Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 04, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    I ' I
E. K. HOCMC, EdNae and rNB41ssee.
MH as Beod-eUaa Mtwr Jaa
mtt - 1. at tbe Cara
Oty Orswaa, WW Um Art of jaare
two sr saxvroM.
Oe Year, by sasll .. .
ts Mnatha. ky aaafl .
Paw Mxeuke. by aaajl.
. 1.SS
imrraas. uto
mt MM fleet Iwrtkx Ik
rwa. Pa-a. pot hack aldad liwnlMt .let
fiaCatiad poattaaa Bay pe-a. aav I"441
flrM iMntw Ike
awrd poelttaa any HO- P taek
to fM. Tala mm ta tba
ta Portland. iWi thr to
Jed work and a great deal
4 Oregon City Sunday, fair and
warmer; aorthweaterly wtnda.
Oregon Sunday, fair; warmer.
laierioc west port too: north weat-
erty wind.
rtral mull ..r...". le
Baa P aanTiiini'' tint paa. par back
Lara's I Be per Mae; la regwlar adrer
mm fc Ha.
Weata. Far Sate. To Raat. ate. eae
aval a arord ftrat maerttan ;. owe hslf aanl
ear additional.
Rata for adrerttaT ta Aa Weekly
Katsrprlae will be I ha aaaa aa ta tha
Sally, tor drenieeaeata Bat aapaciaBy
for tb sraeaiy Where the adiartawaaeat
ta transferred freen the dally to tbe week
ly, wit boat rbaaaa. the rata win ba ae
aa tack for tea ef Um papar. aa4 las aa
kx-t for special poatMoa,
Cask should eceotapaay ardar wbara
party ta uakaoara la baatnesa afnea of
the Kntcrpnee.
Legal adYertterag at 1 Bit van lata
Cirrus adTerttstn and special traaetewi
aaVerttatnd at lac la 4e aa lack, accord
ma to speetal eoedlUoaa wmtn 'ba
' oibar thaa first paa. par kerb
Tire aJa" aad Bankrupt Bala" adaer-
ta Ue tack flrat marrtioa aaai-
tlona aame aiattar JSC men.
Nawa Itnna and araU wrtt'aa antcfee
Jl aaertt. wttb Intaraat ta taraJ raadara.
will bo gladly accepted. R clad mann
serknss never raturaad ua)aaa aorocapaa
laa by tuata to prapay aoaxaaa.
June 4 In American History.
Earrr Uovartt Crvotv
tkooarr aoklirr. bum: dd IC."7. j r
Brrand tka aitay caraa
Wbara aaty brtrfea ea
la ataoo bat aaaa U
A toaaly paaea I fcaaaj
-Aa aampVy-taV" aabl aastbar
I aaw aoaaa pOad ap racaa,
Aad tkara vara diaditlaaa
, Aad rraaa a ad bollyboeeal
Aad M raM bo a sarora
Wlfb Vttlo aatba around.
Aad It eoaM aaaa a caatta
Hth on a larracad iwoaad
And M aaM ba a foraat
Whara atnaaoma KHt tka I rw
Or p r ( a aaar anaivt
iia p-ii
Bui wi. or av ffuM i
Thai fifc n -' i h a i Irv w
Ta ir'a c- l
Sii I mm ":
A qih an aa t n
To f -tKj,n to bu
A FX1 la Ih. nr ma n
Tat a ihr mi ldrrn
. i-ap n a ' K (4
obat! pa .a r ' caif n
-T1o' I'omnaaloa.
WANTKD- a4ertlamoAU for
thU eol'imn. Prlcaa rary raaaoB
able. S rait at haa4 of col-imm.
JSS7-WlillaBj AJmoo Wbat-tar. at lira
man. died; bora 1S19
man. died: bora isi J j i
lS88-rroor UUI Kjrod WU au j liCOkl IU .--CJXru
hvalCK oiBrfcic la .aw Tort atat j
1908 tnltrd Statra Snaloc - ArtAm I j 1
Pur Gorman or VlarrtAOd died, j
born 1S39 i
1910-Snndrr rivii bill rarrjinit tppro i
prtarloaj nttHit 1 1 W.uu.twu wa i
- -.
(From noon today toaood tomorrow.!
San acta 1. rle 42: aonn aet
128 a. m.: pUoat Mrrmry rtaibi lew
ta east brfora auaraw.
Tba regulars bT put ooe OTr the
tasargetiu is tka United State Sen- j
at In the appointment of another j
Lorimer iBTtiatinf, committee, i
Way hare anotber UrceT The !at '
oae is luo freaA In tbe public mind.
