4 it f MORNINO ENTERPRISE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1911. ' ' HORNING ENTERPRISE OXBGOS CITT, OREGON I. K. ROCHE, tdltee and SMblleher. "awiterea m esoond-clsss mstter Jsa sr a, mi. at the post oflloe at Greco CltjT Oncom. under th Act of Marc TBUIS P JCWCtiPTIOI, On Year, tr mall .. la Mnatha. ttjr mall rr Mont ha. by matl "ec t bjr eajrler r; .11 M . It . I.eS . . S AmTUfi UTU ' Plrat Paae. pet- Men rtrat lneertka....llft "teat Pace, par Inch added InsartloM. .tap . Preferred poallam any pae, par Inch rtrat maartkm lec lreferrea poaltlaa any pas, par laeh ' added Insert lows lee tun papar other thaa rtrat paa. par taoh ' flrat It ertloa 11a Run papar other thaa flrat pace, par laeh added tasertlona So Cecals lea par Una; to resru'ar adver tlaara te Una. Wants. For gale. To Rant, etc.. on aaat a ward flrat Insertion; oaa-half cant '. each additional. Rataa for advartlatng In .he Week! Enterprise wl" oe 'ht aama aa la tha ' daily. for advertisements art eepeclaPv ' far tha waakly. ""here tha advertisement la transferred from tha dally to tha week ly, without ehanft. tha rata will ba S aa laeh for tun of tha papar, and las aa hack for apacial position. Caak ahould accompany order whara party la unknown in trastneaa office af tha "Snterpnse, , Lee adrextlilnc at legal adrartlalnf rataa. Circus adverttslnc and special transient ' advert talna at X&c to too aa Inch, accord mm to apacial conditions governing tha "Fire Bala and Bankrupt Bale adver winurs ate Inch flrat Insert to ; addl ooal laaartloaa aama matter 3o lack. Nawa Items and waU written artlclea af merit, with Interest to local readers. wfU ba (ladiy aoceptxd. Rejected manu al laOTi asec ret anted aaJeaa aorompaa Wa by at awe to prepay poat saw. CITY-OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. - June 14 In American Histcrv. 1T77 First form of AOMM-K-nn titt d creed by con grin . , 1801-BeoedW-t Arnold. hrtlliani Her... turlonary soldi whi tiwrti t" the enemy, died; lru IH1. i 1811-Harrlet Beet-her .Ktowei horn died WW. 1842 Major Orlando Jay Smith, aoi dler. editor and pblkmophlcai writ ar. foander of the American Prea AaaoctatJon. born: died Dec. 20. T90R. , 1888-Marr H. Prearott author, died: born 149. 1908-Heppoer and Lexington. Ore., destroyed by a flrwxl caused by a -, cloudburst: ever .'UM'eraon killed . and miming. 1908 Frank C. Rang, attor. loo -aoclated with Edwin fttoth. Char lotte CBfthman and Mora Keen. - - died: bora 1H37 '' ' ' . . -s. ''astronomical events. (Frotn tMMm tday t nHn rnmnrmw i Baa aeta 13H. rt -.M: ma risen 10:13 p. it p ni . mootTTn mn Junction with Tranus. awlng frim weat to east f tl Hnrt: 10. 'Mi p nx, eaatern time. Jnflfera prtn-tml satellites Nns I and uiixsica. t ter laHng In trsmt Wa here Utile nowadays from tha people who held up their hands In holy horror at tha idea of the home of Dr. John McLoughlln being placed In tnt aightly city park at tha head of , Single HiO. The park la a beautiful picture, with ita flowers and walks and fountain. It will be a lasting mon ument to the thoughtful women whose loving and tender hands have made it a pretty spot In tha citys center. The dastard who murdered the Hill family near Mllwaukle last Friday seems to have vanished completely. Perhapa tha brute will never ba ap prehended, as the clue la vague. If found, there ought to be a special punishment devised to fit his awful crime. naa. Another offender of tha local option law rtoelved a sharp stab Monday in the Justice' Court, going to Jail to serve a sentence of 75 days. This is good Srork. The illegal selling of li quor helps to make criminals. . e-se Hulls Imp rev a Pea Soup. It Is a waste of good material not to make pea aoup every time you have peas for dinner. When they are boiled much of their value n left in tha wa ter, and when this ia thrown away you do not get more than half of the good of them, and aoup is always an excellent beginning for a dinner. To make it