Ne7 . istlvah' la Ladies' IfTokio Waists Ladies' Latest Waist Novelties J. Levitt Suspension Bridge Corner A Trele-od Nursa. local PRiers Mr. and Mrs. Levi Robblna, of Mo alia, wm In ttala city on Sunday. Charles llarkor. of Carua, wm Id talt city on Monday. Edward Reckner went lo Molalla on loess Sunday. James Wllaon, o( Needy, waa In tbla dty on Monday. Mr. and Mra. Levi Robins of Mo alia, wore In Oregon City Sunday. Oeorte llolman, of Beaver Creek, aw In town Sunday. John and Bill Davla, of Carua, were Portland Saturday. Clyde Drlarot, of Carua, waa In Ore gon City Bunday. . H. B hoenborn went to Curnavllle Sunday. ' frank Bullard and daughter Edith, w on tbelr farm at Logan. Born, Sunday, to the wife of Henry Moehnke, of Beaver Creek, a eon. Mr. Undaey, the pioneer racehorae taan, or Canby, waa In tbla city Moo ter. Georgs Holman, of Beaver Creek, as among the Oregon City buatneaa visitors on Sunday. Mlia Pearl Christner, of Oraham, accompanied her. father, Mr. Christ Mr, to thla city on Monday. Dr. B. A. Sommef, formerly of Ore ion City, haa moved bla office to 1017 Oorbett building. Portland. J. W. Eby and D. Wolfer. two prom leant fartnere, of Mackaburg, were In thla city on bualneaa Monday. Manure. Tillman and Nash went to Clarkea on Sunday, where they pros pected for gold. ' Ml Eula Schuebel left laat night (or phoenix, Aria., where abe will vtilt her cousin, Mlaa Ethel Mackey. Mr. and Mra. Robert Bchoenborn returned homo Saturday after vlaltlng tre for a week. ; Gladys Trimble, of thla city, went to Sell wood on Sunday where abe Tinted her aunt, Mra. , Williams, t Kred Bullard and granddaughter, Gladys Bullard, of Elyvllle, are visit lug frlenda and relatlvea at Eldorado. Lvl iloatetler, Sr of -Needy, waa tnnng the Oregon City bualneaa visi tors on Monday. YottffS for the As Mag - Asm .Fot nd we will glrejyoa with ' new. .. 4 months subscription ' By Carrier at 45c the month TO THE . MORNING ENTERPRISE A Beautiful China p AQUE0"0- Handsomely V There are a variety of patterns to choose from. take your selection early SabscriSert lvlayiHave Them Too ; ' .To any present subscriber who will bring os four . trv subscriptions ve will present- one of these beautiful dishes. - ' a: -' ' ." ' ; ( . -' .' - ALL SELECTIONS MUST ill MAOI ATTMI OrFlClOP THI DANK Of OR CCO N C I TY BU ILDI NO , hp. mbijv aa , awiioniuer. U.. vv . ... VitiarMta unmttunm - - a . nLVlJ"'- Ch"'" frnler, of ,ri- f Kalama. Wa.h ,r Mra. a. j. sur. -n.n sno win. visit relatlvea. f mm r a n 0t City on business on I'li'Huajv, W. W. Irwin. if n.,t. prominent residents of that place, waa rnrtlnir turning.,. i ki. Monday. "'T .Tn.b Riudeman. of Moehnke, waa In thla city on Mondav, and waa ae- mmnBn,M y M(.f ,,, Mr K,cn smith, , Mr. A. J. Olawe. of Chlcaao, haa piK-nuinc m paat three dava at MeCoVT f Ml"' nd Mr' W,,""ra ..Mr". w,n", nd daughter, Mine Florence, will leave on Wednea dar for Loa Anaetea. where they will apend the aiimmer with relatlvea. Mlaa Redonla Rhaw. who haa been vlaltlng the Mlaaea Koerner, of Bt Johns, haa returned to her home In thla city. . Mlaa Lillian fllllett and Mlaa Aim. McDowell apcnt Runday with frlenda at Gladstone. They alao went tip the Clackamas and aaw the flah Hatch- Mr. and Mra. John " Surface, who have been vlaltlng relatlvea In thla elty for the naat two weeka. have returned to their home at Kellocg, Idaho. ' About BO children ' received their P. rat communion at the fit. John 'a Cntholio Church on Sundav mornlna at Hlh Maaa, which waa held at 10 o'clock. Ed. Surface and Tamil v left laat Thuraday