Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 06, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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K. K. ROD4E. idltoe and fMblleber.
Bntar4 M seon4-eU matter Jut'
UT I, J til. si th xt cIDm at Orca
Cliy. Orvco. andr the Act of March
i. trrt.-
1 M
. "reus sojourno.
- W k il
mill , , ..
is Months, by aaall
row Months, by mall
Per Mk, by corner....
First Pa, nr men rirat harttoa....lS
Firat hn, Mr mob add
Pffwus aoalthm
ftrat maartton . . . ,
Piefned poalttoa
444 tnan-ttoM
117 Hf.
eiy . p
ua paper other thaa ftrat aaca. per larh
firs hawrttoa lie
Rua aaaar Mkar thaa ftrat aaaa. aar kach
Mad aaartlena te
Locals lie par Una; ta regular advar
ttaara to Itaa.
Wants. For SaJa. Ta Rant. ate., aaa
test word ftrat Insertion; eaa-kaJf oant
aarh additional
Rates far advortletiic la ikt Waahty
Kntarprtoa wtil bo tha aarob aa te the
tally, for advarttarmrata art eopectally
for tha weekly. Wriore tha edTortteemvnt
la tranafarrad from tha dally to tha week
ly, without rhun, tlta rata will b ta
aa tech for rua af tha paper, aad la aa
taea for apaeial posftloa.
Caah ahould aeeompaay order whara
party la imknowa In baateaaa offtoa of
tha Enterprise.
teal aoVertlamf at legal advertlatag
Circus aaVortlslna and apaelaJ tranatant
advartrairur at ie to toe an Inch, accord
t to apactaJ condltlona governing tha
"Ftia Bala" and Bankrupt Bala" adver
tisements St Inch ftrat Inaarttoa: add!
ttimal teaartlona aama mattar 3to tech.
Nawa ttrma and wall writ artfeloa
at martt. with tetaraat to local raadara.
wtlt ba rladly accepted. Rejected aiaan-
eernts Bevor returned nnleeo accoaapaa-
8aa Francisco, a city of ei tensive
wooden construction, hat burned
more thaa ooee. An association of
Kan tat insurance companies tat Just
bew formed to prevent Area by edu
cating the people and otherwise. The
hardest part of the task lavto arouse
a' realising sense of tha colossal and
Drllee leak, and to Indue action
that goee to tb point '
Another minister now announces
that tha tempter of Eva waa not
anake but a aeraph. , How thta dle
covery wat made raltea a new mjre-
tery In tha cat.
It la claimed In Iowa that tha per
rentage of divorcee ta Increaalns In
direct ratio with the rite of the auf-
fragtst movement But la It not alto
coincident with the rla In inaurgency,
and In the. temperature, and Jn yeaat
tad by
pta-atoa te prepay pnatawa.
June 6 In American History.
1742 tSenertl Nathanael Creeoe. dis
tinguished Itrvuiotkmary soldier.
b.rn; died ITsrt.
173&-Natbito II air. martyr to liberty,
born: eietniied by (he llritlxb Sept.
22. 177
17-l'atrrk Henry, oralor whone elo
qnenre arouurd the American -'
tonlabt. died: born I7SM
I81S-Jamen IjiwtviH-e. naval captain.
fell In battle on tbe United State
" frtfrate Cbeiettke: horn 1TS1.
imn-CoiiHiel Theodore (VHara. aoldier
and -iet dletl; horn IJOO.
180& Colonel ' Alexander Kelly Mr
dura, noted HiruailHt lonx proml
oent In IVnnxyivania ollt1ca. died
la rbllauVlptila: born 1K28.
(Protn nooa today to nooo tomorrow.i
Sua acta 724. rtaea 42S: moon eeta
tiOt a. m. Thia data. 2012. naxt trana
tt af pit net Van at except . one via.
Jom s. aooi.
Heart to Heart
If economy la to be a leading theme
at Waahington tbe new tecretary of
b Interior,' Walter L. Fiaher, chose
wlaely In hit addreaa on Fire Waata
and Ita Remedy." Mr. Fiaher calctt
latea tbe fire loaa in tbe United Statee
to have reached $230,000,000 a year,
or $2.S1 per capita. In these con
flagrationa tbe annual loaa of life It
1500, with 6000 Injured. To tbe loaa
most be added tbe higher coat In thia cot off wltb J200.00U. Even tbe rich
A great painting. "The Pursuit of
Fortune," abowa a woman uti borae-
back. riding at breakneck aiwed to
catch up wltb the godde of Konune.
