MORNING ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1911. . TJ0&NING ENTERPRISE . ORBOOH CTTT, OREOOIf C . fRODIE, Editor and Publisher. i "ntared aa aaoond-claae matter Jut- . ear , lll. at the pact ate at Oe-oe uader the Art of Marc raw sr t$cwrnoi. Oe Year, by mall ., . .la Mnnika. by mall . Peer Months, br mall. week, br earner... . 1 . IN . .1 rira Pa- Amironc iato par wca rtrat raaorttoi Hret ram, per inch added Inaentoa rVaferred poallion ftrat Inaerttun . . . ' Staf erred poaltloa eded Ineerttone Run any any P"e, ,.l ,.lec Inch .lac Inch IS ua paper other (has ftrat pan. par meh ftrat tnoerthm lie Ran paper other lhaa rtrat pam, par men atM meerltona se Loeala le par Una; to regular adver ae una lose much of lu charm bad Veputatloa aa a home and coJlege city. ' i ... )o ... MRS. RISSBERGER DIES AFTER LONG MISS HUSBAND AND THREE CHILDREN SURVIVE FUNERAL THURSDAY. Girls Wear Overalls and Straw Hats While Learning to Farm Want For Ral. To Rant. etc . ona aaat a word ftrat tnaertlon: oee-half oent ear additional. Ratee for adverttemg In .ba Weekly Knterprte will ba the eame aa In tha dally, for advertlaementa art aaparlally for Hva waakly. Where tha advertlaement hi tranef erred from tha dally to tha week . without chanae. tha rata will ba 1c a bich for run of tha papar. and 10c an lacb for apaclal poallion. Caah ahould accompany order whara party la unknown In bualnaaa offlca of tba enterprise. Letal adrartlalnc at legal advartlalnc rataa. Clreua advartlalnc and apaclal tranatant advartlalna at rfcc to iOc aa men, accord u to aDaclal condition . governing tba Mr Bala- and Bankrupt Bale" adver 111T1 Ke Inch ftrat Inaartfoa; addl ona I tnaertlena aama matter 30 lacb. News It ma and waU written - arttelee a( atriL with tntereet to local reader win ba I lad ly accepted. Rejected manu- eortpta never raturaed unleaa acroeapaa tad ay aUmoa to prepay poataate. CITY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER. June 9 In American History. 4J77S British army under General Clin ton landed on Lone Island. 1793-Joha Howard Payne, dramatist and author of "Home. Sweet Home," bora; died 1S52. htmorating the centenary of the " ' National Military academy. niO-Prtacetoa aarveralty accepted ;- $300,000 sift of William Cooper Precter, terminating gredaate ehoot alt eoatrorersy. ...aAurtmeti ruruTt (Trotn noon today to noon to morrow J Ban nets 738. rtsea 424: moon seta sat a. aa. Every citizen of Ore con City should aid la making the Rom Show est Saturday at Willamette Hall the moot successful ever be'd In tbJs dry. Tb ladles or tba Rose So eiety batw been untiring in their ef forts la behalf of tba ahow, and the prises offered by the merchants ahoulJ ba aa Incentive for the finest display of blossoms, ut erery body who has roses compete for the prize. Tbe children are coins to (ire a magnifi cent parade and it behooves tad older folk to see that the rose show is nm second In importance to the pageant of the little ones. Rules for entering exhibits and a list of the clashes to be la competition may be had by ap plication to members of the Rose Society. Mrs. Josephine Rtsaberger, wife of I John Rlatbergvr. of this city, died at the family home on Eleventh and Monro street - on Wednesday after noon, after a four months' illness of erysipelas and complications. The deceased is survived by her husband and three little children. The funeral services will be conduct ed on Friday morning at 9 o'clock front the St. John's Catholic church. and the interment will bo In the Cath olic cemetery, father A. Hlllebrand officiating. Mrs. Rlssberger was born March :tVl$&. In SwltiorUnd and carne to American in 1J.SI. She was married that year In Marion county. INCOME FROM COWS LARGE. R. L. Badoer's Four Jsrssys Yield S33CJ0 m Five Months. R. L. Badger, who lives at Beaver Creek, w as in this city Thursday. Mr, Badger's gross