Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933, June 02, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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E. t.
RODIE, Edlte-id Publisher.
"BUsr-a as srond-ctass snftrsr Jaa-
ry I, lu. at the post office at Orroa
pity, Orua. under ths Ae of March
1 It
One Tsar, by mall . . .,
, fin Months, bjr mall
Four Month, by mall...
, by earrlsr. ....
Amirtsm urn
First P pr lacn flrat Inaorttoa . . , . lt
first Pass, par Inch edd4 inssrtlaaa. .lc
rTwfsrreJ position any pas, par Inch
flrat Insertion lie
rrfrrd position any pan, par mob
added tnsrrttone I
Run papar other than flrat paca, par Inch
flrat IrtMrttoa Ho
Run papar other than flrat paf. par Inch
added sasertlona.......... ...... ,Sc
Locals lec par Una; to regular adver-
tiaera so DM
wanta For mue. to Rant. etc.. on
aent a word flrat In sorties) ; oa-ha!f oent
each additional.
- Ratea for advortlelna m .ne Weekly
Enterprise will be the same aa la the
dally, for adrertlssmonta art especially
(or the weekly TVJiaro Ihe advertisement
la transferred! from the dally to the week
ly, without rhanire, the rata will be 1c
aa men for ua of the paper, and las aa
mcb for special position.
- Cash should accompany order where
party la unknown In business office of
-the Bnterprlas.
Lscar advertising el legal advertising
Circus advertising and special transient
advertising at Io to 0e aa men. accord
on ta s pedal conditions governing the
"Pint Bale" and Bankrupt Bale" adver
tisements tte Inch first Insertion: add!
tonal Insertions same matter Ma Inch.
r News Items and well wr1tn articles
.uf saortt. with Interest to local readers
will he gladly aecepto-4. Rejected menu
-ted by
atajnna to prepay ftootaaw.
June 2 In American History.
1T73 Joha Randolph of Rossoks.
talesman, born: died 1833.
181-John liodfrev Rsie, bamoroM
port, horn: died 18S7.
(FTtMR Dooa today to oooa tomorrow.!
Sua sets 721: rises 429; nooo MM
12:39 a m : plane Marrvry aeea rts
tojr before lb ana.
GoTrrcor Judson Harmon, of Ohio.
aaa a preea ajrr-nt who ! no slouch.
It U trident that Ohio's favorite aon
vfewa tilth alarm tb Western popu
larity of Woodrow Wilson, of New
Jersey, for hare just received a
letter from the American Preea Aaao
' elation, offering ns, without charge,
U fall columns of matter ready for
tbe press. - The proof sheets carry a
fry eulogistic atory o Mr Harmon's
" achievements, with sereral fine pao
torrapas of the Harmon family.- One
pictnre shows Harmon fishing, and
anotner with his ife and grandchil
dren. The free advertising stunt is
rood for Harmon and probably ,
many of tie small country weeklies
v will be (lad to hate six columns of
matter, illustrated, composition fur
nished, just for the asking. Harmon,
or whoever is barking him. has money
to spend, apparently. Some of the
stuff emenailng from the Chicago
Presa Bureaa is siUy. Here is a para
sraph: Ohio repudiated ber favorite son.
William H. TaTl. President of the I
rnited States. Governor Harmon i
won the' greatest Democratic victory
in the history of Ohio or of the mid
dle west. It was a crushing blow to
the President.
It is not surprising that the Presi
dent has refused pardon to both of
the two bankers, Morse and Walsh,
whose large and influential circles of
friends have been working for their
meat began and have been sustained
la spite of many discouraging facta.
No doubt they will be sustained, la
nop of clemency at later date.
