a uommio crrnupiuuia, Thursday, june is, ion; UOIf TO HEROES HARRINGTON AND SCRIBNER FUNERAL HELD AT SAME TIME. . On of th largest gatherings at a funeral ssrvtca U Clackamas county was tbst at tb ooo,uie or Amo Harrington Bad 8amul 8cric, th . IS-y ear-old aoa of Mr. and Mrs. Nat Scribner, of Highland; who lost thlr lives by drowning at Highland. Ths f doubt funeral ervto wa conducted l by Rev. S. A. Hay worth, paator of the Baptist church of thl city, and waa held at the home of Mr. Harrington. The floral tribute were beautiful, and were sent from many sections of -the county. The pallbearers for Mr. Har rington were old friends of his, and for the Scribner boy, former school mate. The services were held at 10 o'clock on Tuesday morning, and Im mediately after tb services the re mains of Mr. Hsrrington were taken to tbe Highland cemetery, and af terward tbe remans of the Scribner boy were taken to the Ringo cemetery, the burial taking place about J o'clock. There were more than one hundred carriages In line to both cemeteries. Amos Harrington was bora on the old homestead where he has resided .all of his life. He is survived by a wid ow and two children, Maurice and Aletha. and a sister, Mrs. J. M. Heck art, of Molalla. He was a nephew of Edward Harrington, of Gladstone. Samuel Scribner was th only son of Mr. and Mrs. Nat Scribner. of High land, MDd his parenta are heartbroken over his death. "Sammy," as he was - familiarly called by all who knew him, was popular with his classmates as well as the other resident of High land. In an effort to save this boy's life Mr. Harrngton Jumped Into the water and both were draws under logs which they had been standing on. Mr. Harrington s son' life had ben saved by young Scribner, and as the latter waa sinking, Mr. Harrington went to his rescue with the fatal result. BY THE KING'S '. EDICT .'. Br MARTHA L. WRIGHT CBfftigM firKH FT A staiis. ISU. As to the nutter of Edmond Koyl, yeoman, who was sentenced to o hanged ta th county f Seut. In the reign of King Edward IT, this Is the story: Koyl had Just come of sg. and there was a calebrsttoo la honor of tbe event on bla father's farm. The young tea and aisldens danced on tbe green. and It was noticed that Kdniond Koyle and Margaret Manning, a comely lass of nineteen years, danced many time together. Moreover, some wbe were there saw old Slwoo Winter standing by himself looking ou at tbe couple. scowling and tapplug his foot angrily on th floor, for he had that dayap piled to Farmer Manning for Margaret to wife, and now be saw that ber heart was going out 10 Koyle. That Btgbt tbe church was robbed f the silver service piste, and. search being made. It win found bid In the barn on the farm to which young Koyle bad the day before' come to an Inheritance, bla father having died two year agon And there were tnose who averred that tbey bad seen Ed mood carrying plunder from tbe church at dead of night So tbe young man was tried before th Judge, and those persons who claimed that tbey bad seen blm carry tag-a load from the church 1 wore to the fact and Ldaiond was sentenced to be banged by tbe neck till he was dead. Edmood was defended before the Jndg by Montgomery, bis advocate. In this wise: SiLj.OOO YEAR? Valus c( Oetrclt's Wcni:itJ Player Oifflcoit to Estimate. GJU.TS GREATEST ATTRACTION Nearly Every Day Tigers' Rigrjt Field er Pull Off emethin Seitsatienal. Defeated Nsw Verk Himself Resent 1y Psns O t Cam te Csbb. Cookeryl Notes "Most worshipful sir. there be a con spiracy 00 tbe part ef Simon Winter to ruin my cheat that the aald Wluter may put away a rival ThU Uian, who ha a farm and much cattle and sheep, did propone to Farmer Manoln for bla daughter, a comely weuch. aud th proposal was accepted by Farmer Manning "Then came tbe prisoner and on th day be was of age