income in five months from four cows was $326.30, besides all the cream, milk and butter for his own home us. H has one heiter giving Jt) pounds of milk in one day at the present time, Tbe cows are Jerseys. UynwaWa.riT ,ii - , i i i in MinaT Clartcals Lose Cabinet. BRUSSELS. June 8. The Cabinet of M. Schollaert resigned today. XL Schollaert became Premier and Min ister of the Interior in January, 1908, succeeding M. De Troos. who died the preceding month. The Clerical party. which has been la power for 2 years. and now has a majority In the Cham ber of Deputies of sis. lost two seat in the last election through the con certed action of the Liberals and Socialists. fry h Photos copyncht by American fraaa Aaaodalion. Itll. N Heart tolleart 'Talks. rtswtN A.mrz. The repairing of 'the suspension bridge Las been completed and t day. In all probability, contracts will be let for the painting. With this the old structure, which has of such great service, will be as good as new. In the respect of not being bothered with the "draws' Ore goa City is in a class with New Tort, and the problem was mastered r. the same way. Portland cannot sjy as mac. To see J. E. Hedges trippn lightly ap the courthouse steps, or earnestly arguing a case at bar. or tskicg part la the meetings of the school direc tors, one would bar tix thUU tu: jest twenty years ago he bade adieu to his alma nvater at y;t as a graduate. Time surely flies. Yesterday Mr. Hedges tTl -or jeey. H?ven to par.fc elpate in the remloi o the class of 181. e ll find a te-w changes in the good old Connecticut town ; tone New Haven House is no more, and several of the professors are missing; the fight for 'be golden shekels is rapidly changing the college home into a bistling. roaring factory cii, and the people are not exactly tbe same as they used to be. But with all the change there will nill be one th'ng to delight bis heart, aside from the pleasure of meet ing hit old claes-ma'e-t. the Neatu Tul avenues with branches nf eUru shade trees interlocks a"o-e tsenj. Mr. Hedges win not : called upou to fight for their preservation there. Re more them and New Haven would WOMEN'S FORTITUDE. Hare yoa ever seen tbe "bread line" In one ef our big dtlesT If so. yoa bare bad a new viewpoint of human struggle. Ton nave aeen mortal existence reduced to tbe verge of starvation. And here la a strange thing: Ton note the fact that tbe pathetic procession of tbe hungered is com posed almost wholly of men. In tbe alow moving Ilnenp of mendicants there are scarcely any women. Look farther. Go down Into the chop lodging bonae district. Too find placet where men lie down oa the floor with a straw plt- i low under their heads for 5 rents a night There la. no such place for wo men. Always men. Everywhere yoa go at the missions, the charities, cheap lunch counters ' old. middle sged and young men. And scarcely do yoa ever see a woman ; tramp or a female vagabond, i Where are tbe destitute, the old. the , wretched women T They art at wort f They work at tbe swestsblps. where ! they never get too old to- do batting or ' too weak to carry a load of garments on their beads. They work on tbe streets with a bag on their backs look ing for pieces of wood or of coal or of paper. They work kneeling on tbe floors snd stairways of office building scrubbing with brutb and pail. They work: Rather than be a sup- pliant for bread s womau will starve i or work her flngert to tbe bone. That is the woman of It. Back in tbe savage Jays when pri meval man bunted or bar tied the wo men boed tbe earth, reaped tbe grain, framed the but. wove the clothing. And later oo At her spinning wheel and kneading troosh and oans of milk woman labor- the his-, aa she labors today over kitchen range and by cradle side cheerfully. ceaselessly, oncomplalnlag. Seldom w'.il any woman, however feeble or old. dodge the drudgery that