The President covers the ground
well la announcing his reasons for re
fusing pardon, says the St. Louts
Globe-Democrat He aaya that, while
neither man contemplated theft, both
were guilty of the highest breach of
trust of which men can be guilty, vis.,
the breach ef the trust the depositors
and stockholders of a bank place la
its executive officers ' and those la
charge of Its funds. He might have
gone much farther than he did In
laying dowa this moral and statutory
law, without overstating the case. And
he might bave said directly, what be
only Implies, that to pardon such of
fenders would be, through condoning
their offense, to strike a blow at the
confidence of the public la the banks.
at good faith and public credit.
These men, it is true, are victims of
clrcamstancea. What they did was
done in a time of mad rage for great
accumulatlona of wealth. "Get the
money' was the keynote of all finance
and commerce during the years In
which their misappropriations of bank
funds were being made. In the In
surance revelations and In countless
other revelations brought out In count
less other la veetigatlons, what were
then called "strong men" in a callous
Indifference to business morals, the
rights of others, and even of the
criminal laws, were seen to be doing
as they pleased. "Let us alone' waa
their Impudent cry, but of course It
could not be heeded. There had to be
propitiation, and, accordingly, there
had to be sacrifices.
Divided Bathing Suit Appears;
It Seems to Have Advantages
" " KNOWN.
The Rose Society bas chosen Ber,.
Spencer S. Sulllger. of Vancouver; J.
H. Pilkington. of Portland, and Julius
Brotje, of Courtney, Judges- for the
Rose Show to be held on June 10. Ar
rangements for the shoy bave about
been completed, and the warm weath
er of the past few days Insures one
of the finest exhibitions ever given
In this county.
Members of the society receive let
ters dally from friends who say they
will attend the show, and It Is evi
dent that the attendance will be the
largest ever known. The children of
this ci.ty.and other places In the coun
ty are busy decorating little float
for the children's parade, which will
be one of the features of the festival.
. .v . N . ' . '..' !.
t.' - - e 'erL ; . - .-.'
a- -JW - .. "e t. v . ... .,
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THKRB was no doubt that It would be. bars, sad here It is. What?
Way, the harem bathing suit, or the divided skirt bathing suit, or the
trouserette bathing suit, or tbe Jupe culotte bathing suit-call It what
- you will, tbe picture above saw we It or them. The Chicago chief of
police has recently Indued orders concerning the bathing suits that will be per
mitted this year wtUftu his jurisdiction. According to bis specifications, the
young woman pictured above would be barred, and yet there are many who
will see nothing lmmodeat In It. Aa to Its beauty there will also be different
opinions, most of thein being based on the attractions of tbe girl In tbe sulL
yard and pasture a box with salt,
charcoal, air-slaked lime, bone meal
and hardwood ashes, so the pigs csn
help themselves st will.
There should be placed la every pig La Mar broke Jail In this city and es
caped. One other Inmate uf tbe same
tell at unapprised of the departure of
his measmstes until morning. Toe flee
ing parties have not been re-taken.
It Is no very hard matter 10 break out
pf the Clarkataaa county Jail a fact
which our County Commissioners will
no doubt soon be required to regard
with an appropriation.
An Eastern paper announces the re
ceipt In New England of 500 barrels of
Oreicon salmon.
The Oregon City Postofflee. We
are pleased to state that the poatofflce
The harvest season Is the roost try
ing of the year. Tbere is so much to
be done, so little time to do It In and
so few hands to accomplish It, that
we are often at our wit s end. Let us
however, have a care lest we attempt
too much and lest we put too great a
burden upon the wife and daughter.
tl. -i.i ,, . . ie lirru l !! lull inv njeiont-e
The sanitarium, are filled whh men ; , ,hl, cHy ubtiul to ,.,,, . ,
women who have broken down i class office. The money order sysiem
George A. Harding, T. P. Randall
and John R. Humphrys, of this city,
have been chosen delegates to the
convention of the Diocese of Oregon
to be held in Portland. The alter
nates sre William Hammond, W. B.
