T i r 44 ..-n. . Subeeriptlene fer the Morning Enterprlee will fee received far only a limited lima at a apaeial raa. tana" In your order today -a- and get s-eneflt af law price. HOIRNlNCS ; e ,The only dally nawapape t:r twsen Portland ana Salem; tf lataa lit every section af Clacks- maa County, with a pepulatien af 3O000, - Are yo n advertleerf WEEKLY' ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1566 VOL. 1 No. m. STEEL QUIZ OREOON CITY, OREOON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1911. Per Week, 10 Cents PROBERS TO ROOSEVELT HOUSE INVESTIGATING COMMIT TEE ALSO PLAN TO MAKE " MORGAN WITNESS. STANLEY QUESTIONS DIVIDENDS Trust Buatar" Kellogg Admit Do ing Employed By Corporation And Bay a Ha Wae Juatiflod. 1 WASHINGTON, Juna 13. Chairman ,titinl-y, of tha steel TniNi luvestlKut lug committer, at tha mtetlng today (lerlitrrcl hat tha committee would kuniiiiiin any one be ha the President i( l tie I'nlted Htata or J. I'lerpont Morgan .to ascertain how rartaln railroad, owned by the steel trust were able to declare enonnoua dlvl ilrml thi amall capitalization. It la priiliulilt' that ei-Preldent Riwaeveli and Mr. Morgan will ba asked to ap peur tx'fore the commit tea when It holda aeaaloua In New York. "The chairman atid ihla committee," aaid Mr. Slauley, "want to know how and why certain rallroada are able to - y loo or 150 er cent dlvldenda and lut 4,ooo,ot)0 or fS.ooo.ooo Into, their mrplua, when their capitalisation la only ft.000,000 or 5,0M),(K)0. That may le all right, and U may not. "We shall summon the Proaldent of thf I'nlted State, J. P. Morgan or any other peraon within the power ot the committee to get tba whole truth and nothing but the truth." I think e ought to aumnum both roe persona," aaid Repreaentetlve Young, of Michigan, a member of tba rmmltte. "You mean tha ex Prealdent of tba I'nlted Stale lon'l you, aaked Chair man Stanley. "Yea, of courae." Mr. Young replied. Prank fl. Kellogg, special counsel of the Department of Juatica In tha proa mnion of tha Standard Oil Company, and known a the "truat buater" told In aleel truat Inveatlgatlng commit tee that ha had for yeara been apec lal counael of aubaldlary companies of the I'nlted gtatea Steel Corporation In Minnesota and that ha bad no apologies to make for I'. THE FIRST HITCH INT THE JUNE WEDDING PLANS. Bot, Clara, you' "fTI'. - Know it'S Customary Uj k to osk the father . L not he mot he v. BLACKSTONES ARE SALOON MAN MAKES LAST FICHT TODAY CIRCUIT COURT TO HEAR ARGU MENT FOR REVIEW OF KERRICK'S CASE. Judge Campbell today will hear ar gument on a petition Mr a review of the case of Joseph Kerrlck, proprietor of . the Ig Cabin Saloon, who was fined $75 and given ten daya In Jail by Recorder Stlpp for allowing wo men In his aaluon. Kerrlck haa alnce aaked the City Council to allow him to transfer his llcena. but the re quest has not been acted upon. Gilbert Iledgea. wno represents Kerrlck. contetida that the evidence waa not aufftclent to convict, and that the complaint wag not properly drawn. The women, who wera arrested In a room above the -saloon forfeited their bonds of $20 each.. Kerrlck taallBed that tha room was rented to a mill worker. WEATHER FORECAST. 4 Oregon City Fair Wedneeday; northweaterly wlnda. Oregon Wednesday, fair; northwesteiry wtnds. CHURCH LADIES GIVE DELIGHTFUL FUNCTION RECEPTION FOR MISS ROBINSON AND MISS PERCIVAL IS HELD. practical problems are met In the dally rlaaaca. Converxncea with the regu lar member of tha college Btaff may alao be arranged If there are problem on which Information I desired. In the lecture to be given aa Illus tration of tha way laboratory practice may be aupplemented by lecture In struction, such subject will be taken up aa marketing, and menu planning, art In the home and Ita application to sewing, dreasmakiug and millinery. The dean or the department will give a series of lectures on the place of domeatlc science In the curriculum. and Its Introduction Into country achoola: a comparlaon of the plan of domestic aclence and art work at tha Oregon Agricultural College and at almllar Eastern Institution; and the preparation that domeatlc science and art work gives a young woman for orofeaalonal life. The six weeks' course will afford young women who are busy during the winter an opportunity