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About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1911)
MORNINO .ENTERPRISE, TItURSDAT, JUNE 1, 1911. MORfiiriG EffTERPRISE OREGON CUT, OREOOIT t. K. BNOIXE, Editor and Publisher. '"' ' 1 T " n v. TDnterad m aarond-elsaa matter J an , oary . 111. at ttie pom offloa at Oro reuti tr niBcrrnoN. ' (ma Ter, by mail . . . la Wmttna. by mall . ' roar afnntha. by mall. . ntk, by earrtar... ....MM .... 1M .... I.M It AlVEtTISINt IATB Flrat Paav, par inca rtrat tneartloa. first Pan, par Inch added lneerUoM..lae rrararrM roaitton any pa, par tnch . . rtrat Ineartton lie rrarerraa poettion any pan. pa moh addad Inerrtlona It . Run pajMr othar thaa flrat pan, par men flnrt Inaarttoa Ita , Run paper other thaa flrat pan. par men added aieartlooa so Locals leo par Una; to regular adver llxra ae Una. . Waata. ror a)e. To Rant. ate., ana aant a word flrat nteei-tlon; oaa-aalf eent . aaeh additional. ' Katea for adrartlamc In 1 'na Weakly Kntarpiiaa will b ttaa hum aa In tha dally, ror adrertiarmenta et vapaclauy for lha waakly. Whera tha adrartlannnt ; la tranafarrad from tha dally to tha wek iy, without cnann. tha rata will ha ac an Inch for run of tha papar, and lea aa - la oh far apaclal poaltloa. Caak a hou Id accompany ordar wkere party la unknown In buatnaaa office) of tha BTBterpnae. LanJ advertising at lrni adrartJatnt rata. . Clreua advertlatna' nd apaclal traaalan advarttama- at ISc to tOc an Inch, aocord ma to epecial condltkma covarnliuj tha Tire Sala" and Bankrupt Bala" adrar- tlaamanta o Inch flrat Insertion: addl tlonaJ Inaartloha aama matlar Mo Inch. Nawa Itrma and wall wrtl'en articles af maiit with Intrraat to local readers. will ba gladly accaptwd. Rejected maau rrlala nevar raturned untoae aocompan WO by atimpa to prapay soeuasa. CITY OFriCIAL NEWSPAPER. June 1 In American History. ' 1801 Rrljrhara Toung. Mormon proph- at. born: died IS77. :- .961-Battle fought at Fairfax Court Boose. Va. . 1878 James Gordon Bennett, founder r of tbe New York Herald, died. , 1910-Pr. Eliubetb Black well, pioneer i woman ph.caiclau In (be United 't BUtea. died: born IS21. v , ASTRONOMICAL EVENTS. (From noon today to noon tomorrow.) Ban acta 7r?l. rises 4:26: moon aeta 12.-00 a. m.: noon to-day. planet Mer- ,mrj at greatest elongation weat of on. 34 derrt ea 30 mlnutea: phase. 0.38: ' light. 34: aren aerentl days rising be fore tbe "tin: Venn, daring Jane. In Gemini, art about 10:30 p. m.: Mara. In Places, riaea about 1.20 a. m : Jnpl- '." tec. In Libra, art about 2:20 a. tn : ' ' Eafnm. In Tannin. i-Ik about 2:30 a. Bl: Uranna rite nhonl t:4S p. m.:'ep rnne aeta almat 8 .T0 p m ConaMla- '. tlooa risible. HJtn p. tu.. during June: ' Orerbead. Cnronn Romilla. Kamtm Ckoea Venarlrf: n.rth. I rxa Mor, Craa Mlnof, lntco. Caaalo'iela. tVphe- tu: northeaxt. Cymiua. Lyre: enrtt. Aqulla. nermlM. Ophltichna: aonlh eaat. SonM: anuth. r.ll-nt. Vlrco. 'r , raa. retitanm-: arnthwrt. Cratar. Hy ; dn : weal. r.i Cunrer: north weal. Lea Mlmr. fjrps Rrffcht "tr rWMe aame bonr. with ream required for ' tbelr llrhr to rearh the earth: Orer . bead. . Anrtunw. north. Polarla " tnorth atnn. 47: mrnhnt. peneh: Teea. 27: eaat. A!Mlr. Irt: anutheaat. for the ejection of th principal offl cera of t a(at and county and tha appointment of lha "minor' oftclala, Juat what a "minor official . la haa not yet been explained. Tha League'a meaaura aroused auch a atorm of an tacontam from tha praaa that further consideration