falls to ber lot. She Is no traitor to toil. She Is willing to do ber share and mon of tbe work of tbe world. I blush for my sex. Becsuae. given equal conditions, where ma a proves the mward. throw Ing or' hl h.ind In d-ialr. womaa will 'ji'.mr in. fnill tli'Mich the be. tbrwich h,irllilp snd d-jrlrnt!on and XUnVf n- nil rr SU will wurk until aiie d r' Wh' N It V BVi1. I ' lw-i I- n np tT la w-'" " ' -''' ;.. INK girls who want to be farmers are learning all about sericulture on the school farm uear Hempstead. N. eatabllahed by Mrs. O. If. P. Belmont She has net aside 200 acres of ber Brook holt eatste as the property of the school which she Intend lo endow and make per manent. ben ber intentions were snuouBced she bad scores of applications from city girls who wanted "to become, farmers. All of tbe applicants were objected to examination, and none was accepted unless ber phytic! condi tion Indicated that she could do the bard work that would- be required. Only nine girls were accepted because at present there are accommodattoaa for only that number, but ultimately wbea the farm la on a settled basis the number will be increased. The gtrla mast serve aa apprenticeship of two months, and If they have thea shown their fitness for the work tbey will be paid 810 a month for the rest ef their stay. It la expected thst tbe average girl will be able to complete the coarse In oate year. The girls do tbe actual work of tbe farm, and each night they, set down In their diaries exactly what they have done during tbe day, tbe kind ef sell haadled. seed planted, etc. la these diaries a complete record of tbe crops will be kept, and tbe books will thereby become valuable la future year. The lllustratlona show sosne of tbe girls eagaged la work oa the farm. 45 Years Ago From the Weekly En te prise November 17. 18C6. Street Improvements. Our worthy Street Commissioner. Mr. D. J. Slover, Is very attentive to the wanta of the community During the past week he has added much to the appearance of several localities sbout the city. Af ter nearly four years spent In "slosh ing about" Portland it is a great source of pride to ua to reside where we can travel about, without wadm We hope our city fathers will soon consent to give us street lamps. They would be profitable even though the lamps were furnished with oil Instead of refined gas. age, who says his home is In Van couver, waa taken to Portland yerter day by Detective Hawley, for hearing on a charge of trying to dispose of a stolen bicycle: The youth was arrested here by Chief of police Shaw while he was trying to dispose of the wheel. He at first declared that be had bought the bicycle In Vancouver, but finally admitted that It had been sto len. He said that he had been asked to tellt by the man who stole It. Tbe Portland police had been notified of the tHeft of the wheel. ahU when Chief Shaw telephoned hesdqusrters there thst he had arretted Parker, he was told" that his prisoner was tbe youth wanted. PARKER TAKEN TO PORTLAND. Detective Comes For Young Who Had Stolen Wheel. George Parker, nineteen years of "Are you a subscriber to the Morn ing Enterprise If not yoa ahould call and let ua put your name on the sub scription 1IV Immediately. Read the Morning Enterprise. EGG SUPPLY SCAIIT VITIimESFIRII LAROE QUANTITIES OF BERRIES EXPECTED FROM " NOW ON. The Interest In poultry appears l have 'fallenv off aomewhhl. No material changes In prices, however, were an nounced Thursday. Freah Oregon egga are In rather scant supply In thls'lerrttory and fairly firm at JO to 21 rents. Cood Ortgon strawberries were available Thuraday at 3 to I :.' !-V while California were offered at 81 to $185. Had there been more sun Mi In and wanner weather this week the berry supply would undoubtedly hate been much greater. Aa It was the fruit haa not ripened at the rale expected, and prlcea . consequently have been htaher ttinn uaual at thla Ultue of the year. The outlook, ho . ever, la for il-iilv of herrlea from now I on, and lower prlcea the coining wet'M late i-oiime.l a certainty. j' Quotattvtta for Qregrn Clt). POTATOES Ileal. 