: . ii.-. ;. ... . .
;. or J im .
.. lil rrl. A u J
: i: TO'J It'i
;. i u .r 4Ui a nf iu.
! f T.
' : . t
Lfl iiii .
Johta Hays Hammond Uncle Sam's
' Envoy- to Coronation of King!
. . r a ,
a ,
' V- fW " a l. wbS
" x . T"a .- ,
m o;cou.w
I A-j; rmir-r;f. What a:fr
: l-ni i'oju I he lui! Lir. aL'l vrh .in
j ba eeo? The rrxrr loj. itr tb
i U-ataio. or poaaiblf ibe wonaa texl
. door. wi;b wbom be baa r x cha n fed a
few words. ib baa ararrely been Mjt
j of (be boose, while joa bay seen
Honest Man ta np Againat a man people and thin".
propositioa in Portland next ' Bbe la mad of tha sanae aoct ct atull
Of tbe two candidate, for -man aranr-aa yow.
Mayor. Baahllsht and Simon, ttere isi " " !
, . . . . , . dl afed woman, deroted to bar fam-
ttttle cnotc. RttBhiitkt baa tbe labor! ., . . .
; By. went out one mornlDg aoa set Ore
To- and tbe arlcg treat, and Simon , to tbc Ura Hbe died a nwntb later
baa may of tbe big basiteaa Interests. B T0m.
Tbe deril a&d deep aea coafroat Mr. j T oo mo'.-b to ormpj her hntxl and
Hoaveat Man and it is not eaay to too Uft 10 tnpy bar mind." cbe
foreeaat tbe result. I doctor,
ay Do yno "a
Her lirt!'it3 wi man c
Free, trade aounas fool (or a earn-, Hn, ,b(. wbov. work
pain cry. It really doet sound good. va navar a-mm and lniw i-ranallty
It geta Totea. Free wool waa promised j bald tbe family fecrtber. was Merino
by tbe Democrat and the program il j ltvg erery Bber f bar ta-inz as wife
tb Hooa of RepreseCUtive la to ef- j and mother, ar.d the bnlaud did not
fart a al'rat radiartloo ia tne wool ! llrT otjlr dltenlon wa CbUK b On
acbednle and tben to get behind a
resolution 'tat tbe Democratic party
does not reboanee its principles. Joat
what ia there in tbe principles and
promises of tbe Democratic party?
Oat of school life into lifes school time died -or done a fovlUb thing.
a .tUmi-mI this weak Id tbe aradaa- ' woooerr
tion of a number of students from tbe '
Oregon City High School. Some of
Sundays a ben abe could go-
Ton asy tbe case U au estrema one?
It la. perbapa. tnt It may aerra to give
yoa a woman's point of rlew.
Many a poor wife, drlren by nerer
ending tasks, lacking re rest loo, has
developed unrest, bronded and sotne-
Phota eopyrtgb: by Amarlcaa Proa AaaoeLattoa, lilt
JOHN HATS HAMMOND, wbo baa bad many an nasal experiences aunng
bis basy career, ta to bars still bvXTrtencaa) la June, when b rp
resenta tba United States aa special noy to tb corouatioa of King
n V - W - - - . . . - .i Aa av Ka I .i(am At tba
world ba will ba tb aaaoriat of hereditary roler, fatoxa raiers. world fsmouc
dlplocnau aad dUtlngnlahed cttitens of all lands. Mr. Hammond la a rlosa
friend of President Tart. Indeed, tie loanea air. Tart wa cooa last yaar wnoai
tba preatdoot mad bl Ions; tor tbrougb tb west and south. II has baa
meotioned aa a poaalMe amttaasador to on of tb great Enropeaa powars, bat
K is andsrstood that be does not aeek (bat honor, that be Is too busy to accept
tb appointment. Hot gi'lnx to tandn for a few weeks as a special eoroy ta
a coronation that la expected to equal or surpass anything of tb kind
ace waa different, and Mr. Hammond easily found time to go. Tb a dot
plctar waa made at a burse show at Lake wood. N. only a few days ag
and wall tb mining niDer was making preparations to sail for England.
45 Years Ago
; something to sapport a population.
, In tb first class establishments of
Pittsburg front twenty-Da to forty
i fl tons of metal Is used in a single
From the Weekly Enterprise, Novem- casting." Tbe same can b don at
br 17. 1S. ' Oswego. W took for tb establish;
The Oswego Furnace W recently : mnt 0f rolling mills to follow the
passed down tbe rter to Portland ! manufacture of iron at Oswego. Tbe
from this city, and observed that tb , on now b-m- thouaht of In California
must com to us for trod. There baa
While tb wheal crop la tba Wllla-.