of - It . waa withdraw!. and It never went on the ballot. Tha departure from tha old established elective system seemed to ba too rad ical to pleas tha thouihtful brataa of many of our best clttiens. The short ballot, however, rains practically tha asm and, but Its aup- lo I port from reactionary newaoanara conies from tbe belief that a remedy will be provided for the evils of a multitude of initiative and referendum measures. are not ao aura. .Un less w are bady mistaken, tba pur pose of the Short Ballot. League la mainly to provide for the appointment of a lot of officers that are now elect ed by tha people.. The Oregonlan'a closing editorial paragraph la good. and wa quote: When tha regular legislatlte bodies have been so disciplined that they function properly tha people will look to them for desired laws Instead of reabfttng to the Initiative. Tha same cause will greatly diminish the use of the refendum. But In the meantime, some regulation of these salutary pro cesses is essential to prevent abuse. The man who devises a plan which will prevent excesses and not hamper the proper use of the nitlativ and referendum will deserve well of hla countrymen. THE PRICE WE PAY. The Portland Railway, Light A Pow er Company haa announced a reduc tion for residence lighting In the city of Portland. The reduction cuts tha price from 15 to 10 cents per kllowat hour, and It la applicable to the maxi mum rate and the reduction of other rates, such as power and llghtlngnot catalogued aa maximum," phis a rea sonable return on the Investment It Is asserted b?the ff,c'al of tba com pany that a further reduction need not be anticipated Jf tha voters of Portland enact the- proposed ordinance compelling the concern to pay a 3 per cent tax on Its gross Income. This may mean that the company Ts attempting to Influence the voters to Contrasts Seen In the Women Fruit Reddlers Down In Mexico - v""4' --.' -Vl If: M 1. 'V. . . , V ;" WOOL GROWERS FEAR TARIFF REDUCTION M Photea copyright by American Preae AsaocUtloa.lIL BXICO la a land of coutrasta, and tha traveler aeea tbetu on all aUlea. ?Ta towns are much alike, and a picture af a street tn one city might do for a arena In forty other towna of a similar site, Tha natlva women wdo sell rrulta In tha streets are aiwaya plctureaque either for their beauty or the lark of It Compare tha two street merchants pictured abora. They are native Mexk-sus-that la. they are of Indian stock. Tbe one la young and attractive, the other la tha reverse. It to difficult to believe that tba Ctrl will ever crow uu to become what th oi.i i. k.i i. defeat the proposed measure. The wooden In Mexico as elsewhere. - The pictures were made a ahort tima a. consumers' one best bet Is that noth- In Torreoo. In tba present aona of disturbance. It CARSON, OREGON PIONEER, IS DEAD Ing was even hinted about a reduction in lighting until the company was threatened with an additional 3 per cent groaa tax. We are. not interested especially. however, about the rates for light and power In Portland." The matter we have in mind Is a clause in the Ore-I gon City charter that authorixes the I FORMER STATE charged by electric light companies. BV EXPIRES While thia authnritv h.. n. SUDDENLY. exercised, there Is no reason why It .uu, ul , Uu inwe ii no reawn pout I ivn n. .. :vhTnfnnrit....nn..v.ui.. - . . . . ,ope- L..L.. . ' . clal ) John C.Carson, ploneer.