evening for Raatham.Waah., where they will apend the aummer and will return to tbelr home here In the fall. f Ralph Eddy, who haa been 111 for several weeka, will leave on Tueeday for Eldorado, where he will anend about all weeka In camn. He will be accompanied by Frtta Mead, who will remain there for about a week. Mlaa Haael Prances, who left here on Saturday for Sprlngwater, where sne waa the guest of Mr. and Mra. Kendall, returned to Oregon City on Monday morning. Mra. T. Hook, of Mount Angel, who haa been In this city vsltlna Mrs. M. J. Mack, will return to her home thla evening, and will be accompanied by Mra. Jack, who will vlalt there for a few days. , Mr. and Mrs. - Allen Adama, who were married laat week In Portland. were In thla city on Sunday visiting the former! parents. Mr. and Mra. John Adama, and Mra. Adama' aunt. Mra. T. J. Gary, of Willamette. Mra. 8. R. dheen, of thla city, who haa beef, very III for the paat three weeka, waa on Monday afternoon taken to the St. Vincent's hospUl, where aho will undergo a surgical operation. and granddaughter, Alice Duncan, left for tbelr home Monday, after a week a visit with Mra. Charles Bernler and family. Before returning to their home they vlalted with relatlvea at Wood burn. Mr. and Mra, J. If. Mattley went to Hood River on Sunday where they spent the day with frlenda. Mr. Mat tley aaya that the strawberry eeaaon la on at that place, and there la a large crop. The pupils of the McLoughlln In titule were taken to the Canemah Park on Monday, where they enjoyed the day In the ahade playing games and sinning. One of the featurea of the day waa the baaket lunch. William Sutherland and bride, of Vancouver. B. C, were In thla city on Monday, being the guest a of Mlaa Edith Smith. Mr. and Mra. Suther land are on their honeymoon. They will vlalt In Portland before returning to Vancouver. Walter Wlnslow, brother of Frank Wlnalow. of tbla city, arrived from Iowa on Saturday, and will vlalt here for several week. Mr. Wlnalow will vlalt hie ranch, the old Wright place near Mill Creek, before returning to Iowa. Gerald Wilcox, well-known In thla city, whose home la at Bprlngwater, haa returned from the Agricultural College, and will apend bla aummer vacation at 8prlngwater. He waa elected vice-president of hla claaa for next year. Mr. and Mra. Edward Howe, of Portland, were in thla city, on 8un day .vlaltlng with their coualna, the Mlaaea Cochran. On Monday they i 6, months subscription J3ylVUil , at 25c the month ' uu. n it ".-Albright and unday, where they vlalted frlenda. Mra. fl. M. Staaia koi dauahta remain nntii . I rw "y MORNIKQ Xl?TCB?mC TUESDAY, wt for their ranch at Hood River whar, they will Mr. and Mra. Herbert Hannlfln. uh TntJy Mi ,or Hamilton, 6b tarlo Canada, where they are vlaltlng the old home of the Utter, reached their deatlnatlon aafely, and are hav ing a moat delightful time They have noted many changaa since they left there XI yaara ago. Mra. L. Whlttlngton. who haa been vlaltlng In Crook County, Eastern Ore on for the past three months, ar rived In thla vlty on Thuraday, and after vlaltlng Mr. and Mra. Owns Young, left for Hllverton, where abe waa accompanied by Ray Yousg. The former'a home la at that place, and Hay Young will visit for several weeka. Thomas Brown, who haa been con ductlnif the North Pole Klsh Market In thla city, will leave to" day for the Illg Ha I niou hatchery, where he goes ..'i. Jntr,t ' lh" government. While thre he will construct a fish tuck. Mr. Iirown waa atatloned there for twelve yeare, coming to Oregon