Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 09, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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I. ii .............. o
Stories from Out of Town
o.... .-....(
-KELSO, or Gladstone, spent Friday with Mr
im happiest man seen in Keiao Tor .'and Mrs. u. D. Ooirdman,
a lone tins u Marvin Dickenson
last Tuesdey. He wu pardoned by
Governor West at noon and reached
Kelao by dark and stayed the Brat
night with Mr. and Mrs. Slodall. He
Is one of the seven Implicated In the
Hindu Hallowe en case at Jarl Bros.'
mil!. i three and one-half years ago.
All of the boys are free now. Wal
ter Sinclair waa pardoned last week
Mrs. P. Rath, of George, visited In
Kelso last week with relatives.
Charlea Burkhart. of Barton, was
seen In our burg recently.
Birch Roberta, of Dover, was In
Kelso Sunday visiting.
Our school la out and the children
are happy.
Henrietta Goldensop Is working for
Dr. Lupton. of Sandy.
Jarl Bros, and Rath are busily en
gaged on their new saw mill site.
They recently purchased a fine, large
young team ana a new wagon
Mr. H. C, i osier ana unit Dorothy
were calling on Lodge trends on the
afternoon of the Sabbath,
Mr. De Shields, of Clack Am, drove
.over and spent the day with ms
daughter, Mrs. Conway on Sunday.
Mrs. P. D. Newell la visiting friends
In Eugene, her former home, colng up
before Memorial Day.
Mrs. 'Cal P. Morse and oahlta and
Miss Eileen Dill left on 8atirdy to
spend the summer down "n heir farm
i st Yamhill. Mr. Morse wd his slater,
Miss Msbel. will be at h.-me In the
Downing cottage during Mrs. Morse's
Mrs. Rainer, of Kenton, who Is soon
to leave for Coqullle. vlltd with the
McKarlane family on Sunday, snd Mr.
and Mrs. Walker autoeu cult from
Portland and were calle.a al M the
aoove nome.
Mrs. Olln Ford, of Ponlm I. spent
I Saturday with her fatbef, 1. D. Newell
Kev. uoooe, of Lents, secretary of
Several Keleo people are attending ,m.iu,i .mn .r.n.i w. h..Bi
the Rose show In Portland this week. , BeB, vl8,or on Tuesday. '
Joel Jarl sold a fine young mar to Mrm. TllIU Moorf) ,nJ Mr,, j F-
Ictor Johnson recently. , Straln and Mrt, Morse were Portland
Read the Morning enterprise. .hoppers on Friday.
.r Mr. and Mrs. Palntow en'ert.ilned.
MOLALLA. with U o'clock dinner on Sunday
Warmer weather Is very much ap- IV; ' . Sliwl , -x .TT T . ,
-.(,,.. " ' Miss Mildred, who are the gues's of
c- r- ..... . r- o.iko ! Mr. Morse, Covers wore HI I fv. nine-
tel. .rd'mnrcr ar.7heVt; -j-"
' to whom Robbina Bros have delivered
B. M. f cars. G. V. Adams and P.
J. Kayler will get "Flanders" next
William Mackrell took a spin down
to Seaside.
Quite a lot of the Stone relatives
of Mrs. Sprague, who has been very
ill at E. K. Dart s, were visiting her
last week, also all of her children
J. W. Thomas will attend the 18th
annual meeting of the State 'Dental
Association at Portland this week
which society he has been a member
of sine Its organisation.
Mr. and Mrs. Marsh have returned
home after their pleasant visit with
relatives In Eastern Washington.
Sidney Cordill made quite a find
of rotes, getting five scalps out of a
den near Oak Point.
Clyde Engle and Miss Zela Aclenus
were married this week.
Quite changeable weather we are
enjoying at present.
Mrs. Murphy and son. Perry, called
on Mrs. R. B. Gibson last Thursday
Mr. Hoffmelster bad his sheep
sheared the Utter part of last week.
