Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 06, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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, Millinery Clearance Sale .
To jcleavr oor Millinery Department we art offer
tef bcaotlfol and styltsh assortment ofOHats and
Flowers below cost.
city eext Thursday, aaa beaa post
poned oa acoouat of the Koee Carnival
la Portland. - Th affair will be given
oa Thursday. Jan IV the committee
la charge being composed of lira.
P. Rands, Mre. R T.
P. Randall. Mre. tk F.
trt Buchanan.
Fields. Mra.
Una, Mtaa Myr
CORVALXJS, Or.. June 5 (Spec
ial.) Prediction la made by Professor
E. L. Potter, of the animal husbandry
department of (ha O renin Agricultural
, College, who la alao secretary of the
new state stallion license board, that
the operation of the new stallion law
will save the horsemen of the state
' many thousands of dollars.
"If we had had the law before It
would have saved some 1 10,000 or
$16,000 to the horsemen of the state
on the price of animals sold them as
. pure bred under bogus certincatee.
aald Professor Potter yesterday, dis
cussing the results to be expected
"It is probable that more was
paid apiece for the doaen stallions
with satisfactory pedigrees for whom
we hare received requests for license.
than If a true statement of their
breeding had been given at time of
"We have thus far had applcatons
from about 400 stallion owners, when
Is probably not much more, than half
. the number of stallions owned at pres
ent in Oregon. The greater number
have come from Wallowa county.
though many have come In from Mar
ion. Douglas, Baker, and other parts
of the state. We take these applies
lions aa an evidence of good faith on
the part of the breeders, and they will
. not, of course, be prevented from us
ing their stallions between the filing
of the application and the Issuance o(
the license. The heavy correspon
dence regarding applications, and the
work of classifying and filing them,
occupies as at present, but when that
Is don we will begin issuing the li-
root speed launch. It has a thirty-
nve Horsepower engine, and will make
nineteen miles an hour. The launch
la one of the handsomest on the Wil
lamette river. It Is moored at the
floa.t at (he foot of Eleventh street.
John Tumey Buried Beside Father In
Can man Cemetery.
Rev. S A. Hayworth. pastor of the
Rapttst church. Conducted the funeral
services of John Turner, who died at
Oakland. California, yesterday after-
noon at 3 o'clock from the Baotist
cnurcn. Many mends or the deceased
attended the services and followed the
remains to Canemah cemetery, where
Mr. Turney's father Is buried. The
casket was covered with handsome
norai offerings.
Cases Set Far Trial.
The following rases have bee set
for trial la the Circuit Court at the
adjourned term, which convenes Tues
day with a trial Jury: Tuesday. June
a. Hail va Edgecomb; Wednesday
June 7. Lamb vs. Adkln: Thursday,
June a, lioyt vs. Brown: Friday. June
a. iwy vs. urown; Saturday. June 10,
Stall vs. schoenhelaa.
Three Become Citizens.
W. W. Setera, of Oregon City: Au
gust Ex. of New Era. and Lewis Mel-
by. of Maruuam. were rranted final
citiienship papers by Circuit Judge
Campbell Monday.
A Cim Where the Wrong One
Brought Great Happli.e
Copyright by American ! A se
dation. 111.
"Besides correcting the present
Manager Gary, of the Teachers'
Baseball Club, which will play a team
composed of doctors, lawyers and min
isters at the Cbautauaua at Gladstone
on July 4, announced Monday that he
and his teamsters had no objection to
me manager of the opposing nine, Gil
bert Hedges, drafting a few dentists.
to fill an aching void. '
To my mind." said Manager Gary.
'the opposing team aa the llneun is
supposed to be at present, doesn't
si ana a rnance
grvtlM Af r,m. wm... r?"M " " dv suing on a
of a hole, so to speak. I have no ob
jection. It will be hard puIUng for
them at beat If we win there will be
all the more alorr for us. and if we
grees, u new law. win do much to
raise the standard of soundness, and
Una improve the stock of the future.
