Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 02, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    New Arrivals For The Ladles
Just arrived and now bein shown in our
window, beautiful ladies ready made ium
tncr dresses in French finhams, the new
marquisettes, and fancy lawns, with kimona
.Jeeves. Notice Window Display.
Suspension Bridge Corner
nid hntor-l li-nm Hint your son
ID4 mjr dniiulif 'r rwK. lu wco
Wealthy Imli'MBItrr-liniKl Mra!
Think u?
nn li wnn'l waiter thiMt ; whether
I to k u,ir I '''' or uot, lit
boo ,H' lu ,n" f"1" "
Mr snd Mr. Maaalnger, of ghubel,
nr In rllv on weanesusy.
UirnuK Ferguson, df New Era,
til la this city m bualneaa Tburaday.
Mr. and Mra Grant White, of Can by,
tfr u this city "orrThuraday.
Tht Produce I'nlon eells berry-
Mr. A June, of Carua, was In Or
I l ny on weaneeuay, visiting
trtsad. ...
lira. I- tiiirdner. of Carua, waa tran
siting bualneaa In this city on Wed-
James llurkiier, on of the well-
Item farmera of riarkamae County,
m la (lila city ou Wednesday.
Mr. and Mra. II- B .tlenderaon, of
Hirrhdnng, are In ibla rlty vlaltlng
I Irtteds.
Tba Produce t'nloa alla Arsauaie
Mr. Thevdore Mlllr, of Carua, waa
a this rliy on a bualneaa trip on
Mr. George Klrbyeoa and daughter,
a" Bbulx-I. war In thla city on Wed
i today.
Mra. F. A. Mllca loft on Tburaday
lor Port liiml, when aha will vlatt bar
Uituhfr. Mra. Hoy p. Martin.
Tit Produce. Union aella Hay and
Mlw Mildred Wang, of Canity, waa
h tola city on Thuraday. vlaltlng her
mir, Mis Florence Wang, and her
I mat, Mra. T. J. (lary, of Willamette.
Mr. Christ ner, who Uvea on the
Urn Gregory place at Carua, waa
iing i Uii Oregon City bualneaa via
I hora on Thuraday.
MIm Margaret lloyd, a profeaalnnal
nine or Portland, haa arrived In thla
rtty.and a vlattlng her alater, Mra. T.
f Randall. Mra. Elale Nelaon, of
Mitchell. Oregon, la alao vlaltlng her
liter. Mr. Randall.
Mrs. E. II. Story, of The Dallea, ao
(ompanlid by her daughter, Mlaa M II
Mred, mho bav been Vlaltlng with
Mtrsaret Mulvey. left for their homo
a Wednesday evening.
Mr. Albee, of Milwaukee, waa In
'Mi city m Wedneaday, spending the
1 with Mr. K. H. Andrawa, of Fells
Vk. Mra. Albae was accompanied
ker daughter, of Lebanon, who la
'kiting for g abort time at Mllwaukle.
There will b danclna at Clear Creek
fvt Saturday evening. W. K. Mum
power will carry oartles to and from
tfc Park by auto. The rate will be
IJ.0O for party of six. Further Infor
aitlon call pacJfio Farmers 173. Home
Wland 710.
Rsi. M. Iwla. formerly f Molalla.
hit now connected with the Paclflo
Cant Construction Company, of Port-
ana, win leave thla even di for Boo
Waab., where he will remain for
1 year, liefore leaving, he flatted
Mnd In thla city and at Molalla,
-rs. Edward Stewart, -of Portland,
-YofKtf S for the
Fot and we will give yoo with a
4 months subscription
By Carrier
rt ' at 45c the month
A Beautiful China PLAQUEDec;l9, Hwnely,
There are a variety of patterns to choose from.
Make your selection early.
Subscribe May Have Them Too
To snr present subscriber who will bring us four
new subscriptions we will
beautiful dishes.
arrived In tbla city on Thursday
morning, and will vlalt her parent!
