Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 10, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    Society Brand Clothes
je. tried. (ihPd nd b"t especially for the Young
American Gentlemen. They Individualize his appear
,nce. They add gracefulness to his proportions, re
finement to his "lines" in a degree not attained in
other ready made clothes. In addition, they represent
the highest type of tailoring and fabrics. For sale at
4 '
Suspension Bridge Corner
joore-tirorgs. I Nr you wre dJ-
rtargvd from the marine lnml What
tu Hi' trtmblei
jfum cornet I'lnyiTi-Veil, 1
tad you liuw It vita. In iiMiid ras
turluc ewwt and low, uml I saw a
III sots unci played it loud, unil, jr
ana, 1( was horsefly!
C. 0 Hniir, of Hublinrd, wsa In thla
Ctjr Krl'luy.
II . Kroll.. of Clnlfinout. was Id this
(jt; on twalnes Thursday.
Emy liut reduced at Mix ('. (Sold-
Blth'l. "
William iMtvla. of Heaver Creek.
tu In Oregon City on Friday. -
1 J Srott. of Albany, wag In thla
dt mi tuiHlitena Thursday.
Omit ante on all millinery goods.
tm C. Goldsmith.
Mm Kreil Rmllh. of Nwdy. In In
on city. tlaltlng Mra. M. J. More.
Mr. and Mra. Moahberger, of El-
fcrtdo. accompanied by thulr family,
re In thin rlty on -Friday.
Frrd Kamerath, of Heaver Creek,
tnnadrd , bualneaa In thla rlty on
G. (Srimamlller, of Hhubel, was In
Orrgon City on bualnras trip Tbura-
Vlai Verel Trimble, of thla city,
hi rone tu Sellwood, where she la
Robert Casseday, one of the prom-
latnt farmers of Cama, was In Ore
rn Ctiy on Friday,
Or K. A. Bommef. formerly of Ore-
ton City, has moved his offlre to 1017
Corbrit building. Portland.
Mn. William Money, who recently
imlorweiit a surgical operation at the
8. ViKftil's hospital, la Improving.
Mr Htid Mra. V. O. Huntley and
fauxhii-r have gone to Cannon Ileach.
h're they will spend several weeks.
MIhm May Clark, of Mount rieaaunt,
lit returned to her home after visit
ing friends In Portland.
Mlas Mnry Ellen Grace has none to
CUrkes to visit the family of Thomas
Grace for a few days. .
John Kcott. of Scotia Mills, arrived
fere Thuraday In his automobile for
brief slay.
MIkr Minnie flrace. of Clarkes, nas
ton visiting relatives In Oregon City
tor a few days.
J. Thomas, one of the prominent
nrmera of Molalla, was In this city
n Thursday.
D. ('. Yodr. a tiromlnent farmer, of
Htihlmrd. was among the Oregon
City biiMlneas visitors on Friday.
Fred Jossl and family passed
YottfS orthe AsfcSilg
A S It
For and we will gtvelyou with
V 4 months subscription
,' ' ' B Carrie
at 45c the month
A Beautiful China pLAQUEDecorat:d Han,wmely
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early.
Subscribers May Have Them Too
' To any present subscriber who will briag us four
new subscriptions we will present one of these
beautiful dishes. - ' ' ' " .
Qffcjon (Qty Iflntetptise
through thla city on Friday on their
vy to Portland to aitmid the Koae
show. Their home Is at Cam.
Mrs. (J. U. Dlmlrk. who has been
vUIiIiik friends In Portlund for the
past two day a, and attending the Hose
ahow,' has returned to Oregon City.
Mra. Mury Haas and Mrs. Ida Hub
cock, of Kaleni, have arrived in Ore
gon Cliy. and are gueats of their
brother, W. K. I'ratt and family.
J. J llryan and wife, of H)in,g.
field, Oregon, were In this rlty Thurs
day and Friday, reglaterlng ut the
Merinc Hotel.
Mlas Kulu H. Ihi.'.IhI will leave Mon
duy evening for Phoenix, Arlx., where
Kbe will vImIi her roualn, during tm
atiminer montha,
l.loyd lUrdlng, a atudent at the
1'tilverttlty of Oregon, will rettrn
home next .Tueaduy for the u miner
vacation. .
