Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 13, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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nocnir.'G enterprise
E K. BROOIE, Edltec and Publisher.
tar ad aa eea d-claae aaattar Jaa
a. lfn.
I, lilt, at tne poet efllc at OnMI
Orecoa. imder Ihe Art of Marc
tons sr sctscttrmib
One Year, by nail ..
IB Month, by nail
Four Months, by mall
Par steak, by carrier
; r ABTorreoK eito
Plra Paa. par ova nrat tnaorttna.
. IU
. IN
. .1
Plra Put, Bar laca added InwtkuM.
PTWwr ftoallMB any pass, par ' Inch
ftrat maartts 1K
aav Bare, see Men
hrkma lie
Run aapar other lhaa ftrat sag, par hark
nrwt tnarrtton lie
fta paper ether tkaa flrat pea, par Mail
added meerttone Se
'bacels lee par Una; to regular sdver
' Uaara ae tkaa.
Waata. For tola. To Rant. ate . ana
ant wars' nrat biaartloa; oee-half aant
each additional.
Rata for edvertletng is ha Weekly
enterprise wlU ba tha aaina as In the
dally, for sdvertlaementa art eepedally
for tha waakly. Where tha advertisement
hi transferred from the dally to the week-
ly. wllhoat cnnnsa. th rata will be be
aa Ben for t-na of the paper, and lae aa
back for pedal position.
Caafc ahould accompany erder where
unknown In business offle of
prevailed for a certainty, but aay
price wad - too alga tor Ik mllUoas
of men out of. employment. BylStT
the Republicans war again a coalrol
of all branches of the govern aen. and
retained it until the, prwatnt ax lr ee
aioa opened. Tha story of tha nation
throughout talk long period la on of
unexampled prosperity. But again
the Democratic party la keen to in
vestigate, and to run the country. If
It la true that those who have bean
burnt dread the fire the campaign of
IMS will repeated In 1112.
: .
Woodman Hold Services.
Memorial exercises were held Sun
day by the Woodmen of the World.
The Rev. C. W. Rooinaon. of St. Paul a
church, delivered the principal ad-
dreaa at the hall and Mrs. Dea Lanes
rendered several solos. After tha aer
rirea flowers were placed on tha
graves of woodmen In tha varloua
Cowboy Baronet Fails to Get a
Wife and Joins Salvation Army
party Is
the EaU
LsaJ adTerrtsmg at lega advertising
Clrrua advert tains and special transient
advert Ma- at Me. te toe aa men, accora
mm to apeetal conditions rovernlns the
Hie BaJe" and Bankrupt Bale1
In lata Ms neb ftrat fnaertioaaddl
jaaal kiaartloaa aaasa matter Me lack.
News ttetna and well wrlt'en artlolea
sf merit, wttk Interest to local read ere.
will be aladty accepted. Rejected ana
waists never returned onleea aoroenpan-
ed by ato.n pa to prepay poets.
June 13 In American History.
178o-v71nOeid 8cott. lieutenant gener
al U. a sU born: 6X1 imo.
lSM-Tbe Fifth army corps, under
. General W. R Shatter, sailed from
Tampa. Fhu, for Santiago de Cuba.
1910-C K. Hamilton la Cnrtlss bl-
plane flew from Governors Island
to Philadelphia: time. 1 bow 88
(Treai aooa today to aooa toaaorrow.l
Bus sets rtaen AM; moon rtsss
. c t21 p. am. Thai data annalar acMpae of
. 1S54 tooraad the north pole, the Erst
time alnca Moaaie eraatJoo.
History is repeatlag itself la a Den
ocratle House. It is proposed in that
body ta pat th executive departments
aader a Democratic tens with tha as
sumption that campaign material, or
tha, semblance of it, can ba turned up
to direct attention away from tha paat
record of Democratic Incom patency
and failure, IB 1892 there was a Re
publican President, but a House Dem-
To Give Pupils Recital.
