Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Morning enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1911-1933 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1911)
MOItNINO KNTEUPKlSt; WEINE9DAY,AY 31, 1011. Onyx Hosiery for Men Women and Children BARGAIf WEEK Pictorial Reriew Pattern At CSolnvca9 WE WILL SPECIALISE ON BARGAINS ALL WEEK Every Department Offers Some Extra special Vrtczs. Prices: Some glassware values, JOc to 25c, for 10c: regular Be shelf paper, 3c; 10c brushea for 5c; JOc and I5c brushea for 10c; 15c box paper for 15c; 10c tablet, 7c, - ' ' and Hemdrtds of other items at sttch rid icaloas low rrices that von will want them a tnnn va m , wwwm VV them. A . lot of Straw Hats for women, girls, boys ana men ac acorn voor own once. Alwivs som. thing doing. At Holmes 617 MAIN ST. CONNIt MACK'S VIEWS ON PMSC.NT SITUATION. alaoager Coon if Mark'a view I the present situation w inter eeting "It a wa io were out ita front by sviu lucky spurt," be auuounred. "there would be lli(v to worry about. Hut Detroit to a different proH sltlon. Jeonluirs b Club Ibis ; senson bard to beat under auy ! turn.sud wit ft a ktug )uuip ahead of I be Held ibe job to simply that much harder " t If the Dead May Return' A Victory Without a Shot By F. A. Mitchel Copyright by Am.rUan IT Aim- elation. r.'U. IS EVERS' CAREER ENDED? Cuba Brilliant Seaend Baseman Ma Nve Play Ball Again, Johnny Ever la out oL iwietuiii for all time, aceordltia to I be1 ne current in Innermost itssetiall circle The beet sectmd baseman sinew i ) dsys of Mcl'be and Ibe keyioo oi the msrvelous Id tie id of tbe Cuba baa Kabo Corsets Don't enry the well dressed woman Buy a Kabo. Extra Specials on Embroideries SYSTEM BLAMED FOR FAILURES OF PUPILS QUESTIONS ASKED IN PORTLAND SCHOOLS MORE DIFFICULT THAN HERE. PORTLAND, Or., May SO. (Spe cial. Tbe furore raised by the fall . ure of 27 pupila out of 307 to pass the eight grade state examlnatlona In clril government and grammar in Clackamas County turns tbe calcium on some of the questions put to city students of the same grade, only S per cent of whom fail to pasa on an aver age, says the Evening Telegram. The numerous failures of the county stu dents are probably traceable to tho fact that the state questions are not baited on a text-book outline. No text-book Is used, the I'nited State Constitution alone being the basis of study and wide latitude given the teacher as to methods of Imparting the subject. Text-book or no text-bonk. the na. tlons asked of youngsters are such as would baffle the average voter. Pos sibly there are such as could answer glibly "what tbe constitution states relative to' writ of habeas corpus or ex-posi facto law, but the chances are there sre many who would hedge. To a student of constitutional law the questions put to the 12-year-old might net seem abnormally difficult. uui ror toe man who for tbe last 20 years has been absorbed in making honest dollars with a view to buying tbe bread and butter for those same school children, the substance of the Presidential oath or tho k the bouse Journal Is a more or less haxy matter. Mr. Average Man, sup pose you answer, off-hand, the follow ing set of six questions. If you can. not do it wthout hesitating, suppose you ahk your young son who passes out of the ninth grade and into high school this fall. He can do it. He did it last February. Here they are: i Name the four kinds o' I'nited ! States courts, giving the chief duties j of each. I Describe the methods by which the I Constitution may be amended. How I many amendments have been made to the Constitution? Give the qualification necessary to be a voter in Oregon. Give tb. mull. ficat ions necessary to be eligible for Governor of Oregon. Tell v. hat you can about the in It la iif tu Oregon; aljo the referendum. What Is the direct primary law? How do candidates get their names on .ne primary DSiiotT Ti-ll what you cur. about the leiilti.t tive department of the government of the city of Portland. Author Camps for Data. S. R. Beloate. of Portland, has ar rives in tnia city with his camping outfit on his wsy to Southern Oregon. Mr. Beloate' Is writing a book on "Oregon." and exnecta In t