danced merrily with Margaret Manning, and Simon Winter, being Jealous, did hire men for pay to rob tbe church and place tbe plat In Edmond Koyle'a barn, that be tight make It appear that tbe sacri lege had been done by Koyle, Winter having the Intent to Injur Koyle that h should cease to be a rival for th band of Margaret Manning. "Therefore, I pray you. most wor shipful sir. to let my client go free, or If you sre not satisfied of bis tn noceoce be will willingly decide wheth er h or Winter Is guilty of this sserl leg by deadly combat" But Winter, being 00 match for a young man. declined tbe combat, and tb Judge was constrained to pro Bounce th accused guilty and pass sentence upon him. Then did Margaret wbo was tn the court, fsll down In a swoon and waa carried to ber father's bouse. When th day cam that Edmond Koyle waa to be eserured th people to those parts came to m-e. some wagons, some on foot and some horseback, tbe women riding on pil lions behind tbe men. so tbst s great crowd waa collected. And there were present ma or friends of Koyle, wbo knew bim to be Innocent of tbe crime In Sane Apple and Figs. A .m tuti.ru wtib ti are very nice. Se:eil tUr- piuoijiewl aud juli-ie-o dried OK iu mil aud wli ibeut. i-are-fuilr piucbluu tbem iuto their uuiunii Bhae. Tbeu seks-l uuti. brui upis and wab them. Swp out tle cures and Into each of (new bole pack two oe three whole Hit. Place tlieui in a baking pan and bake la a tart oven. While they are baking late tbeni with sirup made from tbe Juh-e of half S lemon, two tablepouufuU of sugar and ha If a cup of er. I f w Urn they look done tbey are not soft to th core, place a cover over your bak ing dish sud let tbeui Hiram for a few minutes. Then remove tbe cover and brown tbe fruit slightly. Tbee sppie may be served either a lour or wtib j charged against blm. and tbey mur farina, hominy r other breakfast food, t mured that be soon Id be banged for a i crime he had not committed. Among Strawberry Cmm Pi.' j th spectators sst Farmer Manning A strawberry novelty la made as! and his wife snd between tbem Mar follows: Roll out a rich past and garet their daughter. And tbe people cat Into circular pieces about nine j marveled greatly to see a maiden alt Incbe In diameter. From on of j ting; by tbe scaffold on which tbe man these rings cut oat the center, leaving j ah loved wss to suffer death. But a border about on and one-half Inches j near ber sat Montgomery, wbo had wide. Bake th circles tn a not oven. 1 spoken in Koyle's bebslf before tbe "Place th circle together with cTsanrvnagtstrat: All looked rot 81 filling between. Place the open ring I Winter, wondering maynap If be n top and fill th space with fresh would venture to sttend tbe execution strawberries, sweetened to taste. This I Bat be dsr not com, fearing tbe is s delicious, dainty pastry with which ', people. to complet s luncheon or s dinner. I Then cam forth Edmood Koyle. be- !lng pal of countenance, but walking Cold Strawberry 8herteak. 'with a firm step and bead erect Be Cream together two tsblespoonfnlsof ; toT th cap was put over bis far be butter and a cup of powdered sugar. 'tepped to tbe front of tb scaffold then add three eggs, beaten light and d spoke the words wblcb all wbo a quarter of a cap of cream. Beat J" condemned to dl may at tb last very bard and add a cup of flour that j moment J to tbe people. But aU he has been sifted twice with s teaspoon-, Pok waa that b waa Innocent fnl of baking powder. Butter layer TbeD when the executioner was cake tins, pour tb batter into these 66,11 to ks ready for the banging and bake. When don turn out to cool : Montgomery looked at Margaret and Place en each layer berries that have i"0 rt,ln ln .hor seat said to th been halved, pile tb layers oa top of nT11 each other, sprinkle with sugar and serv