The future saving to horsemen of
Oregon on these two points will be i
more than the entire coat of
lion and registration, to say nothing
of the prevention of the use of stal
lions as 'sound which have diseases
or constitutions! weaknesses liable
to effect the offspring."
inanrr I . ' ' v' 'rrrmmj mey nave
- in ai4wTin. ... j.r... 1 1 .
"a " -.!, ucirni will II II I
be Inglorious."
New Craft Owe of Finest on Wills
nette River.
Edward Buach. son of Frank Bunch,
the well-known Oregon City merchant,
has received from the Niagara Bca
Company, of New York, a twenty -five
Husband Seeks Divorce. -
winum A. Easter filed a suit or
divorce in the Circuit Court Saturday
againsi wuaa s. Easter, charging de-
semon on Christmas Day. 1908. They
were married In Oregon City July 7.
iav. taster is represented by At
torney c. H. Dye.
It waa alilirU, level road wjth tuan.v
a sinuous 'curve that kept tbe aireu
tooting boartely as the duk ol.lltera't
ed the stiff sentinel woods on clttii-t
band aud gave Justin Delos little j.
portunlty to tent 4he speed f his new
racing car.
Ill, rainier. hir shrilled a youui.'
voice above the rush of his machine.
With a few rnpid movement bo
stopped dead short and tried to pien-e
ioe iwiiiui wun nis sand Oiled eve.
Well, what's qpr be demanded
"It's me." said the small voice, with
a hint of a sob In It. ."I'm up In this
tree ngni over your bead."
"My gracious, what are you dolus
op there?" Justin stared upward to
where tbe limb of a wild cherry tree
bent over the road. The air ws filled
with the pungent smell of wild r berry
blossoms aud tbe bruised bark of the
uw. urr was toe glimmer or a
small white face and a white blouse
balanced perilously on the limb.
"Now. you just slip off that limb aud
drop that's the boy! Caught you
didn't I?" said Mr. Delos.
Justin tucked the boy In a corner of
the seat and prepared to resume his
ride, but the boy placed a cold Uttle
hand oa bis and nixed bis voice In
"Please don't, mister! I'm afraid to
go np that road." be bawled lustily.
"What are you afraid of? How do
rou expect to go borne If you don't
take that road?"
"I'm lostr wailed the strayed one.
"Where do you live?" demanded
Jnstln. ,
"Cro-oss Hlgh-wa-ay!"
"WelL you're all right then this. Is
the Cross Highway," reassured Justin
as he brought the suaohli'e handnoo.
ly under tbe lighted porti-cooner and
Jammed down hut levers. Ill aireu
attervd a brief commanding salute.
the door ieted luwlantlv, and a mail
servant aeared
"I've Mimed the road, my man,'
said J In. "aud I w ilae lo l
set right If yon can Uhm uie to Ihe
Cross Highway." '
"A mile back. air. You pruouMy
passed tbe turn without uuOi'lng.
Front there on la private property. If
you turn around and go Nek over
your own tracks you'll flml your way
all right."
"Thanks," said Justin, tossing the
tnaa a coin. "th, I wninler If your
people would allow lue to use a tele
phone for a moment. I've picked up a
little lost boy and"-
"tVrtaliily. sir. If It's Mr. Levson's
little Iwy It's all right. They've Uvn
telephoning here to know If we've
keen biro. Come right In "
He held open tbe door and admitted
Justin and bla sleepy charge Into a
wide entrance hsll aoftlv i-arled mid
delicately lighted with carefully ll
posed electric bullia. A wood lire
whlneiv, in tbe wide .fireplace, and
several ctmifortsble cbslrs were gath
ered around tbe hearth, wlicre a white
haired woman was' di-iivimlna- ten.
There were several other vinn. aoine
within the tatl shadow .r wltle
The white haired woin.iu dropped a
feasioHt with a, silvery U-lutter and
stMse to her feet. Junta saw wild
dased eyes that her faiv lnMlcl j
out of Its rutoulary awci-f repo ami
that she looked at hint ltb astoulxh-m-nt
and dUpleaaure rattier than wel
come. "I ask your pardon, mndnu Mr.