Will Douglass has been busy planting
potatoes the last few days.
Ed Huntington went to Portland
.Monday to attend the Rose Show.
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson attended
the Fruit Growers' picnic at Garfield
Saturday. '
J. P. Woodle, assisted by his son,
Rsy, Is hauling lumber with which to
build a small house for Mr. White,
present owner of the old Rivers'
place. Mr. Woodle has taken the con
tract to build a barn for Mr. White.
John Reid and family, of Spring
water, were visiting with Mrs. Reid's
father, James Gibson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Udell and child
ren also visited with James Gibson
Mrs. R. B. Gibson called on Mrs.
Howlett Mondsy afternoon.
Roy and Carl Douglass were at the
Fruit Growers' picnic Saturday and
played ball with the Garfield team,
helping them defeat the El wood team.
Birch and George Roberts axe In
the mountains this week fishing.
, Mr, and Mrs. Moxley were calling on
Dover friends Monday.
Several real estate men were out
from Portland the first of the week
looking over property In this neigh
borhood. MY. Nelson is np from Coos Bay
getting his place in shape to live on
this summer.
G. R. Woodle and family spent the
day Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Evans.
The friends of Mr. McFarlane were
pained to hear that his recent illness
will confine him to his bed for a
month. Dr. Holden, of Portland, is
caring ror nim.
Mrs. L McFarlane, matron of the
Portland Sanltorium, visited with the
A. McFarlane family during the week.
Mr. Curtis Miller has returned from
Montana, where be accompanied the
remains of his father, who. passed
Mrs. Hansen and daughter. Bertha,
of Portland, and Mrs. De Forrest anl
Miss Gnssie De Forrest, of Little Rock,
sre visiting with Mrs. Pierce.
The fourth annual picnic given for
the children each by Mrs. H. H. Em
mons, was held on Wednesday on tht
best bank of the Willamette, the Dix
ie being used to carry the children a 0.1
their mothers tn the honntifnl n'u
where a bountiful dinner was spread
and which was enjoyed by the twenty
five who responded to the invltstlon
given by Mrs. Emmons. These picnics
have given so much plessure to the
little folks of this place that it was
decided to make them semi-annual.
Some time In August the second will
ne given.
Almost all the Lodge people at
tends 1 the electric parade in Portland
on Tuesday evening, which was said
to surpass all other parades that havo
ever been given.
Miss Bronte Jennings Is attending
the teachers" normal school In Oreeoa
Mrs. Sloan, of Albany, Is visiting at
the home of Mr. T. J. Spooner.
Mr. Hardy has returned from Re
glna, Canada, where bis business in
terests had called him for the past
two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis and
Mildred, of Salem, were week-end vis
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrt.
Geo. Morse. "
miw. rru ouarumau ana children,
bowls of beautiful pink rises.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis returned to Sa
lem on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Grout, nf Portland
were Lodge visitors on Sunday.
Mrs. William Ross, of Vancouver,
Wash., spent a few days wirH her son
at this place. Mrs. Roes was also ac
companied by her daughter, Mrs.
Panl, of Vencouver, B. C.
Mr. William Rose Is making some
Improvements on his place, a new
front porch being one of the additions
to his house.
About thirty responded to Mrs. J,
P. Strain's invitations to help remind
Mr. Strain that it was his thirty-fourth
birthday anniversary on Monday ev
ening, June 6. Games were Indulged
In and thoroughly enjoyed by the fol
lowing families: Mr. and Mrs. H. R.
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morse, Mr,
and Mrs. Palntow, Mr. and Mrs. Rob
erts, Mrs. Jones, Mr. Shenefleld, Misses
Scripture, Perrtnger. Sue Smith,-Gil
bert and Daniel Smith. Delicious
cake and coffee were served and
many remembrances were left besides
the best of wishes for many happy re
turns of the day by the guests.
Miss Helen Palntow Is to be the
guest of Miss Burnette, of Portland,
during carnival week.