Stafford and Oscar Woodfin. The
convention will be one of the most Im
portant ever held In Oregon. There
are two dioceses In Oregon, the Ore
gon Diocese and tbe Eastern Oregon
The convention will start on June
17. It is expected that the attendance
from work and worry at mlddla life ' be Introduced here soon. Tbe
The utmost that we can hope to aln j ,mo"ni f lbor to be performed at
is nor worth such a fearful sacrifice. tn,a ix'xtofflce Is nearly as large as
mat or any otner office in the state,
while the pay, or emoluments, are
much lens. This is the "distributing
point for various sections, and the
daily mall, from the north and south,
requires Ihe postmaster to be constant
In ha .ma tl II... . V - . . J
i-rn me cinrrpnKe November 10.
1 SfiO :
An embargo bas been placed uptui
Teina notatoea all along the Pacific
t'oaai and all Mure shipments will be
closely watched tin! this Is likely to
cause a stoppage of supplies from
Another carlntid of Texaa point oes
was couuvmned by (be Portland fruit
Inspector owing lo the appearance of
Ihe potato bug In Ihe shipment. Home
tf the Block was removed from the
car previous to the embargo placed
upon It by Ihe Inspector, but warning
has been given all Interests not to mo
lest supplies until passed by the coun
ty official.
It la ststed that the shutting out of
the Texas aupplles Is a plan of the
California shippers to boost the price
on their product, but supplies from
California are now to receive alien
IIum, (rum Ihe officials An eani4na
tlon of a shipment of potatoes from
San Francisco disclosed the fact that
Ihe stork was full of worms and there
fore subject to confiscation aa was
the supply from Texas-
Ouotatluna fee Orsgen OH). i
POTATOES llenl. :.80, Hood !
$S IS; con-men, 2. Huying, carload,
selec. $2 10; ordinary. Sl 0.
ateaay, aelllng from fS to 15 SO; very
little of cheaper grades. Feed - Is
higher and rising slowly. Hraa brings
from $: &0 to $17.50, shorts $: to f 30,
rolled barley $31. &0 to 131 S3, process
barley $33. whole corn 31 to 133.
cracked corr 3 to $33. Wheat $31
to $33.
HAY (Iluylns.) Timothy tit t
fin. Clover. $11 to $11; oat hay. $14
to $18; mixed. $11 to $14; alfalfa, $11
to tl.
OATS (Buying) Oray, from $25
to $37; while, from $.' to $38.
BUTTER (Buying) Ordinary
country .brines from 1(1 to 30c,
fancy dairy from JOe lo 13c, cream
ery 13c to 15c.
EOCS iiiuyingi Are ranging from
Kc to 10c, according lo grade.
POULTRY (Buying Firm with lit
tle good stock offered. Hens will bring
He. if In extra good condition more.
j Old roosters are poor at 8c lo 10c, broil
ers bring from i:c to iir, with good
; demand.
j WOOL (liny :.g, ,Vool prices are
I ranging from 13o lo He
I MOHAIR-diuying Prices on mo-
hslr have been tray up, some having
brouKht aa h'xh aa 39c locally. Quo
tsrlons are 17 He and demand Is strong
HIDES- Buying Green hides, &c
to 6c; sailers, 54c to tc. dry hides,
12c to He. Sheep pelts, 25 to 76c
DRIED FRUIT8-lcal prices are
firm at from c to 10c on applet and
prunes, peaches are 10c.
SALT Selling Site to 0e (or fine.
" sacs, naif ground 40c; 75 for
iug in. sacks. j
Portland Vegetable Markets.
$1.25f)$l.60 per sack; parsnips, $11'.;
ft$I 50; turnips, $1 250$l 50; beets f
$160. ,
People Who "invest
n ant.ransss premlslna ibnofs,.!! .
are usually rjlsappeint,;. Ur,, ,
They fall le sl the Interest . thty aapeetsd and .t "
meney passes te ethers, n" ntrsl m
The money saver should take no t ha nets mh.w ...
When you deposit your money , Tlm c ht
ings Department or tni oanh, It remain, gBd.. Z JT o Is.