Stone. I came upon your place ly lul
take, and I asked your man If I might
telepboue to this little I hit's iMrenta
that he was found and thai' I would
return blm'at once," he stammered
after a little awkward alien. e.
"Oh. It's little Frederick: llw de
lighted "poor Evelyn will l. Here
Is the telephone booth, Mr. Dehm."
When Justin emerged after rra untir
ing the delighted parents that be
would return the wandering Frederick
to their anus at once he found Mrs.
Stone awaiting him at the end of tbe
corridor. Sbe held out ln-r hand, smil
ing rather sadly aa sbe did so.
"I must ask your pardon. Mr. IMoe.
for not giving you a heartier welcome.
I was so startled at ik-ht of you I
quite lost my wits for the. moment."
"You hardly expected t we me,"
aald Delos with a rueful mlle. i'm
afraid If I'd known you a ere here I'd)
never have ventured to knock at yourj almost aa
ooor. notifiable as it always wi In
James Barklsy to II. C. Olssn, 40
acrea of taction 1. township fl south.
range 1 east: I TOO.
Jamea M. and Mary N. Vatsutlne to
T. J. and Lydla Honainger, una in
section t. township I south, range
I east; IjOOO.
George II. Gregory et si t Mary
8 and Ida H Howard and Ida 8. Mul
ligan. 1 I t acrea of tbe J. T. Wing-
field, n. U C. lownahlp S south, range
S east; ft.
Uusiaf II. and Mlna IJIJa to Henry
J. Ilansoit, XU acres of section IT,
township -I south, rsnge 4 east:
Catherine Taylor to M. J. Clancy.
land In Darllug's Addition to Oregon
City; $500.
Osvetsd Wtfs et the
n Rsvelulieesry LssSer.
t1 rriili
0 MU, sy Aewneaa Itm Aaseclstloe,
all. Maosao
Ma matter what may be the fortunes
at war. the wife of (ieneral Kranctai o
L Madera baa before ner do path of
fossa. Should failure come to ber bua
band a tragic death la likely to be bla
fata. Should be be auccoasful tbe Jsl
eooea or aia anstsbie associates are i
much to" be feared aa the
.1 In I f,M.n,, ..r ki. t. r. i.
. . . , . I W, V. M III IHII
,w -- miuvu ww nr nini iHiiuiier- r g)
wg reminoerr ne lieggi, haxtllv.
vvnaioiy. jUHiin. . Ulll ymi
Women's Club Postpones Picnic
i ne picnio mat was to have ieen
given by the Women's Club of this
The Nation's
Largest Dealers
Headqttarters for all makes
of Talking Machines.
The Officers and Directors of
Eilers Music House announce
the Formal Opening Days of
their New Establishment on
Saturday, June 3rd, Monday,
June 5th, Tuesday, June
6th, and Wednesday, June 7th,
in the new Eilers Building;, 7th
and Alder, in the City of Port
land, Oregon.
Every reader of The Enterprise
is cordially invited to attend.
Souvenirs for boys and girls
who are accompanied by their
No goods sold Saturday after '
2 P. M.
f Ace You Subscriber to the
,v -;V- New Datfy? - '
If The Morning Enterprise is to be aa socceasful aa the Interests of Oregon
City demand H must needs hay the rapport of all. The new dally has
wwor U ta boosting Oregon city and Clackamas County. Tour
TillOYoti Help Boost yoiif own Interests?
a Uniltad time the Uoraina Bhitswarlaa win k. ja t i. .
rabaaalbara aa follow.: : ' "
By Carrier, l yr.
-F MM. a
Csnd. In
toono at mm with aatoaisrasirr.
aa be threw la the clutch and pulled
the starting lever, bat tbe boy rrsHi.
ed him with trembling Sogers.