after the peas are shelled, 'Hit 0VERP0WERIN0 LUST w LATER LEAD THE COUNTRY INTO DISASTER UNLESS A PROPER CURS IS APPLIED. Tha lust for iwiwur Ant nnt onnHna itaclf in tViM rnnital- i'faUdebus ALONE, but 1 felt by LABOR LEADERS, m shown by their effort, td get MORE than their just due from their employers. . v... "' Thin materialism and paganism will RUIN this country if we are not CAREFUL. That is our greatest danger today; and it ia the min isters' duty to get together and take steps to REMEDY the situation. Labor and capital never could be brought together by merely catering to tho material welfare. The moral consideration must be included, and we must look 'to the CHUBCII to supply that leaven. Jen of great wealth who hare employed, the most material of means to amass their fortunes must not be surprised if labor leaders employ extraordinary tactics to PRESS their demands. . The labor leader sees that the pressure applied by the capitalist is considered part r! tH -."Tie by him, so why ahould he not go to great lengths to get -1 If thk la excusable in the capiulist, why is it not in waata tha built, and put them to Oool In cold water that doaa not nor than cover them. Lat tbam almmar a whlla till they look "faded," than throw away and put tha paa to boll la tha aama water. When dona, dlah than aa uauaL Ttaay ar Improved by tha additional flavor given by the bulla. Then add acme good milk to the water and. thicken It slightly with about a tableepoonful each of butter and flour rubbed to a paate, and eeaeon with aalt and pepper. When peaa are too old to be good, uae them to thicken the aoup by putting them through a colander. It la true of any boiled veg etable that much of Ita value stays In the water In which It wat cooked; and any one of them can be made Into ermp In the same manner aa the peaa. Board Meeting Postponed. ASTORIA. Or.. June 11 Tha Statt Hoard of Pilot Commissioners met In regular session here today, but aa Commissioner Monks was unable to be preeent, an adjournment was taken until Tuesday of next week, without transacting any business. AKRON. Ohio. June 11 Depoalta made In postal savings banks cannot be attached In any state In tha Union, according to PoatoftW Inspector Pate. WASHINGTON. June 11 The Sec retary of the Navy tnnounctd that sev eral torpedo-boat's will ba In the vicin ity of Astoria durlag the fair celebra tion.' Walls Fargo Buys Expresa. SAN FRANCISCO, June 8. The Ex aminer today atatea that tha purchase of the Pacific Express Company, eon trolled by the Gould interests, by tha Wells Fargo Expresa Company has been consummated. The considera tion Is not given. Tha Pacific Express Company has express privileges over Heart to Heart Talks. Ay EDWIN A. NYE. TIE GIGGLING GIRL. It wss on tbe street car. All in one aeat,. a bunch of three Joyous trirls irigyk-d and glcgled. conscious, merry eyed. aby. but irre presaible. they gurgled and glggled. Giggllug things are gregarious. Two or more must be gathered to make a good glfigle. and there must ba occa sion for sitting on the giggle teat it eevape noUlly. Giggles must be pigged. On tbe seat In front of me a strait laced woman watched tbe girls with evident disapproval. I could distinct ly see how she eleratrd ber noae pres ently to say to the woman next to ber. I think girls who giggle on sllgbi provocation are allly and shallow." Aa if a giggle required great provo cation! Those girls were bubbling over, and every time they caught one another's eyea at tlmee they dared not look they-could do no other than let' off steam or burst rha boiler. Tha gay glgglers! They were under pressure both from Inside and out rlslbles loslde" ind stern glances outside. They Just bsd to lift something, even as the teaket tle Ud Is lifted. Silly t 8ballowT Frivolous they were donbtless. for they were at tbe frivolous age. but as for being shallow or feeble minded Why, they were merely bealtby. A boy gives vent to his vitality by a whoop