with rich cream. Leaving out the thrills and getting down to hard case large round cuse of a value of one buck each what Is Ty Cobb worth to tbe IVinm club) Ha, ha! Sure you laugb. That baa all been thrashed out before. Sure It has. Hut still It offers an Interesting diversion If you haven't any thing to do. Recently Cobb bad a real day. whip plug tbe New York Americans prac tically eluglo banded. lie scored froiu first on a single and from second ou ti passed ball and thru capMtl bis base running feats by rapping a two bagger wblcb seut two runs houi ahead of him and scored himself while Catcher Sweeuey was diaputlug tbe de cision ou Hush. Ou the dofcuw he mad a couple of nest catches, on otte of them doubling tbe fleet Hemphill off first. And now to get down to tbe mer cenary aide of tbe picture. Ty draws a salary whlir'scar around the fit). 000 mark, auaback lu tbe winter time when the baseball scribe are clinging to tbe payroll by tbelr eyebrowji u discussion was started a to Ty'a belug worth $100,000 to tb IVtroil club owners. There la a large number of people who dispnte the fact that the Georgian Is worth 11U0.OU0 and earns llO.tani per year. In figuring a man's earning ca pacity tbe only safe way to handle tb dope Is to siae up the return due di rectly to bis efforts to his employer.' In Cobb's case this cannot be dou with accuracy, but a go.nl line 1 avail able. The Tigers bsve been tearing, up the western teams of tbe league. Tbey walked over New York In the opener, and then the Yanks turned aud grabbed two What was the rexuit? The faint hearted ones promptly pull ed the blue stuff snd went around sighing. "They've blown now. Tbe east will wslk through them." Itut did they W guess not. If New York had made It three straight tbe result would have been noticeable In tb failing off of the at tendance. But tbe Tiger pulled It out of th Are, and Cobb was tbe chief raker. What was tbe result? Cobb's feat meant ln th neighborhood of an addi tional $1,000 In tb box office the fol lowing afternoon over what would bav been there If tbe Tigers had lost tbe day before. And Cobb does such tricks many times during the season. When the team goes east thousands will tarn oat to see Cobb play not to are tbe game, but to nee Cobb people wbo don't know a baseball from a pumpkin. And more dollar will roll Into tb De troit club'a coffer. Tea; it would appear that Ty Cobb Is worth his $10,000 per year and rouM not be duplicated for $100,000. Portland. Or.. Iaa la Ptashurst; $1. HI ber la Savings Bank to Claoka- mas Couaty, land la Plnoaurst; 1 1. Charles T. aad Ertua I. Privatl, lot T of block t. May wood; $1000. C IX and 8dona Latourtt to N P. and Margaret Q. Adams, i0.$$ acres of John KUngUr D U C township 4 south, tanas t east; $U1I. 8. Ar JBIwrt, r. B. Coiver N. Shupn. H. K. Ilornsrhuch and O. W. W. Plumer. trustee of Oregon Con ference of th Evangelical Associa tion, 47.TS rods. In Clackamas county: Rad th Morning iCnterprla. TWO LOVES A Story Showin, What Dvs Hat to Do W Mft th Affection By Karl Sommers Cpyrlttl y American free Ao clatlun. IU. When tbe Revolutionary war broke out th Wen wbo collected to tight oil tb patriot side canie from the farm. tb workahois the country store In deed, from tbe then few sample avo catloua In which the colonists engaged They war aoldler neither In trstnln. nor drea snd wrre looked ummi by tb Britlab well drilled and handsome ly uniformed officers and men with the contempt regular troop entertnln for a won. On day-U waa In 177-a regiment of American patriots were niarvhtflu along a road In tbe vicinity f Kill bet blown. N. J. It waa In the spring following tbe memorable winter when Waablngtou'a army suffered at Valley F orge. Not only were tbe leaves sprouting under the warm ray of tbe returning sun, but news had come Ihst