.iim ait a.w .. . " "noar ysti .7 aw
- w wi interest, Thsra i ""WSI, -j
this kind of an Investment. " T",r- '. o essfalu,'
The sooner you begin, the sooner will y0u h. i.-
growing balance. " Pli
The Bank of Oregon City
awn si i Sinn i f asa.ierww.p wii'L'i'W si'i II. i i 'nmirrMW--'si
n n I ITfll Ul'TTK PsPsfcs.l.l aul . Hi.
.' v w i s- sT ' avi evi
CAPITAL. 40.000 0u
transacts a 0nerel Vanhlnf uelneea.
a m- . -
ii : :
Oregon City Wood and Foe! Company
F. iyi. BLUHM
Vouf wanta supplied with any quantity of 4 foot or
llvored to any part of City.
Satisfaction guaranteed
Homo B 110
Paolflo Main 1602 ' '
Prieea, reasonable.
U Inch w4
Phors you,
Cor. 6th .a. tn,
Ocsoas City.
m a I a si ik sw i i" aa rasi uniu nm bbmssI ,
yy nasona HAnanov.Bal T fr n m-- ""
ri f nAUU M
lours. .... 7.a .
n nh-a Uiita iru mar rlls
i era 1Mb s
If rtm
virrrlm ip II lrh In u. t
setnsl Notnrr emt, eiio inaiVtl.t" ??n f'
::tje-Prool S
to immoovoKjm r
r T ' r i i s i fi i i "
" nmtmtl. MIW Mmlwlli . T
s iTT " T" " mmm mm " Istssassr
A humlrfxi IIhmmsuiI usira si4d ls4 rssr
DEsouprtOMi Ev'',v i
Hdlns- very dnraMe and lliil inla ifL L rr.'tU
asiwvlsiquBllttlrnbtr. nblrh never lsV
nitms porous sad hb-h Hom nu ..n-
nsve htimlrUs of k.(ln (mm miiJ
irinetbst UMiir tlrrahsveotilr nssnrmmned ap onre
lwl"S la a abola Man. Tb,ia.kiw..i...
r - IHinanmnMI
I .Tf hml lajrre of thin,
sbrtann the trsad. The rse-nlsr
1 Kf,
.11 " jr
neessuuds mm
amsallr tMrspsrsd
Of iaots urns
fM se I ha IMsk mssHisi
and alsa rna MMs "H
Is arsvsnl nm sstusa. Tvu
45 Years Ago
Jail Delivery On last Wednesday.
John Uf and a half breed named
Kelly has given grneral satisfaction to
the public in the capacity of postmas
ter snd we shall certainly rejoice to
see him better paid for his services.
VEGETABIJCS-Aspsraaus. Kief 'rsAa-lV
$1.,5 per crate: esbbaae. new. ti n.r WL.Z1 1 rL ,J . tJrivri''''T-'-mm
hund.edwelght: cauliflower. It 'nn :'tSSStfTSS rSZa?l2Z2ttlltt2tJZZ3
!?5.prrdo.I'D? r' rallfonilts. 75c LDtL''f ' ii N MaMiisMifinM.was.M.
ff0c-per ncur.r
50c per doten; hothouse lettuce, $ r.O I wnanssj wa-wa l JiBp Wa-sSarsStawllsnW
yr,, , pens, vcfrnc per
pound; peppers. SOcfSSc per pt.ond:
radishes, 15 per doten; rhubarb, Jie
.lTpOUDd: ,Brou,. tomatoes,
9 V 94-25.
POTATOES-tiregon, Jobbing pHce.
$2T.O per hundred; n-w potatoes 7c
C7He per pound. .
ONIONS Jobbing price; Orogo
12.75 per 100; Australian, $1(0 per
100; Texas, $223 per crate: Califor
nia, 3 per crate.
Oregon City Stock Quotations.
