Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 02, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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    UOmnKO lx-AliA l.iiAM JUNiJ 2, 1911.
' i 1 . . .
TVIillihefy Clearance "Sale " T
( . To clear oor Millinery Department we arc offer
ing a" beaotifol and stylish assortment of Hats and
Flowers below cost.
The wllsonville OU Co. bold a mat
ing In the M. B. A. kali on Saturday
afternoon, May ITlh, at two o'clock,
and elected tha following officers:
John Young, president; Nail Hoatar,
vice president; J. u beeiy. A. R. Sunt
wait. C. A. Raker, direct on; C. I.
Calktaa, secretary; and A. R. Sum-
wait, general manager. Tha company
tie distance, after another rtg.
Mrs. Miller and daughter, Edllb,
made a trip-to Grwahant Tueaday.
Vernon Miller tranaacted business
In Portland tha Brat of tha week,
Mr. Wlrta and Harvey Kebraa were
guests of gj. D. Hart Sunday avenlng.
The Mt. Hood rrult Growers Aa-
aoctatlnn held an Intereatlng meet
Ing at rtrwood Saturday. A uuuiber
Stories from Out of Town
A little daughter arrived
home of Mr. and Mra. Roaenbery on
Friday laat.
Mr. H. H. Emmona has returned
from a bualneaa trip to Goldendale,
- Another dancing party waa given by
Mr. Webb and Mr. J. Roberta at the
former! Conway borne on Saturday
last. About fifty were present and
seemed to enjoy the evening aa they
tupped the light fantastic. Dainty
refreshments were served.
Mrs. Bailey, of Portland, waa a via
Itor at the home of Mra. C. U Smith
on Monday.
Mrs. L. Wilcox and her niece, Miss
Vera Lewis, were among those who at
tended the Memorial exercises at the
Lone Fir cemetery In Portland on
May 30.
The friends of Miss Bronte Jen-
posAof their attractive cottage at
this place and are located on a ranch
at Highland.
The long expected, and hoped-for
warm weather came to us on ecbed
ule time and Sunday waa paaaable
though somewhat windy, Monday atlll
more so and a very few rosea bloomed,
Tueaday quite warm, mercury regis
tering 84 but quite a breete all day,
People from the aurroundlng coun
try, who have relatives and friends
burled here were coming and going all
day. fixing up their grounds and plac
ing flowers above the silent sleepers.
Chris Robblns, with hla wife and
two children, came out from Portland,
where their present home la, after S
o'clock with his machine, bringing
Mr. Gage always puts up the flag
the O. K. O. boys draped the coffin of
nings, at this place, are" pleased to hla son with upon Decoration Day.
know ahe stands at the head of the and It, as usual, was floating In the
rural teacners in tne Teacnera Travel breeie on thla Decoration Day.
Contest given by Meier A Frank Store Mrs. Sharp's two older daughters.
in poruana. which may mean a trip Ellen and lantha, whose homes are
to Europe. Miss Jennings taught at In the State of Washington, are down
the bodge school during the first two on a visit, the first time In a number
terms ana at present is a teacher at of years.
Harmony. i Rag bees are quite the thing. Mrs.
Andy Anderson and George Cham- Ed Sharp had pne on last Friday,
Deriain, of Portland, canoed out to ( Everyone's wife ana grandmother
ine Emmons home on Sunday. were there and such a bountiful din-
Mr. and Mrs, Thompson and family , ner was served, and an early aupper
vi ronnnu. spent sunaay witn their , also, that we hear they did not get
ntecea, Miss Eileen Dill and Mrs. Cal ; all the raga sewed, so the young mar
Morse at the tatter's home. rled ladies and those 'not married
Mr. Islah Shenefleld visited with his volunteered to meet there Wednesdsy
grandson, Mr. Wellington Sheneueld, I evening and finish up and Ed Is to
a promising young attorney of Port- make the coffee for the occasion,
land, last week. Mrs. Charlie Thompson's daughter.
Mr. Chas. Redmond returned home j Aura. Is at the old home for a visit,
this week from a business trip to ) accompanied by her two little glrla.