France was to send an army to help tb colonies Nevertheless the reel ment marching t bronco New Jersey waa a tatterdemalion lr. They were all hungry, and whenever they passed a house wbere a patriotic farmer's wife would bring out a pall of milk and a few locves of stale bread they would fall oat of th rank. If there wers ranks, to satisfy their appetite At tb gat of on of tbea fsrni house stood a girl of seventeen, who had been sent oat by ber mother with a tin pan full of doughnut. The cake wr nearly all gun as well a th man wbo bsd taken tbem when a young soldier, very pal and with largo, deep sunken eyes, bespeaking Ulness, approecbrd tbe girl, laid bla musket against tbe .fence and aal down on lb mounting atone before th gat. There was on doughnut left ln th pan. wblcb tb girl offered him. but be waa too III to rUh-. It. O sat for a few minutes resting bis bead on tb palm of bis bands, bla elbows on bis Bnees. then, casting TIGERS MISS DEL GAINOR. First Baseman Who Had Wrist Brkn Best Dctreit Evr Had. Although Jennings ba a good aub- stltut first baseman In Ness, stilt tbe gersmUalljt. iwrTlcesjuXJjicl nor. Tb Utter recently bad bis wrist broken by a pitched ball thrown by Indian Pudding. To mak a delicious lndlsn pudding take on pint of scaldad milk, two heaping taMespoonfals meal and on tablespoonfol floor. Wet meal and floor ln a UttU cold milk and stir Into the hot milk and cook until thick. When cool, add on egg. ooe-balf cap sugar, n tablespoon motaases. on-jorter teaspoonfol cinnamon, two-thirds cap cold milk, a small piece of butter, salt to tast and a few raisins. Stir twice while In th oven. Bak alowly two hoars. Dadlln SandwUk. Tak some trader dandelion lesvss. washed, dried and chilled. Pound In a mortar or chop On cold cooked Boat poultry or dsn. as preferred, mix Jug with a Uttl butter, salt and pepper to season, gpresd this mixture on thin slices ef bread and batter, put few dandelion leave ou top aad cover wttb more battered slices. Cut Iuto suuare. triangles or fingers and serve. These ara delightful for picnics, as tb leave keep th sandwich moist and fresh "I c la tin this man tn jnarrlag." Th people marveled, and th sher iff, paying no beed to Margaret's de mand, told tb executioner to proceed. But np stands Montgomery and ertea oat with a loud vote: 1 pretest against th execution ss fflegaL- Ia what respectr" asks th sheriff. Tbr is an edict of oar sovereign. King Edward IV, commanding that If a woman sbsfl demand tn man-lag any man condemned to death b aha 11 go fre and be glean to tb woman." And Montgomery took parcbmnt to b sheriff snd snowed blm th edict, snd th sheriff read and ordered thst th prUonr b given to Margaret. Then all ros np and went to th church, consoled for not seeing a banging by bring given view of a wedding. But tbey were after an not aatlafled without a banging, and when Simon Winter cam to sss what was in tb wind thy mad a rash for him. and. taking him to th scaffold, wher aD was In readiness for such a specta- ft sss!bsssw B- B ' Photo by Amartcan Pre Association. Pax oadios. nor as' forno riser sacks Jack Coombs snd will be out of tb game for some time. Ualnor Is tb beat first baseman tb Tigers bsv overbad. He Is s grand fielder, s On thrower, a heavy batter and remarkably speedy. . Del ws bit ting at a .350 clip when be received th injury that pot him out of tb gams. Frsn Tak t Tcnni. In-.Franc tennis Is enjoying a big Jbom. Th frog eaters will soon b contenders with tb Americans, Eng lish and Australians for th world's racket honors. The Parisian youths are making a scientific study of strokes and strategy, snd th gam la having widespread popularity. Bedi Msklng Coed Fee Whit Sex. Ping Bodl. who mad so many bom runs laat year In th Pacific Coast oaoobt bim nsroaa ns rt-u . glance at tb laat straggling