ENTEKPlRiSI gueeerletleno for the Morning e a l-ierprlee will be received for a. only a limited time at a special I r(te. Sand In your order today and get benefit of lew prlca. ,a.eeeeee a . The only dally newpapor fc 4 a twoan Portland and Salom; airaoy a) a lata In every aactlon af Cteaka a ma County, with a populate of ' " a 10,00a Aro you an advertlee-f . WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED. I8 60 VM No. 13:1. OREGON CITY, OREGON, 'SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1911. . . Peb Week, 10 Cents MOKNINCi ----- HEAT PROSTRATES DEAD SCORES; 11 THOUSANDS Of CHICAGO WORK ERS StCK RELIEF IN PARKS. -CITY'S STREETS LIKE HUGE JENS ecy,on Staamara Do Big Bualnaaa Taking Suffarara To Many Out of Town Raaorta. t'HK'AGO, June 10 - Hcoie have l.,.i, pro'tracted and eleven are dead no 4 result of heat, wave. Amoug tlidhf prostrated were Mra. Mary A. ( 'u y, wliu Mlllml III Chicago when ilu. Indiana warn here, rlhe wan SO jnitK tld and waa a slater of (Jen-,-.rl Ui'lu-rt W. Ilealy. r. A. A., aad . T. Healy, former United gtutea iuii tuaMtrer here, .. After a night that save Ilitlu relief, ith the mercury standing at 83 de gri.d ut midnight. Chicago waa like Jrtfa NEVER XWS&3'' mill ( A MojQuiTOrv!.,Tr TMg QNE$ WE HAVE TO TELL. REMEMBER. Tlui Di'siuml IkjIcI m oooil IuiikU at ever vverc fir lit. Keep (u1lie cjfiine . in uii early ,umIu . Tlnnituiida of downtown worker, rrl'i"-d ly Saturday holiday prece dent. Docked through the torrid cull uiik 'between the imii office buildings .ii uuun Mild hurried to Ihu parks, lho ricnrkinii ateamera and plareawTiere it ill penned temporarily cooling diiiiHi. Tlie dead In today's heal wave are: Umpire! Gallfrleud, died auddenly at home. William Beye, C2 yeara old, died ufmr falling over a railing at his hm. while dlxay aa the reault of bratr Mra, Mary A. Ceaey, 0 yeara old died at'her home from the heat: Mr A KHngbell. 70 yeara old, fell-f downstairs whlla faint from teat and instantly killed; Mra. U Klbba, ' ti yeva old, fell downstairs after be ing overcome by heat aud died aoon afterward; Julia Laughlln. died aud dnily after complaining of tha heat: Mrs Catherine Quarry. 70 "ars old. died at home; Kva Chllae, died arfer, being overcome by heat; Mra. Call Krlete, 53 yeara old,, proetracted at Wilson and Evanaton avenuea, died at Kavenawood Hoapltal. Mra. Suaan Miller, 35 yeara old; Frank K. Morrla. 4(1 yeara old, dwek aergeant at Deerlng Street I'ollce Station. WHITE UL8 mas cwiLBir - vrt-nrLinftiLU dt WALI vy UUUWLL If Uteres a bug with exist ence precarious Its ct cinch that til name Is Ci'nex Lectularius iTKe tnctiority of men htive wisliboneA Insluid of Lklck-I Lones Dont sleep on your back J ii Indues nigKtmare . Dont lrv ew urvir loft rm lwt1 kcwf Print !n Ion tne rldtit as it affects l1li rirrtnrl(v! nnriT Icft r 9 - - u.w r - I onjyrotxr stomach; Keep AwarceJ SHUT THE DOOR.HE'S IN I WHY. Wriy Is it always the man wUh n Icice like Thw who makes t lie aoo-doo eyes m a aT Ttte good lookers 7 aplHfoRoonoV- J vll HELP30ME LI 1 HOWiTZERWO o rl T AND WHISTLING "--t- wua ,JL A CERTAIN PARTY L yMAT 7 Js' J TMf. SAME. UScJ TS SEPARATE DY SOB OF I " tUNVT0,0' i TTT1 -MR0M Wywi5TLtp S A 0Nt LEVEL lj JLX Cs1X I'EtUli would you iWOst4 TJSCtf FY WOULD IT BE RIGHT l gP J g j IAi rHOCKIN LKTar-T iLW . II ajaaa I. l I w LrfTrir jt A ib,AV- fi 2 ARRESTED INBUIE SUSPECT HELD HERE IS SILENT DURING MOST TRYING ORDEAL :NrgBQOB ORThE LIWPOWNHAvTURE OF SOMrlMATfBbNfi t WEATHER rORtCAST. 