avfreeriatleMe far the Morning - lateraftow will be reoelved far eery Hnslted Km at a epaalal rate. yttP ,ff r m benefit ef law arise. J V VV tVi V THe ay dally MMp t Iwm Peruana and Salew: aWd lease M every aasetea af Cat t maa County, wttJt a sjeejeiaalaae) af M400 Ara yaa) an sdvereaaerf WE'CKLY CNTCRPRISC ESTABLISHED 1566 VOL. 1 No. 137. OREGON CITY, OREGON, AY, JUNE 16, 1911. Pra Wkeje, 10 Cittj 'WILD MAM' MYTH 2f. Charles F. Aked L'EVJ SAYS POLICE CHIEF PERPETRATED BY WALT Ac DOUGALL CLUE TO SLAYER SE CASTRO'S ACTIONS AROUSE GERMANY SHERIFF HAS SHIP WITH VKNIZUILAN ABOARD MAY IK MILD BY KAlSER At PIRATi. HAYT1AN COVERCTIT MSIBLE Former Preeldent Thought To Ba planning Revolt In South America Vessel la Disowned. MERLIN, Juua 15. The German (internment dlarlalma all reipuualhll It y for Iba learner Conaul Groatuck, lilch la reported aa flying the Oar mii flan and aa having on board (iprlano Cnairo, tha exiled President (,r VriM-uela, who la said to ba at tempting a revolution In hla country. The government announoea that the Maine for any compllratona that may r-ult front Iba lauding of Castro will root on tha llaytlan government. Steamer la Old Umarla. It la emphatically declared that the iiiiiiirr baa no right, to display (tie (irrman colora. It waa formerly the Italian cruiser t'rabrla and waa pur-rhaxi-d from Italy by llaytl, which lat i.t country la tha one now properly com-rrnvd with the movementa of tba tl'MMtl. American Ambaseador Hill called at tli Foreign Office today, preaumably tn dlacuaa tha alluatlou brouuhLabniit tr the reported prrsenre of Caatro on ' ihr Consul oroatoek. Ctst'ro la Ambit I oil a. The steamer recently arrived at I'urt da Pali, llaytl, and. according to advlrea received at Washington from Julin It. Term, the Amercan Conaul at Port Aui Prince, baa on board tba rille Caatro who aupMed to ba at tempting to return to Veueauela, In the hoa of being able to rally hla erm while follower and ao regain tba prcnldeucy. from which ha waa de-poM-d after ha bad loft tha country tor a vlalt to Kurope In tba fall of limn. An afternoon paper aaaerta poal tlvrly that Caatro la aboard tha Conaul (iroMuck, which he purchaaed and fitted out at Amaterdara. Tba state ment la baaed on a letter alleged to have been written by tba German com tnaniler of the Conaul Groatuck to bla lte In Germany. KANSAS HITS (III imiiunu in iv vib TRUST HARD BLOW TOPKKA, Kan, June 15. Tba Kan an Huprama Court today banded down a iloclalon In tha atate'a autt agalnat three aubaldlary com pan lea of tba Standard OH Company, prohibiting them from combining to atlfle competi tion. ' The three companlea agalnat whjcb the ault waa brought ara tba Stan clHrd Oil Onmany of Indiana, tha Standard OH Company of Kanaaa and the Prairie OH k. Qaa Company, all Milialdlary to tba Standard Oil Com pany of New Jaraay. COME AND SEE My eight lacra tracta of rich laal Innd J-4 mlla from Oregon City llmlta. r'ronta on Molalla road and la on tba electric Una being built from Oregon City to SlWarton. I will aall you either tract for $700 and la terma. I own thla land and know tba valua of land. Thla la tha beat bargain to ba had In Clackamaa county. I baa fine 60-acre tract on One road S mtlaa from Oragon City, 5 mllea from Canby. Will trad for city property anywhere from Oregon City to Portland. Olra me a deal or you will alwaye wlah you had. Call Room 11 8tarana Bldg., or writ . Cyrus Powell OREGON CITT. Boi I0S. A GODOSTART Aftar a good aUrt wa'ra running atrang on knaa langtha and union aulta. Underwear In athletic, knaa length, half length, In balbrlggan and nale, aeepa ara fine. ' -. b. Ae are Dr. Watmai linen fnwmit r- plrlng daya abaorblng. Moat axeal lent for racreatlon daya. Price Bothers IXCLUIV CL0TH1SM Mat UU Otbara Ittt and Main . DAT GUY HAS III Xat71-r lJkZmfi3l irl