Behind ber rMe grlnulug leatn.
Which dtly aymliolUea I he career of
tbe late Mra. Cbarlea T. Yerkea.
Terkea wat a cold blooded, money
making genlua. who early In life col
Into - tbe penitentiary for enibezzle
meut. Aftehwkrd. gulug lo Chicago,
be made a bjg fonuueHn the atreet
car boalpexa. " . .
Hit faithful wife atood by him when
be waa aent to prison. When be got
rich be rewarded ber devotion by di
vorce and married Mary Moore, a
beautiful young girl aged twenty -three.
He wat then fifty.
Tbe aecond wife waa ambltloua so
cially and hoped to be a leading fac
tor In high life, but Cblcagw society
deliberately anubbed and repulsed ber.
She persuaded ber husband to move
to New York. Yerkea ballt a mansion
there.' but tbe social doore would not
open to the gxldeo key.
Disillusioned, embittered. Mra. Yerkea
abut herself np In the Fifth avenue
Yerkea sold hit Chicago .boldlnga
and went to London, where he made
more millions In traction. Hit wife
made a third essay to' enter society.
bat in London, at In America, the
wat turned down by tbe amart set.
There wts domestic difficulty, and tbe
came back lo New York.
Then Yerkea returned to New York,
where be died In great agony at a
fashionable hotel. Mra. Yerkea.,vialt
ed him only once during hit Illness, a
few boors before bit death.
Tbe atory la told that Yerkea died
alone, bit Iwdy being dumped Into a
big laundry basket and taken by a
freight elevator down to the under
taker'a wagon.'
ADd tbe widow?
When tbe will waa read the waa
country of insurance and fire depart
ments. Interruption to business la an
other large Item. How mucb of thia
huge total it preventable? At least
four-fifth i. aa compared with fire
damages In the leading countries of
Europe. Tbe per capita lost In Italy
It 12 cents, or only one-twentieth of
that In tbe United States. Ia France
It la 30 cents aad in Germany 49. Aua
trie'a per capita of lose it 29 cents,
Denmark's 28 and Switzerland'a 30.
In other respects tbe disparity U
atrlklng. In the United States tbe
average per capita coat of fire de
partments In cities of over 100,000 ln
habltante it $1.53. It It 19 centt in
London. 21 te Paria, 26 in Berlin, 22 in
St Petersburg and S cents in Buda
Pestb. Insurance la correspondingly
high In tbe United States. The direct
and consequential loaa by conflagra
tions in thit country would pay for a
Panama Canal every year.
It needs a trumpet can to wake np
the American people on thia subject
aaya the St Louis Globe-Democrat
If Secretary Fisher can do It tbe
achievement will be held In lasting
remembrance. There it ttartllng reck
lessness in materials of construction
and lax metboda of inspection. Frame
buildinga are the leading cause of
American fires, but defective chim
neys, heating, lightning, matches,
sparks and explosions figure largely
in tbe waste. About one-fourth of
the Area are laid to "cautea un
known." A new American town, es
pecially in the mining regions, It ex
pected to burn, and seldom escapee
art gallery In tbe Yerkea palace was
left to tbe city. And for years tbe
widow spent money and energy trying
to get ber legal rights. 4 . .
Meantime the married "for love" a
young man named Mlxner. They lived
together only one week. And a abort
time ago the died of nervout prostra
tion, an old woman at forty.
Never Id ber life did thia woman
get what she wanted. '
Why? Did It Just happen so?
No. Tbe law of compensation bold.
8 be violated tbe laws of love when
abe married for money and social hon
ors.. Note this fat: Even minded Justice
punlsbea In tt leant two war
Firat. By slvlne ti wimr wnni
Sevond - Hy iteriy'.t ff n nni we
And of ilie'ltro to-wV. f ttifi!n
tofiii toe latter is orrn n- . .
How Uncle Sam's Bluejackets
Become World's Best Marksmen
rv .'i . icv
K-" A A .-' & ' . ' ' -a!
1 1 Ot v ".f ..' ' .. MJ
KXVlWv. v
k" t v t
at ;
j rTTt--;,:.-'Tr-?,- r".