Mrs. J. p. FInley visited with her
son. returning to her home In Port
land on Monday.
Miss Linda Welch, of Kelso. Wash..
was a caller at the McElvey home on
Monday. l
Mr. Henry Smith and team took
part In the parade on Thursday after
noon at the Rose Festival in Portland.
Mrs. Stlnebaugh. of Gladstone, has
been visiting Mrs. Alison Baker. Mrs.
neiso ana otner old neighbors near
Wllaonvllle this week.
Mr. Burly, of Portland, was In WU-
sonviile on Tuesday tuning pianos.
Miss Connie Thompson went home
on Tuesday . after spending three
months with her sister, Mrs. Aubrey
Mr. Nendel and daughter Esther
returned from Salem on Tuesday
where Esther had adenoids removed
from her throat.
Mr. and Mrs. Frary. of Fort Scott.
Kans., are expected to arrive in Wil-
sonville this week to visit their daugh
ter, Mrs. Joe Thornton.
Mr. Brobst, Miss Hasselbrink. Mr
and Mrs. F. Darby, Mrs. Anderson,
Mrs. Black and other residents of Wll
sonviile took the evening train for
Portland Monday to take In the open
ing parade.
Mrs. Brobst. arrived home from
Eastern Oregon last week, where she
has been spending some time with her
Glenn Epler is the proud possessor
of an 8th grade diploma, having been
one of the successful ones at the re
cent examination, which Is said to
have been themost difficult one ever
dealt out In Clackamas County.
Nendel s struck waiter on Alison
Baker's farm on Thursdsy, June 1,
after drilling for only a short time.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Young leave
for Corvallls Saturday to attend the
graduation exercises at the O. A. C.
from the 11th until the 13th of June,
at which time their son Doris will
graduate. Doris has decided to re
main at home and try planting some
of the good education he has been ac
quiring, and we are sure he will make
his mark In the world, having been
one of the brightest students in his
Mrs. Stangle and daughter Emma
entertained some of their most Inti
mate friends at a delightful dinner
party on Sunday evening, the Invita
tions extended Including the follow
Ing persons: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thorn
ton. Mr. and Mrs. F. Darby. Mrs. An
derson, Mr. and Mrs. McKlnney and
Mr. ana Mrs. Chaiupsky.
Alonzo Epler Is running a gasoline
launch between Wil sonviile and New
berg, leaving Newberg at seven o'clock
In the morning and arriving In Wilson
ville In time for the 9:58 car; tnen re
maining at the bridge near the ferry
landing, with leisure for taking out
passengers for the remainder of the
day until five o'clock, at which time
the launch leaves for Newberg, arriv
ing there at seven o'clock In the even
ing. Tne round trip from Newberg
will be 60c or 30c one way. The
launch Is covered and will carry a
large number of passengers; is paint
ed neatly and named the "Julia
Alonzo will stop at way-landings If a
flag is waved lor him, taking paasen
gers as far as Graham landing for
oniy loc, and further accordingly,
This will be a genuine convenience
to the traveling public as Alonzo's
The weather has been fine in pre
paration for the biggest Rose Festival
Oregon has ever seen in Portland and
Oregon City, also tn a lesser degree
In other cities In the next three or
four weeks. At present Portland
stands ahead In- roses, not even Gold
en California being her acknowledged
peer, as Oregon has the perfume with
the roses, whereas a great proportion
of our. sister states profusion of flow
ers are scentless.
We all went, according to program,
and finished Mrs. Shsrp's carpet rags
last Wednesday evening, and Ed made
the coffee.
On Sunday last the Woodmen of the
World met at the Stafford cemetery
and went through the beautiful and
mpresslve ceremony of unveiling the
monument of Louis Schroder.
Mrs, Gage left Sunday afternoon to
go down to her son John s at St.