... i
tttett Valley la several weeks lata.
It Is showing lb best growth In year.
The acreage Is about tba same aa last
year. Tb report on oats la also fav
orable, but It la too early to say what
tbe result will be. Tb local grain
market la dru. with little demand
Whoat is especially bard to obtain.
Old potatoes ara la demand, but of
ferings ar limited. Now potato mar
kit I generally firm Supplies from
j California, wall Increasing, aTa still
i small. Tba quality la not nearly as
good as In former season. sla being
unusually amalL '
, Qootattwita roe Oragoi City.
; POTATOES . IleaU i:.M. good
common, tz. Uuytng. carload.
aalec. $M0; ordinary, SIX). '
steady, selling from ft to IJ M; vary
llttl of cheaper grsdea Feed la j
higher and rising slowly. Ursa brings
from $: 50 to $17 M, shorts ! to fSO.i'
rolled barley fll.M to $1111. procaa
barley $11, abole' corn $11 to $11.
I cracked con. $11 to $11. Wheat $13
i to $13.
HAY (Buying.) Tlmoihy $1$ to
;$!, Clover. $13 to $11; oat hay, $14
to $i; ml ted. $11 to $11; alfalfa. $n
'to $11
j OATS (Buying I Oray from $
I to $:T; whit, from $26 to $2S.
D UTTER (Uuytng) Ordinary
country . brings from 1 to 30c,
fancy dairy from 3W to 12c. cream
ery 3Jc to 35c.
EGGS (trayingi Ara ranging frdtn
lie to 30c. according to grade.
- POULTRT 4 Rwylng Firm lh lit-
tie wood stock offered. Hens will bring
j 14c. If In ettra good condition more.
Old mooters are poor at tc to 10c. brolL
j era .bring from !Ic to 34c, with good
j demand.
. WOOL (Buy .i.g A'ool prices are
ranging from IZc to 4e.
MOHAIR (Uuytng puces on mo
hair have been way an, soma having
brought aa h'xb aa Se locally. Quo
tations are 37 He and demand la strong
HIDEH--( Buying Orn bides, te
to C-; salters, 5 He to 64e; dry bides,
13c to He. Sheep pelts. 15c to 7$e
People who "Invest"
! tetarpria aramlalaa abnarmali- UfM '
ar wawally dlaapaalntad. 7 ,rl 'birns
Thsy fall et tba IMaraat tbay aaaastsd and tb senti
mensy na ta atbara. , " u1 thr
Tba asaney savsr abawld taha.aa sbaaaes with tha a
ranan fwm -n e vartmcat ae la lk '
log Department ef this hank, rt rsmaliu yder your IT.. .
earns a sur and ataady rata af Intaraat, Thsra u n. W!
In this hind Of art investment, . 'Paiiti
"Tb aoaoar yaw begin, tha asanar will y b, ,B 0
grewlng balance. . .. F"Hls
" The Bank of Oregon City
najaaii in i i i i - i
D. C laTOURrTTw Praatdaat
" METES, Cb,k,
CAPITAL, A0.00tU)u
Traaaasw a 0wseel Sanhlni aWlna tH frMn A. at t r fc
Oregon Qty Wood and Foci Company
Ysur want auppllsd avlth any quantity af 4 feet ar it Inch wsdg
llv red ta any part af City. PMeee, reasonable.
Satisfaction guarantied Phers your ,
Hem B-HO - , Car. &th and CMw(
Pacific Mala SSOJ .. s Ofeaaa CHr.
fix rAvwiwai5z3r
I ll JW""- Waablpbsaajraaasayah.asaih.r n
V 1 1 rv-w. ,M m . nn4 7 aajfwaa mmmm f aar awa aaaa mm at aWMaa
- its.
i I ' I
ii $
Maai-Mil)Mia'MtMW.iMtM.t U.
Ka cciTac:iurKa r i :cn:
.H aa( a (aealraak
A baaurad tliiwwand pairs wJd la4 raar.
nCMJSSPTiriata .'t-' ail sUa. It
. . ss lively aad ess y
rldtntr. vary dnraKI and lined loalta af k
assuming large proportlona, and gars
evHent songs of soon bacon leg nsa
ful. Tb Iron used In pot tine no this
first furnace, w understand waa Im
ported. It will not be long, however,
after it get into operation, before
thia furnac will build othera Oawego
la destined to become tba Pittsburg
cf this part of America. In Pitta
burg, there are at tbla tlma forty-on
foundries. We predict that a quarter
of that number will be In operation at
Oswego inside of ten year a from now.