j AZt tTi U COITNLY A THIRST, i THE ONI TO TILL. Inlhe argument of "Whiskers versus BdUheddVlt vmIS overlooked tlidt Lilclneis is the Visitation of GoJ Iut alfalfrt Is d man's own ftiull. And,vv'd like to ask, . wlacre does the dbovaj specimen get ofT? DOGS WARY, BUT TAG ( nfinfiirnn in nnnii PRESENCE Or CANINE CATCHER ' CAUSES OWNERS TO GET LICENSES. The dog catcher didn't catch many doga Tlmraday, tha day aat for 'en forcing tba law. but bla preaencr upon the vtieeta caused aevaral dog own era to become uneany and haatan to the rtrat National Dank, where II cenaea were obtained In double-quick time. Up to Tburaday ouly forty five llcenaea for peta bad been laaued, but thla number waa doubled In a few hours, and It la expected that many more will ba aaued today. Tba doga (hat are caught will ba placed In an mprovlsed pound, and. If not called for In two daya, will ba killed. The law also provtdea that violators of the law tha dog ownera and not the doga ahall b arreeted, but It la not probable that thla extreme will be reported to except In caaea of con tnued violation. Dut tba chief of police la uetermtned that all doga In the city ahall be provided with llcenae taga, and the First National Rank haa a goodly aupply of them. So if you don't get a tag aooa you'll b tagged anyway, and (hen you'll ba "It." VHArS THIS! KETi TOO BUSY FOR BIG FEAST WOMAN'S CLUB INVITES HUS BANDS TO PICNIC BUT THEY DON'T SHOW UP. Tha annual picnic of tha Woman'a Club held at tha Willamette spring on Tburaday, proved a moat delight ful affair. At noon a delicious repaat waa served. Tba husbands of tlia membera wera Invited to enjoy tha feast, but many ware unable to leave their business at that time of tba day, and mlased a big treat. Tha ladlea re turned about 4 o'clock. Charlaa Spen cer brought them bomo In hla launch. The following were In attendance: Mra. J. W. Norrta, Mra. U E. Jones, Mrs. Roalna routs, Mrs. Thomas War ner, -Mra. H. E. Straight, Mra. B. p. Randa, Mra. O. D. Bby, Mra. David Caufield, Mra. H. P.'Brlghtblll, Mra. Shank, Miss Ada Bedwell, Mra. r. B. Downing, Mrs. Oeorga DeBok, Mra. B. F. Linn, Mra. Charlea Spencer, Mra. Walter Wentworth, Mra. 8. Mobler, Mra. U L. Porter, Mra. Fred Spang ler, of San Francisco, Mrs. O. A. Hard Ing. L K. Jones, H. B. Straight, F. B. Downing and U J. Caufield. Class to Give Social. The Rlthlah Claaa of tha Methodist church will bold a social tn the church parlor on Saturday night. A strawberry fete will be. given and a abort program, consisting of musical aelectlona, will ba rendered. COT I V TYiYM lUmJH QUrTMOVlNC- PICTUR A .WHrTE:LIES !) iJff)!iJil ta WC HAVE mm OWED TO THE FIRST HOT DAY. Ort.doyou remember how December Yhi cussed cmd yvent on dT tlie beautiful snow ? Are you now Jerry now lost January ..... You shuddered to hedr tKe colJ Norlli wind blow? How wdy above par In Feb. and In rlar. Was every device that would keep a man warm . Notemperdture please below 90 degrees And a sealskin-lined ulster was elegant form ? But now ere the Spring hds had her first flinc? And your coal bi H Ikis scarcely been p'd , LARGER QUARTERS ULIULU I VII UH11I1 POSTOFFICE WILL BF CRAMPED WITH ESTABLISHMENT OF DEPARTMENT. RANDALL ASKS FOR ANOTHER CLERK Many Inquiries Regarding Opening of Bank Deposits of $10,0o0 or More Expected Flrat Month. The Postofflce Department at Wash ington haa denied the reoueat of Post master Randall that ha be allowed larger quartera because of the estab lishment of a postal aavlnga bank In this city on June 26. Tba present quartera are hardly large enough for the usual postofflce business, and with the addition of the bank It will be almost Impossible for the clerka to move around. In the letter denying the request, It was explained that the lease would expire on the building now occupied for poBtofflce purpoaee