4), Oregon City Fair and contlnu- e, warm; variable eaat wlnda. j a Ongon Fair and continued i warm; variable wlnda. j NAVAL RESERVE IS PLANNED FOR CITY MEETING CALLED FOR JUNE 20 TO OROANIZE LOCAL DIVISION. t CRUISE ON BOSTON PROBABILITY Reaerve Band Promiaed Often on Drill Nlghta E. C. Dye la Placed In Charge of Arrange-mente. , . a crula to Cooa Hay and fuget . . . I 8mnd aboard the I'nlted Statea crul n tnr 1 I f C C CI n -iih th Portland. Oregon. tUniL ANU 3LL v. of the N.va. neaerve la what w v . m mm vouna men of Ore- llv fluhf tier, tracta of rich level ' ' v.,. ..i th thrill of or l lie u)ninircit lmu vt w n. v. Pye at onre, and to meet aa requested at the time and place dealgnated. LARGE BERRY GROWER IN CITV. R. 8. Coe Saya Warm Weather la Rip ening Fruit Faat. K. 8. Coe. of Canby, waa In thla city on Saturday, having come to attend the Roae ahow. He la a member of the Roae Hoolety. Mr. Coe la one of the prominent atrawberry growera of thla county, having three acrea In irau'iu.rrv ilunl Jncludlna alz var ieties, which are Clarkea Seedling. Maonea, Ganda, Iovett, Senator Duo- lap. Iron and riaa. Mr. ioe win nve over two toiia of herrlea thla year, and the preaent weather la rlenlng Ihein very last. He win amp oerpe to thla city for the local'marketa on Monday morning. He made hla first shipment last Thuraday. FESTIVAL OVERFLOW FINDS LODGING HERE BIG CROYIDS PAY HOMAGE TO ROSE POSSIBLE THAT HE IS SHAMMING Prlaoner At Hilleboro Declares That He la Portland Bualnaaa Mln Women Annoyed By Him. ulth twn Kinnncli undnr arrest, but with virtually tin incriminating evi dence agalnHt them, tne police auth oritiea. oL .Clackaraaa and Multnomah countiea are ami wunoui a utngiuie lna as In th Identity of the slaver of William Hill, his wife, and the lat ter a two lime calldreo by a former husband at their home near Arden- wald station. Every sheriff, deputy sheriff and police officer throughout the atate haa been searching for the fugitive, but without avail. That a man could commit aucn a allocking crime, and escape without leaving the allghtest clue Is amazing to even the police authorities, and although the slayer haa had plenty time in wnicn in rot far a wav from the scene of the rltn m-tth tha nnaalna- of each hour. a more determined effort la maae u capture him. Little Evidence Against Men. ThA imner.ta under arrest are Eu gene Kichtlinger, of Portland, at Hllla hor. Washington County, and a man in rkrovnn Pity. . vho haa from the time of Ma capture refuaed to answer any questions. Whether he can speak and will not, or la a mute, me pouc are undecided. That he can hear la evidenced by the. fact that he doea whatever he la told to do. Tne autn iiim tha avtdnnce aratnst Klcht iinirar ! mora damaKinc tnan againai the man here, and Sheriff Maas will nmhahiv m to HUlaboro . today - ro mhasi nn ttia nriaonar. Deputy Sheriff Milea arresiea me prisoner, In Jail here. Saturday after noon on the tracKa or tne oouioern Puolfln naar Mllwaukle. i v lien ap- proached by the deputy Sheriff the man at first reluaea to nau. rinmij he atopped Kodak. fo? Instance r The policy of any store is a matter of importance to every customer of that store. Some retailers Buy always in the cheapest market.1 Our policy is to buy rather in the dependable market, to stock goods that we can hand with confidence to our customers. For instance: In the photographic line we cleave to the Kodak goods, because we are sure they are right. Take the Folding Pocket Kodak , They are now and for years have been the leaders in the hand camera field. Kodak ' simplified photography and the folding Pockets simplified the Kodak. They stand for all that is best and simplest in picture making $10 to $20. Brownie Cameras $1.00 to $12.00. ''!