Mr. and Mra. Thorns. Warner, until
Hmaday, when aha will return fo hr
home, accompanied . by bar husband,
who will apend Saturday and Huuday
Mra Albee, of Mllwaukle, accom
panied by her two dsughters, Mra
Arthur Davla, of that city, and Mra
Arthur lloenlg, or Lelaou, were In
thla rlty vlaltlng at tbe horue of Mr.
and Mrs. K. II. Andrews, of Kails
View, on Wednesday. Mra. Albae
and family formerly resided In thla
The work of cataloguing and ar
ranging the new book for the Oregon
City Library la progressing aatlsfsc
torlly and the Library Hoard eipecta
to be able to announce In a few daya
the date of the formal opening. The
new hoka htfvw been carefully selected
from the works of the best authors.
and while the funds of 'he Aaaocla
tlon did not permit the purchsse of
an extensive number, the Board feels
confident thst the public will find that
the money hss been Judiciously ex
pended. It s within the province of public
spirited citizens to materially asalat In
Incresslng the usefulness of the llttraH
ry without Incurring any expense to
tbemaelvea. On the ahelvea of many
bomea there are large numbera of
valuable book a for which their owners
will probably never have further use
and the IJbrary Hoard appeala to these
people to contribute them to the use
of the reading public. A number of
rlttxen. among them Dr. Carll and
Mayor Ilrownell. have already made
generoua donations, and a general In
vitation la now extended to every one
who feels like Increasing the uaefut-
resa of the II bra f v to end books
to the library rooma ao that they may
be .catalogued In time for the opn"n
No matter how limited the number of
liotika you have at your dlspoaal the
Ih.ttr.l will be JunI aa grateful to the
donor of the few aa they are to the
donor of hundreds.
Mrs- Henry Maldrum, Hoetaaa at De-
llohtful Luncheon,
rin. at i h3 reunion held In this city
on Memorial Italy waa at the home Of
Mr. and Mra. Henry Meicirum, wnen
many membfre of the family gatneved
In tha rtornnn and a luncheon waa
served by Mra. Meldrum. Tbe rooma
and tablea were prettily decorated.
Tha hnnteaa waa asalated by her
daughter, Mra. Iiarley Stevena, of
Port land.
Thoaa nreaenl were Mra. Mary La-
CnMi xi r and Mra. Don Meldrum
and two children, Maxlne and Porta,
Mr. and Mra. John Maldrum, of tnia
itv Mra n. P Thomnaon. Mra. J. N.
t I and daughter. Mlaa Ruth, of Port
land; Mrs. Sarah McCown, Mlaa Cor
nelia McCown, Mlaa Irene Mciown,
Mlaa Oeraldlne McCown, Mra. Helen
n Rinoarann. of Rellwood: Mra. Hal-
linger, Mra. M. C. Moore, Mlaa Bertha
Moore, Mlaa BeM Hammona, or run-
and; Mra. Harley Stevena, or rori
and. To kean molea from a bed. sink a
rlosemesh wire netting a foot wide
Into tha soil around, allowing It to ex
tend about two Inches above the aur
face. If you have no netting, use
boards. Either will prevent the en
trance of molea into the bed.
6 months subscrfption
By Mall :
at 25c the month
present one of these
Asking I
The manager of tba Hood Itlver
Tnton baa laued the following dlrec
tlona to strawberry grower, n that
section of Oregoa.
Ilerrles must not b picked while
tber Is moliture oir the vlnea.
Uerrlee must be pink all over or
three-fourtha red.
It.-rrle ahould be picked riper In
cool weather than In warm.
IMckera muM not be allowed to
hold aeveral berrlea In the hand at
the aama time. '
Filled carriere must not be allowed
to aand In the aun. . .
llerrlea must be picked with sterna
a quarter of an Inch long, not longer
or ahorter.
Packing No culla In the boxee.