Southern Oregon. - j Their home Is In Roseburg, where her
A charming guest was entertained husband la a successful lawyer,
at the Emmons home when Mrs. Har-! Mrs. Aeml's daughter, Annie. Is to
vey, of California, spent Sunday there. ' be married at the German BaptU:
Mrs. Harvey leaves Sept. 1st for a ' church. In Portland, with a reception
trip to Europe, when she will chaper-, and wedding supper in the evening at
one "Miss Wilson, who will study mu- the church. Mrs. Aernl will go In
sic in Germany. Mrs. Harvey win re- j Thursday to see ner daughter married
main abroad for two years. and return Friday. The groom la a
Mra. Laing. of Portland, will spend j very estimable young man who lived,
the week with her daughter, Mrs. when a little boy. In Stafford, but baa
H. J. Robinson. spent the most of his life since then
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lewis, of Ranier, 1 In Portland,
are enjoying camp life at this place. Lucile Holton came out from Port
- Mr. McFarlane has been confined I land with flowers which Mrs. Watktn
to his home for several days wth ill- sent. She was the daughter of Mr.
"" and Mrs. Moores, who are both burled
The people of this place were pain- here. Her home Is In San Diego,
fully shocked to bear of the -sudden I where her-husband ts a practicing
death of Mr. F. G. Killer, of Gladstone, i physician.
Is hiring expert drillern and expects of Portland men, who are Betting out
to begin drilling for oil, about iwo " arounu ne-, .,.. v,w.
tmtn wiiannviiu n. wk I and took an active part.
Wa, hon. thev will strike It rich. I Mrs. H, F. Hart alio cniiurew nr
One of the happiest occasions camping in mum. ......
planned for Wllsonville lately waa the
Installation of Odd Fellows on last
Saturday evening. May i7th, at I
o'clock In the A. O. U. W. hall. Odd
Fellowa cam from far and near to
attend the Installation of the officers
of thla lodge, so lately organised, and
David Miller bought a pony from
nrick Isoberta laat week.
Joseph DeShaier was a Sandy visit
or Monday.
Mra. H. Miller entertained tne
on Sunday. Mr. Miller came her
last December from KaJIspell, Monta
na, to visit bis son and daughter, who
O. Cage's children have the mesa-
Mrs. Mllim haa returned to Stafford,
conducted the store at this place, and , sfter a two weeks' visit at her MU
gave encouragement by their Interest Misses Alice Berghoiise. Klcanorllewa
ana iva item to ainner mniusj.
Mr. and Mra. Shaw and aou Robert
aiient Sunday with the DeHhaier fam
ily. -
School closed Inxt Friday with a
flue program and a basket dinner. All
parted with Miss Ultm'ht wishing
her success In her work. Three, '
and fraternal spirit Barney Cronln,
who 1a noted for nla geulal disposi
tion, waa' Installed as Noble Grand,
which gives the lodge the advantsge
of a good strong officer to be at the
head of affairs. The other officers In
stalled were aa follows: Ed Mulloy,
V. O W Melvln J. I. RMlv.
Treaa. The nther nfrtrr win k. Bn. her ouulla passed the eighth grads ex
pointed by the Noble Grand. The nmlnathm In all studWe except Civil
Wtoodbtirn Odd Fellowa Installed tha Government and Grammar,
officers. After the Installation cere- Those receKIng prUes for the high
mony was over a sumptuous banquet average In their classes were
was served by Mrs. Dill, of the Cot- Ralph Short and Kalph IcShaer.
tage hotel, and tho Odd Fellows are Helen Kellt and Lulu Roberta tied In
very loud In their pralae of Mrs. Dill's, attendance and average ao each . re-
cooking. About 80 enjoyed this hsppy celved a prise.
feaat. The Odd Fellowa will meet I Bert Roberta bean work Monday
each Saturday evening In the A. O. I flr th Huntington Orchard Company,
Mr half an hours aklm. and when cold
seal in tumblers witn paraum.
Interest!" Program Rendered After
Bualneaa Is Tranaacted. .
The Friendly Bible Class of the
Presbyterian Church held a moat In
tereatlng meeting at the church par
lora on Wedn-aday evening, the early
part of which was devoled to the
transaction of bu'lneaa. A aoclal waa
held and the following program was
enjoyed: Reading. Mlas IJIIIe Long;
piano selection, MIhs Mable Volkniar;
piano nolo, Miss Edna llolraan; ad
dress. Mra, K. II. Andrewa, who ia
teacher of the clasa.