flies of bis comrades, a ros and took np his musket to follow tbem. But there waa something tbnt trou bled blm far mors thsn bis trembling limbs. II wore little of tbat wblcb la tbe pride of a soldier uniform and what there waa of it wss torn and soiled. A young girl was looking st blm sympathetically with a pair of tender brown eyes, and to leavs ber be must expos bis rsr. and from a hoi In tb seat of his trousers pro truded a portion of bla shirt tsIL Dow could s soldier expos such Ig nominy? But wtitl k stood deplor ing th necessity of doing so a dark ness came before bis eyes, he tottered, and th girl caught bim befor be fsll. it was several weeks befor th young soldier. Abner Wicks, was well snougb to lests tb farmhouse, and when b was his departure was mads painful from tb fact, that bs must leave bis heart with th Uttl girl wbo bsd nursed blm. True, her mother bsd don tn grestsr part of tb nurs ing, bat tbs daughter bad don th loving. Lucy Barton waa of an ag when kv comes easily and from many causes, in this ess It a ros from pity. Abner was bat a year old er than aba, and bs loved ber becauss ber eyes were brown and because sb ISa farm has a. Their rot scarlet, severed with go' ' tbs sua gllttsrsd oa tholr bras but tone and tbelr ski arms. Her surety was something admirable for tb eys to rest upon, Thrs was not a rip la any man's uniform, not a rusty spot sn any saber, sot a tarolshed bit' of lac. They trotted oa up to Farmer Bar ton's house, and tb general, rail lag Mrs, lurtoa-tb farmer wa al Valley Forge-asked If there waa a creek or a spring near by. ' Hhe told blm I ber waa a brook farther oa. but If be wished water ouly for the party be bad with blm ah bad a plenty In her well, to wblcb h was welcome, During tb brief chat I.ucy, wbo tood by her mother and wa looking with admiring ye at tb group of ouestrlane who charger were Im patiently pawing th ground, could not help contracting tbelr appearance with that of those ragged Continentals wbo had passed tb bouse a few weeks befor. There waa lu the party a blue eyed, flatsn haired young Urlt laher with real English rosea In hla cheeks, wbo sat on bla horse admiring her almpl country beauty, aud site thought how different he waa from the boy wbo bat a few minute before an bad watched retreating dowu tbe road. I be two prominent object In hla dress being th patches -one eotiare. the other round-In bla seal and especially noticeable from thek color being different from that of hi trousers and from each other. It Is a blow to our Ideas of human constancy to contemplate tb change that Immediately cam over l.ucy Barton' bean, for eh Immediately withdrew It from Abner aud gave It to tbe youug British aid de-camp. And yet In view of tb rlrcuniatsnce ran w bla me ber T The contra si be tween th Continental's curb and tbe British regulars rsd 'Toat buff breecbe. high top boots and resplend ent decoration was too mttcb for the seventeen-year-old Lucy, wbo bad tbua far seen men dred only la tbe Unary woolsey of th period. Tbe British general concluded t re main a few daya wher b wss, msk lng his besdianners In tb Ban on farmhouse. In three days Captain Arthur Cleverly made a greater In road upon Lucy 'a heart than Abner Wicks bsd made In three weeks, 1 True, tb Brit Is ber bad no use for bar heart, but a common sense view of tbe sirustloo hsd no place In either of tbem.-- At tb end of the three days be rod away, gsyly kissing but hand to tb Uttl girl wbo looked after blm. She had looked after Abner with tb same longing, but a longing that sprang from a different aoorcs. 