Put In nothing but fair sired berrlea,
none under five tier. After filling box
about half full place the rest, atems
down, ao aa to be able to face the top
layer In uniform rowa of four of five,
making alxteen to twenty-five berries
on top layer, all nice and level, atems
down. Fill boxea eolld, leading no va
cant apnees, especially at cornera or
they will be abort weight, aettle, apoll
your pack and brine Im monev
nil boxea ao (bat top layer will
come tbree-elghta of an Inch above
the top of box. Allow no berrlea to
project over aide of box. If you do the
berry will be crushed, the pack apoll
ed and the box atalncd.
Packera must be required to sort
out all green, overripe, miaahapen and
under five-tier berrlea.
lTe clean cratee and keep them
from being aoiled.
After cratea are nailed fplac tbem
In cool alda of packing houae.
Hauling Haul In apring wagons
and u wagon covers to keep out
dust. The growera are requested to
send In load aa soon ka ready. Do not
wait until you are through with your
pack for the day.
Kequirka It will be necessary to
obaerv these suggestions ex
pect to get good results. People will
not buy ordinary fruit or a poor pack
and pay the price. Good fruit and a
good pack will aell, even If there Is
plenty of the ordinary.
Our Inspector will not find fault,
but will endeavor to aaslst you with
good advice.
PORTLAND. Or.. June 1. (Spe
clal.) Portland defeated Oakland to
day by a awire of eight to pne. The
Kme waa one-aided almoat from the
atari, und Oakland never had a
chance. Henderiton waa at hla best.
while Flnter seemed to throw balloon
at McCredle'a Champlona, who made
fourteen hlta. Four acorea made In tbe
fourth Inning by the Heavere appar
ently took the heart out of tbe rial
tors. Resulta Thuraday were aa follows:
Pacific . Coaat League Portland 8.
Oakland 1; Loa Angelea 2, 8an Fran
claco 0; Sacramento 6, Vernon S.
North weatern League -Taeoma 5,
Portland 4; Seattle 8, Victoria 1; Van
couver 7, Spokane 1.
National League Chicago 8, Pitts-
burg6; St. Louis G-4. Cincinnati 5-6.
No other games scheduled.
Amcrlcsn League New York 11,
St. Lottie 8; Philadelphia 14, Cleve
Isnd 8; Chicago 10, Ronton 3; Detroit
8, Wsshington 7.
Psclfle Cosst.
W. I P.C.
Portland 34 24 .686
San Francisco 34 31 .623
Vernon 32 30 .616
Oakland 33 32 .608
Sacramento ......28 31 .475
Loa Angelea 25 38 .397
W. L. P.C
Spokane 28 14 .667
Taeoma 25 18 .681
Vancouver 25 -18 .681
Portland 10 21 .475
Seattle '. 18. 23 .439
Victoria 10 31 .244
The Boy'a Soliloquy.
"Golly! I'm gin d my mother don't
rear allpiiera like theui."
Horses with good 'dispositions are
alwaya aafer and more valuable. Nev
er Weed a craxy-headed taare.
To dlo tire flock the flrat warm
weather Is good practice, aa thla
aparea the lamba. Any one of tne car
bolic dips la good. Thla poison de
stroys the tick and ecab paraaitea by
contact on in ouisiue.
Notice te Dog Owner.
Notice la hereby given, that the or
dinanoea of Oregon City providing
that all doga muat wear a collar and
tbe owner pay llcena therefor will
be enforced, and that Ownera of
doga will have until June 16th to
comply with the law governing aucb
mattera. Tbe ordinance provldea
that all doga over the age of Four
montba are required to be licensed,
and disobedience In this matter will
aubject tbe owner to arreat and One.
The' dog may alao be taken and
. killed unlea the llc.enaa 4s paid.
Taga may be had from tbe city
treasurer, M. D. Latourette, at the
Klrat National Dank. It la my In
tention to enforce tbe ordinance
atrlctly, and dog owners will have
untjl June 16th. In which to take out
their llcenae, and iio longer.