.if TO
The Mysterious
roiTlhl br American Tress Asso
ciation, HI I
V. W. hall at eight o'clock, and vlslt-
lug Odd Fellowa are especially Invited
to attend.
The weather ' has become aonie
warmer thla week.
Gladya Gribble Is slowly recovering
from an attack of Illness.
Jim Mitt s went to Molalla te vlalt
their cousin. Miss Llnle Oswalt, who
la In very bad health and not able to
he up at all.
Avon Jesse haa gone to Hood River
to pick strawberries.
Ensley Gribble haa become a popu
lar drayman of Canby.
Mlas LaRocha left for her home In
Portlaud Sunday. Miss Helen Keith
accompanied her to siend the Carni
val week and visit friends in Beaver-
Mr. and Mra. Ray Woodle were Ka
tacada visitors lat Friday.
Mra. R. B. Olbxon called on Mra.
Viola Douglaaa one afternoon ' last
J. F. Rrower, of l ortland. was In i
the neighborhood last week taking
Notwithstanding that IUN Is a ra
tlonal auv l More ha not ce.ise to be
a bordtir Hue twtwewu ibf aplrlttml and
iMMllly element There are aa atrange
things Iin.hiiIiik today aa ever bap
peneti -at ranger thliiK. for we wll
believe uoiblng now utilena we ao
eliminate every powdldllty of fraud.
I am a country dwtor. Fomierly I
nsed hunie and biiKgy to muke my
round of visits, ilieu a bltyele. then sti
automobile " Wkun I was u lug uiy
bicycle I was called to awe a patient
one uioouTTgbt evening In early sum
mer Hanging my medlelue rae tu
the handle bam, I started off ou a very
smooth road to go a couple of uillea
The nlgbt waa still, and the air waa
soft. I did not need my lamp I
rould have heard a leaf fall among
the trees beaLle the road.
A bicycle In good condition move
... ....
fruit tree ordera and waa the guest j 7 aiientiy. evenueiena. toouga
of Mr. and Mrs. Howleti oyer Sunday. was In i-erfect trim. It waa not
Harvey Gibson and Ed Douglass, without aonie sound on this Very slill
night. I waa riding with my back to
ward the nivon. which stood high In
George Mitts went to 8alem visiting who have been working down near
to remain a few days. I Barton and makltia the home of Mr.
Macksburg was well represented at Ulhaoii tnelr stopping iJace, were up ! the heavens and shone down oMIoue
the ball game at Molalla 8unday. n the hill last Wednesday, taking din. y over my right shoulder, casting my
Quite a number of the young folks tr at the home of Ed a mother. Mrs. .hai.i ifor m. inriine.1 a utti. t
attended the negro ahow at Molalla Viola Douglass. ... rlffu, Su,i,i..nlv another shadow
Saturday night. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ely recently ra ,llla , r,.w
Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Zwelfel and son, turned from their visit In hUntern ..". .. "
of Portland, vlaited several days at Oregon. . ! Tl'.i '.. V.. .k "V ..." .
Henry Drelera. Mr. and Mrs. R 11 Gibson took din-1 --
ner with Mrs. LyUIn W'ikmIIo and child-1 "" "'
ren. of Eatacada. Sunday. ( whn I could ce on the ground a
Mr. and Mra. Townsend were calling ' distorted human figure riding a wheel
on Mrs. Townsend s father, Jamea ! not all feet awsy from and abreast
j of me I turned my bead, expecting to
was see a fellow traveler.
The IWogning
Mlas Annie Erickson Is home from
Mrs. Bergren and family attended Rivers, Sunday
his sister's wedding In Portland Sun-1 The Eagle Creek nine, w hich
day. recently organlxed. went to Boring Neither fisure nor Mcvcle wss there.