Mrs. N. C. Calvert will give a pupils'
recital at t o'clock tomorrow In the
rhurrh at Willamette. Pupils from
Oregon City , Vancouver and Wlla
mette will take part. In the exercises.
There will be no charge for admission
and the public la Invited to attend
the recital.
Heart to Heart
ocratie by a large majority. Tha Mo
FJnley tariff had been in force a snort ceaiment. but aome day. mayhap when
Tears ago mmirtKidT Url.llfd it hole In
a rock near a )biM-iiii-tt town and
placed a thaw if Uviuiuilte therein.
For some reaxuii tue i barge was not
Tears pamed. . .
Gradually tde ar.a filferetl Into the
bole In th r k. and t!e farm grew
over It and tin gntHM rfnreled It It
wan an Inmwrnt aN'Hrtng lmr.
Theu the uuexie-tHl li-il.
A inau and a Iwv wriv working over
the hhi a frw wWkM ago. The lxr
Dappened to ntnkr tlir r I; wltli a
banuner. The r barge rxilKliil Thf
n waa mortally wundd aud lt!i
hands ef the boy were blowu lut
fragments. - -
The dynamite awoke.
It was bidden away and men had
forgotten all about it but It was there,
and it had not lost Its power.
The immediate lesson of tha Inci
dent Is tha need for greater raadon In
tha handling of dangerous explosives.
But also there is a moral significance
In tha explosion of the hidden dyna
mite. And that lesson is this:
Beware of tha hidden sin.
Because yon may hide It never so
safely from the sight of men: yon
may cover it over and It may fade
from the general recollection: yon
may grow over It the mosses of coo
tlms and tha Democratic outcry
against It waa vociferous. "Turn the
rascals oat" was the slogan of the
party that promised tha earth in tar
Iff and everything also. Tha presi
dential election of 1892 was a Demo
cratic landslide, and shortly tha Dem
ocratic party, for tha first thne in
a generation, had control of all de
partments of tha government, with
astonishing quickness it had S9me-
you least expect, a hammer will strike
tha rock, and
But yon protest there ia pardon
Surely there Is pardon. But there Is
no salvation from the consequence of
wrongdoing none! Ton can no mora
escape from the results of a wrong act
than from the res-alts of putting your
band In the Ore.
Sin is dynamite.
Hide it and aome day the hammer
thins else, and that waa a period of 'of destiny will strike the rock. There
calamitous business depression that
caa never ba forgotten, aays tha Globo
Democrat, by those who witnessed
and felt its paralysing results.
In 1894 a House, overwhelmingly
Republican was elected snd six con
secutive subsequent Houses were Re
publican. The Investigators of 1892
found nothing wrong in the national
accounts. Every cent due waa in the
uu aa well as on tha books. The talk
win be a flash, a noise, and somebody's
contentment will ba destroyed; some
body's hope will be shattered. . "Be
aura your sin will find yon out-"
Macbeth understood. He realised
that "even handed Justice commends
the ingredients of our poisoned chalice
to our own Hps."
Therefore It ia better to look the
consequences of your evlldolng fully
In the face. It la better to stand np
and take your punishment It is bet-
of "rascals" proved to be nothing but trr to kD0W tb,n to 'en'-and wait.