- " Bur mcistcf & Andresen Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner ASSESSOR NOT TO BLAME. Booka Show That P. R- L. aV P. Com pany Waa Duly Aaaeaaea. It developed Saturday that tne County Asseasor'a office was in no way to blame for the Portland Rail way. Light tc Power Company not get ting In nronar tlma tha tax bill for re 1 useu iu nan. r itia.. i -' o --- ' - but when asked by the the canal and locks at tha falls of the POSTMASTER FR1EL " nilED FOS ASSULT land H 4 mile from Oregon City llmlta. Fronte on Molalla road and la on the electric line being built from Oregon City to Sllverton. I will aell you either tract for $700 and glva terma. I own thla land and know the value of land. Thla la the beat bargain to be , had In Clnchamaa county. I have a fiiiif f.o acre tract on fine road 8 mllea from Oregon City, 5 mlloe from Canby. Will trade for city property anywhere from Oregon City to Portland. Olve nip a deal or you will alwaya wlah you had. Call Room 11 Stevena Hldg., or write Cyrus Powell OREGON CITY. i-, . Box 203. 1 rwif A Ml ' - We're "trotting out" a "etrlng of favorltaa' In th men'a clothing bual naaa In this olty. Tha ona beat bat of that day la tha Popularity Race In tha L. System hand . tailored aulta for man. and young man. Wa are alwaya undar the wire flrat on rrtan'e wearablea. Lat ua ehow you. Pfice Btothcts EXCLUtlVt CLOTHIIM Net Uke Othera Ki tad Malai -. . i..n.. iinffllnc tnrougn ineir ...... " - velna. A meeting haa been called for i..na 2n at 8 o. m.. to be neia in iu Armory here fr the purpose of dla- ciiHstng the situation of tne Jnbvb .i.. ... mrtv men who will . jiti.inn will be formed here and auppllea will be placed tn the Armory for tne uae oi in. .. ..... nrn citv. who la an . inrtrmaster In the port' land DIvlalotiB, haa been appointed to look up the altuatlon here unornciauy nd .ea what can be. done In the way of recruiting membera for the dlvl slon. niwiainn To B. Equipped. Should the company be organised ... .......,v annlnment of rifles . i.i akhres. boats, eto., will k. forthcoming. A launch from the Roston will be stationed at Oregon City, should the division be organU . .ii .iriiia will he held In the : . .r. " n .ard Armory. It ureKou ou"- - - ,,h . .i..nni in firm one. a " i " Ii".":" 7." nV; and the Oregon Hty Division would have the aame Drlvllegea of an annum "-'' -" Erca?ahl. aervlce aa the Portland 111 wlaatrtnei In the Portland Divisions are nituu man wallra nf life. MO- rhanlra nt avary kind and all othera And It tn their ad vantage to be In. the aervtce and It hla tn th'a man nf fittmn nit v. The Boston will be the headquartera of all the Oregon Divisions when In Port- Innd and man Will find tha nnilaar a congenial place - to make their Port land rendezvoua. Club life aboard the cruiser la one of the moat Interesting n tha organisation. The fact la the social opportunltlea of the Re- ..a imMI T DouuiBr. ana Justly eo. Reaarve Band To Play. The reaerve band will play for the Oregon City Division on drill night when. It can he ao arranged. One of the features of this summers " aboard the Boston wll be jl"""' to the Astoria Centennial. wur visions in Oregon are Portland As toria and Cooa nay. urenu come In for the cruise If the dlvlalon fsTganlr-ad In time Tha Doaton , 1. the famous Flagship , of Admiral ThY'oall for volunteers In Oregon City asks that those taW"B' n their name 16 the Superintendent WILLAMETTE HALL FRAGRANT WITH PERFUME OF MYRIAD BLOSSOMS. CHILDRENS' PARADE WINS PRAISE Hundreds Cheer as Unique Pageant Pastes Through 8treet Many Win Handsome Prtxee . VISITORS TO fUHluanu vvms iw OREGON CITY TO SLEEP. That it waa with difficulty all vlnl- m ih. Pnrt and Rose Festival found accommodations la evidenced by the large number of persons wno came to Oregon City earn nigm 10 get a ilrk.a tfl alitan. Tha local hotela and several boarding hotisea were filled to their capacity eacn nignt witn pto a.t.n Hariarad that owlna to the im mense crowds In the metropolis tney were unable to obtain accoinmooa Tha nuurnnur hairan comma tnls way Tuesday night, and every night there after the laat trolley cars and even t,. smitharn Pnclflp imssenger train, which arrlvea here early In the morn ing, brought a "limner oi persona. oi nna fir them coniDlalned. however, and all declared that they were lucky In finding accommodations ao near 10 me festival