Helens, whose wife and four children
had the measles. At last accounts
they were all out of danger except the
mother, who was still confined to her
An agent soliciting for a firm to
enlarge pictures wss calling upon ev-1
ar. hnM.a am Ha v lu.t H u 1 wrltk ftm r-
usual success of agents In this terrl
The Church of God held services
at the school housf on the first Sunday
In the month instead of the second as
usual. -
character needs no recommendation.
for he la both reliable and capable.
having spent-five years at tea la the
navy and being as much at home on
the water as on the. land.
A city election waa held here Mon
day night when R. K. Irwin waa elect
ed Mayor to succeed W. 8. Tull
Jsmes Erlckson was elected council
msn to succeed R. B. Irwin and B.
J. Berg and C. il. Tull were re-elected
The ladles of the Synod Lutheran
church will have a sale Friday even
Ing. June 9. All are Invited.
J. J. Wurfel and family and Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Tull autoed to Salxro Sun
day to see the air ship.
Mrs. William Worster and children,
of Aurora, called on Mrs. Quint Sun-day.
A ball game was played Sunday be
tween the Harlow boys and rnlon Hill
The score was 10 to 14 tu favor of
I'ulon Hill.
Mr. ,aud Mrs. Leonard Parmenter
have moved to their new house.
Mrs. Geo. Zlogler, Mrs. Brudrtg,
Mlas Uina Brudrig and little Arthur
Went to Portland Tuesday, returning
Mrs. Wurfel made a business trip
to Portland Monday returning Wed
nesday. Mrs. Wurfel said ahe could
not do much business on account of
the crowd.
B. J. Berg went to Portland Tuesday
Anumber of friends from here at
tended Mrs. Lee'a and Mr. Mott's
funerals at Cauby.
Paul Holte has started a meat mar
ket here. We certainly need a meat
market in town.
Mrs. Wright went to the Rose Show
Tuesday. Our new councilman is
looking after Mrs. Wright's Interests
while she is away.. Mrs. Wright will
return home Saturday.
Miss Josephine Wrodstad will spend
the week In Portland, taking In the
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Caldwell are
In Portland attending the Rose Festi
val. , .
L J. Hylton a granddaughter, of Al
bany, la making him an extended visit,
Mr. and Mrs. Isitulns. of Abanatbery,
spent Isst Tuesday with Mr. and
Mrs. Curtis Dodds at Crystal Sprlugs
Miss Lesale McDonald la making
her home at Mr. George BrAlh'a, of
New Eta.
Miss . Marie Harvey is In Portland
spending the week visiting friends and
seeing the Rose show.
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Smiin ana miss
Florence Gamble, of Mutlno, were Sun
day guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. 11.
John Faulk, of Aurora. , called on
D. 1. Boylan last Wednesday.
Mr. aud Mrs. M. Sharkey made a
business trip to Oregon City Tuesday.
Read the Morning Enterprise.
Dr. B. F. Rol'tinon died at the
home' of his daughter. Mrs. N'lla J.
IWrgford. at Rlslcy's Station Wednes
day evening, after an Illness of more
than five years. Mr. Kobblnson was
boru at Springfield. Mo., on April II.
IS4.I. Besides hi" daughter, he loaves
one brother, one son and two grand
children. The services will be held
at the Crematorium Saturday at, 3
o'clock. Friends Invited. ' (
Mr. and Mrs. John lolls Given Hand
some Water est.
The young people of the Methodist
church assembled at I he suspension
bridge on Wednesday evening and
stsreejoJ,,.Ur where Ihey surpris
ed Mr.. and Mrs. John Uolle, who re
cently tnamea ana have just taken
possession of their beautiful new bun
galow. Games were plsyed ana vocai
and Instrumental selections enjoyed
until a late hour, when a luncheon was
served to about 30 guests. One of (he
features wss the presentation of
handsome cutglsss water set to the
newly weds.
Copyright by Amsrtran tTsss Ao
rlailnh. lll
The road boas lias a 'force of men
and teams hauling grsvel on the roau.