for a atudy of home problem In cookery, dtaletica nerving, plain aewlng, dreaamaklng, home nursing ana sanitation, ror teachera Interested In Introducing such work Into tha schools where they are to be next yeai auggeatlona will be given with regard to what ahould be taught children of different agea. terest. Cookery, dressmaking, other aewlng, and laundering will ba In cluded In the Instruction. Among the repreaentatlvea of O. A. C. at the Y. W. C. A. conference at llreakera. Wash., are Ruth Smith. '1L Marshfleld; Alice Rlgga. '14. Rlcker all: Anna Bell Lee. Grad.. Great Falla, Mont.; and Charlotte Huff, "12. Port land. HUSBAND BEAT HER, SAYS WIFE IN SUIT LAURA D. McCORMACK SEEKS - - piVORCE, ALLEGING CRUELTY. Laura' D. McCormack haa filed ault for divorce against Charles Mc Cormack lo whom aba waa married at Canemah on January 25, 1899. Mra. McCormack charges her 'hus band with cruel and Inhuman treat ment any says that on numerous oc cantons between January 1, 1905, and June 8, 1911, he displayed a disagree- READY TOR GAME MANAGER HEDGES NAMES TEAM TO DO BATTLE WITH TEACHERS. BEST-MEN PICO FOR STRUGGLE Gallant Leader Urges Thoee Not Irv cludod In Llat Not To Bacom Peeved, But To Fight For Glory of Cauaa. That tba attendance at the Willa mette Valley Chautauqua at Glad atone, on July 4, the opening day, will be the largest in the history of tne association goes without aaying. The program for that day la replete witn Interesting feature, and one aipfoe-i- the great baseball game between tne teachers, on one side, and tne law yers, doctors, minister and Qenusws, on the other will attract visitors from all parts of this and contlguoua coun ties. -''it will be different In all re specta from any game ever played be fore, and the enthusiasm ta aireaay at high pitch. ... Tbe teachers, with that confidence born of long eervtce, aa absolute maa- tera, nave rrom tne aian. uecmreu that they would win easily, and at the outset named their team. The lav- yera, doctors, ministers and dentists. however, having been more nsea io the upa and downa of life, more con servative because of their association with more or lesa of tiair equals, nave taken their time In picking the men upon whom they must rely in tne final struggle. But at last tne team I named the nine atalwarta and aev bb reserves and each man baa given his sacred promise that ne win ao all In hia power for the- glory of the rrail nrnfeaslona Of Wblcn be IS a representative. Hedge Namee Hia Nine. Gilbert Hedgea, manager of the team that la to do Dame wuu iu tnachera. on Tuesday broke hia long alienee. After announcing, the make up of hia team and declaring mat it aronld h called eltner "ine nuica.- stones" or "The Invinctblee," he laya JOHN BIGELOW. Diplomat and Auther Who la Halo at Age af Ninety-three. CITY TERRORIZED BY "WILD 111" the reaction from a protracted spree that nreceded his Crimea. He had oaten little and slept leaa through it all. In hi flight he carried a quart of whisky and when thl was gone became sick and weak. He admiuea he couldn't have held out much Ion aer. Byrd'a aged motner, at itearoan. Wash., la atlll Ignorant of ner son a situation. John Byrd, tha desperado's only brother, is doing hia utmost to keep the new from Her, rearing tne shock mlKbt kill ner. Byrd aeema resigned to bis late, whatever It may be. atattng after be ing landed In Jail, "Well, I'm wilHng to lane wuaiever is comma w "" fault with her. I mailed bar and great atreaa upon the importance of a .ia oAt-tai i nam a. tarnrninaT tna iuc iuav a bv BID I Vim f lltj uatiuvoit aaaa i w w CITY GOVERNMENT BY COMMISSION URGED SY8TEM ADVOCATED BY NOTED 6PEAKERS AT BANQUET her name- would smell aa Mr MrPnrmaolr un hei. husband Dy any oiuer struck her maav tlmea with his flata. I aweet," said: , .., A Mr. and TJra. McCormack are -i nav neni .h- of furnltura valued at thla Hat public. I nave ponoerea mj 1 "7..., I ,Z 15M. she asks or a portion, QtJtnlJI "ne-upwH nU lo rCBUIIIV uvr . mniuru umuao. Iura Rider. George C. Brownell and William Stone are representing Mra. McCormack. i COME AND SEE Ty eight 6acr tracta of rich level Innd 3-4 mile from Oregon City llmlta. Front a on Molalla road and Is on the 'electric Una being built from Oregon City to gllverton. I will sell you fit her tract for $700 