center. ROBINSON REV. VS. TO LAY CORNERSTONE PERCIVAL MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXERCISES NEXT SATURDAY. The Rev. C. W. Robinson, rector of St. PauCa Episcopal Church, will de liver tha address at the laying of the cornerstone of the Henry R. Perclval nt...M 1 Ihrarv at 4 b'clock next Saturday evening at, the corner or lsintn alia Bpnna - irB, Portland. The library la the gift of Mlsa Catherine perclval who la spend' Ing the summer at the home of Mr. Robinson, in memory of ner Drotner. Mr Rnhlnson waa asked bv the Bishop of Oregon to make the address at the laying of tne oorasrsaxax) Among the various things of Inter est that will be deposited In the cor nerstone will be papers relating to the diocese of the present time, and a sketch or Dr. Perclval, written by Mr. Robinson. i -no . The Rose Society of Oregon City Saturday held the most successful rose ahow In the history or Clacka maa County. The city was crowded witt. vlaltnrs. and the streets from ...lu In vtia mnmlnv until late Bt muj ti ..iv . . . . n night presented an animated appear noa nna nt tha features of the festival was the Children's parade which started at 1 o'clock, mere were thirty-two little floate, consist- iimrail dnsrarts. wheelbar- rows, doll bugsles. bicycles, tricycles and wagons. Utile noys ana gina garlanded with roses drew the little vehicles througn me sireeia. The Oak Grove, Ulna uano, lurnisnea i.- n-in Thla hand also furnished UIO II I i v . " . v. . tha p i Ma show In the ai- uv iiiudiv a. -'-- - ternoon and Patterson Bros, uano, oi Gladstone, furnished the music In the evening. Rose Show Prlxe Winners. The following were the awards: Soctlbn A. Class Tea Best collec tion six red rose, Mrs. V. H. Howell; beat collection six white rosea, Mrs. W H. Howell; beat collection six yel i... rooa. mm h. H. Walker: best w" -- ... ,, collection six pink roses, Mrs. v. n. Howell- general collection 12 roses, each separate variety. Mrs. David Cau- field SeVtion B, Class Hybrid Tea Best nine pluk roses, three varletlea, three each. Mra. Roslua Fouts; best nine yellow rosea,, three varletlea, tnrew each. Mra. J. H. Walker; general col lection 12 roses, each a aeparate var iety. Mra. O. B. DiraicK. aL..,..n r riasa Hybrid Perpetual- Heat eight white roaea. one variety, J ... i iVi rad rraAX. . Mra. K. earner; urm -- one variety, Mrs. Nleta Barlow Law rence; best eight red roses, four var letlea two each. Mra. J. U. Walker; beat general collection 12 roses, each a aeparate variety, Mrs. George A. Harding. 8ectlon D. Class Climbers, Ram blers excepted-Beat eight yellow roses, one variety. Mrs. W. H. Howell; best eight red roses, one vsrlety. Mrs. J. J. Cooke: best eight white roses, one variety. Mrs. U U Pickens; best eight pink roses, one variety. Mra. U L. plckena; best general collection, It roses, six varletlea. two- or each, Mrs J. B. Falrclough. Section En Class Mixed varletlea Beat eight white mn,c n!, David Cauneld; best alght pink La France rosea. Mrs. A. Knapp; beat eight UHich Brunner roaes, Mra. B. r. Linn heat eight Gloria Lyonalse rosea. Mrs. Fred McCausland. Mrs. Pickens Oeia Taatout Prlia. Sectlpa F, Class Testouta Best 25 Caroline fes touts. Mrs. U U Pickens; deputy sheriff where he waa R"onS Willamette. The property was assesa- and bla name ne maae no repiy. n . . d -h. Urn.a. 1 ii u ttah iT tha WPira - - Jack'm office show thai KeiHO, wno mio w uuuio w i .. . . m I Mllovaa taan Ll.. , e aalrAn Thai mm tain anyining iruiu uuu. m.io iu grcaicoi w brought hla prlaoner to Oregon City, BeB8or haa nothing to do with the col ha local authori- . .. . .. ..... .v.. ".r. . , W,h ectlon or tne taxes, ana u m Ilea tried to make him talk, but with- nnt success. - . . ..l. . I Hands tnat tne oversiBni. w bw man eiue. w . , and out the prlaoner tnrougn -, , "third degree." but thla did not cause company li- 1 1 .. IKn'f I him