Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 10, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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3, township
Surveyors and Draftaman
AM work promptly and acourate
ly dona
ubdlvlalon Spaalalty
Room 14, Maaonla Bids.
ORlao Phone No. IMS Oregon
City, Oragon
Raa'd.nea Phone Main 1171
J. C. and alarv A. io
I south, rang 1 Mat; 1 I IJ , .
Rose Stow Tffojp&ies
Now oil display in the beautiful
show windows of
JJapfinini Adams
"The Peoples Store" .
. . . . . .... ....
Selected By the Woman's Club for Four Reasons
FIRST Location, Most Centra!.
SECOND Site, Largest Stajjfc Windows in Town
THIRD Appearance Always Attractive.
FOURTH Popularity, Becaose "Peoples Store". Costomers are
Satisfied Costomers
Trophies on display all Saturday and Sunday. .Come
In and see the beautiful display in all departments.
Henry U Aden, tola 3. 4. ft, block "C.M
Wllaonvllle: 33300.
I. L. Badoer'a Pour Jerseys Yield
32.SO In Five Months.
R. U Badger, who llvaa at Beaver
Crook, waa In thla city Thureday. Mr.
Badger's iroaa Income In lira monuia
from four cow a waa 1331.30. baaldaa
all the cream, milk and buttar for hla
own honia uw, lie haa one" heifer
giving 30 pound of milk In one day
at tha preeent time, Tba row a ara
Th.y Are P.ihionabl. In White
d Colored
To t2ae Nev;
Portland's Greatest Faatival Cloaea
Tonight With Repetition of .
" Dazzling Electric
(Continued from Page 1.)
Today'e Program. -
10:00 a. m. Marching banda aer-
enade on decorated streets.
2:00 p. m. Special racing matt-
nee at Country Club, under
auspices of Hunt Club.
3:30 p. m. Baseball, M. A. A.
C. ve. Nex Percea.
8:00 p. m. Repetition of the
electric parade, in honor of
the departure of Rex Ore-
(onus and end of Festival.
PORTLAND, Or., June 9. (Special.)
The picturesque shower of rosea
waa the dominant feature of the Fes
tival program this forenoon. It waa
given on a great deal more lavish
scale than haa been done In former
rears, and by actual count more than
1000,000 freshly-cut rosea from the
Peninsula garden were thrown away
in carpeting the atreeta along the
route of the shower.
Estimated at only 10 cents apiece,
these beautiful blooms would have
coat 110,000, yet thla riotous extrava
gance with Portland'a floral queen waa
not graaped by the throng
further than to gaap In astonishment
that any city In the world dared pro
fane the fragrant rose by scattering
to the four winds in such multitude.
The children, rest rosebuds in a
city of perfect bloom, causad Grand
avenue to blossom out with their frag'
rant Innocence and beauty thla after
cess. At least, a doxen suspicious
characters had been examined, out In
each case Innocence waa sn.iwn.
"It la the worst crime that waa ever
committed in thla state." said the
Sheriff. "After a day's hard work we
have nothing tangible to wor upon
That the crime waa premeditated
there la no doubt. But the man who
committed It waa careful to leave no
trace behind. We found a napkin
and a cloth, which were bloodstained,
but there were no finger prints upon
them. There were no finger printa
on any of the furniture, the windows.
doors or any part of the houne. There
were no ataina upon the handle of the
ax with which the crime waa com
Sellwood Man Sought
The Hills lived In Sell wood before
moving to the borne when the trag
edy. waa enacted, and Sheriff Mass is
inclined to the opinion .tort the crime
waa committed by someone, who had
known or had aeen them there. Aa a
natter of fact the only thing that in
any way resembles a clue Is connected
with a young man of that plac-. Tut
if he la the alayer he atands out aa
the boldest In the annals of crinun
ology. While Sheriff Stevens ' and
Deputy Sheriff Leonard, of Multno
mah County, and Detectives Price and
Carpenter, of Portland, were await
Ing the arrival of the authorities of
CUckamaa county, their attention waa
directed to a man who waa question
lng various persons. He wanted to
know if there waa any clue to the
identity of the alayer and dotted down
notea aa he questioned various per
eona. When the Sheriff aaked him
the nature of hla buainesa, he replied
that he was a reporter for the Port'
land Tlmea. He waa told that there
waa no such paper and then he de
clared that he meant the Portland
Man Finally Disappears.