Miss Gina Brudrlg waa home from Sunday and played a game' with the j dronn-d m. ...i ,rt .h. y.A
Portland over Sunday. Boring team, the game resulting In 1 .Bd lhl, lh. . i.H,
Frank Jesse visited his parents Sat- favor of Eagle Creek, the score being' ... . ... . ,,
urH.v .nil U, .,!. 11 If) I IP.I IV...W v., 1,1 IIL. t.. "'" UTT" T ,WT-'
The "Old Time Plantation" show have out of town games and especlal-
glven here Saturday evening waa a My wrlth the Eatacada Grays.
success. Many were out and enjoyed S. A. Douglass and Mr. and Mra.
good laugh at the darkies. Graver Douglass, of Molalla, were vis-
P. U Coleman closed hla three King relatives at Eagle Creek recent
months' school Friday with a picnic ly
while here made many friends who
deeply regret hla sudden death. At
the time of his demise be was seventy
three years old. Mr. Miller was a
member of Co. B. First Iowa, and
served throughout the Civil War. The
on, Mr. Curtis Miller and daughter,
Miss L. O. Miller accompanied the
remains to KaJIspell. where the O.
Tabor home.
Gus Gebbardt had good neighbors
helping him build his line fence which
he put on his own land. He feels sure
now thst neighbors' stock will not
raid his hop field and do him hundreds
of dollars worth of Injury by racing
through tne lines. He seems to think
there is more than one wsy to kill a
A. R. of that place will conduct tho cat, besides skinning it alive.
funeral. The Schats boya have the ground all
Mr. T. J. Spooner and son Clifford broken nicely where they have been
have returned from Tacoma where ao busy clearing and will plant pota-
aneuaea in iunerai of Mr. toea.
spooner'a sister. Mrs. BlackwelL Alfred Thomas has a large field of
mr. l ease, eauor or the Pacific j new land cleared and plowed expect
Monthly and wife were Lodge visitors , ing to raise a bumper crop of spuds.
on Sunday.
I A man bought a five acre tract.
Mrs. Bailey, of Portland,' called on mostly stumps, next to Charlie Tied-
Mrs. C. L. 8mlth on Mondnv
Mr. L, Wilcox has the contract to
build the new school at Concord and
Mr. Harry Palntow for the water sys-tm-
I 'I
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morse are storing
their household goods and will leave
In a few days for Seaside. Oregon,
where they will remain for three
Mrs. Rosamond L. Spooner Black
welt na.aAjf .w.w , . , .
- - ret suuuemy at
man's for which he
paid 210 per acre.
Is said, to have
Mrs. Cronln has been spending some
time In Canby.
Mrs. Geo. Todd has been ill again
having had another attack of ap
pendicitis. - Robt. Zumwalt has been vhiUlng
relatives near Wllsonville.
Mrs. Howard has been visiting her
Her home. 121C South I Street. In Ta. . daughter. Mra Marlnn Vnnnv
eom. week of heart failure. Her I Old Mr. Bishop, who resided near
sudden demise was a great shock to ' our village until lately, died last week
her friends here as she waa dearly j of pneumonia, and was bnried at
loved by all who knew her. Mrs. Buttevllle. where he had moved only
Black-well was born hi Kmx Connty, (a few days before He was an old
Illinois. In 1841, and was seventy soldier.'
years of age. She was the vounreat Mrs. 'Bethnna haa mml rrn
of ten children; her father being Corvallls, where she left her sister
1 nomas Bpooner, who fought In. the , somewhat Improved in health.
i and whose ancestors i The last ball game of the W. A. C.
came to America In 1637 and were with the Greenfield Blues was a lively
closely related to John Alden. and a game and the' visiting team defeated
cousin of Harriet Beecher Stowe. Af- j Wllsonville by a close margin, the
w. --c ui ucr iaiaer, me mom- reran or me game being 4 to' S In
, .uu laiimy came weat over the favor of the Portland team.
Oregon trail. Ming Spooner was mar-J ' Messrs. Moorback, McConnell and
rled to J. W. Blackwell in 1874. In 1 Fred Spier, of Sherwood, were visit
Oregon City, where she had resided ors In our village Saturday, having
,2H.,welv Jrear Bo'ne to Tacoma fnjeome over to attend "the Oil Com-
jbo4. esiaes a multitude of friends I pany's meeting. ,
'eaves a Dushand and two sons,) The Methodist Ladles' Aid Society
u ...u nsrry ana -two daughters, ' is planning to have a strawberry fes-
. "".&, weumeisier and Miss Marie tivai some time In the near future.