and give terms. I own thla land and know the value of laud. Thla I the best bargain to be had In Clackamaa county. I have a fine 60-acre tract on fine road S mllea rrora Oregon Cly, 5 mllea from Caaby. Will trade for city property anywhere from Oregon City to Portland. OWe me a dear-or you will always wlah you had. Call Room 11 Stevena Bldg., or write Cvrus.Powdl OREGON CITY. Box 103. a 3CDOsTARX MEE LENGTHS iH After good eUrt we're running atrong on knee lengtha and union aulta. ' t -Underwear In athletic, knee length, half length, In balbrlggan and. nalir aaopa are tine. ..,; Dr. Welmel'a llnan mesh for pre eplrlng daya abaorblng. Moat excel. Int for recreation daya. Ps?ice Bfothets One of the aoclal funcllona of the ar mm waa the reception given on Tueaday afternoon at the home of Mra. George A. Harding to Mlaa Clara Lola Robinson and Mlaa Catharine II. Perclval. of Philadelphia. Pa., who re cently arrived In thla city, the latter to apend the aummer and Mlaa Robin son to live permanently. The affair waa given by tbe Ladiee ot i. raui Eplacopal church, and proved a most delightful one. The Harding home, where the rosea are In their fulleat Kinnm a hower of beauty. The .ri In Dink. Caroline Testout and other pink roses being used In nxtfniinn while the living room was In white rosea and white peonlaa, the dining room In yellow, and the recep tion hall In red rose and ferna. An archway between the reception hall, living room and parlor, completed the . I - I n ilu.lan Th .volition committee conalsted of Mias Clara Lola Robinson, Miss Catherln II. Perclval. Mra. H. U Kelly. Mra. Dan CNeu. mis m. Holmea, Mra. O. A. Harding. Mra. R. C. Ganong presided over the punch bowl, while Mra. William Hammond, who waa aaalated by Mra. Lieta Bar low Lawrence, Mlaa Mlna Kelly, Mlaa Nleta Harding, prealded over the re freshments. About 75 membera and frlenda of the church called and paid tneir re- apecta to those in wnose nom.r m. reception waa given. .Among the out-of-town guest, were Mra. P. K. 1 Ham mond. of Eugene; Mra. P- Portland; Mra. Baxter of California Mra. T. F. Bowen. of Sell wood; Mra. Henry Talbot, of Portland; Mra. John Simpson and daughter, of Port''"1' Mra. jr.' 8. Kelly and daughter, Ellxa both, Mlaa May Kelly, of Portland. TO TEACH DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Oregon Agricultural College Plana Course for Summer. OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, Or., June 13. (Spec ial). A apeclal two-weeks' courae In the methods of teaching domeatlc aclence aubjecta In the grade and high achoola will be given tnia aummer at the Oregon Agricultural College, be- ginning June 19. in audition- to me regular alx weeka' courae from June 19 to July 28. - The purpoae of .the new courae la to meet the needa of those Interested In introducing domestic economy Into tbe grammar gradea and the high achoola of the atate, and who wish auggeatlon aa to the cost of metalling It with the necessary equipment, as to the coursea of atudy-to ba followed, and the methods of catching and hold ing the interest ot me vv"' vmA women recently graduated HUSBAND CALLED DRUNKARO. Mra. Read Saya Spouae Got Money From Her to Buy Whlekey. Ida M. Read haa ft led a ault for divorce from Charlea W. Read. They were married In Portland on April zi, isms, and In May of the aame year she says h cursed and awore at her. In 1900 and 1907 he would come nome In drunken condition, ahe asserts, and demand money from her to apend on hia snreea. and when all her money . .)n h. deserted her. T. B. Mo rx-vltt la representing Mrs. Read. SUSPECTS IN BIG TRAGEDY I EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Mel Like Others from the college normal courae will ,.jik ia.aa of children cookery and - -- . ... .v.. m. sewing aa demonatrauona w " OFFICERS CONTINUE SEARCH FOR SLAYER WITH NO TAN- . GIBLE CLUE. Although a reward of almost $2,000 haa been offered for the capture for the alayer of the family of William Hill the police are virtually without a clue. The two auapecta that were under arrest have been proved, to be Innocent. Sheriff Mass la atlll In Port land looking for the fiend. The man of alienee, who waa taken up aa a auapect by Deputy Sheriff Miles Saturday afternoon, within half a mile of the acene of the tragedy, waa Identified aa a petty vagrant, named Allen Smith, who waa released from the Llnnton rock pile Friday evening. 