A reporter for the Dally Newa waa
present, and upon being told thla, the
man became confused and aald that
he was "merely gathering the newa,
but refused to give his object. He
disappeared shortly afterward, and
the police have since tried to find
him without success.
Corner Fox held an Inqueat laat
night, the jury returning a verdict
that the family waa alain "with
blunt Instrument by a person or per
sons unknown to them." Dr. Mount
held an autopsy, and the remaina were
noon. The greateat crowd of the Rose ; 'hen removed to an undertaking estab-
Festlval witnessed the pageant. Cos
tumed In the bright and glowing col
ors of the flowers they Imitate, the
children from all but two Eaat Side
schools marched over gorgeous Grand
avenue, 4500 atrong.
In the Human Rosebud parade was
given all the beauty the flowers pos
sess, and this additional animated life.
Fireworks were given at the Oaks
Following is the route of the elec
tric parade tomorrow night which
closes the most successful Rose festi
val ever held:
Over Twenty-third atreet from the
Lewis and Clark Fair grounds; Twenty-third
to Washington; on Wasning
ton to Nineteenth; on Nineteenth to
Morrison; Morrison to Third, paaalng
the grandstand on the postoffice
block, where the king will unmask;
Third north to Gllsan; Glisan west to
Firth; Fifth to Union Depot, and
around the loop back to Fifth; south
on Fifth to Washington, and west on
Washington to Twenty-third.
Jury Awards A. Q. and A. J. Brown
Verdict of $486.
A jury Thursday in the Circuit Court
returned a verdict for the defendants
for $486 in the ault of J. H. White
against A. O. Brown and A. J. Brown.
The plaintiff aaked damagee on the
charge that the defendanta had leased
him a sawmill and before the lease ex
pired leased It to other persona. The
defendants set up a counter claim for
timber -obtained by the plaintiff. E.
Llttlefleld represented the plaintiff aud
C. D. Latourette the defendanta
lishment in Portland
Little la known of Hill. He waa
plumber and met Mrs. Rlntoul while
she was living at Marysvllle, where
she was in the millinery business. Hill
Is said to have been married before,
but whether hla former wife Is living
Is not known. a
Sheriff Mass telegraphed Governor
Weat last night aaklng him to offer a
reward for the capture of the slayer.
Clackamas County is expected to of
fer a reward today.
Ax Found at Girl's Bed
At the foot of the cot on Which lay
the body of the girl. In the front room
of the small structure, with the blade
resting on the floor and the handle
leaning against the bed, waa found the
ax with which the crime waa com
mitted. It had been stolen from the
rear of the house occupied by R. T,
Delk, a fourth of a mile north of
where the Hill family lived.
Bodies of all four victims were
warm when Sheriff Stevens and Dep
uty Leonard reached the scene of the
tragedy, showing the . crimes were
committed not earler than 4 or
o'clock In the morning.
Mr. Cowing and hla wife, Mra. Abbie
F. Cowing, the parents of the slain
woman, with Frank De Parq, their
son-in-law, and hla wife, Mrs. Edith
De Parq, arrived at the acene of the
tragedy before the police, and -V
Cowing was taken care of by relatives
snd neighbors at the home of C. W
Matthews, cashier for Wells, Fargo
a Company, a short distance south of
where the slain family lived. Mrs.
Cowlnga physical condition became so
serious that It was found necessary
to summon Dr. R. 8. Stearns from
- Aire You a Subscriber to the
New Daily?
If The Morning Enterprise is to be aa successful aa the interests of Oregon
City demand It most needs have tha support of all. Tha new daily haa
a big work before it la boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour
support means more strength for the work,
WillOYoa. Help Boost your own Interests?
For a limited time tat Mora log Enterprise .will be sold to paid la advance
ubaerlbers as follow:
By Carrier, 1 year fl-Ot
, Ty I'alL 1 year IM
L J la year name and nmfttaneo, ; V , I
Sellwood, an automobile being aent
for him.
Bodies Are Found.
The bodies were found at 8 o'clock
in the morning by Mra. Sarah Mat
thews, who Uvea In a amall cottage
adjacent to that occupied by her son
and dauxhter-tn-law aouth of the amall
building occupied by the Hill family.
Hill, who waa the Sellwood represen
tative of the Portland Gaa Company,
purchased a few acres In the Rock
ford tract about two and one-half
montha ago and put up a amall frame
building, with roof aloping to the
aouth. which he and hla family moved
Into about five weeka ago. Tbe In
variable habit of the husband and fa
ther was to arise at $:30 o'clock in
the morning.
Wondering - why nobody had - been
seen at the H'11 home, Mrs. Matthews,
who often interchanged vUlts with
them, went to their house at 8 o'clock.
and finding tbe front door ajar, enter
ed. On the cot in the front room lay
the body of little Dorothy Rlntoul,
completely covered with the exception
of the feet . .
Other Bodies Discovered.
Next Mrs. Matthewa perceived the
stained ax resting sgslnst tbe foot ol
the cot and a realization ' of crime
came to her. She ran Irom the place
of death and called to her nephew,
Walter Bartholomew, who only arrlv
ed from Chicago on a visit to her
Thursday night. She told him there
waa "something wrong" in their
neighbors house. Bartholomew ac
companied her back to the little struc
ture and while she waited he enter
ed and surveyed the premises.
"They are all dead!" he cried, aa
he emerged from the house.
Bartholomew found the body of tbe
little boy lying on a amall cot In
space partitioned off In the southeast
corner. The body wore the shirt and
knee overalls, and only the feet pro
jected from beneath the covers. In
side a larger space partitioned off In
he front room, the boy's cot being
in a sub-division. Bartholomew saw
the body of Mrs. Hill, wheh had been
dragged from the head of the bed and
all but her feet and legs to the knees
were covered beneath the clothing
The body of Hill, which lay under
that of hla wife, waa entirely covered
by the bed clothing, and Bartholomew
and Mra. Matthewa not seeing It con
eluded that he waa not there. They
hurried to Mr. Matthewa' cottage and
called up the Portland Gaa Company's
office by telephone. Mrs. Mat
thews notified an official of the com
pany that Mrs. Hill and her two chil
dren by Rlntoul hnd been killed, nad
that her busband was missing.
Sheriff Is Notified.
The company official In turn tele
phoned Mr. Cowing and notified Sher
iff Stevena and Detective Cantata
Moore of the supposed triple tragedy
With Deputy Archie Leonard the Sher
Iff haatened to the acene, being fol
lowed by Detectives Price and Car
penter, detailed by Captain Moore. As
soon aa Sheriff Stevens arrived he
made a cursory Investigation and dis
covered the dead body of Hill under
that of hla wife. The Sheriff also
discovered the manner In which the
bodies of the womsn and girl had been
Allowing nobody to molest anything
Sheriff Stevens then notified Sheriff
Mass and Coroner Fox at Oregon City
or the quadruple murder. Justice J.
R. Kelso, of Mllwaukle, learned of the
crime and also hastened to the acene,
upon tr.e arrival of the Clackamas
County authorities the real Investiga
tion tiegan.
v -a ": "' ' .' V"
V; - ': v'Vp'Y
i (ml
aa : .. . i hi , i i
National' Clay Court Champion
ships to B3 Held Aug. 5 to 12.
Over One Hyndred and Seventy !
parts Prem Different teottena of the
Country Have Announced Their In
tention of Competing In the Event.
Judk'lng by present lnllt'ailiut' the
latlouHl clay cuurt ti'titii cImim-iIhu-
ahlpa to le held In Oiualiii Auar. ."
to 12 will be the grenieiti ever held.
Already over 175 racket expert from
different section uf the country have
Real Estate Transfers,
The following are the real estate
transfers that have been filed Io tbe
office of the county recorder
John Swenson to Christian and Emll
Ellason, 39 6-7 acres of sections 9 and
10, township 5 south, range I east;
John W. Loder and Grace E. Loder
to Rebecca Dubrex, lot of block 6,
Fails view addition to Oragon City; fl
Henry and WIUIs Ingalla to Thomas
. Brents, all of west half of section
82, township 4 aouth, range 1 eaat; $1.
is. C. Chapman, J. A. Taibert and
R. Landea, trustees Clackamas Cem
etery Association to Frank M. Bailey,
lot i of block 111, and tbe aouth 18 1-2
feet or lot 112, Clackamas Cemetery;
110. .
A. B. Pollard to Alex LaDuke and
Luclne LaDuke, 112 acres of sections
13 and 14. township 3 south, ranee 1
east; $1000. - -
Hazel Tooie to William M. Smith.
lots 1, 2. 7, 8, block 93, Oregon City;
Ellas E. Mott to Kezlah Mott, 49.56
acres of section 9, township 4 south,
range 1 east; $1.