Biackweii, and a sister Mrs. S. W. The Quarterly Conference of the
Ruyan In Tacoma, and a brother, Mr. , Methodist . church will meet at the
.. . spooner, or Jennings Lodge. The home of Ira Seely on Thursday after-
......... waa neia on iaai Friday after- noon, June 8th. at 2 o clock.
noon from the Buckley King Com ) Quite a number of village people
pany s chapel In Tacoma; T. J. Hlatt, are making plans to attend the Rose
Z, 7 . la rir"1 "rch Scientists, air, at Portland, next week,
mciaung. The Ivy Chapter of East-1 Appropriate Memorial Day exercises
" wuu-n aeceased was , were neid la the Hood View cemetery
a charter member, officiated at the In-' on Tuesday.
,er'ni Bt Tacorn cemetery. Mr. 1 Martin Lichenthaler visited Mr. and
J. T. Spooner and son. CWttnrA ... Mra WhU. m Unnl.. v.
tended the funeral and sympathy Is new Camera and while here took a
for the children. Sandwiches, cake Mrs. Updograft and daughter, of
and Ice cream waa the menu and all Dover, and Mrs. Kaxle Brown, of Bor-
who partook of the goodies Dro-I1". made a pleasant call on Mra.
nounced them fine and bad all they Viola Douglass Sunday.
could eat. A few of the patrons of the Mrs. Marie Olbson, of Barton, and
iatrtct were present, and also a num- Mlas Lily Frost, of Portland, the
ber of ladles from Canby. Among guest of Mra, Gibson, were entertained
them were Mrs. Coleman, Mrs. Jamea, at dinner by Mr. and Mra. R. B. Gib-
Mrs. Hornlck. Mrs. Schuman. and Mrs. son Decoration Day.
Zee. Mr. Coleman did himself credit Claude Malcolm, Nettle and Joey
in his work while here and we appro- Woodle were over to their grand par
elate the way he brought our pupils cnts. Mr. and Mra. Howlett's, Decora
out and carried them through their Hon Day. -
grades. Miss Meda Murphy la working for
A ball game waa played by the Can- pira. 101a imugiass.
I Intra, for there are no t, M for the
j purpose. I waa recalled to myself .y
i the wabbling of my bicycle. Then
j somewhat recovering my equanimity, I
' studied the shadow beside mlue It
! wss so bunched thst I concluded It be-
by tesm and the Barlow boys and
men. the game being in favor of the
Canby team by the score of 8 to 2.
Miss Anderson's term of school
closed Friday. May 19. and It Is re
markable the way she carried the lit
tle ones through. Miss Anderson Is
A special meeting of the Gladstone
City Council will be held on Monday
evening, when business of Importance
will be transacted.
The Congregational Brotherhood
an efficient teacher and any district '" hold One of its enjoyable suppers
may be proud to secure her for their ,,n Tuesday evening, at which time
school. Miss Anderson also gave her ,h ladies are to be Invited. The la
school a picnic and the little tots en- dle re not always given the prlvl
Joyed the Ice cream and cake, sand of attending, and there la no
wiches. salad and lemonade. Miss uuuu " nere win ne many attend
Anderson returned to her home Im
mediately, in Astoria, on account of
the Illness of her mother.
Memorial Day was observed by the
citizens decorating their friends'
graves. The flag was raised over the
one lone soldier burled here.
E. A. Wright moved to Salem Fri
day. Henry Gllbertson hauled hik
goods to Salem. Henry took a trip.
while there, out to D. O. Freeman's.
but was not favorably Impressed with
the mountains. Henry thinks there Is
no place quite so good as Barlow.
A two months' Norwegian school
opened In the church Monday. There
are a number of children In attend
ance. Miss Steve la the tescher.
J. J. Wurfel and famllv and Mra.
ing on that occaalon.
extended to them
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davy have d la
in their sad be- snap shot of the Interior of Jake
Peters' elegant new hardware building.
Ate You a Subscribe to the
New Daily? '
V ' ". ':'' ' ' -, -
If The Mocnlno Enterprise is to be aa successful as the Interests of Oregon
City demand It most seeds have tbe support of alL Tha new dally haa
a big work before It In boosting Oregon city and Clackamas County. Tour
support means more strength for taarwork, , 1
.... r --'. f '
1 WillQY 011 Help Boost your own Interests?
' . ' SB "
' For a limited time the Morning JffnUrprlse will be sold to paid In advance
.' snbserlbors aa follows: ' . . ' '' . ' s
, By Carrier, l year,
By Mall, l year..