The score of the ball game helween
the Logan and IMinsscus teams at
Utgau Sunday m A to X n favor of
UKn Anderson for !gan struck
out 17 men.
The Logan second nine and Stone
boys also played, the game resulting
In favor of the lKn boys g tu 7.
Mrs. William Ktrrhem la the ptm-
or of a.Jiew frgiui. . I
Harding Grange met on June
Forty members were present.
Claud Ashby and wife attended the
picnic at Woodburn Thursday.
I'ncle Nick Darnall gave a bachelor
dinner to a few friends Sunday. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. French
Charley French and wife and Mrs.
Scharff and children.
-Surveyor Johnson surveyed the
townsite for the new railroad Satur
day, the company having bought sixty
acrea from C. T. Howard.
Children Day exercises will be held
at the Grange Hall next Saturday.
Fred Churchill cultivated spuds for
Bert Wallace Tuesday.
Claud Ashby has been having bad
luck this spring, having lost two fine
colts and last Friday morning on go
ing out to feed his bogs found hi
best porker dead.
ill. Evans has Installed his stock
and Clarence Mallatt Is chief clerk at
the new store at Mutlno.
Shearing sheep, weeding gardens,
house cleaning and all such disagree
able work Is the order of the day.
Mr. Pattlson and son have bought
new boner for tnelr sawmill.
i ne senwartz mm has been en
James Fullem and a large force of
men have been grading.
Mrs. Elsie Oldham, of Goldendale
Wash., who has been In 111 health for
more than a year and who traveled
In Arizona and California with the
hope of gaining her strength, died sud
deniy at the home of Mr. and Mrs
e.a. umnam. me remains were
shipped to Goldendale.
Mrs. Caroline Sprague. an old real
dent of this place. Is ill. Mrs. Fred
Ferrlen, of Joseph, was called to her
mother s bedside.
Ate You a Subscribe to the
iNew U&ily!
It The Morning Enterprise la to be as successful as the Interests of Oregon
City demand it must needs bar the support of all. The new dally ha
a big work before It In boosting Orwgon city and Clackamas County. Your
support means nor strength for the work. , ,
WillOYoti Help Boost your own Interests?
For a limited time the Morning Enterprise wll be sold to paid In advance
subscribers as follows: .
By Carrier, 1 year.,. $100
By Mall, l year
an in your name and remittance. '
miss jnane cbinagren cloned a very
successful term of school Friday with
appropriate everclses which consisted
of songs, recitations and dialogues,
with a few timely remarks by Mr.
Chlndgren on educational lines. Re
freshments were served to pupils and
visitors. Three will receive eighth
grane diplomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Way, of Mt. Pleasant
were visitors last week.
Mr. Robblns was In town Wednes
day delivering automobiles.
The Misses Myrtle and Hazel Lar-
kins visited In the north part of town
Mr. Engle has a large force of men
at work improving South Main street.
The mud is drying no fast and the
lumbermen are pleased.
A number of persons went from
here to attend a reunion of Kansas
Jayhawkers at Mount Pleasant Sun
Mrs. Penwell Is keeping house for
Mr. and Mrs. Colvln, -who'" went to
Portland to attend the festival.
Miss Gladys Looney. of Molalla. and
Giles Looney, of Springwater, are vis
iting o. t. Ray and family this week
C. N. Holman visited friends at Hub
bard Tuesday.
The Misses Beatrice and Hilda Hen-
ley called on Mrs. Cooper Saturday
afternoon. - . .
Miss Edna Staudlnger gave an in
strumental solo at the school exer
cises Friday. ,
Henry Myers and family, of Oregon
City, visited Sunday at the home of
ir. and Mrs. Myers, the former's par
Oliver Bailey Is building a barn for
Ed. Graves, of Aurora.
'Miss Alice Boylan. who has been
confined to her home for a month
with rheumatism, Is Improving.