Duted at Oregon City, June 1,
E. U SHAW, Chief of Police.
PORTLAND. Or., June 1. (Spe
cial.) Jasper 0. Stevena, one of the
beat-known residents of Oregon, died
suddenly In his home, 783 Irving
street, todsy, heart failure being- the
cauae. Up to laal night, save for a
alight attack of tonsllltia, which
caused him aome inconvenience dur
ing the laat few daya, Mr. Stevena waa
apparently enjoying good health.
He waa born at Sllverton In 1857.
In lH8!t, at Eugene, he waa married to
Minnie O. Shaw, who survives him.
Two children alao are left, William B.
elevens, a student at the Unlveralty
of Oregon, and a daughter, Jean Olen
Htevens, living at borne. The deceased
leaves two alstera, Mlaa Nellie Stev
ena, a teacher In the Portland public
achools, and Mlaa May Stevena, a
teacher of music. andtfa brother,. Earl
Stevena, living at Bberwood.
Mr. Stevena waa a member of the
flrat clasa at the University of Ore
gon, entering the Institution the day
it waa opened. There he atudied
pharmacy and later foe a period of 26
year he conducted a drug bualneaa
and acted aa Postmaster at Cove, Or.
He wss president of the State Bank
of Cove president of the Stockgrow-
ers A Farmers" Bank at Wallula, and
vlce-prealdent of the Union Bank at
Union. For a quarter of a century he
had been prominently Identified with
affaire In the Grand Ronde Valley.
For five yeara prior to hla death he
had maintained a Portland home.
Funeral arrangements have been de
PORTLAND, Or May 31. (Spe
cial.) Maintaining Ita position aa one
of the moat prosperous cities In the
United State, Portland advanced to
first place in flour and grain ship
ments for May and made a corre
sponding strong showing In postal re
ceipts, bank clearings and building
permits. The flour and cereal export
bUHlneaa waa larger than the total of
any month for two yeara, and exceed'
ed by 60 per cent the total from Puget
Sound porta.
One of the aurprialng featurea of the
month waa the Increase In the -number
o' building permita over the totala
for May laat year. During the month
just closed 677 permita were Issued,
for buildings costing a total of S1,8G8,-
130, compared with 598 permita and a
total of $1.803,445' for May, 1910.
Hogs do not dig In the earth alto
gether for the fun of It They get a
lot . to eat that way grass roots.
worms, bltea of atuff of different klnda
that help to make bone and muscle
Pigs that are apt to have "differ
ences of opinion" should be separated.
Fighting takea off flesh.
Final Notice.
Notice la hereby given, that the un
dersigned, Russell E. Sewall, adminis
trator of the estate of Hiram Goddard,
deceased, has filed hla final account
in the County Court of the 8tate of
Oregon for Clackamas County, and
that Saturday, the 3rd day of July,
1911. at the hour of 10:30 A. M. of
said day, and the Court Room of aald
Court haa been appointed by aald
Court aa the time and place for the
hearing of objections thereto and the
aettlement thereof. All peraona hav
ing objections to said account are
hereby . required to file the same in
aald Court prior to the time fixed for
said hearing.
Dated and first published June 2,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Summons. v
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
Oregon City
Furnished with operating
room, ward and private
rooms! "
Graduate Nurses
Psc 2243 Home D-298
Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sta.
May 30, 81, June 1, 2. J, 4.
Games Begin Weekdays at 3:30.
Sunday, 2:30 P. M.
Boy a Vnder 12 Free to Bleachera
Effl B. Johnson, Plaintiff,
John D. Johnson, Defendant
To John D. Johnson, Defendant:
In th name of the State of Oregon;
You are hereby required to appear and
anawer tbe complaint filed agalnat
you In the above entitled court aqd
cause on or before tbe 10th day of
July, 1911, and if you fall to ao ap
pear aod anawer, Judgment and de
cree will bev taken agalnat you for
want thereof aa specified in the aai-1
complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between the plaintiff and de
fendant, and for aoch other and furth
er relief aa to thla Court may aeem
meet and equitable.
