Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1911)
MOKNIKQ ENTERPRISE, THURSDAY, JUNK 1, 1911. New Arrivals For TheL a d 1 e s just arrived and now being shown in our " windows, beautiful ladies ready made sum n,cr dresses In French ginghams, the new marquisettes and fancy lawns, with klmona' ,lcevcs. Notice Window Display. J. LEVITT . Suspension Bridge Corner Why It It Thil' tt-K will allow lot el ViU rlill'tK'11 'r7 ' UMtse) IU lift W of DIUI nnii iiT-r wiwi w 7 1 U L ! V J rv tut rvi ull (fDtUuuia who imb t flnliliu 'ihk1 dor Is llkrtj kant sume Uiti rwftluu a lblr LOCAL BRICrS nitlD IJniti nii, of Clarges, was In U city on Wednesday. TW Produce Union; sella berry hNS. 1 Kflwr. of (Murk. u In Ore- it Cltjr on Wrdneeday. a Duvsll. of Kldoredo, was la this ByOs Wecliu-ttdsy evening. in Charles Parker loft Wednee- hi avirriltiK fur Hstcm. TU Priiiiro I'nlon sell Arecuaiu it. Gardner, of Carua, waa In tbla h trtnHuciliiK liiialuaaa Wadnaaday. Hutj -Palmer, of Portland. waa In in city on Tuesday, vlalllng friends. Xra, Bsvage and daughter, la Emma, were In tbla city on Tu a u Ttillliig friends. Tit Produce Union sella Hay and Ml trthiir (iraham, of Portland, former otthi city, waa In Oregon City on Wimm 'Wednesday. Gtorie h hr, a prominent young BMa man of t'anby, waa In IhU 1 oo biiHlnrita Wadnaaday. frea Brim for. tba aawnilll man of Milt, has gone to Uolse, Ida., to n Business. frank Srlintiman, of Molalla, wailn a city Wednesday vlaltlng hla aon- Dudley Underwood. C H. r will hold service at tba taataln View Church on 8unday wln I7:30 o'clock. . (Wle Hpangler, of Carua, waa IMf the Oregon City bualneae vial V en Wednesday. , . . . I Htrry Ri-hoenborn, one of the prom ft young farinera of Carua, waa In City on bualneaa Wednesday. Belle Caaaell, of Portland, waa city on Tueaday, visiting rt, Tlilln Mason, of LaCenter. was In tbla cltr on Tueaday. ting with Mra. Charlea Parker. Gladstone Aid Society will be rulm'd by Mra. J. R. Hollewell at ome at Fern Ridge Juno 16, In or June 1. - - W. n vera, of Willamette, left rtneuiny morning for Salem, where be ! oD a buxlneiis trip, and will reltirn within a law daya. Mlaa Berths Koernar, of 8t. Johns accompanied by her cousin. Ml y. orm 8-hultx, of I'ortlaiiU, wtre In Oregon City on Tuewday, allaa (lnvlve Capt-n, who bna U teaching achool at'Btaca(la.haa returnnd to Oregon City to pnd her eunimer vacation. M. J. Ua, of Canby, waa In the city WiHiiividuy traiiHactliig bualnvaa In connect Inn with the race moot and borae ahow. Mra. Huwklna, a talented mualvlun from Chi-halla, Waah.. waa In thla cltv on Tueaday, the gurkt of Mlaa Zldu Uoldainlth. Mra. William Kid J, a former real dnt of thla city, waa In Oregon CUy on Tutmdy, tb guttt of Mra. J. Co belt. Henry Hchovnborn, who bua been vlalllng rvlatlvea at Carua, returned to Urvgon City on Wedneaday morn lug. U. C Kouta and wlf. of Viola, will, on June 3, litave fur Michigan to epvm! two or three montba at their forinwr home. Mra. J. H. Garret win and eon, Merle, hav returned fmm a all weeka" vlalt In California, and are ataylug at their i. u mniwr home npar Covell Htatlon. The Mountain View tilble claaa will meet at thu borne of Mr. and Mra Humphrey on Ninth and John Qulucy Adnma atreela on Thuraday afternoon. Mlaa Helena Chamberlain, who haa btn 111 for the naat week at her home at GladMtoue, la Improytiw. and waa auie to bo in una city on Wedneaday. Hooka are beat for commencement glfta. (let them at Huntley'a. Dainty booka to fl.oo. llhiMtratcd IxKika, 11.00 to $3.00. I Hi LuVe Uok lu avta. I 60 to $25.00. Mla Clara MlU bell. who left on Sat urday evening for a vlalt at her homo at Sandy, returned to Oregon City on Tuenilay evening to rename ber clu- ilea In the County Aattoimor'a ofIce. Hvluct thoae commencement glftx tmlny at Huntley'a. Hooka, Plcturea, Klatlonery, Leather (iboda, Fountain I'ena hundreda of di-alrable glfta 5c to $25.oo. . Mra. J. C. Paddock, of Qladatone, hrt