-nroml- PROPOSED ACTION OP CONGRESS CAUSES FARMERS TO SELL CROPS. Because of the probability that Con gress will lower or remove entirely the duty on wool, the farmers of t'lurksmas County are making all haste to bring their crops to murket. One grower of tha rlodt illatrlct brought lu 1300 iKiumls "Htnady, 'ami others brought In smaller amounts. It s feared that any action by Congress affecting the duty will cnuae a decline In prices. Young ducks continued to be In big demand Wednesday, with prices rang ing from twenty to twenty all cents. There haa been no change In tha price of old ducks. The supply of home grown strawberries -In tha local mar ket i Increases each duy. Tha ' fruit, however, la not of the beat quality, and much of It la covered with dual aa a result of the recent rains. Ouotatlwna for Oregon City, 1 POTATOES Ileal. tt.M. good I3S5; common. 2. Buying, carload. select, 1110; ordluary. 11.90. riX)UR AND KKKD Klour Is aleady, selling rrom IS to IJ 50; very little of cheaper gradea. Feed la higher and rising slowly. Bran bring from IJ6 50 to 137.50. ahorta l: to 130. rolled barley 131.50 to. 133.31, process barley 133, whole corn 131 to 133. cracked corn 131 to 133. Wheat 133 to 33. HAY(Buyln.) Timothy 118 to SIR, Clover. Ill to 111: oat hay. 114 to t; mixed. tl to til; alfalfa, tl to 118. OAT8- ( Buying) -Oray, from $28 to $27; .white, from $: to $. BUTTER (Huylng) Ordinary country brlnga from 15e to 30e, fancy dairy from 10c to 33c, cream ery 32c to 35c. EOGS iiiuyingj Are ranging from 180 to zoo, according (a grade. POULTRY I During Urui wlih 111 tie good stock offered. Metis will bring i4c. ir in extra good condition more. Old roosters are ior at So to 10c, broil ere bring from 33e to tie. with good demand. . . . .. . r . .. 1 1 a I'eoDie wno " nvpct snttrpriaas pramlalna abnar.., ' are usuaiiy laappalnted. - ' "fia rtWnt Thaw fail ta oat the Intereat thaw anaet ..u money paaua to athara. ' ,on,r'l f th,.' Tha menay asver aheuld taka no ahaneaa with it. When you aapoait yaur manay an a Time Certtfieat. 7. logs Department af thla bank. It ramalna undtr " th lt aama a aura and ataady rata af Intaraat. Thara u S0',t', In thla kind af art Investment aa wapraaiatl Tha aoenar you begin, tha aeonar will yau ba In . grawlng balance. , ' '"Miaa af . The Bank of Oregon City a a LATOURBTT" Praaldeat J- atCYSa, Caiala; THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of PREGON Cm, OREGON OAPITAUIAO.000.OU Tranaaato a 0oeral iartklni llualnaaa. - Opan rH, 4 t' a Oregon City Wood and Fd Company F. M. BLUHM Your wants supplied wltrt,n ejantlty of 4 fooTa? 11 Inch woi llvtrad te any pari af City, trieee, raaaonabla. Satisfaction guarantee. , phof, ywif tf-w Heme B-110 Car. m . vantW, Oregea CHy. Pacifle Main 1509 vl tm .,.. va. mmmt awrwni aa h.i,m awWWiZS SENATOR AF. ?'!!lt0. r..i,a h.'Sher ra,e tb" rln business, rcllglou. and polk I-,"" - """ teacher at charted at Pnrtlan.l nn .r...... I t'n .... WOOIy (nuy:r,g ,rool prices are ranging from ISo to He. MOHAIR I Kuvlna IVlr nn twin. ' f hlllp HMVa tiaaAt at a . - v cclv.1 hi. early education, and Inter j bought h'sh aa 3T locally. Qui kiiuii-u mnuicine. vlin lr. MlllUtnell, of AsbUnd, O, Carson went to Cali fornia, with tha intention of starting a hospital. Owing to. ill health, they separated, and Carson mined for a time on the American River, this be ing In 1830, and later he established a hotel on Trinity Mountain in the Redding diggings. In 151, Carson came to Oregon, and through the aa siHtance of H. W. Corbett, wal'ap polmed manager of the hardware store of O. W. Vaughn. leaving busl th. r.,. .ft..M k. , v-L- J mwn,BU ,n Pottand, died sud- 7 .J '"" denly today. cre-mic rutijj ior ugni ana power la I AntsriK: armfh. StWa: w-.f. nemiaa: I deePed Just serosa the river from spirit a Tneadav ...m..