Rev. Mr. Spem-cr, wife and" two
children, moved into the parsonage
Mlas Bell Grsy, of Oregon City, Is
visiting her motlM-r, Mrs. R. A. Grsy.
Mr. Sherman and Mlas Bertha Miller
are visiting their parents. Mr. snd
Mrs. J. P. Miller.
An ice cream stx-ial will be given
at the hall on June 9.
Children's Day exercises will be
held at the M. E church on June 11.
Mlsa Johsnnsh Asbo has returned
from Woodburn, where se attended
school. "
The local residents who attended
the graduating exercises at Sllverton,
June 1. were Mrs J. E. Msrqvam, Mrs.
Omer Marqnam, Miss Jewel Msrquam,
Mlas Echo Lnrkln. Mr. Arthur Net
son, and Mr. Ilelmer Nearenson.
The Knights of the Rose and the
Improved Order of Red Men went to
Portland Thursday afternoon In spec
ial cars, the car of the former being
prettily decorated for the occasion
with bright colored roses. There was
a large delegation from both orders.
The Red Men and the Degree of
Pocahontas met st the Knapp Hall,
where they boarded the car. They
gave an Indian play on the East Side,
which attracted a large crowd. This
was the first time this hss ever been
presented In Portland, and the mem
bers or the Degree of Pocahontas wore
for the first time their leautiful new
The Degree of Pocahontas met at
the wigwam on Wednesday and
Initiated sixteen candidates Into the
mysteries of the order. Seven appli
cations will le voted on st the next
regular meeting. The Initiation cere
monies were very impressive. Some
of the members of the I. O. R. M.
were taken in as members of the Po
rahontss order
Owing to the recent death of the
great sachem of Oregon, Alferd Curry,
of Baker, there was no social meet
ing held following the business session.
The demand ffjr the Improvement of
toe county roads Is greater than ever
before. County Judge Reatle declared
mursaay that Hcores of appeals had
been made through letters and netl.
lions, and many persons had called on
the court Iti person asking that tht
thoroughfares l,e Improved. In many
cases the residents of the districts
" ' ' 'i wuci wuuBiauiiai 11 lies u I . . ,
clal aid and other assistance, but be- aUtlou U winning of the bet as
cause of a lark of funds most of the I D P"1 ln' na banded to the man with
In tbe go"! old colony times wtten
travelers, instead nf Utiiilug a Hum
smoothly In a parlor car. wvr buml
over mlirt roads to a sugxvacb wo
the poet road lieiween New York and
Boston.' In "tbe aiste of Conne.
there stood a tavern Before ll swung
a sign on which, undvr a portrait of
King George III., were tbe words "The
Royal Arms" la ibe room which in
tboae days wss called "the liar" sat
a number of perwutis, some drinkinii
from pewter mugs.
Tbe up roach will be late tonight."
aald the landlord, going to tbe dnoi
and looking vUL "Tbe road Is bad
enough at any time, but wo such a
night ss this It Is well nigh Imps
As he sHike a gust of wind' sb
tbe building, and those In the room
fortified Ibemaeieee with a pull at the
mugs before them.
"A bad night to be on tbe road." said
a man In a brown rust and buff
"And a merry one for ghosts." put
to a red headed, blear eyrd Derson
whose wtg. being awry, gave evidence
that be had drank too much
Those about him kioked at him pro
teadngly and wtig something of awe.
"If there's any of 'am about." spoke
p a fresh Importation from tbe Em
erald Isle, "you're Ibe first of us tbst
they'll be visit in' "
A creaking and a splashing were
beard without, and tbe roach drew op
to the door of tbe Uvrrn A (nan of
somber sppearsnre' dearwuded from
the vehicle and at a Iked Into tbe bar.
! Ills eyes were set deep In his bead
and surrounded by dark circles, bis
Cheek bones high, completion s wnlOen
"Luggage, sirf aald tbe landlord
Ingoliiiigly. - "
"Luggage! I need no beggsge. I
wish lodgings for tbe night ooly. and
on 'the morrow I sball proceed on my
Journey.' .