on Sunday for Canby, where ahe III vlalt her aon, Arthur Paddock, drtiRKlt. of tliut plnre. Mra. Paddock will remain for a weeK. Mlaa Margaret llcatle, daughter of Ilr. Itnallo, who fainted during the me morial exerrWa at WWillamctta Hall TurddM.v, hud completely recovered Wedneaday. At liKt the big Kotintnln nt Hunt- Iry'a la acrvUig that ilellcloun home made Ice cream that you kuow of old. If you appreciate nuallty . In Ice Cream, you want tbe kind aerved at Huntley llroa. Co. Mlaa Margaret Wllllama. a teacher In the Portland echoola, arrived In tbla city on Monday evening and apent Memorial Day at her home here, re turning to Portland Wedneaday to r aume her dutlea. There will be dancing at Clear Creek Park Saturday evening. W. E. Mum power will carry partiea to and from tbe Park by auto. The rate will be $S.OO for party of alx. further Infor mation call Pacific Farmera 173. Home Redland 710. Mr. and Mra. R. 0. Porter left on Friday for Baker to attend tbe mar riage of their granddaughter, Mlaa Ilernlce Porter. Mlaa Porter la the daughter of Mra. C. E. Porter, and haa Tlalted In thla city. Thla la weather for Flreleaa Cookera and Alcohol Stovea. . See the wonder ful Caloric Flreleaa at Huntley'a. Cooka cold jfooda without prevloua heating. Bakea bread and cakea. Sold on 10 daya trial by Huntley Brotnere Co. . J. J. Tobln, proprietor of the Elec tric Hotel, received a telegram from Mra. .Tobln,. who recently' left for her old borne at Merldan, Conn., where ahe will vlalt her. mother for aeveral I Z ol. Stories from Out of Town " ' H YW$S for the , ASK For and we will give yon with a NEW 4 months subscription v Dy Carrier ; v at 45c the month V 6 months subscription By Mall at 25c the month - TO THE - , ' MORNING ENTERPRISE k Beautiful China' . PLAQUEDecor8U? Hnie!y There are a Variety of patterns to chooae from. Make your selection early. Sobscribera May Have Them Too To any present subscriber who will bring us four ew subscriptions we will present one of these beautiful dishes. : I ' , ..' "' . ' ' I ALL SELECTIONS MUST Bt MADI AT THI OFFICE OF THE TJtcrwi rity ntetptise ANK OP . ORK0ON CITY BUILDING riKlllthM lalln. ... ... . . . uKliier, May, bad arrived aafely at bv M,in;1, Wer m "PrlniSeM n Mr?- To,'ln 1 n,otnef Mr To- mrt. a"i:r :n1 r1,,,,r-,D""'- lHrta a moat enjoyable trip. Mra Ell William, and grandaon. ' '" '"''. t Portland, were n hla city on Tueaday evening on elr way home from Salem, where yy apetit Memorial Day. while ll "t city they vUltad the form'ra iHUKhter. Mra. Myrtl. Tllaon. 1 Wllllau,, waa accompanied here by ber brother. Alll.on Allen, of Bpl kan. ;. Wanh.. whom ah. bad not from call fornl,,, where he ha. been "Pending the winter. Whllo In thla city they were gueMta of Mr. and Mra Uyd Wllllama. The forme'r'a broth er. Dr. A,-it winiu...- ..i I.,... , . Oregon, will arrive hre within it f.,w , "' Wl rnmin during the Portland Roh Show. ROSE SHOW RULES 1 MUST BE OBSERVED SOCIETY ARRANGES SO ALL WHO DESIRE TO EXHIBIT MAY HAV EQUAL CHANCE. The Clurkamae County Itoae Socie ty hua adopted a ael ot rulea for tbe Kot Show on Junt) 10, whic h will be rigidly enforced. The object of the ruli-a la to give all peraona deulrlna to exhibit an equal opportunity. Follow ing are the rnl: All roaea entered for prizea niuBt be grown out of doora aud owned by ptr um making entry. All roaea entered for niUKt be grown and eultvated by amateura. All exhlbltora not membera of tho Uoae Society will be charged twenty live centa. To prepure cxhlblta for competition, tie a neut. white card three Inrhea long by one Inch wide. Un one Hide write name of roo and on the other write the aectlon, claaa and number lu which you wlah to exhibit. Kxhlblta aa received, will be num bered by tbe committee, according to tbe rcHpoctlve aectlona, claaa and number for which they are entered. Any exhibit for prize bearing name of exhibitor wl(l be dlMqualiried. Wrl-ea nniHt be awarded by numbers. Name