r. w.l through the state to obtain data for the volume, which will probably be published some time next year. I M -aW m Yd Pboto by America a Press Association losunrr tvtit. com bias aunxu aa Mia In one of tbe old colonial uian.M house; fur wbk-h Vlrvlnl U famous, a uinu lay dylug tin the walla ,uf lil chamber huua? awoid aud ;ixti. belt and piatol that had leeii placed there a doseu years before, wlien the aouiti era Confederate bud gst home lo return to work and to save wtnit tbey could from tbe wnvk of war. There was no one tu tbe boue etvept sou'ie negrvea, and tbeywere IkiwihI donn wltb grief. Presently one of tlicin en tered the alck niau ' cbauitter and aald brent hleaaly "Sbe'a coiutn'. Aliirs Colonel." The liielnrta-boly eve lighted, but uot wltb pleasure. Ttirre was a boHle" look In It Indicating that the luvaild was prepurliiit for an wnlonl. Thou came the souud of w heels on tbe drlv way without, and lu a few inoiiu nt a wouiau. twenty years of ace. 'H-rhaim. burst luto tbe room and. runtilng to the bed. fell on her knees beald It. Clasp Ing the figure In her arms. "Oh, falherr b moamd I have sent fo' vo'.N the man said speaking wltb dimvulty. "to say that at last 1 bar cesiu-d to blame yo He did It all. I hart not been able to find him. and now 1 iuut go from bere But If yo' know where be to tell biui that If the dead may return be abnll bear from me. "Father,-leave him to nint who shall Judge ua all at last." There was no renlv. The effort the I man bad made had taken tbe little strength left lo him. Slower snd slower came bis breath: there was a rattle In his throat, snd be was dead. e "Can yo' tell me. suh. If there la a man In tbla town named Lawrence Edga' Lawrence, fo'ine'ly from Geo. giar- The man addressed tnrned to the speaker snd. on meeting his gsse, re treated a step or two. He saw a tall man about fifty, whose erect figure CANBY TO HAVE BIG JULY 4 CELEBRATION COMMERCIAL CLUB CONSIDERS QUESTION OF BECOMING INCORPORATED. SANDY. Or.. May 30 Snclai The Sandy Commercial Club Is msk Ing arrangements to celebrate Julv 4 on an elaborate scale. The club has appointed the following committees of arrangements: Sports. John McCor mic. Percy T. Shelley and J. M. Dona- nue entertainment. OeorcA nrirnaH A. E. Esson, Mrs. J. M. Donahue; re ception. F. E. McGugin. Asa Thomas, Alf Bell; finance, Messrs. Dshlgren, Casper Junker and George Wolf. The club is considering the matter of In corporation. It la cnnalrfpro1 nroK. able that the proposition will be sub mitted to a vote in the near future. The celebration Is expected to be the most successful ever given here. suffered personal lows and physical distress tbal bare untitled him fur the game. Those wbo should know declare tbal the player noted nn l lie fleid for out gsmeneas bus given up the fignt la tbe face of specters of diMiter I'ntll recently be kept bis worrie- seeret.' Revelation of them to mint of his comrades were soon followed by bl retirement bei-nuae of ll:u-a and toe Cubs wbo bare played with Ever do Dot expect him ever to Jw one of tbeir mainstays skrid Tbe ssme fear la entertained br the Cub leaders, though tbey may uot ad mit IL Wltb Evers gone It Is recoil nuted tbst the Co be win nut be reaiiy Xornildabie ss pennant fsi-tors. The retirement of tbis one pisyer cbanuKa tbe wbole iect of tfle National rm-e. for Zlmmenuaii. good as be l. la nut an Ever, and wltb tbe piiHsiug of Ever the central Oirure of tiutb the attsck aud defense of the club is losL V gfWING TIME ky TELEPHONE . FLAG RAISING ON FRIDAY. Athletics Meek Superstition by 8leot ing "Heedee Dy" For Occasion. Just to solcker a glgKie st the -Jinks" snd to wback old genersl siiierstltlon on tbe law tbe world's cbnninlon Aid letics bare selected the houdoo dar at Fridsy to swing tbe world's banner to tbe breeze. June 27. In tbe month of blnshlne brides and frenzied florists. Is the date set for tbe auspicious occasion, wltb tbe Cleveland Naps doing tbe honors sioog wltb tbe men of McUlllkuddy. Sheckard Will Leave Ump Alone. Jimmy Sbeckard. the pugnaclooa outfielder of .the Chicago Cnb. aays be baa cut out umpire baiting for good. "There's ootblng lo It." say Jimmy. "It loses you more tbsn It gets for yon. DIAMOND SIZZLERS WHEN a man feels the necessity of being in two places at the same time he goes to the nearest tele phone and sends his voice. mlrJS ".2 cxcf,V the some thing, but when o man falkes hundreds of miles in opposite f aftS0!15 from ,he somc Bcl1 Telephone, It is about as good. trJ?iil!.H,aUv!,seof-fne telephone a man it ? h..!0" ovcr f?wn bV wire in a few minutes. i5 -viS QS4CSV to travel oil over the state states by (means of the universal Long Distance Service of the Dell System. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company ;, Brery Bell Telephone ia the Center of the Syatem Ate Yoa a Subscriber to tbe New Daily? If The Momlna Enterprise Is to bo as successful a th lnt.r... t n City demand It must needs bsve the sunnort at all Th. .u a big work before it In boosting Oregon City and Clackamas County. Tour www iuuii ircusjiu jot iDfvori. Will Voti Help BcwDst your own Interests? rnha!r!hm,Ud H"!? Uan,n "lwla will b sold to paid In ad ranee By CaxrUr, 1 year.; , ' ' " St afall v "......k. ............ fl.00 U-7 ' " 2.00 Derzng playing tbe best abort Old tsr me Bostoo Nadouais of any man mat baa eassyed tbe position In sev eral years Tbe Cblcsgo Americans sonear tn nsva picked In "PlngT Bodle. the high ly touted California slUKS-er. a riirhi handed batter of the Ed Deiebanty type. Outfielder Trls Speaker of tbe Bo too Americana plsys ball like a back ts boy-that Is, be enjoys every miu t of IL BDllk many profesalonnls wbo pisy as If It w work. Collegian Eddie Cullln I coming bsck to Ty Cobb's speed as a base run her The rlvsis of last yeses Amen can league base runnuia: contest are ainning nerk and neck for beg pilfer Ing honors. Manager Oooln of the fast going rhlllle is exploding the theory that s pisyer can't ratcb.goud hail na be ucrerU sa a manager. Charley catching and bitting better tbsn at any time In bis career snd'sbowtog oae jiMgment to oasnsgtng ae wil Pries Brother to Pisy Sunday. I Priee Brothers baaeball team will play the Weones of Portland, com posed of the Columbia Hardware Com pany team, at the Canemah Park next Sunday. This promise to be a close game. Several new men were recently added to the local team. Knights of Pythlss to Meet. The Knights of Pvthla win at Woodmen Hall Wednesday even ing to Initiate two members. All members pf tbe lodge are requested to be present The meeting waa sailed by A. M. White, chancery commander. Read the Morning Enterprise. rsLti us ir ro' sams is twit' law and shoulders thrown Imrk suggested tnst be might bate been a soldier, ills hair snd beard were grizzly grsy. snd mere was a singular slitter In hla eva "Ye, sir." replied the man mentioned. -there Is a man by that nsme here." "Can yon tell me where. I rao find mm 7" "He's generally in the Empire ssloon st tbi time of day " "Very tntlrh nhllireo tn -r .nli - And the Mranger walked sway toward the empire aalooo. "I'll bet my hat." said tba obvrm to himself, "that man waa. In tbe late unpleasantness between the Donn and the south. These soldier men never get over tlalr training. They sneak as If they were giving or receiving oraers and walk as If they were keep ing step to music, us s a queer look ing old chap and no mistake. I shouldn't bsve told blm where to find Lawrence Gone to settle s difficulty witn nim: He'll go tbrouirh the mat ter formally, and before be' real! started In he'll get a bullet In bis ursin. i n follow him." ' Tbe evening sun hung quite low and cast the m ranger's sbsdow yery long. While he wslked on with the same measure.! tread as If trudging wno soiaiem, the observers attention was turned from him to this elonrated shadow There wss something irrn- teaque shout It. ns such shadows often are. uotn body and legs were drswn out strangely snd the legs triangulated use a pair o coinnasses. The strsmrer reaching tbe snloon, turned In, and the man who was following wss clone be- nina n:m. Men were standlnsr at the bar drink Ing. while other., were aeated at tahiea gambling. The stranger was standing straight as an arrow looking about him. Presently a man rose from one or ue table, and. oasalnc the newcom er. tne latter asked: 'Can. you tell m. "ub. If F-da' Lawrence la present 7" "That' Edgar Lawrence alttlne at mat table over there." "Which oner "The man Just dealln' the cards." i ne speaker referred . to ' a tat I where live nieo were plavlog rarda, with piles of rein before theui. Tbe strsnger trlangulalcd over to tne group and. stNudlng beblud the dealer, touched bliu lightly ou bl shoulder with the tip of bl Bnger. The uiau Juuid a If b bad been stung. From force of habit. ierbap, hla rluhl Kami waul to hla hln aa At quickly turued aud looked up luto tbe . . . 