P. Hunt and wife, of Morning Run,
Iowa, are In thin rlty and are regis
tered at the Klectrln. Mr. and Mrs.
Hunt are inuklug a tour of the
Mr. uud Mra. Hubert Hchoeitborn
and baby, of Curtis, liua been vlaltlug
at the home of the former's purents,
Mr. and Mrs. Kit-hard Kchoenliorn, and
Mr. and Mra. Frunk Hihoonborn
' K.-W. Iwe. ojTThe Dalles, wss In
OreKon City ou Friday vlaltlng friends..
Kay twerbyiHin, or Heaver Creek,
who bai been vlaltlng the Roae show
In Portland, puaaed through Oregon
City on Friday on hla way home.
Dr. Kva M. 1 tittle, Oateopatb, C28
Marquam Illlg , Portland, at Mra. 12.
F. Zimmerman's realdence- No. 620
t'lth t Washington, Tueaduy and Krl-
day; Acute and chronic dlaenaes
treated at home or office.. Phone Main
Mln Mary McDonell, of Taroma.
Wwh formerly of thla city, arrived
here this week, and Is vlnltlng the
Mlaitea Maker, of Cladxtone. Mlas Me
Donull vlalted the Itoae ahow In
Portland while here. Hhe will return
to her home today.
Mra. A. Holden, who has been vlalt
lng her daughter, Mra, George G.
Guild, of Honolulu, H. I . has returned
home, end-wsa accompanied by Mrs.
Guild, who will vlalt here during the
an miner. Mra. Guild waa formerly
Mlaa Hulda Holden, of thla city.
Mlas KJiui Holman wilt leave Mon
day evtnlng for Us Angeles, Cal.,
where ahe will remain during the
aummer vlaltlng her aunt. Mrs. J.
V. linker. 8he will return by steam
er and will be accompanied by her
slater, Mlaa Norma, who baa been
vlaltlng for some time at Ia Angeles.
Clifford King, who shot himself
about a month ago while living In
Portland, waa brought to this city Fri
day snd la at the home of bis mother,
Mra. Iacey. of Seventh street.' Mr.
King is recovering slowly.
F.daon O. Pond, who was connected
with the Oregon City Courier about
two yeais sko, and who went from
thla city to laigene, and afterwards to
Portland, has returned to Oregon City
to remain for a few weeks. He Is
connected with the Courier.
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Robert Goodfellow and her
family ask the privilege of thanking
through your columns their friends,
as well as the various fraternal socie
ties for the sympathy shown them
during their recent bereavement, and
to enpreas their appreciation.
First Baptist Corner Mnln and Ninth
streets. Rev. 8. A. Hay worth, pas-
. tor. Preaching at ll a. m. and 7:45
p. m. The pastor will preach in the
morning service on the subject,
"The Ust Christ." In the evening
Mrs. Jackson Sllbaugh, of 8eattle,
will speak. This will be a temper
ance rally. All the temperance
forces o the city are Invited. Mrs.
. 6 months subscription
By Mail
at 25c the month
' M0KN1KQ ENTERPRISE, SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1911. ; - -.J'-. U q
Sllbsugh Is a national lecturer ror
Jt W 9,1 T u' ot
rar, ability. All ar. in,iu4. Th
Munday school meets at 10 a. m. The
reupie ana Juniors at t it
P. m. Tuesday evening the ynlted
Hrotherhtiod banquet and program
meetly of all the Brotherhoods of
I lie cMy. Speakers for this occasion
are Mr. Atkinson, Col? Wood, of
Portland, and Dr. -George U. pratt
evening 8 p. m.
Cathoiio Cor. -mer and Tenth fits.
Rev. A. Hlllebrand pastor, res. 91
Water; Utw Maas g a. m., with ser.
mon; High Maas 10:80 a. m., with
sermon; afternoon service 4.00.
Mass every morning at 8:00.
Congregational rr. Main and Kiev-nth
''".'i -?' Wm u- rrocinr. pernor,
re.. 109 Thlrt; H H. Vi mxm, Jhn ".
r aijlit i morning rrvlc 10 30, vrn.