- .nH . ' awn lu rnnotellaflnn Tsurna tfli 18th. Oregon City, and needa to ba trans- ently In good health. He retired at then In Onilnl. Foater, and after two weeks went to Oswego, w here ha worked "aa a car penter. Sixteen montha later he es tablished himself aa a contractor and builder In Portland, wis first contract tatlons are 374c and demand la atrong HIDES- ( Buying Green hides, ftc to Oc; sailers, 5lc to 6c; dry births. 12c to He Sheep pelta, 35C to 75c each. m OKIE!) FnriTH-Local prlcea are Arm at from o to 100 on apples and prunes, pcacheg r 10c. SALT Felling (0c to JOc (or fine, 60 lb. asck. half ground 40c; 75 far 100 lb, sacks. t -Ji Wnl n if V ' tP-- A SAMPtCPAIH to unxoouozjiiH r U Baal - tturm mm laaaaa aT MAtie, laKKUMM M akaaa-aatul - I J I I A auuun-d Ummiu1 ilr-i WI U. w.r. I I IT I I I Sm-w7me.vA - ! K; : ' . rWlna. v-rr flnraMe and llnl wlih t ' , . I - !l M-. llquluyi.f raM, ahlch uar I V J. V ' . mmaa poroaa and wlilrh rk-aa an amaila 1 . , T -i. 'J,l alo.iotheaTrT ill Of as orUinarrUpa.UMtmiKaurarJaUnaouliUM aaa HlMlU,lli,M'M 4 0'' alaa rim atoa "w ported only a half mile to reach the n" cus,oniarT time, but apparently being the Deknm A Blckel store on i business district, while It Is carried , " ne Buffered rrom the Front atreet Mr. Carson served sev- erar terms in tna Ktute Senate. , Watch for the little slug darkish, alirny. fellows thst are likely to be on pear or cherry l avea now. Fine, 111 Imoat WHAT A SHORT BALLOT MEANS. ! lMn&V'iTS: It is indeed refreshing to see the " Counpl, JHT& Oregonlen burst into aDPlause overlih . died within 10 minntaa ... , - ui iui (uwd 10 give ine 1 tv r.-..v i " uw. in thshort oallot. and to learn of the : people the beat end of It. It seem, to In CentS !tr fltZ" ,f,thron ' . w the plsn that will re.nit ,n the j ,he Aldm.Te ZJul? "ll " au" d uoc s.Tstera. , good a deal In the way of rates as the I ("3 j 1 r-urxjna Kaiiwsy, Light Power i; Oregonlaa. -is easily dispoaed of by j Company give, to the residents of 1 . making many of the minor officials ap- Portland. potntive. The people gain nothing 9tr i . but corruption by electing them." Brotherhood to Meet. y: Well, well, this is good news, f or K The Congregational Brotherhood , ' V Wr- H bas not been so long ago that ! will hold Its last meeting of the sca the Oregonian stood up on its hlnd'" ntxt Tnesday night. It will be ) - legs and yelled itscU hoarse because ' ladiAg nipht. and all membera are j . , the Peoples Power League proposed urged to be present with their fami- -. . to amend the cocstitntlon to provide lies. A banqaet will be served. nm awiiaa. Taa 1 J "mil iajrra 01 Uiln. atrial l w. 1 a a llr Mil J - Portland Vegetable Markets. 1 Tru,' Prtoaof Uiaa Uraa U fa-f 0T. BkAat)0 3 VBWTABLd T cVrrota, alo 11.2511.50 per Buck: paranlpa. 11 5j ? Wu u H w. iTl 00 () I ) 1 TJLTi Ll. Ipc ftll.50; tyrnTps, isfl to- bltti S?M' r&1?i?,Z:& Voa do not p., a ema r 11.75 per crate; eahbage. a,w. fTr IttTZttZ TJV''r t hundi-edwelght: ranlitiower .1 IfVH-- ri-ZJtZZZlTTrjzJ?" '.