In two yeara, and at that time other arrangements could be made. Another Clerk Neoeeeary. Mr. Randall haa alao asked for an additional clerk to assist In handling the banking business. Tba present force la kept buay attending to tha usual business of the postofflce. Mr. Randall will go to Olympla, Wash., on June 18 where be will be a member of a class of postmasters who will ba Instructed In poatal saving banking methoda. A bank waa established In tha Olympla office aometlme ago and the postmaster there will ba tha la atructor of tha claaa. Two daya will be devoted to tbia work. - Many Make InquMee. ' Inquiries regarding tha opening of tha bank are made at the poatofflce dally, and It la expected that there will be a rush of depositors tba open ing day. Mr. Randall tblnka that at least $10,000 will ba deposited tha first month and possibly $15,000. Tha First National Bank will be tba depository for tbe postal aavlnga department FOUNTAIN TO BE DEDICATED. Woman'a Club Ereete Flrat Monu ment to Dr. McLouohlln. Tbe fountain recently erected In McLoughlln park will be dedicated on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The apeakera of tho afternoon will be" Mayor Brownell and Mra. Rva Emery Dye. Mra. Leon DesLarxes' quartet and a chorus, under tbe direction of Mlaa Veda Williams will render tbe musical aelectlona. The Woman'a Club of thla city feela proud of tba fact that they ara thr first to erect a monument to the mem ory of Dr. John McLoughlln. Tne name of McLoughln will be officially conferred upon the park. Jay Upton, an attorney of Portland, waa In thla city on legal business Wed nesday. SUPPOSITION . WHAT f You wilt in Trie collar and let out d holler At elcjhty decrees In the shdde ! A resolution has been pd&H a at a 1 sed ly The LedlsldTure To compel dll drllsts who dre well and strong ta do real work . is possible that Colonel Bill Codv. d possible Re publican, mdy a oendior frnm the nn4ihle fttate of ArizonJOHW .AMY GETS $3,150; SUIT BIDS HUSBAND, DIVORCED BY FORMER WIFE, CHARGED WITH CRUELTY. The divorce suit of Mary Zivney against W. H. Zivney, a wealthy far mer, who lives near Oawego, waa set tied out of court Tburaday by. the defendant paying tbe plaintiff $3,150. 8h waa awarded the divorce. Mrs. Zivney waa the defendant'a second wife, hla first one having ob tained a divorce here aeveral yeara ago. He and the wife, who baa Just been grsnted a i decree, were married here in 1907. In the ault, which was tried last December before Judge Eakln. she charged ber husband with cruelty and asked for a part of his property as alimony. She waa award' ed a divorce, but the matter of all mony waa deferred. The defendant appealed to the Supreme Court, and meantime George C. Brownell, repre senting the plaintiff and C. D. La tourette representing Zivney, entered Into negotiations for a aettlement out of oourt. Hugh George, who waa arrested by Chief of Polfce Shaw Tuesday for drunkenness and disorderly conduct waa given a term of twenty-five daya In Jail by Recorder Stlpp. Tor,(3ay The Infant at Snakeyille or Baby Bamps and the Cowboys. A western com edy foil of fan. No time t cry. Keep on laoghing all the time. . THE GRAND We will never fool yotv $2 SHAW DECLARES STORY TO BE RESULT OF EXCITEMENT OVER HILL TRAGEDY. FA&ZR OH SKEEP SUSPECTED imaginations Said To Have Rn Riot Since Quadruple Slaying Near Ardenwald People Are" Honest In Belief. Despite the fact that mora than a score of persons have declared tbey have aeen him, Chief lot Police Bhaw, said late last night that be waa con fident no crazy, or "wild maa," aa be a called, baa been biding In tbe bill section of the city, frightening women and children. Tbe chief said that a thorough aearcb bad been made for tbe man, but not tha slightest clue that aucb a peraon exists haa been obtained. I believe," sail the chief, "that the persona who have aald they aaw a wild man' are perfectly sincere, and really think tbey bsve keen him. But I am confident that no such man ex ists. Tragedy Excites People. 