Ina 7 10. trnuni ioil )U Wnkly
prayor mwllfia Thumday 7 Iu p. m,
CIJ?,,,Alt.v- -othoran-ri,r. Ktahth end J.
rr ko J. Q Aflann; H H
J") e m ; prrerhlns artarnoone of flrat
end third Niindaye et 2.10 In Knllh.
' ntlur Hundny evrvlrea mnmliiKe at 10 3
with picanlilna In (lermun.
Christian Science Ninth and Cen
ter atreeta. Hunday service 11 a. m.
Bunday school 12 noon. Wednesday
evening g p. in
German Ivangalleal Cor. Klshth and
Madlatin atreete. Key. K. Wlevnlck pea
tor, r. 713 Medleon: H. H. 10 a- m.,
Ilerman, Hchredt-r, Monroe etrret, aupt ;
morn In errvlre II, yoen peoplr el 7
p. m. and preanhlns at t p m. Prayer
meellns Wvdneeday at 7:10 p. m.
Gladstone. Christian Rev. A. II. Mul
key, pastor, res. uiadatone. Hun
day school 10 a. m., N. C. Hendricks,
aupierliitendent. Morning service,'
11 o'clock," Ilrotherhood services st
7:4S. .Ilev. Krnnlib, of Portland,
will speHk in the evening. Special
mimic by the choir.
Mountain View Union (Cong.) H. 8.
3 p. m , Mrs. J. If. Qulnn, aupt.;
1)1 ble Study every Thursday after
noon; E. C. Dye will preach at 7:UT
o'clock Hunday evening.
Methodist Main street cor. Seventh,
Itev. K. P.. Zimmerman paator, res.
cor. Sixth and Washington; 8. 8.
I:45 a. m., C. A.-Williams, Glad-
; stone, supt.; morning service 10:45,
Kpworth Ieagun, 60, evening ser
vice 7.30. Prayers-meeting Thurs
day g p. m. Morning sub
ject, "Our Debt of Gratitude." Eve
ning popular service. Dramatic re
cital by the paator of the third and
fourth chapters of "In His Steps,
or What Would Jesus Do." Solo,
Master Kenneth Woodward, 8 years
old. Solo, "Gathering Jewels," by
Mrs. Zimmerman, violin accom
panyinent by Prof. Douglas.
"The Church as a Center." Evening,
A recital of the flrat two chapters
of the religions story, "In ills Steps,
or What Would Jesus Dor' Ken-
neth Woodward will sing a solo.
Presbytsrlsn Seventh street cor. Jef
ferson. Hev. J. It. Landaborough,
pHHlor. Ites. 710 Jefferson; 8. 8. 10
- a. m., Mrs. W. C. Green, supt.; morn
ing service 11 a. m. prayer meet
ing Thuraday 8 p. m.
Parkplacs Congregational Itev. J. L.
Jonrapeetor, rre. i'leckamaa; B. 8. 10
a., m., Kmery Krnch aupt.; preaching
eervlrre ei h Runday. eltrrnatlns b
tween 11 a. m. end 7:30 p. m Cbrie
tlan . Endeavor Thuredey. evening 7:30
p. m.
St. Paul's Rev. C. W, Robinson, rec
tor. Dally services: Morning pray
er. 7 a. m.; Holy Eucharist, 7:30 r
m.; evening-prayer, 7:30 p. m. Sun
day services: Holy Eucharist S a.
m ; morning prayer, 10:30 a. to.;
Holy Eucharist and sermon, .11 a.
in.; evening prayer and sermon,
7:30 p. m.; 8. S., 12 m.; Thursday
evenings, sermon at 7:30 p. m.
United Brethren Cor. Clahth snd Taylor,
Kev. I K. Clarke pacior, rre. I-ortland;
8. 8. 10 a. m . Krenk Pvker. Maple
Inr, eupl mornlna'errvlce 11, Y. P.
8. C. K. ( p. m.. evening eervlce 7.
Willamette M. K. No resular preaching
aervlrea. 8. 8. 1 p. m.. Mra. Keams
Zlon Lutheran Cor. Jeffrreon and Elshth
atreeta. Kev. W. K. Kraxberser paa
tor. rre 710 Jefferenn; 8. 8. 9:30 a. m ,
Kev Kraxbrrger enpt.: mornlna eervlre
10:30. evenlna 7:46, Ijithrr I-ecue 7
p. m.