of exhibitor will be given after ward. All entrlea munt be mare by' 10:30 oYlock a . m.,n day. of exhlbitlta. Hall will be open to the public at 2 o'clock. Kxhlblta for dixpluy, not for compe tition, may be entered bearing name of exhibitor. Vaaea will be furnlMhed by the so ciety and no othera can be uaed. When a curtain number of roatf Vre designated there nnmt be neither more nor'leKa than that nnmbf-r entered. Any added buda or foliage aball dla (juallfy. .Aft roaea muM be good apeclmena. No award will be given for Inferior roaea. though they be the only onea entered for content, Roaea Improperly named or entered which do not ct, t'orm to the rules and reKiilatloiia of the Clackamaa County Roue ftocety Exhibit, will be ruled out of content. Nq, per mm will be allowed In the ball durlnir the time thtt the Judgea are awarding the prizea. Rules will be enforced, and there can be no appeal from the bulge's de cision. . . All membera wishing to avail them aelvea of the privilege of the Rose Soelcty. imiat pay duea before the first Saturday In June. Booka for membership will be closed from June 1st to 15tb. Rosea mnst be arranged and named and classified before being brought to tbe ball. Thla Is Imperative. Slbson'a catalogue will be used aa authority. FINE PAP IS PROMISED CLUB PROMOTION BUILDING TO BE READY FOR USE NEXT WEEK. The promotion building of the Com mercial Club will be finished tbe last of the week and part of the exhibits will be put In place Monday. The building, although not large, has suf ficient floor apace for a display that will give the visitor an Idea of . the agricultural, horticultural, mineral and manufactured products of Clackamas County. D. T. McBaln, superintendent of the Willamette Paper Mills, notified Sec retary Lazelle, of the Commercial Club, Wednesday that hla company had prepared aeveral rolla of paper for exhibition In the new building. Owing to the fact that the average rolls of paper weigh from 11,000 to 18, 000 pounds, Mr. McBaln baa had sev eral small rolls made. Tbe woolen mills also have prom ised fine exhibits, ahowlng the process of making cloth. STAN DI NO. Pacific Coast League Portland 9, Oakland 4; San Francisco 7, Loa An gefes 1; Sacramento 5,. Vernon I. Northwestern League Tacoma S, Portland 1; Victoria 6, Seattle S; Spo kane S, Vancouver 4. National League St. Louts 415, Cincinnati 2-8; other games post poned on account of rain. American League Washington 1 8, New York 2; no other gamea sched uled. Coast. '.'V-w. Portland 33 San Francisco ,,,, 34 CLARKES. A borae owned by Joe Wallace ran away on Sunday. It waa caught by Mr. Battemlller. Mr. Hungate, the furveyor of Ore gon City, la here. Mr. Uattemlller Is hauling fence board from the sawoilll to make a fence. Mr. Marquardt was In town on Mon day. ,." John Marshall baa bought Alex Bcherrubjes saw machine and chop per. . Mr lloag was In town lust week. .fohn MarHhitll Is assisting Ed Oarce build a barn. Mra. C. Hettman, of Heaver Creek, visited Mra. Wottlaufer Hunday. A party was given by Otto Huol at Mr. W. 0. Klolnsmlth's house last Fri day night. Kd Garce Is building a barn. Mrs. Huol spent Sunday with Mra. Llnduti. r Elmer Klelnsmltb la Hawing wood 'or Mr. Llndau. . MARQUAM. F. J. Ridings went to I'ortlaul M.m. day on business. Harth Brthers are building a barn for J. Jones. Hoy Morley haa a fine auto car. Mrs. J. R. Rhervln lg Very 111. Horn To Mr. J. parvln and wife, a daughter. He v. Mr. Spencer left Monday to bring hla family back with blm tbe last of this week.V, Corn and potato planting Is the or der of the day. A large acreage ot potatoes will be plunted here thla aprlng. Apple and prune crop will be light this year. Tho young people are to have an entertainment In the hall. Friday night. CENTRAL POINT. . Gilbert Randall Is building a barn. Fred Chlnn In InataJllug a hay fork In his barn. Wallace MacDonald. of Snokane. ia vlHltlng his sister, Mrs. E. MacArthur. A majority of