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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1911)
f i MOKNINO ISNTEKPlUafc, TUUItSlA,Y, JUNK 1, 1911. ft "v a . . ' Millinery Clearance Sale To clear oar Mtlltnrry Drpartmrnt we are offer lag beantifol and stylish assortment ol Hats and Flowers -below cost. i " JOHN "Thm ADAMS FOX HUNT TO BE BIG EM OF CANBY MEET HORSES FROM ALL PARTS STATE ENTERED IN RACE EVENTS. or warded the contract to build the achool hou-at Concord Station. It will coat between $5900 and $6fl00. Professor Gill, of Canby, waa hero Wednesday morning visiting Professor HiMler., Mr. Gill ia oo hia way to East ern Oregon. - . ... Mr. J. Gleason and daughter were Portland visitor Wednesday. The trolley wire broke Tuesday evening, delaying too cara fur au hour, Manila BonflsfcL tMitubeU eiertrs by the otasa. Jena Olaen, president ot the high school, made the opening ad dress and Otto Snyder the closing, Professor Uleason. Of Portland, fa vored the audience with several In stru mental selections. V. Ihman sang "The Star-Spangled Hanner' while a tableau waa given. Grace Martin and Olevlsl Johnson waved the flag. "America" was aung by the en tire audience. Mlsa Frances Sham, of I.tourell. ad Profeasor Robert Cloets, of New- burg, were guesta of Mrs. Maggie Johnson, and attended the graduating exercise. The Urange will hold Ita regular meeting Friday evening. It haa de rided to hold a fglr thla fall and asks the co-operation of everyone to help make it as. success. Noted speaker, a baby show and a floral exhibit will be some of the features. Let every one take hold and make this fair 1 suc cess. . , . . . .. MULINO. The rain see me to be over for the present and everybody Is ready for the sunshine. cnaney iianieis and family re turned to their home at Wallace la- land last Thursday. There was a big crowd at the min strel show at the hall Friday night. ana everybody went home well pleased with the entertainment L. Air. and Mrs. Barnes, of Portland. ana two nice from Dakota, were vis iting at Uncle Nick Darnall s a few daya last week. Mr. Evana has his new store nearly completed and win soon be ready for Business. Nesta Churchill, who has been IL iqiv m oe oui again. . m - r. ana sirs, ram Wallace were visiting mends at Needy last Suhdav. There-was an immense crowd at the oati game at Moialla last Snnday to sea iae game- between Moialla and the Coons, the Coons winning by a COr Of 4 to 3 In toil of th unfair decisions of Mollala'a umnlre. n. Molalla's played Veil, but the Coons were too much for them Born To Mrs. Maud Perry, on kfaw 9, a son. everyone is watlng natientlv for worg to begin on this and of the rail. roaa. . The race track and grounds of the Clackamas County Fair Association at Canby are being put In condition for ' the race meet and horse Show nest Saturday.' A big tlmo Is planned byl the people that place, and there U . no doubt but there will be many frera this city ss well as other parts of . the county In attendance. - Much in- . terest Is being manifested In the meet y the businesa men of C2by, There are about 35 horses already on the grounds to take part in the races, and more are expected from Portland. Salem. Eugene. Indcpen- ence and McMinnville. Track records , it is expected will be broken, and live ly contests by the blooded horses tak ing part. Some of the horses will race In the events for $5000 and $10,900 . stake on the North Pacific . circuit .this fall. One of the big features of the meet Ing win be the fox hunt at night. This win be something new in this state. The dogs that will take part In the fog hnnt belong to Vaughan Brothers, of