Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 08, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    1 ij
K. K. BRODtE. Edits and PbMW.
a ai renS-rtaaa BttHr Jaav-
t. 111. at tit km tffltt at Otmm
CMr, Oragc. aaiaer Uw Art of Marc
I. int." .
I ' One
ram ar KDcrrmii.
is Mr (ha. I by
Paw ktoeithe. hy
c fey fcFrtjr
. IU
. l.SS
. .1
PTrat Paa. Mr aara rtrat aaaa
Pint Nft, Mr tax aSdea) lanrUiai
Pteraned paetttea say pa, pmr
SlrTeSl BMniMI . a
avfwv4 poaStt Aon
a eh
Seat paper ataar taaa rare aaa. par Isx-a
fire, aasarttaa ....!.
paper echar than Orat mm. Mr Bsc
lSe per 11m; to rag-alar adver-
lira. A. StBKMl. who Will have Charge
o ths restaurant at the Chaataaqea,
will be at tha otic of Secretary Gary
In the County Court House, to ettgsge
waller, at IS o'clock om Jane 14.
, Waata. Far Male. Ta RhL
eaert a war fleet avearOna; aa
eecs addttlnaaL
fiatae far adverUalas In fce Weekly
atarprtae ana ba (ha eejme aa ta iKe
eaJly. roe sarertiaestrate art eepeaaajly
" far the waakty. Wrtare tha advert taaaaent
la traajefaried rroaa tha dally ta tha waa
wttneej ckaaaa. tha rata will ba a
aa barb tor raa at tha saner, aad laa aa
ajaea tar special poanuoa.
Caah etoald acaoaapaay ardar waere
paity bj umkoowa la boatntaa afrtca at
tha KR'
LacaJ aSverttatag at legal adverttatns
Clma advartlatag and special tianelaiit
SVerttetnc at Me to Me aa toco. aarorS
ay la apadal coaltkau gvrernUig tha
TVa Mala" aad Bankrupt ale" aim-
VJeeeaeata gte tatcb flrat foaarttea; adel
-. ttnaal lain Hial aaaee nutter laa tee.
- Newe ttama and wall wiU'ea arttdee
, or la am. with tmtereet to local readers.
senacs never n
We by ataaiM ta prepay aoataaa).
June 8 In American History.
1813 Da rid pima Port rr. noted oa
tsJ rommaiKtrr. born: died 1H01.
1MB Andrew Jarkaon. prealdeot ta
182847. died: bom 177
1888 Rer. Janea Freeman Clarke.
. cletxrman and aoibnr. died: born
1907-Jalla Mayroder. noreiUt. died:
' r (From oooa today to noon tomorrow i
Baa aeta 725. rVea 424: mooo aet
. ta a. ax: niooa at d -eodlry; oode.
' croa-lDK aoa'a path downward- Tnl
day. 2004. aert tranalt of Trnoa: Brat
alnco Dec. ft. IWCL 12. jreora: 101H.
next total eHtpe of no viaibie In
Unttad Statea: Brat ainre May 2& 1900:
patfe of toUllty will rroao from atate
tt Waahinjrtoa to rvortda.
" Tk death of Charlea W. Noblitt.
which occurred Monday nlxht at tha
boraa of hia daucbter. Mrs. M. J. More
land, In Oregon city, marked tha cloae
of a Ufa of-four-ocor and nine years,
full sixty-Are of which were paased
In Oregon, aaya the Portland Oregon
Ian. My. Noblitt 11 red for many years
on ta donation land claim entered by
himself and wife near Needy, Clacka
mas i county, about 1850. There his
children were born and brought ap,
and there hia wif died nearly a q nat
ter of a century ago. The old Rock
D. A. A. C team crossed beta again
with the Logan team Sunday and
were defeated In a -well-played jraaie,
the ecora being t to . A wr aro
Logan also won the game on the
home grounds 10 to . The teams
seem to be evenly matched except In
batting. Andersen of Locsn. struck
out seventeen batters besides making
oae homo run.
Dl A. A. C Juniors . won an easy
game from Eagle Creek Juniors, the
score being to I. on the home
Rlckard Wltsel has sold his farm of
40 acres which. is south of the town
for a handsome sum.