tbe realdenta attended memorial service at Oregon City and came home played out with the heat MUa Weddle ATM be V In OrerVi City making arrangements with Pearl Chlnn to attend summer normal. They win room togetner. There will be children's day at the Methodist Episcopal Church June 11. with an all-day entertainment. Chili dren's program in the morning, bas ket dinner and preaching at 3 o'clock. Hotel Arrivals. Tbe,foIlowing are registered at the Electric Hotel: L. L. Bmlth and wife, I. Q. Mcljiney and wife. Portland; Mike Epstein, Rita Nesbit, Agnes Al ton, P. Pauly and wife, W. C. Mon- green, W. F. Backus, Portland; II. L. snore, Portland; J. Wolfer. Portland; M. E. Wylle, Mrs. Emma Chute. 8po- nane, wasn.; Mrs. J. m. Rider. Spo kane, Wash.; L. Smith, Portland. " TWILIGHT." ' Mrs. George Schrelner vlatted rela tlves In Bellwood thla week. Mr. Bert Harvey and Mlaa Marie Harvey spent last Sunday In Mullno with Mr. and Mra. George Smith. The family of FTed J- Mundl. of Portland, were guajite at Mountain Asb farm the-week-end. Miss Lessle McDonald made a busi ness trip to Portland last Monday. Mr. Seld Oliver visited friends at V Vernon Oakland Sacramento ' . Loa Angeles ...32 ....33 .....,..,27 t t e 34 L. 24 60 20 31 31 38 P.C .679 .631 .526 .616 .466 .387 To-Day Back To The Primitive Another Thrilling African Story BySelig There ore night scenes in the African Jungles shown in this film tho twill positive ly moke your hoir stand on end. THE GR A N D ALWAYS WITH A FEATURE ' Gresham laat Saturday and Sunday. Curtis Dodda arrived home to apend a few days' holiday. Mr. and Mra. George Lazelle, Mlaa Relly McCord.Mr. Wallace McCord and Mrs. Paren attended the play, "Hicks at College," laat Tuesday eve ning In Oregon City. Dick Welland Is visiting hla brother. Tom. M. J. Lazelle waa a visitor last Wed nesday afternon. L. J. Hylton celebrated hla seven ty-fifth birthday on Bunday at hla home.' A birthday dialer wsa served. Mr. Hilton has resided in this place for the past twelve years and during that time haa made many friends, who nope ne win live to enjoy many more happy occasions of tbla kind. CANBY. J. L. Combs waa in Portland Thurs day on business. Mr. H. A. Lee waa In - Portland Thursday to visit hla wife who la In the St. Vincent hospital. Mra. Hutchinson was In Portland Tuesday to visit her mother. Mrs. Cantwell waa In Oregon City Tuesday to see her mother who Is very 111. Mra. O. M. Ogle la moving her bouse back from where It previously stood with Ihe Intention of erecting a fine, new twelve room modern house. She la also repairing the old one. The aCnby Reds and an Overland auto team, from Portland, will play ball at the Fair grounds this after noon. The game begins at two o'clock sharp. Admission 25 cents. Miss Lillian and Mildred Wang were In Portland Thursday. Mrs. Grant White waa In Portland on a visit for a few days, Thursday. Mr. John Williamson, who bought tbe ten acres owned by J. L. Combs, met his intended bride at the- Union Depot, in Portland, ilast Thursday. They were. married In Portland and returned to Canby that evening where tbey will begin housekeeping at once. Mr. Bradford, formerly from Klam ath Falls, has rented Mr. Bates' honsq where Mr. Romig has Just moved out. Howard Ecclea was in Portland i Thursday and Friday on business. I The advertised letters In tbe post- office are: Mr. N. B. Harvey, Mrs. I Agnes Lucas, and Mrs. Alice Si en-1 nltt. Mr. Carlton was In Canby Thursdoj om businesa. - MILWAUKIE. - The City Council held a special meeting last Tuesday, when tbe con tract for the Improvement of Harrison street, waa let to W. H. Counsell, whose bid for the work was $12,552.70. The Recorder was instructed to pre pare an ordinance for tbe Improve ment of Fourth and Oak streets. The ten foot strip on Washington street, between Main and the S. P. track, waa aold to J. E. Wetxler for $450. Mr. Wetzler'a being the only bid for It - The Commercial Club held a very Interesting session .Thursday evening. A. D. Crldge, of the Portland Labor Prens, was present and presented tbe club with his view on the Ave cent fare proposition and his remedy for it. There Is some talk of organizing a Masonic lodge In Milwaukle. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Thornton are receiving the congratulations of their friends on- the birth of a daughter laat Tuesday. John Cash and family spent Sunday at The Dalles. J. Peters and family have moved In to their new home at Mllwauk HelRhts. - Mrs. C. A. Bell, of Hood River, sla ter of Mrs. Geo. Wlsstnger and Dr. R. S. Stryker, Is a guest In the city. Mrs. R. S. McLaughin, who haa been quite ill, la much Improved. CLACKAMAS. The strawberry season Is on and growers are busy getting the crop picked and hauled to market. A piano recital wgs given at the home of Rev. J. L. Jonea, Saturday evening by Mlsa Harding and ber mu sic claaa the Misses Ester Readar- mel, Lottie and Bertha Johnson. Owendolln and Margaret Jones, and othera. Memorial services were held In the Congregational Church Sunday. After a ahort session, the members of the Sunday school, membera of the G. A. R. and Wh R. C, with other citizens, formed In procession and marched to the Methodist Church. Membera of that Sunday achool fell In line and all marched around the square and back to the church, 'dro'her Jonea preached a fine sermon. The exercises RTemorial Day were held under the auspices of Clackamaa Grange 298. The . procession formed at 10 o'clock at the church, with flaga and pennanta and flowers all marched to the cemetery, where, after Inter esting speaking and music the graves of the soldiers were decorated. "The Old Maids' Convention," a laughable comeey. will be staged Wednesday evening by the young la dies of the C. E. society at the Gran ?e Hall. A aurprlae party was tendered Mra. John Lonenberger Tuesday evening by her neighbors and friends In honor of her birthday. The Ladles Aid of the Methodist Episcopal Church meets" at the Sun day achool room thla afternoon. The Clackamaa Cemetery Associa tion will meet at the achool house on Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A large attendance Is desired. We Have Moved out stock of Staple arid Fancy Grocer- ' ies into more con venient and- com modions quarters in the Weinhard fel V at the corner of 8th and Main Sts. Drop in and inspect our new store. A hearty wel come will be extended you and don't forget to bring the children for they will want to know all about ' ' the new store too. We will be better able to serve you in our new quarters than we have ever been before and will be prepared to do a larger business. 4U0 Ho Sselley Now Opposite The Court House. Wants, For Sale, Etc Notice, under Uica claMlfi4 batng will b. lnM'icd at on cent a word, first Insertion, half a oust additional . iaser Hons, one inch card. II parmoatlii half Inch card. (4 lines; 11 per month. Casta niu.t accompany order unleM ont haa an open account with the paper. Nc financial responsibility lor errors; when errors occur free corrected notice will tK printed for patron. Minimum ehara. lie WANTED. WILDWOOD HOSPITAL . Ofegon City 4 . Furnished with operating room, ward and private rooms. Graduate Nurses Pc. 2243 ' Home D-298 Northwastsrri; ' w. l. p.a Spokane 29 11 .707 Tacoma U 18 .571 Vancouver it.. ...23 ' 19 Mi Portland 1 20 .487 Seattle... 17 23 .425 Victoria ......10 ,10 .250 BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Cer. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Ste. OAKLAND . PORTLAND May So, 31, June 1, 2. 