Mollala. who report the animals in first-class condition. Any other dog owners having fox hounds who wish to enter their dogs in the chase to class with the Vaughan Brothers may do so. The dogs owned by the Vsugh ans are from the best fox hunting strains Kentucky and Tennessee pro- once, u any dog not belonging to the . Vaughans takes pan in this hunt. thee men are willing to stake any MOUNTAIN VIEW, awuni mat iney win not be In the me rewdenta on Duam put down race at the end of the three hours aft- M sldewlaks last week. The grade r the fox Is Jumped. on the north side of the street waa vaugnaa tsrotners nave imported n","e o nigh and the walk will prob the red fox to this section of the coun-! blT be taken out. try, and they have multiplied to such! Ton Carrico haa put a picket fence an extent that they can be found in ln front of his house, almost any part of Clackamas County. Ralph Grom and W. G. Hall put The owners are-planning to take this i dn their walk before Memorial Day famone pack to Kentucky next fall to J- M. Glllett did not get hia cement take part in the big: International fox ! Ik down on account of the rain, but hunt to be held there. They are well J ! IT It Thursday. If possible '? f nunu and are experts i O. A. Vanhog returned home from when Tf comes to training the dogs, j Washington last week. .Mrs. stacy Bradley of Portland, via. Ited her parents. Mr. and Mrs.. Nick els, last Friday. Her sister. Mrs .eivllaU nd cMdren, went home with her to spend a few days before cuing in nr noroe at Beuna Vista. Mrs. E. A. Seeley. of Independence, called on friends In this vicinity last w v -wis Lurs Williams of Sellwood is speoding this week here, a guest of her brother, Horace Williams, snd family. Frank Beard hived a swarm of bees Mr. Harrington Improves. Edward Harrington, road foreman In th Oak Grov district, who waa In jured several days ago by a fall. Is much Improved. Mr. Ilsrrlngton sus tained a fracture of a rib. While re. pairing a wagon, he fainted and fell against the steps of the road engine. Heart to Heart Dy EDWIN A. NYE. J t v s V. ... .Ik Points for Mothers Claud Ashley helned John shear sheep Monday. Many of the Mulino neonlo wont m tanoy ana Oregon City to attend me- munai exercises. CORRESPONDENCE WILLAMETTE. .... G. G. C roves made a business trip to Portland Wednesday. little Body, son and son-in-law, re cently bought a two and one-half acre tract on the west side of the Willam ette and are building homes. Mrs. Nellie Colson Is UL Dr. Mount is in attendance. Moldenhour place for the season, the i 8unaB' r Mr. Ryall on rheir old saving moved to Oregon City ' TJ" to ' . . , to conduct a kuntin. ' Airs. K- B. Klmmel. of Pti.H- I. W. Rivers went to Salem on bosl-1 Sf of her daughter. Mrs! ness Wednesday. irnniocK. last Sunday. There are no vacant hmmoa in lamette. Wll- MEADOWBROOK. A force of men was set to work Mon day morning on the Canby Canal's florae. Mr. Heckert, nroDrietor of hoti aira. r.verett Hickman, of Spokane, i inmg airs. a. L Hlckmsn this Luther Duvall. of Sellwood, spent Aiuuua or re. Mrs William Beard Is In Sellwood wna nr son, Ben. and family. Mrs. Retta Seabolt. of Mount Tabor, Meadowbrook. is gardening extensive- " .TJS,,,1? M,8S E,, Darling this week ly cm the Guy Investment Company s , .. MTt- 8Te and daughter, tana. i "". i i-oniana. were visitors In J. W. Suudinger snd family were 1 " T,ncr Monday, out bonking over the country Sunday I in that new auto. MILWAUKIE. a numoer or persons rrom town at-' nememuer the a'rawberry social tended church at Mulino Sunday. Saturday evening at the City Hall by Mrs. PenweJi, of Arleeta. Is