8b hsd pitied him; young Claverly had dassled ber. Three year passed. Lucy Bsrtod remembered ber two lovers wttb tbelr two very different uniform. Tb Britisher engaged tbe larger part of th thought sb gave to both, but In Abner's forlorn appearance there wa always something tbst . c used Uttl ripples to pass over ber heart More over, sb waa now) wen ty years old snd bsd become deeply Interested In the struggle between what were now th"C6lted Htstes and England. . Then there were passing of Ameri can troop southward nor, foot, dragoons, artillery. Tbey were going to Vorktown for to laat campaign of tbs war. On morning before dayT light the watch In Philadelphia wbo called tb hour announced tbat the Britlab army bad surrendered. Tb news spresd sll over tbe country snd reached lb Barton farm nous. Not long after tbl tbe American troops began to pan Barton', moving northward It waa late In October, and th leaves bad fallen from th trees. One evening Lucy Barton, re turning from milking, beard a clatter of horses' hoofs behind ber snd turned Just In tlm to e tb general and his staff wbo three year befor had apent some days at her home gallop past Tbelr besds -were bowed In mortifies lion, for tbey wer paroled prisoners of war going to New York to return from there to Eugland. Lucy ssw among them tb young officer wbo bad so quickly taken her heart from th Continental, but bs failed to recognlxe ber. A week later a regiment of United Bute Infantry marched northward by tb bouse snd wttb a very different mien. Tbelr hssd were held high: tbelr step was springy, their whole ap pearance triumphant At tbelr bead rode tbelr colonel, a youngster wbo bad attained tbs command only a short tlms befor snd In passing through Philadelphia bad purchased a brand new uniform. Fie was Abner Wicks, wbo hsd for three years been rising In rank snd bsd especially dis tinguished himself during tbe fighting at Yorktown. n bad resolved tbat If b wbll yet a aoldler should again e Lacy Barton It should not be under such demesnlng conditions as before. As Lucy's British lover did not rec ogulM ber, so ah did not rscogniM Abner. Indeed, he looked so brave and strong and proud In bis new unl form tbat she was about to give her heart for a third tlm to a soldier wbo this tlm was not only finely dressed; but a victor, when tb yoting colonel threw himself from bis boms and. In tb exuberance of bis joy. took ber into bla arms before tb whole regl ment 80 ended tb story of this love which in Its Inclplenry bad no other inducement tban a tattered uniform bat wblcb after tbs two wer married and settled grew each yssr tbey lived together till It absorbed all tbelr being. it j a; . , S ftlke Hew DAILY? The lWogiilag Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests ? By carrier, J year $3.00 By mail, i year 2.00 Send in Your Name and Remittance w PLKASK NOTtCC. THt MORNING tHTtnnM TitLmA tlm fa a. 1 a. -a .v A j a M -m . ... 1 avfc- .k. . a.. . . I '"' WM SI fWTW I Us. I OJIEDV u,ra ,u"l""T.ot m" ZrmZ:LrrZr7 T r J ! b broken as eaally as It bsd come of Tst lovers go on yssr aftsr year Uk- might endure when both, wlrb locks I tog tbelr chance upon such small res tended victim. The things 1 have told not that I have heard tbem. but bacaus Z was present and saw tbsm for myself. sn adding machine to keep track of them, la msklng good with tb Chica go Whit Box. n is stinging tb ball at tbs rata of 2G& per cent Are Yotf a Subscriber to tbe New Daily? . If Th Morning EnUrpri is to b a sueessfa) ss th Interest of Orago City demand it mast needs bav) th support of alL Th new dally baa big work befor it tn boosting Oregon city aad Clackamas County. Tour support means mors strsngth for thswork. V7ill You, Help Boost your ovrn Interests? For a Uaaltod tlm tb Horning gatavpris wlH b sold to paid la sdvsncs astossmssrs as follows r Rl Estats Transfsrs. The following ars tha real estat transfers that bar been filed In th of lie of th County Recorder: O. R, and Hess K, Mack to S3. A. Krueger and C, A. Bradford, westerly while ss snow, should