And better still-
"Wire the dynamite of evil! No rock
I- k ki.t i. V . ni
1! ,fJL W" P"ed' "d thn pan,C hT. its own. though It rend the foun
sulked through the land. Low prices datlon stones of the eternal Wlla
gratuitous slander. A ridiculously
misshapen and abortive Democratic
The Benefits
In Texas
Br General WILLIAM H. CARTER. Commander of Troops on
"r Maxicsn Border ' '
UR army on the Mexican border ia BETTER PREPARED
today in equipment, details of upply and from the fact that
it baa been serving in larger bodies, in regiments, etc, than if
v. wga in 1898, when companies, battalions and regiments were
brought together for tha first time from distant stations, hastily or
ganized into divisions and harried into improvised transports for a
tropical service with which the men and officers, were wholly un
familiar. , - . H ' t
A " The present maneuvers hare also enabled the graduates of our
inmtai7) schools to make PRACTICAL APPLICATION of the
many theoretical problems presented at tha institute, where, of course,
the work is largely paper. ;And the practical wark involved has led to
many minor changes tending toward the perfection of camp equip
ment ': ' " ' ' " : ' ;
In addition to this, the maneuvers have been of marked benefit to
the COUNTRY in that they Uught the railroads bow to handle
troops lesson "which would U of GREAT USE in an emergency,
'1 era iriao.
V i . JvVi) vw . ;p
r. .. ) :
w. an f ' "
Pboto by Anertcan Press Association.
IR OEN1LLK CAVE-BROWNE-CAVC. known as the cowboy
snd the twelfth hereditary knight of that title, baa become janitor ef
the Salvation Army barracks In Brooklyn snd announces that b will
tick to tbe organisation in hope of being promoted until be becomes
aa officer The baron does not expect to lnd Salvation Army lire aa exciting
aa his other experience In varloua corners of the globe, but ss be is past forty
years of ace he Is willing to be quiet for a time. When he was a boy the
present barou waa a youoKrr sua snd ss such waa pot !nu the navy. Be ran
away and shipped on a merchant vessel for Australia. Again he was put into
the nsvv. but be failed to pass an examination and was discharged. lie Joined
the army before be was sixteen, served a few years in Africa and India snd
then resigned, lie bunted nig game in India for a year, making considerable
money by killing tlgera and leopards. Then he came to the Called States snd
worked ss s cowboy in various western states. He became the champion
laaaoer, baring a record of roping .and throwing a steer la nineteen and a half
seconds. Ilia elder brother died some time ago, and In 1007 his father died,
leaving blm tbe title. Be waa then working on a ranch In Colorado. He went
to England, where he found that, though he bad a title dating back to the
eleventh century, the estates were hopelessly mortgaged snd be had ao money
to maintain the property. Be returned to America and announced that he
would marry aay woman under seventy who bad sufficient money to pay the
mortgagee, and taks the ancestral home out of pawn. No suitable matrimonial
arranementa were made, and now the cowboy baronet has become tha ftalva
tlon Army baronet ' '
Elaborate - Program Arranged For
Feurtfi of July.
ESTACADA, Or, June.!!. (Spec
ial ). Estacada Is making preparations
to celebrate the Fourth of July. An
address, literary program and games
will be on the program. The celebra
tion wllfbe held In tbe park. A con
teat has been started to elect a God
dess of Liberty, tbe votes costing 10
cents each. The votes will be counted
every evening snd daily results will
be announced. Proceeds will be used
to help defrsy expenses of the cele
bration. The contest will come to a
close at midnight July 1 In the fire
men's dance.
E. Smith.
Tbe latter couple lives In
Four Couple Oet Licenses.
The following were granted mar
riage licenses by County Clerk Mul
vey: Mary ginger and W. C. Buck
ner; Catherine Coffyn and, William I.
Chiester; Ellen A. Moore and Ernest
A. Miller; Msry Alice Dale snd Owen
Orchestral Music, Solos and Rsclta
. tiens Are Enjoyed.
Miss Mildred Denlson entertained
the Willing Worker's ansa of the
Christian Sunday school at ber borne
In Gladstone laat Friday evening. Mias
Denlson proved s charming young
hostess. Music waa furnished by the
Linn Brothers Orchestra from Ores
ham and Miss Ruth Mendenhall. Solos
were rendered by Miss Muriel Davis
and Miss Frances Cross, and recita
tions were given by Miss Inlts Dixon.