Photoa copyrtght by American Prasa A aao elation, ltlt.
NCLX SAM'S bluejacketa are tbe marvala of tbe world when ntarke-
manahip la conaldered. Tbe acorea they have made In target prac
tice have never been approached by tbe fighters of any other nation.
They handle the ten and twelve Inch gnna with tbe accuracy and
predates af email rlflee, and they are coo Ma sally eetabllahuig new records.
Urine at a coating target with an area or euo square real at a cutanea oc
from two to ten miles wltb a thirteen inch gun, one crew made a record of TS
per cast af hits, and tbe lowest record made ta recent years with a gna of his
tee waa 40 per cent As each shot from ope of these guns costs IS0O tbe Im
portance of making few misses can readily be understood. ; That toe gooa
res alts obtained In shooting at target a can fee duplicated la warfare waa
abowa at Manila and at Santiago de Cuba daring tbe war with Spain. Tbe
government in addition to tbe large amounts expended for powder and abella,
appropriates about $200,000 a year to be divided at prates among tbe beat
starkamea of tbe navy. These prises Increase tbe keen rivalry that si lata
among tbe bluejackets. The photographs printed above show men stretching
eaavae ever a target and others examining tbe netting and canvtt te count
the hits. The pictures were made during target practice near Fort Monroe.
45 Years Ago
premium In the blood-ring over the
famous Princeton, bred by John M.
Clay, of Kentucky. He haa trotted
Long Island, two mile beata. In
.50 per mile; on Cambridge course.
Mats., in 2: 14. He also won the sliver
cup. the sweepstake premium for
roadster stallions, at the California
State Fair in Sacramento last fall.
His last appearance on. the turf wat
t tbe Illinois State Fair at Freenort.
In 1859, where he won the society's
purse and premium, trotting the
seventh and last heat In 2:42. One
of tbe get of Waterloo trotted In 2:34
last season, and bla colts general!
are considered fine. At the last State
Fair in Salem, Waterloo made bit
mile In 2:56.
New Mall Route Postmaster Kelly.
of thit city, bat received Instructions
irom Washington, to ascertain from
the most authentic sources within bis
resch, tne length of the route from
Oregon City rla Cuttlng'e Mill, Glad
Tldlnga, 811verton, Sublimity and 8clo,
to Lebanon, to be used In preparing
the advertisement Inviting prosala
for mall aervire on It. and locating It
upon tbe maps of the department,
This route was established by act of
Congress, approved July 18. 180fi. and
we ar very greatly pleased to an
nounce' tbe fact thai it will soon be
In operation.
Fallen . Out. The bottom haa so
fallen out of the roads north and
south of Oregon City, that the Stage
Company are now compelled to run
an open wagon In place of their Con
cord coaches, between Salem and
Portland. - If we are not sadly- mis
taken It Is a great fault that better
roads are not provided In Clacka
mas county. In a future Issue we
proiMe to devote some of our time
and space to the subject, and In the
meantime we Invite correspondence
from such of our citizens as take an
Interest In the matter. It Is well
known by ail that some measures
ought to he Immediately adopted for
these Improvements. What Is the besi
The price of wool advanced In the
Oregon City market Monday.
dealers are H' offering from thirteen
I to fifteen cents. The1 hew crop la md
of extra quality, and the supply It
not large. There It much lest than a
normal quantity llng offered.
There was areaier offerings of
strawberries Monday, receipts being
principally from local point a. Quality
of fruit la the beat of the season, aud
It la n w freely predicted that the bulk
of the alilpments will be marketed
either the Inner part of the present
week or the force part of next week.
Quotation for Qregen City.
IDTATOKS Heat. $:.$0, good
$3 25; common. 2. Huylng, carload,
selec'. $1.10; ordinary, $1.X.
steady telling from $5 to$5 40; very
little of - cheaper gradea. Feed It
higher and rising slowly, llrantirliigs
from $: 60 to $37 (0, ahorta $39 to $30,
rolled barley $31.50 to $33.33. process
barley $33, whole corn $31 to $33,
cracked com $33 to $33. Wheat $33
to $33.
HAY-Oliiylng.) Timothy $1 to
$11. Clover. $13 to $14: oat hay, $14
to $1; mixed. $12 to $14; alfalfa,. S
to $16.
OAT8- (Ikiylng) Orey, from-$35
to $37; white, from $: to $38.