t Ity about one year ago. Hla mar ket will be In charge of Mr. and Mra. George Brown. Mr. and Mra. Art Baker and Robert Baker, who have been soendlD a fw daya In Portland attending the Rose abow, arrived In Oris city on Satur day evening, aud were Sunday gueata at the home of Mr. and Mra. Boyer, They left for tbelr homes at Indepen dence Monday morning. Mr. and Mra. D. Baker and Mr. Crowley, of this city, were alao guests on Sunday of mr. auu mtu. uoyer. SPOKANE EASILY DEfEAWHJUID MALL CROWD SEES WILLIAMS' Men lose by eight TO TWO PORTLAND. Or.. June 12 (Boaa. lai).-8pokane gave the Roadsters a severe drubbing today before a small crowd. Kraft and Garrett each al lowed eight hits, and Portland made three errors to the vlaitor'a two. Pet tlgrew of Wichita, Kan., recently ac quired by Nick Williams, played left neia, Spokane made two In the fourth, four In the fifth and two in the alxth. Portland made two In the ninth. Tbe results Monday were aa fol lows: ; Northwestern League Spokane 8, Portland 2; Seattle 12, Taeoma S; Vancouver-Victoria game postponed, clrcua on grounds. - . Pacific Coast League Oakland 7, Vernon 6. No other gamea acheduled. American League New York I Cleveland 1; Detroit 6, Boston 4; Phil adelphia 1, St. Louis 0; Chicago 4, Washington 0. . ' National League Chicago 6, Boaton S; Pittsburg 4, Brooklyn 2; Cincinnati 3. New York 1: Philadelphia 8, 8L Louie 4. STANDING. Pacific Coast. W. ,T. 39 U 28 35 38 37 37 45 U 16 19 23 30 40 42 P.C. .582 .627 Portland . r. San Francisco Vernon '. Oakland .... Sacramento .. 39 38 38 34 28 .521 .507 -.479 Loa Angelea .384 PC .698 .658 .685 .434 .413 .208 Northwestern. W. 8pokane . Tacoma ,. Vancouver Seattle ... Portland . Victoria ., 37 S 31 23 21 11 One of the largeat timber deala ever closed In Oregon waa consummated when 8. Benson transferred hla hold ings In Columbia County to the Ben son Timber Company for a consid eration of $2,1000,000. The principal owner of , the com pany la Frank Lynch, who with O. J. Bvenson and E. E. Coovfcrt, organised the new corporaton to retain the name and good will of Mr. Benson. It la capitalized at 8 3,000,000. There are 15,000 acres of land In the tract, containing 800,000,000 feet of high-grade yellow Dr. With the tranafer of the holdinga are included a aawmlll plant of 600,000 feet dairy capacity and a logging railroad, fully equipped, 12 mllea long. LIVE STOCK MARKET. The Portland Union Stock Yarda Company reporta'aa follows: Recelpta for the week have been aa follows: Cattle 693. Calves 80, hogs 1733, abeep 6790, horaea and mulea 24. Owing to the acarolty of euppllee In the cattle division, prtcea stiffened up somewhat the laat of the week. : One prime load of good steers brought 86.40, while several loads , brought 86.25. While these prices are not aa high aa those obtained before the slump, shippers realise that It la now tme for graas cattle and correapond Iria lower orlcea. The cow market remains eteady to strong with beat onalltlea at 15.60. medium 15 to 85.26. There la a good market for light, well finished veal, one lot cringing and another of alxty head 67.60. The orlce.of. best . ugnt . nogi con tinue., to, advance, about a nickel a week, ton now Quoted at 86.90 with eteady demand. A good many atock- era . were on the. market,, prices rang ing rrorn 17.00 to 17.26. owing to qual ity. Heavy hoge are selling from 95 to 86 with marked tendency on the part of the buyera to discriminate against thla claaa of awlne. Mutton appears to be greatly la demand, buyera easily keep pace with the heavy