The Modern Woodmen observed
Memorial Day. Rev. K. J Sewall. of
Tnorntou. Wash., deliver a moat
excellent address on the Platform In
the park, after which a picnic dinner
waa served on a long tabl ander the
The Fourth of July will be cele
brated at Damaacua In tho old fashion
ed way. Senator Walter Dtmick will
be the orator of tha day Excellent
music and singing will bt furnished
snd a good baseball game wil- be one
of the features of the afternoon, be-
aiaes racing or ail aorts.
An entertainment w'.il be given In
the D. A. A. C club room on the eve
ning or June 17. Strawberries and
cream win ba served.
Most of the people of Damaacua are
attenaing the Rose Carnival In Port
una tnia week.
Read the Morning Buierprise.
Mr. wettianfer went to town on
Miss Cmly and Paulera Hofstetter
pent Sunday with Mis Ida Haag.
Mr.-Hungate. county aunreror. (In
laned surveying last week on TWa.
Mrs. Martin and son Carrot, and
daughter Pearl, of Oregon City, visited
in Liaria,
The Timber Grove School rloeed on
MS? 25.
tnarlle Marshall was haullna hav
to town laat week.
Ed. Hettmaa helped Mr. Botrmin.r
ouiia a fence.
Read tha Morning Enter pnae.
Mr. Carr came home from nrmmn
City last week.
Heart to Heart
Aa American pabtlsher speaks of
Alexander the Great as "hl-tory's
moat soccesaful young man."
Xe! In. the name of decent young
manhood and right Ideas, no!
What la greatness What la
Greatneaa Is goodness aorcesafully
employed. Soccaaa la the reallxation
of aobLe tdeala.
Well, then, how can It ba said that
a wholesale highwayman, a dee poller,
a batcher of men. le either great or
snceeasfn? And la It not a little
Creek graeyrd. wherein so many of' n rrlmlDaJ to np A1.I.aaer of
the rnde forefathers of that storied
aectloa sleep, will todsy open Its green
bosom to receive the body of this hon
ored pioneer.
. Tho old log church around which
' Its Brat graves were gathered is but a
memory. The wild and riotous verd
ure of the native woods has given
place to the yellow-green of the wheat
fields; the primitive homes of
' carry settlers widely separated - and
' given to hospitality have been suc
' eeeded by the homes of alalef gen
eration. Names once familiar In that region
Moreland and Klllen ; Vincent and
Kiser; Ingalls and McCown; Gibson
and Doniway; Elliott and Scott; Stft
sel and Nobltt are heard no more in
these homes. Most of these names,
however, ar carved upon leaning mar
ble slabs crude and mosa grown in
the old Rock Creek graveyard, thus
mutely recording the finished work of
men and women who did well their
part In their day and generation and
who left descendants to perpetuate
their names and energies in the vari
ous activities of life In other sections
of the Pacific Northwest.
Among the last of these to pass the
border Into the land of ahadows was
C. W. Noblitt.
Macedoo aa aa examplar for young
When be came to the throne be waa
onder suspicion of baring put his fa
ther, Philip, to death.
This egregious tyrant murdered with
his owa bands some of bis moat faith
ful aids, la a drunken apree be kill
ed hia meat intimate friend and abed
the ' crocodile tears over the body.
Be was successful la crushing the
people of all Greece, successful la de
stroying many gated Thebes la a fit of
rage and selling the inhabitants of the
city as slaves: successful In destroy
ing another city, the most beautiful In
the world Psrsepolls because a lewd
woman who joined him In a drunken
revel asked bim to do It.
Great and successful?
He overran Persia and desolated It
And when be wss only thirty-two
years of age he died In a Bt of de
lirium tremens.
Let as quit calling him great. Ia
all which should become a man be
was deplorably smalL
Greatness? Success?
Greatness Is of the quality that cre
ates, discovers, succors, uplifts. Suc
cess comes In tha doing of things real
ly worth while. Greatness and suc
cess real greatneaa and success art
Impossible without goodness. One
may do big things without becoming
either great or successful.
Put Aleisnder alongside Columbus.