HITTER (Puylng) Ordinary
country brings from 15e lo 20c,
fancy dairy from 20c to 13c, cream
ery 23c to tie.
EGOS i'ti ins Ate ranging from
18c to ;'n according to grade. V.
POUI.TKV (Ittiilng Firm with lit
tie good stock offered. Hens will bring
14c, If In extra good condition more.
Old roosters are poor at 8c to 10c. broil.
ert bring from J2c to 24c, With good
WOOL-(T!iiv:iig)Vool prlcet tre
rtnging from lte to 15c.
MOHAIR (Huylng prlcea oa mo
hair have been vny up. some having
brought aa h'ah a J locally. Quo
tat Ions are :7Vc and demand la atrong
HlDM-( Buying Green hides. So
lo 6c; saltera, lc to 6c; dry hides,
I2r to 14c. Sheep pelts, 25c to 75c
IWED FRCITS-Locai prlcea are
firm at from 8c to 10c on applee and
prunes, peachea are 19c."
8ALT Selling 60c to 0e tor fine
60 lb. aack. half ground 40c; 75 for
104 lb. eacka.
People who "invest"
In antererlaee BMni.u.
are usually dlaappelnt.3. "B,rwH, Itra,
They ftll te oat the Inttrett thty ,p.ct,d .n- ..
money paatta te ethere. . ' twiv -
The mooey saver aheuld t.k. . eh w
Whtn you depoelt yeur menae en . Tlma Ctrte., Xh
Ing. Dap.rtm.nt of thl, bank, It rtmtln,Vnd. W ' TiZ
taroa a aura and tttady rate sf Interett. Th.
In thia kind af an Invtttmtnt T",r a gJJJJJ' N
The aooner you begin, the teontr will you . i
growing balantt. ' " rMtaHla,
The Bant of Oregon City
the first national bank
UAPITAt, SH.0P4.ta,
Ta aaeu a neral Sanklnf uefheee.
Oregon City Wood and Fuel Comci
Your wants tuppllad wMh any quantity of 4 toot or i in
llvtred te any part ef City. Prlcea, reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Home B-110 .
' Patiflo Main 350?
ft L h r "ore t ura labwl b, ua. tu,Il!lirjU I.
Btarf a. a
aatlt row rarwtve oar MUkM . L.rLu '"".
eeaeeeavavae, a...,. v -"
m kzzi Tt:::urcc nzznzzi
,s, Tm. aim mimIIh aaaaaa.
A bumlnMl UMNMaaa ualra auld iaaS aar.
. ."wwi lrlr and tur
noine, vary enrsMe and md luaiila with
a Mvwai quaui ll rvmxr. waicai saver be-
nanaa poroa sad phfa-h rhaaa Bp until
mnrtarrs wlthrmt allowln tkealr to aaease
have bundrvOa of rlun froa aaUaSd eualuanM
autlnatliat mlr Ura bare only beaaimaipad bp rwu
buM an
Ira. Uapi
pair, bat
tr natasaM iiiiniiaul aaea mua
or liw In tabula erawn. Tber walab no atnra Ibaa
at orUlnarrUra. UimaotnrerUuna qualiuaa balna
atn br aevtral Jajrrra of thin, atally pepar4
I 2r ii" iwaniar pnoa or inaa u
a aiv w par pair, mil MMnnWM parnaaM we arw
" laowwx pnrm w uia ri'iar of
V,. . .
r - -
1 1
la eeavaal rfcaMMiaa. TV
- 8ACK VIX3KTABLE8 Carrota, , !Vtmf4 tbaal atrWIr aaTelaand. 1 " '-
,rr.I,5a,,f PTr "Ck: P'r"'P-. 9lr2
fflUO; turnip.. 25,1.50; , ' 1.
VEGETAnLKSAsparaaus. 0rfr ' rVaTV1 ''S
11.75 per erate; e.bbage, aew, fj prr , V fvJJ . 1 TTTjTirTlS-'
hundredaelgbt: cauliflower. ll.Arr 1 12 tTTZZIXrjl
60c per doten: hotho.iaa Uft..M ii W " " 1 waww,baV
i per bog; peas. ftcC lie per
pound; peppers. 30cC35c per pound;
radishes, l&c par doten; rhubarb. 2Hc
!l.?'-r.pound; "Prouta. Sc; tomatoes,
I79I3.26. .