vtaitlng tb Ladies1 Auxiliary of the Catholic hr daoghrer. Mrs. Calvinrfhis week. ' Chnrch. A program consisting of re- i v7 u sun on ine sick Hat. j "csomenis ana dancing has been ar Mayor Allen, bookkeeper tor the ranged. Admission 23 cents. Every cmft uamotr Lompany, nas re-I0""' welcome. signed bis position and moved to Port- T mards of Linden Circle held ana. wnere ne wiu engage in walnut lBr last drill last night, as the big culture. Mr. Robibna. of Moialla, will contest comes off Wednesday even- iw aiieT me nooKkeeping department ; inS ar rne armory. for the Schafer Lumber Company. Miss Olsen, it Is reported, will build ouy jewett, or ciarkes. Is working tnree new stores on Main street In Tor the Canby Canal Company this week. Mr. Wayne Robbins, agent for the Umovt E. M. F. Anto Company, de livered machines in town a few daya ago. A. L. Larkins snd family were auto ing Sunday. So far only three name are men tioned la the race for Mayor Trnl linaer. SchaXer and Darts. OAK GROVE. ..... The Oak Grove team waa defeated at Vancouver Sunday by the Barrel team; sor I to : Beside the team, Mr. aM Mrs. Howard Skoog, Mrs. Holt. Mrs. D. O. Worthinnon eral thers attended tfc nna The rivet 'was lined with normU Wa. reeentativea from all th Norwea-lan sbo.1 Day. it waa so wsrns every , "Cietl and churches of Portland. e that could got out f the city. The , The entertainment was a grand anc alaters of St Mary and puplla were icee and every one was -well pleased. "J- There is a movement oa foot t ar- Mr. 8ater has purchased a horse range for a permanent organization ana wagon, and will oo !1 kinds of of a central commltte composed of the , ' "cwjn; aaailcg and garden-' eoeletW and churches of Portlands the near future. Houses are In great demand jSnd noma of the monled people should get to work and build a few bouses to rent. Every day our local agents have cans lor nouses. Mrs. Gould la able to alt up. Mrs, Peterson Is still in the hospital, bnt improving. Mrs. Elkins will be brought home Wednesday, much Im proved. A big picnic was held at Crystal Lake Park Memorial Day, A. L. Bolated attended the meeting or the committee baring In charge the arrangement of the program and en' tertinment for the celebration of Independence day of Norway. May 17, j The committee was eompoaed of rep- Ing. The U. W. k. held its regular newt g- Tneeday evening. Contractors Alexander and Biack erty win tart a lrg frame building in Sen wood on Jon i. They hare been to Concord to figw, on nortng tat old school building. . The graduating exercises were held in The assembly tall' Saturday even ing. Sere pupils of the high school and seventeen of the eighth grade were given state certificate. P. Beir- kemetr. chairman of the board, pre sented the diplomas. Superintendent T. 3. Gary gav the claas address. In strumental solos by Ann Kelly and Ate Yott a Subscriber to tte Nev7 Daily! . V ff The Merniftfl EnderpriM is to be mm awcgessfnl as the Interests of Orogoa CHy demand tt ssnst needs hare the support of aJL The new daily ass big wwk before K Ja boosting; Gwscoa City ftad Pack a mas Cownty. Tow rapport mean aaore etreogTh for thowork. V7iII You Help Boost yevt pxra Interests? For HmHsd tiaae the Mermis Katterjirlae will be sold to paid la adranee r- -rlbevs mm fofiova: - ; , ' ' - 1 rw f no roo now BE DIED. Seaklng of hertHM Note how Johu linuiy of N-nl!'ke. Pa., died. . 1Ujomh1 away iitKlnit In a wenk and faltering vole -The Top of th MorniuV Nor was be tntoxk-aied nor l;! himself. He was aoUr uisd Its hi right tulud. Tbnt a Uvluc n un sbonUI ing the old IrlMb melody Iuh ead of a religioue hymn sut m train; . Hut- Grady waa an e!e -trh-nl murker. an. one day he waa carried lulu the ie ence of hi nmtlier with mi- lej; an I both arms literally buriil off lr current. In hia pitiful plight he xuf fered agonlea iH'yund d.