recelpta. Lames showed a alight fluctuation thla week, one lot bringing 6.60, several Iota bringing 6 to 16.25, though the majority of aalea were at previona quotation of $6.60 Beat wethers are la demand at 14.25. ewes 68 25 to $3.50, mixed OREGON TIMBER DEAL IIIV0LVES$2,000,000 EFiiESTIillAy I'.ISS BERTHA RUilYAII IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY. PER FORMED AT ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH, SALEM. A very pretty marriage ceremony waa performed Thuraday, June 8, at the 8L Joseph's Catholic Church. Salem, when Mlaa Bertha Runyao, and Ernest LeMay wfcre married. The ceremony, .which was very Impressive, waa performed by father Moore, In the preaence of many frlenda of tbe contracting parties. The Sacred Heart Academy orchestra played the wedding march, which waa beautifully rendered, and the choir sank Impres sively. The Salem requiem high maas waa said at 9 o'clock. The decoratlona of the church were elaborate, and during the marriage ceremony the bride and Mr. LeMay and their attendants, Mlaa Mary Le May, slater of the bridegroom, of Will amette, and Frank Bunch, of thla city, atood 'beneath : an archway formed' of white rosea and asparagua ferns. Lilies were alao uaed among the other decoratlona of the church, two little children, one acting-ae- flower girl and the other aa ring-bearer, the latter carrying the ring on a silver plate, stood at the aide of the couple. me oriae waa prettily gowned In white ailk. and her lonx veil was held In place with lilies of tbe valley. She carried white carnatlona. Mr. and Mra. LeMay have returned to thla city to make tbelr home at Willamette, where the former has a beautiful new bungalow. Tbey have many friends at Willamette aa well s In thla city. Ideal Baseball Manager Is Pound. - At last tbe Ideal baseball manager haa been dlacorered. He Is Den O'Neill, manager and owner of tbe Connecticut league team repreaenttnc New Britain, who baa abtwn that he baa a reallalng xenxe nf what la due. to tbe patrons of tuiiw-ball who ay tbelr quartern to wt- bla team In nc tion. A game between New Rr'.tMn and Spriupriekl. won ty the former II to 10. wan ao poorly playid ttuii at Its i-oneliirtlon Mani.'fr O'Neill ninl tbv ftnnouucemeut nude frmn Hi dia'noud that aiectatoni on the wnv nut f the ground would le gUvu n.ia t-btt ka good for tbe next home-icarne. - Herts Racing In Florida. There will tar U more, raring In Florida. Not only baa adverse legis lation kilted the game, but Are de stroyed the Jacksonville stands recent ly. The lmH 13.000. r f.h Oats Big Mens) Gotcti V-:h f and half of tot picture uu mr)' 'or wrestling Hacken scbmldt. Cemba anO Hairpins. Wear aa few balrrHH and combs as poNMibte. aa tbem draa tbe ban and stop It from growina. ana. above aa if yon want ton a. healthy oatr be careful of your bruiw and mmh Have tftem wanbeo ai .imihI om-e a Week, and oerer make um- ot pnblie dreeatng mom DruxOea and vumiM wblctt in all probability nave nut a large acquaintance with eoap and wa ter and may bave been lost used by. who- known) Hand Seap. A homemade soap to whiten tbe has da gad face may bo made as fol lower Lemon Juice, owe wineglass roll; tan de cologne, one wtoeglaanful: good brown eoap, two cakes. Scrape the eoap to a Sne powder, mil wttb tbe other tngredlents and nae taatoad of ordinary eoap wbea wasbing the hands. - ' '' Furniture Pellsh. One ounce of shredded candle end. in ounce of beeawat. "boo ounce of ahredded' raatlle eoap. a quarter of a pint of turpentine and three-quarter of a pint of boiling water make