1J houra after the tragedy. He waa recognized by A. S. Brlgga, auperln tendent of the Llnnton quarry, who went to the county Jail for a look at the prisoner. The man nae been In custody on two occaalona, both tlmea aa a vagrant. Although ne per alsta In hi refusal to apeak the su perintendent declarea that he ahowed no anch hesitancy at the stockade, but talked enough to make hia wanta known. The old pa'r of. ahoea which ha carried at the time of hia arrest could not be connected with the trag edy. ' Sheriff. Mass and Stevena and oth ers are atlll devoting their entire energy to the task of running the slaver to earth. "W are running out every clue aa fast aa it cornea to our notice," aaia the ahertff. "We have aeveral possi ble clues to Investigate. Rumors and theories are continually coming In oy er tbe phone from persons who have interested memeive m i mo.. FIRST BAPTIST PICNIC HAS UNIQUE PROGRAM SUNDAY SCHOOL TO GIVE RACES AND OTHER ATHLETIC FEATS. The annual picnic of the Sunday school ot the First Baptist church will be held next Friday at Gladstone Park. Arrangements have been made for two apeclal cars to leave Main street In front of the chu?ch at 10 a. m. They -will run direct to the Park and will return with the pick nicker after the day'a exercUea are over. All membera- of the Sunday achool will be carried to the Park on the apeclal cars free. 'The following ia the program for the afternoon. Willing Workera Clasa Clothe Pin race. Shot Put. Come and See Class Peanut .race, Tua-of-War. Mra. Latourette'a Clasa Duck on a rock. 8hot Put. Baraca Class One-fourth mile race. Running High Jump. ' Phllathea Clasa Aeroplane race, Egg race. Mtsa Hunt s t iass ronn-yara ua. Heel and Toe race. Mrs. Haywortn s uiaaa roiaio raur, 40-yard dash. , Mra.- Thompsons tiass v-yiu dash. . . .. .. E. L., Pope a Ciaaa Hixty-yara uann. Lemon Dive. Sack race. J. W. Lodcr a Clasa 100-yard dash, Three-legged race. Beginner's Clasa Forth-yard dash. primary Class Forty-yard dash. Junior Class Fifty-yard dash. Male ve. Females Tug-of War, two minutes. Teacher Potato race. Grand Finale Baseball game, five Innings. . YOUNG PEOPLE TO GIVE DANCE. mi mn take them un promptly an Investigate them thoroughly before they are dropped. We are glad to get """" rnVr atudetrti, that they may aee how .n; tip that th, peopla,hav.e to give.' Matters of Importance lit,, thl. ahould be riven the greatest mnalderatlon. and I have done the heat that Ilea In me. It haa been cua- in.n in the naat and doubtless will be In the future, for men In charge of mnmontiinua affair to choose as ad- vtaora and workers the best to be had. They of course must be chosen from men true and tried. And ao, too. In thla matter, the best must be upon th flrin line. I realize that In al- being there lurks somewhere a belief tnat ne, uimaen, i. tnat the man for a certain position. and I realize, in fact it la all writtea down in history, for me to ponder at loiaur.. that sometimes such men, piqued because they think they have been negiecteo, caua wu. Berledict Jumpa Contract Ronedtct Arnold, you will remem ber. Jumped hia contract and became .n nutiaw. lust because Manager thouiht the said Bene- Hit .hnnld ha seaaoned a little hit ik tha minora. It haa been the same with some of our noted poUtlc tana who thought themselves big i..m. in the nolltlcal came, when .. . matter of fact they dldn' know a 'apit ball' in a political con vention from the committee on era i.io an I sav. I have hesitated about giving out the namea, feeling h.t .rma of mv fellow men might be hurt and piqued all of them Just aa worthy aa could be you will under-atand-because their namea do not annear. But aomethlng had to be done. The foe you know la atrong, cunning, crafty and to be reckoned with from all angles. Therefore no matter what might be the heartaches, no matter what condemnatjon waa to be heaped upon me. I Performed my duty, and I ahall take the conse quencea. I wish to aay. a. ddenda that I am perfectly Mti.fled with o line-up. and am ao confldent of auo ces. that I have already celebration for our boya in the eve ning after the battle." Line-up of "Th Blackatonea." The line-up of "The Blackstones" or "The