The Pittsburg foundries employ an
average of fifty bands each. Where
tber ar such resource ther la
of rolling mills, when tbeir production
was greater needed than at present
prices are
A a k I
a avarta! aaality of mUar. alik-k amf La-
Laai pnrvaa and bW-h rkaa an amall
iMiunara viibont slloalag Ik sir to asesp
I a ksaa baadraaa of Mbera fruaa Sal to Sad euatusne)
MoHa Ik IMakraaaarW
A"sad aaaalaiaalWV
aad "O" ataa raw elrts
la pes.iat riat aatbap tkS
Mr anil eallaat f mm
S...lka m.m -v t .1 I a. 41 1 iraw riu. in initi rnnniT. ny i
the Oregon Iron Company, waa rapidly "o tlm lDC ,h- l"antlon
B....B..I.- I. m, - , a I - a 111... -.1 . k. I V IT I 1 FT A III aa"iX iaMU.a
- hum a rsartdbiy -navraj( agaj ja
11.75 ptr r-at-j; abbaxe
' hlinils saWf wtfaalswtt a aaaa, .. 1 1 a u
and this modern method of profuTTHg , u, wJl' -lara- raMfc
tbe material in Oregon, when oncelfjftoe pr dixen; cucu
fairly under way, promise great re- z.2i per aoten;. eggplant.
McHaffla Co Ta Lebanon.
William R. McHatfle. wbo baa been
connected with the Lebanon Paper
Company for many years, being lo
cated at the mala office In San Fran
cisco, baa been transferred to Lebanon
where h takes charge of tbe business.
urm ai rrom K 10 lOO on apnlea and atauniaaaair baaaimotpad aponcai
Drunen Peachea ara lAn ' or l-v-a la S arK4a mu. Tbay wawb an aaaw thaa
Sal T -lii- fl? ! a . - ssclrrUra. Urnrar--iMJno.liu b-ln
ALT Selling 60c to 0e tor flue 1 llws by aavaral lajrrrs of thin. auMlall waiaiJ
SO lb. Back, half around aft- t ... 'Ter ead. Tbe raralar prkat of lhaaa lira V aaaaawawT.
- a I., tf. 7LJio-. lou. H B pr pale. All cadarsAbsaioas
Portland Vegetable Markets. , fwt,rtof- T?ri- X ' O approval. VuaTdo aot pay a assitaulfw
SACK VEtlETAfllJ-j r-.,a..i. ' lT,-?'""ln' " j '"as etrVHlr aa tape mad.
r . Carrot . ! Jrl'li' Ial..iuras r;rtawauaaa
ll.JSff ll.SO per Back; parsnip, tl : wiaaa ra i l. iMMHaiTaMM Ma7aiaWa.aaiH.a7C
fr$i5o: turnip.. so7 be-t .. , lirjiizrrr: imizzr7.jrr:zz
Wa llarVaala-ab.a,aa.i id iifcaaaa
ia rcai nTzt&?JXttZZZZ
yarnc. juccfize per pound; lelloce,
50c per doien; hotbous lettuce, $1 SO
$3 per boi; pass, ScOUc per
pound; peppers. SOcfJlSe per pound:
radishes, lie per dosen; rhubarb, 3r
03c per pound; sprouts, fc- tomatoes,
$?(f$3 36.
POTATOES Oregon, jobbing prlc
$3 50 per handred; n-w potatoes, 7c
7Vic per pound.
And If. added to bar sens of grind
lag monotony, there is tbe sense of
Dexiect or oiaesieein. woai bust too
(nese students nave completed tneir , eXpe-t?
education, others will go to college. gome day a tbtng tbe husband never
and a few will take ap commercial dreamed of happen. And b cries
.courses. Parents should carefully out, I did not understand r
study tb inclinations and capablll-i U Tm- a, cannot sanely live
tie. of tbeir children, before advlalng wltboT,t chMa' " break of
lU4?nj mm IW VUTI IUIUIV KJMt save au aaiva. i yajaa gjjja
There are some boys and girls who i ,f tD tejtbfo wlf f ber
should not be sent to college. It la, j Katies la tb daytime, but can do so
sometimes, money and time wasted
d4 '
No city ever had a more faithful
and efficient body of police officers
than baa Oregon City. They ara al
waya on the job, working early and
late, cohering a lot of territory and
keeping a vigilant eye for offenders
of the peace and dignity of the town.
They are poorly paid, too, tbe night
officers receiving only $75 per month.