Send l your name and reen rttaoee.
The student members of the fresh-
Ed Ogle autoed to Sllverton Sunday men ca f ihe Oregon City High
to attend the Memorial services held School, numbering about 29, together
with about 60 Invited guests, held a
at that place.
Mrs. Wm. Evans went to Portland
Monday for a few days' visit with her
danghters. Misses Gertrude and Alta.
The sad news was received Wed
nesday of the death of Mrs. 8kor's
brother, Rev. Hagan, of Tacoma, who
was In attendance at Mrs. Skor's fun
eral. He died In the hospital In Port
land of tuberculosis. The funeral will
be held here Friday and the remains
will be laid to rest by his sister. Mr.
picnic at Gladstone Park on Wednes
day, where a most enjoyable time was
bad. The affair, under the aupervlslon
of Kent Wilson and Charles Beetle
was a decided success.
Tbe plcknlckers left Oregon City at
:30 o'clock, amvlnc at the nark at
about 5 o'clock. The early part of the
evening was devoted to playing
Hagan's mother arrived two hotira too games, and the entertainment waa In
late to see her son alive. Her home charM of MIh" Oliva Zimmerman. Ice
ts in Iowa.
Mrs. Andrews and her mother went
to Mllwaukle Wednesday.
Mr. Bergren has sold his saloon to
Mr. Churchill, of Oregon City.
Flrwood was surprised to find a new
cream and cake were served during
the evening, on of the features of
the arrair wai the building of a huge
bonfire, where marshmallows were
toasted snd many favorite songs were
sung. The young people, chaperoned
by Miss Esther Johnson, Miss Louise
Hrace, Miss Mae Smith and Miss Jen
piano in tbe hall Sunday, placed there nl JJlly'. re""'nl to their homes on
by Mr. W. 3. Wirt th 9 oc,oc '''
Mr. W. J. Wilts lectured Sunday.
The hall waa Hied, and all seemed
Interested In the talk, which was most
Instructive. ' He will lecture again In
two weeks on. "Higher Ethics."
Clair Corey was a Portland visitor
last week.
Harvey Kehras, of Sandy, was trans
acting bnsiness In Flrwood Friday.
Mrs. Msrle Wlshon, of San Fran
cisco, Is visiting relatives here.- She
expects to make a trip to Switzerland
with ber father. A. Malar. Mr. Malar
la a native of Switzerland.
Elsie Belle visited her old home at
Flrwood Sunday.
J. O. DeShazer. the road foreman.
la doing some fine road work near
the "Mall bog corners."
B. A. Mitchell, a nurseryman from
w.cuu, vrr 1 una section UI I anil fa., I i-
ne nsa near a so mncn about Flrwood Strawberry lam' .
th.f he had been desirous of visiting rd over lo lfi o
it for some time. Ha was very much granulated Surar and I.. 1 ....... .
pleased with tbe country. twentv minute. ,B 1- "L '"L
Frederick Koenlcka had a runaway I .1 . i" "I" C'"
last week. He was somewhat bruised berrU. "spring 'n'sUntly Add Te'
but able to walk to Sandy, soma lit- susar and e..rr.V LA?.llh
Hotel Arrivals.
The following are registered afthe
Electric Hotel: Mrs. Emms Chute,
Spokane, Wann.; Mrs. J. m. Rider,
Spokane, WaHh.; L. Smith, Portland;
R. L. Brandley, O .K. Allln and wife,
J. J. Mally, Afton, Minn.; Lonls Rail,
E. P. Elliott, Alvln Woodcox, W. C.
Mangum, A. W. Kenger, J. Wolfers,
Portland, W. Wheeler. E. B. Jameson,
1 Am Angeies; y. u. Hcooey, Portland.
Needles are small and easily lost,
but Just obtain a small bottle to keep
them In and you will not be bothered
that way any more.
For five cents you can get a' brush
that will help wash the vegetables for
Ihe table, before cooking. Saves wear
longed to a woman, eapeeiatly since
there waa a part which fluttered by
paaslng through tbe air. I listened for
tbe slightest sound, but notwtthstsnd
Ing tbe proximity of tbe myatertoo
and lorWIile object casting Its absd
aw I heard nothing. .