'The Hill tragedy near .Ardenwald Station has aroused the residents of the county, and all reports of men acting strangely are soon magnified many times. Tbe people are wrought up over the tragedy and their Imagin ations are getting tbe best of them. When It was first reported that a wild man' had been aeen near the Barclay school he waa described aa wearing a beard and carrying a rope which be waved frantically at all who came near. We traced tbla report down and found that auch a man had been seen In that vicinity, but he proved to be a fanner who waa look' lng for some aheap that bad gone astray. He bad tbe beard and carried the rope, but be never waved the rope at anyone. , "Wild Man" Loses Beard. "Hardly had thla atory been pro lied when other persona reported tbat they had aeen a man acting auspiciously, and It waa Immediately surmised that the farmer who had been aeen the day before and the second suspicona char acter were one and the same But the persons who say they aaw tbe sec ond man declare that he waa smoothly shaven and did not carry a rope. He also wore a cap, whle the farmer wore a slouch hat. So you aee tbe farmer waa the causa , of the atory being started and every man aeen acting the least bt auspcously since la immed iately thought to be tbe 'wild man' and a rumor that the fellow haa been aeen again spreads over tba city." 1 15 COUPLES MARRIED IN OREGON CITY HOME JUSTICE OF PEACE 8AMSON'S DWELLING HOLDS RECORD FOR STATE. The' marriage Thursday at noon of Edith Emlg and Solomon Click by Justice of the Peace Samson, at the latter s home, 816 Main street, made the one hundred and fifteenth weddng ceremony that has been perrormed in the hstorlc residence. Mr. . Samson said that he had no doubt his home held the record in Oregon for the number of wedding ceremonies per formed in It. Tbe house Is one of the oldest in the city and Generals Philip Sheridan and Joseph Hooker lived in It when atatloned In Oregon before the Civil War. Mr. Samson has officiated at a great many more weddings, which have taken place In hla office. Long before he became a justice of the neac his young friends often went to his home to be married, ministers and varloua civil offlcera performing the ceremonlea. The lumber for the old home came from near Bath, Me., and was brouaht. around Cape Horn In 1843. , WIFE CHARGES CRUELTY. Macia Baled 8eka Divorce and 135 Alimony Monthly. Made . Balrd, Thursday filed anit asainat Isom Balra, -lor aivorce, alleging cruel treatment and non-sup port. They were mamea in mis chj, Oct. 17. 1909. Plaintiff avera that she ' waa deserted, and left with no meana of support, from May 10. until August 10. 1910. and that defendant aeveral timea accused her of Intimacy with other men. She asks for the care of their one child, Clarence, and $3$ a month alimony.. ' AUTO PARTY TO SEE RAILROAD. Trip To Ba Taken Over Clackamaa Route Today. The directors of the Clackamaa Southern railway will today take per sons Interested In tha road along tbe route. .. ' ' 1 The object of the trip will be- to ahow those who have purchased stock and proapectve purchaaera of stock, Just what baa been accomplished In the way of grading. Automobtlea, In which the trip will be made, will be supplied for all who care to fo, and the Indlcatlona are that many will take advantage of the opportunity. The automobllee, which will be do nated by peraons living In thla city for use on tbe trip, will atart at 1 o'clock. ... n t. s y ) i ''(vA f " y , n. ..him .BfajLi. Dr. Aked, late of London and New York haa been engaged to deliver two lectures at tbe Willamette