-crl:tlo;i But wheu he aaw bia utulber he f,r got hla pnlu. ou ee. !!) i bora are Just lrnd o In their !. It U the w.iy .' Hi-d that when a n nuTr ln In UiW lireaenw :ii'.v aimer at keculy a- ne da-. John t.'rm'v knev thiit. ' And-- vrahln u. k the .:t!M th rt waa taMtiu Ii'h lif. ! t-n'M out t h h motht-r ! ir lie wna im ti i! hurt. "Tlier l- no rauae for a'nrrii. .omvotireeu." ll .ohi tJmdy to M little old IrNh tiiTtirAiid then Sceins the liwk bf niiitenmt Bnuuiiii. he thought of hia mothers favorite song. She aung It to him in b cradle. - Often they had sung It together. To prove to her that there waa no reason to be concerned about him be started to sing the old melody. Trivial? under ordinary circum stance trivial, but now it was the oat burst of tbe holiest Impulse n boy csn know. Sorely the angels in heaven most have beard and changed that roistering song Into a paesn of praise. The song faltered ceaeed. Somehow Grady's voice won Id break ln aplte of him; the brave lips twitch ed; the light died oat of the boy's bine eye. Well? now better could a boy die? It is not so bard to be a hero when the elbow of v yonr comrade tnarlu-a yours and the Hag snaa over your head In tbe thrill f a hnrce. tr when the crowd cheer you up the (udder f aave the child fmm a burn nv Itut ilinvr. or to gu down w.t!i your u ) m ih eight ef the n--ued. driiu- twtr i. well aalitfe. Be-aae-yoit throw into tiie nnfr taln IrtVarh nil the vifi-r f m aim, z manboud. f'.ut- Wbes tlie horn In awful au n'. when nr nart la f ii.lm; trlirn jour breath rosv lilfnlly-lhat iliffere.ti. PUnty f SUsa. From Ihe sue of five to 'ven twelve hours of .le are. ne.viiry. and until nine year of a:e inerv should be eleven hours, whivh length of time should I continued . Iijk, age of fourteen, when the aleeo. mnjr ' be mlui-ed to ten hour.' ChlMrrof nervous, aeualtlve dlxpo-IMoii tiiUht lie allowed an even longer time, n should children of all ages whrti lanly growth aeeuia spoially raild Even the lime f year makes a different to the amouut of sleep reulrHl. aud all children abouUI be allowv.1 to alee longer during winter than during the summer. Children who suffer from great drowalneaa need metlli-al alleuttou Slight drowslii"a deniamla attemloii to the stale of the bowels, whh b tuny be CoUtlmled. titviil wiikefuluca Is likewlae a aerioiia waiter aud may be tbe beglunlng of brain iron 1. 1. With regard to-ihe laHl. it la worth while to make an effort for each child aleep alone, and on no account should a yonng child be allowed to aleep with a very old person. GREEN & MERRILL Surveyor and Draftsmen All work promptly snd accurate ly don . subdivision a tpeelalty Room 14, MasonlS' lido. -Off lee Phon No. M0J Orsjon. . City, Orspen Rsdnce Phon Main 1171 WHY THE CLEVtLA FAILS TO WIN a-ea see set ND CLUB f lie ulau'rvaili aa;a; ml dian i know how f runs a lien It gel Hie 1 It waalea omriililllea. A Child's Diet. Th fa mou-French dietician, Gau Hat la nn Mmtwl u.lnif that tt tbe'llnit three year- of a child a i.te!;wiuw "I'PWlers ate lontli lolaaa lluuhey Jennlnita eVilMln the nijinierv of the t leieiann club failure to win uiole cduiea with ncn beavv artillery n Hie team baa lo UMirt tbe pilclicra k,tlui:h.'jr l tie utau'rvaiii aaya; ' "Clevelau to score run chance It waslea omrii aud lis snack, tor an ita big van- j ber guna. la aeUlotn.eoiiieiitraieu 1 and niter limed wlih any fore j thought " If s schemer or the ! Jenntnga rt