Tbfa summons la aerved by publica
tion thereof In tba Oregon City En
terprise, a newspaper printed and pub
llahed at Oregon City, Oregon, by or
der of R. B. Beatie, County Judge, In
the abaenca of Circuit Judgea J. U.
Campbell and J. A. Eakln from the
county, made, dated and filed therein
on the 27th day of May, 1911, which
aald order require that aummona In
llils suit be published once a week for
six consecutive weeks.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of flrat publication hereof,
June 2. 1911.
Data of laat publication hereof,
July 7, 1911.
Final Notice.
Notice la hereby given tbat the un
dersigned executor of the estate of
George W. Parrlsh, deceased, haa
filed bIS final account In aald estate
in the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County, and
tbat the Judge of aald court baa ap
pointed Monday, the 3rd day of July,
1911. at 10 o'clock A. M. for hearing
objection to aald account and for aet
tllng said estate.
Executor of the estate of George W.
Parrlsh, deceased.
Attorney for Executor
Notice to Creditor.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned baa been duly appointed by
the County Court of Clackamaa Coun
ty, Oregon, administrator of tbe estate
of Walter Nelaon Lewis, deceaaed.
Any and all peraona having clalma
against said estate are requeated to
present the same to me, duly verified,
at my office In tbe Welnbard Building,
being 80 1 Main Street. Oregon City,
Oregon, within six months from the
date of the flrat publication of this
Date of First publication, June 2,
Administrator of the Estate of Walter
Nelson Lewla. deceaaed.
Attorney for aald Estate.
In the County Court of the State -of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
In the mater of the estate of Sa-
mantha Jane Davis, deceaaed.
To Zelpha Holeway, John E. Davis,
Myrtle Rankin, Ardella Close, Mime
Colson, Blanche Da via and Gladys
Davis, Greetlnga;
In tbe name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear In
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamaa at
the Court Room thereof, at Oregon
City, In the aald County of Clacka
mas, on Saturday, the lat day of July,
A. a, 1911. at 10 o'clock A. M. of that
day, then and there to ehow cause, if
any they have, why a certain petition
in writing, presented to the said Coun
ty Court, and now on file therein.
should not be granted, directing the
administrator of said estate to sell at
private Bale, the following described
land, to-wit: Beginning at a point
6.10 cha N. and 8.32 cha W. of the
corner of Sections 10, 11, 14 and 15,
In T. 2 8.. R. 2 E. of the W. M., Clack
amaa County, Oregon, thence south
26.10 chs; thence East 11.49 cha
thence North 26.10 cha, and thence
west 11.49 chs to the place of begin
ning, containing 30 acrea, more or
lesa, belonging to aald eatate, for the
purpose of raising money to pay tfc
debta of and claims against tbe aald
eatate and the doctor's bills as aet up
in said petition on file.
Witness, the Hon. R. B. Beatie,
Judge of the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamaa, thla 31st day of. May, A
D.. 1911.
Atteat. W. L. MULVEY, Clerk.
By I. Ml HARRINGTON, Deputy.
RharlfTa Bala.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
maa. " ,
John Kekel, Plaintiff,
D. M. Rowland and Sarah B. Rowland,
State of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, ss.
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued out
of and under the aeal of the above
entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 29th day of May, 1911. upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In
aaid court on the 29th day of May,
1911, in favor of John Kekel. Plain
tiff, and against D. M. Rowland and
Sarah B. Rowland, Defendanta, 'for
the sum of $3,820.75, with Interest
thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per
annum from the 19th day of March,
1910, and the further sum of $250.00,
ss attorney'a fee, and the further sum
nt ta4 ko costs and disbursements,
and t,he costs of and upon thla writ.