Wife Finds Him In Unconscious Con
dition at Barn.
Edwin Richards, a weti-Ktiown resi
dent of this city, suffered a paralytic
stroke at his home on Twelfth and
Main streets, Krlday , morning. Mr.
Richards bad gone tv the barn to feed
his horse. When be did not return
for breakfaat his. wife made a search
and found him in an unconscious con
dition. He was carried Into tfle houae
and a physician was summoned. This
is the first stroke of paralysis Mr.
Richards has suffered, and he Is, ex
pected to recover.
FOR SALE Four-year-old German
coach horse, at a bargain, weight
about 1200 pounds. Inquire J. H.
('raw, Holton.
FOR 8ALK House, two lots, on cor
ner, houae almost new, 12x28 two
rooms, brick flue, young fruit trees,
garden In, other Improvements;
beautiful scenery; close to school.
For location Inquire Winkle's store,
West Side. Price 1495.00 cash. Rev.
Harvey Huck, Oregon City, Oregon.
At the next meeting of the F. P. A.
the girls are expecting to give the
program and everything points towar.1
a fine meeting. They are doing con
siderable practicing. There are to be
no boys or married, ladles assisting.
Everyone Is Invited to come aud see
what the Ptrwood girls cau do, Sat
urdav nvenlns'. Jtina 17.
A. D. Smldt, of Danfascus, visited
Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Fischer, Saturday.
The assessor has been making viltw
around Firwood. ,
Mr. W. Pnrker and family left last
week for Eugene, where they expect
to make their home.
M. Walton Is having a house Mid
barn built on his ranch near Flrwood.
Mrs. Clark Corey and son, Clair,
visited the Rose Festival several days
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fhjcher drove
to Tollgate and Welches last Sundty,
They report the roads In good condi
tion, as there were fifteen to twenty
machines out' from Portland, three
making the trip to Government Camp,
to Rhododendron Tavern and other
parties stopped along the road to fish.
Mr. and Mra. W- Rhodes and daugh
ters Bulab, Rabena and Wllla, drove
their machine out from Portland Sun
day morning and spent the day with
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hart,
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaw, of Dover;
Mr. and Mrs. L. Prldemore, of Three
8lx; Mrs. 8trong and Mr. O. M.
Howe and son Ray, were also guests.
The day was very pleasantly spent.
A part of the time was devoted to
violin and piano muslo and singing.
Mrs. 8. B. Dill visited Mr. and Mra.
L, Prldemore at Three-Six, the first
of the week.
M. Walton was out from Portland
Sunday, looking after his fruit rancB.
4 For the arrest and conviction
of any person or persons, who
unlawfully remove copies of The
Morning Enterprise from the
premises of subscribers aftet
paper has been placed there by
Oliver Ilalley Is building a barn for
Ed. Graves, of Aurora.
Notice la hereby given that the
County School Superintendent of
Clackamas county will iiold the regu
lar examination for applicants for
State papers. at Court House, Oregon
City, Or., commencing Wednesday,
June 21.. at 9 o'clock a.- m., and con
tinuing until Saturday, June 24, at 6
p. m., aa follows:
For State certificates (one-year, Ave
year, life.)
Wednesday a. m. Arithmetic, Civil
Government, English Literature,
Wednsday p. m. Geography, Gram
mar, Physics.,
Thursdsy a. m. Orthography,
Theory and Practice. Bookkeeping.
Thursday p. m. Writing, Physio
logy, Geology. ,
Friday a. m. IT. B. History, Physi
cal Geography, Botany.
Friday p. m. School Law, Psycho
logy, Geometry.
Saturday a. m. Reading, Algebra,
General History."' ' i
Saturday p. m. Composition, Am
erican Literature, History of Educa
For State primary certificates.
Wednesday a. m. Methods In Read
ing, Methods In Arithmetic.
Wednesday p. m. Methods In Lan
guage, Methods in Geography.
Thursday a. m. Othography, Theory
and Practice.