4. Games Begin Weekdays at 9:30. Sundays, 2:30 P. M. s V LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 13 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. . Muzzle the horses when plowing- or cultivating- the orchard. Tea, ana paa the whlffletreea. These precautions will prevent much damage to trees. Another hint: Pad the outer edges of the harrow. WANTED You to ktlow mat .we buy all kinds of Curios, that we are in the market for second hand Furni ture and Tools. We also hare a good assortment ot second hand Furniture and Tools on hand for sale to thoae in need. Come anJ aee; perhapa we have Just what you want Indian Curloa and trinkets for aale cheap; some that are very unique and alao very rare. GEORGE TOUNO, Main near Fifth atreef FOR RALE. FOR 8ALE Top buggy, almost new, and single harness. Inquire Jack fc Albrlgbt Store, 7th Street. ACREAGE One to five acrea In sight of Oregon City. $160 and $200 per acre; good level land; one mile from car line. Clyde ft McRae, 1003 Main St, Oregon City. FARM FOR SALE 80 acres, 7 miles south of Oregon City on Molalla ' road and 1 mile east Inquire Mra. S. O. London, Oregon City R. F. D. No. 3, box 111. a store. West-Oregon City. - Harvey Buck. Oregon City. FARM LOANS. FARM LOANS Dimlck ft Dmlckr Lawyers, Oregon City, Or. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN On first mort gage; tSOO and upwards; one year or longer. Apply at once. Cross ft Hammond, Attorneys at Law, Bea ver Bldg., Oregon City. BUILDER AND COtsiacTOR. HARRT"jONE3 Builder and General" Contractor. Estimates cheerfully given on all classes of building work, concrete walks ana reinforced concrete. Res. Phone Mala 111. - . ATTORNEY. O. D. EBT, Attorney-at-Law, Money loaned, abstracts furnished, land ' titles examined, estates settled, gen eral law bualneaa. Over Bank of Oregon City. TJ'REN ft BtnrOEBEL, Attorneys-at-. Law, Deutscher Advokat, will prac tice in all courts, make collections and settlement. Office In Bnter prise Bid Orecoa Cltr. Oregon FOR SALE House, two lots, on cor ner, house recently built; 12x28, two rooms, brick flue, other Improve ments, good soil, garden In. Splen did view of Cltv and Mountains. Good reason for selling. Price E. . H. COOPER. For Fire tnaorancr and Real Estate. Let us handle your properties we buy, sell and exchange. Office In Baterprlse Bldg., Oregon City. Oregon. rvrw 111.11 10 PER MONTH For rent, a mod ern 6-room cottage. Apply to George Randall, corner Fifth and Jefferson streets. Do Women UndaratandT That many of them are dally endur ing needless pain that a reliable remedy la within the reach of all, and that we absolutely guarantee satis faction or will refund any money you may have paid for thla treatment. . Physicians In treating woman's all- menta have demonstrated the value of certain drugs for such cases and these Ingredients, following the formula of a certain successful physician, are con tained In Retail Vegetable Compound, In the amount considered necessary to produce the most satisfactory re sult. We want every ailing woman In thla city to realise the value of thla remedy and to that end offer to refund any money paid us for thla preparation, If. after a fair trial, jt falls to produce beneficial results. Rexall Vegetable Compound can on ly be obtained at our etore Tbe Rex all Drug Store. Price, $1.00 pe' bot tle. The Owl Pharmacy. Hunuey Brothera Co. - , - j 1911 Mitchell Automobiles Have 70a erer looked into the details of construction and the mechanical features together with the handsome appearance ' of the Mitchell Automobiles to find the reasons why they are being bought by people throughout the state, who know the : value of a good car. If you are at all interested we will be ,' pleased to demonstrate the car to you with full information and can assure you that it ia well worth investigating before . buying. The car is absolutely guaranteed to do what we say it will. If not we are here to make good. When we sell ; you , a car we will take care of your car one year free of : charge. '" ' ' : ' 5 . , Price $1650 . Other models cheaper. Fully equipped F. O. B. Orrgoa City. Phone us for damonstrattoa A we will call at your home for yon. ' '. ; .'.'.'..'"''. . ' Some Good Bargains In Sconcl HanJ G are C. G. Miller Agent Garage Cor. 6th and Main Sts. '