It would be a merited recognition of
their earnest aervlce .or, the council
to Increaae the salaries of the sight
when the sapper dishes are dona, go
with ber wbltber aba wllla to go. just
as yoa would bar gone with ber la
the old sweet days of courtship.
Els yon may soma time deserve tb
bitter apostrophe of tb dying wife:
Carv not a stone Whoa I am dead.
Tbe praises which remorseful mourners
To woman's graves, a tardy recompense.
But speak tbera while 1 live.
Forget ma when I dl. Tb violets
Abov my rest will btoeeom rust as blue
Nor miss thy tears. E'aa nature's self
But whlla 1 live be true.
) SAjaatj
America Is Suffering
From Too Muctv.
Js a
Br ISAAC CUtaCENHElM. Financier
art , j
: abbadddsjaajaaaa
TjIIE cod Undiittra tion ui Alaska l A SHAME and in OUT
ll , '. RAGE. Itig an enigma to tbe ret of the intelligent world.
Wavr I beard it much diacuBaed in Europe. Tltej cannot under
' " stand whj we let iucb a VAST FIELD of national wealth
lie IDLE and unproductive. . J4 iA ,
- ' Nothing can be done to long aa nobotlj is permitted to ioucb tbe
eoal. .' That necesearj commoditj costs $12 and more a ton in Alaaka
' at present. It could be mined and distributed for 13 or $6 ton. ' ' -
With UNITE ASLTKED MIXLIOXS of tona of coal in accessible
part of Alaaka not an ounce of it can be touched by anybody.
I M -a
II x
IV v
la . ,
. ' ;
- .
j -- - ' ,
ONIONS Jobbing prices: Oregon
$2.71 per 100; Australian, $1.50 per
100; Teiaa, $3.35 per crata: CaMfor
nla, $3 per crata.
Oregon City Stock Uuetatlena.
H008 Hogs ara quoted He lower
af '
Don't throw your magazines and
periodicals away. There is
much valuable information in
them that will never be publish
ed elsewhere. The cost is little
1 . i 1
Our boy will call for the mag
azines if you Phone. "
From 13$ Iba. to ISO lbs. fe, frca
ISO Iba. te 100 Iba, $M,c
VEAL CALVES-Veal ealraj rlaj
fTAm a In toe according It tTSM.
BEEF STEERS Heel ateari W
tha local markets ar fstchlaf IV
He llv aetgnt.
MHEEP Him at W M
r I aaa r.ancani IS SUrlsl I
PORTLAND. Or . Juna t-flr1)
Whit la eonalderedtha ol ,
nortant move In livestock circllf"
the location by lb Swift InlaraiU
a big stockyards and packing j
Portland la tha ontanlUoa sf
Portland Cattle Loan Company. ,
has just bwan affected. TbH t"1
proposes to give financial ! H,
era and atockmen who fssd .
for tha Portland market. . I
It will have a fund of $1,W."
loan, enabling farmera. to J,
for fattening, and will
largely to tha number of
f. fc. A . I L I . ...L.t
-This company will enabls
hay and grain to bny ltl J
Ing purpoa:' said D- 0- U1
president and manager of
Stockyarda Company. HJM r
movement of thin rattla nB1:,
and Oregon to South Dakota aM t
should ba checked. The grsat'
of money now being sent to U 1
hi i Rlvar eountry for cattla wi'.
In tha Ctlttirbla River Baaln.
Tha Ktente to come fron "'
concern will not be limited '"1
on- atat but will ba "
throughout tba Paclllc NTth'1
will doubtleaa glvs a re "
to tha livestock industry.
' Rsal Estat Tranafa
Tha following ar tha real '
transfers filed In tba offlea 01
recorder: ' ,.n
Walter 8. and Ruth E- hi
J. A. Hughes. Iota 9 and 10, w
14, Gladstone; $1. . ' , t
John W. and Kata C. n. v
P. M. Doyl. lot 7 of hloch l
aonvllla; $10. , . w , j t
Allca .A. and Leandor sBo..
A. P. Garrison, $.89 acrea of "
II. towbahlp I aouth, rsnw
$3000 ' .
Mrs. B. J. Hawg i" ;
Barnes. 80 acres of section i'.
$7, township 1 south, rsngs
"a. W. and Mabel fcotltln r
C. Oannon, l acre of "lo0J$
ahlp I sputh. range , J:,,,
. James Barkley o H. C. O'
acres of section 1, township s
range 1 enat: $700. . -
James M. and Mary N. v,c
T. J. and LydH Honlne'..'
a ctlon 2. township I ,0"- '
i ;t; i. x . ;
(Imir'n l . Gregory d
q r- ' - ? 7ard "