"No. It Isn't, sir; I missed It way
back. I ran away from nurse, and I've
been trying to find it ever since and"
A handsome lamppost supported a
large electric globe which gave down
sufficient light to convince Justin that
he was Indeed on the wrong road.
-Well, rn be Jlggeredr be exclaimed
at last
"T told you it was tbe wrong road."
piped tbe little voice rather trium
phantly; ,
"So you did. Well.Jt's the first time
I knew this old road went beyond
Cross Highway! Seems to stop right
nere 100. uo you know where this
drive leada to, sour
"To perdition," ssld the Uttle fellow
"Perdition!" repeated Justin, scandal-
txeo- -woo told you that?"
"Motae did. I asked her. I waited
In the carriage once when sbe went in
side, and she said It was perdition. So
I naked cook what perdition was. and
she said It was-you know tbe bot
place." -
"What's your name?" .
"Frederick Templeton Leeson. That's
dad's name too."
"Abl Then 'you're Leeaon's little
chap, eh? Well, yon are a good way
fMtm t, ASM A . ....
". uoess i oetter run np
this drive and telephone to your folks
that you're all right. What A.
eayr Jnstln turned tbe car Into the
drive and sped swiftly np Its length.
"I don't-want to go to that placer
railed Master Frederick Temoieton
Leeson. "Cook aays they fry you on
toasting forks If yoo're naughty."
Never yon mind. son. Tou're a
good boy. Tbey won't fry you nor
bake yon. Very likely all tbe ladles win
kiss yon snd csll yoo a sweet child."
I bate ladles, snd I won't be ktn.oH
and 1 won't be fried!" protested Fred-'
erick. kicking tbe shlna of his resc uer
win sudaea tierce ingratitude. "Yin
stop this csr, mister!" " .-.
-kt your commend, sir," said Justin
and drink a cup of tea wltii u" mii
psused at bis proleKtliur li m.l
"Tbaok you. dear Um Siom-. but I
. . i .... . ,.
wuiuu uui ubiii you' cliitiige your
mind about me. you know." be said
"Change my mine! Ah. Juiln .we did
that almost immediately after you bft
In anger. If you had only read and
needed our explanatory let tent yon
would have known that Mr. Stone was
quite satisfied that tbe fault of the ac
cident rested entirely nn a defer! In
our machine and not lu your driving,
nut you never answered our Mtera.
ana yoo decllued to see oiy buabend
I never received yoor letters. Mrs.
Stone, and aa soon as I learned that
Dita Miss Stone was out of danger I
went abroad and have been home only
a few weeka You see. I bought a
place not far from here-thoucht I'd
get In a new part of tbe country and
wouldn't meet any of thsaold crowd.
Bat It's a small world "
"It la Indeed, snd ou haven't aikil
after my daughter. Jmtlu. It s three
yeara since you la it mw uer. Isn't ItT
ens searched his face with anxious
motherly eyes.
"I haven't dared ak for ber. I've
felt that I was to blame for reckless
anving, and I shall never forget ber
white face, as sbe Isy u neons, lous on
the siooes nor tbe words of your bus
band as be accused me of baring mur
dered her-murderlng Dita when -oh.
what's tbe use? You knew how felt
about It. Mra. Stone." '
For an Instant ber warm band press
ed his. and then sbe glided awsv t
give place to a tall, slender form,
crowned with golden hair, whose fsce
was rosy with health snd whose gray
eyes were now alight with a happiness
which bad been postponed until this
blissful moment Justin could scarcely
believe bis hungry eyes when ber own
answered bis unspoken appeal and tbe
quiet corridor witnessed the reunion of
tbe parted lovers.
a ner awblle the
no happy lot, and the face of Dm
Madero U'lhal of a narnatM-d and uo
happy woman. teoH who imagine the
Mexican revoiutloalata to be persons
of no particular renuenieat or edora
noo pre mistaken, in the ease of the
Maderoe at least Tbe grandfather of I
General Msdero rams from I'ortngal..
where tbe family waa of some cons
queues. Tbe graudfatber was himself
revolutionist snd was Instrumental
la tbe dethronement of the Rmperor
Maximilian Tbe Madero Jamlly Is
on of weaira They are rated as mil
Bonalrea. owning vet ysntation snd
vaiuaDis mines Ocoeral Madero s see
so brothers were, like blmseif. eda
cated ta tbe United Stales and In Eu
rope. Tbey have traveled et tenet vely
and moved In tbe best society The I
family have been In tbe nahlt of visit
tog New York for a part of every year.