Snook lore la fall of rases of shad
owleas beings, but never before bad I
beard of a shadow with ao Intervening
object between It and the I'ght that
cast It. I turned my wheel to the
other side of tbe road, bat tbe shadow
turned with me 80 almoluiely did 11
follow mine that It occurred to me
that It must tie a duplicate or mine
I turned In my saddle and looked be
bind me to see If. there was any ob
ject to prmlure sorh a result. The
space st my bark was free from any
Intervening object
By tbbi lime my nerves were all In a
quiver not that there waa aaythlng
to be afraid of. and I did not fear tbe
Invisible, but I would bsve gives ten
years of my life to get rid of tbe thins
simply because It wna uncanny. It
would not be got rid of. If I turned It
tamed; If my wheel wabbled It wab
bled; If I slowed down It slowed down;
If I went faster It went faster.
For a time It did ojt occur to me
thst I might bsve received some brain
abock. A single minute drop of blood
breaking through a vowel of ihe brain
will produce sirs nse results. Paralysis
Is the most common, lunnof memory la
another, and we do not know bow
many hallucinations occur from that
cause, I rs Dried that one of these
drops of blood might hsve ImplntieU
upon my eye In some wsy to cause me
to see a duplicate shadow of myself.
But In thst esse It would have been
an exact duplicate, and In the present
the other wss not mine.
I entered a place where overarching
trees cast tbeir own shadows and
mine, and my attendant waa lost I
prayed tbat when I emerged Into tbe
moonlight mine wonld aloue remain
Alaa, I waa doomed to disappoint
ment It waa there as perfect as wbeo
I entered tbe arebwsy.
A few hundred yards ahead tbe
road forked. Would tbe Invisible trav
aler Uke my road to tbe left or go by
herself to the right t 'l wstcbed with
bated breath. Nearer and nearer wt
neared tbe fork; faster and faster best
my heart At laat a point was reach
ed where my companion must make a
turn. When I saw oar shadows show
the faintest deviation I besved a deep
sign, wider and wider grew tbe dls
tanee till all doubt as to oar following
different roads was removed
1 bad got rid of the thing, and tbat
Is wbnt I most wished for. Nothing
was accounted for. but I felt tbat from
this divergence the shadow waa some
thing Independent of me; that I bad
not created won I In any way
responsiiiie for 11. - -
Once snd once only I saw It again
The two ronds came together just be
fore I reached the bona where lay
my patient. Tbe shadow joined me
for a few moments In unobstructed
moonlight at the road's Junction; then
It was lost under overhanging trees.
I found my patient to be a girl about
twenty years old. She was ln-a trance
that bad come over her during an Ill
ness. I bad been sent for to tea If I
tould bring ber to consciousness.
"Does sba ride a wheel wbeo waUr
I asked.
"Constantly." r
Tbls is the and of my story, for as
yet there Is no explanation for It, But
tha day may coma when both its canaa
and effect will be aa plain as tha trans
mission f a wireless message.
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r, i
Read tbe Morning Enterprise.
ihmii !( nersons went I
city to Portland Wednesday WVJ',
.. . . ... . thai ht4
tna IWO special vaim f.jju
provided by the Sola aS
Women of Woodcraft, to '"""'I
annlveraary of Ihe order. nlJV:t
held at the Armory. Moat of
going from here were memtxrt ,
arcla.' , V
. Sola Circle team took P"
floor work, and made an
howlog. There were 171 P.
tha drill, and the Reitlmantal
furnished the music, maklni
Impressive. All ths w,Blt!T
tired In white raaaa. whlta
and yalldw saihes. wlththa aaw
number of the order to1'.
Ing. Mora than aW.PfWL
neased tha ceremony, ado
m.mhor. of the ordeTW IWa
go to Portland on nWayJ
attend tha banquet to be ;,
Commercial Club parlors. - ,
flom. folks get so in tha haW,4
saying, "Wboaf to their """"j,
thev do not mean 1L that tha
ful animals cannot tell wn
masters do really mean to bava (
.Inn ao lhav keen going, w 1 .
say. -wnoai mean V gBa-
-.1- vnnp horses bavs VI
vw. " - - '
what to ao.
, v