totter arm In arm together. On morning Abner took up bis musket to go snd rejoin his regiment Bis moving away was not so embar rassing ss it would bav been a ftw wks before, for Lucy's mother bad patched th seat of bis trousers. Nev ertheless tbr wss nothing In bis a p. pears ncs to tnsplr such admiration as sons, but wbo shall aay tbat tbos mar rlagee tbat ars better considered turn out happier t -Wlllsmett Prult Company to John " l" ,dJflr n,an ,D Ssmuelson. blocks and 22. Prun; com'D nlforta. lands; $1260. ' Abpr had waved bU bat-oot bis John Moizam to Susan Koliara, 7 Dnnisr. ror n bsd no bsndksr Bra of section township 4 south, "isf-from a crest a abort distance range 1 east? tl. I from th firm house and had nasl Matilda Charm.n f pwittn an I "rtaTht whan a vision of another L"11, MathUu, O. B. Ackley, Miss B. ChrlatJn Bchnorr. lot t or hloek n. Wnd appsatvd la tb direction nnno. Mann n Mr- Mra. U. 8. Clyd. fy Caurrlar. 1 ysar.. tM 8unst City: 110. "its frem tbst In which bs was coins. L " '." H,.nmB.w" of th taot t r-JL t fv JUMl Ellen B. Clodfltr aad H. . Clod- A British general and bla staff, sll on !." . Halghta. falter to Hlbernla Savings Bank of bcrssbsck. cm oriiin. r."u'.,uu,"f w fonisna j yr - . 1 m iss'r nonsymoon. . MISS HINMAN IS MARRIED. Claokamae Halohts Favorite Saeomsa rid f Cisrsnss A. Foraman. Mia Viola Hlntnan, daugnter of A. Hlnman, of Clackamas Heights, and Clarence A. Forsman, aon of Mra. H. S. Clyde, wer married at th bom of tbs bride's .parents Wsdnssdsy af ternoon, th Rv. B. F. Zimmerman officiating. Thos present wers Mr. snd Mrs. W. Hlnman, Mr. and Mra. C. Hlnman. Mr. and Mrs. B. Folsman. t jTr rasa and rssarvkari. s To mtrodusa Th Morning KnUrpris into a laxg mr Ity of tb born ta Origaai City and Clackamas soon ft tha managmnt baa 4id4 la mak a spaelal prto for tha dally lasus, for S Bbort ttxas) only, wbsra th snbasrWisr ssvys a ysar la stfvan. By carrier, paid a ysar ia advanea, 11.00. By Baafl, pssd ysa ia aV vanos, 11.00. Psopla wbo gavs oar esavas ssr a trial nbaertptiaa) far oa or mora taoataa, at ta Mate a wk, can bav tb dally aWr rod for a ysar for ft. by paying a ysar la advan. " Popl wbo gav our aaiv ssr a trial aabaarlaasB, by mall, for four months at a aoV lar. may bav tb papsr tor a ' yssr for 1.00, If paid a ysat la advano. Subaoribars to tb Waakly Bntarprls may c hangs taalr subscriptions to th dally, re ceiving credit for half Urns oa tha dally tbat tb weakly la paid la advan. Whoa thy eboos to add cash to ths ad vanos paymanf oqoal to"g fuO yaar'a advano paymsat tbey may tak advaatag of tb fl rata. W mak tbls spsssUl pssso so that psopla wbo bava psad la adraaoe oa boom ot2 tzTr and wlsb la tsUo O Jag Bntsrpri, taer da so wv-Jswt too froat 1 Sk is on sals st the following itor svery day: Huntley Bros Droit, Main Blreei. J. W. MeAnulty-Cli" 8svntb snd Mala. 8creat Confectlon7 Main near Sixth. M. B. Dunn ConfectloosfT Next door to P. 0. y City Drug Stors Electric Hotel. Walter Little Confctlest7 S14 Seventh Street M. Volkmar Dnif Sevsnth asar Canter Schoonborn Confsctlontrf Seventh and .1. Q- Ada"1- I a CARD OP THANK. W wish to axtsnd 00' , tbanka to th many friends . bora who ao kindly assisted 01 lata bereavement in ths asts burial of our son, 8am 8crll,, MR. AND MRS. 8CBJE" Raad tha Mornlnj Cntrprts. CARD OP THANK ' ur. ui.v ia sMi ffMtr thanks to th many friends bm . bora, who so kindly Baslstso j 1st bereavement In ths dt , burial of our aoa and huabatui. Harrington, s - MRS. AL HARRISON, MRS. AMOS HARRINOTO"' ' Six Couptss Ost LIcanMjj (, Tb following bav been y , marrlag lloenses by County - , Mulveyt Viols Hinmsn A. Porsmsn; Bmma A. Vlck Hawlay, of Cottage uro. . Perry and O. A. Oottberg. ' C . , Ella Bluhm and John rianar, -bsth Sims and Lloyd Hunt, Gibbon and Louis R- Nooai. --ysvaay)ssaiai