1 . - ft. I.. a a..M.a lace oeui uowu u uia. rr Biomenia th tableau was unchanged. theu tbe stranger said: PaMnii n.a anh fi In lami 111 tne o' . a www whw " " ' game, but I abould be obleeged If yo' would tell tue if To' aame Is Kdga' Lswrepoer . Vai air" aalil lha man adilrsaaad. effort lo speak la bis usual role "I reirrwt. auh. to disturb you. Oentle- nun. I Iruat ' will aicnaa in. fo' In terruptlug yo In you' amusement, but I have a dtlllculty lo settle with on of you' uuuibe'. Captain Lawrence" Kvery face at the table waa turned upward; every eye fixed on tbe seak r. No auch aubdued seutleuian-llke tones had ever beeu beard liefor la that Mltikhol of Iniquity. A difficul ty to settle with Lawrence-Captain Lawrence! No ou bad ever heard of Lawrence having a military title be fore. And why didn't Iaiwretice shoot blm demfT Lawrence'a hand wa ou bl pistol, and lb trauger'a baud waa not near a wsaoon. Ilia cIcm .fitting coat buttoned tight to the throat abowed no bulge where a weepou hoiild be Nrvertheleas, Lewreure did uot draw his pistol. "Being a strange' among you gentle-' meu." continued the speaker. "I would be obleeged to yo' If one of yo' mint be' would set fo' Csptalu Ijiwrence and one fo' Die. The sun has not yet set. and (he twilight will be plenty long enough for ua fo settle ou' difficulty befo' ds'k." Kverv man saned at the aneaker till one of them broke the anell by r I nine and offering hi services to him. Then another said to Lawrence: "Come. Rd: you'll have to gratify tbe old fellow, and you'd better not try any of your gamqa. He's evident ly eantlvsted tbe boys, and If -you ahouldnt treat him fair you might get Into trouble. You've done too many wicked thing already.' Lawrencw rose without a wnrd. lie steadied himself by resting hi band on th fable. He wss very pale. "Wbat'a the matter with youf Wbo la tbe Id msnf "I'ye never seen hire be for," was the only reply. The six of them walked ont of tbe ssloon and down th road to a patch of level ground which bad bees re cently cleared. The aun. a blood red ! ball, atood near tbe horlsoo. casting J fantastic ahadowa of all th nartr. I fcot a word wsa spoken by any one. Though tbe day had been warm, th air was pervaded by a chill. All no ticed that Ijiwrenc seemed lo feel It especially, for he was shivering. "Whst dlslsnco do you prefer. slrT" asked the stranger's second of hlrq. "That auh. la Immaterial. Leave the terms entirely with Captain Law renre." "Make It what yon Ilk." said Law fence, whose teeth were chattering. much to tbe surprise of th rest. Th second mesaured lb rmiind for thirty psree, then approached Ibe principals lo relieve them of their weapons snd sire them other. The stranger bowed and ssld that "he had no weapon: he never went armed. Lawrence'a pistol was taken from blm, and loth be and bis antagonist were given weapons borrowed from among those present. Then they were food opposite each other. It to those In attendance that Lawrence wa unable to. with- tand lb gaze of hla antasnnlst The two men were placed at either end of tne thirty paces, and the msn who wss srtlng for I .a wrenr stood ready to drop a handkerchief, at which the pnnripaia were to advance, firing. Be fore giving tbe signal be said: "Perhaps on of you rentlemen would glv np tbe cause of this diffi culty." . II turned to tbe strsnger. wbo mads no reply. Ill y rested on hi enemy. The speaker turned to Lawrence; and asked him If be bad anything to sny by wsy of explanation Lawrence paid no becd to hlt. 