or a somersault, but a girl most sit on tbe safety valve and let off Just a little giggle. Let her giggle. It ia tbe nature of ber. When she ia older she will have learned to put a governor on ber rlslbles. Did you ever know a gifted gigfler who was a grouch? Her effervescent sense of hnmor Is the girl's salvation. Have a cars bow yon try to make a staid lady out of a child. She sees humor that yon are too old to see or enjoy. She has noth ing to do but see things as they are, and things as they are to a healthy minded miss are funny. Quench not the spirit. Let her giggle. Let ber giggle and grow. 8 be needs tbe giggle, and tha world needs ber. too soon will the blithesome, bub bling soul of ber ba quenched ia the stern duties of wifehood and mother hood. Let her giggle. Glgglers have gumption. Lust For Wealth , Will Lead Country Into Disaster By THEODORE ROOSEVELT FOR WEALTH WILL SOONER -OR New York's 910,000,000 Library To House Four Million Books -eK .tvi,-..v trnmrwiTT u u Photoa copyright by ssenoaa rraaa Aaaootation. If II. . NEW YORK-city at last has a public library of which the rut Ira uaUuu ahould be proud. It facee on Fifth avenue and extends from Fortieth to Forty-second street ' The coat of the building, including tbe clear ing of tbe alte of the old reservoir that bad etood there for half a century; waa $10,000,000. Tbe land occupied la eatlmated as worth $3,000,000, and no niouey value can be placed on the literary and art treasures that will be stored Id tbe handsome marble pile. The building has been In course of erection for eleven years, about one-half of that time being needed to com plete tbe Interior work after tbe roof was put on In Iiecember. 1000. - Tbe library la a consolidation of tbe Astor, Tllden and Lenoi llbrarlea, the con solidation being eBH-ted May 23, 1806, just sixteen years before President Tsft asHlsted to formally opening tha building to the public. The building contains uluety miles of ebelvee, enough to reach from New York to PJilladel oh In. and 4.0O0.UKI volumea will be houaed Inside. The pictures above show aa exterior view of tbe building and the interior of tbe main reading room. YOUNG WIDOW DIES. Funeral of Mrs. Ore Boles to Be Held This Morning. Mrs. Ora Doles, of Clackamaa Sta tion, dieu eariy Tuesday morning. Mrs. Boles waa a widow and was twenty-one years of age. The funeral wiU-be held at 11 o'clock Wcdnesdar morning. She was a daughter of J. W. Flannery. Lumber SuU Heard. Justice of the Ptace Samson on Tuesday beard the evidence In tha case of Frank Welch against G. Gres- senbacker. and will render a verdict Frlday7-ThenplarnTlfr1s aomg-for money alleged to be due for lumber. DR. MOUNT HOLDS QUIZ. Applicants For Certificates To Prac tice Dentistry Examined. Dr. Clyde Mount, one of tha state examiners for dentists will spend a part of tha week In Portland conduct ing the annual examination. Dr. Mount has charge or .the examination In dental anatomy and pathology. There are flfty-two applicants, the largest class In tbe history of tbe state. Bead tha Morning Enterprise. ' " ' " ' I J I t'tA 13111.1ft j. at . .y0syYea- y ivvr. N.r,-M W- FWT, 1JI '--' - f i ii i '. SCENE IN TRAGEDY SHIFTS TO PQRTLANO. a CHICAGO, June 13. Scenes In tha tragedy of the home of Professor Charles W. Minard shifted to Port land, Or, todsy. A message from his sged mother , there gives rise to. theories that corroborate the story of the suicide of tha school principal's wife and Indicate-that foregoing of -a trip abroad by Professor Minard, that ha might provide for his mother for life In tbe Old Ptople's Home In Port la P djrau edthajde pondcjMhjUUfd to Mrs. Mtnsrd's self destruction. Mrs. C. A. Lutkln, seventy-six years old, mother of Professor Minard, tele graphed to htr son today to meet her at St Paul next Thursday morning, saying sba wanted to ba by her son's side In bis trouble. Friends of tha Mlnards say reference to tha $900 Professor Mlnsrd withdrew from