Charlea T. Crosby has filed a suit
for divorce against Bessie K. Crosby.
They were married at Manchester,
X. IU In August. Its, and about June,
1908, while realdlag st Boston, Mass,
Mrs. Crosby, he alleges desrneo him.
without cause.
Before Mrs. Crosby left her husband,
the tatter allegee, she treated him
cruelly, and shortly after their mar
riage she developed a cross snd Irrita
ble disposition, and a general lack of
Interest In his welfare. He asserts
that when he went home winter eve
nings on many occasions, he would
finds no fire made or any supper pre
pared for him. His wife frequently
told. bim, be declare, that she had no
love for him. She became a aplrlt
NEW YORK. Juno T W. E. R
Stokes, owner of tha Anaonla Hotel,
was shot three times snd dsngerously
wounded today by UHlaa Graham and
Ethel Conrad, la their apartment. In
the Varunla. at JJJ West Eightieth
. Both young women and three Jap
anese sre under srreat.
Out of the chaos of conflicting
Hrle told by all persons concerned
la tb shooting of Mr. Stokes It Is Iro-
poaalble to make a story that Is clear
and convincing. Not until the mattsr
hss been ventilated In a trial court
will it be possible to arrive at a deft
nits conclusion aa to tha causes that
led up to the moat sensational case ot
the sort In New Tork since the mur
der of Stanford White by Harry Thaw
five years ago. i
What ia definitely known is that at
6: OS o'clock thla evening s fusillade
of shot a in the apartments of two
women on the fourth floor of the Va
runa apartment house summoned set-
ersl persons. They saw Stokes stM
Situation In 'Livestock Msrkst Shews
Little Change Berry
Prices Are Going
Downward. I
latest developments In the wool
market are oward betterment, al
though price are anout the same, i
People who "Invest"
.' In enterprises prsmlalna abnormally u,,.
ar usually disappointed. 1
They fell ta get the Interest lhy eapestsd and the antral tJ.
money passes ta sthers. 'half
Tha money saver should take na shsness with the m.-
When yea deposit ysur money en a Time Certificate ar l Tk
Ings Depsrtmsnt sf this bank. It remains under ysur a.J
sms a sure and atssdy rsie ef Intere.t. Thara I na de!i
In thla hind ef an Invsstmsnt " " ''atisn
The soonsr yen begin, the teener will yeu be In asasauu. .
growing bslsncs. . , , "assion sf
The Bank of Oregon City ' '
C IJT(UKKTT President
Tranaaesa a 0erel Banking usiaess . ,., fro, B A. m. u f n.
with offerinsa not of lbs best quality, I
The probability that ths lower House j
'of Congress will remove ths duty en-
v.w Hiuit ouw at aiFiiai- i . v... . . I i , ! y ' ui.Rr pwwmm ,ww.
usllst. heys. and made hi. Ufa bur-1 ', ',w f ,loB ha. csuaed gmwers soms le.r
densome wltb her reports of communl- i Ulllan Crahams apartment and then j lf . ltt Baa, and there I ,
cations with the aplrlt and a deal re I mw Mlsa tlrabam fire at Mr. Stoke a leadaurv to unload.
to become a medium. Aa a result, hs Ml ta ,h floo, i In ihla nista' ihs most Imnortsnt of
further aaserta, she Jeft home In June,
1!K)8. S. S. Jeffreys represents Crosby, j
Thursday evening the pupils of the i
eighth grade gave a surprise party on i
Irving Hanson. All kinds of gsmes i
were played., refreshments were serv- i
ed and a pleasant evening spent by
the pupils. Those present were Edna
Shubert. Mary and Kate Stine. Hulda ,.
Stromer. Anna Weber, Imogens In- f
msn, Elsie Skelly, Jsmes Hafty, Rob
ert Cosgriff. Alfred Livingston. Paul 1
Richter. Edwin Shubert. Arthur 8chuf
ierand Irving Hanson.
Mrs. George Hanson gave a party
for her little daughter Marion Fri
day afternoon. Almond hunt and
games were played, and a
lunch waa served. Those present
were: Eva and Ruth Suter. Beatrice
and Irene Cederaon. Loora Griffith.