. vraocwo Miaeeo naa been a cm
omed to shopping on Broadway, oa
nooa street sod la tbe Rue de Is pall.
From tbe moat luxurious of surround
mas uus oevotea woman la ready to
follow ber busbaod to the wild scenes
and tbe discomforts of tbe inaiirrecto
camp. There ber Angers are deft la
ministering to the wounded, and wber
ever sue appears-for i Ieneral Madero
doss not allow ber to follow bla for
tanas from bartle to battle aba la ball
ad by officers and men
wsillne Uhim I
Frederick Templeton !eaon demand-1
ea to oe taken to bis mamma
don't like perdition!" he oroteaiMt
"Perdition!" repeated Justin for the
econa time tbst evening
perdition, ebr
D&abtiSi. as. i
nwu oione uiagbed merrily, "it's
such a good Joke. Jnstln. It seems bis
mother told him this road led to I'er-
uits s. snd be translated It Into -i-r
ditlon.' and tbe cook gave blm a literal
interpretation of that word, ami he's
been afraid to come tiers ever since,
haven't you. Frederick r
"I like Miss Dita. but I doo't want to
stsy in perdition." yowled Fredprl.-IC--.
Jnstln lifted him to his shoulder snd
turned to Mrs. Stone with his old win
ning smile. "I'm going to take Fred
erick borne. Would ya trust Terdlta
with me too?"
Without a word Mrs. stone stood a
tiptoe to kiss the Ull ymmg man. while
PerdiU slipped sway to don enat mA
As they whirled down the dark
aveane and Into the winding road
Frederick annggled l-twecu them and
ottered a sleepy algh.
"I fuess we're out of perd1 Ion now."
"And right Into paradise." concluded
Justin hnpplly. -
aitasle Fee Seating. Bathing er Any
Othee Outdoor Saeet,
The outdoor girl la very fond of tbe
silk Jersey this season, partly because
it is so becoming snd com tort able snd
Partly because It enables her to arbleve
Biaay apparent cbaogea In her costume
bj making use of different skirts Tbe
Jersey Is used by the gin win. goes
canoeing or rowing, by tbe dlaripie of
sou or tennie or croquet, or If may be
a part of tbe ses bathers' costume
sow ouang jerseys are maU ih
necks snd elbow sleeves sod are
anraiJy Is two colors. Some of them
al Estate Transfers.
Walter B. and Ruth B. Hughs .to
: A4.ftugn"' ,0,, n "0, of block
14, Gladstone; $1. - ,
John w. and Kata C. Thornton to
P. M. Doyle, lot 7 of block "C." WII
sonyllle; f 10. .'
All A .
. 11 ' ana ndey Mlchaal to
T.- V u". 2 acres of section
f300fW" 'OUthv 1 Mt'
Mrs. 8. J. Hawk to Clarence E.
Barnes, 20 acrea of acHs, i a
$10 towM, 1 ,outn' rn 3 east;
r.'n,d M'bel Bolk,n t0 Cnrls
C. Gannon l acre of section 1, teea
hip 2 south, range east) U0
: y
II r-i ass I I
4 3 :
aaaTsaawaai V'
V-tibs New
The ESogfllinff
Will You
Boost Your Own
. ... "i . 1 .
By carrier, J year $3.00
By mail, i year 2.00
Send in Your Name
and Remittance
OAsoataa oostvbtb, '
hare bands of whits with the body of
tarn jersey u some contrasting shade.