Thursday p. m. Writing and PhyS'
.Friday a., m. Thenls. Subjects for
Thesis: ' Lessons by Stories, Lan
guage Work In Primary Grades, Num
ber Work In Primary Grades, Busy
Work in Primary Grades, Possibilities
of Nature Study In Primary Grades,
Phonics in Primary Grades, Child
study. Applicant chooses one sub
ject. ,,,
Prldsy p. m. Psychology.
Note. Questions on Theory and
Practice. Writing, Arithmetic, Physio
logy, and" Psychology will be the same
for Primary Certificates -as for other
T. J. GARY. "-
County School Superintendent.
' Oregon-City, Oregon.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the Undersigned Finance Com
mittee of the Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, at the office of the
Recorder, of said city, until the 21st
day of June, A. D. 1911, at 4 o'clock
p. m. for the sale of not less than
par value and accrued Interest, of
Improvement bonds of Oregon Citf,
aa the same have been authorised
to be issued, for the sum of $0004.29.
Said bonds have been Issued in
the following denominations: One
for $104.29 and elevenfor $500.00
each. Said bonds are dated April
2th, 1911, and will mature In ten
years after date, and bear Interest
ut the rate of C per centum -per
annum from date, payable semi-annually,
said Interest to be evidenc
ed by coupons . attached to said
bonds. Interest and principal paya
ble In IT, 8. gold coin, at the office
of the Treasurer of Oregon City,
at Oregon City, Oregon; Oregon
City reserves the right to take up
and cancel said bonds or any of
them unon the payment of the face
value thereof with accrued Interest!
to date at any semi-annual coupon
interest paying period, at or one
year from the date thereor. .
Said bonds are Issued In pursu
ance of act of the legislature of the
state of Oregon, known as "The
Bonding Act" as the same has been
amended, and are Issued for the
payment of a portion of the cost
of the Improvement of Center street
In Oregon City,. Oregon, from the
north side of Seventh street to the
north side of Ninth street, and shall
not exceed the sum of $5004.29 In
the aggregate.
The right to reject any and all
bids Is reserved by the undersigned
Committee and the Council of Ore
gon City.
By order of. the Council of Ore
gon City.
Finance Committee of the Council
of Oregon City.
Oregon City, Oregon-
Sealed proposals will be received
by the undersigned Finance Com'
rolttee of the Council of Oregon
City, Oregon, at the office of the
Recorder, of said City, until the
21st day or June, in. at 4 ociock
p. m... for the sale of not less than
par value and accrued Interest, of
Improvement bonds of Oregon City,
as the same have been authorized
to tie Issued, for the sum of $6259.63.
Said bonds have been Issued In
the following denominations: One
bond for $259.6.1 and twelve for
$500.00 each. Said bonds are dated
A mil 20th. 1911. and will mature
In ten years after date, and bear
Interest at the rate or 6 per cent
ner centum, per annum from date
payable semi-annually, said Interest
Oregon City
Furnished with operating
rpom, ward and private
Graduate Nurses
Pac. 2243 . HomeD-298
Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts.
June , 7, S, 9, 10, 11
Games Begin Waekdays at 3:30.
Sundays, t:30 P. M.
Boys Under 11 Free to Bleachers
to be evidenced hr eonnoaa atthu1
to. said bonds, interest and principal
payable In U. 8. gold coiu at the
office of the Treasurer of Oregon
City, at Oregon City, Oregon; Ore
'gon City reserves the right to take
up and cancel said bonds or any of
them upon the payment of the face
value thereof with accrued Interest
to date of payment at any semi
annual coupon Interest paying per
iod, at or one year from the date
Said bonds are Issued In pursu
ance of act of the legislature of
the State of Oregon, known as "The
Bonding Act'' as the same baa been
amended, and are issued for the
payment of a portion of the coat of
the Improvement of Washington
street in Orgon City, Oregon, from
the south side of Second street to
the south side of Seventh street,
and shall not exceed the sum of
SG259.G3 in the aggregate.
The right to reject any and all
bids Is reserved by the undersigned
Committee and the Council of Ore
gon City. , '
By order of the Council of Ore
gon City. '
Ilnance Committee of the Council
of Oregon City.
BON 08.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Sealed proposals will be received
by the undersigned Finance Com
mittee of the Council of Oregon City.