Joseph Wells, Psul Bledden. Tork Her
ron, Ernest Richter, John Skelly, Rob
ert Moore.
Mr. Clsrence Murphy, of Portland.
spent Ssturdsy with his siiter Mrs.
Wells snd family. Mr. Murphy and
Mrs. Wells and children were visitors
to the city Saturday afternoon and
The Green building la nearly ready
for occupancy. Mrs. Ada Cosgriff will
open a delicatessen and bakery In a
few days.
The Osk Grove Push Club held Its
regulsr meeting Thursday evening In
the church basement. Routine busi
ness wss transacted and the follow-
ign officers were elected: C. A.-Chsm-bars,
president: J. Rlsley. vice-presi
dent; E. C. Warren, secretary, and J.
A, Rupert, treasurer. A soclsl com
mittee wss sppointed aa follows: Mrs.
Paget. Miss Kllgore, Miss Cook, to
arrange for a social meeting June 29
at the home of a number. Mr. Fred
Harria waa appointed aa a committee
of one to see about having a float In
the vehicle parade of the Rose Festi
val. A subscription baa been atatred
and any one dealring to help can do
so. Let every one talke bold and
help make this effort a success.
Mrs. L. E. Bentley and Minnie Able
were Portland shoppers Fridsy.
E. I. warren went to Portland on
business Friday.
Mrs. Emmons snd littls son were
Portland visitors Fridsy.
Mrs. Linn and sister spenf Friday
In Portland.
Mra. A. B. Linn waa a Portland
visitor Thursday.
C. A. Mack haa purchased sn sere
of land of W. A. Rice and moved his
fsmlly here. Mr. Msck will build a
fine residence this fsll on his DroD-
Mrs. Ada Cosgriff waa a Portland
visitor Fridsy.
recent events In the wool trsde wss
the sale sl Snaolko of 21 Central Ore
gon clips, sggrsgatlng more then lUvO.
ooo pounds, to buyers at IS to 16
Cents a pound. The high price which
waa a fraction better than ''the top
paid at the lata aa! at Heppner, was
paid by Jonas A Kuhn for the Tom
Hamilton clip of 45,471 pounds. Tbsre
were several lot, large and smsll,
tbst were dispoaed of . at IS to IS ft-S
, In the livestock market the situa
tion hss changed but III tie. There Is
some trsde in all line, but no trana-
actlona of mors thsn ordlnsry Impor.
. ' tsnce, snd the tales reported Indlcsto
ESTACADA. Or., June T I Special.) j " prices are holding within the
dainty 1-E.tscada not only voted -war but i """'J "'-1 - . . Li . .
..I J -a. -... if n Jl W-i. r. " " w" "
I w-iuda l-Va mm ,-lalJ VI e-, , irr4v RU
uquor irnrs
hss figured In fsctional strifs of the
town. Reed had no opposition and
polled votes. In favor of liquor
license 6$ votes were caat, and 4S
votea for a "dry- town were recorded.
Other official elected were: L, E.
Belflla. t re an rer; Claude W. Devor,
recorder; Al Lindsey, ctnincllman.
First Wsrd; W. A. Jones, councilman.
Second Ward: Wlllism I'nderwood.
councllmsn, third ward; U C. Posson.
councilman. Fourt Ward: Ass Haw
kins, councllmsn. Fifth Wsrd.
45 Years Ago
From the Weekly Enterprise, Novem
ber 17. ISO.
In t'se. The new Improvement on
the "Basin" st this city sre now com
pleted. On Tueadsy laat the steam
ers of the company were brought Into
It for the first time since the exten
sion wss made. It Is sa permanent
and aubaiantlal aa the rocks upon
which it la built. The whlatle of the
"Echo" and "Tnion," when about to
leave on Wedneaday morning for up
river, sounded very plesaant, so nesr
to business.
Turned Vp The boy John Lee, one
of the eacsped prisoners from the
Clackamss .county Jail, has turned up"
In the "calsboose" st Portland. He
was arrested In company with Charles
Armstrong and William Myrtle, on
Saturday last, for larceny. They were
committed for trial si the Clrralt
Court, now in seaion, and will very
probably apend a term at bard labor
for the atate, at Salem.