-. J.'mi . , 1 1.80 EC V-aa--IZIZl 11 aaa a aaaSaaaaaw ; lettuce, I eaaw.atoaMrrSir:an g" ' ' "" . " -a a, Wwa .. WmwHUWIM I Arbitration Treaty a j I Blessing to : ! the Whole j World I AM I BIG OF ruf .aaaaaaa By Cardinal GIBBONS. PERSUADED THAT THE SIGNING OF A TREATY ARBITRATION BE. TWEEN GREAT BRITAIN AND THE UNITED STATES WOULD NOT ONLY BE A SOURCE OF INCALCULABLE BLESSINGS TO THESE TWO GREAT POWERS. BUT WOULD GO FAR TOWARD THE MAINTENANCE OF PERMA. NENT INTERNATIONAL PEACE THROUGHOUT ' THE CIVILIZED WORLD. Both of these great nation hare many things in common. W speak the same tongue, and the Engliah language ia more universally naed ; - 1 tofaj than any other Language on Uf of the earth. The literature of hoth countrie it a common heritage to both natfona. '., . ' ' . ' ' ; l: We alo lire under practicall the SAlfE FORM of goTenunent . , The head of one nation is king; the head of the other nation is a . president England is goyerned by a oonatitutional monarchy; the United fiutee ia ruled by a conatitutional republic. . . And I believe thai 1 , both of those nations hare been more aucceeaful in ADJUSTING and RECONCILING legitimate authority with personal liberty than aaaaaaaMaaaal ' I r ' -a r 1 i per doren: celery. "California tho . ft. . - "c irr auxen; cuenmbers, I.:5 per doxen: midiiih. 11 a-arllc. 10cCl3c per pound 000 per aosen; hothouse fill per box: tvaaa WUind; peppers. SOcfSSe nor radishes, 15e per doten; rhubarb. Sc H.?'.r.poul,,' Pro'". '; tomatoee, 7f 13.25. POTATOES Orejon, Jobbing prlra, mo per h indred; n-w potatoea, 7e 7He per pound. ' ONIONS7Jobbln prlca; Oraaon 12.75 per 100; Australian, 3.50 per 100; Teias, .J5 per crate; Califor nia, f par crate. -Oregon City Stock Quotations. HOGS I loirs are quoted He lower. From 135 lha. to 150 Iba. Ic, from ISO Iba. to 200 Iba. IS& VEAL CALVES Veal calves brn Ml. ar any OTIIER COUNTRY ef the world. MAGAZINE BINDING Don't throw your magazines and periodicals away. There is much valuable information in them that will never be publish ed elsewhere; The cost is little C CITY -MIME Our boy will call for the mag azines if you Phone. II . : - II from l to loo according to pass. IIKKF STESRS-rBcal -teers for tha toral marketa sr. Mcbint leto Ha live aeiitot. 81fKCP-Ai uriu at ic to k tltt weight BACON, LARD anrf HAM, srt tm STEEL BRIDGE TO BD FlfiiSHED IN 2 WEEKS TRAVIL CONTINKS AS SI0 CHAR CRCCK SPAN IS BCINO ; ' BUILT. -- : ', County Judge Dealle. who Wedneedar at. Viola, where lt Bteel ' bridge la being erected o Clear Creek, aald that the span, whlel will be 100 feet, would be finishes' 1i ' about two weeks. Tha bri.Ue w'H b on. of tha beat In the county a duplicate of on recentW built M nsher'a mill. . " Tha old woooen brldito t Clear Creek, which baa been used for tnlrtf one year.; waa condemned recentir, and work nn tha new atrttcture tf Immediately bean. There belns' Rand and eraval available at VloU. Judge noatle aald It would I new aary to haul tba material rrom a.-, or Clackamas for use In the concrew fntinriatlnn n tha ttrllta. ' The r tlon of tha bridge will not Interfere with travel. SKATINQ RINK TO Be OPfNCO. -B--aBaaaa Pprtland Man Come Here -k for Site. ' ,' a V..01.L. n tt. Morse, oi Portland .. i nrernn Dtr Wed nesday looking for a alte for Ing rink. The men had a rink n" 1-st anmmer nnd will open "mn"!", Juno 1. Tbe old alta on Main sin near Eleventh Is not avsllsble, " another will be obtained. Beware of Ted rttsr In blackberrf. or blackcap : busnee. woen promptly dig op and burn the 'nrw,lf: nlant. Kalna earaful not to BcattOT tl fungona duat over healthy bnshet. The Oregon City Pruitcnd Produce Union SELLS Arstnctc of. Lead Ccrry Crclcs - t:--, Crcfa end feed ' ' f