81.50, good" 82 S3; core mon, 2. Buying, carload javlect. 82.10: ordinary, 810. I KUUR AND FEED-Flour Is ateady, aelltng from IS to 85 50; very little of cheaper grades. Feed Is I higher and rising slowly. Bran brings OATS-(Buylng)-iOcay from fib to 827; white, from 820 to 828. BUTTER (Huylngl Ordinary country brings from. 1& to Sue, fancy dairy from fur to I!c, cream ery r:c, to Sc. v ECUS i buying i Are ranging from 20c to Sic, according lo grade. POULTRY! Buying Firm with lit tie good Hock offered. Hens will bring 14c, If In extra good condition more. Old roosters are poor at 8c to I0o, broil era bring from SJc to Jtc, with K"1 demand. WOOL (Bny' Vool prices are ranging from 13c to 15a. mohair (iiuymg rnces on mo hair have been -say up, some having brought, at h'xh aa 39c locally. Quo tations are 370 and demand Is strong from 826 50 to 327.50. shorts 33 to 33i, roiled barley 3150 to 333 32. process barley 833. whole corn 331 to 833. cracked cot 333 to 833. Wheat 333 to $33. hat (iiuying.j Timothy 511 to 818. Clover. 813 to 814: oat hay. 814 I to 814; mixed, $13 to $14; alfalfa, $11 to us. HIDES (Buying Green hldea. 6c to 6c; aalters, 34c to 6,c; dry bides, 13c to 14c. Sheep pelts, 26c to 75c each. unir-u IHLU8 iocai prlcea are firm at from 8c to 10c on apples and prvnea. reaches are Ie. ' SALT Selling 60c to 0c (or fine, 50 lb. sack, half ground 40c; 76 for 100 lb. aacka Portland Vegetable Marktts. 8ACK VEGETABLES Carrot. $1250 $1.50 per aack; parsnips, $1.35 Hi! SO; turnips. $135 11.60; beets. $I5A. VEGETABLES Atparaaua. 80cO 81.75 per crate; cabbage, new, 83 per hundiadwelght; cauliflower, - $l.0ff $1.75 per dotenj celery, California, 76c 4290c per duten; rut-umbers, 81.50V 82 23 per doien; eggplant. 16c per lb.'; garlic. 1 ( 12c per pound; lettuce, 5i)c per doien; hothouse lettuce. 81.60 6 82 per box; neaa. acfflle ner pound; peppers, 3 Oct 3 5c per pound; raaianea, 15c per doien; rhubarb. IVfcc ff 3c per pound; sprouts, pc; tomatoes. $?m:s. POTATOES Oregon, Jobbing price. 82 50 per hundred; nw potatoea, 7c 4274c per pound. ONIONS Jobbing prices; Oregon 8276 per 100; Auttrallan, 33 60 per 100; Texas, 82 25 per crate: Call for nla, 82 per crate. Oregon City Stock Quotations. HOGS Hogs are quoted He lower People who "invest" In ntsrarlsea nremltlna abnormally irM art usually dlaapeolnted. ' "uiriMj Thsy fall to cjtt the Intarest thsy apeotsd and th ,0ntrel , ... . monay peasss to ethers. thslr - The money savsr should take n chanots with tha Brem.i. Whsn you dsposlt your menty en a Time Certificate ar U Inga Department of this bank. It remains undsr your aa.!'. earns a sure and ttsady rate ef Intersat. Thar I. B0 denel!' 2' In thla hind of an Invsstmsnt " "PracUtloa. The aooner you bsgln, tha aeonsr will you b In potiaa.u. growing balance. . n I The Bank of Oregon City O V LATOUKieTTK Presldsul J- -1T1R, Caskl, THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON vTTY, OREGON CAPITAU eM.0OO.0w Transaeta a aneral aanklng Suameee Open la m f Oregon City Wood and Fuel Company F. M. BLUHM Your wants tuppllsd with any quantity of 4 foot or II Inch weed de llvsred to any part of CHy. Prices, reatonablo. Satltfactlen guarantsse . , Phors your ordart. Hems 1110 Cor. Ith and Ctnt, Oregon City. Padfie Main 3503 ff F ! "Y Tufa io u,,'ii ,JTtr, .7d' . T I AVI jHcrch.. V atop u aonna anyeiTa 7h? " roar lrM.iaii... r iVt. a,IM BaMrawa aaaMawaijaaavfiaZ . a0 ee elevoLse. e.aivt aaaM , , ,. . 