invlnckblea" is aa follower H E. Cross, catcher, lawyer and one of the inventors of baseball. Voma. J. Fox. pitcher, physician surgeon and coroner of Clackamas CWlinam Stone, able assistant of Mayor Brownell. John Clark, pitcher. I.... Y .1..,.. tint hase. manager, and a man, who "Seen hi. duty and OF BROTHERHOODS. Richard Montague, of Portland, at a union banquet of brotherhooda of h ,nv.Utlon. ...u.dh For Thuraday By j and j quot, . famou. St Jonn s ciuo. nniitlclan. John' Catholic church, for the danc ing party to be given at the Busch Hall next Thursday evening. Parsons orchestra of Portland, will furnish the music for the dancing. The following are the committee which will have charge of the affair: Floor managers. Dr. T. J. Fox. Wil liam Mulvey, B. T. McBean. John Busch. Harry Draper. Frank Rotter, Mlaa Emma Qulnn, Mlaa Kathryn Sln nott Mlaa Matilda Meyer. Miss Char lotte Baker. Miss Nora Hanlfln; pat ronesse. Miss Kate Porter, Miss Lu Draper. Mlsa Margaret Hanlfln. -Mr. William H. Sheahan. Mra. J. O. Finn cane. Mra. M. Justin. Mrs. W. E. Pratt, un nenrva A. Harding. Mra. Ice and Mrs. Ott Petit I.-L. O. - MADOEBURO, Germany, June 13. Karl Mueller fell with hie biplane from a height of 125 feet- The aviator Buffered concussion ot ttat bralnl Hugh' 8. Mount, ehort atop, phyalo lan and Burgeon. . t L. G. Ice. third base and doctor of deUvy"srtlPp!'left neld, disciple of Mr. Blackstone. Mr Jenkins, center neiu. The reservea who will be In charge of Colonel Dye." are e-Srlrnriwi. J. W. Lowder, O. D. Eby, J. N. Camp bell, Clyde Mount and George C Brow nell. -J , ; ; v' '- " " ' ' ' BILV ajYRD GETS GOOD..8LEEF, 1 Slayer ef Three Glvee Up When Whisky Gives Out SPOKANE. Wash.. Juna 13 . (Spec lal) Lying on a cot at the county a d today, Bill Byrd. triple murderer captured 'yesterday- after leading hounds and aherlffs" posses a hard chase over the Mil. tine, Thur.day. hi. ra a-ood aleep m weena. When captured he waa Buffering from cal churchea Tuesoay evening in the First Bantlst Church apok m favor. of a commission form of government for cltlea. He declared tnat tne com mission form of government wherever tried had been a success and far su perior to the old form consisting oi mayor and city council. r r. mooia nrered that the church people take a hand In the agitation for the estab lishment of the new scheme of gor ernment In cities. He said that graft had virtually been eliminated wner ever the commission form of govern ment had been put Into effect, ine aneaker thorourhlv explained tne com mission system, and urged that It be arinntori wherever noslble. - - ' About 150 men attended the ban niiet. which was one of the moat suc cessful ever held In tha city. The dining room was beautifully decorated with flowers, and huge boqueta adorn ed the centera of the tabiea. rvr Rears B. Pratt of Portland described the work of tbe brotherhood and commanded its action in looking Into political affaire. He urged hia hearers to do everything In their pow er to rectify present uneatiafactory condltlona in the citiee. He aald that the work ahould be done by the Chris tiana of the country, and that the membera of the varioua brotherhoods should lead In the flgnt. C. A. Atkinson, of Chicago, secre tary of the National Brotherhood of the Congregational church, commend ed the commission form of govern ment He pointed -out-tne rauure o the old systems, and declared that the niv war to have progress waa to adopt laws which would require men to be honest. The speaker aald that much depended upon the character of the men placed in power, mn that only the best cltlzene he chosen to office. The fight tor money, m said, had caused many men o aatray, and to forget to serve erly the peopie wno eit..m n.u.. The men's quartet sang, "Keep Mov ing," and "Put Your snouiaer io ia Wheel" most impressively. The Rev. J. R. Landsborough led in prayer and C. Schuebel Introduced the walr.ra The Ladles" Ala uocieiy of the Baptist churchea furnished the dinner, which waa- a moat excellent one. Mr. Schuebel . suggested the union banquet and it waa largely through hia efforts that It waa such a auccese. Edwin Richard Improve ' sviwin Richards, who was stricken with paralysis last week at hia home, I resting eaay, and although hia left aide la paralysed, na waa um w move hia