'The stranger attracted tbe attention
of every one present.
"There's something queer about
him," whispered the man In tbe brown
coat to Ibe Irishman, who wss cross
ing himself with bis finger under Dm
coat Tbe landlord, who was looking
ever the keys to bis rooms with a
view to selecting one for tbe str soger,
turned aod aald:
"Ne chamber vacant tonight, air
"I sleep toolgbt." replied Ibe gueaL
"to No. 12."
His bark wss turned lo alt save the
landlord, so tbst no one i-oind awe bis
face, but tbey all aa w the landlord
torn pale and take down the key lo
No. 1Z The at ranger look IC pot II in
bis pocket and. sitting down st tn
bie, called for a glass ot hot puncn.
In a corner sal young man with a
nook no, a little oewaianer and a
mug of grog before him. who did not
seem to share tbe superstitious dread
of the others fur the mysterious strsn
gee. Instead of ahlrertng tbla )ouug
man looked at nlm almost insultingly.
Tbe somber man returned Dia gste
with his great melancholy eyes, hot
Called to strike terror Into blm.
"What d'ye mean." wblaiered tbe
Irishman, "by angsrln' tbe man? Meb
be he's a ghost."
"Oboetr replied Ibe other contemp
tuously. "I'll poll his nose for a sbl
ting. There are no such things as
Tbe somber man turned. "Ton
would poll my noes for a sbiillngr be
cried, bis deep aet eyes lighting ap
with a flare. "I U give yon a cbaoce to
pull your grandfather's nose for t2U
"My grand father bas beeu dead these
thirty years and la not likely to come
back to earth foe tbe purpose of get
ting bis nose polled."
"For 20. I ssy. I'll bave blm bare.
If I fail. CH) is yours "
"I have bnt ft. d Will that server1
"No. Now cease your talk.'
tjotns. oeigbuors." said Ibe man
with tbe book nose, "con 'I you help me
to sbowgkip this pretender?"
I Tbe copldlty of those present over
balanced their suiierstltlon. snd tbey
began to feel In their purkets for coins.
Twenty pounds wss msde up among
mem. eocn mao to receive as much In
Stat lbs
erf be
' ' ' . '
time New
The BSogfllng
" Bnt eg prise.
Will You Help Us
Boost Your.,0wn
By carrier, f year $3.00
By mail, i year 2.00
requests hav- heen refused.
The cost of building the roads for
which there Is a demand would be
more than doilfde the amount of taxes
received for that pur nose. As a re
sult only those roads that are needed
most can be given attention. The
county, under the supervision of the
court and Road Master Jaggar is do
ing the most successful work on the
roads In the county's history, and It
win not be many years, if the present
rate of road building Is continued, un
til Clackamas county will be as well
off in the matter of modern thorough-
ares as any county in tne West.
Friends of Couple Have Delightful
Evsnins at Canby Horns.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kocher en
tertained a few of their friends, moat
delightfully at their home In Canhv
on Thursday evening of last week, the Ioor No. 11
evening ting devoted to music and
cards. A luncheon was served during
the evening. The rooms of the Koch-
er bungalow were very attractive with
their decorations of roses and carna
The guests were Mr. and Mr. a ti
Knight, ' Mr. and Mrs. nrvan Mr.'
the hook oose. Tbe stranger produced
aa mucn
"Who sball bold the stakesr asked
the book nosed man.
"Hold them yourself "
"Will not one of tbe gentlemen do as
wen 7"
-no; 700 alone will know which
"All right" And the hook nosed
msn pocketed tbe money.