Valley Cbautauqua which begins on Jnly 4. Dr. Aked will lecture on July 13 on "The Strongest Man in the World" and on July 14 "Gladstone, Hla Legacy to the English People." Dr. Aked la the man whom John D. Rockefeller brought from Llverlool to take cftlrge of the Fifth Avenue church In New York City, one of tbe wealthiest and most arlstrocatlc churchea in tbe world. Dr. Aked stayed one year, but refused to remain another year, ' al though he waa offered an Increase of $10,000 In salary to do ao. He ac cepted a call to a San Francisco church at a salary of $15,000 a year. COMMERCIAL CLUB MOVES TO NEW HOME EXHIBIT FROM OGLE MOUNTAIN MINE PLACED IN PRO- ' MOTION HALL. Tbe new headquarters of the Com mercial Club, on Main street oppo site the Court House, ware opened Thursday. The building if a one story frame, and bealdea an office for the secretary, and a little atorage room, contalna a ball for exhibiting Clackamaa County products. Tbe ob ject of the exhibition will be to ex ploit the resources of tbe county, and give tbe prospective settler who haa not the time to make a personal investigation an Idea of the mineral, agricultural and manufacturing possi bilities. Samples of gold, silver and lead ore obtained from the Ogle Moon tain Mine composed the first exhibit placed tn the ball. The Willamette Paper Mills will install an exhibit today, consisting of wood pulp and paper and Illustrating the various pro cesses In tbe manufacture of paper. It la .also the intention of the club to establish a free employment agency for tbe benefit of colonist who ara seeking work. Maps of the country and photographs of various scenes will be supplied and Secretary Laselle will be on hand to give all other Informa tion desired. MRS. 8EMARD FOUND DEAD. Mount Pleasant Woman Survived by Husband and Three Children. Mra. Sophia Semard, fifty-three years of age, waa found dead in bed Thursday at ber borne In Mount Pleas ant. Coroner Fox and tbe coroner'a physician, Dr. Mount, made an inves tigation and decided death waa due to heart disease. Mrs. Semard la sur vived by her husband, who Is blind. and two eons and one daughter. PORTLAND DOESNT SEEK TEACHERS HERE NO OREGON CITY INSTRUCTORS EMPLOYED THIS YEAR IN METROPOLIS. For the first time In yeara not a single Oregon City teacher obtained a position In tba Portland schools for the approaching achool year. There are many leachere re-elected In Port land, however, who have been there for .more than h year, wno rormeriy tanght n this city. They.are:' Emily O Malley, Falling, (transfer red from Montavllla) ; Verdi Monroe, Glencoe. (transferred from Buekman); Maude Cooke, Albtna Homestead; L. A. Read, principal Clinton Kelly; Crllla Shonkwller, Clinton Kelly; Fan nie Porter, principal. Falling; May Kelly,. Falling; Harrlette Monroe. Hawthorne; Myrtle Shonkwller, Haw thorne; Barry C. Eaatham, Jefferson High; Alice Shannon. Holladay; Ger trude Nefzger. Holladay; Loretca Scoggan Montavllla; Kate I. Porter, Sell wood; Frances My era, Shattuck; Margaret Williams, Shaver; alaysle Foster, Stephens; Maud Mattley, School of Tradea; Addle Clark, Highland. oooooaoaoaooooaooeieceoWfoeeotooj WANTED! 5 to 20Acre Farm Near Oregon City We have several buyers waiting and many cccr. If your place is for sale and the pric riht cc aJ see us at once. V. F. SCHOOLEY & CC O phone: Paclfle M-SO. Ham A-168. ' S12 Malt tv C' MASS, HOME FOR LITTLE REST, THINKS FUGITIVE WILL BE ' ' CAPTURED EVENTUALLY. 