commanding me to make sale or tne
following descrlbedjeal aid personal
nmiwrtr situate in the County of
niBoltamna Rtata of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at the S. W. corner of the
S. E. 4 of Sec. 4. T. 8 S. R. 1 E. of
W. M., thence eaat along tbe aecilon
line 20 cbaln8, thence north 35 chains
and 85 llnka to the aouth boundary of
a county road where a atake la set
from which a red Or 8 Inches In dla
mntnr hears north 65 W. 9 llnka dis
tant; thence north 68 W. 69 llnka;
thence 8. 16 W. 27 chains and 80
links to a stake from which a red fir
60 Inches in diameter bears S. 8 E.
9t links distant: thence N. 59 W. 13
chalna and 88 llnka to the legal sub
division line between the S. E. ana
S. W. quarters of said section 4 in
the aforesaid townahlp; thence south
17 chalna and 20 links to the place of
beginning containing 35.50 acrea more
or less. Also the following described
personal property: . One . 6 ft cut
Champion binder, one 5 ft. cut Cham
pion mower, one 9 ft. Champion hay
rake, one Dere Vineyard dlso harrow,
1 tooth harrow, 1 Oliver chill plow.
1 Mltchell-Lewls A Staver B Line top
buggy, one 1 Inch Weber wagon, one
heavy riding saddle, two seta working
harness, one set buggy harneaa.
Now, therefore, by virtue of aald ex
aoutlnn liidrment order and decree.
and In compliance with the commanda
of aald writ, I will, on Saturday, the
It Wouldn't Pay to Advertise
A Poor Article
Nor g proposition of doubtful merit or honesty for ad readers .
nowadays, are DISCRIMINATING. They know valcee they knew
GENUINE thing, genuine opportunities.
Any artlel which cart be aold by advertising la, by that teat, a
GOOD article. YOU are aaf In buying a thing which haa "steed
ihe fir of publicity."
Tha maker of a widely advartlaad article, " commodity, l al
ways on trial for hla bualneaa Ufa. Ha cannot ahirk, nor cheapen hie .
crcduct and thla la tha beat poaalble protection foe the consumer.
You are SAFE In buying advertised things it's tha legle ef
nows Jays business conditions. ' "
lat day of July, 1911, at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of
the County Court House In the City of
Oregon City, In said County and State,
aell at public auuuoa. subject to re
demption, to the htgheat bidder, for
U. S. gold coin caah in band, all the
right, title and intereat . which tbe
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mort
gage herein or since had in or to the
above described real and personal
property or any part thereof, to aaiia
fy aald execution, Judgment order, de
cree, intereat, costs and all accruing
coats. '
Sheriff of Clackamaa County, Oregon.
By J. O. STAATS, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., May 29th,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamaa County.
Mary Keatea, plaintiff,
John' C. Keatea, Defendant.
To John C. Keatea, above named de
fendant: "
in the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and anawer the complaint 'filed
agalnat yon In the above named auit,
on or before the 8th day of June, 1911,
aald date being tbe expiration of six
weeka from tbe flrat publication of
thla aummona, and If you fall to ap
pear or anawer aald complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief prayed for
in her complaint.
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
tbe plaintiff and defendant. Thla sum
mons la published by order of Hon-
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order waa made and en
tered on the 27th day of April. 1911.
and the time prescribed for publica
tion thereof is six weeks, beginning
with the Issue of Friday, April 28th,
ml, and continuing each week there
after to and Including the issue of
Friday,, June 9th, 1911.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Do Women Understand T
That many of them are dallv endur
ing needless pain that a reliable
remedy Is within the reach of all, and
that we - absolutely guarantee aatls-
faction or will refund, any money you
may have paid for thla treatment
Physicians In treating woman'a ail
ments have demonstrated the value of
certain drugs for such cases and these
Ingredients, following the formula of
a certain auccessful physician, are con
tained In Rexall Vegetable Compound,
In the amount considered necessary
to produce tbe most satisfactory re
sults. We want every ailing woman in thia
city to realize the value of this remedy
and to tbat end offer to refund any
money paid us for this preparation,
if. after a fair trial, It falls to produce
beneficial results.