Strawberries were served with
cream and cake. Those present were:
The (Misses Haxdj Mu&ey, Muriel
Davla, Frances Crosa, Gladys Wyman,
Evelyn Gay, Ruth Mendenhall. Mil
dred Denlson, Inlta Dixon; the Messrs.
Linns, Denton and Mendenhall, Mrs.
Olds, class teacher, and Mr. Denlaon.
; ajwetairerta me oregen crty.
POTATOES Best. fttO, food
fill; con-moo, S. Buying, carload,
select. 11.10; ordinary. 1 1. SO.
F1X1UR AND rKEDriour Is
steady, selling from l to ItftO; very
little of cheaper grades. Feed Is
higher and rising slowly. Ursa brings
OATS (Buying) Orsr. rrom Ja
to 117: white, from :' to i:s.
HOTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country brings from ie to uc,
fancy dairy from 10c to J cream
ery sic to 5c 1
EQU8 (ituyingi Are ranging irom
SOo to tic. accurals to grade.
POULTRY (Buying Firm with Ut
ile good slock offvred. Hans will bring
tic. If In extra good condition more.
Old roosters sre poor at So to 10a. broil
. .. Krln- riVftMt et, t n SI arlfk e.Mlit
woou (nuv;ng vooi prices sre
ranging from 13c to l&c
MOHAIR (Buying Prices on mo
hair have been way up. aome having
brought aa h'xh aa 3a locally. Quo
tatlona are 37 He and demand Is strong
from $: 80 to Iff 60, shorts 139 to $10,
rolled barley 131.50 to 133 33. process
barley. IJJ, whole corn 131 to 111.
cracked cot tji 133. Wheat 33
to 133. r
HAY (Buying.) Timothy IU t
IU. Clover. Ill to IU; oat hay, 114
,to IIS; mixed. 1 to $14; alfalfa, $14
to $11. .
HIDES (lluying Green hides. Be
to 6c; aalters, SHc lo dry hides,
lie to 14c. Bhiep pelts, 25c to 7SC
' DRIED FRt 'ITS Local prices are
firm at from c to 10c on apples and
prunes, ivarhea are ).
SALT Selling 50c to 90c tor floe.
SO lb. sack, hslf ground 40c; 71 for
100 lb. sacka : r
. Portland Vegetable Markets.
I1.S6OI1.B0 per aark; parsnips. $133
ft $1.50; turnips. $1 33C$1 50; beets.
VEGETABLES Aaparsaus. tOcO
$1.71 per crate; cabbage, new. $1 per
hundredweight: cauliflower, ll.iOO
11.71 per dosen; celery, California, 75c
tt rOc per dusea; cuoumbera, 11.&0O
13 21 per doten; eggplant. 15c per lb.:
garlic, luc(Ti:e per pound; lettuce.
50c per dosen; hoihouae lettuce, $1.50
VI3 per box: peaa. senile ner
pound; peppers, 30cCT35 per pound;
radishes, 15 per dosen; rhubarb, tc
3c per pound: sprouts, ac: tomatoes.
I70II.M. e
POTATO E8 Oregon, Jobbing price.
13 50 per hundred; a ?w potatoes, 7c
CTHe per pound. i
ONIONS Jobbing prices;
13.71 per 100; Australian. $3 50 per
ion; Texas. 2 35 per crate: Califor
nia, l per crate
Oregon City Slock Quotations.
HOG 8 Hogs are quoted He lower
From 135 lbs. to 15 lbs, Hc, from
160 lbs. to 300 lbs. me.
VEAL CALVES Vtsl calves bring
from Re to He according in grade.
BEEF STEERS Beet '-tears for
the local marketa are fetching SVjcto
6Hc live weight.'
SHEEP Me nrui at c to 5c live
BACON, LARD and HAM. are firm.
" People who "Invest"
In enterprises aremlslna abnormally lara-
are usually dlaappelnted. ' " 'wrs
Tby fWl Inttroet they ssseded and the c antral 'J ,t
money peseta to ethers, 1 M,
The money saver should take ne shsnees with the sraJ .
When you depesll ysur money en a Time Certiflssts er ur'
Inga Depsrtment ef this bank, It remains under ysur . .
tares a sure snd stssdy rate af Interest. '"There U ne IVL$
In this hind sf sn Inveetment. " 'elattsi
The sooner you begin, tha sooner will yeu be In neaaaasu. .
growing bslsncs. ressiss f ,
The Bank of Oregon City
D. a LATOUHrTTB Preeldeat
. r. J. MIYXUI n....
CAPITAL. (U00.0u
a thaatersl wanking wwsineee. Open free A, M. i s h
Oregon City Wood and Foe! Company
Veuf wants supplied with mny quantity af 4 feat er 1 Inch weed sa
llvtred te any pari ef City. Prices, reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed. aor ywjr r
Heme B-IIO . ' Cer. Ith and r...
' Oregon CHy.
Paeiflo Main 1501
, . .
Oregon City Fair, not so
wsrm; northwesterly winds.
Ths Mount Pleasant Civic Improve
ment Club Is making extensive prep
aratlons (or the annual banquet, which
will be given In tbe auditorium of tbe
achoil house on Thursday evening. The
Invitations. wUI be limited o only
Oregon fmentbers of the club, speakers and
the press. Among the speakers will
be George CV Hroernelt, Q. a Dlmlck.
Rev. Chsrles W. Robinson. O. L
Hedges snd P. J. Touts.
The following are the committees
hsvtng charge of the affair:
Program Mrs. A. O. Warner. Mias
Roma Stafford snd Prof. J. N. Slevers.
Reception Mr. snd Mrs. J. M. War
nock. Mr. and Mra. 8. O. Dlllman, Mr
and Mrs. T. Ollbert Clark, Mr. and
Mrs. W-H. Stafford. Miss Msry U
Holmes. Miss E. E. Williams, tC.
T bom as.
Refreshments Mrs. . O. A. Blckel,
Mrs. A. E. KlnavMrs. J. W. Hlatt,
Mrs. J. M. Warnock.
necoratlons Mlaa Roma Stafford,
Mlaa Mahle Chrlatensen, A. C. War
ner, E Hlatt,' H. Jacobaon. .
Read the Morning enterprise.
CHICAGO, June it Chicago now
has the largest bank In the TJnlted
States. The Continental and Com
mercial Bank, which consolidated last
winter, todsy took over the Hlbernls
Banking Association, giving It total
aasetts of $205,000,000. The snnouoce
ment waa made by President George
M. Reynolds.
Barlow Club TO Hevs.CaMblt.
Secretary Laxrlle, of the Olackamss
County Fair Association, has received
is letter rom the Barlow progressive
Club, accepting an invitation to nave
an exhibit at the few. The same space
occupied by the club last year has
been stinted It for the coming fair.
A farewell party ws tendered Miss
Amels Stsats Friday at the home of
ber sister. Mrs. Hen lurter. on Seven
teenth street. Miss Btaata and her
mother, Mrs. B. M. Steals, will leave
tomorrow for Milwaukee, Wis., to re
msln until September.
m HO reward' ! '
ror the arreat and coBlctlo. I
1 of ."I f'"00 ,,r "r". tu a
unUw fully remove roplae of TVs a
Morning -Enterprise fnita ikaa
premlaea of subscribers ..!! I '
paper has been placed thsre hf
carrier. " J 4
t.nV lUtton. of llarmooy, u a.'..
the city Monday.