aa ex cedent furniture poilKti Cover the Hiimldea aoeir and 'two kind of wa with tbe inrnwnttne ami leave for twmiv four hinirx. Heel up well and adl ibe Ntllliig water, aradu ally IweMne n nodltion tin til there nrr- ! MiniM si" in mixture IS 'It ! trtl-'Kreni of i-imdi. The Risk la Oura. W want every woman in thla city to know of the beneficial results that follow a treatment of . Rexall Vegeta ble Compound and also that we will pay for the medicine If It does not help you. ' Manv wnmin are in BO serious a mnditton that tbey are in neeo oi prompt surgical treatment but, in treating the ordinary ailmente pecul iar to the female sex, Rexall Vegeta ble Compound may be relied upon to assist In restoring normal condltlona. and thla without rlak to the patient. We offer Buffering women in we Wo offer aufferlug. women In Oie- WILD wo on HOSPITAL r Oregon City Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. " (iroduote Nurses . Pac 2243 Horn D-298 BASEBALL i OftSCRlATIOM PARK, Cor. Vaughn and- Twenty-fourth Its. LOS ANGELES PORTLAND June , T, 8, 9, 10,11 Games Begin Weekdays at 8:80. N Sundays, 8:80 P. M. .. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY, i Boys Uder 11 Free to Bleachera -: w-vinaaoay. JUNE .ymvs gon City thfl Brwaaratlon with the guarantwi that' It contalna nothlag harmful' that the Ingredients are such aa are rommonly used by reliable pby aiciana In treatlna- theae ailmenta: that we will tell you or your physician exactly what these Ingredlenta are: ana runner, u giter treatment, no beneficial symptoms are noticeable, we will return every cent you have paid ua for tbla remedy -wa will take tbe rlak, Remember Rexall- Vegetable Com pound la sold only at our store The Revall Drug Store. HunUey Bros. Co. Price $1.00. BAN JOIIiw.i American League Head - Starts Crusade on Baseball Betting. EVIL THREATENS THE PASTlf.'.E Club Officials Ought te t That Prae- tioe le Smethered at Onoe te Insure Safety ef Game PUnty ef Betting In Detroit and Chieage. ' y TdMlHr CLARK. At laat steps bave been taken to combat tbe gambling menace to base. bull. and berok' efforts to atamp out bettliig witbin and outside tbe parka of tbe Ameri-aM leaitue will be madeW at oni-o ly tin- oritiiutonlmi In a body. Ban JoIiiimiiu re e;niy went out a bul letin to every league mag nate csliliiif ntiruiiii to ib prvva lence of lx-ui. u;l uckni wik-Ii club owner to eniuri e to iih- wuer tue auc tion In tin- -nxii.u.rfMi iriiliitiug betting. Not aiiie'4iih. Imu li- has lu- ( formed tbe Mili.e ie m-fiueut if tbe different -lttes f iiMuixluir ou tbe gameM, ' PrenlJeot JobiiatMl tlfurea tbut lu or der lo dlarouruife tbe Kauibler tuay be necessary . to imo-e- UDder arrest every rn caught making beta at a ball park. Now tbut the American league ex ecutive baa come out strongly against gambling at bnaeball games at ball parka and on the outside It Is up to President Tom Lynch of tbe National league to laane au edict against gam bling. ' and the national commission ought to get together and put It up to the club owners to atamp out gaas bllng or take tbe coueequeocea. Ban Johnnou's crusade growa out of a report that much gambling la betas; Indulged in at Chicago. Detroit. Phila delphia aud Boston. It baa been aaid that there la a lot of betting m New York, but tbe betting done In Now York la nothing compared to what done at Pittsburg. In New 'York your neighbor may aey.' "111 bet you 82 that tbe New Torka get off In front and atay there.'' or If there la a man near you who la a rooter for the rttrlng team you will get