to ureaa ma tons; ..... u...k.j ...1.. ni . every tnree minuiea n wuum waia - - -- - - ... the waah-baaln In the aherlffB office Joseph Pesha 11 ha. filed a au It for inc vtaon aeaoi w rfivnrp asrunst Annie P so all to Hliu tesnv u"-n ' do ao. vvnen ano -- ---- ,--,. da.art-d him without t. Uk ttiaa uiii ram t m n hiiliii wju i '- .Vi" ...iad irlothlna. which covered cause. He la repreaented by Gordon 11,0 DV" " . " . II? UaVAfl .u- Kritoai ha Hirl nnt cnanze exDrear - vv-. IIIC Ua aiw - . nr. m tha ipaat. The nrlaoner waa crhlv axamlned and the only spots found on hia clothing were on ih. fmnt nf hla coat. Theae could k.... kaan mada hV blood. it IS thought, but they look more like br- ji ..a innii Tha smtS. hOW' UIHBi; icaow ' - vr will be given a more, careful examination. Prisoner May Ba Shamming aho-i oiavans. noon hla departure for Portland, aaid that the man was a strange character, -ana aaviseu ma. he be held for further developments. .. .u..k. tha .iriuonpr waa t'tner suffering from a temporary mental a . nr in shamming. II JURY FINDS CHERRYVILLE MAN IS'GUILTY OF STRIKING WESLEY 6TRUCKEN. John T. FrleL poatmaater at Cherry ville, was found gnlUy of assault by a Jury In Justice or the Peace Sam son's court Saturday, and fined 235. The charge waa preferred by Wealey Strucken. a well-known fanner. WHO Uvea near CherryviUe. He charged that while he waa walking along the , road near hia home, Friel passed In a wagon and struck him In the face with a horsewniD. rne men ui nw enemies for several years, and have had several quarrels,. . The trial of tne case consumed the entire day. and about a dosen wit nesses were examined. The Jury was composed of W. W. Bradley, 8. Kup penbender, Ed. Fortune, F. D. Cox, J. C. Bradley and Charlea B. Burns. oaoeoaoeooeooeoeoa)oaa. ooo oeoaoaoaoeoeoaoaoe c WANTED! j 5 to 20 Acre Farms Neat Oregon City J We have several buyers waiting and many coming. If your place is for sale and the price right come and g see us at once. o a. . tit m r-TTrT TZir p. r r i i o phone: Paclflo M0, Home A-156. 612 Main St. Oregon City. o o o 4V o TContlnned on Page .f OQRS Fancy Front Door 2 ft. 8 i i 1 x 6 ft. 8 1.50 nr was au latron la tha rnfta. he. In all proD- . i oui.n, admlttnd that MMMaaiaMaaaaaMaaaaaBaBaMaMaaaaaaBBBaaaaaWaSBS?T" state, piieiiu o'"" - - - - the auspect waa one of the most stub born men he haa ever fncouu f. In hla work of ferreting out criminals. County Phyalclan Norrla, after an examination of the prlaoner, said that he waa evidently Buffering from aome mental strain and that he believed he was temporarily deranged. He, said the tmllcatlona were not favora ble to the man being the one wanted for the crime, but urged that he be held. If for no other reason, than for his own safety. Suspect Poorly Dreted. The suspect la poorly dressed, about five feet elfCht Inches tall, and weighs about 135 pounds. When captured he wore two palra or trousers, two shirts, and In hla hip nocketa he car rled an extra pair or shoea which are loo small ror him. The authorities, however, could not connecr them i In any way with any member or the Hin family. The man had nlnety-flve cents, a email coll or wire, a blue handkerchler. and several small sea shells were round In one or his pock ets. His hair la sandy and hla atubby beard and muatache are badly In need or attention. ' - Sheriff Maas In his conversation aht night with 8herlff Hancock, or HUla boro, was Informed as to the actions or Klchtllnger. The man had been acting strangely In the outsk'.rta or the town and aeveral women com plained that he annoyed them. He was trying to make hla escape when Sheriff Hancock In hla automob lie overhauled him. A notebook contain-In- the namea and addressee or -v-'", ."(Continued on Page S.) , Folding Pofch Setter all Bard- wood 3ft. 6 in. long 95c OREGON CITY, OREGON in. in 1 . ' .;', 't f - - J .aUa.-a