Oregon, at the office of Recorder,
of Oregon City, until the 21st day of
. June, 1911. at 4 o'clock p. m. for
the sale of not lesstban par value
and accrued Interest,, of Improve,
mem Bonds of Oregon City, as the
same has been authorized to be is- ,
sued, for the sum of $9503.44.
Said bonds have been Issued In
the following denominations: One '
for $253.44, one for $250.00 and eigh-!
teep for $500.00 each. Said bonds
are dated April 20th, 1911, and will 1
mature In ten years after date, and i
bear Interest at the rate of 8 per
centum per annum from date, paya
ble semi-annually, said Interest to
be evidenced by coupons attached
to said bonds, interest and principal
payable In U. 8. gold coin, at the
office of the Treasurer of Oregon
City, st Oregon City, Oregon; Ore
gon City reserves the right to take
up and cancel said bonds or any
of them upon the payment of the
face value thereof with accrued In
terest to date at any semi-annual
coupon interest paying period, at
or one year from date thereof.
Said bonds are Issued in pursu-
ahce of an act of the legislature
of the State of Oregon, known as
"The Bonding Act' as the same has
been amended, and are Issued for
the payment of a portion of the
cost of the Improvement of Twelfth
street In Oregon City, Oregon, from
a point 105 feet westerly from Main
street easterly to the east line of
Taylor street, and shall not exceed
the sum of $9503.44 in the aggre
' gate.
The 'right to reject any and all
bids is reserved by the undersigned
committee and the Council of Ore
gon City.
By order of the Council of Ore
gon City. j
Finance Committee of the Council
of Oregon City.
Notice to Dog Owners.
Notice Is hereby given, that the or
dinances of Oregon City providing
that all dogs must wear a collar and
the owner pay license therefor Will
be enforced, and that ownera of.
aogs win nave uuin June lain iu
comply with the law governing such
matters. The ordinance provides
that all dogs over the age of Four
months are required to be licensed,
and disobedience In this matter will
subject the owner to arrest and fine.
The dog may also be taken and
killed unless the license Is paid.
Tags may be bad from the city
treasurer, It. D. Latourette, at the
First National Bank. It is my In
tentlon to enforce the ordinance
strictly, and dog ownera will have
until June 15th. In which to take out
their license, and no longer.
Dated at Oregon City, June 1,
E. L. SHAW, Chief of Police.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. John C. Baker, Plaintiff,
Unn K Ruber TWpndnnf
I In the name of the State of Oregon,
You, Hanna K. Baker, are hereby
required to appear and answer the
complaint filed against you herein, on
or before the twelfth day of June,
1911, and if you fall to appear or ans
wer said complaint on or before said
date, the Plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In his
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree of this Honorable
Court dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between the Plain
tiff and the Defendant, and for such
other and further relief as Is Just
and meet In the premises.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof for six succes
sive weeks, once each week. In the
Oregon C::' Enterprise, a dally news
pnper of general circulation published
In Oregon City. County of Clackamas,
ctt. nf rtiwrnn. hv order of the Hon
orable J. V. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, which order Is
dated the 28th day of April, 1911.
Date of first publication, April 29th,
1911. Date of last publication, June
10th' 19U- C. H. DYE,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Go To Your Physician.
, i, vi. nninlnn nf a remedy for the ticwnllsr to women that con
tains in Judicious amount such in-
gredients as Biacic Haw, ursinp umn,
n.vnf amiaw Vine. Blue Co-
hoah, Gohlen Seal and Cinnamon Bark.
He will tell1 you that these are Just
the Ingredients used by specialists In
treating sucn nnmeuie "
v.arn In thalr aelaC
tlon has been demonstrated by count-
1 m hAfiArltAil '
Rexall Vegetable Compound is made
after the formula of a successful phy
alcan who baa made a specalty of wo
man's ailments, and contains the in
gredients mentioned above, -..v
t.., hn demonstrated
,ia HVIVH - - -
many times by your friends And neigh
bors and, If you have need of such a
i.. ... .air that tou trr Rexall
Vegetable Compoun at our risk.
If It falls to benefit you, we will
promptly refund your money. -
Bold only At our aiure mt
Drug Store. Price, $1.00 per bottle.
Huntley Broa. Co.
t 1 "ST-
tf ( Vt.,J,i t.,V, i
As Fresh As Summer Roses
In Early Dew
. Such ore the groceries sold at this store.