had hold of Hie 4 club it would make run 2 JAKE DAUBERT A WONOER. reeklyn's First Batsman Threatsns I iM 4 .Usurp Throne et Hal Chase. Jake lautrt. tue young Ural ! mau of th Mrokiyn Nuiloniila. t trees t tos to dethrone Hal I'linae aa Hie king f first sucker While American the addition of mum-nlar tiaaue may and ought to be giveu lo blui in a very moderate quantity Koaat mutton o ia tub. beet. mlnved bam. egga In all style, rreama and rice, vermlielll in aoup. butter, thor oughly cooked frill ta, stewett pitaloea. green vegetatilAa and cm-oa-ail of the are suits tx U state thnt tbe excluaive ue nf milk tend to mnk fat. lympuatk-. puffy cblldrvn. capable of atandlng lit ti Thla is further accent ua tea by tbe abuae of sweetened dlhe ll la also itecenaary at thla age lo avoid giv Ing food which ar ntgiily t-.iiiiti and too much salted- Fat 0li iber ring and aaluioui. dry l)h or smoked i. muahroouia. cniatn.-ea or vine gar and apicea, dry. raw Danliert a the equal of Cbaa.' there are lbouMuda of fans In the .National rlrrult that consider the trH)klyn boy ta giMKl aa the Yankee atnr Home bare none further and have proclaim td Dnuliert Ihe king of guardian of the Initial station tine nf tNtihrrr beertleat auHrtera la Charley Hooln. the eiery manner of ijie Phillies In Charh-y'a viliiintlin Chnae never Sompared with lniita-rl. "and." adda the Mery liied leetler. "Jake hits not fet attained hia top form From the viewpoint of many, Dan belt hi a harder and more doendntl bitter In a tm-h thin youthful Hal. llao DsutMrt can throw with rhore accuracy to second or third baae.' As a graceful fielder the Dfltiliert adder H,," "r """ 1 inla M..mA II. ,.J,.I .. kia ...I.I . ....!.... .("'- -- - "--re ""' u-iii,n-,,r r rrmrmni cheeee. alcoholic ilqin.r. ,f all o.. rfti tlona and coffee and ten nhooio imh bo allowed The Mo'tyeoddlsd Btby A truly leeuilfui iwmy . hhk nrn tifnl nnder any clreumism-ea either winter'a cold or autninera heit Rlgura of climate liuprov II It ta not like the coddled child, whh b baa li special day. ' - SclentllW- retiring Includea. among other peraiinernaMa. the feedlnit tait I with It ionirvl oiin hi nf spe cial foodM. Bottle feeillng amlla Ihe looks of m heby. , Several lemllog authorltlea have agreed tbnt amklng the imlln nihta tnoutbple-e or TiMulnrter diaorgan Ixea the mn-iea or the fc It de velop some of them abnormally and I also liable to chance the shape ot the llpa snd the Angle of the Jaw. The. mecnanlcBt life of the acien tirically retired haoy nnnatural. and when dealing with tatnlea it a ante to asavn thnt anything unnatural la wrong Mechaniea ncttnn of organa that are strengthened' and improvt-d by constant chanitv cannot possibly make for beauty. ' Inalat. iaulert ran gi a . high - -7W HOME RULE LAW DOESN'T APPLY IN DRY COUNTIES SALEM. Or., May Jl. (Special.) Affirming Judge Knowles, of Wallowa County, in the caae of tbe state against E. T. Schleur, appellant, the Supreme Court, In an opinion written by Justice Moore and concurred In specially by Justice Burnett, held that under the Home Rule Amendment" an Incorporated city or town csnnot, without having a favorable election by legal voters, through Its City Council, pass an ordinance allowing the sale of liquor for beverage purposes when the county within which that city or town Is located Is "dry." "Giving t each word of the amend ment the Importance to which It Is en titled." writes Justice Moore, "It will be seen that while. the legal voters of every city and town are authorised to license or prohibit the sale of Intoxi cating liquors therein, the. clause, but such municipality shall within Its II m Its be subject to the provisions of the local option law of the state. Is a limi tation upon the power delegated. whereby It esn be exercfefe,3njytln BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINED. Mrs. E. A. Chapman Charming Hootoaa st Delightful Meeting. Mrs. E. A. Chapman entertained moat charmingly the Wednesday Aft froon Bridge Club at hef home, Blsfb and Washington streets. The prizes were won by Mrs. Lena Charmaa and Mrs. C O. Huntley. Af'er the game, dellghtfal refreshments ere served. Thoe present were Mrs. Lena Ch ar ia. Mrs C. C Haatley, Mrs. Nleta Barlow Lawrence, Mrs. C D. La tour- eite, Mr. J. R Humphry, Mrs. Lena Cusrmsn, Mrs. Theodore Osmond, Mrs. Henry O'MaJley, Mrs. A. A. Price, airs. n. Bollock, Mrs. U R. Beetle. Mrs. H. 8. Mount. Mrs. L L. Portw. Mrs. B. T. Sands, Mrs. L. A. Morris, Mrs. E. L Bolser. Mrs. tL K. Jones, Miss M. L, Holmes and M s Xell Cat:- field. . . ' . V Read the Morning enterprise. - - Making Home Ptsasant. The young cannot hear reatratct Rememlier that the evening Is an "off" time, and do not "provoke" your chil dren Let them- know that they are free to do what they Hke within cer tain llmlts-snd borne will be a good aa a club If poaalble. set apart a room for the boy where they may be alone if they want to and where they ran pursue any bobby which please them If tbey are sitting with yon do not exercise yoor mind to And jobs for theta Home people like to losf It la tbelr way ef restoring energy fo not interfere with their amuse ments unless abeetntely bod Better tbey should par tbem In your borne than out of it Iwjuriono Easi-cise. The way bahie are Jumped about and made to -show off" la a sas) sight to tbe woth.T woo has studied tbe art of poyocai culture. Every time that a baby Is made lo exerrtae Ita bra Iff M av fjartliig wttb a portion of energy which It will need lo after Hfe. Even tbe frolic of daddy should be given with cantlon and la small dose If a child la taught to lie quietly In Ita cradle you will be surprised to flnd bow long it will sir use itself looking st one toy or Just kmning about. Home people csnnot take child In their srma without dancing it in the air or indulging in the Miotic practice of ac tually toaalng it. 1 ta ar s saw life? w : n - - ... .' , J . ; , , :: V-.- 'j 5 . . , "'.tie-'"-. Children and Servants. Never encourage children to tell tales of aervanta. aa tbey are only too ready to as tbla power as a means of ob- the manner prescribed In the law re-ltainlng their own enda. On the other ferred to." I band, never let a servant nnnlah a child without first apitlng to tbe miatree maid who la found alnp ping or shaking a child should be spo ken to eery severely, for these 111 con sldered punishments maka tbs little one lose caste ta bis own eyes and tend to destroy his self respect. -J ). JPal Yourself In the i . . . . . . , . ... AaHfcaacrs. Place... . v--: : When rou write your claaaifiad a ad or any kind of an ad try to Include in It Jut the Information you'd Ilk to find If yon war aa ad-reader and were look in tm an a ad of that kino. . If you do thlato even a small 4 ad will bring Re- ) Pbto by Amaetean Htm Awwiatn tun Baoasat. naooa lts s exsvaa etast aaiiMAn for a throw and rem li uul aa far fretu the base a Cbaae evrr did. Aa o which ha the faster ibinkin abllli la a otoutwd u4testlou Thla la Imubert s second year In fsai company, sad be la leHrniuii In every game. Without quoilon lnuliert la one of the moat promislug tlrat boae men that ever jimmied his way into th majoe leagues, and If he i-oatlnr nee to lnow at tbe rate thnt he baa shows sloe be donned a lxhrr nnl- form the time la not far away when the fan will do homage to hint a tbe gresteet Brat baaeotan that ever wore spike LARNER VERSUS GOULOINQ. Walkers In Wed I Compet In Teront. 