Ellas E. and Kezlah Mott td'Rd. D.
Penman, land In section 9. 10, town
ship 4 south, range 1 east; fl.
M. E. and Cora D. neatly to J. W.
Wheeler and wife, 95.91 acres of sec
tions 34, 35, township 1 south, range
eaat; $10. .
C. B. and Lillian B. Hall to Port'
land Cement Company, land la section
This pretty gown, appropriate for a
girl's gradual loo or fur afirrnixm wear
during I be summer, la made'bf linen.
heavily embroidered ' on aklrt and
waist. It la Onlxbed with a' knotted
girdle of -velvet .'hat fall balfway
down tbe aklrt. i
Lingerie dreiwe ara exceedingly
pretty this year, and they are uulte
simple loo. Tbe girl wltn spnrw niln
Utea on her hamla may employ thern
profitably In bvadiag a frock for sum
mer. White la tbe tiKMt x.nlnr male-
rial, and the rolor scheme I fclvrn by
colored liendwork ur by enilmuderv
that simulate betid work A intl
around the ok and sleeve, a Hue
around the waisi aud. If you wi.ti. a
little more arouud tbe. bent are ult-
Tbe wikt for the lingerie rrm-k mm
be mode with s quare. nmnii. mhh.i
or Just a eollariea nn-k Yin- -nniit
aleeve la still correct, hut li i getunu
shorter, sn I neb or mi nlmre the elbow
being tbe preferred length
Mske your dreae with a xllgbilv rul-
ed wslst line and wear a pretty ali
7 T -1
The Eflognlng
Lae. Ribbons and Flowers Combined
Make a Dainty Chapeau.
. Mushroom bsts vMsreorembroldeiy
are very popular for little girl.' They
may be eally ratiloned by the amu
teur milliner. loc no great klll U
required In adjusting tbe soft isce
over tbe wire frame. A few Knot of
ribbon or Hunter of tiny flower
knotted here snd there anmng tbe lace
caiLD'a taoi bat.
are tbe only trimming required. These
beta are most appropriate for wear
with white lingerie dromes,
Cblldren'a hats seem to be prettier
tnsn ever, whether we consider them
In tbe rough and ready Bailor shapes
ror morning wear or In tbe more
elaborate creations for full dre.' The
headgear of even tbe tiny tola Is pic
lureoque. Hon net for Utile one ,ar
made of white liberty satin. Thev ar
ciose otting. but the satin Is fulled on
the crow. the band around the face
being plain. Embroidered side nieces
are set In, The most attractive designs
are tiny forgeimenot wreaths. Where
Ibe ribbon tin are set on there are
rosettes of tbe white satin. In tbe can-
ter of which are tiny rosebads.
ataoaica m'iucoblix. ras racinc ooaar
announced their Intention of compel
Ing In the different event.
With an entry llat of tin player, lb
first clsy court ostloual event last
year made Ita mark a the greatest of
the kind ever held Tbe comparison
between tbat record and what Is prom
ised for tbe coining tourney shows
that the approaching event will be
at tbe limit of roseate iMtmibllltlea.
It la reported tbat tbe Pacific Coaat
Tennla.asHorlstlon will send a claaay
delegation to Omaha. Tbe delegation
Is to travel eaatward first and engage
In content beyond Hie Mlsnlnslppl
river. It will I comiMHted of Untidy
McLaughlin. Hummer. Hardy and Mla
notcbklM The men. it la alinowt a
aured. will awing back to Omaha from
Chicago after the event In the laat
named city, which occur the week
before tbe Omaha tourney.
Melville Long of Han Fraorlsco,
present holder of tbe clsy court chain
plonahlp. will of course be on hsnd ai
the meet to defend hla title agaltitt
ail comers. There la a mighty fine
chance of the redoubtable Long re
linquishing tbe coveted prize, too. ac
cording to a great many enthnnlata
who are In on the "know." their be
liefs being applied to three or four
apeedy racket men from the east and
south. It Is expected that Champion
William A. Lamed. Beats Wright. Wll
Ham J. Clothier and several other big
eastern men will be on hand.
One of tbe fortunate features of the
approaching national tourney I the
fact tbnt It occurs at a time when
there la no mother meeting of tennis
men to conflict
Last Ysae Batting Star, but This tea-
sen Hss Psllen by Wsyslde.