1 KAN IS ATTACKED KEAS K1L IT! Brother of Slain Womjn Jolna Posse In Scouring Woods Another Suspect T Be ' Questioned, 8beriff Maaa returned from Portland lata laat night, and declared tbat he bad a new clue In tbe quadruple trag edy near Ardenwald atatlon, which . , would be thoroughly probed today. The sheriff said that he 4id not wish the facta pubiianea for fear the maa wanted might make bis escape. It waa evident from tbe manner tn which be talked that he believes the clue Is tbe most promising that haa yet been obtained. Sheriff Maaa haa had but little -sleep since the discov ery of the tragedy, and, for the benefit of persona who fear the alayer la still lurking In tha neighborhood of the scene of the crime and may nfake others his victims, be declared that the aearch for the man would he un relenting. He la confident that the man will be captured eventually un less he haa left the state. Man to be Hunted Today. Search will be made today for a man, who Uvea near Mllwaukte and acted atrangely In Oregon City Wed nesday. The man came here obtensi- , bly to do sont shopping, but It la asserted tbat he annoyed aeveral wo men by bla persistent ogling of them. , Chief Deputy Sheriff Staata aald that .' he waa convinced the man knew noth ing of the crime, but It bad been de cided to question him today. The attack made Tburaday upon Gua Obrlst. a dairyman, near tbe Hill borne, lenda color to the belief that the slayer la atlll In tbe vicinity of the scene of the crime. . Obrst works for A. J. Dyale, a young dairyman, recently married, who haa lived In Ardenwald for the paat month.' For three weeks, late at night and early In the morning, Dyale and Obrlst have aeen a rough looking man hang Ing about the barns and the house. who would disappear into the wooda across the road when he aaw that he waa observed. Dvsle thought the man might be one of the many tramps that Infest the neighborhood, owing to the prox imity of the Southern Pacific tracks. which run near the houae, until be aaw the man after the Hills were slain. Then he notified the police and sheriff's office and took care not to leave hla young wife alone In the houae. Man Makes Attack. " , Obrlst had finished milking thje cows in tne barn, behind tne uyaie house Thursday mornlnK, antf vas walking down the lane that run from the barn to tba houae when tbe aame man whom he baa aeen a number of timea before, ran up behind him and struck him on the back of the neck, at the aam time bringing hla knee np ao aa to strike Obrlst la the back. Obriat la a young Bwtaa who haa been In thla country but a short while. Ha Is sturdily built and managing to shake off hla assailant, ran for the house. " " The man who had attacked him ran on. down the lane. Jumped tbe fence Into the road and crossed the road Into tbe thicket of wooda that ilea between tbe road and the Johnson Creek bottoms. T. F. Cowing, Jr., a brother of Mra. Ruth Hill, one of tbe vlctima of the fiend, hurried out to the Dyale place early Thursday and apent tha day j scouring the woods Into which the man nea ana irum wmvu av uwu seen to come on the occasions of hla ' visits to the Dyale place and neigh-, boring farms. BARN NUISANCE, 8AYS COURT. Williams' Brothers Ordered to Remove Structure. A report from 8alem atatea thaf the Supreme Court baa affirmed the Judg ment of the Circuit Court of Clacka maa county,-in the case of Charlotte Templeton va. the Williams Brothers' Transfer Company, of Oregon City. More than two yeara ago, Mra. Tem pleton filed ault in the Circuit Court to have the barn, owned by Williams Brothers, at Fifth and Washington streets, declared a nuisance. Mrs. Templeton' owns', two dwellings Just west of tbe barn. The barn was or dered abated' by the court but Wil liams Brothers appealed to the Su preme Court. Thla barn haa probably been in litigation longer than any other In the state, but tbe decision of the court atopa all procedure. Athletes to Play "Jumbo Jim," "Jumbo J Ira" la tbe name of a South ern play to be- given by tbe AUtietta Club of the Weet Side In tne Bear future. The first rehearsal waa irtven on Wednesday, and from all ladle tlona the play wUl be a big auoceaa. f