The delicate aroma of the coffee, the delicious
taste of the butter all the appetizing points
of good sweet clean food are carefully pre
served ot this grocery. Even our canned and
carton goods are kept in lowest, quantities
that they may be constantly renewed. Every
thing is pure and dean cleanliness is next
to godliness here. .
' - . '
All our groceries are aa delightfully fresh as a
' " ' wild 'rose sparkling with dew on an early summer '
morning. Lat a trial convince you. 8end or come ' , V
. with an order, or phone and a messenger will call.
Wants, For Sale, Etc
Notice under these classified heading
111 be Inserted at one cent a word, first
Insertion, half seat additional tnser
tlons. one Inch card, tl sr month: naif
Inch card. 14 lines si per month.
Cash must eoompur erder unless one
has an open account with the paper. Ne
financial responsibility for errors; when
errors occur free corrected notlee win a
printed for patron. Minimum chars lee.
WANTED 11000 loan on good prop
erty.. Address A-10, care Enterprise.
WANTED Experienced girl or wo-
wan for general housework at Port
land; good . wages and pleasant
place. Apply 1006 Main St, Oregon
City or 693 East Salmon St., Port
land. .
WANTED Ton to know mat we buy
all kinds of Curios, that we are In
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. We also have a
good assortment or second hand
Furniture and Tools on hand for
sale to those tn need. Come anJ
see; perhaps we have Just what you
want Indian Curios and' trinkets
for aale cheao; some that are very
nnlque and also very rare. GEORGE
YOUNG, Main near Fifth street.
ACREAGE One to Ave acres In sight
of Oregon City, $150 and $200 per
acre; good level land; one mile
from car line. Clyde ft McRae, 1003
Main St.. Oregon City.
FARM FOR SALE 80 acres, 7 miles
south Ot uregon city on Molalla
road and 1 mile east. Inquire Mra.
8. O. London, Oregon City R. F. D.
No. 3, box 111. '
FOR SALE House, two lots, on cor
ner, house almost new, 12x28 two
1911 Mitchell
Have you ever looked into the details of construction and the ,
mechanical features together with the handsome appearance
of the Mitchell Automobiles to find the reasons why they are .'
being bought by people throughout the state, who know, the ,
value of a good car. If you are at all interested we will be
pleased to demonstrate the car to you with full information
and can assure you that it is well worth investigating before
buyin g. The car is absolutely guaranteed to do what we say '
it will. If not we- are here to make good. When we aell :
you a car we will take care of your car one year free of
chargi. ''". . .
, . - Price $1W0 - ;' 7
Other moJcls cheaper. ' Fully equipped F. .O. B. .Oregon City. ?
Phone us for demonstration and we will call at your Love for
you.' .,.. :,.: . , '.".',
Some Good Bargains la Second Hand Cars
C. G. Miller, Agent
Gar Gor 6tk'anl Mtm St. . ,
rooms, brick flue, young fruit trees,
garden .In, other improvements;
scenery;, close to school. For loca
tion Inquire Winkle's store, West
Side. Price $495.00 cash. Rev.
Harvey Buck, Oregon City, Oregon.
FARM LOANS Dlmlck ft Dlmlck,
Lawyers, Oregon City, Or.
MONEY TO LOAN On first mort
gage; $500 and upwards: one year
or longer. Apply at once. Cross ft
Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Bea
ver Bldg., Oregon City. "
HARRY JONES Builder and General
Contractor. Estimates cheerfully
given on an classes of bntldlng
work, concrete walks ana reinforced
Res. rhat) Mata 11L.
O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law. Money
loaned, abstracts furnished. land
titles examined, eatatea settled, gen
eral law business. Over Bank f
Oregon Oty.
- l, I:
U'REN ft 8CHTJEBEL, Attorneys!.
Law, Dentscher Advokat, w411 prac
tice la all courts, make eoUectloss
and settlements. Office ta Enter
prise Bldg Orsxoa City. Oregon. :
K. H. COOPER, For Fire Insorancf
and Real Estate, Let aa handle
your properties we buy, sell and
exchange. Office In a.terprlse
Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon.
Read the Morning Enterprise.