the bank was made In the telegram and an lntlmat friend disclosed Informa tion that connects the son's care for his mother with the suicide of the daughter-in-law. MAGAZINE Don't throw your tm r periodicals away. There is much valuable information in them that will never be publish ed elsewhere. The cost is little OREGON CITY OJTERPRISE Our boy will call for the mag- azines if you Phone. SMWMES 5 CD1TS BOX TODAY OREGON CITY MARKET OLUTTIO WITH BEST FRUIT FOR TABLE USE. CANNING VARIETIES LITTLE HIGHER California Apricots Sell Here For Much Lass Than Portland Price Large Supply on Hand. TheMita berry nmrket so far as It relates to the large soft cruit promlrM'S so-JiojiluMed here loaav, anfl the beat berries for table u are expected 10 I'll for rive cents a box. The supply la becoming more plentiful each day, mid the well ripened fruit la only bringing It. II a crate. (Marks' seed ling Is stilling for $1.35 a crate. This la the moat desirable variety for ran ulug. Many of the runners have had trouble In getting help, and have not only allowed tbe burr lea to remain too Uuig on the vines, but In many lu stancea they have been left In tha aim arter being put In the crates. A local commission house' sold California aprlrots of excellent quality Tuesday at $1 75 a box. while the same fruit waa bringing $2 35 a bug In Portland. The house has a large sup ply for .today. . . - Quotations roe Oregon City. POTATOES Heat, $:.$0, good $3 35; common, 2. Uuying, carload, select.. 13. 10; ordinary. $1.80. FIOUR AND KKKD-Flour la steady, selling from $8 to 15 80; very little of cheaper grades. Feed Is higher and rialng slowly, ilrsn brings OATS (Buying) Gray., from $35 to $27; white, from $2 to IS 8. BUTTER (Buytng) Ordinary country brings from l$e to 20c, fancy dairy from 20e to 22r. cream ery 32c to 2 Be. EOG8 (Huyingi Are ranging from 2c to 31c. according to grade. POfJLTRT (Buying Firm with lit tie good stock offered, liens will bring Hp, If In extra good condition more. Old roosters are poor at Re to 10c. broil era bring from 23c to 24c, with good demsnd. . WOOL (Buy.bg) -Voot prices are ranging from 13c to 15c. MOHAIR (Buying Prices on mo hair have been way up. some having brought aa high as 39 locally. Quo tations are 37 He and demand la strong from $28.60 to $27 80, ahorts $3$ to $30, rolled barley $31.60 to $33.33. proceaa barley $33, whole corn $31 to $32. cracked corn $32 to $33. Wheat $33 to $33. HAY (Buying.) Timothy $1$ to $1$. Clover. $12 to $14; oat hay, $14 to $16; mixed, $12 to $14; alfalfa, $11 to $16. HIDES (Buying Green bides, 5c to 6c; salters, 5 to 6c; dry hides, 12c to 14c. Bhiep pelts, 25c to 75c each. - XmiEUFRLlT8-Locaipr1cet are Arm at from 8c to io on apples and prunes, peaches are o. SALT Selling 60c to 80c tor fine. SO lb. aack. half ground 40c; 75 for 100 lb. sacka Portland Vegetable Mark eta. SACK VEGETABLES Carrots, $1.250 $1.50 per sack; parsnips, $1.25 O$1.60; turnips, $1 25$1.50; beets, $1.60. VEGETABLES Asparaaus, 0c $1.78 per crate; eabbage, new, $2 per hundredweight; cauliflower. $l.0 $1.75 per dozen; celery, California. 75c 90c per doten; cucumbers, $1.60V $2.25 per doxen; eggplant. 15e per lb.; garlic, 10cO12c per pound; lettuce, BINDING magazines and i People who "Invest"- m enurpriaea premlslna abnennally Uras est., are usually dlsappalntsJ. 7 M " They fail to gal the Interest they tapected and tha sentral af money passsa ta atharai - " ,BW The money aaver should lake na ehances with the prometa ' Whsn you deposit your money an a Time Certificate er In tha a. Ings Department of this hank. It remalna under yeur sontral. earns a sura and stssdy rata af Interest. There Is na dearaaiaiu In thle hind a an Invsstmsnt. "noas The soonsr you bsgln, tha sooner will you be In possasslen af growing balance. The Bank of Oregon City r-r nu.'