What Is the matter with tbe battlna
OTBnodgraeaT Lent year tbe New York
Nationals' young center fielder waa a
big sticker with a ton notch average.
leading the National league Id bitting
t one period of tbe race. Thla year be
haa been unable to keep op tbe good
work, and the fans are wondering why.
Maybe the opposing pitchers have dis
covered a weak point and are working
k for ail they are worth. There's a
fcond of sympathy among box men. br
the way. for tbe moment a Ditcher dla-
Embroidered batlate raps have the C0T'r" tD T"'nefible spot in a bats
" "'"ji u generally communi
cates tbe Information to hla fallow
craftsmen. This freemasonr h..
lated for many years.
uniet bouquets. of pink and blue
flowers set on the left side of the
front. ,
Old Qlovea.
Tbe palms of old kid gloves make
very serviceable kneecaps, which can
bo stitched Into children's stocking
tbua avoiding conatanudarnlng. while
tbe arms of long evening a-iova m.k.
good polishes or bsndy receptsclee for
carrying a silver toilet ast when Ita
owner Is on a Journey.
New York to Hsllfs VaaM H...
Tbe Brooklyn Tacbt clnb'a race frnm
New York to nalifax. N. F.. will t.k.
place July 22. Tbe dlatanco Is 045
nines, and it will be open to motor
boats measuring from fortr-flva tn
alghry feet. Tropulea and 61.000 In
cash go to the winner La each case.
Will You Help Us
Boost Your Own
By carrier, year $3.00
By mail, year 2,00
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
.! t
Is on sale at the following " J
To Introduce The M arming
Enterprise Into a largo
Ity of tha homes la
City and Clackamas sowatt Om
management haa decided to
make a special prioe for tha
dally laaoe, tor start, tfcaa
only, where the aubaerlaar para
a year la advaaa.
By carrier, paid a year la
advance), 18.00.
By nail, paid a year la aeV
vanoe, 81.90.
People who gave oar spates
aer a trial sabocriptioa far acta
or more montha, at tea aeaoa a
weak, oaa have tha dally aoMT
ered for a year for S3 09 br
paying a year la advaaee.
People who gave oar oaa
aer a trial aubacrtptioa, by
mall, for four montha at a dol
lar, may have tha paper for a
year for IJ.OO, If paid a year la
Subacrlbera to tha Weekly
Enterprise may ehaaga their
subscriptions to tho daalr, re
ceiving eradit for half time oa
tha dally that tha weekly la
paid In advanoe. When they
choose to add cash to tha ad
vanoe payment equal to a fall
year's advanoe payment they
may take advantage of tha !
rate. ,.
Wo make thla speeiat ariee
so that people who have paid
In advanoe on some other aaflr
and wish to take the Morasag
7 Enterprise, may ae ao wtthowt
too groat expense. .
a ajar, e)
Oregon 4
- averv Amy;
' Huntley Bros. Drofl
Main Btreet.
J. W. McAnuliy Clan
Seventh and Main-
Msln nesr Sixth.
M. E. DunnConfectloorJ
Next door to P. O.
City Drug 8lora
Electric Hotel.
Walter Uttle-ConfectUM7
514 Seventh Htreet.
M. volkmar DrtiP
' Seventh near Ctw.
Electric H- g
Tha following are IH"J? - i
Electrlo Hotel: Irving t
Lake; J. Thomas, Vm'"' i. J.
Keck, city; J. J. Scott. Blt.
Bryan and wife, Sprlngneio,
kua, Portland; J. V. Obeen, ra.
P. Hunt and wife, Morning
C. D. Rltter, Hubbard; p. y.'ttlr
Hubnara; A. c. wnue, - u.fc
C. A. Caae, Eugene: J. wo"' r ,.
A. B, HUbaCK, rortiana; , - t;
t ik... i . r A W1IL
111117, LMimimt, v, m p.
Frank Oatfleld. L. J. P1';,.
Bates, Mooseiana; rreo p
a. . ... . .klMli, ' 1
bierieais woee v-
nRrTflP.icf.fl. June 8. The C
of M. Bchollaert resigned V1'' ,
Sohollaert became Premier
Istar of tha Interior In January, J
aticceedlng M. De Troos, who fl.
preceding month. Tha CIrlc"J
wnicn nss Deeu in pw" - - n
and now bis a majority in tpe v
.1.- n .1. lolt tWO
In the last election through to
erted action of ,the
Read tba Morning enterprise.