1 H Th "siteltsra Pc::t3o-PresfTl o I JS:lf-t83ligv1rC3r.g? j)T U i r ' ' i IP -w r. ..... f r U ' lN" M V 17 If M I I Watleotholhlaaniili I I J J 1 I tlrT-aMr'L'S-JS m i w w w we - w wawa eaav rwaawaajr swaaj, ::!Prc:fS A SAMPLE PAIR rounrnoonotmr K3t:::cTt:::urccupixcTc:cs I A hanUraU UnutiMl palmauld laa rear DrSORIPTtaM is all .fie. It .7 .. "la lively anil easy rtdlnc. very onraMe and lined tu.i.ia uk a atmual quality of niMer. ehlrh never he. nana poroae and ehk-h rkHea tin amalt r-mnurr, .urewi B 1 1 o i a f I he a l r t a aaeaee . have hundred of exltera fmra aatuaeJ raaUmiara atatltts thai Urea ha nun I a be or tmum In a whola aeaa. Tbey weua no mora ih.a r . inorrviaun quallltea natni a' liven I. aaeeraJ layer of tale, lnana Ih tread The reeular a lie W see twlr, betfia-advartial line qnallllea netna; eoeclallr itranarad ttrkwof Lheaa tien adrartialne Darmaavi ar Mm A"B"S awaataeaatrlaa"!-) B-a" a tea eta) atrtp ") SvwrewsBsj rreav fjasWllSl tie MM a1laet aa daV WiA tarevt V'TlT. n"7t 7 "" V Pair. All enter, ahlm-daas -rv;ra3tre - m a a-aTa2?iieJZn VJ.'lILZZrmZZZ?m ' a Ti I l , i .i.tS-a-la STaaa-U Prom 125 Iba to 150 Ibt. tHc from 160 Iba. to 200 Iba. 84c VEAL CALVES Veal calves brlna from Ic to iw arcoroing to grade. BEEF STEERS ?eel -teera fr tbe local mirketa are fetching 84c to 64c live e-eignt. Summer Resorts Cause of Nine-tenths of All Divorces By Justice J. CIECERICH of New York 'INE-TENTHS OF ALL THE DIVORCES ARE DUE TO THE TEMPTATIONS OP OUR SUMMER RESORTS. Tbete aqwrgtioiu lay TE1LPTATI0XS, twful .temp- tations, at iba feet of the men who are compelled to itaj at borne and wort Tbey Ltj texnpUtiona, awfal temputiona, at tbe feet of tba wrjmea wbo are off io'the tummer hotel. Be in a place where all tbe members of tbe firmly can get together arrery frw daja. . " - : 3TEVER let yotnr bTjabsod learn tbe leaaon bow to be hippy witiont yon and tbe children. Wires and mothers, never learn tbe Izzxn bow yoa can be happy WITHOUT your btubanda and tbe 7 ' , h : ': v ' , , II X X I I ' SHEEP m urui at W 10 So live weight. BACON, LARD and HAM, lie fina. CITY'S LAROEST CfiOWOi if""" ' ' (Continued from Ptge 1.) I MAGAZINE BINDING Don't throw your magazines and periodicals away. There is much valuable information in them that will never be publish ed elsewhere. The cost is little OREGON CITY D1IERPRISE Our boy will call for the mag azines if you Phone. V III that passed in review eat nwrs thto three miles In length. Theft r" fully 600 horsea. either mounled or driven lo rein and with tha aamerout float a and apeclal features, It u tall mated that fully 2500 young wotnea and girls rode In the proceMloa. Tbt eiqulalte float entered by LeaU aloos bsd 60 tweet Utile rhlldrei Irewfri In white, while the Seattle "Ooldrt Poflatrb" float bore an evel 30 atun nlngly gtiwned girls. DEPENDANTS WIN CUIT. Jury Awards A. O. and A. J. rw" Verdict of S48I. , A Jury Thursday In the Circuit Court returned a verdict for the defendttU for $4N0 in the suit of J. H. WW" agllnat A. O. Brown and A. J. Brown. The plaintiff atfced damaget on tM chare, thai tha defendants 01 letted ! him a sawmill and before lbs Isass j plred leased It lo other persona, m lefendanta set up a counter cttlm lf .i-i. .... w- .1.. nlatntlff. I Llttlefleld represented the plalntlfliw C. IX Latnurelte tbe aetenoama Real Estate T'antftri. The following are lbs ral transfers that hsve been Hied In office of the county recorder: a . Ellas E. Mott to Kelsh Molt. acrea of aectlon toWnthlp 4 ,lta ranee 1 east; 31. . - Ellas E. and Ketlah Molt to W. Penman. tnd la section . 10, ship 4 smith, range t east: 1. w M. E. and Cora p. Pettty ta J. w Wheeler and wife. 5 1 a-ret of , tlona 34, 35, townthlp J smith, iw 2 ett: 810. ' . C. n. and Ulllan B. H- to J land Cement Company, land In " 3. township 3 eouth, rsngs I ,'u, 3. C. and Mary A. TMJPy ' ,k Heory p Aden, lots 3. 4. 5, bloc VVIUonvllle; 13200. SELL WOOL NO!! Before Congress Repeal Schedule UK" W Pay Top Price Oregon fommission Cc Dealers in Hay, Grain Feed, Coal and Produce. v Ilth end MAIN STS. Oreccn Cllv :