0. E. Lamer, tha vtmi ITnoiut. .n. r and Solder of several world's rec-4 oms. will : compete ' ngslnst tleorge Gouldlng. the Canadian champion, in Toronto tbe second week of Jnne. Lanier won the walking champion, snip ai ine Olympic games In London in lOfW, with Gonldlng In third place. Tb Istter. however, has Improved won derfully and seems destined to take tbe measiwe of any one he mets In a heel and toe event. Tbe Canadian A. A. C. recently pass ed a rule patting the ban on special veota, so tbst the coming race will bare to be an open one. with bnt two tars as the possible coo tenders. CURRENT SPORT TOPICS extent your Flfteeu players of tbe Herman town Cricket club of Philadelphia will be lent abroad to play against tbe Eng lish cracks In June Dr. J. Norman Henry will lead the learn. More than I2.0UU 0 prise money will be distributed at tbe annual reeatta of tbe loterlake Power Boat associa tion at Pat-In Ita y In July. Tb races will continue for it) re days. , More than 8Ut athletoa. reoresntine nineteen college, have been entered In tbe tnnnal western conference meet which will be bold In Minneapolis in Jnne. Notre Dam la tb favorite for tbe point trppoy. -Aire Yq a 4 Vf m o tike Ne7 DAILY? osnaaBBBaBBsaaBa Will You Help Us Boost Your Own Interests ? By carrier, X year $3.00 By mailt S year . 2.00 Send in Your Name ' ... v and Remittance PLEASE reOTICE. To Introduce The Marnlns EntorsrU Into, a large, major ity ef tha bomee In Oregon e) City and Clackamas eouty tha management ' has decided to ' make a special prto for tha , dally Issu. for a abort tim e , only, wherw th subeeriser aaya m year In advaaoa. , By carrier, paJUt a year In e advance. 18.00. 4 By mail, aal4 m yar la ad- ranee, $1.00. 4 People who, gar our canvas- - ) sen trial anbscrtptlon for on or mora months, at tea eeais a ) week, csn bar tha daily Aeitv- e .ered for a year for 3M by yaTing'a year la advane. . e) . People who gay oar canvas- sera trial subscription, by mall, for four months at a del-' lar, may have th paper for a' yar for 11.00, If paid a year In navfcnce- . v ' Subscribers to th Weekly Enterprise may ohang their . subscriptions to tha dally, re- cnlylng orsdlt for half Urn on tha dally that th weekly is - paid In advance. Whn thy re choose to add cash to tha' ad- vanes payment equal to a full ysar'a advance paymant they .4 may take advantage of th f ) rate. , . W maka this tpeaial nrtea so that r""lv rv pa'l In advauU sj -... c... r t ' 7 and .wish to take the I" '-1 Eoterprlaa, tn;y da so .. r-t too grsat axp-.:. EXPERT IN mi (IF MBRARY L v HOOKt ARC BSIN0 ARRNCI THKY MAY BE CAilV j FOUND. ' Announcement was day that the library wuld .r ened tha latter Prt of th the first of next week. I last week to receive J'. for ths rearrangement of in i VMlsa Toppey, repro",,r the Btnle Library A' peilntending the work of tbe books properly, so w7 ..n tnnA hv natron- o' unteers are M,l"t,n,"1J11J!nm -been carefully 'selected ft n ; suthors and tha collection creaaed as fast as the a- - permit, - ' ' B..I Kstst Trajjf7 V o .r.A InllilS El'"' narau v. - - Yandell. 1 acre of rfectlnni-. 1 south, rang S etU l - T r in f! BCt. Anion iiiuu -seres of a I Cof refr V son and wife, township 1 10' east; $1,01.2. - ' Niels snd Karen Jensen Jensen, unlvlded ' ' D. L. C. of Pefor w f-nn- j k aa. rvai and Agne. BchaebeltoJ ron. 2.11 acre 01 (h , D. L. C. township t 0Utl1' .... I J. J. Coci e. trusiee. rw,L. t n and A. V- I"" . eily ha!f rf lot 1 and i C. -a C y; f 32- Read th r