One advantage of tbe an .
that different cotiara ot silk, lace or
linen may ba, adjusted to it and On
Isbed with neat tie .The silk Jer
aey is a blgb favorite with tbe girl of
faaltless figure, bat It reveals the lines
pr tbe form too frankly to be safs for
those who bars many angles.
Rlee Cfa..
Ground rice It exrsiin tnm
wbite cloth. It should be appiisj Wtn
pfars of clean whits flanorl. Mi for
tw or three hours and then weU
brnabed and sbtken.
Tolntroduoe Taa MorxUag
Katarpna lato s large
Ity of tbe somas ,a
City and Claokamas esunty tag
managameat aaa aaaidsd to
make a special prloa for taa
aOy iaasas, far aaawt tasas
9h1y, where tag subscriber seya
a year la advaaca.
By carrier, osid a rear la
advaaca, IS.M.
,By stall, paid a year la ad
vance, fXOv.
People who gaw war eaayaa
sar a trial sobeoriptloa far one
or more axoataa, at tea swats a
week, eaa have tag daily dellv
ared for a year for fl.og by
paying a year la advanoe.
People who gave our oaavaa
sar a trial snbaerlptloa, by
mall, for four months at a 4e.
tar, may have the paper for a
yaar for 11.00, If paid a faar la
Subscribers to Us Weakly
Enterprise may change their
subscriptions to the dally, ra
celvlng credit for half time oa
the daUy that tag weekly Is
paia ia aavaaca. Whan they
enoosg to add cash to the ad- )
ranca payment equal to a faU
years adraaog payment tbey a
may Uka advantage of the fl 0
rata. - .
. we make this spool al prloa
so that paoplg who have paid
ia aavanog ea soma other aaa? s
and wish to take the Dforaeag . s
Enterprise, may do so without
too great ex pease. - a
Read the MornTng Cnterprlre.
Reel stats Transfers.
James and Lisslo Skinner to Rom
P. Humiston, lots 71 and 8, Rota
wood, reserving 60 foot strip from
south snd of lot 8; $726.
Tea Broach and Howard Whipple to
Vera Oasch, lot 18, Hood View Acres,
20.83 acrea; $L
Pblllln T. and Dorothea Oatfleld to
J. D. and A. E. 8. Fellows, 6 acres,
townahp south, range I co
B. W. Melllen to Christian Slebken,
lot I. block US. Oreson City: 11100.
T. R, A. and Joaenhlne M. 0. Sell
Wood to A. J. Waller. lots B and It,
block 8, Qulncy Addition to MIlwatK
Wa; 1320.
John W. and Kate C. Thornton to .
Kate Wolbert. lota 1 to 7. Inclusive,
block D. WHsonvllle: 110(10.
N. J. and Noah P. Barnhart to Dells
and Hugh Roberts, west one-third of
outh one-half, lot 88, Jennings Lodge;
Albert and Francis M. Durst to .
Maxwell Telford, 40 foot strip from
northerly aids of northeast quarter of
northeast quarter, section 17, tows
hip 4 south, range t east; II.
Hutchsns, of Logan, Brjnga
Clutter of Psuloniet.
Ia the window of the office of rrer
ta A Unnov la a beautiful eluatST 01
Paulonlea grown by Mrs. Hutchsns, of
Logan. The species f flower Is
fragrant and uncommon. Mrs. Hutch-,
ans la one of the enthusiastic flower,
(rowers of this county, and ber iJ" t
dsn Is a bower of beauty when to',
flowers are In bloom. The Ptulonis
la of a lavender color and resembles.
the Foxglove. - Tha trees are tlmiisr
to tbe catalpa. The tree' owned" hT
Mra. Hutchena Is about eight J
old, and Is Just commencing to bloom.
WANTO- Cmall UfartlsemtnU for
this oolimn. Priest very reason-
b! r r!?t at head of fol'fflJ"-.