"Now." aald the stranger, banding
him bis key, -go to No. 12 aod stay
there all tbe bet Is won or lost
Tbe book nosed mao did aa he was
bid. and the at ranger, sitting down In
the corner left vacant, apparently sank
into a siumber presently. a terrible
shriek was beard on the floor above. It
waa repeated again and again When
those In the bar had mastered their
terror tbey rushed upstairs to open tbe
It was locked and
bolted. The shrieks had ceased Then
the landlord brought' an ax and bat
tered in the door. The room waa
mpty. ,
Then a mild suspicion began to take
hold of those present that they bad
been swindled. Running downstairs to
Onssle Evans. Mrs. Ethel Ferguson, nf they foond that vacant also.
Portland, Mrs. Carrie Beaton, Mrs, Tb apalpeena." cried tbe Irishman,
UrlS- "they've done na illent
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
To Introduce1 The Morning
Enterprise Into a largo major
Ity of the homos to Orogwa e)
City and Clackamas aowafy the
management bag decided to
make a special prioe for the
dally Issue, for 4 start tlase
only, where the subscriber mays
a year In advaaoe. -
By carrier, void a roar la
advance, IS.M.
By mall, paid a year la ad
vaaoe, is.ot. - ' e
People who gave oar eaavse- e
or a trial aabaertptloa for one
or mora montha, at to pants a
week, oaa have the dally dwrrv-
area tor a year for 11.4 by
paying a year la advaaoe. e
People who gave our oaavaa- e
or a trial ssbecrlrtloa, by
man, ror roar montha at a as
lar, may bar the paaor lor a
year ror 12.00, If aald a year la
advance. e)
Subscribers to the Weakly 0)
Enterprise may ohaoge their
subscriptions to the dally, re-
eeivlng credit for half time on
rh A 4all that tk. Im 4V
paid In advance. When they f
choose to add cash to the ad'
vance payment equal to a tall .
year's advance payment they
may take advantage of tbo fl
Wo make this special price
so that people who havo paid
In advance on some other dally
aod wish to tako the Morning
Enterprise, may do so without
too great expense.
Read tbe Morntng Enterprise.
Eleetrlo Hotsl Arrlvi
The following sre regUterel
Eleetrlo Hotel: Mslvln 8nl i
Cavanaugh, Mrs. McIHinald, MJ
Palmer. J. Naegel. Munich, Bj
K. C. Case, Woodburn. Or.;
B. Camel, Los Angeles: T-Wv
ter, V. II. Doud. San JZZ
George Ogleshy, Aurora: T. n
bands, Hood River; J. ",nJ;rB
Hardy, Molalla; E. M. Crsmsr.O"''
Kirk. Madras; D. J. HallW
Aberden, Wssh.; tleorgs RJ!
wife. H. H. Eastman, M. Bat
1- .
Price Brothsfs to Plsy 0
rriue uromers u- - ,.
this city will go to Oak Orow?
day, where It will play tW ""T,
team. This promises to
vama irk. Insal tailtl ami'"-
Oak Orovo team several fiaodayi
a ..... AI1L w
ana expects to cuni ---flying
colors again. V.t,.fli
lanrfa nn flunilav In Portland 1 .
In a acorn of 16 to 1 l ,aTitCtjr
local team. Arch Long M r..kv
for Price Brothers, ThomP JSi
and Pate Long made three 'w
f era.
' ' 1 m.M d
Miss Zslla Adams aeoomM
' Clyde Engle. ' . e;j
Plvrta tTnrla. nf Molalla. ' .
ZelJa Adams, of the same tic,mgrt
married In thle city on Tu"f 7
Ing at 11 o'clock, at the Bapti
sonage. Rev, B. A. Hayworjn w
relatives of the young cuPV
Mr. and Mrs. Engle are v-m .
st Molalla, where they have - ;
friends. They are to tans w ,
residence at that place. .
- ' Burns Bsby Brother. .
RACnAvtrcNTn. rial.. Jnne
- - - .. ..riRI
art flanchei, 17 months .old, ,
with coal oil and then set flrs w
bis brother Louis, 4, died tod7- y
. , - '