-JJ-1 l l. i l 1 i '. " i i- T D. 0. LATOURHTTb) Preeldent THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ol OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, S(U0.0a Tranascta a 0eral tanking uelneee. Open from I A. M. u f Oregon City Wood and Fuel Company F. M. BLUHM Your wants supplied with any quantity af 4 feat tr it Inch weed da llvered to any part ef City. Prices, reasonable, Satisfaction guaranteed. Ptiare your ardsrs. Heme sVIIO Cen 6th snd Center;- Pacific Main $501 J Oregan'city. 6(c per doien; hothouse lettuce, $1 50 J per btx; iaas, sctflle per pound; peppers, 30ctf36o pr pound; radishes, 16c per doien; rhubarb, 2V(i 0 3c per pound; sprouts, $c; tomatoes, $7t$3 36. I'OTATOES Oregon, Jobbing prlre. $2 60 er hundred; nW potatoes, 7c tfte per pound. ONIONS Jobbing prli-ea; Oregon $3.76 per 100; Australian, $3.'60 per 100; Texas. $335 per crates Califor nia, $3 per crate Oregon City Stock Quotations.:. HOOS I logs are quoted Mc lower. Prom 136 lbs. to 160 lbs. tc from 150 lbs. to 300 lbs. me, VEAL CALVEH Veal calvea bring from -So to I lie arcoroing to grade. DEEP BTEERS leel tecre for the local markets era fetching 6Vcto 8 He live weigat. , SHEEP orw at o td 5c live weight BACON, LAKO and IIAU. are firm - KLKS TO OSSCRVC FLAO DAY. Kacrclscs To Ba Held This Evening at Sisth and Main. -The local Elks will observe Flag liny at 7:30 o'clock tola evening with appropriate exerrlaes, at the corner of Sixth and Main afreets. An I m prea alve program has been arranged and all citlxena are urged to attend and bring (lags. Tbe committee In charge of tbe arrangements consists of II. K. Draper. Henry O'Malley and Mr. To bin. The speakers will ba Mayor Browiiell, ixr. Car II nnd James II. Carey. a- , i. a . v $10 RKWAflD For the arreat an conviction of an person or persona, who w unlawfully remove copies of Tha Morning Enterprise from tbe premlara of aubecrllera after paper baa been placed there by carrier. WANTED You to know that tha En terprise Job printing department Is the most complete) la tba State, outatde Portland. Try It for your next printing r, J. sflYR, Cm.,. s . . v44- caaaaa- O-TIVCS BALL iT0 F00 BANK AND MAKES H0MC RUN. T'urlug tbe aeteniu liinini of the I.jdd Kail .Ithrr. Ieli game recently - Wester of the latter team put up a fly that It disappeared In a bank af fog and hasn't lu found yet Weaver made tbe i-lnuli will llslgbt rtug arvuntl ahead of him. Tbeaa two rune put Kali lute in the lead. S to ft, but tbe ct plre called Ibe game tliea be rauae tbe fog was an thk k that ha could not distinguish tha out. daldera. and aa tbe antra raven, ed to that at tbe end of the sink lyun gt tbe game 5 to 4 BENDER'S SCHEME UPSET. Worst Ball He Threw Waa Oams -J the Yank, "That oply goes to allow aav I III tie thing' wtd Lurk Iba ttarrb sot ofj baseball plana." aagely rotaajNtnl Chief Bender, talking about I pvi which lie lost agslust Ilutattt fori Is New Totk re roily. -. "Von know. Johnson b4 S Urw. bagger, sud It lokid aa If ts av4 Pbota by American "frees AseocUtkra "Bio c-TTur Battt, sTSLrnos1 ctuol rrrcasH. ba able to ret him there, t Dgnral; on nailing Sweeney and Ford strikes, then pa-n Wolter sad W' ting Daniels. Thst would nave tha Swede sticking on third. "1 got tba two strikes, all r$ht" Eddie. Then I gave blm a Ull tMt dropped down and oat It rotten a ball as you could find, sltw bitting tbe groand as It thought ba might swing at It and It or else pass it along snd tMSJi wnnM atlrk fast one across aod I" blm. '. . -Instead at that Sweeney uppe the ball and smaahed It on tbs V Danny Murphy. It was a seen all right, and Johnson came , wss a rlnrh to get the next num. T la wtmr I mean. I don l ssy thst ev would have won the gam. " TU couldn't bit Roes Ford. But nJ might have been different If w"" Bweeney hadn't poked at tb wor" ball I flred all day. Thsfs h" " you. it Is always a case of yoa oT can telir SELL 'WOOL NCI I Refnee RgeciU I B Scheduled , W Pay Top Price. 1 Oregon Commissicn f v" ' -A t f V I e' 1 ' 11 W Dctlcri In Hy, Grain Feed, Coal and Produce. , . , ' ' ' I Ifh end MAIN STS. CrecenCtty