left arm Tuesday. A train ed nurse la In attendance. Hia place of business la In charge of Mr. Eddy, father of Dr. Eddy, who ta in thla city on a visit. POLICE HERE SEARCH IN VAIN FOR MYSTERIOUS DENIZEN - ' OF WOODS. V, KOME THOUGHT TO EE N CiLTO Fallows-Frighten Women and Chil dren With Demoniacal Yalla , . Eecapea to Underbrueh , When Pursues. . i The police of Oregon City are play ing "Hlde-and-Seek- with a myater lous man who haa terrorized the resi dents of the hill section for several nights. Because of his peculiar ac tion tbe fellow haa been dubbed the "wild man." Once last night the po lice thought they had the man sur rounded, but to their amazement he eluded them. There have ben many wild men" or so-called "wild men," but thla particular one ia described by persons who have seen mm as tne "wildest" of hi specie. The police alao admit that he la wily and .wary. r Tradition to the contrary, the Ore gon City "Wild Man- hasn't a long unkept beard, and ahaggy hair, al though it waa at first reported he wore these hirsuite appendages. It waa later found out however, that he waa cleanly shaved and aad a hair- . cut of the lateat atyle. ; That he Is a "wild man" there ia no doubt, how ever, for he Uvea in the woods and whenever anyone runs across him, he utters a demoniacal yell and bounda . Into a denser growth. , . ' Barclay park Hia Home. The man made hia appearance at the Barcley achool Sunday evening, and la thought to hav alept that night. , In the Barclay Park. He frightened the women and children who passed with hia wild shrieks, ana. aitnougn the police were notified he mad good hia escape. The next night he waa back at tbe same place, and xngntenea several persona He seems to ia delight In terrorising children, and sometimes utter words tnat are al most intelligible. Once be 1 thought ' to have aald. "Ill get him yet; HI ' get him yet" Chief of police snaw ana roucemau Cook searched early Tueaday night -for the man of tha wooda, without get ting a trace of lim. But narorr nau they returned to the business part of the city when Nick Strong the fisher man, met the man face to face. . The "wild man" simply gave n of hia unearthly yella, hounded over a fence and darted from one tree to anouer. Thla was at Forrteentn and Jackson Btreeta. Before the police arrived the fellow had disappeared entirely. Not Thought HHI Slayer. it la thouaht by several persons tnat the man may know something ot the HU1 tragedy near Araenwaia sisuou. but the police do not place much faith in thia theory. Tney mina almply demented, and, aa la often the case with crazy persona, la unusually skillful In eluding capture, we , about forty-two years of . age. and wears a gray ault and cap. Several persons who have seen him aay that he wears eye-glaasea, while others are confldent that he doea not The Wild Man" was seen late Tuesday afternoon near the Barclay achool, thla being the only time ha has been "flushed" In the daylight As In all other Instances, the fellow on thla occasion , gave aeveral yella and bounded into the brush, being soon lost to view. . . ANOTHER SENTENCED IN "BUND PIG" CASE TONY BROZILE GIVEN JAIL TERM FOR SELLING LIQUOR . ' ILLEGALLY. , ; Tony Brozlle, who with Charles Bro ille, waa arrested last week on a charge of running a "Blind Fig near Eatacada, waa on Tuesday fined $150 in the Circuit Court Brozlle did not have any money and ha waa aenteaced to a jail term, it ia pronable that be and hia brother Charlea will be pro ceeded against by the United 8tates authorities. ' ' 1 J Several witnesses testified that they bought whisky from the men. Tnelr place was in the neighborhood of the new dam which la being built In the Willamette, near Eatacada. The auth orities are determined that the un lawful sale of liquor la atopped In the County and each offender will be severely punished. One man was r'v en seventy-five days In Jail and lar punished by the' Federal authorities aeveral months sgo. . , - i a.... a ooeooe)oavoeoaoaoaoaoo oeoieeoeoeoeowawr WANTED! 5 to 20 Acre Farms Na Oregon Ctty I c - r- We have several buyers waiting and many cor:. If your place is for sale and the price right com t"J see us at once. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO.! ' Phone:, Paolflo M-S0. Homo A-158. an Main ev trx - ,-.1 fk''