POTATOES-oregon. jobbing price,
92.10 per hundred; a-w potatoea, 7c
67 4c per pound.
ONIONS Jobbing price; Oregon
12.76 per 10ft; Australian, 3.50 per
100; Teiat. 12 25 per crate: Califor
nia, 2 per crate.
Oregon City Stock Quotations,
HOGS Hoga are quoted He lowe.
From the Weekly Enterprise, Novem
ber 17, 18C5.
Waterloo. The famous high-bred
trotting ntajiion Waterloo, la now
owned In thia city by J. I Barlow,
who purchased him at tbe recent State
Fair. Waterloo waa bred la 1850 b?'
Mr. Noble, of PitUfleld, Vermont,
hence he it a "Green Mountain Boy."
He it a beautiful dark bay, 15 1-2
handt high, and In general appear
ance very mucb like Rifleman. For
many yeara Waterloo stood at the
bead of the Western turf at a two
mile trotter, winning puraea and prem
ium! wherever thown. In one instance
(at Janeavllle, Wit.), winning tbe
I South Nation's
Biggest Asset
ete4eeee4eeee4 e
By RICHARD rfl. EDMOND5. Editor of Manufacturers' t
Record. Baltimore
K)R years people hire been inclined to look npon the south as
the -poor relation" in the family of states.
It is to the south' that the nation is compelled to look for the fire
tundred million dollars which southern cotton annually brings ns from
Europe. . ,
- But that is onlj a SMALL FACTOR in the sooth's importance.
Sne cotton crop in its raw state, seed included, is worth nearly one
trillion dollars s year, while almost as much more is added to this value
by that part of the crop manufactured in thia country and the utiliza
tion of seed in eight hundred cottonseed oil mills.
Don't throw your magazines and
periodicals away. There is
much valuable information' in
them that will never be publish
ed elsewhere. 'The cost is little
Our boy will call for the mag.
azines if you Phone.
From 115 lbs. to 1M lbs. tt.t
160 Ibt. io zoo IDS.
from te to 10c accordtaf tt fn
the local markett are fttcalM W
lUe live areisht
SHEEP a.o urin tt H ! e
High Prlcea ef Patt Hx MaatlitW
aiAt U.lnt!nS.
PORTLAND. Or.. June l-(8rH
Dlnt. tnr tha k ht't "
Cattle, 2026; calves. II; so.
sheeo. ?78f: II t II.. 1M
. - . it. v aMwIntl ik
in me isre oi '
cattle market continue la Its o"1
wr! trend and there u 7
difference In prlcet tt comaM v
two weekt tgo. KlHert bwfM
tentlvelr In Colorado and M
and were alow In taking solo a
offerlngt here. With tht josM
tprlng and the one of vltw
imm, in uwinni". " - - .
off and the With pneev -",
exlated for tbe ptti til w"--,
not be malntnliied. TH kw lJ
have tccelortted trailing l ""
tie and feeders and PZZi
lot pur pones are being 'AtV
Tbe bog market wat WW"!
piled and there was a general n
enlng of prlcet. H"S
around 200 pounds sold at F-w "i
the demand wat very Ktlvt. I
There wat a fair run oi
not many that could be oo""'-
a fair lot
pounat toia ti """..i.-art
wethert told at 1 35
era told at $2.60. ,
The horse market 7
activity, wllb aniuoth drtftwi
i fduu, .--tain ;
The following tales re nf)
"W:' 1107 W
i. Lamba sold it tJ.
of wethert that awnf?
old at 14 25. one
130 Steers
120 Steers
223 Hteen
21 1 Steers
81 Cowt
10 Cow t
28 Cowl
68 Cows
S Ctlvet
4 dives -r:
3 Stagi ......'"?
2 Pulli
17 Hoga
1 Hon ........"'
I 14
10 Hogt
1 Hog .......A.'
1132 I-m'i ......"
465 Wethers
60S Wether
1243 8tockera
2 Tetnit Drafters
3 Drafters
... 3 Delivery Hortea ...
2 Plugt
, 184
, 377
, $:!
' oo
Couples Get MarrUfle
Ueenses to msrry wtr tt .
dar to Roaa B. Pfenninger
Natf, and Mildred Helen "
Cblrlea 0. Chrittlanten.