Jamas Wllawa, formerly of WUiob,
villa, who recently bought aiaet
near Needy, waa In Oregoa City Has,
day. '
Jsmes W. Roots, of Boring u la
the city Monday Mr. Roots ails that
residents of that sertios of the tout
were delighted with the roadi rectal-
ly buIlL
D. C. Robblns. masaser of tha Or
gon Commlaaloo Compasy, retxrSN
Monday from a I wo weeks' vaauos
st Amity where he visited bis par
es I a. Mr. and Mra. J. H. RoWaas,
Mrs. Hobblna came to Oregoa la 114i
and waa well acquainted with Dr. Me
Loughlln, founder of Oregoa City. '
SALEM, or.. June ll-Amaff
menta sre under sy for tat awtr
tkm of a building to cost frea $3,(44
to $100,000 on tbe V tarsal toner,
recently purr based by Wfflua Ms
Gilchrlat. Jr. Tbe prrrty a) it UV
erty and Bute at reel s Is tat fcttrt a
the city snd Is now occupied by soot
en sharks. The building will srotablr
be Are stories In hrlgbt ssd awdtn
In every respect.
' Umtrnt m m. ....j .
- L
Don't throw your magazines and
periodicals away. There is
much valuable information in
them that will never be publish
ed elsewhere. The cost is little
Our boy will call for the mag
azines if you Phone. '
' '
. ' - '
X - ' II
E8TACADA. Or.: June ll-(8ptfr
lal). The Reed building, titutttd ca
Broadway near the P. R-. U f Co"t
depot, and occupied a rtruursot ,
snd rooming-house, was partially oe
troyed by Are 8undty. The Bre wai
not discovered until the flsmw Mj
burnevj through the roof. II requires
almut two hours of hard work to get
the blaxe under control. The Are list
ed In one of the moms on tbt PPr
floor, but the csuse Is not known. TM
loss will probsbly resch $150. TM
property Is insured. '
One fireman sustslned s strloui
Jury to his bnnd. A basebill ti
from Portland wss here st tbe tin
and had gone to the diamond for us
game when the slarm was aoundsi
The members hsd left their
clothes st tba lodging house snd, fv
Ing for these, hsstened back to sr
their possessions. They with the P
pie of tbe town who gathered WV
in Bundling the flemes snd conflnwi
them to the buildings where thef
Real Estate Trsniftrs.
Tha following resl estate ir"''"
hsva been filed In the office of
County Recorder: ...j
Ethel F. Hsm to W. T. Wide. U
In section 6, township 7 south, rinp
4 east; $10.
John Bornfeldt to Clsrs Bell rw
fer. lot 10, block 11. Windsor; $5-
Elbrldge F. Parker to A. K. 8 ns
30 acres of section I, towsinip
south, range 1 east! $1. ; u
United Btatea to Benjamin A
100 acres of section I. tovO'h'P
soith, range 6 east; Ptnt.,., ,a
"William 8. and Julia J. Wd' l5
Duncan Currle, 1 acre of D- L'
Jsmes Spink, township S south, rw
I east; $200. ,w
Willamette Falls Company to rr
Ross, lot "C" In trset 12, Willi-'
and Tualatin Tradti; 1160. ' " w
J. H. Keller and Emma Kelj
Ruaaell H. Brown, 45 acres of
tloa 80, township S south, rang
east; $6500. '" ,
W. U Ellis, K. M. Ellis mnd R
Ellis to L U Ellis, 78.76 acrss of
tlon 17, township 6 south, rnn
east; $1. . . . '' .
L. L. Ellis snd Sylvls E. Elll
W. U Ellis, 10 acres of section
township I south, rsnge I esst: l-
L. U and Sylvia Kins ana v..
Ellis to R. J. Ellis. 80 ncres of mp
tlon 84, township I south, rsnie -esit;
$1. ...
John M. and Mary L. Stewart to
J. Ellis at al,'400 acres of lection .)
township 8. south, rsngs t a"1'
120,000. ,-. )
F. Hanson and Msrlane Hanaon t
Hsrsld Hsnson, 14 seres of section
8(1, township- 4 wonth, ranis 4 ea1-
I '