely One and of .an intricate de
sign, but they would be pretty and
serviceable if made from soft cotton
Id any pretty crochet stitch, and th
woman who t handy with the hook
rould easily mak them without a pat
Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta.
June 1S, 14, 19, 16, 1?, 1S.
'Gam Begin Weekday at 1p.m.
- eundaye, 2:30 F. M.
Boya- V"do' 1 Frea 1 to Bleachert
t $10 REWARD
4 For tha arrest an conviction
of an person or peron. who
unlawfully remove coplea of Tha
Morning Enterprise from the
premise of ubcrlbr after
paper haa been placed there by
Notice of Final 8ttlmnt.
Notice-1 hereby given that the un
designed administrator of th eetate
of Mary Voght, deceased, has filed hl
final account with th Clerk of the
I9II Mitchell Automobiles
Have you titr looked Into the detail! of construction and the
mechanical feature's together with the handsome appearance
of the Mitchell Automobiles to find the reasons why they are
being bought by people throughout the state, who know the
alue of a good car. If you are at aU interested we will be
pleased to demonstrate the car to you with full Information '
and can assure you that it is weU worth investigating before
buying. The car is absolutely guaranteed to de what we say
it will. If not we are here to make good. When we sell ,
you a car we will take care of your car one year free of
Pric. $1650 . ;
Other model,, . Fully F. O, 3. Oregon City.
PKon us lor demonstration and -wa w31 call at your horn for
' ' ' " j
you. ., .',,, , ,.' ' i
Some Good BaryainIn SeconJ Hand Cars . (
C. .G. Miller, Agent
. Garage Cor. 6tK and Mam Sts. '
tournament '