sore because be la rooting against you and bet blm $A that he In rooting for a "dead one.n or vice versa. ' Now: thla Is not the betting evU that Ban Johnson refers to. He. talking atralgbt from tbe tbonlder end when he gives Tent to theae utterances be knowa what he ta talking about la hit ting at a bookniaklng element He haa learned that "booking Is being done on tbe gamea In Chicago and la De troit He alao knows that Pittaburg has an element that "books" on every game. What be fears Is that If meas ures are not taken at once to stamp out this aril the bookmakers wis to rade the bat ball parka, and if this comes to pass It won't be lone before the game will bo In bad repute. ' Laat spring tbs gamblers attempted to make a book on the two pennant races. Odds were published on too different teams, but the government soon pot them out of business. Acting on a request from Ban Johnson re cently, the Detroit police began a campaign against gambling on ball games. On the first day tbey found a dosen or more places where boards giving odds were shown and books made on varioua games. Many years ago betting came near killing baseball for It became known that some of the ball players were In league with tbe gamblers, throwing tbe gamea or trying to win tbem. aa Ibe betting demanded. Tbe managers; fcrtvtlng out the itullty ones, black listed tlx-in and then framed rules to safearunrd the mime ngnluHt a repeti tion of tbe scsndal. ' How well they suit-ceded la lienl told by the grenl popularity of the game IihUiv. fur Imxe ball baa irrown and devei-d mull It Is Indeed the gn-nt tintiotiiil nlinie. equaled by no other mme th.-it wit ever Invented. It no Johnson hna aoiuuled t!i- key note, and It ) up t Im-ii1 of tli va rious leiijcun suit club owni-rM to Jutii tbe movement. If tblx I not dmi1. then hnm-bnll will lo It popular-It? Honest com I et It Ion alwnv will receive the patronage of the betier of rlt- ixen. That la why at n baser!! game you always find our taw a'-'dUig titl aena. . . . , i Wants, For Sale, Etc mm mular taaaa siaaatflai feaaMi as will b tnsa'iea at oo east a w. m., ml aaanin i taaar lions, one tn ears, 9r aiaatbi naif tarh earS. ( naaa II par wamim. Caah must aaoompaar ardar anlaas an haa an aaa aooaont with tba aassr.. No financial roapoaslblllty for ormro; wharf rroro ooeor trma aorrweted a at lea wtU I ae prtntaa (oe fsaraa.. ltaBlarasi Nuuws ia. . WANTED. vANTKD 81000 loan on good prop erty. , Address A-1Q, cars Eaterpnae. WANTED Good plaoo to work fat hoard. wbere -ean use ' nlano.' In quire at. thla office.. " J, ', I, i -in ii 1 " WANTED--lExperlenced girl ' of wo wan for general housework at Port land good wages and pleasant place. Apply 1006 Main 81, Oregon City or 698 East Salmon St., Port land. .. WANTED You to know that wo buy all kinds ot Curios, that we are In the market for second hand rnrnV turo and Toole. , Wa also have good of aeoond hand IMrnlture . and ' Toola on hand for As Fresh As In Early Dew Such ore the groceries sold ot this store, I ' The delicate oroma of the coffee, the delicious toste of the butter oil the oppetlzfng points of good sweetclcon food ore carefully prc - served at this grocery. Even our conned ond .carton goods are kept In lowest quantifies that they may be constantly renewed; Every thing Is pure and cl eon cleanliness is next to godliness here. ?:. . All our groceries are ae delightfully freak as p ... ' wild roes sparkling with dew en aN 9mry aummer - -morning. Let a trial convlace you. (and or come ', vHh an order, or phone and a messenger will call. - J. E. OPPOSITE COURT ... i. . aale to those in need. Coma anj aee; perhaps wo hare Just what yos want Indian Cuiioa and trinket for aale cheap; some that are very unique and also very rare, QBOROBJ TOUNO. Mala Bear Sifts, street. FOR ' SALES Fbur-year-old German coach horse, at a bargain, weight about 1200 pounds. Inquire J. H. Graw, Bolton.- ' FOR SALC ACREAGE One to Ave acres In sight of Oregon City, 1M sad 80 per acre; good level land; onja mile from ear lino. Clyde IfcRae, 1008 Main 8L, Oregon City. FARM Forf S ALB 80 acres, 7 mllea souin oi vrrogon city on aioiaiia road and 1 mile oast Inquire Mrs. 8. O. London. Oregon City R. F. D. No. 8, box 111. . , FOR BALK House, two lots, on corner,- house almoat new, 12x28 two rooms, brick flue, young fruit trees, garden In, other improvementa; beautiful scenery; does to school. For location Inquire Winkle's store. West Side. Price 8495.00 caah. Rev. Harvey Buck, Oregon City, Oregon. PAP)M LOANS. FARM LOANS Dimlck Olmlek, Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first mort gage; 8500 and upwards: one year or longer. Apply at once. Cross A Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Bea ver Bldg Oregon City. BUILDER AND COTKACTOR. HARRY JONES Bunder and Ooaorsl Contractor. Estimates ehserfsUy given on all classes of building 1911 Mitchell Have you erer looked Into tbe details of construction and the mechanical features together with the hafldaome appearance of the Mitchell Antomobilee to find the reasons why they are being boufht by people throughout the state, who know the ' Talue of a food car. If yen are at all interested wo wOl be '' pleased to demonstrate the car to yon with ful information and can assure you that It is well worth Investigating before buying. The car is absolutely guaranteed tt do what we say it win. If not wo' are herji' te make goti. When we sen . you a cai we will take care of yonr car one year free oft charga.. Pncl ; Other models cheaper Fully tqui'ppeil F. O. B, Orogoa CiV-, Pkoas ua (or Jeaaoaatratio and wa.will call at your Lome i.t you. Some Gotx) Barfaias'Ia Seooacl Hand Cars C. G. Miller, Aut ' Garage Cor. 6th and Main Z.i. c,. Stitumet Rbscs CZE1LEV HOUSE OREGON OTY 'I , ,.- M.n " f- .. a,,: work, concrete watta aa retntereod eooerete. Res. PVaas Mais UJ. , NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS.. . NOTICE Id hereby given . that the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon,' will receive plans and esti mates for remodeling and repairing the County Court House and Jail of aaid County. All plans and estimates muet be submitted' on or before 10:30 o'clock on the Slat day of June, A. D. Mil, at which time said plans and eati . mates will bo considered by said Court. '' '" '' t ' The Court reserves the right to eetanfr ana-- ana all nl,n. ' matea. i ne basis Tor sucn plana and ostl- tmu mmimj ua uuuuuou nom anjr member of the Court' by calling . upon them or either of them at Ore gon City. v County Court of Clackamas Coun ty, Oregon. y , . R. B. BSATHfi, ' County iudge.' . WM.' VATTOON, -' N. BLAIR. - ' ATTORN tYS-f ) i . O. D. BTBT, Attorn eyHU-Law. Money loaned, ahstracta furalahad, laaal tttlos esaalned. estates settled, gas oral law bualneaa. Over Bank, of Orogoa City. ...- ..... . . TJTUEN BOnmUBU AttorajoTsat Law, Dsstaiohef advokmt wffl fsa tkse la an eourts, asalc arias BMft. Oreawa atv. H. H. COOPER, For Firs and Real Estate. Let as your properties we bay, . exchange. OTTlos - u Bldg., Orogoa city. Oregon. Automobiles 51650 1 1 Mi eeaV aa lota $3.00 to .4.00.