'Gentlemen, are you reader There was do reply from either of the contestants. Fire!" snd th handkerchief floated to the ground A bullet from Lawrence's pistol went high In tbe air, Tbe strsngcr. without bring, dropped bl pistol and .strode unarmed toward bis a tit a eon si. bis eye, flerlng Ilka two great stur. fixed on Lawrence. A be passed blm Law, renc was besrd to laugh. There was something so uncanny about his laugh ter tbat It frowe the blood of those looking oo, Th stranger passed light by his antsgonlst. Lawrennr save a hriek and. springing Into th air a If be bad been shot, fell hack Into th arm of bl second. Forgetting th stranger In the- weird scene, every man rushed toward Law rence and bent over hltn. When tbey ooseo- up tne rormer bad dlsapeorerl. All this happened many 'years arn Edgar Lawrence has lornr been n in. mate of a lunatlo asylum, and bis ens nas from th time of his antrv ihor boen considered hopeless. Tber are in Virginia two grave side by slds. th one of a father, the other t hi. uaugnier. The lot where they1 are placed Is all of tba old manor honse grounds thst remains unchanged. The mansion stands oat, grand and gloomy, while the grounds sr divided into little patches, worked by hundreds of negroes. And. singular snoush. not a man who witnessed tbst duel but died a violent death. Tot only one of the party living Is Edgar .Lawrence, wh m a ravin, manlse. J Put Yourself In the Ad-Readers Place... When VOU Writ vmia al...lMaJ ad or any kind of an ad try to include la It Just tb Informatloo you d llks to rind ir .... . ad-reder and wars looking fot an If you do this to even a small School Close Prldaw. The Mount Plessant school im ciose on Friday, and the teachers Professor J. M. 8lever and Miss Ma ble Frances are planning a bas ket plcnlo ror their rooms Miss Frances' pupils will hold their pcnlo In the Holmes Park. nn nf ,1.. - - - . v. v.iw uiu.i picturesque places In this city. Are yoa a subscriber to th Morn. Ing Enterprise? If Hot you should oall and let us put your name on tho sub scription list Immediately. . Rsad the Morning ttnterprtse. 0 -da: the Wev gX-Yj The rWogfiiiify r Will You Help Us Boost Your Own . Interests? By carrief, I ye&t $3.00 By mail, I yea 2.00 Send in Your Name and Remittance PLIASC NOTICC To Introduce The Morning Enterprlsa Into a largo major Ity of tba ho mss lo Oregon City and Clackamas eanjatT th d managsment haa daaldad to 4 'make g special prloe'for the dally Issue, for a short Urn only, where tha subserlber ways w a yar in aavana. ' By carrier, paid a rear In advance, IS.0S. g Brr aasvO. pasd a yer la ad- ) d yanoe, 11.00. People who gave our canvas- w ser a inai aubscrlot Ion for on e or mora months, at tea nt a - week, can hay tha dalle deslv. a rd for a year for ax ns h a paying a year In ajtvanna . s PeODle who save nnr eanvu. . ak .ser s trial subscriptloa, by mall, for four months at a dnk ' Isr. may hay th naner for a 7ar for 11.00. If said a year In a J vance. Subscribers to tha Weakly Enterprise may chsace thsar subscriptions to tha dally, re- oeiving oreau ior nan umm on e tha dally that tba weekly la paid In advaaoa. When they . choose to add cash to tha ad- vsnce payment equal to a full yaarg aavanoe payment may ) may take advaataga of tha 1 rsU. WO make tbla spaoisi ptU4 so tbac paPa who rtava sead la ad rues on soess oCher aVsCy and wish to take tha Marasssj Entaxprlaa, mry da aa wOaU - too great ex -Mas. 45 Years Ago From tha Weekly Enterprise of H , rem her 10, 1800. ' - KlllsdA few dsys since w" . a. .... ... . ..f.. .hilftll 1 inaisn cnua, wnue sirajms ""-tl the ylclnlty of High street, fell tha bluff, and wss almost Inetsntjl killed bjr dashing agalnut th roc ua ran, Bevtrai acciunnia oi -r tur hay occurred since the fw tUin of Oregon City, and now thst "upper story" Is .becoming dttnaaU lha time II SPPhK1 Ing wbsn It will be necessary to stw a substsntlal fence along the ria ths bluff for the nrotectlon of limb. ' Don Owners Must Get f-lM,i All dog licenses will expire on JWJ I, and unless new ones ar obUJwj th owners of tbe dogs will be uW lo arrest. The licenses srs $1 M ' WANTED You to know thst ths the. most complete) la the ut terprlse Job printing depsrtmslJ outside Portland. Trf K.tpt 7 next printing " ' WATCH Sczciai Sale . Ici neat SitcxJay D.-n. laEMSE.'.' . Kit Main Strest : ... nam sua remittance. Read the MorUrj Cz".si-.y.