Rexall Vegetable Compound can on
ly be obtained at our store The Rex
all Drug Store. Price. $1.00 per bot
tle. The Owl Pharmacy. Huntley
Brothers Co.
Wants. For -Sale. Etc
Notice under thae classified haadina
will b Inae-trd at one cent s word, flnr
huertlon. half a cent additional (near
tlona. one Inch cwraV IS per montbt naif
Inch card. (4 nna i per month.
Cash muat aocompanr order unleaa on
1911 Mitchell
Have you ever looked into the details of construction and the
' mechanical features together with the handsome appearance
of the Mitchell Automobiles te find the reasons why they are
being bought by people throughout the state, who know the
value of a good car. If you are at all Interested we will be
pleased to demonstrate the car to you with full information
and can assure you that it is well worth investigating before
buying. - The car is absolutely guaranteed to do what we say.
it will. If not we are here to make good. When we sell
you car we will take care of your car one year free ot .
chargt.' .'..' .
'. l' i '.' Price $1650 - '
Otter model cheaper. Fully equipped F. O. B. Orefoa City.
Prion us for damonatratioa and wa will call at your noma for ,
you. ; - "' .
Some Good Bargains In Second Hand Cars
C. G. Miller, Agent
Garage Cor 6th nl Main StsV
he an opea aeoount with the paper. Me
ftamnclaJ responsibility for errors; whan
nrora occur fra eorrcte aotlea will h
nrlnla fnr . nut ftflnlmi.M ak. , K
WANTED $1000 loan on good prop
erty. Address A-10, care Enterprise.
WANTED You to know mat we buy
all kinds of Curios, that we are In
the market for second hand Furni
ture and Tools. We alao have
good assortment or aecond hand
Furniture and Tools on hand for
aale to those in need. Come and
aee; perhaps we have Juat what yon
want Indian Curios and trlnketa
for aale cheap; aome that are very
unique and alao very rare. GEORGE
YOUNG, Main near Fifth street.
FOR SALE Top buggy, almost new,
. and single harness.- Inquire Jack
ft Albright Store, 7th Street
ACREAGE One to five acrea In atght
of Oregon City, $150 and $200 per
acre; good level land; one mile
from car line. Clyde ft McRae, 1003
Main St. Oregon City.
FARM FOR SALE 80 acres, 7 miles
south of Oregon City on Molalla
road and 1 mile eaat. Inquire Mra.
8. G. London, Oregon City Rr F. D.
No. 3, box 111. '
MONET TO LOAN In auma to auit
First Mortgages one year or on
long time. Charges ressonable.
Cross and Hammonds, Attorneys. -
farm Loans. . .
FARM LOANS Dlmick ft Dlmick,
Lawyers. Oregon City, Or.
MONEY TO LOAN On flrat mort
gage; $500 and upwards; one year
or longer. . Apply at once. Cross ft'
Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Bea
ver Bldg., Oregon City. '
HARKT JONES Builder and Genera
Contractor. Estimates . cheerfully
given on all classes of building
work, concrete walka ana reinforced
O. D. KBY, Attorney-et-Law, Money
loaned, abstracts furnished, laod
titles examined, eatatea aettled,'ngn-
. eral law bualneaa. Over Bank ef
. Oregon City.
U'REN A 8CHUEBJEL, Attorneye-eV
Lew, Dentscher Advokat. will prac
tice In all oourta, make coiiectloats
and settlements. Office la Bnter
: I wla fS.
K. H. COOPER. For Fire Insurance
and Real Estate. Let us handle
. your properties wa bay, sell aad
exchange. Office In Bmterpriae
Bldg., Oregon CUy. Oregon.
$10 PER MONTH For rent, a mod
ern (-room cottage. APP'y to George
Randall, corner Fifth, and Jefferson
. streets. ' " ,