Collapsed. The old depot building,
at the terminus of the recent railroad
portage la this city, hss succumbed
to Time, snd collapsed. It fell in
about the aame day that the "baain"
extension waa completed.
Ity, which accounta for ths relatively
low prices psld In many rasas.
Choice atrawberrlea were sold In
Oregon City Wednesday at 10 cents
a, box. It Is expected thst a fair qual
ify will be sold the remainder of the
week at about two boxes for IS rents.
Dealers sre paying from t2 to 12 20 a
crate. ...
Oootatluna for Oregrn tit).
POTATOES Beet. IC.SO, good
12 25: conrmon. 2. Buying, carload.
select. $2.10; ordinary. 11.90.
; FLOUR AND, ,. FEED-Flour Is
; 'ly, eelllng from IS to IS.50; very
little of cheaper grades. Feed la
higher and rising slowly. Bran brings
OATS (Buying! Oray, from 2S
to 27; white, from I2 to 2S.
Bl.'TTER (Buying) Ordinary
country brings from 'IS to JOc,
fancy dairy from 2 Or to tic, cream
ery 22c Id .Sc.
Oregon City Wood and Fuel Company
Ysur wsnts supplied with any quantity ef 4 feet ar 1 Inch weed s
, llvsrsd te any part af City. Prises, reasonable.
Satisfaction guarantssd - aor ywf
Heme S-110 r '' " ' ' " Car. th snd Ca-.
. vanier,
Oregon city.
Pssifla Msln IS07
a1J I a
ft Kill 1 1 73 K.T&W?milrrrrt - i in.14
Jf t-m ex. -a aaa aaa a at- .SmVTZl.'Z?!? ""
X 1 1 eievsta - . mm w .T-irz. ' ' "'"n
V lJs'- " -r .Vi "iWiwii.,,.i.aaM,Wrai.
. y SSaaaaavaaiaaJaaaaaT ai a. . vm
:To-Prc:l f M
n f(x
a MM ! MitMlMl U
m aaaufav tmxiaaaa pairaeuJd tU yar.
!; , .; u ll)r,1r a n 4 . ( , r
rtdlns, very dnraMe Snd lined fualda Hh
a avadal qaallly of ralnrr. a a k aa ray be-
I aoroaa aaa aiiira rhava an am
EGGS frinyingi Are ranging from . Coc'",l al jowias the air iu
POULTRY (Buying Firm With lit- W tatm la s aaoU aaaim. TbaywaaVbacM
sa ordinary lire. Ua imaotor nJaUn ouali
lartaoa Us tr-ad. Tb rasalay trVa ot I
a. aiw w ait pair, not ftvM van brine pa
day tatte U raoai
tie good stock offered. Hons will bring
14c. If In extra good condition more. I
Old roosters sre poor at Sc to 10c. broil,
ers bring from 22c to 24c, with good
WOOL (Buying). 'ool prices
ranging rrom I3c to 15c.
MOHAIR (Buying Prtcea on
hslr have been way np. some hav
brought as high aa 3e locally, c
tationa are 37 He and demand la strong ''
rum 20 so io 27.M, shorts 2 to ISC
rolled barley 31.50 to IJ2.22. process
harley 3S. whole corn 3I to 132
cracked corn jj l0 31. Wheat 132
to f3I.
:AX"iBuV1'l) Timothy l to;
tl. Closer, 13 to 111; ost hsy, 14 DHIKll FRUITS Local prices ara
to lie; mlxsd, 1 ,o l; .if.,,., ,,,jflrra at from t0 l0c 0. ,pDl Md
HIDES-IBuylng-Green hides. 5epn,B l'b m
lo 6c; saltera, 6Hc to Vc; dry hides SALT Belling SOc, to 0c lor- tt,
each1" ,4C' 8bP P't"' 25c to 78c ,b- M!,, Mt -TOund 405 71 "
tu in. sacaa.
aaesaa. I I 1 1 I IMtae tba tblaS rabasrt.aaf
dapanns I J . S "f . a a a ra at M aa 1 S '
rmmmw are avaia) y iwiajg.
H?-y'.'' 4 "ad Ibaaa strWtly sa labi. ' " .
mn. iET-iTlET!L.TT!S!LWr"?". a?" baSMenlwimBweaaBiaa-aa.aT
The mail order houses of the East
would not be so prosperous If the peo
ple of this community would insist on
having "Made in regon" goods from
the local merchants. The business of
this community woufd be better con
served If the buying public and the.
merchants would help along the "Made
lo Oregon" Idea.
Pasteur. Howard. Lincoln. How be
shrinks by comparison!
Jesus of Nazareth lived In a like
dark ers wltb Alexander snd wss but
one yesr older sf bis death.
Coot mat tuem'
In the ) eiir ttefore- thrif Alexsn
der might bsve i-n i-hiim tcr-nt. tin
not "hue men iiegaii lo write A. I
sfter the vei"
Punish Boys if They
. : . Neglect Their Play
Br Dr. HENRY . CURTIS. Authority on Playgrounds
If jov train boj go that h will go through all the SHOCKS
of any sthletia gams) snd be a gentleman through it all 700' hare
trained him to he wul STAY trained. -
' ; The nugtake in American schools ia that onl 4 or S per eent of
the boys will take part in s game, while the rest atand on the aide lines
snd take no pari!
Ugoallj the pupile needing the developing most are the onea who
not parUdpate to the games. That la the featnre which needs
C ' tnoat badl. ' -' l ' f
' a , a a - 1
' '
in x j x 111
m- x i x
H Don't throw your magazines and
, . periodicals away. There is
-r I much raluable information in
I them that will never be publish- r
; I ed elsewhere. The cost is little . ' ' ;
B AnrPAU AITU riiirnnninr
1.1 unmuH un miLnrnioLl
II Our, boy will call for the mag- I II
; 2ine8jfihwej II
, : v :. :
Portland Vesetabla Markets
I135CI1.M per sack; parsnips, 11 li
flll lO; turnips. l ISfrll lO; beet.
VEGETABLES Aapsrssu a, tOcQ
I1.T5 per orate; eabbags, asw, fl per
hundredweight; caullflowsr, LO0
11.71 per dosen; celery, Calllomii. Tic
ft toe per dusen; cucumbers, ll.iOS
13 25 per dosen; eggplant, lie psf lb.;
garlic, loc012e per pound; lettuce,
&00 per dosen; hothouse let I are. I1H
ffll per boa; pass, HOIK 9
aouad: neooera. SOcffSSd Pr pMBd:
radlahaa, lie per dosen; rhubarb. In
Se per pound; sprouts, lc; tomatoes,
I7CI3 2S.
.POTATOES Oregon, Jobbing pries,
1160 per hundred; nw potstoM, 7
C7He per pound.
ONI0N8 Jobbing prices: Orel
12.75 per 100; Aostrsllsn, I3.M P
im; Texas. 12 25 per crate: Call'
nla, 13 per crate.
Oregon City Stock Uuotat!"
IIOOH Hogs are quoted He k'.
Prom 128 Iba. lo 150 lbs. Ic, fr
lf.0 Iba. to 300 Iba. I He.
veat. rn.VKH Voal calves bring
from le lo VV according to "
BEEP STaJCRS 9eel -tears f
the local markets are fetching m
me lira weight .
SHEEP ,m nrtn at te to 8c
BACON, LARD and HAM, are lira.
K. K. Mott, of Canby, died at W
home Sunday. -Ha hd been HI W
aome time. Tha funeral will
the house Tuesday morning.
B. A, Kruger haa sold hslf ltfJ
In his furniture store to C. A.
ford. They expect to remodls
building and provide a larger and or
up-to-date stock, (''
O. A. Reur, Mr. Braddford s brother
Ir-law, irfter a week's wlaslt, rsturaei
10 rortiana eunaay.
The Canby Reda crossed '''
sit b
tha Aurora Cardinals last flundir it
tha Pair Orounda. The gam
victory for tha home team by
of I to 4.
Before Congress Repeali
Schedule "K" !
We Py Top Prtc ,;
Oregon Commission C
Dialers in Hay, Grain
Feed, Coal snd
Produce. -
I Ith end MAIN STS.
Orcflon City '