MORNING-' EOTERPROSE WEEKLY ENTERPRISE ESTABLISHED 1300 LZaerlptiene for MMit The only dally wawoaeper he Iwmh Portland and Sale) aires 4 lataa In every aactlan of Claataa 4 mas County, with a papalatlaa. of 4) 10,000. Ara you an advertieerf . will be re r"T " j I. wsur Of received for eeealal your ardor today benefit ' ,W . Vol l--No. 129. OREGON CITY, OREGON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1911. Peb Week, 10 Cents RoosEvaT Will ".'Jli v. LOVE SANDS VIEW PUP DISCOVERS THAT IT'S MOVING DAY. FORDING A STREAM. i TIFT IN RACE ISBWS STOLDVSHE SAYS MRS. DAVIS ALLEGES SPOUSE IS PLANNING. THIRD DAZZLING PAGEAIIT Member ef Ninth Cavalry In Practlee Marah In War Game. MeiDENT TOLD THAT Ml CAN DIDACY RECE IVH oolonil INDORSEMENT. HDI HEFT AT CARDINAL'S JUBILEE ,Uport Convayed to White Houaa la Confirmed Roosevelt Will Positively Net Ba . , Candidate. WA8MINUTON. Juna 6. President Tali; in Ma candidacy for tha Preal 4,(inl nomination la tlS. will ra kIw ihf unqualified Indorsement of ,i Theodore R'iwll, ,ki.h aill b uttered Just aa cordially li prior to the campaign of mi TbU i Hi beat political nawa Mr. Tin but Kx elved o many moot ha and It roAicx to him In a manner that Irtvft n doubt'aa to Ha authenticity. .The Information that Colonel Rooae nlt unU-r no circumstances wHI allow kt nam to 'e preaented to the Ha- Mhllran National coovanilon was con tajed "nrhe White Houaa several (. lt H did nt become known Mill tonight. Thai Colonel Roosevelt iL ih. Tart Administration ahould b continued waa brought out partly u the result of the cordial creating ttern the two men at Cardinal 01b- boot' Jubilee In Baltimore. Whether the Rooaeelt approval of vr Tuft! caudldacy will ao far enough to take the ei Prealdent Into tb campaign aa an active slump linker In problematical, butlhatjho lurre of hla personality will be with the' Prvaldeul la assured. OITMASTER RANDALL 0KT RAISE IN SALARY. WASHINGTON. Jun (Special) -The i'ostotflca DenaxUMOt today aav tounrud iucreaaea la aalarlea ol Ifty Orntun poatmaaters to become effeo the on July I. The aalary of the Ore, ipo. City poatmaeter Is Inceancd to Eleven Oregon postmaejera wJl r wive an Increase of 8100. 19 will rtlve an increaae of 1100 and only lour will have aalarlea reduced. An Inrreaae of 1100 will ralae the alarlt-s of the following poatmaatere to tb riKurea named below: Albany 8J Aahland 8600 Canby 00 Canyon City '. 100 CUtNkunle 1,M Coqullle H00 Eugen- Fills city 130 Porent Grove Grant Paaa 500 HIIIMioro 100 Lenin W00 MrMlnnvllle,....r..... 00 Klllon 1500 Vtlwaukla 1200 Mount Angel I00 Nwort 150 Oreaon City 500 Rom'burg 1500 8t. Johna I00 8alfm M00 Sherwood 1100 Springfield 1600 v. I I 111 k WEDDING. ATflNIIY IS REFERRED TO IN SUIT j Divorce Aakad By Mrs. McCanty, Who Aseerte Huaband Knocked Her .Down Threate Also Charged. 'i "5 TREI4BATH- INDICTED CASE III SHOOTING DEPUTY-WATER BAILIFF FACES TRIAL FOR WOUNOINO OOUTHIT. The grand Jury Tuwday returned n Indictment agalnat Harry W. TrenUwth, deputy wair bailiff, on a charge of aaaanlt with a dangoroua weapon. Treiouatn enoi auu eviruuj ..m.ii au nouihlL. a fUliarman, al th falla of the Willamette early 8a V urday mornin. Tke weumooy oa wltneaaaa and DrtttCiPlea m IM ca-y la oonOiotlu Trembath aaya he dW not auoojl untu ba. naa oenjajuwu IV.uthlt aurrender, aiieauig ni latter had violated the nan ibwb m ahlng at the ladder. .... ,h. .v..... j.nla. that ha violated tUe the law, and deolarea.tnat Trembath shot without giving warning. ine deputy bailiff d'-clara tnai ne am m hnnt but Ored IH'I I . V - - . . f I the skiff to mark it in oraer -o w-, tlfy the occupanta. unomy shooting John Douinu. u'ul"c' .w. m...nA-A man. attacked Trembath In a barber shop, beating him aeverely. ' A. A. BALDWIN PRINCIPAL. Succeeda C F. Andaraon In Waat Ore- QOll Cy Bono-" Attends Flrat Employer's Funeral. Justice of the Peace Samson went to Rock Creek today to attend the funeral of hla first employer, Charles WliiHton Noblltt, the pioneer, who died Monday. Mr. Samson when only nine years old, drove an ox team for Mr. Noblltt -on the latter'a farm. D....4. Diana Ta F4a Mada. Children between the agea of 10 and 14 are Invited to aaaemble at the Seventh Street Park on Thursday eve nt n. hiwn i ha houra of 7 and 8. ao that the aectlona for the floral parade given by the Rose society oi inn cuy can be arranged. The committee on the parade will be at the park. RUSHUGifT WINNER BY ALMOST 5,000 REPUBLICAN NOMINEE SWEEPS BOTH SIDES OF 'RIVER. OREGON CITY CHAKGES TO "SPOTLESSTOW COMBINATION OF ORDERS WORKS .WONDERS HERE IN FEW DAYS. Oregon City la the "apotleaa town" all right for the present. The city waa -never cleaner, and blda fair to remain that way. for aometlme. And It waa done at a minimum of i.xponae. although aome bouaekeeper" and store-ownera, to nay nothing of two i... ..niuin nf the cenua homo. 1 7 . UUMJ ...... - , A A. Baldwin, wno waa ini.ii. i wno became emaui . he ' Macksburg achool for aevoral of Uw W,U declare It waa through years, baa been elected principal of , mmUm of effort. the West Oregon uiiy bcoii - nrst Mayor ruwuii " recently to become a county achool 0 hI, ceiiar and yards ' m, anriAraon naa aone. i.i. that the city would aend .up.. ". ... 7v .renta. """r"" h.l .way the refuse 10 Unooiu, ivaiia., ..... .. r cani """" -- - ---- He will this summer take a course of Evarybody took advantage of the op- WEATHER FORECAST. Oregon City Fair Wednesday; northerly wlnda. Oregon Fair Wednesday; north to northeast wlnda. lecturea for anpervlaora at the UnUer- alty of Oregon OLD FRIEND VISITS SAMSON. Justice of Peace Surprliad By Onof Hie ocnouima Oliver and Lake Wolford. of Col ..r ..,..1. .r. In Oreaon City Tuea- day vl.ltlng Juatlce of the Peace Sam- eon. The Meaara "" " ' Samaon were achool mates t Silver ton thirty Hve years ago. and untl . ..aa-nHgUhft hlfll III lilM Ol flee Mr. Sanieon bad not aeen Oliver Wolford alnce they left achool Wblle visum, in Portland Mr Wol ford I herd that Mr. Samaon waa living in Oregon Citl. and he lost no time In hunting up hla old playmate portunlty. Then two men. wno naa ..,..-,a ih. law urn wre Riven fltty days at hard labor, were assigned to the cross streets, wnicn wiey ' .u ..kiv i-antlv Chief of we . okaMi mrA at'irit i . nmi lajiik ed all the stores and bad the lPj;,e- tors hau away an ooaes - ' . .n.nmiMa nature to reiuse " " guard against fires. I .put; . Ffe lOln 95C $1.15 Screen Doors 2 t. 10 lax 6 ft. C . TYMm It. 7 ft screen axwi - , Adjutuble Wtadow Screens "'"'"""ioc. Wire Fly K.IU" . a7i- P(v Trios Wire Screen Cloth 24 Inches wldt. 4 ,,MH I5C ...I3C fmnK: Bosch OHCGON CITY, OREGON ; Clear Creek Park Danciog pvcry Saturday Evening Music by Nelson's Orchestn Aotomobtle for patrons starta from Electric Hotel at 7:30 fa the evening. Call tip Farmers 173 or Rediatid 710 for fttrt cr partlcolors. PORTLAND. Or., June 6. (Special.-) The following were the successful candidates i w municipal election: Mayor A. a Ruaniignt. ttep.j Amiitnr a narbur (Ren.) Treasurer William Adams (Rep.) Cltv Attorney Frank 8. Grant tRep.) Municipal judge ueorge laiweu (Rep.) ' Councilman at large (long terms) George L. Baker (Rep.), WlUlam H. Daly (Rep.). J. J. Jennlnge (Rep.). Councilman at large to aucceed Gay Lombard Ralph C. Clyde (Rep.). Ward fnunrHmen First Ward Tom N. Monks (Dem ). Fourth Frederick 8. Wllhelm (Rep.). - . Sixth Jonn Montag (uem.i. Seventh. Allan R. Joy (Rep.). Eighth William Schmeer (Ind.). Tenth J. T. Ellis. SON A. n. RushliKht has been elected Mavorof Portland by a plurality of 4,937 over Joseph Simon. Rushlight, Republican nominee, receWedr 13,763 votes to Simon, present Mayor ana Independent candidate 8.82S. The total vote for Mayor was 28.269. Rushlight swept both sides of the river. rcnrn t ThnmiL Democratic can didate, did not carry a aingle precinct. and ran a bad third. Hla vote Is 3,600. m arlallai rwtpn ramn fourth with 1.635. The Prohibitionist, A1Ua gar rison, last with 445 vote . Two Democrats were elected to the Council Tom N. Monks from the Flrat Ward, and John Montag irom .a oirih ward T. J. Concannon. H. A. Beldlng and K. K. Kubll, were de- faatxt Ruahllvht carried 88. precincts. 25 nn u.-&at sirli ami S3 on the East Side. Simon carried 17 on the West Ride and 19 on the East Side, a total of 36 precincts. Thomaa carried no nrtwlnrla whatever, nor did the So- .i.ii.. iv. PmhlhitlnnlHt. LIK IIBl U"l " It was a remarKSDiy targe voie ini tn tha nulls, the usual stay-at- horte vote having been brought out after a hard campaign or pumiciiy. Tha total renlntratton la 57,6&t, so that 70 per cent of the total regis tration was cast, i nere f shrinkage on the Democratic. Prohibi tion and Soclallut vote aa compared with the registration. FIRE STARTS PANIC AS PARADE PASSES . Nora Adolphlne Davis has filed a suit against JameaW. Davis for a divorce. They were married July 24, 1892. at Corvallla, Or., and have one son, Tracy Ernest Davis. It Is charg ed by Mrs. Davla that her husband barrasaed her by talking about wo men he had met and referred to some woman, unknown to Mrs. Davis, aa his next wife. In the presence of his two married daughters, by a former wife, he la said to have referred to the same wo man as hla third wife, and told Mrs. Davis that be did not love her and had not caiea lor Tier for the past 18 years. By reason of this treatment she says she became nervous and 1U and was compelled to leave mm. Llllette McCanty baa filed suit for divorce against William H. McCanty, to whom she was married at Oregon City, March 3. 1909. She aaya be D.-..I.H1WI with hndllv harm and .nt her namea. He la charged with having at ruck ner on ociouer iu mi nn rwwemlxtr 2 following he knocked her down, Is charged, where ...u.n .H lot him and thev have lived anart alnce. The two husbands made a vnlnntarv aDDearance in both of these casea. BERTHS EXCEED DEATHS. State Board Givea Vital SUtlstlce For . Clackamaa County. t-v. fniinwinv vital ataiiatlca for Clackamas County have been reported by the State Board of Health for Jan uary, February and March of this year: - - i. nirtha. M: deaths. 18: deaths from tuberculosis, 2; casea of diphtheria. 4; casea of scarlet, fever, 2; casea of measles, 4. chmm nirtha 97- deaths. 13: cases of tuberculosis. 1; deatha from tuberculosis. 4; caaea or meaaiea, a, rioatha from measles. 1. March - Births. 21: deatna, z; deaths from tuburculosls, 3. ft fK'-V if MU, by Amarioaa Praaa Asaoclatlon. mm GET ESTATE OF ELLERY CAPDI SUED BY TESTATOR GIVEN TWO-TWENTIETHS OF - PROPERTY. nAnti t un nr . Juna g. (Special.) ruaiuniv,, Fire which started In the Hauover apartment nouse. 165 King street, m-hiia tha electric parade waa travere- Ing the principal business streeta to- and anread to adjoining apart ment buildings, caused damage esti mated at 1100,000. : The nra causeo panlo among the crowda watcning the parade. 'vi J. B. Montague, me man u covered the fire, reacued Mra. Blyke, aged 86. who waa living on tha fifth floor, and who was the only occupant of the building at the time, besides himself. Mr. Montague gmenea amose while alttlng on th fourth floor bal- . a a. - 1 at VM aval in rinina- inaiae ne i and amok, ahootlng up the elevator shaft Remembering the agaa woman tt. tna. floor- be ruahed op flltt of sUlra, gathered her In hla arms and hurried down. . t-v. .-in a tha lata Ellery Capen haa been admitted to probate, and the estate Is bequeathed to tne six iu r dren of the deceased, who waa well- known shoe manuiaciurer oi " '" mette. Edwin Webster Capen. of Port land, and Mra. Bessie Lignui iw, .... Ill aarh receive SIX' OI IIIBIIICIIC, . , . twentieths of the propeny, wu.. a, . t1IrW I : HTM II. JHUIIIUai Gay Smith and Edith Augusta Shade were given iwo-iwenucma. t.aH nrnnertv In Clacka mas county valued at about 14000, but . i j i- u'aahlnirtnn of the DrOO- able value of 50.000. This Properv is In litigation, nowever, n ; i- ... h.nHi nf Frank Capen. a .v. j-AoaanH for tnany yeara. BOn UI lun uv i --- Some, montha ago e."ry v brought suit in the Superior Court of . . nnaaeaslon OI wasnmKiuu - w- - the property, stating that his son beld the land merely aa ' . nnntaated. but Was Caaa waa waii.i.j - . . . tha decision be- .... ArA about the time of bis death. Edwin Webster Capen Is nam ed as executor in the win. NOBLITT FUNERAL TODAY. Rev. Hayworth to Officiate at Servlcea at Koca vr. . The funeral of Charles MoncaV evening" at Vhe horn. . of n. daughter. Mrs. M. J. More and U. rltT. will DC hc' " T a. a. tha Rock Creek church. " t7..wrth ofTlcUUng. ? n' ha Tn the Rock . . unv nreffon CUT IffisTMr'Nohmt w.U auend the tunerai. Daughters Meet Tonight. o-t rkanirhtora nf tha Klnz of the St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet ki. ..i.nin. at tha church, when Im portant business will be transacted. Guardian of Incompetent Named. Robert Wl Baker haa been appoint ed guardian of Andrew Greiaahaner, of Gladstone, wo baa been aajuagea an Incompetent oy tne touniy wuii. SWEETHEARTS' NIGHT BIDS BANQUET SEASON DELIGHTFUL EVENING SPENT BY THE CONGREGATIONAL BROTHERHOOD. tv. I..I mnnthlv hannuet Of the season of the Congregational Broihnr i i .v,l. it alvan Tuesday nlKht was by far the, most successful and enjoyable of. ail tne ainnen B" the church. And there was a good reason It waa "Sweethearts' Night. t. t ad man wera accomDameu 1 II o ui . j - , . by their wlvea and those not mameu 1 .uj kv their aweet- WTI O reuniiiwi. i - - haana Ninetv nartook of the feast ..minhiij hv tha Ladiee Aid Society. and everybody haa a gooa time. m program, aa arranged, waa not long, but by the time everybody who was called upon, got through speaking it was almost 10 o'clock. . Tha hannuet on "Sweethearts Night" Is the only one which la at tended by the ladiea, annougn i Ladles Aid Society always prepares the dinner.' " E. T. Avlson. preaiaent, nreslded. and addresses were maae w .v.. rilnwlnr lit. 1'"" t - Bollinger, of Highland Church, Port- i.-j. mm Min rttarman. orwiuaw iadi.a Aid Society: Miss Ivy Roake, president Saturday Club; Mrs. E. S. n.iiiaaa wnn rn inafHi lub Dgiij Club; Roy Trulllnger, scretary oflhe T.uaaA-akLr.i c 'flntmn i' is. iNuuir. miB- C. H. Dye, C. H. Dye and President Avlson. Mrs. Dye lnvitea tne mem bers to hold a picnic at the Cbautan qua. which begins on Juiy . Patterson Brothers furnished the music. Samuel McLarty recited and Charles Miller sang. The GRAND l BBBBBBBaaaai . I Tcday's Program Does It Sound Good? ". The Cowboy and The Shrew. The Old Mill. Making Bamboo Hats. "Actress and the Singer SUIT CAUSED BY BIG SLUMP. UN HOPS LOST DEFENDANT WINS IN CASE OF W. a HALL AGAINST MARY EDGECOMB. ELECTRIC PARADE WITH ITS MY RIAD LIGHTS AND PRETTY ' GIRLS ENTHRALLS. SPECTACLE SURPASSES All OTHERS Roee Show1 With Moat Magnificent " Bloaaoma That Can Be Grown TO Open at The Open at Portland ': Program Today. 4, 10:00 a. m. Band concerta on a principal streeta; competitive w rose exhibit at the Armory. v 2:00 p. m. Grand parade or aeo- w ' orated automobiles, conteaung "tor prizes. 3:00 p. m- Flying exhibition by Eugene Ely at Country Club. 8:00 p.m. Competitive roee ex- hiblt at the Armory. PORTLAND, Or., June 6. (Special.) The largest crowd ever gathered In Portland witnessed the magnificent ' electric parade tonight. It waa by far the most dazzling spectacle ever witnessed in the metropolis. There were sixteen floats in line, lighted with 10,000 incandescents. "Oregon, the Land of a Thousand , ii- .-. aa tha nazeant'a title. The city's most beautiful girls In coa tnmes rode upon the cars, which were a distance of a block apart, wtttt a gorgeously costumed band falling In behind eacn. i ney ww lowing order: , , o. i n rtrairnnus. his scepterex- tended in benediction over hla crowd-- ed subjects, r-' Car 2 Beacon ' Before the Dawn, Oregon before the coming of the white man. Car 3 Coming oi tne vvhite Man. n-u. i.ji... .ion1 faarinc- and wond- ering, not knowing that it meant their eviction. Car 4 The City or Aaior iaa w.;. Building. The polar bear and inaian pony types of the nnconquerea couu- - try. ' . Car 5 Oregon in uruiu w-j. Land of a Thousand Wonders. . . Car 6 Reclaiming tne inn. returns from irrigation. Car 7 Sheila of the Ocean Beauy of Oregon Beaches. . car 8 Crater Lake; the wonder of ... . v. . . nramn'i wonderful mis one i "o --. lake could be so realistically portrayed in a festival noat Cr 9 Oregon tne rarauiaw ui People. , n Car 10 Pearls or tne rocmu, w , of the Ocean. Car 11 Cnanteciar iwwi n . nwn. Car 12 Jewei i,ae - wonders unrealized. . rar 13 The uuiea ot xne Butterflies of Pleasure - ' Car 14 weaitp oi uiai touched Resources, the Golden Egg. Car 15 Music of the Oregon Coon try, rippling streams, crooning breesee, soothing waves oi Car 16 Kingaom oi r , ,- Rose, Human Rosebuds. The electric paraoe wuu will be repeated Saturday night. In the flashing farewell to Rex Oregonus, king of bapplnesa. The most magnificent wnrid can be shown anywhere In the world are on exhibit at the Armory. The choicest blooms of Portland s beauti ful rose gardens have btn Katberea to demonstrate to visitors Portland a world leadership in rose culture. Thousands of blossoms embowered i .,n hav converted the great Armory drill hall into a brilliant yet restful retreat. Competing for the prlxea that num ber nearly 100 are regal, perfect joeee of every shade from deep crimson to pearl white. KNIGHTS AND LADIES TO PARADE For Members The suit of W. O. Hall, of Maple Lane, aganst Mrs. Mary Kagrcuiu nn an IH in hA due for mer- chandise purchased by Mrs. Edgecomb, was decided by a jury in juubh haira Court Tuesday, the case going against Hall. Mrs. Edgecomb owned a lot of bop mat sne - D. Latourette, ana Han bckciiiiiu order on Latourette, whlcn reieaaeu Mrs. Edgecomb from further liability. O. D. Eby appeared for Hall, and At- torneya George C. tsrowneu n m.- 11. U einna MnnWlltl MfS. EdgO- ,...u ,k. comb. The ronowing jurum mj m. case: Chrie Kocner, iu r. John F. Jennings. L. J- raimaieer, u .a n n,r R a. Cnariea Miuan, a., o- VT J. Wright, A. P. Toaorwnii:uo"v..v. Adolph Aschoff, W. ivron na . Kandle. . , ' ti.n 1. .a d tn nave nKurea on price of hops advancing when he ao- n,a tha nrdnr. Tha orlce declined. however, and there waa not aufflclent money to pay nim. Wilt Go To Portland al- DifimnL . - .n ijidiaa of Security 1 ne rLiiiBi - - . nn .i avaninc and it waa decided jo go to Port and on Thur. day evening i grand parade. The team number J6 will also accompany the order. Tnero waa a large attenaance ai mm. ing and tour were Initiated. A floral offering was aent to the borne of the late R. J. Qoodteliow, ana """" bers attended the lunerau. mi. fellow was a aoclal member of the order.. ,, t '-. ' 1 Otlllle Bock Administratrix. k haa ka.ii annnlnted ftu- mlnistra(rix of the estate, of Oebbard as - . - -X - f a w al WW Brenner, whose win waa auiu.i.. probate Tuesaay. ma - valued at 86080. . Gordon E. Hayea is tbe attornew tor the estate. Molalla COMple MarHad Here. The marriage of Mta i Adam; and Clyd BSngl. both of MotaUa, waa aolemnlsed In this city Tueeday by Re. 8. A. Hayworth. paator i the. First Baptist Churcn. uiuuvj w oacoVcooooo,o4oeoao a ... " - - . . 5 to 20 Acxt Faafitt--N uregon a-aiy e hare seversl bayers wltin and many comint ' . , rnii5--.4 tt.. rri rlht come and if your piace is ior au "" jy . -- a see us at once. ' ' I' V. F. SCHOOLEY i CO. Phone. Pacific M-S0. Herat A-16S. Main C 04oe)oeeo4oeeoeoeeMeoe " aa- TV.