HOGS Hons are quoted He lower.
pardon ever since their incarceration
Walsh Is at Leavenworth and Morse! wl" lhc larec8t ever nown.
at Atlanta. These effort for pardon Take no chances with an old boar;
began. In each case, before Imprison- j always keep behind him.
eeoeeeeeeoeeeeeeoee ee-ce-eee-eee
I! We Need a Little Less I
i Faith In
i Dollar
By Rabbi WISE of New York
rW0 prob3 ems at least are
involved in anv consid
eration of the t-tbics of
buainese, the matter of
BUSINESS and the manner of
it- CONDUCT. It is not only
tbe methods of business which are
m trial in our own time, but the
act of busines itstlf.
To make of business the end of
life inatead of merely a MEANS
OF LIVING is b itlf un.
ethical. Soma men u. ji
-1 t. j m . ' .
i ure for bnsinea,". .The man who lives for
tmauiea. is unetbicgl, hotrsoerer hi. businew be conducted. Mao U
aot to Tin for business, though buaines. be needed to enable a man to
lire. VV e bare got to accept the truth of Henry Demareet Lloyd, who
maintaim that busineaa is the STEWARDSHIP of the commiaeary
department of mankind.
We could not for a moment forget, eren if we would, that commer
cial integrity is the FOUNDATION of a noble people. So did Eng
land win high repute throughout the world of trade. Men, not bricks,
make a city waa true not only in the classic daya, but ia true today,
n ' ' m
Don't throw your magazines and
periodicals away. There is
much valuable information in
them that will never be publish
ed elsewhere. The cost is little
Our boy will call for the mag
azines if you Phone.
. ' .
From 12S lbs. to 150 lbs. t4c fro"
1(0 lbs. to 100 lbs. 4c
VEAL CALVEP-Veal cslvai trim
from So to 10c srcordlng In r4t.-
SEEK BTEER3 fleet f
the local markets are Ntchlni IV
He Jlv s-eilBL
HI1EEP urm si C to le.lW
IIAfON, LARD stM HAM, sn lr
Rsal fstste TrsnstW
The following sre tae real eitiW
translers that have 'wen flloa ta w
olllce tf Ihe County Hecorder:
Wllllarn and Alice R. Robblsi M
William L. llorlhwU-k. acres of a
lion 3r, township 3 snuib, rtaff I
rat: JB0.
Irwin L Oarver lo Ilechoo Crrfr.
80 acrea of section . township I swl
isnite eat; $10. ,' -.w
W. C. ana" Isabella ( lark W Fran
H. riemlnf. .2 acres of secUn
lownship south, ranse 1 I''-.,
Ureter M. O imll to James w. Al
ien, lot 8. block . West Side "
tlcn ta Oreicon City: . , ' b,
! Kobert T. and Cora W. Unnvf
! Mount Hood Railway A Pw'r,c
psny, 5.01 acres of section SO, "
I ship 1 south, rsne 6 rsst; $10.
Robert T. n4 Cora w. ,
acres of section 25, townnhlp 1
range 4 eat; $10. ' M
Robert T. and Cora W. tlnnJ
Mount Hood lUllwsy 4 PmyZ
pany, II acres, section 2. towv
I south, rsnre 4 eost: $1".
O. H. Scott to tbe Mount Hoo41";,,
pany, lend In section fl. towniWM
south, range 5 east; $! ' ;
J (Contlniirit fion
Captain Absolute,, bis son
Tnorni" """i,
Faulkland H'
Arre. fn
Blr Lucius O'TrlKirer trVal,t
rsff .y;
Thomas 11 'or.rssr
Mrs Mnlsprop l4eM, ?S
Lyrt-s Lnnrjl.h Kt hel EMg
Lucy ;'.-.i.MdK BrWJ
Malda Maud Pnrk. Y1 BtJ
Music under the direction or
Brace. I
The Oregon Cit
Pruitcnd Produce
Arsenote of Lead
Dcrry Crofcs
Hoy, Grln and feed
Implements ;: